
Apple kvass is an old recipe. How to cook delicious apple kvass? Apple kvass with chokeberry juice

On a hot summer day, especially, you want to drink something refreshing and refreshing. One of these drinks, which is easy to prepare at home, is apple-bread kvass. The cooking technology is quite simple and does not take much time. After about 3-5 days, kvass will delight you with its unique refreshing taste and apple aroma. The composition of very simple ingredients from which a delicious drink is obtained is much healthier than store-bought.

Ingredients for Homemade Apple Kvass:

  1. Black bread 400 g
  2. Apples 1 kg
  3. Sugar 1 cup
  4. Water 5 l
  5. Raisins 15-20 pcs.

How to cook apple kvass at home: a simple step-by-step recipe with a photo

  • Any black or gray bread is suitable for making kvass. Better, of course, Borodino. You can take black bread with the addition of malt. Cut it into small cubes. Move to a baking sheet. It needs to dry out a bit. It is enough when the bread slices are lightly browned, but not blackened. Bake for about 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees. Focus on your oven.

  • Meanwhile, prepare the apples. You can take any variety. Gather from a tree or gather under a tree, it doesn't matter. Rinse the apples, cut off the errors, and grate on a coarse grater along with the peel.

  • Send a suitable pot of water to the fire. Boil. Drop grated apples into boiling water. Let it boil. Cook for 3-5 minutes over moderate heat.

  • Cool apple broth to 60-50 degrees. Pour in the sugar and stir with a spoon to dissolve the sugar.

  • Move the dried croutons to the sweetened broth. You don't need to mix. Leave to cool to a warm state, up to about 30 degrees.
  • Add raisins to all ingredients. It doesn't need to be washed. Spread the raisins over the surface and dip them into the broth. In this position, leave the container in a warm place for 2-4 days for fermentation. Cover the pot with a lid or tie with cheesecloth.
  • With a slotted spoon, transfer the bread and apple mass to a colander and leave to drain. Strain kvass through gauze folded in 3-4 layers.
  • Bottle the drink. Do not top up to the top, approximately 5-7 cm. Leave the filled bottles at room temperature for 2-3 hours so that the kvass is carbonated. Before sending to the refrigerator, slightly bleed off the gas. Cool down and serve.

There are many varieties of kvass drink. But there are only three main ones: bread, berry and fruit. In the last group, a special place is given to an apple drink, which is not only good for the body, but also refreshes well in the summer heat.

Apple kvass: a traditional recipe

Classically based on apples, it is prepared using yeast. Dry in this case will not work, but only live pressed. They will need only 10 g per 2.8 liters of water. In addition, for kvass you need to prepare apples (1 kg) and sugar (400 g). This is the complete list of ingredients.

The sequence of preparation of apple kvass:

  1. Prepare a saucepan (enamelled), pour water into it and put on the stove.
  2. When the water boils, add the peeled and sliced ​​​​apples to it. Boil five minutes after boiling.
  3. Remove the resulting unsweetened compote from the stove and let it cool to a temperature of 30 degrees
  4. After cooling, pour the third part of the compote into a separate bowl, add the yeast and sugar crushed by hand. Mix thoroughly to dissolve the yeast.
  5. Pour the compote with yeast and sugar back into the pan, mix and infuse the resulting drink for 24 hours in heat.
  6. After 24 hours, kvass should be filtered and poured into a three-liter glass jar. Cover the container with a plastic lid and refrigerate for 6 hours.

Just a few hours - and apple kvass can already be poured into glasses. It is very easy to drink and has a pleasant taste of juicy apples.

Delicious apple kvass without yeast

This natural drink is obtained as a result of the natural fermentation of apples in a sweet and sour environment. Yeast is not used in the recipe. All you need is water, apples, sugar and lemon.

To prepare an apple, take apples (2.5 kg) and peel them from the core. The fruits should only be plucked from the tree, that is, unbroken and without rot are needed. Place the peeled apples in a saucepan or any other enameled container and pour water 1 cm above the level of the fruit.

Dissolve sugar (250 g) in a half-liter glass jar. Pour sweet water into a pot with kvass. Also add grated lemon zest. You can also pour out the juice if you prefer kvass with a more sour taste. Cover the pan with a lid and send the drink to infuse in a cool place for three days. After the specified time, the drink must be filtered and poured into a glass jar. It is also recommended to squeeze out all the juice from apples with your hands and pour it into a jar. Store apple cider in the refrigerator. Serve chilled.

Recipe for kvass from apple juice

An excellent drink with an apple flavor and coffee aroma is obtained from ordinary juice. Of course, it is better if it is freshly made homemade juice, but a store-bought product also makes good apple kvass.

The recipe at home involves the use of the following ingredients: apple juice (1 tbsp), sugar (200 g), pressed yeast (5 g), instant coffee (2 tbsp). Kvass can be prepared immediately in a three-liter jar.

First, the yeast must be dissolved with coffee in a glass of water. Then pour them into a jar, add juice and sugar. Mix and top up with boiled water. Mix everything again, cover the jar with a piece of gauze and send it to a warm place for a day. A window sill on the sunny side of an apartment or house is ideal for this.

from dried apple

Such kvass can be prepared both in winter and in spring, when the apples have not yet ripened, and the drying prepared from last summer is still preserved. This recipe is for 3 liters of water. If necessary, the portion size can be increased.

Cook unsweetened (200 g) in an enamel pan. Let it boil for 10 minutes, remove from the stove and cool to 35 degrees. After that, add pressed yeast dough (5 g) and a glass of sugar to the compote. Then cover the pan with gauze and leave in a warm dough for a day. After the specified time, pour the kvass from apple juice into a glass jar and add a handful of raisins to it. Thanks to this, kvass will turn out sharper.

Apple kvass with carrots

To prepare kvass according to this recipe, you need to cut the apples into slices, and grate the carrots. Then the ingredients should be put in a saucepan, mix, add yeast (live pressed 10 g) and a glass of sugar. Top the contents of the pan with purified water (5 l). Cover with gauze and leave to roam right in the room for a day.

After 24 hours, cover the pan with a lid and refrigerate for another three days. After that, apple kvass needs to be bottled. The remaining wort can be left to prepare the next portion of the drink.

Recipe for apple kvass with raisins

For the preparation of such kvass, a large ten-liter bottle is ideal, in which homemade wine is usually made. Metal pots (especially aluminum) and plastic buckets are undesirable.

So, cut 2 kg of sweet apples into slices and put in a prepared container. Add sugar (700 g), raisins (1 tbsp.) And their yeast starter. You need to make it from pressed yeast (40 g), sugar (25 g) and water. Pour the starter into a container with apples and sugar, shake a little and leave warm for 6 hours.

After the allotted time, kvass must be poured into bottles and closed tightly with lids. First leave the bottles at room conditions so that the drink begins to ferment, and then send it to the refrigerator for another 2 days. And only after that you can try apple kvass, the recipe of which is presented here. It turns out moderately sharp, with a pleasant apple aftertaste.

Cooking apple kvass with mint

The preparation of kvass according to this recipe also begins with cooking unsweetened compote from 1.5 liters of water and apples (4 pcs.). When the broth has cooled, pour half of it into another glass container, add dry yeast (½ tsp) and sugar (4 tbsp). Put the container in heat to prepare the sourdough. When the dough rises, it must be poured into compote, chopped mint and a handful of raisins should be added.

Cover the container with kvass with gauze and leave to ferment for 12 hours. Apple kvass at home according to this recipe is prepared very quickly, but to get a richer taste, it is necessary that it be infused in the refrigerator before use. Therefore, the finished drink is bottled and stored in the refrigerator for another 2 days and only then tasted.

(kvass): self-cooking at home

This kvass recipe was especially popular in Russia in the 19th century, and the product prepared in this way was called apple cider. According to the classic recipe, the drink matures in cellars for 6-9 months. But you can cook in a simplified version.

From 1 kg of apples and four liters of water, cook compote. Cool it well and add 300 g of honey, live yeast (30 g), cinnamon (1 tsp). Cover the pan with all the contents with gauze and leave it warm for fermentation for three days.

When the kvass is ripe enough, it must be filtered through a fine sieve, poured into jars or bottles, tightly closed with lids and put in the refrigerator for several hours. And after that, kvass (cider) can be poured into glasses and served. It turns out softer than classic cider, but no less tasty.

Kvass from apples is an excellent drink in the heat. Cold, slightly effervescent (as befits kvass), refreshing.
Unfortunately, in the summer, most varieties of apples do not yet have time to ripen, but for cooking
kvass, you can also use frozen apples prepared in advance.
And in the fall, cooked, apple kvass at home will be quite useful on the table - especially
in October-November, when the batteries are already on, and it didn’t get cold outside, and everything you think about
at home - a sip of a fragrant soft drink.


2 liters of cold water;
From 3 to 5 apples of medium size;
100 g sugar;
0.5 teaspoon of dry yeast (or 10 g of live, pressed).

How to cook apple kvass at home

Bring the water to a boil. Cut the apples into quarters, remove the seeds - the skin can be left.

Drop apples into boiling water. Add sugar, boil compote, 5-7 minutes. Turn off.

We cool the future kvass to a temperature of 30 degrees (that is, to just a little lukewarm state).

We add yeast. If they are pressed, mix well so that they disperse in compote.
Leave the pot overnight at room temperature.
Important: it is necessary to close it not with a lid, but with a cotton towel, through which the kvass will “breathe”.
And by the way, if you have small children, it is better to put the bowl higher - they (as is customary for children)
they can wake up before everyone else and accidentally “buy out” a towel in kvass.

In the morning we evaluate the state of the drink. Whitish bubbles should appear on top of the compote. This is good, it means
everything went right and kvass fermented.

Now we filter the drink and pour it into a glass bowl (better - a regular jar with a rubber lid).
We put it in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.
After this time, kvass will be completely ready for use.
Although, in principle, you can taste it already in the process of filtering!

Any apples, both sweet and sour, go to kvass - the main thing is if you use substandard,
cut off the rotten parts, as they will spoil the drink.
Ready kvass can be either whitish or yellowish - it all depends on the variety of apples that were used. The amount of sugar can be changed - put it both more and less.
But you can’t do without sugar at all, it is necessary for the nutrition of yeast. And if you like the characteristic kvass sourness,
put a handful of raisins into the pan along with the yeast.
This is such a refreshing homemade drink. It can be given to drink to children, put on a festive and everyday table. The only condition: this dish is stored for a very short time, a maximum of 10 days (and the longer it stays,
the more piquant sharpness and sourness will appear in it).
But in most cases, homemade apple kvass does not have time to stand in the refrigerator for even a day.
By the way, this drink can be prepared in various ways.
Alternative recipes - to your attention!

Recipe for kvass from apple juice

Apple kvass on apple juice is prepared as simply as according to the main drink recipe.
Ingredients for 4 liters of kvass:

1 liter of apple juice;

1 glass of granulated sugar;

3 liters of boiled water (can be spring or purified).


First you need to dilute the yeast in warm water (take a small amount, half a cup).

Mix the juice with warm prepared water, sugar and add the dissolved yeast there.
Juice for making a drink is best taken freshly squeezed.
But if this is not at hand, then you can use cooked, store-bought.
However, it should be borne in mind that it must be without additives and not nectar (the juice content in it is not 100%).
The most suitable is the simplest, in glass jars.

Mix everything thoroughly and leave in a dark, warm place for 12 hours.
The dishes with the mixture should not be covered with a lid, but with a linen towel or gauze,
so as not to restrict the access of oxygen for yeast fermentation.

We strain the drink through gauze and put it down the refrigerator for a few more hours.
After that, you can use. Shelf life - 7-10 days.

Recipe for apple kvass with honey

Another recipe for making a drink includes honey, which means that kvass becomes even healthier and tastier!


1 kg of sour apples;

1 glass of sugar;

1 large spoon of dry yeast;

Half a glass of natural honey;

Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife;

4 liters of boiled water.


Apples (it is better to take sour varieties) cut into thin slices, pour water in a prepared bowl.
Bring to a boil over low heat, but do not boil. Let the broth stand for 4-6 hours. Then - we filter.
Add sugar until it is completely dissolved. Dissolve honey and also pour into the mixture.
We dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water and pour it into the total mass. There - cinnamon.
We put in a warm place for fermentation for 2 or 3 days, covered with a towel or gauze.
After we filter the drink, pouring into bottles, corking with corks.
We put in a cold place (bottom of the refrigerator or cellar) for 3-4 days.

Kvass is ready to drink, enjoy your kvass drinking!

Recipe for apple kvass without yeast

Apple kvass without the addition of yeast (an old recipe) is preferable for those who do not like explicit
yeast flavor that occurs when cooking according to the above recipes.


1 kg of sour apples;

3 l of bread kvass on sourdough;

A glass of granulated sugar.


Apples, having previously washed and freed from seeds and stalks, grate coarsely
(you can perform the same procedure with a blender, turning the apples into a thick slurry).

We shift the mass into a large container and fill it with sourdough bread kvass, add the dissolved
sugar in a small amount of water.
Mix everything thoroughly and, covering with gauze, set aside in a warm place for fermentation (12-24 hours).

After that, the drink is filtered through a gauze bandage and bottled.
Seal with cork or lids. Refrigerate for a few days.
Rustic kvass without yeast, according to an old recipe, is ready for use.
It has a mild taste and a bright apple aroma.

Recipe for kvass from dried apples

You can also make this refreshing and vitamin drink from dried fruits.
Moreover, the main feature is that drying is available almost all year round, and is relatively inexpensive.
So, you can provide your family with apple kvass both in winter and in summer.


250 grams of apple dried fruits;

4 liters of boiled water;

A glass of sugar;

A handful of raisins;

5 grams of live yeast.


Cook dried fruit compote using water (30 minutes over low heat).
Cool the mixture to 30 degrees. Dissolve yeast in a small amount of warm water.
Stir sugar in warm water until completely dissolved. Mix compote with yeast and sugar.
We insist during the day in a warm place, covered with a towel.
Pour into bottles, putting a couple of raisins in each half-liter.
We put down the refrigerator or a cool cellar and let it brew for a few more days.

Apple-carrot kvass

For those who like to experiment: you can add a few fresh carrots to the apple mass,
coarsely grated.
This will give kvass a special piquancy and sweetness, saturating the drink with carotene and vitamins.
Otherwise, we follow the recipe without any changes.
Tip: for the preparation of kvass, it is more correct to use sour apples
(or - sweet and sour) - this is how the fermentation process goes in the best way.

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Boil 3 liters of water. When the water boils, turn off the heat, add the sugar and mix everything well so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

Cool the water to room temperature or at least 36-38 degrees (if the water is hotter, the yeast will die and the kvass will not ferment).

Add yeast. Stir again until the yeast is completely dissolved.

Pour in apple juice.

Optionally, add 1 tsp. instant coffee. Adding a small amount of coffee will make the kvass color more saturated and give a pleasant flavor. You can cook kvass with or without coffee, each option is good in its own way, so I recommend trying each of them.

Mix everything well again. Pour kvass into plastic bottles and seal tightly. If at this stage you squeeze the walls of the bottle with your fingers, the plastic will easily wash through.

Leave kvass at room temperature for a day, and then try squeezing the bottle with your fingers again. If the plastic is pliable, leave the kvass warm for a few more hours, and if the bottle is hard to the touch, the kvass is almost ready. In the cold season, the ripening process of kvass can take up to 2 days.

At this stage, kvass is already tasty, fizzy and foamy (especially in the summer heat, when fermentation is very active), but if you let the drink brew, it will become even tastier!

Place kvass in the refrigerator for another day, and then serve.

Homemade apple kvass is ready! Store the drink in the refrigerator and serve chilled.

Apple kvass is an excellent refreshing drink. Read the recipes below.

Apple kvass - recipe


  • medium-sized apples - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • fresh yeast - 5 g;
  • purified water - 1 liter;
  • lemon juice - ½ teaspoon.


Wash apples well and remove seeds and skins. We cut the apples into slices and send them to the pan and pour in hot water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the stove and leave it under the lid to cool to a warm state. Then we drain a little apple broth, dilute the yeast in it and leave it for a quarter of an hour. When a foam cap appears, send the mass to the pan, add sugar and lemon juice. Stir everything thoroughly and leave for fermentation at room temperature for 15 hours. We filter the finished kvass and put it in the cold.

Apple kvass - an old recipe


  • ripe apples - 500 g;
  • purified water - 2 liters;
  • fresh yeast - 10 g;
  • sugar - 100 g.


Washed apples cut into pieces. In this case, the bones and ponytails must be removed. We boil water, put apples in it and cook on low heat for about 5 minutes. Add sugar and, stirring, cook for a couple of minutes over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Cool the compote thus obtained to room temperature, then add the yeast, stir well and cover with gauze. After 2-3 hours, a sour smell and foam will appear. This means that kvass has already fermented. After that, the drink should be infused at room temperature for 12 hours. Then we filter it, pour it into containers and put it in the cold. After 7 hours, the drink will be ready to serve.

Kvass from apple juice


  • apple juice without pulp - 1 liter;
  • instant coffee - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • purified water - 3 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • dry yeast - 10 g.


We boil the water and cool it to a temperature of about 25-29 degrees. Pour in the juice, put sugar, coffee, yeast and mix. We cover the top with gauze and leave it for 12 hours right in the room. We filter kvass through a dense cloth, pour it into bottles and close it. We stand in the cold for 5 hours, and then we try.

Apple kvass without yeast


  • - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • apples - 1 kg.


We cut the apples into pieces. We cut out the core, and grind the pulp together with the peel using a coarse grater. Place the prepared apple mass in a saucepan, pour kvass, add sugar and stir. We filter the drink through cheesecloth, bottle it, close it and put it in the cold for 6 hours.

How to make apple kvass at home?


  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • purified water - 2 liters;
  • dry yeast - ½ teaspoon;
  • natural - 500 ml.


Mix cocoa, yeast and sugar. The resulting mixture is dissolved in warm water. Pour in apple juice, stir, cover with a lid and leave at room temperature for 12 hours. After that, we remove the cold drink, and after 3 hours you can already use it.

Apple kvass at home without yeast
