
Pancakes with coconut milk without eggs. Thin pancakes, tropical

How to cook pancakes coconut milk recipe - Full description cooking to make the dish very tasty and original.

Pancakes with coconut milk

fragrant, thin pancakes on coconut milk - a recipe for real gourmets and lovers exotic desserts. They are very tender, soft, you can serve them with pieces. fresh fruit, pineapple jam, orange sauce or runny honey. Useful for this recipe coconut pancakes and during fasting - they are prepared without eggs, and coconut milk is a product plant origin, natural and nutritious.

  • Coconut milk - 300-350 ml;
  • wheat flour - 200 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l;
  • soda - 1/3 tsp + 0.5 tbsp. l. vinegar (or 0.5 tsp baking powder).

We measure right amount salt and sugar. Usually, coconut milk pancakes are served with some sweet additives, so you can put quite a bit of sugar in the dough, just so that the pancakes brown when frying.

Sift flour into a bowl with sugar and salt. If you are making pancakes with baking powder, immediately mix it with flour and sift this mixture into a bowl.

Pour in coconut milk, stir to a homogeneous smooth dough without lumps. The density is about the same as for ordinary pancakes. If using canned or diluted powder, be sure to mix it before pouring into flour. Milk from fresh coconut after squeezing should be filtered through a fine strainer and immediately added to the dough. It is easy to prepare. First, pierce one of the eyes of the nut and pour the juice into a glass. Then saw the nut with a saw, open it and separate white pulp from brown crust. Rub the pieces of pulp on a fine grater. Pour into the chips 300 ml. water, squeeze. Strain and get natural coconut milk. You can use it at your discretion, and drink the juice.

It is not necessary to add soda or baking powder; without this additive, pancakes with coconut milk will be more tender. Soda will dry the dough a little, but so that there is no foreign aftertaste, it must be extinguished with vinegar. When the mixture stops bubbling, add to the batter.

We add vegetable oil purely symbolically, only so that you do not have to grease the pan. There is enough fat in the dough, lean pancakes on coconut milk without eggs will be perfectly baked and easily turned over. After adding the oil, beat everything and let the dough brew for 10-15 minutes.

Next, bake pancakes as usual: scoop up with a ladle a small portion dough, pour on hot pan. Scroll to make the layer thinner and put on medium fire. After 1.5-2 minutes, bottom coconut pancake browned.

Turn over with a spatula, fry the second side for half a minute, until golden spots. Pancakes will be thin, bake quickly and you need to monitor the fire so as not to overdry them in a short time.

We stack ready-made pancakes in coconut milk in a pile, cover so that the edges of them soften. Serve hot or warm, sprinkled with shavings, or complemented with pieces of fruit, fragrant jam, jam. Bon appetit!

Pancakes with coconut milk

Hi all. You can please yourself and escape from the gray everyday life and cook pancakes with coconut milk. This pancake recipe is tropical because our pancake batter will be made from coconut milk. This is very unusual option if you are tired of all possible classic pancakes on milk, kefir, water, maybe you should try making pancakes on coconut milk.

Pancakes with coconut milk

Pancakes with coconut milk

Such an unusual option for making pancakes will help you diversify your kitchen and please your loved ones. Also with the preparation of pancakes, you can learn how to prepare a topping of whipped cream and orange sauce. Now let's start cooking this recipe pancakes in coconut milk, and to know how to cook it properly, you can watch the instructional video recipe.

We will need the following ingredients for the preparation of dough and stuffing for pancakes, as well as orange sauce.

Pancake dough:

  1. Chicken egg
  2. Flour, 1/2 cup
  3. Coconut, 1/2 cup
  4. Water, 1/4 cup
  5. Butter, melted, 1–2 tbsp
  6. Sugar, 1 tsp
  7. Salt, pinch
  1. Heavy cream from 33%, 1/2 cup
  2. Powdered sugar, 1 tbsp
  3. Orange peel, 1/2 tsp
  1. Orange juice, 1/2 cup
  2. Corn starch, 1 tsp
  3. Sugar, 2 tbsp
  4. orange zest, pinch

Place in a small metal bowl butter and heat it up on fire. It is possible to replace the butter with vegetable oil by putting one or two tablespoons. For the test, we take one egg at the rate that we will make five pancakes. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Mix it all with a whisk. Our pancakes are not sweet, as we will sweet filling for pancakes and orange sauce.

For our recipe, we need half a glass of coconut milk and we will mix it with water. This is because coconut milk itself is so rich and fatty and very concentrated taste. Pour half a glass of coconut milk, also add 1/4 glass of water and do not forget to mix it all with a whisk, and possibly with a mixer. Add melted butter, through a sieve add half a glass of flour and a pinch of salt.

This coconut milk pancake recipe is very similar to many other pastry recipes. They are practically all the same and you can familiarize yourself with them on our website in the recipes section. Since practically everyone has the same ingredients and the same proportions.

In general, pancakes with coconut milk are very tender and always turn out light, almost white. They don't turn golden and brown like traditional ones. classic pancakes. And most importantly, they have a very barely perceptible coconut flavor. Let the dough brew a little and proceed to the preparation of orange sauce.

Take your favorite Orange juice and start cooking. To do this, we need 1/2 cup of orange juice, the sauce itself is very simple to prepare. We will also do it in a small amount, based on the preparation of pancakes. Pour into a metal bowl.

We rub through fine grater orange zest, it is needed to improve orange flavor. Put it in the juice and add a teaspoon of cornstarch. Corn starch is more neutral in taste than potato starch. Put a couple of tablespoons of sugar in orange juice.

All this is gently mixed so that our starch is distributed throughout the orange juice. Otherwise, it will then go in lumps, and if the starch went in lumps, then it can then be filtered through a sieve. We send the pan to the fire, we will need to bring it to a boil. Next, we should cook it over medium heat for 3-5 minutes, until the cream sauce thickens.

When the sauce boils, keep an eye on it. If the sauce does not thicken, then you can add more starch. The only thing you need to do is dilute it with more water. Then you can pour it in liquid form. When sucking becomes a little thicker, we pour it and set it to cool. Let's move on to baking pancakes.

We heat the pan on the fire and start baking on medium heat. Pour our dough into the pan and bake each side for about 15 - 20 seconds. As you should know, they don't turn golden, but it's easy to tell when they start to brown. As soon as the pancake itself moves in the pan, it can already be turned over.

Our pancakes are very soft, tender, and most importantly thin. This is due to the fact that the dough turned out to be quite liquid, but you can make it a little thicker. Now let our pancakes cool down, and we will start preparing the cream.

We will have whipped cream, the author of the lesson will use rustic 33% heavy cream. We need half a glass of cream, put them in a bowl, put a tablespoon powdered sugar and grate orange zest to taste. You can grate half a teaspoon or less, or more to taste. We start whisking all this with a mixer.

Here the most important rule is not to overdo it and beat them, as it can turn out to be butter. As soon as we keep the form, we can safely put it in the refrigerator. We will need to cool the cream, and the pancakes should also cool completely.

Putting stuffing in pancakes

After the pancakes have cooled down room temperature, we put it on the floor. Put a portion of whipped cream on half the pancake and close it. We get it in the form of a triangle, and on top we just pour our orange sauce and add coconut flakes. Well, now our pancakes are ready, now you can try. Thanks to the orange sauce, our pancakes turned out to be very bright.

We hope you enjoyed this pancake recipe with coconut milk, orange sauce and whipped cream. Share this recipe with your friends on in social networks, leave comments. Bon appetit!

Pancakes with coconut milk

Perhaps, it will seem to someone that pancakes with coconut milk are an unattainable luxury. This is partly true, but it was so before, when we could only hear or read about such outlandish recipes in fashion magazines. Now everything has changed, much has become available, and now a jar of concentrated coconut milk can be bought at the store. Better yet, buy a coconut and make milk at home. First, it will be much cheaper. Second, you will natural product, no preservatives. And on top of that, you get a mountain of coconut flakes, also natural. Well, the housewives will find where to attach it: you can make sweets, bake a pie, add to pancake dough or in the dough for pancakes, cook hot seasoning to curry and many other delicious things to come up with.

See how to make coconut milk at home.
Well, today we will bake pancakes with coconut milk, you will like the recipe for its simplicity, and the result is delicious. The dough for them is prepared with the addition of baking powder, not very liquid, thicker than on regular milk. You need to add a minimum of oil, just so as not to lubricate the pan before each pancake.

- coconut milk - 250 ml;
- flour - 1 incomplete glass;
- egg - 1 pc;
- sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
- coconut shavings - 1.5 tbsp. l;
- baking powder - 1 teaspoon with a small mound;
- salt - 1 pinch;
- vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
- odorless vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- butter - about 50 gr. for greasing ready-made pancakes.

Beat the egg and two tablespoons of sugar with a hand whisk or mixer. Do not put more sugar, coconut flakes give their flavor and aroma, and the milk itself is slightly sweet. Too much sugar will make the dough heavier and overpower the taste of natural coconut.
IN egg mixture sift an incomplete glass of flour, a little more than two-thirds of a glass.
Adding coconut flakes. The recipe uses fresh shavings, obtained from the grated pulp of a fresh coconut. If you are buying concentrated milk in a jar, then add dry confectionery shavings to the dough, it is sold in bags of 40 grams (1.5-2 tablespoons is enough).
With a whisk, mix the contents, gradually moistening all the flour. Be sure to take the flour under the walls, if it does not separate well, collect it with a spoon and then beat the dough with a whisk.
It will turn out to be heterogeneous, thick. When all the flour is moistened, and the chips are connected to the dough, add to it vanilla sugar and baking powder.
We mix. Pour in coconut milk. It's much thicker than usual. cow's milk, oily, with a pleasant coconut flavor. If the milk stands even for 15-20 minutes, it will stratify and be sure to whisk before pouring it into the dough. canned milk shake vigorously in the jar for half a minute and only then open the jar. Or mix thoroughly already opened milk.
Stir the contents with a whisk until the mass is almost smooth (not counting the inclusions of coconut flakes). Adding a spoon vegetable oil, whip. We leave to rest for 15 minutes. The dough for coconut pancakes should turn out with bubbles, there will be few of them (the baking powder will give the reaction). If the dough is completely smooth, then add a couple of pinches of baking powder, otherwise the pancakes will not bake well.
Lubricate the pan with oil, scoop up the dough with a ladle. Pour into the center or to the edge and twist the pan, in general - fry the pancakes as usual. They will not turn out to be completely thin, they will be medium in thickness.
See the recipe for thin pancakes.
When the bottom of the pancake is browned, turn it over, fry on the other side until golden spots. Be sure to grease with butter, otherwise the pancakes will be dryish.
Warm pancakes roll up a roll or triangles, tubules and serve to the table. The originality of these pancakes is in an unusual sweetish aftertaste and subtle coconut aroma. They are unlike any other, so if you are looking for unusual recipe, make pancakes in coconut milk and serve them with cocoa or warm milk, cup fragrant tea. Bon appetit!

Pancakes with coconut milk. Recipe with step by step photos

Pancakes are my family's #1 breakfast dish. Custard pancakes liked the child because of the numerous holes, but he concluded that openwork pancakes more interesting. Therefore, next time we will prepare custard-openwork pancakes.

  • I'll drag away, like a hamster, all the recipes to bookmarks. Some of them really got me interested. I would like to try pancakes made from buckwheat flour, but this is not for sale in our city. (And yet, here’s the bad luck, well, I can’t learn how to pour the dough in a pan in a perfectly even layer. Probably, this art needs to be studied for years.)

  • I like pancakes on kefir most of all, they turn out very tender. But somehow I tried to bake with yeast, but either the yeast was not successful, or I went too far with it, but I was haunted by the yeast smell in pancakes. Since then, I haven’t experimented any more, but I’m frying a proven recipe.

  • I have never made custard pancakes. But my family really like pancakes with yeast. I just rarely do them. This weekend I will definitely cook pancakes according to one of these recipes. Especially Shrovetide in the yard.
  • God, what a treat! I read the article just in time, because now is the eve of Shrovetide! Honestly, choux pastry I have never made pancakes for pancakes, although I bake all kinds of pancakes and pancakes quite often. I'll try it tomorrow, I'm salivating! I am sure that my family will definitely appreciate this yummy.

    Pancakes with coconut milk

    Chicken eggs have gained a lot of popularity in our lives, when the time for cooking has been reduced to a minimum. There is nothing easier than an omelette or scrambled eggs, which can be cooked in a few minutes, also thanks to useful properties chicken eggs such breakfasts are considered nutritious and very satisfying - at least you can safely live until dinner without thinking about food.

    Refined sugar has absolutely White color, sometimes even giving off blueness.

    Flour is ground grains of wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, rice, corn, flax, millet, barley, peas and other cereals.

    Olive oil is traditionally included in the Mediterranean diet, and populations in which olive oil- ordinary everyday product, distinguishes longevity and excellent health.

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    Beat eggs with sugar.

    Add coconut milk, mix thoroughly.

    Add flour, knead the dough.

    Add coconut flakes, stir.

    Add olive oil, mix thoroughly.

    Very tasty with honey! Bon appetit.

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    Pancakes with coconut milk are unusual, tasty and healthy! Coconut milk gives pancakes its own, unique taste and aroma. These pancake recipes are super easy to make and you'll want to make them over and over again!

    From this article you will learn:

    Pancakes with coconut milk: the best recipes

    Recipe for thin french pancakes with coconut milk


    • 120 grams
    • 200 ml. ,
    • 60 ml. water,
    • 15 grams of butter,
    • 1 egg
    • 10 grams of sugar
    • a pinch of salt.


    1. Sift flour.
    2. Mix flour with salt and sugar.
    3. Separately, beat the egg and gradually add milk mixed with water to it.
    4. Mix the egg-milk mixture with the flour mixture, add the melted butter and mix thoroughly.
    5. The dough should be homogeneous and smooth, absolutely without lumps.
    6. Leave the dough in cool place for 10-15 minutes.
    7. Fry in a frying pan, greasing it with a little oil (flavorless cream or vegetable) for a minute on each side until golden brown.
    8. Ready pancakes fold in quarters and serve, beautifully laid out on a platter.
    9. Top with condensed milk and garnish with fruit.

    Recipe for lean pancakes with coconut milk

    It's absolutely lean pancakes, in their composition only coconut milk, sugar, salt, flour and vegetable oil. Very soft and delicious!


    • 0.5 liters of coconut milk.
    • 3 table. spoons of sugar.
    • 0.5 teaspoons of salt.
    • Flour (enough to have a consistency thick sour cream).
    • 3-4 table. spoons.

    You can add cocoa, banana, coconut flakes to the dough - this is optional.


    1. Dissolve sugar, salt, vegetable oil, sifted flour in coconut milk. Should not be a very thick consistency!
    2. If you have a non-stick pan, then pancakes can be fried without oil.
    3. If the pan is regular, lightly grease the pan with oil before each pancake baking.
    4. Fry for just a few seconds, until golden brown.
    5. These pancakes harmonize very well with orange sauce: orange juice, orange peel, a spoonful of starch and a spoonful of sugar are boiled for several minutes over low heat until thickened.

    Recipe for buckwheat vegan pancakes with coconut milk

    Unique pancakes without eggs, without cow's milk and without white flour!

    These coconut milk pancakes are tender, tasty and fragrant!


    • Coconut milk - 2 cups.
    • Soda - 1 teaspoon.
    • Buckwheat flour - about 1-1.5 cups.
    • Salt - to taste.
    • Odorless vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

    Note: if you do not have buckwheat flour, it is quite possible to replace it with oatmeal.

    Or, if this is not important for you, then you can use white flour, or you can take whole grain white flour, spelled flour - so, of course, it will be more useful.


    1. Heat coconut milk a little, to about 35 degrees.
    2. Add baking soda and let stand for 10 minutes.
    3. Then add flour, salt and knead the dough. The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
    4. Mix very thoroughly and let stand for at least 30 minutes so that the flour is well dispersed, and the dough becomes more plastic and uniform.
    5. Heat up the pan well.
    6. Grease the pan with oil and bake thin pancakes half a minute on each side.
    7. Tip: if you love thin pancakes, with "holes", then the dough should be liquid for this, that is, a little thinner than the consistency of "thick sour cream". In this case, the wording “the consistency of liquid sour cream” is better suited here.
    8. Serve Vegan buckwheat pancakes with fruits and sweet sauces.

    Enjoy your meal!!!

    In a bowl, sift flour and baking powder, add cinnamon, salt, sugar. If you do not like cinnamon, you can not add it.

    Add coconut milk to dry mixture.

    Mix the dough with a spoon, it will be quite liquid. Let it sit for 15 minutes.

    Fry pancakes over medium heat and a well-heated pan. Before baking the first pancake, it is necessary to grease the surface of the pan with oil, you can not use oil for frying the remaining pancakes, since we added a little vegetable oil to the pancake dough in advance - this is enough so that the pancakes do not stick to the surface of the pan and easily turn over. Pour a portion of the dough and spread it over the surface of the pan.

    When the pancake is fried, turn over and fry it on the other side.

    From the indicated amount of products, I got 8 pancakes mixed with coconut milk.

    Here are some delicious lean pancakes we prepared without adding eggs. Ready-made pancakes can be poured with jam, honey or some kind of syrup.
    Bon appetit!

    Fragrant, thin pancakes in coconut milk - a recipe for real gourmets and lovers of exotic desserts. They are very tender, soft, you can serve them with pieces of fresh fruit, pineapple jam, orange sauce or liquid honey. This recipe for coconut pancakes will also come in handy during fasting - they are prepared without eggs, and coconut milk is a product of plant origin, natural and nutritious.


    • Coconut milk - 300-350 ml;
    • wheat flour - 200 g;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
    • sea ​​salt - 1 pinch;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l;
    • soda - 1/3 tsp + 0.5 tbsp. l. vinegar (or 0.5 tsp baking powder).


    We measure the right amount of salt and sugar. Usually, coconut milk pancakes are served with some sweet additives, so you can put quite a bit of sugar in the dough, just so that the pancakes brown when frying.

    Sift flour into a bowl with sugar and salt. If you are making pancakes with baking powder, immediately mix it with flour and sift this mixture into a bowl.

    Pour in coconut milk, stir to a homogeneous smooth dough without lumps. The density is about the same as for ordinary pancakes. If using canned or diluted powder, be sure to mix it before pouring into flour. Milk from fresh coconut after squeezing should be filtered through a fine strainer and immediately added to the dough. It is easy to prepare. First, pierce one of the eyes of the nut and pour the juice into a glass. Then saw the nut with a saw, open it and separate the white flesh from the brown rind. Rub the pieces of pulp on a fine grater. Pour into the chips 300 ml. water, squeeze. Strain and get natural coconut milk. You can use it at your discretion, and drink the juice.

    It is not necessary to add soda or baking powder; without this additive, pancakes with coconut milk will be more tender. Soda will dry the dough a little, but so that there is no foreign aftertaste, it must be extinguished with vinegar. When the mixture stops bubbling, add to the batter.

    We add vegetable oil purely symbolically, only so that you do not have to grease the pan. There is enough fat in the dough, lean pancakes in coconut milk without eggs will bake perfectly and turn over easily. After adding the oil, beat everything and let the dough brew for 10-15 minutes.

    Next, we bake pancakes as usual: scoop up a small portion of the dough with a ladle, pour it into a hot pan. Scroll to make the layer thinner and put on medium heat. After 1.5-2 minutes, the bottom of the coconut pancake will brown.

    Turn over with a spatula, fry the second side for half a minute, until golden spots. Pancakes will be thin, bake quickly and you need to monitor the fire so as not to overdry them in a short time.

    We stack ready-made pancakes in coconut milk in a pile, cover so that the edges of them soften. Serve hot or warm, sprinkled with shavings, or supplement with pieces of fruit, fragrant jam, jam. Bon appetit!

    Ruddy fragrant pancakes with a golden crust does not have to be prepared from wheat flour and eggs. In this post, there are three recipes for gluten-free, cow's milk and egg-free pancakes, as well as a pancake recipe from my mom that uses eggs but was tested by our whole family last weekend.

    When choosing flour, you can use whole wheat, rye, oat, or spelled. They contain gluten but are the best option than refined flour. Since I try to minimize gluten in my diet, I would go for gluten-free flours like corn, chickpeas, almonds, rice, coconut, quinoa, or green buckwheat. Each flour has its own specifics, for example, corn flour a little bitter. So try mixing different types flour and feel free to try the dough, adjusting its taste.

    If you are not using eggs, flax or chia seeds will replace them. Maria Petrovskaya shared three recipes without eggs and wheat flour with us.

    ・ ・ ・

    Pancakes with pumpkin

    • 1/4 cup crushed flaxseeds
    • 3/4 cup water
    • 1 1/2 cups whole flour (from gluten-free options - rice, corn,cedar, millet flour or green buckwheat flour),
    • 3 art. spoons of Jerusalem artichoke syrup or coconut sugar,
    • a pinch of salt
    • 1/4 cup coconut oil cold pressed (or ghee),
    • 1 glass of water
    • 1 cup pumpkin puree
    • vanilla (optional)

    You can also add spices if you wish.

    • 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons dry ginger,
    • 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg,
    • 1/4 teaspoon cloves

    First, mix the crushed linseeds with water and refrigerate for 15 minutes. Mix syrup or coconut sugar, flour, spices and salt, then add melted butter, a glass of water and pumpkin puree. Add water and puree gradually, stirring the dough so that there are no lumps. Finally, add the soaked flax seeds. Mix well.

    Heat up the skillet and cook regular pancakes. Hold on each side for about three minutes. After you have removed the pancake from the pan, you can lay it parchment paper so that the pancakes do not stick together.

    ・ ・ ・

    Unsweetened pancakes

    • 120 g quinoa flour (rice or green buckwheat flour)
    • 250 ml almond milk
    • 1 st. tablespoon melted coconut oil
    • a pinch of salt

    Mix the ingredients well and refrigerate for 30 minutes. For sweetness, Jerusalem artichoke syrup or other natural sweetener can be added. Heat up a frying pan, grease with oil and fry the pancakes until golden brown. They need to be carefully turned over so as not to tear. If the pancakes start to tear, you can fold them in half. To be sure, it is better to start with a small diameter of pancakes.

    ・ ・ ・

    Oatmeal pancakes

    A basic pancake recipe that can be made sweet or savory.

    • 1 cup oatmeal
    • 1 1/2 cups milk (it is better to use almond, cedar or other vegetable milk)
    • 1/2 st. tablespoons ground flax or chia seeds
    • a pinch of salt

    Coconut oil or ghee for greasing the pan

    You can also add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of syrup, coconut sugar or gur.

    First grind in a blender or coffee grinder cereals into flour. Blend all ingredients in a blender or mixer until smooth. Heat up the skillet. Pour in the dough. Cook pancakes until golden brown, then flip. Ready-made pancakes can be greased with oil. If the dough thickens a little during cooking due to flax, you can add milk and beat again in a blender. Therefore, it will be more convenient to pour the dough into the pan directly from the blender.

    ・ ・ ・

    Pancakes my mom's recipe

    • 1 cup organic whole grain rye flour (or whole grain wheat/spelt)
    • 1 cup cornmeal
    • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of cedar flour
    • 2 village eggs
    • Jerusalem artichoke syrup to taste
    • salt to taste
    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons cold pressed olive oil
    • drinking water

    All ingredients were added by eye, so you can adjust the proportions of flour and the amount of water. Mix all the ingredients and pour in enough water to get the consistency of liquid sour cream. Add salt and syrup to taste. Bake in a well-oiled skillet until golden brown.

    With what?

    Pancakes with sour cream are one of my favorite combinations. It's not perfect, but pancakes happen to me once a year, so the main thing here is that it's tasty, not right. We also spread pancakes with our chocolate paste and it was even tastier than pancakes with condensed milk. You can also melt a bar of dark chocolate, add Jerusalem artichoke syrup and pour it over chocolate sauce pancakes. Option savory filling- soft goat cheese with fresh herbs.
