
Fried eggs from 2 eggs. Calorie scrambled eggs from two eggs

Few people have the willpower to get up early in the morning and do full breakfast. Many people are content with a dish that takes five minutes to prepare. It is clear that we are talking about frosting. But will not its use lead to the appearance extra pounds? We will find out if we count how many calories are in a scrambled egg from two eggs.

calories for breakfast

Determining the calorie content of scrambled eggs from 2 eggs is quite simple, because, unlike multi-component dishes, it has only one or two ingredients. Indicators of energy value depend on the mass of eggs. They can be small or large. It is generally accepted that the average-sized weight is 58 g. Thus, two will pull on 116 g. 100 g of the protein-yolk mass contains 157 kcal, that is, one medium-sized raw egg contains about 91 kcal, and two, respectively, 182. If its mass is somewhat less - 47 g, then it will contain 73.8 units of energy.

Two-thirds of this reserve is contained in the yolk, the rest is accounted for by protein. This distribution of calories will become clear if you look at what is inside the protein and yolk. The first is 90% water, 10% is protein, the second includes fat (11.6 g) and cholesterol (139 mg).

Today, thanks to non-stick cookware, you can fry without a drop of fat. A standard 2-egg scrambled egg cooked without oil will have a calorie content of 148-182 kcal. The average figure is 167 kcal. This is almost 10% of the safe daily allowance, which is quite a bit. That is, it can be called dietary - unless, of course, it is included in the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you take small eggs, in which there are 61 kcal, you can reduce the number of calories in the fried eggs to 122.

Without deviating from the recipe: calorie fried eggs in oil

Not everyone has a pan in their kitchen cupboard that won't burn anything. Therefore, many fried eggs are still cooked in vegetable or animal fat. They have a very high energy potential - up to 900 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, you should not expect that dishes fried with their use will remain poor in calories. Fried eggs from 2 eggs in oil will acquire the following calorie content:

  • if you take small eggs and the minimum portion of butter - 167 kcal, if you take medium ones - 182 kcal;
  • if you take large eggs and a spoonful of sunflower oil - 242-250 kcal. Super-useful olive oil in terms of energy intensity is no different from it - like expensive linen;
  • the use of cream will further increase the satiety of the dish and add 10 kcal to it, bringing the total calorie intake of an express breakfast to 250-260 kcal.

Supplements - from most nutritious to least nutritious

To make their breakfast tastier, many people fry a dish with cheese, thus adding 50-90 kcal and "eating" 300-342 kcal in one sitting. If you improve the fried sausage or ham, this will make the calorie content rise to 400-500 kcal, which will already be a quarter daily allowance. Therefore, to turn an ordinary scrambled egg into a low-calorie cooking masterpiece, it is better to add vegetables to it - it will be both satisfying and dietary.

most popular low calorie supplement is a tomato: it has only 20 kcal per 100 g. Let's say you have scrambled eggs and tomatoes on your plate. Let's calculate its calorie content for 2 small eggs:

  • eggs - 146 kcal;
  • tomato - 25 kcal;
  • sunflower oil 1 tsp. - 45 kcal;
  • salt - 2 kcal.

In total - 218 kcal. Take a couple of tomatoes - calories will increase by another 25 units. If you add onion fry in the amount of 50 g, cooked for 1 tsp. vegetable fat, you will have to add another 23 and 45 kcal. The final value is 286 kcal.

Fried eggs with tomatoes can become much poorer in calories if cooked in this way:

  • take 2 tomatoes, carefully cut off the tops from them, remove the pulp;
  • brush the inside of the tomatoes with olive oil;
  • lightly salt;
  • break eggs into tomatoes;
  • lay out the tomatoes egg filling on a heated baking sheet;
  • bake in the oven.

The dish will turn out to be very beautiful and low-calorie - about 190 kcal.

Important! Not only tomato, but also other garden products can make an unremarkable dish a delicacy without adding energy value to it. These vegetables include carrots, eggplant, pumpkin.

A few arguments in defense of the "poor man's dish"

In the old days, scrambled eggs were considered too simple food, they were served at the table in low-income families. In the "biography" of this dish, there were periods when it was stigmatized due to the presence of cholesterol. Now nutritionists vying to praise him dietary properties and declare that it must be present in the diet. After all, it turned out that the cholesterol in it is not harmful, but it is full of valuable trace elements. It is impossible to get better from eggs, but it is quite possible to improve your mental abilities!

For those who are losing weight, the following information will be useful:

  • scrambled eggs by themselves are not categorized high-calorie meals(167 units of energy - a mere trifle!);
  • when using it, you need to know the measure;
  • if the calorie problem is very acute, stop eating the yolk;
  • when deciding whether to include it in the menu, remember that one of the most high-calorie food components is oil. In cream - 748 kcal, in vegetable - up to 899. Therefore, by preparing fried eggs using them, you automatically add 90 kcal to yourself. And the limit daily calories for a lady of average height who decided to lose weight - 700-1400 kcal. So get a Teflon-coated pan out of the closet.

Eggs are considered a valuable product for humans, since they are rich not only in protein, but also in vitamins, minerals and Omega-3. Their calorie content is low, so they can be consumed by people on a diet. The degree of calorie content of the finished product depends on the method of preparation.

Calorie content and nutritional value

In fact, one chicken egg eaten every day can provide 15% of the body's daily protein requirement. Although it contains 200 mg of cholesterol, studies show that regular use for food chicken eggs does not increase risk cardiovascular disease.

A medium-sized hard-boiled egg without additives contains 70 kilocalories. That is why they can be safely used as a breakfast or snack. This product has a unique energy value for a person, it does not affect weight, but gives required amount useful micro and macro elements.

Three boiled medium-sized eggs contain 210 kilocalories. One large one has 90 kilocalories, the small one has only 55.

Despite the fact that raw eggs are not advised to eat, many act contrary to this. calories raw product no different from boiled. An average chicken egg contains 65 kcal.

Only one yolk contains about 55 kcal, while in an egg with double yolk contains 235 kilocalories.

According to scientists, the product contains at least 13 essential vitamins and minerals. It is a rich source of vitamins B, A, E, D, folate, iron, zinc and choline. According to BJU, one egg provides about 6 g of protein in a form that is easily absorbed by the body. One hundred grams contains 12 g of protein.

According to KBZhU, carbohydrates in this product are 0.68 grams per 100 grams, and one medium-sized egg contains 0.34 grams of them, while if you distribute this amount between protein and yolk, then in the first 0.18 g, and in the second 0, 16

All fats are found exclusively in the yolk, their amount is 6 grams per egg and 12 grams per 100-gram serving.

In an omelet without using additional ingredients, steamed, 94 kcal. Can be used skimmed milk or water, thus reducing the calorie content of the product even more.

If a person monitors his own weight, scrambled eggs - great way satisfy hunger. Eggs not only provide energy, they are also filled with antioxidants.

Often a standard dietary serving includes 3 egg whites and 1 yolk, because most of calories is in the latter.

  • From 1 egg. The calorie content of scrambled eggs depends on the preparation. One fried egg contains from 90 to 95 kcal, beaten with milk - 100 kcal per egg.
  • From 2 eggs. A dish of two medium-sized chicken eggs without milk has a calorie content of 180 kcal, with milk - 200 kcal.
  • From 3 eggs. Simple fried eggs of three chicken eggs has a calorie content of 270 kcal, this figure may vary depending on what oil it is fried in, whether there are vegetables in the composition. Whipped with milk - from 300 kilocalories or more.

The chemical composition of scrambled eggs

Egg white is made up of protein, water, and more. It also contains ovalbumin, the amount of this substance per protein is 55%. It is a phosphoglycoprotein that consists of three components A1, A2 and A3. They differ from each other only in the content of phosphorus.

Conalbumin is 13%, it consists of two forms that do not contain either phosphorus or sulfur.

Ovomucoid is a glycoprotein, it is 10% in the protein. The lowest content of ovomucoid, only 2%, this protein is responsible for the jelly texture egg white.

In addition, lysozyme is present in a chicken egg in an amount of 3.5%. It is an enzyme capable of dissolving the bacterial cell wall. It has three components. Avidin is 0.05% egg white. Eggs are valued for their high-quality protein ovoglobulin, which is also responsible for the fact that when shaken, the protein turns into a thick foam.

As for the yolk, the solids content in it is about 50%. Proteins, including lipovitellins, are considered its basis. They are responsible for excellent emulsifying properties egg yolk when it is used in products such as mayonnaise.

The weight and composition of a table egg depends on heredity, age, season, diet and other factors. typical egg usually weighs from 53 to 63 g, with an average of 55 g. In addition to water (74%), the main components chemical composition of this product are 11.8% lipids, 12.8% proteins and no a large number of carbohydrates and minerals.

Most of the proteins are present in the protein and yolk, accounting for 50% and 44%, respectively, Eggshell contains the remaining 6%. The yolk makes up just over one-third of the edible portion of the product, but provides three-quarters of the calories and provides fat.

The composition of the yolk includes 48% water, 16% protein, 32.6% fat, as well as some minerals and vitamins. Protein consists of 88% water, 10% protein and some minerals. The amount of lipids in the egg white is negligible (0.01%) compared to the amount present in the yolk.

The shell makes up 11% of the mass of the egg, and approximately 98% of the shell is calcium. Carbohydrates are a minor component of chicken eggs. Their average content is about 0.5 g per egg, 40% of which is present in the yolk. They are found in free and conjugated forms that are attached to lipids. Glucose makes up about 98% of total carbohydrates.

About 94% of the minerals are found in the eggshell, the rest in the white and yolk. Most of them are in conjugated form, and only a small part is present in the form of inorganic compounds or ions.

Egg yolk contains 2% of minerals, of which phosphorus takes the most. The main inorganic components of egg white are sulfur, potassium, sodium and chlorine.

Benefit and harm

Chicken eggs must be introduced into the diet, including children from a year old. Trace elements and vitamins in their composition support eye health. The product is a good source of protein, helps to reduce weight, reduces the risk of breast cancer, helps to cope with overwork. Eggs provide the necessary amount of energy for the day, support nervous system and increase the body's resistance to stress.

One egg contains almost 25% selenium, which makes this product one of the best. dietary sources a mineral that has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, is directly associated with cardiovascular disease. Selenium in combination with CoQ10 helps reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 50%.

It is a rich source of choline, a macronutrient that is essential for normal neurological development and improved metabolism. One medium-sized egg contains about 100 mg of choline. Adults are advised to take this element at 550 mg per day.

Unfortunately, for many of us, macular degeneration is an inevitable part of aging. Some nutrients can stop this process, and they are found in eggs.

Among other things, eggs are considered one of the richest sources of protein. The overall quality of this component is judged by three different criteria: amino acid composition, bioavailability and amino acid digestibility. Amino acids are the building blocks for the body, there are twenty-one in total, nine of which our body cannot produce on its own and must be obtained from food sources, i.e. chicken eggs.

People who have to constantly be on the move need B vitamins. They are responsible for energy and fatigue, concentration, and brain function. If you regularly eat the whole egg, and not just the protein, the body will get everything it needs.

Protein helps to synthesize and maintain muscles, it affects strength, elasticity and endurance. The quality of the protein consumed matters when a person is purposefully engaged in training, and here eggs must be introduced into the diet on an ongoing basis.

If we talk about harm, then there are only two problems: salmonella and allergies. In the first case, you simply do not need to eat the product raw, and upon contact with the shell, you will need to wash your hands well. In the second case, an allergic reaction is observed more often in children under 3 years old, then it goes away by itself.


There are many recipes for how to make scrambled eggs with sausage, bacon, tomatoes, ham or even sausages.

With tomatoes

Scrambled eggs with onions, tomatoes, bell peppers and onions is the queen of all scrambled eggs. It has an amazing aroma, gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • one small bell pepper;
  • one small head of onion;
  • 1 tomato.

First, put a piece of butter in the pan, wait until it completely melts. Then finely chop the onion and put it in the oil. Simmer until it becomes soft and gets slightly golden color. Now you can finely chop the pepper into half rings, add to the onion, and then send the chopped tomato into the pan.

The eggs are broken and poured on top, they can be stirred, or you can leave the yolk whole. Cover with a lid and after 5 minutes you can serve, lightly sprinkled with chopped herbs, if you like.


You can fry scrambled eggs without anything, using only one product - chicken eggs. It is prepared with sunflower oil, without oil, but on lard or butter. Vegetable has a lower calorie content, so in some cases it is preferable.

The pan along with the oil should warm up well. If lard is used, it should be completely melted. Eggs are poured into a pan and fried for a couple of minutes, then the yolk is mixed with protein.

fried eggs

Fried eggs have many fans, as it acquires a special flavor. Preparing such a dish is very simple, just beat the eggs on hot pan With butter. You can remove the film from the yolk with a fork, it will be cooked with protein. The advantage of this dish is that it takes a minimum of time to prepare it.

Salt and pepper eggs only after they are ready.

With vegetables

You can make scrambled eggs with vegetables. Tomatoes, zucchini, asparagus, cauliflower are suitable for cooking. For cooking nutritious breakfast the recipe will need:

  • half a tomato;
  • 1 cauliflower inflorescence;
  • bunch of asparagus.

The pan is put on fire and heated, then spread the butter. Vegetables will need to be pre-prepared. The tomato is finely chopped, the asparagus is divided in half, and cauliflower share.

Spread the vegetable mixture in a pan, add a little salt and cover with a lid so that the vegetables are steamed. Now you can beat in the eggs. When they are a little fried, they are covered with a lid for five minutes, the dish is ready.

On milk

Children really like scrambled eggs with milk, because it acquires a special, creamy taste and it turns out soft. For its preparation it is necessary:

  • 20 ml of milk;
  • two eggs;
  • salt;
  • butter.

In a container, shake the eggs with milk and salt well with a blender or mixer. Melt in a frying pan small piece butter, and when it stops foaming, pour in the mixture.

Do not stir it right away, as the oil will be absorbed into the eggs, and the scrambled eggs will start to burn. The bottom layer should be well browned before turning the eggs.

You can add a pinch of sugar or even cottage cheese to the recipe, cottage cheese, then the dish will turn out not only very useful, but also tasty.

Features of use

Eggs can be eaten boiled or steamed even on a diet. Doctors and nutritionists advise to consume at least one every day in order to get the required amount of protein, vitamins and trace elements. A special regime for diabetics, they can only eat protein and no more than two eggs per week. Unfortunately, patients with diabetes eggs are of no use.

If the product is introduced into the child's diet, then first give the yolk at the end of the spoon, which can be mixed with water, and look at the reaction. Without any signs of allergy, a child can eat chicken eggs no more than one per day from a year and not at a time, but it will need to be divided into servings.

How to cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes, see the following video.

Scrambled eggs are one of those dishes that many of us prefer for breakfast. Although this dish is quite suitable as any of the main meals. Today there are a large number of recipes for cooking scrambled eggs. Everyone chooses the ingredients to their taste, which makes one scrambled egg different from another. The beauty of this dish is that it does not require any special skills to prepare it. Even a schoolboy can cook fried eggs with fried eggs. Most often, the calorie content of scrambled eggs does not bother those who cook it. The main thing is that the dish is hearty and tasty. But to think about how many calories in scrambled eggs is still worth it.

Fried eggs are a dish European cuisine, which is traditionally cooked in a pan of chicken eggs. in kitchens different peoples The world has its own version of the preparation of scrambled eggs and its serving. For example, in Spain traditional scrambled eggs(huevos) is cooked on a flatbread. In our country, the most traditional views scrambled eggs are fried eggs - when the eggs are broken into the pan without damaging the yolks, and scrambled eggs, when the eggs are intensively mixed as they are poured into the pan. Many people like to fry such scrambled eggs in lard, without thinking that the calorie content of scrambled eggs increases significantly. It must be remembered that scrambled eggs are a dish fast food and you need to use it right away. If she stands for a while, then her taste qualities get worse.

How many calories are in scrambled eggs

Since eggs are the main ingredient in this dish, its calorie content depends primarily on their quantity. Naturally, the calorie content of scrambled eggs from 2 eggs will be higher than the calorie content of scrambled eggs from 1 egg. The egg is different enough high calorie, with the main part of the calories contained in the yolk. On average, 100 g of the product contains about 157 kcal. The calorie content of one egg can be equated to 80 kcal. Thus, the calorie content of scrambled eggs from two eggs will be at least 160 kcal if the eggs were fried without adding fat, which usually does not happen. As you know, for the preparation of scrambled eggs, it is customary to use various fat-containing products. Some prefer to fry it in butter, others like vegetable oil or margarine. Those who are not afraid at all extra calories, throw fragrant and fatty bacon into the pan. Naturally, in each individual case, the calorie content of scrambled eggs from 2 eggs will vary. So, the calorie content of scrambled eggs from two eggs cooked on lard will be at least 290 kcal. When using vegetable oil, the calorie content is lower, about 280 kcal. As you can see, the use of any fat increases the number of calories in scrambled eggs. Butter and margarine also help increase the calorie content of the dish. Therefore, you should not get carried away with these products. Moreover, today it is possible to cook scrambled eggs without the use of oil or fat. For this, there is a special non-stick cookware, on which dishes are cooked, keeping low calorie. It can also avoid negative impact carcinogens resulting from frying foods in oil. Using such dishes, you do not have to puzzle over how many calories are in scrambled eggs, since the number of calories will not exceed the total number of calories in the eggs used to prepare the dish. We can say that this method is the most in a healthy way cooking scrambled eggs. Thus, in order to calculate the calorie content of scrambled eggs, it is necessary to take into account not only the calorie content of eggs, but also the calorie content of the fats used for frying. For vegetable oil, it is about 800 kcal per 100 ml, for butter about 700 kcal, for margarine 745 kcal per 100 g. When choosing between butter and vegetable oil, you need to remember that the latter contains polyunsaturated fats that are not absorbed by the body and are not deposited on the hips in the future. Therefore, cooking scrambled eggs in such oil will be more beneficial in terms of health.

How many calories in scrambled eggs with additional ingredients

Scrambled eggs are delicious on their own, but scrambled eggs, which are added different ingredients doubly delicious. Everyone can come up with a special scrambled egg for themselves, which will include their favorite sausage and cheese bought in the supermarket and something else special. As a result, the resulting dish can quite compete with a pie or pizza in terms of the number of ingredients added to it. Every New Product affects the calorie content of scrambled eggs. If use fatty cheese, then the calorie content will increase significantly, the same applies to the use of fatty sausages. Especially popular is scrambled eggs with tomatoes. The addition of these vegetables gives it a special taste, which is loved by many. The presence of tomatoes makes the scrambled eggs rich, but at the same time does not add a lot of extra calories, as it happens when other products are used. The calorie content of one tomato is about 20 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of scrambled eggs with tomatoes using one egg will be approximately 170 kcal. The calorie content of scrambled eggs from 2 eggs is not difficult to calculate. Cooking scrambled eggs with tomatoes does not require special skills. Some prefer to keep the egg yolks whole, while others mix them in the pan. To make the tomatoes soft, they are first stewed in a pan for several minutes in oil, and then the eggs are added. Total time This dish takes 7 to 10 minutes to prepare. Given that the calorie content of scrambled eggs with tomatoes is low, it is worth giving preference to this type of scrambled eggs. Today there are many recipes for scrambled eggs, so this dish may not get bored, even if you use it often enough. However, it is worth remembering that eggs can cause allergies in those who are predisposed to it, and in addition, excessive consumption of eggs can adversely affect the body due to the fact that they contain a large amount of cholesterol.

For many years, scrambled eggs have been one of the most popular breakfasts in many countries of the world. And even in such exotic countries like Thailand, China, India, you can always find a continental or American breakfast option in restaurants, which includes fried eggs or regular scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

But is it safe to eat this dish in the morning? After all, if it is fried with the addition of oil, then it is quite fatty. You also need to take into account that the calorie content of scrambled eggs is quite large, therefore, even eating it in the morning, this fact must be taken into account when compiling your diet for the day.

By themselves, eggs are quite a dietary product. They are always included in the diet of athletes who want to increase muscle mass, and serve as an excellent source of high quality protein.

But nutritionists advise to use them in very moderate amounts. Indeed, the yolk of eggs contains a lot of fats, which are a source of bad cholesterol. In fact, the calorie content of scrambled eggs is the calorie content egg yolks, since they contain up to 90% of all nutrients included in this product.

At the same time, you should not completely abandon the use of eggs. After all, they are irreplaceable source many amino acids, proteins, polyunsaturated fats(including oleic) and fatty acids(linoleic and linolenic). In addition to cholesterol, the yolk is a storehouse of useful vitamins.

It contains a lot of vitamin A, E, one of the most large quantities vitamin D, almost all B vitamins (B6, B12, B1, B7, B3, B5). The yolk also contains the highest content of choline (vitamin B4) of all foods, which helps to remove cholesterol and protects cell membranes from free radicals.

It is worth noting that this product, especially its shell, is an excellent source of calcium. In addition, it contains a lot of iron, copper, phosphorus, iodine and there is a certain amount of such a rare trace element as cobalt.

Eggs are almost completely absorbed by the body. It's good from their point of view nutritional value, but when enabled this product in your diet, you should pay attention to their calorie content, especially if you are on a diet, since 100 grams of eggs (the equivalent of two pieces) has an average of about 150 kcal.

How many calories are in scrambled eggs

The calorie content of scrambled eggs is highly dependent on the method of its preparation and additional products that are added to it. For example, if you fry eggs with tomatoes and without oil, then they energy value decreases by 30-50%.

Consider various options cooking your favorite breakfast and its calorie content. We will assume that the dish is made from two eggs.

calories fried eggs next:

  1. Fried eggs with the addition of 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. On average, its calorie content is 190-200 kcal: eggs 150 kcal + butter 40 kcal. And if you fry scrambled eggs in butter, the calorie content of the dish will be even higher.
  2. Fried eggs cooked in a pan without oil: 150-160 kcal.
  3. Ordinary scrambled eggs in vegetable oil. If you beat the eggs before you fry them, the calorie content of the dish is slightly reduced. In this case, it will be equal to 150-170 kcal. If you cook without oil in a pan with a non-stick coating, subtract another 20-30 kcal.
  4. Fried eggs with tomatoes. When using ordinary unsweetened vegetables, the calorie content of the dish will be about 160 kcal. If you cook it with sweet cherry tomatoes, expect that the energy value will increase to 220-240 kcal!
  5. Fried eggs with cheese, sausage, tomatoes will “pull” 300-340 kcal.

Healthiest scrambled egg recipes

In order for breakfast to be not only tasty, but also healthy, containing a reasonable amount of calories, it is recommended to cook scrambled eggs without oil. Among other things, this will not only reduce calories, but also reduce the amount of carcinogens that you get with food. After all, it is known that these poisons are produced just when vegetable oil is heated. But if you don’t have the opportunity to fry in a pan without oil, try to minimize its amount.

The most useful option for scrambled eggs is considered to be fried eggs with a minimal addition of salt, which is consumed with toast.

Another "healthy" version of this dish is prepared with the addition of greens and vegetables. Dill, tomatoes, spinach, cilantro, herb seasonings without salt can be added to scrambled eggs. Its calorie content will not exceed 150-160 kcal.

You can use the oven instead of a frying pan when cooking and Silicone forms. Bake the eggs for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees. In this case, you will definitely not need oil, the dish will turn out to be low-fat and will contain minimal amount calories. At the same time, all nutritious and useful elements will be preserved.

Also for people who need to consume a large amount of protein and do not exceed allowable dose cholesterol, you can cook vegetable scrambled eggs only from proteins, after removing the yolks. Such a recipe is suitable, for example, for athletes who want to build muscle mass.

Of course, the taste and nutritional value of a dish without yolks will suffer slightly, but on the other hand, when cooking, you can add low-fat boiled chicken breast or red fish meat, asparagus, spinach, use low-fat sauces. Such scrambled eggs will be excellent and useful source proteins with minimum content harmful additives as saturated fat or cholesterol.

Contraindications for eating eggs

This product is one of the most useful and low-allergenic (provided that chickens are grown organically without the use of chemical food additives). However, there are a number of contraindications for eating eggs and dishes from them.

The main ones are:

  1. Overweight.
  2. Diseases of the blood and vessels, atherosclerosis.
  3. High blood pressure.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Cholecystitis and liver disease.
  6. Disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you suffer from one of these diseases, you are only allowed to eat egg whites.

When we talk about scrambled eggs, we immediately mean breakfast. Any novice cook can cook it. This is one of the fastest and delicious meals. Plus, she's very nutritious. Especially if you complement the meal with a cup of coffee and a few sandwiches.

But if you gradually move to proper nutrition So, you have to be careful with this dish. If you overdo it with the amount of oil for frying, as well as add sausage, bacon and more, then this fried egg will not be so healthy, although very tasty. This dish has its pros and cons.

The benefits of scrambled eggs

Of course, all the benefits of scrambled eggs lie in its main component - eggs:

  • eggs contain proteins necessary for our body which are building materials. In one egg, about 14% of the daily requirement of a person. Also they have healthy fats, and in the yolk of one egg there are about 6 gr.;
  • also in eggs there are a lot of vitamins of group B, PP, A, E, as well as such useful elements like iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and many others;
  • they also contain vitamin B4, which promotes the removal of harmful cholesterol and protects our cells from the effects of free radicals.

Harm of scrambled eggs:

  • Unfortunately, eggs are one of the most common allergens. Eggs can cause allergies in young children. It can manifest itself in violation of the chair, and also cause suffocation. Sometimes this goes away with age, but in some cases people are forced to give up eggs altogether;
  • Eggs can be dangerous due to the presence of salmonella bacteria on the shell. Of course, poultry farms are required to vaccinate chickens, but this rule is not always observed.

    Therefore, before using the eggs, they must be washed. And if you see that the shell is cracked, then it is better not to use such a product.

    Also, do not eat eggs that have a grayish white, and undercooked eggs. And wash your hands after handling raw eggs;

  • Both the white and the yolk of an egg contain cholesterol.. And studies still contradict each other whether it is good for us or bad. Anyway, excessive consumption will not bring benefits, but if you eat 1-2 eggs a day, then this will only benefit.

Calorie scrambled eggs from two eggs

If you cook scrambled eggs from two eggs in a non-stick pan without oil, then its calorie content will be 150-160 kcal.

The number of calories in a cooked scrambled egg depends not only on how many eggs you will cook it with, but rather on the method of preparation. And also what else you add to it.

Increasing calories while cooking

Almost all the foods that we add to it increase the calories in the dish. This is especially true of the oil in which we fry the scrambled eggs. There are a few classical ways cooking scrambled eggs. Let's look at the main ones and calculate the number of calories per serving.

One of the most simple recipes which everyone can use. In addition, this dish turns out to be very fragrant, and hardly anyone can resist.

Someone uses bacon instead of sausage, someone uses sausages, they also add chili peppers, tomato paste and much more.

But for classic recipe you will need:

  1. First you need to cut the sausage into large rings. Do not make them too thick so that the sausage can be well fried. The thickness of the pieces should be about 0.5 cm;
  2. Now heat up the pan, pour out the oil, let it warm up and fry the sausage on both sides;
  3. Now you need to break the eggs in a separate bowl, add salt, pepper and seasoning to your taste. Mix everything thoroughly and pour the mixture into a pan with sausage;
  4. The eggs must be fried over medium heat for about 4 minutes. The lid does not need to be covered.

The calorie content of this dish per 100 grams will be about 212 kcal.

There are a few tips for cooking scrambled eggs with sausage:

  • If you want to make fried eggs, then the eggs need to be poured one at a time directly into the pan, and only then sprinkled with salt, pepper and seasonings on top.
  • You can also instead of boiled sausage take smoked, the taste will change from this and become more piquant.
  • Do not fry the dish on too high a fire, so you run the risk of overcooking the eggs, and after this, the scrambled eggs can already be thrown away. It will be unpleasant not only in taste, but also in smell.
    It is best to do everything on medium heat, and as soon as the protein becomes light, you can turn it off. The dish can then be held a little under the lid so that the eggs are fully cooked.
  • When you fry boiled sausage , make sure that she does not have time to arch, otherwise she simply will not be able to completely fry except for the very middle.
  • You can use butter for frying or margarine instead of vegetable, then the scrambled eggs will turn out more tender.

Scrambled eggs with butter

Differs from previous recipe cooking speed and, of course, the absence of additional components.

The calorie content of this dish will be about 200 kcal, plus oil for frying approx. 40 kcal.

If instead vegetable oil use butter, then the calorie content of the dish will be slightly higher.

And if you first break the eggs into a separate bowl and mix with salt, pepper and seasonings, and then pour everything into a hot frying pan with oil, then the calorie content of the dish will decrease to 170 Kcal.

Fried eggs can be prepared as follows:

  1. Pour oil into a preheated frying pan, heat slightly and start breaking eggs into it. Do not rush to hit the shell, try to keep all the yolks intact;
  2. Now you can salt and pepper everything;
  3. Fry the fried eggs in a pan for about 2 minutes, and then you can still put them in a preheated oven for literally another 4 minutes;
  4. As soon as the proteins have become white, the dish can be served at the table.

For this recipe you will need:

  1. Onions must be peeled and cut into half rings;
  2. Now we put the pan on the fire, heat it up, pour in the oil and wait for it to warm up;
  3. Put the chopped onion into the pan and fry over medium heat until golden brown;
  4. Meanwhile, wash and cut the tomatoes also in half rings. Add to the onion and fry a little more;
  5. Next, break the eggs into the pan, add salt and pepper;
  6. After 2-3 minutes, when the whites turn white, you can turn off the fire. Sprinkle greens on top and, if desired, you can cover the pan with a lid for a couple of minutes.

You will find here.

The calorie content of this dish will be 127 kcal.

For proper cooking This dish also has a few tips:


Eggs belong to dietary products, so any dishes from them will also be healthy and nutritious.

To date, all foods containing fats are excluded by many and considered harmful, but if you cook scrambled eggs, then it is difficult to do without oil. Yes, and in the quantities that you use for frying, the oil will only be useful, unless, of course, you pour several tablespoons into the pan at once.

Try to add to this dish more vegetables, greenery. Can be used in a recipe green beans, bell pepper, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms and many other green vegetables. They will give the dish a special taste. And the benefits of such a meal will only increase.
