
Diet cupcakes in silicone molds. cottage cheese cupcakes with raisins

Diet muffins recipes for weight loss are easy to prepare in the oven or microwave.

Say the magic "crex, fex, pex" -

And it will benefit you diet cupcake

Everyone knows the taste of a cupcake, this one. It would seem that he just held a tiny cupcake in his hand - and suddenly it disappeared. Just like in a cartoon winnie the pooh: "Honey - if there is, then it is immediately gone!" So it is with the cupcake - it is very tasty. But the calories in it are through the roof!

What about those who are on a diet in this case? After all, one has only to eat one ma-a-scarlet cupcake, as it will immediately be followed by the second, and then the third - and ... the cupcake absorption conveyor has started working! And then repentance, torment and ashes on the head ... There is something to shed tears from.

But it is not all that bad. It turns out that the world is not without good people, and they came up with many recipes for the same delicious, but low-calorie cupcakes. Let's make them happen soon!

Diet oatmeal cake


  • One glass to start oatmeal fill with water so that it covers the flakes completely, and set to swell for half an hour. Grind another glass of cereal with a blender into flour. 50 g prunes cut into small pieces. This completes the preparatory part.
  • We break two eggs into a bowl, beat them with a blender into foam, pour half a teaspoon of salt, a half teaspoon of soda, a half teaspoon of vanilla sugar and pour half a glass to them fat-free kefir. Beat everything again, add prunes, swollen oatmeal along with the rest of the water, half a glass of finely chopped nuts, whichever you like, to the bowl and mix thoroughly.
  • Continuing to stir, pour out the oatmeal and knead the dough. It turned out a little watery mass - this is normal. Baking molds need to be lubricated vegetable oil and lightly sprinkle with oatmeal or semolina.
  • We lay out the dough in forms and send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 20-30 minutes - it all depends on the size of the molds: the smaller they are, the faster they bake. But still better process control both visually and with a wooden stick, piercing the cupcake with it: if the stick is easily removed and clean, then the cupcakes are ready, if the dough sticks to the stick, you should still hold it in the oven.
  • Ready cupcakes remove from molds and sprinkle on top powdered sugar. Let them cool and eat without fear - if they bring you calories, then this is not critical.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 9.86; fats - 16.32; carbohydrates - 30.36; calorie content - 296.36.

How to cook oatmeal diet cake: video

Banana cottage cheese diet muffins recipes without flour and sugar


  • One banana is peeled and cut into pieces in a blender. Pour five teaspoons of cottage cheese to them, break the egg and mix into a homogeneous mass. Then add one teaspoon to them. oat flour and fiber (or bran), as well as three teaspoons of finely chopped nuts and raisins. Whip it all up again and put it in the molds.
  • Bake in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes (make sure that the muffins do not burn). After that, we take out the finished cupcakes from the molds and let them cool. It should be noted that they are good both warm and cold.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 7.49; fats - 8.03; carbohydrates - 17.57; calorie content - 170.75.

Video Diet cupcakes recipes without flour and sugar:

Fitness cupcakes without butter, sugar and flour

In fact, here we present two different composition cupcake, but on one technology.

First it will be a cupcake called Nut Boom.

  • Grind 20 g of almonds and 10 g of cashews into flour in a blender, then add one egg, two teaspoons of milk, one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of baking powder to them and beat into a homogeneous mass.
  • Pour the resulting mass into a small ceramic mug.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 12.05; fats - 21.16; carbohydrates - 13.39; calorie content - 292.21.

In another ceramic mug we will prepare a chocolate cake.

  • Pour into it one tablespoon of oatmeal, one teaspoon of cocoa and half a teaspoon of baking powder.
  • Cut half a banana and three teaspoons of bitter dark chocolate and pour them into a mug as well. Add two teaspoons of milk and break one egg. We mix into a homogeneous mass.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 7.89; fats - 9.87; carbohydrates - 21.06; calorie content - 204.56.

We send the mugs to the microwave for three minutes. See what happened. Cupcakes can be poured with yogurt.

How to make a cake without flour and sugar: video recipes

Diet cupcakes recipes in the microwave

And this cupcake is cooked in the microwave, so adherents of new technologies will be happy with this recipe.


  • Pour six tablespoons of oatmeal into a bowl, pour six tablespoons of milk into them, break two eggs, add four teaspoons of cocoa, three teaspoons of honey, 2/3 teaspoons of baking powder and beat everything well with a whisk (or a blender if you are too lazy to work hands).
  • The resulting mass is poured into plastic molds (for how long is enough). Put in the microwave for three minutes. After we take out the molds from the microwave, turn them over, taking out cupcakes that can be poured with hot chocolate (well, this is not for everybody).

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 9.55; fats - 7.52; carbohydrates - 24.57; calorie content - 200.22.

How to cook a cupcake in the microwave: video recipe

Diet cupcakes recipes with cottage cheese

Another recipe for cottage cheese cake - try cooking.

We place two yolks in a bowl, add one tablespoon of honey to them and lightly grind with a spoon. Add 50 ml of milk and continue to stir. Pour a quarter teaspoon of vanillin, 250 g of fat-free cottage cheese, 50 g of raisins and two tablespoons of cornmeal - mix everything again.

Add two beaten proteins to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly again. We lay out in molds and send to the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for 30-40 minutes.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 11.54; fats - 2.76; carbohydrates - 17.33; calorie content - 141.03.

Low-calorie cottage cheese cake: a step-by-step recipe with video

Carrot Diet Cupcakes - Overeating


  • Sift 150 g of flour into a bowl, add one teaspoon of cinnamon and soda, mix and set aside. Break two eggs into another bowl and beat with a blender at maximum speed. In the process of whipping, add 100 g of sugar and gradually pour in 100 g of sunflower oil. Beat 5 minutes.
  • When the mixture has increased in volume, pour in the flour that was previously set aside. Stir at low speed, then add 225 g of grated coarse grater carrots and 60 g chopped walnuts and mix again until smooth.
  • Next, spread the resulting mass into molds and send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 15-20 minutes. Check the readiness of cupcakes with wooden skewer. It is necessary to pierce the cupcake with a skewer and remove it - if the skewer is dry, then the cupcakes are ready, otherwise you need to keep them in the oven longer. Sprinkle finished cupcakes with powdered sugar.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 5.13; fats - 2.36; carbohydrates - 38.73; calorie content - 194.37.

Carrot Cupcakes: Video Recipe

Diet cottage cheese muffins with zucchini

And as always, we have prepared an unusual cupcake recipe for you.

  • We rub one small zucchini on a fine grater (if the zucchini is young, then it is possible with peel and seeds) and place it in a strainer so that excess liquid is glassed. Put 200 g of cottage cheese in a bowl, break three eggs and beat with a blender. Add to mass grated zucchini and mix with a spoon. Finely chop 50 g of dill and pour into the resulting mass.
  • Add one teaspoon of soda and salt and mix everything thoroughly again. Pour 50 g of corn flour and knead the dough, then cover it with a towel and leave it to “rest” for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. We spread the dough into molds and send it to the oven for 25-30 minutes. Ready-made cupcakes are freed from molds cooled down.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins - 4.38; fats - 2.69; carbohydrates - 6.01; calorie content - 67.27.

Video: Diet cupcakes recipes with cottage cheese and zucchini

Beloved husband, looking at me, slowly says: “So fat and so cool!” I had a momentary stupor, and then I realized what it was about smoked fish that you ate. Poor - but he could die the death of the brave.

love sweet pastries? But do not use it, because you are afraid to spoil the figure? Then this amazing recipe is for you. Prepare diet curds with oatmeal, and do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating delicious. With a freshly brewed cup of coffee or tea, this dessert is a great start to the day!
The base of the dough is made from cottage cheese and whole oatmeal. You can use cottage cheese of any fat content - if you are not afraid to spoil your figure, then take homemade, for a less high-calorie dessert - fat-free. oatmeal in this recipe are used whole and completely replace wheat flour. However, they can be crushed with a blender if desired, or replaced with oatmeal. As natural flavor and flavor enhancer, at the kneading stage, almost any additives can be added to the dough. For example, sweet and sour or dried cranberries are suitable, they will add pleasant sour notes to baking. In the absence of such products, it is permissible to use dried berries and favorite spices nutmeg, cinnamon, vanillin). Cupcakes are baked depending on the individual culinary plan - in several small or one great shape. The amount of dough according to the indicated recipe is designed for 9-10 portioned medium-sized cupcakes.
It turns out baking is soft, juicy, tender, fragrant and literally melts in your mouth. The creamy-curd flavor is maximally preserved in cupcakes, and they are much tastier, and most importantly more useful than analogues. industrial production. Freshness home baking after cooking, it is stored for several days. But you need to keep it in a food box under a tightly closed lid.

Diet curd oatmeal muffins (without flour) in silicone molds, recipe with step by step photo


Cottage cheese - 300 gr
Oat flakes - 150 gr
Egg - 1 piece
- 50 grams (can be replaced with vegetable, then the muffins will be more dietary)
Sugar - to taste
Salt - a pinch
Table baking soda - 1 level teaspoon

Let's start cooking delicious, homemade, cottage cheese cupcakes in small silicone molds.

1. Pour oatmeal, sugar, salt, soda into the dough mixing container and mix the bulk ingredients. For more good baking, sugar can be replaced with honey or your favorite jam.

2. Add cottage cheese, butter and break an egg.
Cottage cheese can be beaten with a blender or rubbed through a sieve, then the muffins will have a more uniform smooth structure.

I prefer to feel curd lumps in baking, so I don’t do this.

Butter must be room temperature so take it out of the refrigerator beforehand.

3. Thoroughly knead the dough with a tablespoon. Its consistency should be of medium density.

1. oatmeal cupcake on kefir


  • Ground oatmeal 1 tbsp.
  • Fat-free kefir 0.5 cup
  • Whole oatmeal 1 tbsp.
  • Prunes 80 g
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs.
  • Baking powder 2 tsp
  • Salt, stevia


  1. Oatmeal 115 g pour 1/2 cup boiling water.
  2. Grind the second half of oatmeal (115 g) in a blender or coffee grinder and mix with kefir.
  3. Then combine both parts, add eggs, baking powder and stevia, mix well.
  4. Add prunes, mix gently.
  5. Put the resulting mass on a baking sheet, greased with oil. Bake 50-60 minutes until done.

2. carrot cake with cinnamon, very tasty dessert


  • 250 gr carrots
  • 4 tbsp oat bran(grind or buy small)
  • 3 eggs
  • sweetener to taste
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • zest of one lemon
  • raisins - optional


Preheat oven to 180 gr. Separate the yolks from the proteins, mix the yolks and sweetener, cinnamon, bran, baking powder, grated carrots and lemon zest. Grate the carrots fine grater. Whip egg whites into thick foam(important) and add to the yolks, you should get a liquid mixture. Pour the mixture into the mold and bake for 45 minutes (or until done). Cut in half, brush with yogurt with sweetener and let stand for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. It is better to eat cold.

3. PP cake with pears and nuts


  • Whole grain flour 150 g
  • Egg 3 pcs.
  • Fat-free kefir 100 g
  • Pear 2 pcs.
  • Walnuts 30 g
  • Baking powder 1 tsp.
  • Orange peel, turmeric, cinnamon - 1 tsp each.
  • Stevia to taste


Grind nuts, mix with flour. Add stevia, baking powder, zest, turmeric and cinnamon. Peel one pear, grate it and add to the flour mixture. Break 3 eggs there, add kefir.
Peel the second pear, cut into slices, put on the bottom of a silicone mold. If there is no silicone, then the form must be lubricated a small amount oils. Put the chopped pear on the bottom of the form, pour the dough. Bake the pear cake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick: stick it in the center of the cake, if it comes out dry, then the cake is ready. Cool cake, remove from mold.

4. Chocolate Oatmeal Cake


  • 1 egg
  • 3 table. tablespoons oat bran (or oatmeal)
  • 1 dec. a spoonful of fiber (you can also replace it with bran)
  • 3 table spoons of milk
  • 1 teaspoon a spoonful of natural cocoa
  • Baking powder
  • Sugar substitute (Stevia)
  • Cinnamon

Impregnation, cream, decoration:

  • 1 natural yogurt
  • stevia
  • Cherries / strawberries / blueberries / blueberries (cherries can be frozen, fresh strawberries are better)
  • Juice of 1/2 or 1 orange


Beat the egg very well in a cup and add everything else, mix thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes to swell the oatmeal. Before baking, stir again and put the cup in the microwave for 3.5 minutes. Take out, cool a little and cut into 4 shortcakes, soak each with juice (you can use it abundantly) and start folding the cake: spread the shortcake with yogurt with stevia, put berries on it, the next shortcake on top, and so on. Coat the sides with flowing yogurt. Put in the refrigerator overnight.

5. Healthy cupcake with banana and cranberries


  • 2 eggs
  • 1.5 ripe/overripe banana
  • 80 g cranberries
  • 150 g ground oatmeal
  • 50 g whole grain flour
  • 3/4 tsp baking soda slaked with vinegar or lemon juice
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • olive oil


Beat eggs with a whisk, add mashed bananas, add flour, cereal, cinnamon, mix well. Add soda, stir, then drop olive oil Add cranberries last and stir gently. We cook for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

6. Italian cottage cheese cake with cornmeal


  • Curd 250 g
  • Corn flour 180 g
  • Wheat flour 80 g
  • Sweetener to taste
  • Baking powder 1 teaspoon
  • Chicken egg 3 pieces
  • Lemons 1 piece
  • Oranges 1 piece
  • Salt to taste
  • Powdered sugar to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  3. In a citrus juicer, squeeze the juice of lemon and orange, if there is no juicer, squeeze the juice and separate the zest from the pulp.
  4. Finely grate the zest and add to the cottage cheese along with the sweetener. Mix.
  5. Add lemon and orange juice to the dough. Mix.
  6. Beat in one egg at a time, mixing thoroughly after each call.
  7. Add cornmeal. Mix.
  8. Separately sift wheat flour, mix it with baking powder and salt, mix and add to the dough. Mix the dough until uniform consistency.
  9. Transfer the dough into a mold, oiled and lightly floured, with a diameter of 20 cm, if there is no round shape, into any other, but the layer should not be too thick (I have about 5 cm).
  10. Bake for 40 minutes until golden brown. More hot cupcake sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Bon appetit!

Greetings! Today I want to offer you a diet cottage cheese cake!

The word "dietary" is associated with many tasteless food. I will share several dessert recipes that will help not only reduce weight, but also enjoy it all. palatability. These diet muffins can be served both for dinner, and just for tea or for breakfast. They turn out to be quite satisfying, incredibly tasty, and, importantly, dietary.

Diet cottage cheese muffins in silicone molds


  • Egg: 1 pc.
  • Oatmeal: 2 tbsp.
  • Fat-free cottage cheese: 220 gr.
  • Sugar substitute: 1g.
  • Baking Powder: 0.3 tsp


  1. Take cottage cheese and add one egg.
  2. Then mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Add baking powder, sugar substitute and oatmeal to this mass.
  4. Choose a natural sugar substitute or stevia.
  5. If you do not like sweet cupcakes, then you can do without it.
  6. And again mix everything well.
  7. And so, we got it diet dough
  8. We put it in our silicone molds.
  9. If these are not available, then others can be used.
  10. But don't forget to oil them first.
  11. We send our diet cupcakes to a preheated oven.
  12. Bake at 170 degrees for 20 minutes until golden brown.

You can serve diet cottage cheese muffins both cold and warm. You can also decorate them and then they will get holiday look.

Cottage cheese and oatmeal muffins


  • Egg: 1 pc.
  • Oatmeal: 150 gr.
  • Cottage cheese: 300 gr.
  • Sugar: to taste
  • Vegetable oil: 50 gr.
  • Salt: a pinch
  • Baking soda: 1 tsp


  1. In the container where we will knead the dough, pour all our dry ingredients. We mix. Secret: in order for the cake to be more dietary, add honey instead of sugar.
  2. Add cottage cheese, vegetable oil and an egg. Secret: if the cottage cheese is beaten with a blender or passed through a sieve, the muffins will turn out to be more uniform and smooth.
  3. Mix the resulting mass very thoroughly.
  4. The consistency should be thicker than liquid.
  5. Use any baking dish.
  6. If using metal ones, grease with oil so that they do not burn.
  7. Silicone or paper do not need to be lubricated.
  8. We spread the dough in forms on 2/3 parts.
  9. Preheat the oven in advance and send the forms to bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
  10. Don't take the finished cupcakes out of the molds as they can break.

Decorate your diet cupcakes however you like. It can be powdered sugar, melted chocolate or icing.

Bon appetit!

Diet cottage cheese cake in a slow cooker


  • Egg: 3 pcs.
  • Oat flour: 2 tbsp.
  • Fat-free cottage cheese: 200 gr.
  • Sugar substitute: 200 gr.
  • Baking powder: 1 tsp.
  • Butter: 150 gr.
  • Fat-free sour cream: 2 tbsp. l.
  • cocoa powder


  1. icing sugar: for decoration Melt some butter. Take a deep dish, and as soon as the oil becomes liquid, pour it over.
  2. After, gradually add the sugar substitute and beat all the ingredients thoroughly with a mixer.
  3. After everything is beaten, add sour cream and chicken eggs.
  4. And beat well again. Approximately 2 minutes.
  5. Next, put the cottage cheese and beat the ingredients again until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  6. In a separate bowl, mix the baking powder with oatmeal.
  7. Then add the dry ingredients to the liquid in the bowl.
  8. Take a mixer and beat for about three minutes until the dough is thick and heavy. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil or sprinkle the bottom and walls with oatmeal.
  9. We send the prepared dough into the bowl.
  10. We cook in the “baking” mode for 1 hour 50 minutes.
  11. As soon as the cake is ready, take your time to get it out of the bowl. Let it cool, as it may fall apart.
  12. Sprinkle our cupcake with powdered sugar or cocoa. You can also decorate it however you like.

Cupcake is ready!

Diet cottage cheese cake in the microwave


  • Flour - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar (it is better to take a substitute) - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Skimmed milk - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Fat-free cottage cheese - 200 grams
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Dough baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Vanillin - 1 pinch


  1. Lubricate the form in which we will bake the cake with vegetable oil.
  2. The shape must be specifically for the microwave!
  3. In the same bowl we put cottage cheese, drive in a chicken egg, sugar or a substitute and beat it all.
  4. Pour milk, vegetable or sunflower oil, cocoa, flour (it is better to use oatmeal), vanillin and baking powder.
  5. We mix thoroughly.
  6. You can add raisins or nuts.
  7. We send the dishes to the microwave and set the power to 700-800 for 3-5 minutes.
  8. If you wish, you can cut it open and soak it in icing, jam or honey. Adults and even children will like the cupcake, despite the fact that it is dietary.

Here is the cake ready! Fast, healthy and very tasty!

Diet curd-banana muffins


  • 2 cups oatmeal
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 large eggs
  • 200 ml low-fat yogurt
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • 10 gr. bitter chocolate

These diet curd muffins are very tender. Your family and friends will be crazy about them! Let's start cooking delicious banana muffins. After all, in order to look slim and delight others, you should not starve.

Regular muffins have about 370 calories per 100 grams. Of course, in dietary recipes through the use of the right ingredients and natural sweeteners, the calorie content of muffins is significantly reduced.

There are several simple, but at the same time effective ways reduce the calorie content of muffins and make them dietary:

  1. Swap wheat flour for whole wheat flour. This flour contains much more fiber which promotes weight loss and improves bowel function.
  2. Instead of flour, you can use any bran. It is best to use several types of bran in the recipe, so the taste of the dough will be softer.
  3. Instead of sugar, opt for natural sweeteners. It is good to use agave or Jerusalem artichoke syrup, stevia.
  4. To increase the protein content of muffins, add protein isolate.

Chicken PP diet muffins

One of the most best recipes pp muffins is a recipe with chicken. Such a dish can be safely included in your diet for weight loss, even if you adhere to strict diet. Also, this recipe fits perfectly into the protein diet menu, due to great content squirrel.

  • 500 grams chicken fillet. Please note that you need to take this part of the chicken, which is the lowest calorie and lean. In 100 grams of fillet, there are only 113 calories, while in other parts of the chicken, the calorie content is much higher.
  • 1 medium onion
  • 5 tablespoons of oat bran. You can use oat and wheat bran.
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 100 ml low fat milk. IN this case We will use 1.5% fat milk.
  • Salt and pepper to taste. You can add other favorite spices if you like.

Chicken meat cut in small pieces and grind in a blender along with onion and egg. You should get a homogeneous thick mass. Now let's take a look at the bran. Fill them with water and let them swell. On average, this takes 10-15 minutes. Then we mix the bran with our diet minced meat, salt, pepper.

For baking pp muffins with chicken, we will use silicone molds. We carefully lay out our mass in molds and send it to the oven.

How many calories are in a muffin? In one such muffin there will be approximately 105-110 calories, and the protein in one muffin will be about 17 grams!

Diet cottage cheese muffins

Another popular recipe muffins can be made with cottage cheese. This product is a frequent guest on diet table, and all because cottage cheese is rich in protein and contains few calories. Often, low-fat cottage cheese is used in recipes - 0-2% fat.

  • 300 grams of fat-free cottage cheese. Be sure to choose dry cottage cheese so that the dough comes out tight.
  • 2 eggs
  • Any sugar substitute to taste.
  • 2 tablespoons of oat bran. In this recipe, you do not need to pre-soak them in water.
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • Cinnamon and vanilla.

Just mix all the ingredients and knead the dough. Ideally, it should resemble cheesecake dough. cook in silicone molds, in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for 20 minutes. How many calories are in a muffin? The calorie content of one muffin will be only about 77 calories!

Banana muffins: pp recipe

If you want sweets on a diet, you can always treat yourself to delicious and dietary banana muffins.

  • 60 grams rice flour. This flour is considered hypoallergenic, moreover, it contains protein, which is rich in amino acids.
  • 2 proteins and 1 yolk
  • 1 ripe medium banana
  • 90 grams of baby applesauce. Choose a puree that does not contain sugar.
  • 60 grams of protein. This will enrich our muffins with protein.
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • Sweetener to taste

We mix all the ingredients and pour the resulting mass into silicone molds. You will have 6 medium cupcakes. Muffins should be cooked for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. The muffin has 103 calories.

PP oatmeal muffins

You can also make pp muffins from oatmeal. This flour retains all its beneficial features during processing, and therefore is indispensable in cooking.

  • 100 grams of oatmeal
  • 200 grams of kefir. Use low-fat kefir.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

First you need to separate the whites from the yolks. Separately, beat egg whites until stiff white peaks. Combine the yolks with flour and kefir, mix, add the baking powder. Then gently fold in the egg whites into the mixture. Bake pp muffins for 25 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Oatmeal muffins have only 145 calories per 100 grams!

Diet chocolate muffins

Cooking chocolate pp muffins is also not difficult.

  • 60 grams of oatmeal
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa. choose natural cocoa no added sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • Any sweetener of your choice.

We mix all the ingredients for the pp muffin and bake in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

These ingredients will make 4 fluffy muffins. How many calories are in a muffin? Only 87 calories in one, you can safely treat yourself to dessert.

PP carrot muffins recipe

Love carrots? Then pp carrot muffins will fit perfectly into your diet.

  • 100 grams of carrots. Beforehand, carrots need to be chopped on a fine grater.
  • 80 grams wheat flour. Use whole grain flour, so you add more fiber to your muffins.
  • 60 grams of natural yogurt.
  • 1 egg
  • pinch of soda
  • Any sweetener of your choice

Mix carrots with yogurt, egg and soda. You can beat the mixture in a blender, then it will be more homogeneous. Add sweetener to taste. Now combine the resulting mass with flour and knead. Bake PP muffins for only 12 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. You will have 6 muffins. The muffin has only 65 calories!

PP muffin in a mug in the microwave

Don't have time but want something sweet? You can always make a pp muffin in the microwave in minutes. This version of the pp muffin is ideal for tasty and dietary breakfasts when there is no time for baking.

  • 3 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 1 egg
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa.
  • Sweetener to taste
  • 3 tablespoons of any non-fat milk. You can replace milk with natural yogurt or kefir.
  • Soda slaked with vinegar- 2/3 teaspoon.
  • A pinch of salt

Just mix all the ingredients and beat them in a blender. ready mix pour into a cup and cook for 2-3 minutes at maximum power.

As you can see, limit yourself to flour during a diet or proper nutrition not needed at all. The main thing is to choose the right pp recipes that will allow you to eat tasty and healthy and at the same time lose excess weight. Do you know delicious diet recipe pp muffins? Share with us!
