
Straight eggs recipe. Eggs without shell

Eggs are central to the diet plans of many athletes, and for good reason. In addition to being an excellent source of proteins and fats, the most regular eggs in addition, they contain vitamins and minerals necessary for maintaining health.

They include vitamins D, A, B2 and B12, as well as substances such as folic acid and iodine. Protein and yolk are two stores of valuable macro and microelements. IN egg whites contains more than half of the protein of the whole egg, in addition there is selenium, zinc, iron and copper. The yolks contain the entire supply of fat, and that is why, along with lecithin, they contain so many fat-soluble vitamins: D, E, K and A.

Eggs are a versatile food product, they are great for any time of the day: for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They can be boiled, baked, fried, shaken, scalded with boiling water. And if it bothers you a large number of fat in eggs and the oil in which they are cooked, you can use low-calorie oil sprays for frying and baking.

Eggs are good for the heart!

Although in the past the eggs had in this regard bad reputation in fact, they improve heart health when they are part of a balanced diet. And this is not surprising, because they contain nutrients involved in maintaining the cardiovascular system, such as betaine and choline (vitamin B4). Moreover, these two are important not only for the heart, but also for all other organs, such as the liver. Choline is a B vitamin that naturally stabilize work nervous system and affects the production of cell membranes.

  1. Duck eggs.

Duck eggs are similar to chicken eggs, but outwardly larger, they have more fat and a protein component. However, just like chicken, they are different sizes. If weld duck egg, then its protein will acquire a bluish tint, and the yolk will become saturated red-orange color. One egg contains approximately 9 g of protein and almost 10 g of fat.

  1. Chicken eggs.

The most common and affordable type of eggs. Chicken eggs are a very profitable option for anyone who wants to get the maximum benefit without much investment, as is the case when buying some unusual products. One large chicken egg usually provides 6 g of protein, 5 g of fat and no carbohydrates.

  1. Quail eggs.

Quail eggs are very small, but taste like chicken eggs. They are widely known for their gourmet cooking programs and unusual restaurant menu. This is one of the most beautiful eggs: The shell of a quail egg has a wide variety of colors from blue to brown, it is also white.

In general, about five quail eggs are equivalent to one large chicken (quail contains about 1 g of fat and 1 g of protein). The main method of their preparation is hard-boiling.

  1. Pheasant eggs.

They are smaller than chicken, but their taste is richer. The yolk of a pheasant egg is larger than that of a quail egg, about the size of a chicken egg. It is believed that best time appearance this product, this period is from April to June. The color of the shell is olive green to brown. At pheasant eggs great taste when you hard-boil them, fry them, or cook them using the poached egg method.

Contains 10 g fat and 6 g protein.

  1. Ostrich eggs.

The time of their collection from April to September. In fact, it is rare for anyone to master eating a whole egg, but when compared nutritional value equal portions of chicken and ostrich eggs, then the latter will have approximately 83 calories.

  1. Eggs guinea fowl.

They are known for their fragrant and bright tasting yolks. Their shells are the color of oatmeal, and although they are about 30% smaller than chicken eggs, guinea fowl eggs are much tastier.

Guinea fowls are birds native to South Africa, laying about 50-60 eggs per year from spring to winter. They are especially popular in France, and their eggs after boiling have excellent taste. nutritional value one egg is as follows: 3.5 g of fat and 6 g of protein.


We often limit ourselves to choice, considering only chicken eggs as an option. But why not add some variety to your diet and try other types of eggs, especially since they are no less healthy and very tasty. It is an excellent and often necessary addition to the nutrition of athletes and non-athletes alike. With the exception of allergies, eggs should be on the menu of every person.

E These not-so-simple equations were deduced by the English researcher T.K. Carter. They describe a well-known and seemingly simple thing - a chicken egg. Guided by the first equation, it is possible to construct a closed curve, close to an ellipse and corresponding to the outlines of the egg, and the second equation allows you to calculate the surface of the egg. From the first, basic equation, you can also derive a formula that determines the volume of an egg. Carter tested his equations by making a series of measurements of the volume of chicken eggs by measuring the volume of water displaced by an egg from a vessel, and then comparing the results with the calculated values. The coincidence turned out to be exact: the mathematical model determined the actual shape of the egg with great accuracy. However, these formulas cannot explain why the egg has such a shape. Moreover, it should be noted that not all birds have eggs similar to chicken ones. So, the eggs of an eagle owl or kite are almost spherical, while those of a sandpiper or thin-billed murre are closer to a cone. The shape of an already laid egg does not change. Moreover, the eggs of the same bird species can have a different shape, but within narrow limits. For example, young females lay eggs that are oblong, and with age, the eggs are more rounded.

A Christotle believed that cockerels hatched from more pointed eggs, and hens hatched from rounded ones. IN early XIX century, naturalists proposed a hypothesis according to which the contour of the egg approximately corresponds to the shape of the body of the bird that develops from it. They are echoed by modern designers, who say that an egg is an ideal sample of a container, maximally adapted to its contents. Supporters of natural selection argue that eggs various kinds birds have a form that is most favorable for survival in the environment. So, the eggs of some birds nesting on rock ledges have a shape close to pear-shaped. If such an egg is slightly pushed, it will not roll in a straight line, but will describe a circle. Thus, he is less likely to be thrown off a cliff by a gust of wind or by a not-so-cautious mother. At the same time, it should be noted that guillemots may have eggs of a different shape, but this is silent.

E as early as 1772, the German ornithologist Günther claimed that the contour of an egg is the result of pressure exerted on it by the muscles of the oviduct where it is formed. In general, his statement is considered true even now. Initially, the egg exists in the form of an oocyte located in the ovary of a chicken (a chicken has only one ovary). This oocyte - the rudiment of the egg - will later become the yolk. Oocytes, which are at various stages of development, usually mature in laying hens, one per day. Sometimes it happens that two oocytes ripen at the same time, then the egg will have two yolks. The formation of the egg itself occurs in the oviduct. He, too, has one chicken. More precisely, the embryo first develops two ovaries and an oviduct, but the right ones regress in the course of further embryonic development and only the left ones remain. This is true for many birds.

ABOUT freed from the follicle, the oocyte enters a kind of funnel - the beginning of the oviduct, and then into the oviduct, where it is fertilized and further developed. The walls of the oviduct produce albumin, which makes up the egg white, a process that lasts about four hours. Surrounding the yolk is a thin but dense layer of the protein shell forms spirally twisted strands-chalase; they support the yolk in the center of the egg. The egg, now supplied with protein, continues on its way. Two shells are formed around the protein. First they are firmly connected, then separated. Finally, the egg enters the uterus. By this time, the membranes are weakened and, as it were, “float” around the protein. Over the next five hours, there is a gradual penetration of water and salts through the shells until they stretch again and the egg “swells up”. This preliminary process is necessary for shell calcination, which takes place over the next 15-16 hours.

WITH the shell consists mainly of calcite - crystals of calcium carbonate. It is three-layered: the inner layer, which makes up a third of the thickness of the shell, consists of conical crystals held together by protein bridges, the next layer consists of columnar crystals of calcium carbonate closely pressed to each other. All this is covered with a thin skin (cuticle), which is formed immediately before laying the egg. If the egg were not subjected to external forces while it was still elastic, it would gravitate toward a spherical shape. These external forces are of muscular origin. The walls of the oviduct have two layers of muscles: the inner, with circular muscles, pushes the egg to the oviduct, and the outer, consisting of longitudinal muscles, serves to facilitate the passage of the egg. Depending on how stretched the oviduct is, the egg will meet more or less resistance on its way and will be more or less oblong. The fact that one end of the egg is more rounded and the other more pointed is certainly due to the asymmetry of the forces acting on it, however, how this happens is not clear, but it is known for sure that the egg moves and comes out, usually with a blunt end forward and not sharp.

At many species of birds, due to the deposition of pigments in the shell, the eggs are colored. In popular literature, there is an erroneous opinion that eggs hidden from prying eyes in hollows or burrows do not need protective coloring. That is, the cause (color of the shell) and the effect (method of nesting) change places. For objective reasons, birds cannot influence the color of the shell of their eggs, but they are able, through trial and error, to place or design their nest in such a way as to successfully leave offspring. In other words, the color of the egg shell directly or indirectly influenced the methods of nesting and nest building in birds and, accordingly, the survival of the species Egg-shell paint of birds and natural selection.
- N.N. Balatsky. Berkut. 3(1). 1994. The origin of the egg paint is discussed. It is supposed that the egg-shell paint is primary. It determines the type of nesting: birds with the good visible eggs nest closed. Species that have eggs with camouflage paint of shell can nest open. The survival strategy of a species consists in the dispersion of eggs or nests and in the diversity nest constructions for the protection of clutches and nestlings.

");" onmouseout="return nd();" href="../Publications/41_p.htm"> (Balatsky, 1994) .

F Orma is not the only mystery of the egg. Here's another one: where do birds get calcium for their shells? Average shell chicken egg weighs 5 grams, of which 2 grams are calcium. Shell formation lasts 16 hours, and thus the body of the chicken must produce 125 milligrams of calcium per hour. But the total amount of calcium circulating in the blood of a chicken is about 25 milligrams. Where does the chicken get the rest of the calcium it needs? Apparently from food. But it is not difficult to prove that a hen, whatever its diet, is not able to move calcium from its digestive apparatus into the blood, and from there to the developing egg at such a rapid pace as is necessary for the formation of the shell. This means that if she does not use calcium directly from her body, her position will be difficult. And then the chicken turns to the additional reserve of calcium located in its skeleton. We are talking about the secondary skeletal system. These are thin fragments of bones that develop in the median cavities of most of her bones. At the time of shell calcination, these spare bones are resorbed, releasing calcium, which is used to build the shell, and phosphate, which is excreted in the urine. During this process, a chicken can mobilize up to 10 percent of its bone in less than a day. This phenomenon is surprising, but not unique: all birds studied in this respect have similar capabilities. Spare bones in birds must have developed in the course of evolution simultaneously with the appearance of eggs in a dense calcined shell. They are only found in females during reproduction and are never found in males.

E one more at least interest Ask: how does the embryo breathe through the shell? His life will be impossible if he does not receive oxygen from the outside and emit carbon dioxide. Moreover, the embryo must expel water vapor. During development, the embryo absorbs yolk fats, and as a result of metabolism, water is formed from them. And if some of this water is not excreted through the shell, the chick will simply drown. Gas exchange occurs through microscopic pores between calcite crystals that form a shell and are not perfectly tightly connected to each other. The intensity of gas exchange depends on the number of pores, their average size, shell thickness and duration of incubation.

L Curiously, in all birds, the amount of water lost during incubation is always about 15 percent of the initial egg weight. But the eggs of various birds are extremely diverse both in size and in the content of protein and yolk, and the duration of incubation is also not the same. So, the mass of eggs can vary from 300 milligrams (hummingbird) to 9 kilograms (recently disappeared Madagascar epiornis). The incubation period can last from 11 to 80 days. The proportion of yolk in an egg can range from 14 to 67 percent. And with all this, the “15 percent rule” always remains in force.

TO How is this constancy achieved? In each case in its own way. So, for example, petrel eggs are similar to chicken ones - both in size and in the thickness of the shell. But the incubation period for the petrel lasts 52 days, and for the chicken only 21. It would seem that the loss of water in the petrel should be greater. However, this does not happen: the number of pores in the shell is much smaller - 3700 versus 12400 in chickens. Birds that live at high altitudes, where water loss must be greater due to low atmospheric pressure, lay eggs that have fewer pores than those that live at sea level.

R The regulation of water loss during the incubation period also depends on the humidity of the nest. Experiments have shown that the relative humidity of the nest is always higher than that of the surrounding air and is approximately the same for a wide variety of birds. Doesn't this mean that birds have a "hygrometer" and are able to ventilate the nest in order to constantly maintain the necessary microclimate in it, no matter what the temperature and humidity outside are? In any case, biologists have not yet uncovered all the mysteries of such an everyday phenomenon as an egg.

Eating even slightly spoiled foods can cause harm to the body, provoke poisoning. Particularly dangerous in this regard are the missing eggs, which are used to prepare many dishes. Everyone should be able to check the freshness of this product.

visual inspection

The degree of freshness can be determined by appearance. First, carefully inspect the shell. It should be matte, with slight roughness, the color is even. Gloss and shine indicate staleness. No chips or cracks allowed. From fresh eggs a slight smell of lime emanates, and from rotten - hydrogen sulfide. When shaking, there should be no sounds, gurgling.

Crack an egg onto a plate. A fresh yolk will be convex and round. Protein should keep its shape well. Because of carbon dioxide it may have a yellowish or greenish tint, this is normal. If the yolk is flattened and loose, and the protein is transparent, but does not separate, then the product is still edible, but the expiration date is already expiring. Pinpoint blood blotches are not a sign of staleness. The whitish flagella on the edges of the yolk are designed to hold it in the middle. Their presence speaks of freshness, because over time they dissolve.

Ovoscope check

To determine freshness, there is special device which you can even make yourself. Ovoscopes are in most grocery stores and supermarkets. The device shines through the egg. The yolk in the center speaks of freshness. The presence of the silhouette of the embryo in the lumen is unacceptable. If you notice dark areas and clots in the protein, then the product has been stored for 1-2 weeks. You can not take a product with a blood ring around the yolk, but dotted inclusions are normal. Fully rotten egg does not illuminate at all.

By smell

Eggshell absorbs itself like a sponge different flavors. From fresh product must smell of lime. The longer it sits, the more impurities will appear. At the same time, the aroma of lime becomes less noticeable. The rancid smells strongly of hydrogen sulfide, especially if you break it. According to reviews, this method is controversial, it is not considered completely reliable.

Checking the freshness of eggs in water

The method described below is very old and very popular. Testing in water gives a reliable result. It has one drawback - it can only be done at home. Immerse the egg in a glass or bowl with cold water and look at the result. If it:

  1. Lying on its side at the very bottom - very fresh, demolished recently.
  2. It is located at an angle, the blunt end has surfaced, and the sharp one, closer to the bottom, is a week old.
  3. It floated up to the middle of the glass with a blunt end up - it has been stored for 2-3 weeks. It is allowed to eat the product only after a long heat treatment, as a result of which all bacteria will die.
  4. Floated to the surface - completely rotten.


You can check the product in this way at home or in the store. Instruction:

  1. Place the product on a flat horizontal surface.
  2. Unroll with your fingers.
  3. The fresher, the faster it will stop moving.
  4. If stored for a long time, then it will spin like a boiled top.

How to test a boiled egg

The finished product is inspected at the cleaning stage. Determination of freshness after boiling:

  1. Fresh. Very difficult to clean. The shell fits snugly to the shell, part of the protein leaves when cleaning.
  2. It has been stored for some time, but is usable. Easy to clean. The shell departs along with the shell, it will be possible to remove it in a few seconds. The protein is not damaged.
  3. Not usable. When cleaning, a slight unpleasant odor spreads. When cut, the presence of mucus or wateriness is detected.
  4. Rancid. When cleaning, a very unpleasant smell spreads.

At the time of buying

It is advisable to check the freshness of products in the store, before purchasing. How to do it:

  1. Pay attention to the marking: the date of demolition is affixed to the shell. If the egg is dietary (marking D), then it is stored for no more than 7 days, the table egg (C) is usable up to 2 weeks.
  2. Hold the egg to your ear and shake. If it is fresh, then no gurgling will be heard, no pushing of the yolk into the fingers will be felt. This method is not perfect, but it will help to weed out a guaranteed rotten product.

How to check the freshness of quail eggs

You can use approximately the same methods as for chicken. Adviсe:

  1. Weigh the egg in the store. The mass of fresh will be 10–14 g. The older the product, the lighter it becomes. If it is not possible to weigh each piece, check the weight of several boxes and choose the heaviest one.
  2. Examine each shell, make sure there are no chips, cracks, or other damage.
  3. Do a water freshness test at home.
  4. Broken quail egg keeps its shape well, does not spread. The yolk is inside the albumen or near, but does not peel off.


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A fried egg, namely a delicious scrambled egg, is an indispensable dish for a nutritious breakfast. Moreover, such a breakfast would be very appropriate on the table of a schoolchild, student or adult. As you can see, scrambled eggs are a dish that is suitable for people. different ages and social status.

Eggs are the source huge amount vitamins and essential human body trace elements, this product is very valuable if consumed in moderate amounts.

In this article, the news portal "site" has collected for you some original ways cooking scrambled eggs. Using our tips, tricks and detailed wizard classes, you can start experiments that will look not only original and unusual, but also delicious.

How to make a round scrambled egg?

Round scrambled eggs recipe

Do you want to make perfectly round fried eggs? One of the options for giving the desired shape to scrambled eggs is to use special forms, which today can be bought at any large supermarket or online store.

But what if there is no special form for frying eggs, but you really want to make the dish beautiful?

Use an onion ring to give the scrambled eggs a perfectly round shape. In addition, the onion ring will not only give the desired shape, but also a great taste.


Take a large round onion and cut it in half. Then cut off the ring from the side where the circumference of the bulb is the largest. Carefully peel off the onion layer to form a ring. Make the ring wide so that the raw egg does not overflow.

Heat up the pan on the stove. When the pan is hot, sprinkle it a small amount vegetable oil. Put the onion ring in the pan. Crack an egg inside the ring.

Fry the egg for a few minutes without moving it. If you like, you can add a pinch of salt for taste.

If you do not like onions, then slices can also be used to cook scrambled eggs. bell pepper. Then the scrambled eggs will look colorful, appetizing and spring-like.

How to make a hot sandwich with scrambled eggs inside?

hot egg sandwich recipe

Many people like to try different recipes. To prepare delicious nutritious breakfast for the whole family, you can use our recipe.

Tired of the usual toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast in the morning? Now it's time to try something new.

The news portal "site" offers you super easy way do delicious sandwiches for breakfast. We bring to your attention a large, nutritious hot sandwich, which includes: eggs, ham or sausage, cheese and even bacon! They are quick and easy to make and most importantly quick!

Required Ingredients:

- bread;
- eggs;
- sausage or ham;
- cheese;
- vegetable oil.


Pour some vegetable oil into a frying pan.
Take a piece of bread and cut out the middle of it (set aside for later use), leaving the edges, and place it on the pan.
Crack an egg into the bread. When the eggs are almost ready, put a piece of ham on top of the egg, then a piece of cheese. Wait for the cheese to melt. Now you can cover the hot sandwich with the bread pulp that you cut out at the very beginning.

Recipe for scrambled eggs in bread:

How to cook scrambled eggs in minced meat?

Recipe for scrambled eggs in minced meat

Having prepared this appetizing dish, you can make it into homemade hamburger toppings.

Cooking method:

Prepare minced meat, salt and pepper it.

Form a small cake out of minced meat and make a hole in it with a glass or a glass. You should get a meat bagel. Place this bagel on hot frying pan, pre-lubricated vegetable oil. Fry the mince a little.

Now inside minced meat pour in the egg and fry. When the egg is ready, turn the meatball over and fry it on the other side.

Place a slice of cheese on top of the meatloaf. When the cheese is melted, the finished dish can be placed inside the hamburger bun.

How to cook blue scrambled eggs?

Blue Egg Recipe:

How to cook scrambled eggs in the shape of a heart?

Recipe for scrambled eggs in heart-shaped sausages

so romantic and nutritious dish can be great breakfast for the other half.

To make a heart-shaped scrambled egg, you will need the following ingredients:

  • eggs,
  • sausages,
  • toothpicks,
  • vegetable oil,
  • salt to taste


Cut the sausage lengthwise into two pieces. Turn the ends of the sausages in opposite directions and secure them together with toothpicks.

Put the sausage hearts in the pan and fry on one side. Turn over and add a raw egg inside each sausage heart.

Add salt to taste. Ready meal garnish with herbs and spices.

Flower shaped scrambled eggs recipe:

Interesting to know:

Any dish can be made more appetizing, healthy and attractive if you use scrambled eggs in its preparation. Arrange any dish: potatoes, soup, porridge, pasta, etc. in portions and break into it raw eggs. Place the plates in the microwave or oven to bake the eggs. Decorate the finished dish with herbs.
