
The benefits and harms of pomelo for the health of the body. Healthy exotic dessert with pomelo

Do you love citrus fruits? I'm sure many will answer yes. I don’t know about you, but in addition to the usual tangerines and oranges, I also like other types of citrus fruits. For example, pomelo, the benefits and harms of which are the subject of research by scientists.

This large fruit, similar to a throwing ball, although not as sweet and juicy as, for example, an orange, but it has a pleasant taste. It resembles a grapefruit in structure and taste, but a ripe pomelo, unlike a grapefruit, is not bitter. So if you haven’t eaten grapefruit because of bitterness, try pomelo, because it is tasty, but also healthy. Read on and you will find out what are the benefits of overseas fruit for the body, whether it can be given to children, how to choose the right one and whether there are contraindications.

Where does the pomelo fruit grow?

The homeland of the pomelo is the islands of Polynesia and the Malaysian archipelago. Later, this plant came to Asia Minor, China and Thailand, where it became quite popular. In China, where pomelo grows in large numbers, the fruit is often presented as a gift, which symbolizes well-being and prosperity. And the whole world learned about the pomelo after it was brought to Europe.

If you suddenly come across a fruit with the name "sheddock", know that this is not some kind of novelty, it is a pomelo. So it is sometimes called in honor of the navigator Sheddock, thanks to him the world learned about this fruit.

Pomelo is an evergreen tree up to 15 meters high with a spherical crown. The leaves are large, the flowers are white, 3 to 7 cm in diameter, solitary or 2 to 10 in an inflorescence. The fruit is covered with a thick skin, divided into large slices, compacted by a hard partition, inside each slice there may be seeds. The pomelo fruit is the largest among citrus fruits. The mass of the fetus can reach 10 kg, diameter - 30 cm (source: Wikipedia). More modest specimens weighing up to 2 kilograms are sent for export to Russia.

Pomelo comes in different varieties and the peel differs in color - green, yellow, pink-red. The pulp is also of different colors - from white to red and the taste is slightly different.

Pomelo - benefit and harm

The Chinese know exactly what a pomelo is useful for - they prepare all kinds of medicines from it, moreover, from all parts of the fruit and are used in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Its chemical composition confirms that this fruit is worth paying attention to.

Pomelo composition and calorie content:

  • vitamins – vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B9
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium
  • other useful substances - essential oils, flavonoids, limonoids, rich in fiber

What are the benefits of pomelo for health

  1. Essential oils and vitamin C, which are rich in pomelo, strengthen the immune system, which helps in the fight against various viruses. It helps not only as a preventive measure, it helps to fight the disease, so it is advisable to include fruits in the diet in the autumn-winter period, when there is a danger of colds and flu. By the way, it is at this time, when we have a cold period, in Thailand, India, China, Israel that the weather is favorable and the pomelo is simply saturated with useful substances. So it is more useful for us to buy this healthy citrus in our cold season - in autumn and winter.
  2. Pomelo juice tones, invigorates and gives additional energy to our body, which is also important in our cold season. This is facilitated by both vitamin C, which supports the functioning of the nervous system, and essential oils, which affect our emotional state. Therefore, pomelo is often referred to as antidepressant products.
  3. It is useful to use fruit for the prevention of arthrosis, osteochondrosis, joint diseases, and this is again due to the large content of vitamin C - it provides collagen synthesis, which is important for cartilage tissue.
  4. Vitamin C helps to better absorb the iron found in fruits, which makes this fruit a useful product for the prevention of anemia.
  5. Everyone knows about the benefits of vitamin A, which is not only a strong antioxidant, which is important for our immunity. It affects our vision, is responsible for the youthfulness of cells, is good for the skin and bone tissue formation. Pomelo contains beta-carotene, which, under the action of digestive enzymes, turns into vitamin A. Beta-carotene is good because it can enter our body in any dosage, nothing bad will happen. It is stored in the subcutaneous layer, and our body uses it for synthesis when it is needed. But vitamin A, if taken in tablets, can cause an overdose, which is not very good for the body. Therefore, it is better to replenish vitamin A with products containing beta-carotene, pomelo among them.
  6. Prevention of cataracts and improvement of visual acuity at night - pomelo will also help with this.
  7. Potassium makes this fruit useful for the heart and the entire vascular system, fights vascular atherosclerosis, and normalizes blood pressure.
  8. The pomelo is rich in fiber, which means that the pulp of the fruit cleanses the human body well and has a positive effect on the digestive system.
  9. The huge benefit of the fruit is that it is the strongest diuretic fruit. According to this effect, it is not inferior even to watermelon, which is rightfully recognized as the best berry for cleaning the kidneys from toxins.

Benefits for men

  • The content of essential oils in the fruit makes it a natural aphrodisiac, due to which a man's sexual desire for the opposite sex increases.
  • Studies of the fruit have shown that the pulp of the fruit improves the process of spermatogenesis. It has long been believed among the Chinese that if a man is given a pomelo, it means that they wish him male strength and longevity.
  • Vitamin C and antioxidants strengthen blood vessels, which improves blood flow in the pelvic organs. This has a beneficial effect on erectile function.
  • Antioxidants are able to remove toxins from the body, so this type of citrus is considered the best remedy for relieving a hangover.

Useful properties of fruit for women

  • In addition to the above health benefits, I would like to say separately about such important elements contained in the pulp and peel of the fruit, such as flavonoids, limonoids, and essential oils. They fight pancreatic dysfunction, as well as prevent the development of cancer cells in the mammary gland and alleviate the condition after chemotherapy or surgery.
  • There are studies that the beneficial substances contained in the peel of the fruit have a beneficial effect on women's health, eliminating excess estrogen. Apparently not in vain the Chinese use all parts of this plant.
  • Pomelo is rich in calcium and phosphorus, and this makes this fruit useful for women during menopause, when there is a threat of osteoporosis. Regular consumption of the pulp of the fruit will strengthen the bones, promote the healing of fractures.
  • The fruit is interesting for women in that it can be used in cosmetology. Juice and pulp well nourish and moisturize the skin, smooth wrinkles. You can wipe your face with a slice of pomelo, instead of washing your face in the morning, you can make masks by adding other components depending on your skin type.

Is there any benefit for pregnant women

The fruit is useful for pregnant women, and it can be included in the diet throughout the entire period of pregnancy:

  • folic acid has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.
  • phosphorus and calcium are useful for strengthening bones not only for women, but also for the proper development of the skeletal system and muscle tissue of the child.
  • the expectant mother should not be ill with colds, vitamin C, which is rich in fruits, will come to the rescue in maintaining immunity.
  • the diuretic properties of the fruit will help to cope with edema, which often occurs during pregnancy.
  • pomelo is useful for pregnant women in the early stages, as it helps fight toxicosis.

Is pomelo good for weight loss

I said that pomelo is a low-calorie fruit and therefore it is useful for losing weight. If compared with a similar citrus - grapefruit, then the pomelo is sweeter, but it contains less sugar than grapefruit, which accordingly affected the calorie content.

Fiber improves metabolism, which is also important for weight loss.

The pulp of the fruit contains slow carbohydrates that are digested longer, a few slices of pomelo are enough to saturate the body and muffle hunger.

Studies have also shown that the enzymes found in this type of citrus break down fats, which means that they can, or rather, should be included in the weight loss menu.

What is useful for children

Knowing about the above beneficial properties of pomelo, we can safely say that this citrus is also useful for children:

  • perfectly copes with beriberi and it will be easier to endure the cold season with it;
  • often children are overweight, so replace desserts with pomelo, which converts proteins and fats into energy, this will only be for the benefit of the child;
  • pomelo will help with fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness of the child;
  • Phosphorus is another important element found in citrus. It will increase the intellectual abilities of your child.

Pomelo for diabetes

Useful properties of pomelo are also needed for people diagnosed with diabetes. With such a serious disease, the lack of one or another element can cause serious consequences.

  1. In patients with this disease, blood flow is often slowed down, and this contributes to the accumulation of toxic products in the cells of the body, and self-poisoning of cells occurs. An increased dose of vitamin C, which acts as an antidote, helps to solve this problem. But ascorbic acid in tablets is not as well absorbed, much worse than natural, which means that taking an increased dose only at the expense of tablets is unhealthy, and sometimes dangerous.
  2. In diabetes, the vessels of the retina of the eyeball are damaged, the body's ability to resist various kinds of infections is reduced, wound healing is slower - Vitamin A helps to maintain these functions.
  3. In diabetes, potassium is very important, as it has the ability to convert glucose into glycogen, potassium reduces the symptoms of diabetes - thirst, numbness of the limbs, frequent urination, skin abscesses. Often people with diabetes have a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, and this, as a result, a violation of potassium metabolism. Although an excess of potassium is also dangerous to health.

All of the above makes this citrus a really useful product for diabetic patients, but this is a serious disease, so before using anything in your diet, especially in any higher doses, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

A doctor's consultation is also needed for other chronic diseases, because in addition to benefits, pomelo can harm our body, if you do not take into account the existing contraindications.

Pomelo - harm to the body

Pomelo, in addition to pluses, also has minuses that are important to know:

  1. One of the important contraindications is that it can reduce the effect of certain drugs, and this may affect the effectiveness of treatment. Also, pomelo can enhance the effect of certain drugs, and this is not just bad, it can be dangerous. Therefore, if you are taking any medications, be sure to consult your doctor if you can include pomelo in your diet.
  2. Pediatricians do not recommend pomelo for children under 1.5 years old because of possible allergies and high fiber content, so as not to disrupt the child's digestion. Up to 3 years, you can give no more than 50 grams per day 2 to 3 times a week. Preschoolers over 3 years old up to 100 grams per day.
  3. With caution, pomelo should be consumed by people with gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers and gastritis, due to the acid content.
  4. It is important for patients with nephritis and urolithiasis to know that the pulp of the pomelo helps to activate the movement of deposits along the ureter.
  5. An allergy to this fruit is possible, as well as to any other citrus fruits, so if there is a tendency to allergies and you are trying this fruit for the first time, use it in minimal doses to see the body's reaction.
  6. With hepatitis, it is also not recommended to use pomelo.
  7. A large amount of fiber is useful, but in some cases can cause a strong laxative effect.

If you take into account all the contraindications, then the pomelo will only be a boon for your health, which means you can safely enjoy its taste, include it more often in your menu, because its benefits are enormous.

How to choose a pomelo

  • They say that the more fragrant the fruit, the tastier and, accordingly, healthier it is, but this method of choice does not suit us, because in our supermarkets the pomelo is usually packaged in film.
  • Of two fruits of the same size, you must choose the one that is heavier - such a fruit has a thinner crust and juicier pulp.
  • It is also important to pay attention to the peel itself - it should be smooth, without dents and soft to the touch.

How to eat pomelo

It is important to know about the shelf life - a whole, untouched pomelo can be stored at room temperature for about a month, but if you have cleaned it, it is better to eat it right away, or store it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, no more.

There are no special tricks on how to eat a pomelo - you need to free it from the peel, membranes and enjoy fresh tasty pulp. And, of course, it is the most useful fresh. But in countries where this fruit is more than enough, jam, marmalade, and various sauces are prepared from it.

Chefs like to add pomelo to fruit salads, desserts, as well as dishes containing meat and seafood.

The peel can be used to make candied fruits, added to tea, it is also useful.

Pomelo - benefit and harm, today's article is about this and I hope the information was interesting and informative. I think that it is necessary to know about the product that has already been prescribed on the shelves of our supermarkets, especially since there are benefits for children, pregnant women and people with diabetes, as well as for weight loss. Enjoy this delicious, healthy and largest citrus fruit in the world.

And in the video, watch an interesting recipe with pomelo.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Pomelo is the largest fruit in the citrus family. It has an unusual taste, combining sweet, bitter and sour undertones.

Most of the pomelo is inedible - it's a peel and a thick layer of white bitter pulp that protects the edible part from damage.

There are three types of pomelo: white, red and pink:

  • white pomelo softer and improves digestion;
  • red pomelo contains more vitamin C and potassium;
  • pink pomelo the sweetest and contains many seeds.

Regardless of the variety, pomelo has a positive effect on the body, improving its functioning.

Composition and calorie content of pomelo

The medicinal properties of pomelo are due to its composition, which contains vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, fiber, pectin and enzymes.

The composition of pomelo as a percentage of the daily value is presented below.


  • C - 102%;
  • B1 - 2.27%;
  • B6 - 1.8%;
  • B2 - 1.59%;
  • B3 - 1.1%.


Calorie pomelo - 38 kcal per 100 gr.

Pomelo, like all citrus fruits, strengthens and restores the body. Vitamins in pomelo allow the fruit to be used in the treatment and normalization of the work of individual body systems.

For muscles and bones

Potassium in pomelo is important for fluid balance in the body. It provides elasticity to the muscles, prevents them from stretching and torn ligaments, and also relieves cramps.

Potassium will help in the prevention of osteoporosis by improving bone mineral density. It facilitates the absorption of minerals needed to maintain strong and healthy bones.

For the heart and blood vessels

One of the best properties of pomelo is the ability to normalize and maintain blood pressure levels, thanks to potassium.


  • relieves tension from blood vessels;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes;
  • minimizes the workload on the heart.

In addition, pomelo prevents the formation of "bad" cholesterol in the body and prevents the appearance of plaques in the vessels.

Pomelo can act as a prophylactic against. The abundance of vitamin C in the composition helps to absorb and absorb iron.

For nerves and brain

Pomelo is used as an antidepressant. It will help not only to calm down and get rid of feelings of anxiety, but also to cope with depression.

For teeth and gums

Vitamin C, which is abundant in pomelo, is important for maintaining oral health. Regular use of pomelo will relieve bleeding gums and strengthen teeth.

For the gastrointestinal tract

For kidneys and bladder

One of the distinguishing properties of pomelo is the protection of the urinary tract from infections. The high level of vitamin C in pomelo increases the amount of acid in the urinary system. This protects against infection and kills harmful bacteria.

For skin

Pomelo improves blood circulation, due to which skin cells are saturated with oxygen. It prevents the appearance of wrinkles and relieves the signs of aging.

Pomelo protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. It fights acne and pimples, accelerates the healing of wounds, burns and cell regeneration.

For hair

Vitamins C and B1 in pomelo are good for hair. They make them healthy, strong and beautiful.

The fruit eliminates the thinness, fragility and brittleness of the hair, strengthens their roots and prevents hair loss, making the hair thicker. It soothes the scalp and fights dandruff-causing bacteria.

For immunity

Vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system. Pomelo helps the body fight viruses and infections, which reduces the risk of colds and flu, and also makes it easier to get sick.

With the help of pomelo, you can fight free radicals and increase the activity of leukocytes. Pomelo increases the growth of antibodies and immune cells. It helps in the treatment of cancer and prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.

Pomelo during pregnancy

It is useful to eat pomelo during pregnancy. It contains folic acid, which has a good effect on the development of the fetus.

We will devote today's article to this and other issues related to the presented product.

Biological description

Before you figure out what kind of pomelo fruit, you should find out exactly how this product looks like and where it grows. As you know, such a citrus is the fruit of an evergreen tree, which has a similar name. The height of this plant reaches 15 meters, and the crown has a spherical shape with large leaves and white flowers with a diameter of 3 to 7 centimeters.

Pomelo is a fruit (a photo of the fruit is presented in this article), covered with a thick peel and divided into large slices, which are compacted with a harsh partition. Seeds can often be found inside this citrus. The size of such fruits is almost twice the size of a large grapefruit. The color of a mature pomelo can be pale green or yellow. As for the mass of the fetus, it often reaches 10 kilograms (with a diameter of 30 centimeters).

Where does pomelo (fruit) grow?

Initially, such a citrus appeared in Malaysia and Southeast Asia, and also grew in Tonga. In China, the presented fruit was known as early as 100 BC. However, in Europe, it appeared only in the XIV century thanks to navigators.

Currently pomelo is actively grown in Thailand, South China, Taiwan, Vietnam, southern Japan, India, Tahiti, Indonesia and Israel. In small quantities, this citrus grows in other warm countries (for example, in the USA, or rather, in California).

Main types of fruit

Answering the question of what kind of pomelo fruit, one cannot ignore the fact that this citrus has many varieties. We list the main ones that you can find on store shelves.

  • Khaohorn. The flesh of such a fruit is white and sweet, and the skin color is yellowish-green.
  • Khao namphung. This citrus is distinguished by its pear-shaped form, yellowish-green rind and sweet white flesh.
  • Khao paen. Such a pomelo is a flattened ball with a yellowish-green skin, white flesh and a sour taste.
  • Khao phuang. This fruit is also pear-shaped with a greenish-yellow skin, yellowish-white flesh, and a sweet and sour taste.
  • Thongdi. The presented variety is distinguished by a spherical shape, dark green skin, pink and sweetish flesh.

Useful properties of pomelo fruit

The presented product is very useful for the body. This is because it includes a huge amount of minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium) and vitamins (A, C, beta-carotene, B1, B2 and B5). In addition, pomelo contains essential oils and limonoids. Thanks to this composition, this citrus has a pronounced anti-cancer activity, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens the immune system, and also tones and energizes. It should be noted that the pomelo contains quite a lot of ascorbic acid, which makes the use of this fruit especially useful during viral and infectious diseases.

By the way, this citrus is actively used for weight loss. After all, it contributes to the rapid breakdown of fats and proteins. That is why, if you are overweight, then you should definitely include pomelo in your daily diet.

Another useful property of this wonderful fruit lies in the fact that it quickly normalizes blood pressure. In this regard, doctors very often recommend their patients to use this product.

The right choice of fruit

What is a pomelo fruit? Not everyone knows the answer to the question asked, not to mention the fact that few people imagine how exactly it should be chosen. Indeed, today there is an incredible number of supermarkets where such citrus can be sold at completely different prices. So what does it have to do with it? And with the fact that pomelo can grow in different countries and be imported to us from China, Thailand, and even from America. Moreover, the cost of this product differs significantly depending on a particular variety.

So, (fruit)? To buy the right citrus for you, you should first of all pay attention to its aroma. It should be pronounced and felt at a short distance. In addition, it is recommended to examine the fruit from all sides and note the uniformity of its color. If you see any spots on the peel of the fruit, then it is better not to take it.

When purchasing a pomelo, it is very important to feel it. In this case, you should note the uniform thickness of the peel throughout the fruit, without any seals. If they are still available, then this indicates that the citrus was grown in the wrong conditions. Such a fruit should not be bought, as it will be insipid, dry, tasteless and with a large number of seeds.

What should be a sweet and ripe product?

If you want to enjoy citrus, then the fruit with stains on the peel, as well as with an uncharacteristic color (burgundy, red or brown), should be put aside. After all, such signs indicate that the fruitful plant was sick during the ripening of the pomelo. Of course, these diseases are not dangerous for humans, but there will be no benefit from such a fruit, and its taste is unlikely to please you.

To buy a sweet and ripe product, you need to check the top of the fruit, which should be dense, but not more than 1 centimeter in diameter. You should also pay attention to whether there are any damage or growths on the peel of the fruit.

By choosing the right citrus, you will provide yourself with a lot of useful substances and vitamins, as well as get rid of bad mood and many diseases.

How to clean fruit?

Peel a pomelo in the same way as an orange or grapefruit. But due to the fact that such a product has a thick skin, this process is much more complicated. Thus, in order to quickly release the citrus from its shell, several longitudinal cuts up to 1 cm deep should be made. Next, you need to pry the peel at the base with your finger and literally pull it along the slices. As a result of such actions, you should get a fruit completely covered with a film. It must be carefully separated from the pulp and start eating a tasty and healthy product.

Application methods

Fruit with dryish pulp and slight bitterness is most often consumed fresh. However, some housewives use this product during the preparation of second courses. To do this, it is completely peeled of thick peel and hard films, and then cut into small pieces and added to stew or fried meat a few minutes before turning off the stove. It should also be noted that pomelo is often used to prepare various salads. For example, a dish of citrus pulp, boiled shrimp and celery greens, seasoned with fat sour cream and flavored with spices, is quite popular. In addition, such a fruit can be included in a dessert made from kiwi, banana, apples and pears. It is recommended to fill this delicacy with either melted creamy ice cream (ice cream) or sweet and tasty yogurt.

As you can see, there are quite a few recipes where the pomelo fruit is used. Use them - and your guests will never forget the holiday table you set!

Rare fruits are sometimes a real adventure for those who dare to introduce them into their diet. Once upon a time, acquaintance with the pomelo fruit could become such an exotic surprise. But recently, the fruit has already acquired fans. Pomelo is one of the largest citrus fruits. It is usually 2 times larger than a grapefruit, and can reach a weight of 8 kg. The fruit has a thick yellow-green rind. The slices are usually white, sometimes with pinkish streaks, if the fruit hung on a certain side in the sun. The partitions between the slices are quite dense, bitter, are not considered edible, easily lag behind the pulp.

The trees on which these fruits grow are cultivated in Asia: China, Japan, Thailand, India, etc. The leaves are evergreen, hard, shiny, as if covered with wax.

The chemical composition of the pomelo

Vitamins: B1, B2, B6, C, PP.

Macronutrients: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus.

Trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, zinc.

pomelo calories- 32 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and benefits of pomelo for the body

  • strengthens the immune system
  • copes with colds and flu,
  • helps with asthma, swelling and coughing,
  • normalizes high blood pressure
  • normalizes the work of the heart,
  • protects against the formation of blood clots in the vessels,
  • cancer prevention,
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis,
  • improves digestion,
  • improves mood,
  • increases attentiveness,
  • helps fight excess weight
  • removes toxins from the body,
  • relieves the condition of alcohol poisoning,
  • quenches thirst
  • strengthens the bones
  • improves skin condition.

Benefits of pomelo peel

It is quite thick, bitter in taste, but has a pleasant aroma. It contains many useful properties, especially the peel is saturated with vitamin P, which is responsible for removing excess estrogens from the human body and fighting problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications and harm

  • individual intolerance,
  • gastric and duodenal ulcer,
  • increased acidity of the stomach,
  • hepatitis, nephritis and colitis.

How to grow pomelo at home

Each piece of fruit has about 5 seeds, from which you can even grow your own pomelo tree under suitable conditions.

Put them in a saucer and cover with a damp cloth or gauze. Let them so lie down for 2-3 days in the sun. After this time, sow the seeds in a pot and place it in a warm and fairly lit place. The vessel can be made of any material, but most importantly with a drainage hole at the bottom. Be sure to place a shard covered with a drainage layer of sand (maximum 3 cm) at the bottom of the pot.

The first sunrises, as a rule, look out in 2-3 months. First, a sprout will appear, then the leaves will begin to lengthen, and only then the trunk will begin to form. The first fruits will appear only after 10-15 years. The plant must be transplanted every year, trimmed and maintained at a humidity level of 56-58%.

How to choose a ripe pomelo

There are several basic rules when choosing this citrus. Its peel should be of a uniform color, without dark (brown, saturated red) spots. In addition, it should be smooth and shiny, in no case wrinkled and dried out. The aroma should be caught quite strong, characteristic citrus. The top of the fruit should be slightly denser than the rest of the peel, but not more than 1.5 cm in diameter. Unripe fruits are not dangerous to human health, but often contain a large number of seeds inside, have not yet acquired a sweet taste and have not been nourished with useful substances.

How to eat pomelo

Of course, the fruit should be eaten raw, as it retains more vitamins and other beneficial substances. The fruit is easy to peel: slightly cut the peel, then peel it with your hands like an orange. Thick films from the pulp can also be removed by hand or with a knife.

Video: how to clean a pomelo

Pomelo face mask

In cosmetology, this fruit has also found application. Like other citrus fruits, pomelo with its freshly squeezed juice relieves the skin of oily sheen, narrows pores. It is also invaluable in the procedures of moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the face.

Mask for the face. 2-3 fruit slices + 1 tsp + 1 tsp oatmeal. Apply the mixture regularly on your face for 15 minutes. This miracle mask will make your face blooming, toned, give a healthy look and relieve inflammation.

Nourishing and moisturizing mask. 1 piece of fruit + 1 tsp. lemon juice + 1 tsp. honey. Apply the mixture before bed for 15 minutes. It is desirable to wash off with green tea, but you can also use plain water.

In addition, you can freeze pomelo juice and wipe the skin with such ice at night to normalize blood flow and skin respiration.

The use of pomelo in cooking

And, of course, pomelo gets along well in the field of cooking. Often it is eaten simply raw, peeled, but various desserts can be made using it. Add to fruit salad or make marmalade out of it. Pomelo juice can be soaked in cakes and rolls. In combination with an orange, you can make a filling for various confectionery products from it. Sometimes they make pomelo in caramel and sesame seeds.

So, it is obvious that this fruit can be safely called a useful fruit in every sense.

Useful properties of pomelo

pomelo ( Citrus maxima) is a tall evergreen tree with large white flowers and oblong leaves.

This citrus tree blooms almost all year round, and already 6-7 months after flowering, large round or pear-shaped fruits form on it. The weight of a fully ripe fruit most often ranges from 1 to 2 kg, but can reach up to 10 kg. The peel is very thick, especially at the points of attachment to the stalk. Initially, the pomelo tree grew in China, but eventually spread throughout Southeast Asia. To date, the fruit is cultivated in India, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam and even in Israel.

There are several types of pomelo: pink, red and white. They differ from each other in shape, size, color of the peel and pulp, and most importantly - taste.

The pulp of ripe fruits contains all kinds of micro and macro elements, as well as pectin, vitamins of groups A, B, C, fiber and essential oils. In addition, the fruit is rich in enzymes that break down proteins and fats, as well as folic acid, which is vital for pregnant women.

Beneficial features:

  • normalization of blood pressure and heart rate;
  • strengthening immunity, improving overall well-being, accelerating the recovery process for colds of a viral or infectious nature;
  • reducing the risk of occurrence and spread of tumors;
  • strengthening bones and accelerating the healing of fractures;
  • increased mood, vitality, efficiency and attention;
  • normalization of the kidneys, intestines and stomach;
  • help in losing weight;
  • relief from coughing, including asthmatic;
  • strengthening teeth, reducing bleeding gums;
  • increase in hemoglobin;
  • restoration of skin elasticity, its hydration and protection from winter cold.

Selection and storage rules

The final pomelo ripens in February. By purchasing it at this time, you can be sure that the fruit is fresh and there will be no harm from it. However, some features must always be taken into account.

If the fruit is yellow on one side and greenish on the other, it has not yet ripened. Brown spots on its surface indicate that it will soon deteriorate.

  • the peel of a ripe fruit should be smooth, shiny, uniform in color.
  • to the touch, the fruit should be elastic and not too soft;
  • the richer the citrus aroma, the riper the fruit;
  • heavy fruits of small size are more juicy, and their peel is less thick.

A pomelo is much easier and faster to clean than an orange or grapefruit. To do this, you need to make several vertical cuts about 7 mm deep on its surface (from top to bottom) with a sharp knife. Then carefully remove the peel and, having cleaned the pulp from a hard and bitter film, disassemble it into slices.

Unpeeled ripe fruit can be stored without harm for 2-3 weeks at room temperature, peeled - no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.

Application in medicine

In the absence of contraindications, pomelo pulp and juice can improve health:

  • 3 slices every morning on an empty stomach will strengthen the heart muscle;
  • 200 ml of juice daily before going to bed will restore the structure of hair and nails, visibly smooth out fine wrinkles, and also cleanse the kidneys and liver of toxins;
  • 100 ml of juice, combined with the same amount of warm water for rinsing, will quickly relieve a sore throat;
  • peeled from the film and seasoned with vegetable oil, the pulp will help lower cholesterol;
  • juice heated to 40 degrees is an excellent expectorant, it will also help with a strong cough.

Cosmetic properties

Pulp and juice for external use will help restore freshness to the skin.

Mask for oily skin

Mash the pomelo slice and combine with a teaspoon of kefir. Squeeze the mixture lightly, and thoroughly wipe the face with the released liquid. Wait until the skin dries, and then apply the remaining slurry on it for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with cool water.

Moisturizing mask

Combine the crushed pulp of the fruit with honey and lemon juice, then apply on the face for 15 minutes. For one slice of pomelo, you need to take 1 tsp. honey and lemon juice. It is better to make such a mask before a night's sleep, and wash it off with green tea. There are no contraindications for its use. This homemade beauty recipe is suitable for all skin types.

Pomelo for weight loss

Despite the low calorie content (38 kcal per 100 g), pomelo quickly causes a feeling of satiety. Its regular consumption not only normalizes the digestive process, but also contributes to the rapid breakdown of fats. That is why the pomelo diet is strict but effective.

Allowed diet: durum wheat pasta, cereals, baked meat (chicken or beef), fresh or stewed vegetables, unsweetened fruits and as much water as possible.

A sample menu for the day looks like this:

  • Morning - half a pomelo, 50 g of hard cheese, unsweetened coffee or tea.
  • Lunch - baked chicken breast with vegetables.
  • Snack - half a pomelo, boiled egg.
  • Dinner - boiled vegetables, half a pomelo, herbal tea.

The duration of this rather strict diet should not exceed 14 days, since its further observance will only bring harm.

Application in cooking

Pomelo is used in cooking not only as one of the components of fruit salads. This exotic fruit goes well with meat. And it can also become the basis of amazingly delicious jam.

pomelo and chicken breast salad recipe

Ingredients: pomelo pulp, foil baked chicken breast, lettuce, hard cheese, lemon, pine nuts, salt and black pepper.


  1. Cut the breast into small cubes.
  2. Peel the pomelo slices from the film, disassemble into large pieces.
  3. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands.
  4. Coarsely grate the cheese.
  5. Combine the ingredients, season the salad with spices, sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with pine nuts.

jam recipe

Ingredients: fruit pulp - 350 g, granulated sugar - 300 g.


  1. Peel the slices from the film, cut into small pieces.
  2. Cover with sugar and leave for a day to stand out the juice.
  3. Heat the jam, bring to a boil and arrange in sterilized jars.

Harm and contraindications

The harm from eating a pomelo is so insignificant that it could not even be mentioned. But some categories of people should completely abandon the fruit, or at least reduce its amount in the diet to a minimum:

  • for people who are allergic to citrus fruits, pomelo will not bring anything but harm: rashes, swelling of the throat, asthma attacks, etc .;
  • with stomach ulcers, high acidity, with heartburn - citrus fruits are contraindicated;
  • it is not necessary for pregnant women to completely abandon juicy and healthy treats, but it is not advisable to eat more than 3-5 cloves per day;
  • hepatitis, bronchial asthma, colitis, diabetes mellitus, nephritis - all these diseases are the reason for prior consultation with your doctor.

However, completely healthy people should not abuse pomelo, because in addition to it, there are many other useful fruits, including citrus fruits.
