
Dietary salad with Beijing. Recipes and diet on Chinese cabbage

Any losing weight person should have in his daily diet such a wonderful product as Chinese cabbage. She happens to be useful vegetable for balanced functioning of organs digestive tract, and having low calorie, makes it possible to eat enough of it and, at the same time, get rid of extra pounds.

Chinese cabbage can heal various diseases stomach and intestines, able to cope with anemia, headaches and many disorders nervous system. Also, this vegetable is effective product for easy weight loss more info .

The main advantage Chinese cabbage is that it has the ability to increase in volume in the stomach, which leads to rapid satiety, even from small portion. With its nutritional value of fourteen calories per hundred grams of weight, this cabbage is a product with the so-called negative calorie. This means that the body spends several times more energy on its digestion than it receives from it. Therefore, Beijing cabbage can be eaten without restriction, so to speak, to satiety, and all the food eaten will go to the loss of excess kilograms. One can only dream of such a product! http://proetiketka.ru/map441

There are a great many options for losing weight with Chinese cabbage. Consider the 3 most effective http://argar.com/map441 .

3 Chinese cabbage diet options

1. For rapid loss weight - an option designed for one to two weeks: you should eat only boiled lean meat(chicken, beef), and serve salads made from Chinese cabbage as a side dish. As soon as you achieve your goals, you can continue to eat your usual food and only feast on coleslaw for dinner. So, in a week it’s really possible to lose about four unnecessary kilograms.

2. For people who are not able to force themselves to do dietary exploits, a certain diet has been developed. You just need to replace a hearty dinner with Chinese cabbage salad and eat up your fill. And for those who want to speed up the process of losing weight, it is necessary to add Beijing- cabbage salad ik. Well, then, everything will depend on your food preferences. Fans of grunting fatty, sweet, fried foods will lose weight more slowly (up to 0.5 kg.). And if you like light meals, then the rate of weight loss will be accelerated (up to 1 kg per week.).

3. A way for those who want to get rid of hated kilograms forever. Train your body to proper diet nutrition, form the necessary eating habits, which will allow you to eat the same after the completion of the diet. This will contribute to a moderate but sure weight loss from 500 g to 1 kg. An approximate daily menu for this: for breakfast, it is recommended to eat a Chinese cabbage salad with scrambled eggs or porridge, or with two boiled eggs. If you want to eat before dinner, you can have a snack - eat an apple or an orange; for lunch, there is a coleslaw and one serving of soup according to your preferences; an afternoon snack is arranged, if you want to eat, from curd cheese, or from half a pack of cottage cheese, or from one fruit; for dinner, eat cabbage salad with a slice boiled meat(beef, chicken). If you get hungry late at night, you can drink a glass of one percent kefir.

Beijing cabbage does not have a stalk and is not bitter like white cabbage and other types of cabbage, but it is not inferior to them in terms of fiber, minerals and vitamins, it is softer and more convenient to use.

I first got acquainted with Chinese cabbage in the late 90s, when my family and I went on a tour to Prague, in those days we didn’t have such products at all. Standing in front of a vegetable counter in a supermarket, I could not understand what it was, a salad or cabbage, especially since the name was in Czech ... Actually, until the end of the 70s, Beijing cabbage, or, as it is also called , chinese salad, was a rather scarce commodity not only in our country, but throughout Europe and even in America, because it was mainly imported from its homeland - China, where it has been cultivated since about the 6th century. Only relatively recently has it ceased to be a rarity in stores. This is due, first of all, to the breeding of new varieties that allow it to be successfully grown in the conditions of the European climate. The results of the work of breeders are obvious - Beijing cabbage can now be bought in every supermarket at any time of the year.


Why Beijing cabbage is so useful, why it is valued, what is the reason for the dizzying success Chinese cabbage worldwide? First of all, it is worth noting that there is several times more vitamin C in it than in lettuce leaves. A lot of carotene and B vitamins, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. But there are very few calories (16 kcal per 100 g), so it can be safely recommended to supporters healthy eating. Beijing is included in almost all diets for weight loss.

Beijing cabbage is one of the leaders among green vegetables in terms of vitamin C content - 27 mg per 100 g! In addition, it is very important in the diet of heart patients and hypertensive patients due to the presence a large number potassium.


Chinese cabbage leaves are most often used for cooking variety of salads but there are other recipes. For example, they turn out very tasty and delicate. And in Asia, they like to ferment Beijing.

Strictly speaking, Beijing cabbage is somewhere between ordinary white cabbage and salads. Cabbage is harsh for some, salads may not suit everyone with their price (especially in winter!) - this is where Beijing cabbage comes to the rescue. Tender, crispy, it goes well with other vegetables, as well as with poultry, seafood and cheese.


I have collected perhaps the most popular recipes Chinese cabbage salads. Of course, the fillings for them are varied. But since this cabbage is considered Chinese, it does not hurt to know the classic Chinese dressing sauce for it. So, take note: to emphasize the taste of salads with Beijing cabbage, it is wonderful to add soy sauce and a couple of drops to the dressing. apple cider vinegar, and submit ready-made salads best in white or transparent containers. So they look brighter and more appetizing.

I bring to your attention a collection of interesting FROM 20 RECIPES(in texts and photos) that will help diversify your daily and festive menu.

Chinese cabbage salad with apple

very interesting and healthy salad, which can be cooked all year round.

canned corn 250g
chinese cabbage 1 pc
apple 3pcs
salad cucumber 1pc
hard cheese 200g

for refueling:
French mustard 1 tsp
olive oil 1 tbsp
vinegar 1 tbsp
light mayonnaise 5 tbsp

We cut clean leaves of Chinese cabbage into strips, add chopped apples, cucumber, strained corn and finely grated cheese. Let's mix everything.
Mix dressing: combine mustard with vinegar, oil and mayonnaise.
Pour dressing over salad and season to taste.
Leave in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

There are two options for serving: alone, or with a side dish. Cooked rice is great.

Salad with Beijing, squid, walnuts, orange, there is balsamic vinegar in the dressing.

Chinese cabbage salad with crab sticks

A practical recipe for a family dinner.

chinese cabbage 1pc
crab sticks 100gr
2 boiled eggs
cucumber 1pc

Finely chop the Beijing cabbage, cut the cucumber and eggs into cubes, chilled crab sticks into thin slices.
We mix the ingredients in a salad bowl, seasoning with mayonnaise.
Let's add to taste.
As a decoration, put a sprig of any fresh herbs on top.

The dish can be varied by adding canned corn.

Ingredients: Beijing, tomatoes, croutons, shrimp.

Chinese cabbage salad with corn

A salad of common ingredients, simple, juicy, rich in vitamins and very tasty.

Chinese cabbage 1pc
2 boiled eggs
cucumbers 2pcs
corn 150g
green onion
pepper, salt
olive oil 2 tbsp

Peel the eggs and cut into cubes, cucumbers into half rings, chop Chinese cabbage.
Finely chop the green onion.
Mix everything in a suitable bowl, adding corn.
Season with olive oil, season with pepper.
Salt to taste. Easy vitamin salad ready!

A simple salad of 2 types of cabbage and celery, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.

Salad with Chinese cabbage, chicken breast and pineapple

Outstanding in both taste and appearance salad. Easily becomes the main dish on the menu.

chicken breasts 2pcs
olive oil

fresh pineapple

Chinese cabbage 100g
iceberg lettuce 100g
oak leaf lettuce 100g

mayonnaise light 100g
sour cream 50g
Dijon mustard 1 tbsp
fresh dill
Red pepper

Sprinkle the chicken breast with salt and fry in olive oil on both sides until tender. When cool, cut into slices.
Peel the pineapple and also cut into slices.
Mix mayonnaise with mustard, sour cream, finely chopped dill. Let's add red ground pepper and salt to taste. Salad dressing is ready.
We chop the Beijing and the iceberg, tear the oak-leaved lettuce with our hands. Pour dressing over and mix.
Serve in portions: first, put a mixture of salads on a white plate, and on top of the pieces of fried chicken breast and fresh pineapple.
Garnish the edge of the plate with a dash of balsamic vinegar.

Ingredients: cabbage, thinly sliced ​​boiled meat, cucumbers, cheese.

Quick salad with Chinese cabbage and pineapple

Exclusively light salad with a refreshing summer taste, which, moreover, is very quickly prepared.

Chinese cabbage 1 head
pineapple in own juice 1 PC

Chop the Peking and transfer to a salad dish.
Let's add pineapple. If necessary, cut it into smaller pieces.
Season with juice from a jar and mix.
Serve chilled.

This salad tastes great with grilled meats.

Chinese cabbage salad with sausage

An amazingly simple recipe, but the taste, despite this, is on top.

Chinese cabbage 1pc
smoked sausage 200g
green pea 200gr
garlic 1-2 cloves

Cabbage cut or tear by hand into large pieces.
Sausage (preferably smoked or dried) cut into strips thinner.
Let's chop up the greens. Any that is found will do - dill, parsley, green onions.
We put all the ingredients in a suitable bowl, add peas and crush a couple of cloves of garlic with a spadefoot.
It remains only to season the salad with mayonnaise, mix well and, if necessary, add salt to taste. All is ready!

Among the ingredients - smoked fish and red pepper.

Chinese cabbage salad with smoked chicken

Smoked chicken is good on its own, but in combination with Chinese cabbage - just delicious!

chinese cabbage 1/2pc
smoked chicken (breast or drumstick) 200g
tomatoes 2pcs
croutons white 40g
olive oil 2 tbsp
lemon 1/2pc
Dijon or French mustard 1 tsp

Let's start preparing the Beijing salad by preparing the ingredients.
Coarsely chop the cabbage.
Cut the chicken breast or leg into oblong pieces.
Cut the tomatoes into cubes. You need to choose strong ones for the salad, and if possible, it is even better to buy cherry tomatoes, it is enough to cut them in half.
Mix the ingredients in a suitable bowl. The base for the salad is ready, without loss of quality it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.
Now it's the turn of the salad dressing: with a fork or a whisk, beat the mustard with olive oil and juice from half a lemon.
It remains only to add dressing to the base, mix and salt.
We add croutons to the dish just before serving, so that they do not become damp ahead of time.

refill based olive oil can be replaced regular mayonnaise or its mixture with sour cream. great salad With smoked chicken and crackers ready!

Ingredients: Beijing cabbage, chicken fillet, tangerines

Salad with Chinese cabbage and pepper

This light, vitamin-rich salad is very popular in the homeland of Beijing cabbage - in China.

chinese cabbage 1/2pc
Bell pepper 2 pcs
apples 2pcs
olive oil 3 tbsp
Apple vinegar
spices, salt

We chop Chinese cabbage, sweet pepper and hard, juicy apples, cut into strips.
From oil and apple cider vinegar, by mixing them, we will make a salad dressing.
Mix all the components of the salad, adding the filling.
Spices, exactly like salt, are added according to your own taste and desire.

Beijing, chicken fillet, quail eggs, persimmon, dressed with balsamic and french mustard.

Salad of salmon and Chinese cabbage

Amazing salad for holiday table usually ends first...

chilled salmon 2 steaks
chinese cabbage 1/2pc
pitted olives 100g
tomatoes 1-2pcs
1 white or red onion
little olive
lemon 1/2pc
salt pepper
Provencal herbs or oregano

Fry salmon steaks in a pan with a small amount vegetable oil until cooked, but not overdrying, remove the bones and cut into small slices.
Cut the olives into rings, onions into half rings, dice the tomatoes, and coarsely chop the cabbage.
Mix fish and vegetables.
Now dressing: squeeze the juice of half a lemon into olive oil, add Provence herbs or oregano.
Add the dressing to the mixture of salmon and vegetables. Salt and add pepper to your taste.

Optional salad dressing You can make it spicier by adding a little soy sauce.

Serve on wide dish, decorating the rim with balsamic vinegar.

Chinese cabbage salad with squid

squid (canned) 200g
Chinese cabbage 200g
salad cucumber 2pcs
tomato 2pcs
half a lemon for juice
olive oil 2-3 tbsp

We cut the initial products: tomatoes into cubes, cucumbers into half rings, finely chop the Beijing.
We combine everything by adding chopped dill and pieces of squid.
Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with olive oil - the filling is ready, we will season our salad with it.
If necessary, we will add.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and avocado

Chinese cabbage 200g
avocado 1pc
apple 1pc
olive oil 2 tbsp
lemon juice 1-2 tbsp
white salad onion 1pc

Cut Chinese cabbage into thin strips.
Peel the avocado and cut the flesh into small pieces. Sprinkle with lemon juice immediately to prevent browning.
Onion cut into half rings.
Strong juicy apple(preferably with sourness) cut into small strips.
Mix everything, season with oil and the remaining lemon juice.

Serve on a platter lined with lettuce leaves.

As you can see, Chinese cabbage goes well with the most different products. For me, she is like a philosopher's stone for an alchemist, any recipe with her participation turns into cooking masterpiece. I love! Having shown a little imagination and using the recipes presented here, you can easily come up with something of your own, and make a hundred new salads from ten of your favorite salads, just changing the ingredients a little.

Beijing cabbage is wonderful for those who are on a diet. This product, which has no contraindications, is not only very useful, but also tasty. It crunches pleasantly and combines with almost all possible ingredients in dishes, acting as the main and decorating ingredient. Today we will consider that are suitable for those who follow the figure. You will also learn how to cut Chinese cabbage for salad and how to reduce the calorie content of Chinese cabbage salad.

IN this recipe such useful product, like ginger, you need to pickle. It will bring new shades and certain benefits to the body. The main thing in this is a sense of proportion so that ginger does not interrupt other tastes.

For the recipe for Chinese cabbage salad you need:

  • 1 chicken fillet;
  • 5 cherry tomatoes;
  • 1 small head of onion;
  • 0.5 avocado;
  • 10 olives or green olives;
  • 8 grams of pickled ginger;
  • Spices;
  • 0.5 head of Beijing cabbage;
  • A pinch of sesame;
  • 7 ml soy sauce;
  • 30 ml sunflower oil.

Diet Chinese cabbage salad:

  1. Remove the husk from the onion and chop it into thin half rings.
  2. Wash cherry tomatoes, remove stem. Cut into 4 parts.
  3. Inspect the chicken meat for the presence of veins and films, remove them. Put to boil for 30 minutes, add bay leaf and salt. Then cool and cut into sticks.
  4. Remove the skin from the avocado and remove the pit. Then cut into cubes.
  5. Olives cut into 4 pieces or cut into slices.
  6. Rinse cabbage leaves, dry paper towels. Tear with your hands into pieces that are convenient in size or use a knife.
  7. Chop pickled ginger into strips.
  8. Mix the salad, season it with soy sauce and sunflower oil, add your favorite spices.
  9. Sprinkle top with sesame seeds before serving.

Tip: olives and olives are better to choose with a stone. It is believed that they better preserve their beneficial features during conservation.
It is also better to put the chicken fillet in already boiling water with spices and leave to cool in the broth. So the meat will retain its juiciness, the taste of spices, and there is no risk that it will weather.

Beijing cabbage salad - recipe with crabs

Seafood has a beneficial effect on our body, and they must be present in every diet and in any other. balanced diet whether they are athletes or children. Indeed, in the seafood there are irreplaceable substances that almost all organs of our body need so much. And yes, it's damn delicious! So prepare without hesitation!

List of ingredients:

  • 330 grams of crab meat;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 small turnip;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • 0.5 head of Beijing cabbage;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • lettuce and other greens;
  • 100g fat-free yogurt without additives;
  • 30 ml of vinegar;
  • 120 grams of green beans;
  • 15 ml sunflower oil.

Salad with Beijing cabbage without mayonnaise:

  1. Crabs need to be cooked. To do this, before cooking, they need to be cut. First you need to separate the claws, then open the shell with a knife and remove the meat. Remove all unnecessary innards and mucus. Claws also cut and pull out the meat. Then take water into a saucepan and let it boil, adding a bay leaf, black peppercorns, cloves, 1/4 of a lemon and salt. It is better to use the sea. Cooking takes 15 minutes from the moment of boiling. Pull out and chill.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and remove the stem. Then cut into several slices.
  3. Wash the cucumber and check for bitterness. If it is, use only the pulp, which must be cut into cubes.
  4. Peel carrots and turnips, rinse and grate coarsely.
  5. Rinse cabbage leaves and dry with paper towels. Tear with your hands into bite-sized pieces.
  6. Wash the string beans and cut into several pieces.
  7. Rinse lettuce and greens and chop finely.
  8. In a separate container, mix vinegar and sunflower oil, pour in yogurt or kefir with 0% fat.
  9. Prepare a salad presentation dish.
  10. Mix vegetables and put around, put crab meat in the center.
  11. Before serving, pour everything with white sauce, add greens for decoration.

Tip: If you are simmering the crabs whole, they should be on their backs when they cool to retain the juices. Sunflower oil easily replaceable by others. Linen or corn oil less calorie, but carry not less good than olive.

Chinese cabbage salad with French mustard

The apple is rich in iron, which is an important element for our health. In addition, it is very juicy and gives the whole dish freshness and pleasant aroma so reminiscent of sunny days even in winter.

List of ingredients:

  • 1 head of Beijing cabbage;
  • 3 sweet and sour green apples;
  • 1 small can of canned corn;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 220 grams of hard cheese;
  • Spices;
  • 7 grams of mustard (you can take Dijon);
  • 8 ml of olive oil;
  • 8 ml of table vinegar;
  • 60 ml low-fat sour cream.

Chinese cabbage diet salad:

  1. Divide the cabbage into leaves, rinse them and dry them with paper towels. Cut into wide strips.
  2. Wash the apples, remove the core. Cut into small strips.
  3. Wash the cucumber, check for bitterness. If there is, cut off the peel and use only the pulp. Chop into straws.
  4. Open the can of corn and drain the liquid.
  5. In a separate bowl, combine sour cream, vinegar, olive oil and mustard. Season with salt and dried basil.
  6. Grind the cheese with a grater with large cells.
  7. Mix all the ingredients, pour them with white sauce.
  8. If desired, you can add greens to the salad.

Advice: canned corn easy to replace fresh. First you need to boil the head and separate the grains. This option will be more useful and tasty. Also, of all the greens, it is best to pay attention to parsley: it, like no other, promotes weight loss and contains minimal amount calories.

Diet Chinese cabbage salad - recipes with duck

Duck is considered more succulent than chicken if properly cooked. Besides, she has her interesting taste, so what is it great way stay on a balanced diet and at the same time diversify your diet. A with unusual sauce she is licking your fingers!

List of ingredients:

  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 1 duck fillet;
  • 0.5 head of Beijing cabbage;
  • 100 grams of fat-free yogurt;
  • Lettuce leaves (this can be an iceberg, lollo rosso, and so on);
  • I harvest walnuts;
  • A bunch of dill;
  • Olive oil;
  • 90 grams of celery;
  • 1 large apple.

Chinese cabbage salad without mayonnaise:

  1. Wash and finely grate the cucumber, mix with yogurt. Rinse the dill with water and finely chop, add to the previous ingredients and mix everything. This sauce is called "tzatziki".
  2. Separate the Beijing cabbage into leaves, wash them and cut into wide strips.
  3. Inspect the duck fillet for the presence of a film and extra veins, remove them. Cut into cubes and fry in olive oil, adding spices as desired. When almost done, wrap in foil to keep the heat in and spread evenly.
  4. Wash the celery and cut into rings.
  5. Wash the apple and remove the core. Cut not large.
  6. Rinse lettuce leaves and tear into large pieces with your hands.
  7. Dry the nuts a little in the oven or in a dry frying pan, then cut into thin slices.
  8. Prepare the dish, and put the lettuce leaves and Beijing cabbage in the first layer on the bottom.
  9. Mix apple, duck, celery and nuts together with tzatziki sauce.

Tip: duck fillet can be baked with olives. To do this, you just need to cut the fillet into pieces, make cuts in them and put chopped olives inside. Then wrap in foil and bake. So you get a completely different taste of the dish, and all the beneficial properties are better preserved. You can drizzle some olive oil on top.

Dietary salads with Chinese cabbage and peas

Fresh green peas include much more benefit than canned. If you know the measure, it can be great to help transfer any diet. And even children know about the benefits of broccoli. Green boom on the plate in this recipe is guaranteed!

List of ingredients:

  • 160 grams of green peas;
  • 60 ml of olive oil;
  • 1 head of cauliflower;
  • 8 grams fresh root ginger;
  • 0.5 head of Beijing cabbage;
  • A pinch of sesame;
  • 45 ml soy sauce;
  • 1 large chicken fillet;
  • 9 cherry tomatoes;
  • Greenery.

Chinese cabbage salad dietary:

  1. Examine the chicken fillet for the presence of excess veins and films, remove them. Cut the meat into several pieces and marinate for 1 hour. To do this, put the pieces in olive oil, soy sauce, sesame. Add salt and sugar to taste. Peel and grate the ginger, add to the marinade.
  2. Boil green peas in water with salt.
  3. Peking cabbage disassemble into leaves, rinse them, cut into wide strips.
  4. Wash the cauliflower, divide into small florets and fry, adding a little olive oil and your favorite spices.
  5. Wash cherry tomatoes, dry with paper towels, cut into 4 parts, removing the stalk.
  6. Fry the marinated fillet in olive oil and cut into convenient small sticks.
  7. Rinse greens under running water and finely chop.
  8. Mix all ingredients. Drizzle with a few drops of olive oil.

Tip: on top of the salad, you can add fried pumpkin seeds, but do not get carried away with them, as they energy value high enough.

It is impossible to get better from Beijing cabbage, but improving your health is easy! She will feed and take care of the work of the whole organism. So if you're on a diet, don't be afraid to use mayonnaise-free salads with Chinese cabbage to your advantage. Bon appetit!

Diet salad with Beijing cabbage and tomatoes is perfect for a snack, not only for ladies who want to lose weight excess weight but also to everyone else. Salad is rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system. For a full-fledged afternoon snack, it is slightly poor, especially if the goal is not to lose weight. Therefore, it can be served before dinner. For people who are actively dieting, this salad Perfect as an evening snack.

Look also, simple, tasty and healthy, dietary.


  • Beijing cabbage 200 g;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • any greens;
  • olive oil.

At present diet salad salt is deliberately not added because it delays excess water and this contributes to weight gain.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the cabbage and put in a bowl. Use sharp knife, so the juice is not squeezed out, the cabbage should be juicy and crispy.

Cut the tomatoes and send them there too. Again, try to save all the juice.

Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and serve.

Our diet salad with cabbage and tomatoes is ready, help yourself, bon appetit!
