
What are the types of Baileys liquor. Baileys liqueur at home

On the festive table there are not only delicious dishes, but also alcohol. And here the main thing is to know what this or that drink is combined with, how to drink it correctly and in what dishes to serve it on the table. Today we will talk about a liqueur that combines strong - whiskey - and delicate cream.

Baileys - the king of all cream liqueurs. Coming to us from Ireland, he won the love of the whole world. In 1970, a group of enthusiasts wanted to create a national drink. Mixing whiskey and cream, everyone was very surprised how two incompatible ingredients give such a unique taste. But the matter did not end there. For four years they have been looking for the perfect proportions and ingredients to get a unique taste and texture. And in 1974, by mixing whiskey, cream, caramel, vanilla and cocoa, Baileys was born.

In addition to the classic version, manufacturers have created a liqueur with mint, coffee and chocolate flavors, but Baileys The Original remains the leader in sales.

Sweet liqueurs not served as a main drink. It will be right if you serve it to guests as an addition to dessert, like a digestif. If - aperitif - causes appetite, then - digestif - improves the absorption of food after dinner. It is not recommended to cool the bottle, its temperature should be at room temperature, about 18-20 degrees.

If Baileys is served on the table in its pure form, then you will need special glasses of shots. Their volume is about 45-50 ml, but they are higher than a regular glass. You can also use liqueur glasses with a high leg.

Eat two options for how to drink Baileys:

  1. If you drink it in its pure form, then it is best to do so. in small sips, with your favorite dessert.
  2. Shots, as a rule, are drunk in one gulp, and burning cocktails need to be drunk very quickly through a straw. Here the main thing is not to hesitate after lighting the cocktail, insert the tube into your mouth and first suck in air and only then quickly lower it into a cocktail and drink. If you insert a tube into a burning cocktail and only then start drinking, it will melt.

What do they drink Baileys The Original cream liqueur with?

  • If you do not know how to dilute Baileys, then the easiest way is to add ice. Then choose larger dishes such as martini glasses or whiskey glasses.
  • Most often, men dilute the liquor, for them it is too sweet and not strong enough. Strong drinks, such as vodka or gin, are ideal for this. Also whiskey can be added.

  • In order not to spoil the creamy taste, do not dilute it with juices and sodas. The acid and gas will cause the cream to curdle, and the liquor will not only lose its taste, but also the appearance will be spoiled.
  • Do you want to enrich your coffee with a new and refined taste?? Add a few drops of Baileys and the coffee will sparkle with bright flavors.

What to eat Baileys

  • Having a sweet taste, it not compatible with meat or fish dishes. But it will perfectly complement the cheesecake, tiramisu or panna cotta.
  • Like many liqueurs, it paired with creamy ice cream. Put a couple of balls of ice cream in a bowl, sprinkle with chocolate or nuts. Baileys can be added to the ice cream itself or served in a separate glass.

  • from fruits Strawberries and bananas are the perfect pairing.. Strawberries can be served with cream, and bananas can be poured with chocolate topping.
  • Also you can make fruit salad from your favorite fruits. Chop fruit, top with whipped cream or yogurt, sprinkle with berries, and you have a wonderful fruit mix that makes a great snack.
  • He goes well with all desserts, which include cream or caramel cream.

With what to drink Baileys at home

It can be drunk not only in its pure form, but also used to make many cocktails. The most popular - "B 52" -. I think many people have not only heard about it, but also tried it. It includes Baileys, -Kalua- and -Cointreau-. It looks very impressive, as the top layer is set on fire. This is what will help you feel the unforgettable flavors of this shot. remember, that all burning shots should be drunk only through a straw.

No less popular and tasty is Burning Henry. By the name, it is easy to understand that it also needs to be set on fire. At first you will feel a bitter taste—Amaretto — that will change to the creamy sweetness of Baileys, and complete your taste journey with a hot and daring whiskey.

If you prefer light and tasty alcohol, then you will like Baileys' "brother" - Sheridan. It also contains cream and whiskey, but has its own taste differences. I think that all the fair sex will like such drinks, because almost all girls have a sweet tooth. Men, on the other hand, prefer stronger alcohol, so there is a “Becherovka recipe” for them.

To begin with, let's moderate our ambitions: we will not operate with high-profile names and global brands. Otherwise, you and I risk finding ourselves in a very awkward situation. In the years of carefree youth and dissolute youth, Vzboltai, like you, believed that it was possible to easily prepare home-made Baileys by mixing vodka with condensed milk. But, in fact, everything turned out to be far from so simple.

To begin with, the question itself is “how to cook Baileys at home?” implies a negative answer. The Baileys liqueur recipe is the property of the drink manufacturer: R. A. Bailey & co and is kept behind seven locks.

In addition, an authentic Irish drink does not contain any artificial preservatives, which cannot be said about most brands of condensed milk, which is an indispensable component of almost all the recipes below.

And finally, the strength of an authentic Beilis is equal to 17 turns. Accordingly, it will be quite difficult to adjust your homemade drink to the required degree.

The conclusion suggests itself. If you need Baileys, go to the nearest trustworthy supermarket and get the coveted drink there. If you think that the current Baileys is no longer the same, then we will be happy to tell you how to make a very good cream liqueur at home, moreover, to do it in several ways.

Let's start with the simplest option with condensed milk and coffee. As an alcohol base in this case, you can use good vodka, food alcohol, Irish whiskey (for example, the good old Jameson), as well as ordinary cognac brandy. Some alchemists even suggest mixing vodka and whiskey on a one-to-one basis. But if you do not want to become a laughing stock for others, in no case do not make the basis for moonshine cream liquor. In our firm conviction, these products are completely incompatible.

List of ingredients

  1. Condensed milk - 1 can = 380 g;
  2. Cream (12-15%) - 400 ml;
  3. Egg yolks - 4 pcs;
  4. Vanilla sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking Method

Beat sugar, yolks and condensed milk thoroughly with a mixer. Add coffee and repeat the procedure (the coffee granules remaining in the substance will be easily dissolved by alcohol later). Add cream and beat again. Add alcohol and use the mixer again. Pour the resulting homogeneous substance into bottles, cork them tightly and place in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

In principle, this rather primitive drink can be prepared without cream. If necessary, they can be replaced with full-fat milk. However, in this case, another 70-100 g of condensed milk should be added.

If you want to make something reminiscent of Baileys cream coffee, replace the condensed milk with condensed coffee. The same can be done with condensed cocoa.

We imitate nut Baileys

For a drink, the list of ingredients from the previous recipe, plus 25-50 g of grated roasted hazelnuts, will do.

Cooking Method

Infuse the alcohol base on hazelnuts for two weeks, placing it in a dry, dark place. After the expiration of the mentioned period, strain the liquid through a dense gauze. Next, follow the technology outlined in the previous recipe.

Cream liqueur without condensed milk

The main difficulty in preparing this drink lies in the ability not to overexpose its non-alcoholic component on the stove.

List of ingredients

  1. Cream (25%) - 1 l;
  2. Vodka - 200 ml;
  3. Irish whiskey - 200 ml;
  4. Egg yolks - 4 pcs;
  5. Powdered sugar - 200 g;
  6. Vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  7. Instant coffee - 25 g.

Cooking Method

Beat the yolks until foamy. Put a saucepan with cream on a slow fire. Gradually add powdered sugar, beaten egg yolks, vanilla sugar and instant coffee. All this must be continuously stirred until a homogeneous substance is obtained. At the same time, in order to avoid thickening of the yolks, the temperature of the contents of the pan should not exceed forty degrees. Remove the mixture from heat and cool to room temperature. Then, add alcohol to it and turn it into a thick foam with a mixer. Pour the result into a glass container, seal it tightly and refrigerate. The next day, the drink can be served at the table.

Homemade cream liqueur without eggs

By the way, eggs are not used in real Baileys either.

List of ingredients

  1. Cognac brandy - 200 ml;
  2. Cream (15-20%) - 1 l;
  3. Condensed milk - 400 g;
  4. Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  5. Instant coffee - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking Method

Whip cream with condensed milk using a mixer. Continuing to beat the resulting substance, gradually add sugar, coffee and brandy to it. Pour the finished mass into bottles, close them tightly and refrigerate for two days.

The best cream liqueur recipe

We have not tried it ourselves, but many believe that it is just something.

List of ingredients

  1. Alcohol base (40-45 degrees) - 500 ml;
  2. Cream (10%) - 500 ml;
  3. Condensed milk - 380 g;
  4. Instant coffee - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  5. Liquid caramelized sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  6. Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  7. Vanilla sugar - 40 g;
  8. Ground ginger - 2 g;
  9. Grated nutmeg - 1/3 pcs;
  10. Ground cinnamon - 1 pinch;
  11. Ground oak bark - 1 pinch.

Cooking Method

Pour honey, caramel, spices and 20 g of vanilla sugar with alcohol. Leave for four days in a cool dark place, then strain through a gauze-cotton filter. Beat cream with yolks with a mixer, gradually adding the remaining sugar, condensed milk, coffee and strained tincture. Bottle the result and send it to the refrigerator for a week for final ripening.

How long is home Baileys stored

The shelf life of corked homemade cream liqueurs with condensed milk, thanks to preservatives, reaches six months. If the drink was prepared without the mentioned product, it is better to use it within a week. Open containers, in both cases, are strongly recommended to be emptied immediately.

Many are also interested in whether it is possible to drink expired Baileys liquor (in the sense, real). In this case, the answer will be unconditionally positive. In particular, it is even rumored that R. A. Bailey & co employees often take expired products home.

How to drink Baileys

Any cream liqueur, including homemade, can be consumed in several ways.

  1. In pure form: a drink at room temperature (if desired, with a couple of ice cubes), from conical liquor glasses (25-50 g), at the end of the meal.
  2. Add to unsweetened black coffee or hot chocolate.
  3. Mixing with stronger drinks: whiskey, vodka, brandy, rum or gin.
  4. As a component of numerous cocktails that do not contain any juices, carbonated and mineral drinks (otherwise, the cream will curdle corny).

What to eat cream liqueur

Since we are dealing with a sweet digestif, an appetizer for it should be classified as a dessert. Accordingly, the best answer to the question: “with what to drink Baileys drinks?” sweet fruits and berries, fruit salads, ice cream, marshmallows, sweet cottage cheese, peanuts, cookies, chocolate and other similar delicacies will serve.

The main thing is not to forget that the sweetness and softness of cream liqueur has nothing to do with its strength, so it should be drunk in moderation and a little bit.

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Baileys is a popular alcoholic drink. Writing "Baileys" is wrong, you need to say and write "Baileys", at the end the letter "s".

This is Irish drink, No. 1 liqueur, this is the very first liqueur in the world, the basis of which consists of Irish whiskey. In cooking, vegetable oil, sugar, cocoa, vanilla and caramel are used.

There are types of Baileys with the addition of mint or coffee. Liqueur does not contain preservatives, cream does not spoil, because it is mixed with alcohol. The fortress is 17%.

How and with what to use Baileys

Baileys is good as a cocktail ingredient and on its own, it can be added to coffee and is suitable for any occasion. In cooking, liquor is widely used as a flavoring for cakes or chocolate chip cookies. Baileys is added to desserts with ice cream and yogurt, fruit salads.

Drinking options are varied. It goes well with various ingredients, but tonic and citrus fruits are incompatible, they contain acids that cause cream to curdle.

The production uses natural ingredients, combining the best Irish whiskeys, fresh cream produced in Ireland, the purest Irish spirits and natural additives.

In 2005, two new flavors appeared - mint chocolate and creamy caramel. Baileys is currently sold in 170 countries and the volume of produced bottles is about 50 million. Until now, the drink is produced where it was created - on the outskirts of Dublin, at a factory owned by David Dand.

"Baileys Irish Cream" won the hearts of millions of people on the planet thanks to its wonderful aroma, as well as its softness and tenderness of taste.

Description. This alcohol of cream color and creamy caramel taste contains 17% pure alcohol, and sugar - 20 grams per 100 ml. It must be stored at a temperature not exceeding +25°C. Shelf life, subject to temperature conditions, is 2 years (regardless of whether the bottle is open or sealed).

Produce drink in Ireland, a country famous for its mild alcohol. This is done by R&A Bailey & Co.

Short story: in 1970, David Dand, together with a company from Gilbeys of Ireland, decided to create a new alcohol. They decided to make it tender, soft and tasty, not too strong and completely natural. The solution came immediately: cream and whiskey tasted amazing, but the combination was not sustainable. Four years there was a struggle to create a super liquor formula. And the solution was found. November 26, 1974 in one of the suburbs of Dublin appeared a homogeneous mixture of cream and whiskey, which was flavored with vanilla, caramel, sugar and chocolate. Thus, David Dand first received a patent for a new alcohol, and then registered a new firm, R&A Bailey & Co. She introduced the liquor to the judgment of the whole world.

Production technology. Kept secret. Each batch is subject to quality control. All components in the liquor recipe, including additives, are only natural, Irish-made. Preservatives and artificial colors are not used.

Types and varieties: In addition to the classic creamy Baileys, as well as coffee and hazelnuts, in 2005 the company's assortment expanded with two more types. Mint-chocolate and creamy-caramel liqueurs appeared, which became no less popular than their earlier counterparts.

Application. Baileys is so handsome that he found himself in many manifestations. Mind-blowing cocktails are prepared from it, mixed with other alcohol, added to coffee instead of sugar and cream, to numerous desserts: cakes, pastries, ice cream, cookies, and even fruit salads. It gives any product that comes into contact with sensuality and luxury, comfort and tenderness. It is not advised to mix it only with tonics, sodas and citrus juice (from acids and gas, the cream in the liquor can curdle, and the drink itself will lose its velvety melting taste).

Contraindications: liquor should not be drunk by those who have not reached the age of 18, who have serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, central nervous system, as well as if you cannot tolerate whey protein, are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How to drink correctly: as an independent drink, Baileys is drunk from liqueur glasses in a barely chilled form (the bottle is rarely cooled, for example, in extreme heat). If it is served with ice, then the volume of dishes changes, and the drink is served in wine glasses or for martinis. Liquor is a digestif, that is, it is served at the end of the meal, along with dessert.

What to eat. Liquor is not eaten. But it is perfectly complemented by ice cream, desserts (including jellies, milk and cream soufflés, etc.), bananas and strawberries, chocolate, marshmallows, cookies, peanuts or cottage cheese.

Baileys at home is prepared without problems. Of course, we will give here not the original recipe of the manufacturer, but in terms of taste you will not distinguish liquor from branded liquor, unless you are a professional taster.

You can easily use liquor prepared by yourself in cocktails (except puff ones, because the density of homemade liquor will be slightly different from the factory one), as an additive to desserts, coffee, or as an independent alcohol. However, be careful, homemade liquor should only be stored in refrigerators, and of course not for 2 years. That's 5-6 months is quite possible. But it is better not to store for a long time, but to prepare a fresh drink if necessary.

We will give you several recipes for this wonderful liquor, and in each of them you will come across some points that you can adjust as you wish:

  1. As the basis of Baileys, you can use both Irish whiskey and high-quality vodka. By the way, don't skimp on it. Poor quality vodka will nullify all your efforts and efforts.
  2. Do not worry if a small sediment falls in the bottle during the infusion process. It depends on the quality of the cream. Just shake the liquor.
  3. Do not be afraid that your drink will not be as dense as the original, this is normal. If you want, then in any of the recipes you can add such a component as egg yolk. For 0.5 liters of alcohol they take two. It is believed that the yolks make the liquor thicker and softer.
  4. Liquor does not have to insist for three days. With a lack of time, you can limit yourself to two to three hours.

Before we offer you a pretty quick imitation of Baileys, we will write down a recipe that needs to be fiddled with, but everyone who used it was absolutely delighted with the result.

"Classic Baileys"

The cooking technology for this recipe will go in two stages.

  1. Preparation of the alcohol base
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp.
  • ground ginger - 1/3 tsp
  • cinnamon - a pinch
  • vanillin - 6 gr. (3 sachets) /do not substitute vanilla sugar/
  • honey - 2 tsp
  • oak bark - 1 tsp (with slide)
  • alcohol 60% - 400 ml or a mixture of 200 ml alcohol 60% and 200 ml whiskey

We make brown caramel from sugar. We introduce ginger, cinnamon, vanillin, honey, pharmaceutical oak bark into it. Gradually pour alcohol into the caramel mass and keep it all for about a week (5 days is possible). Shake the suspension daily and filter at the end.

  1. Preparation of liquor
  • cream 10% - 1 liter
  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • yolks (preferably from domestic eggs) - 2 pcs.
  • instant coffee - 2 tsp (dilute in 1 tsp of water)

In a bowl, beat the yolks with half of all the cream, continuing to whisk slowly add condensed milk and coffee, then the remaining cream. Pour alcohol into a homogeneously whipped mass in a stream and beat for the last time. Stir in the vanillin mixture and refrigerate for three days (without bottling). Collect excess fat from the surface of the liquor, and the rest of the drink must be filtered through a cotton cloth and bottled.

If you are not able to bother with the preparation of liquor for so long, then use simpler, but no less spectacular recipes that are just as good for desserts, ice cream, coffee and cocktails as the previous one.

"Home Baileys"


  • whiskey (vodka) - 0.5 l.
  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • cream - 0.4 l (10-15% fat).
  • coffee (instant) - 1 tbsp. l. (possible without it)
  • vanilla sugar - 2 tbsp. (do not replace vanilla!)
  • yolks from fresh eggs - 4 pcs.

You have to prepare like this:

  • whisk the yolks, vanilla and condensed milk with a blender
  • add coffee if desired. Do not worry if after whipping their inclusions remain, they will dissolve later
  • Pour in the cream and stir until smooth

"Creamy Baileys"


  • whiskey (vodka) - 0.5 l.
  • condensed milk - 1 can

You have to prepare like this:

  • Whip the cream and vanilla in a blender
  • gradually introduce whiskey or vodka
  • fill the bottles with a drink and keep in the cold for about 2 days, shaking daily

"Chocolate Baileys"


  • whiskey (vodka) - 0.5 l.
  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • liquid cream - 0.35 - 0.4 l. (with fat content over 28%)
  • chocolate (black, bitter) - 150 gr.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife (or 2 tablespoons of vanilla sugar)

You have to prepare like this:

  • melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave
  • Slowly pour the condensed milk into the mixture and whisk for about 5 more minutes. The mixture should not be cold.
  • little by little add chocolate
  • gradually introduce whiskey or vodka
  • fill the bottles with a drink and keep in the cold for about 2 days, shaking daily

"Coffee Baileys"


  • whiskey (vodka) - 0.5 l.
  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • liquid cream - 0.35 - 0.4 l. (with fat content over 28%)
  • instant dry coffee - 5 tbsp.

You have to prepare like this:

  • dilute coffee with warm cream (50-100 ml), cool and strain
  • Whip the cream and vanilla in a blender
  • Slowly pour the condensed milk into the mixture and whisk for about 5 more minutes
  • gradually introduce whiskey or vodka
  • fill the bottles with a drink and keep in the cold for about 2 days, shaking daily

"Mint Chocolate Baileys"


  • whiskey (vodka) - 0.5 l.
  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • liquid cream - 0.35 - 0.4 l. (with fat content over 28%)
  • black chocolate - 150 gr.
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife (or 2 tbsp vanilla sugar)
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • mint liqueur - 50 ml (or a bunch of fresh mint)

You have to prepare like this:

  • if you do not have mint liqueur, then pour a bunch of mint with water (a little), add 2 tbsp. granulated sugar and bring to a boil, after half a minute remove from heat, cool and insist for a day
  • pour a bottle of vodka into the mint syrup and leave for another day, after which we filter
  • Melting chocolate in a water bath or microwave
  • Whip cream and vanilla with a blender, slowly pour condensed milk into the mixture and beat for about 5 minutes. The mixture should not be cold.
  • little by little add chocolate
  • gradually introduce mint whiskey or mint vodka, or regular alcohol, but with mint liqueur. We whip everything.
  • fill the bottles with a drink and keep in the cold for about 2 days, shaking daily

Now you know how to cook Baileys at home. Enjoy its taste, delighting yourself and your friends.

Taste - creamy caramel
Color - cream
How many degrees in Baileys - liquor strength 17%
Sugar content - 20 g per 100 ml
Calorie content - 327 kcal per 100 g of drink
Shelf life — 24 months at storage temperature up to +25°C
Country of origin - Ireland
Official site - baileys.com

Baileys composition: cream, Irish whiskey, alcohol of the highest purity, casein, cocoa extract, cocoa flavor identical to natural, thickener, dye E150a, emulsifier E471, acidity regulator E331.

Contraindicated in persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating mothers, persons with diseases of the central nervous system, kidneys, liver, digestive organs, as well as people with individual intolerance to whey protein.

What is the best way to drink Baileys?

Liquor can be drunk on its own with ice. Often it is used for desserts, but the most favorite female delicacy is Baileys with ice cream.

Baileys are also added to coffee instead of cream. But we must not forget that it is sweet: if you pour sugar, it will be impossible to drink coffee.


This liqueur is a traditional ingredient in creamy cocktails. There are hundreds of recipes, but the most famous one is B-52.


  • 1 part coffee liqueur
  • 1 part Baileys cream liqueur
  • 1 part orange liqueur

Pour the coffee liqueur into the glass first. Then carefully pour the cream liqueur over a bar spoon. The layers must not be mixed. The third layer, poured no less neatly, is orange liqueur. The cocktail is drunk without a straw.

To diversify the cocktail, the ingredients can be mixed in a shaker with ice and served in a regular cocktail glass with a straw. In addition, the B-52 cocktail can be set on fire - you need to drink it very quickly through a straw while it burns.

History and interesting facts

Baileys was created in 1974, it was the first cream liqueur. Previously, all attempts to mix alcohol with milk were unsuccessful: the cream turned into grains or the product quickly deteriorated.

Over the past 40 years, many analogues have appeared, but thanks to the unique production technology, Baileys is still the best in both taste and shelf life. That is why it accounts for 80% of the market for all cream liqueurs.

How did the recipe come about?

In the 1970s, Irish whiskey did not export well. Local distillers were looking for a way to increase sales. They began to actively experiment with new ingredients. Almost everything was mixed, except for cigarette butts and goose droppings. But popular ingredients (mainly citrus and coffee) were imported, so they were looking for something new and inexpensive.

Local farmers were in a similar situation. Only dairy products, unlike whiskey, spoiled faster, so farmers were happy to sell them even for a penny. So, thanks to cheap milk and gallons of unsold whiskey, a new drink appeared in the world.

Now in Ireland, 40% of all milk is used for the production of Baileys, moreover, it accounts for more than 50% of the export of alcoholic beverages - the new cream liqueur turned out to be more popular than the famous Irish whiskey.
