
Thin pancakes. We bake yeast pancakes in milk

To gather the whole family at the table and organize cozy gatherings, it is enough to make a hefty pile of delicious pancakes and brew fragrant tea. This may well be limited, since everyone will be full and satisfied.

Thin pancakes with milk prepared according to this recipe are quite easy to bake and turn over. They turn out moderately sweet and tasty, go well with sour cream, jams, syrups and do not need additional filling.


  • milk - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 200-220 g.

How to make thin pancakes

  1. We heat the milk, but do not boil it. Throw in a pinch of salt and beat in two medium-sized eggs.
  2. Then add sugar, the portion of which can be varied. It all comes down to personal preference and how the dish is served. If pancakes are eventually supplemented with condensed milk or sweet jams, you can reduce the dosage of granulated sugar. Beat the milk mass with a mixer or a regular whisk.
  3. Mix the flour with baking soda, sift through a fine sieve and add to the milk in parts, continuing to whisk or mix the mass intensively. If it seemed that the dough turned out to be too liquid, you can add a little more flour, but it is important not to overdo it. The less flour, the thinner the pancakes will be!
  4. Pour in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix. We leave the prepared dough for half an hour alone, so that the gluten contained in the flour “earns”. After the specified time, we heat the pan, lightly lubricating it with vegetable oil (if the dishes have a high-quality non-stick coating, you can not lubricate). Pour a portion of dough onto a hot surface with a ladle, scroll the pan, distributing the pancake composition in an even thin layer.
  5. We stand on medium heat until the bottom side is browned, then, prying the pancake with a culinary spatula, turn it over to the other side and brown for literally 20-30 seconds. If desired, coat hot freshly baked pancakes with butter to soften the edges as much as possible.
  6. Ready-made thin pancakes in milk are in harmony with sour cream, jam, sweet topping or other additives.

Happy tea!

Hello dear!

This article comes out on the eve of Shrovetide, and what else to write about if not about pancakes) Today I have thin pancakes with milk.

A few months ago, I finally found a recipe that completely satisfied me, and the quality of the pancakes delighted me! Now these are my specialty pancakes, which I usually cook for breakfast on weekends, my husband and son adore them. They were liked by everyone whom I treated, and three times I have already been asked for the recipe.

What are these thin pancakes with milk good for?

  • The most important - finished product quality. Pancakes are easy to make thin, the dough does not resist you, does not tear. Very nice dough texture. Gentle, not "rubber", not dry. Delicious!
  • Very easy to make dough, because Ingredients are accurately measured. This is important when you are just learning to bake pancakes and do not know what the consistency of the dough should be. It also matters when you have a lot of other things to do and little time. Then you measure flour, milk, butter without thinking, and the result is always equally good.

Ingredients for thin pancakes with milk

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 st. l. sugar (you get a neutral taste, if you want sweeter pancakes - put 2 or 3 tbsp.)
  • 1 tsp topless salt
  • 500 ml milk
  • 500 ml of water (250 ml immediately added to the dough, the remaining 250 ml will boil)
  • 400 g flour (it is advisable to sift the flour)
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 30 g butter

Thin pancakes with milk. Calories per 100 g: proteins - 5 g; fats - 3.9 g; carbohydrates - 23.3 g; calories - 150.7 kcal.

How to bake thin pancakes with milk

I highly recommend using real quality butter! It gives a creamy taste to pancakes, a golden hue and such a pleasant smell of melted butter.

First, prepare the liquid and dry ingredients.

Pour 500 ml of milk + 250 ml of water into one container. Sift 400 g of flour into another container.

Break 2 eggs into a bowl for pancake dough, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp salt, mix well with a mixer or whisk.

Pour about half of the mixture of milk and water into the bowl, then gradually add the flour and mix so that there are no lumps.

When the dough becomes so thick that it is difficult to stir, pour in the remaining liquid and pour in the remaining flour. Mix to make a smooth homogeneous dough.

We measure out 250 ml of water, boil. While the water is boiling, we will prepare an empty mug, soda, a teaspoon and a whisk, as further actions should be quick.

Pour boiling water into a mug, immediately pour 0.5 tsp into it. soda and stir quickly.

Pour boiling water with soda into the dough and also quickly mix with a whisk.

Now let the dough rest for a few minutes. During this time, the gluten of the flour will swell and if there are still small lumps, they will dissolve.

While the dough is resting, take a frying pan and put 30 g of butter on it. Put on fire to melt the butter.

It is best to use a special pancake pan with a flat bottom and low sides. I have a frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm, it is very convenient to work with it. You can start two such pans at once and bake on two burners at the same time - it will be even faster.

Pour the melted butter into the dough, mix with a whisk.

We return the pan to the fire and warm it well over high heat, until smoke appears. As soon as you notice the first light smoke - it's time to bake pancakes!

Pour the dough only on a very well-heated frying pan.

The first pancake will be a test pancake: it will collect the remaining oil from the pan, it will be the fattest and not the most beautiful. You can also track how much dough you need to collect in a ladle for one pancake.

We collect the dough with a ladle. Pour into the pan, with the other hand while tilting it in different directions so that the dough is evenly distributed in a circle.

You can see how the holes on the pancakes, loved by many, appear.

When no batter remains on the surface of the pancake, turn over with a spatula.

On the other side, it bakes even faster, 15 seconds is enough.

Transfer the cooked pancake to a large plate. You can do this with a spatula, or you can simply tilt the pan over the plate and the pancake will slide off by itself.

No more greasing the pan! Pancakes will not stick.

Ready pancakes can be lubricated with a piece of butter. There are many lovers who think that it tastes better this way. But also more high-calorie So it's up to you. I don't grease.

The rest of the pancakes are smoother and neater.

So one by one, about 25 pancakes are obtained (in a pan with a diameter of 20 cm).

We eat them with jam, condensed milk, yogurt...

Our favorite weekend breakfast, when no one is in a hurry in the morning, the whole family is together and the kitchen is so crowded

I write about pancakes with special love. I think it's some kind of special food. I have heard more than once how adults, recalling happy moments of childhood, spoke about the pancakes that my mother or grandmother baked. And they grabbed them and ate almost from the pan. Very cozy, family, uniting both adults and children at the same table, a delicacy...

But successful pancakes are not only a good recipe. Skill is also essential. And if you are just learning to bake them, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the result will please you not immediately.

But then cooking pancakes can become a pleasant and even meditative process. At least that's how it was for me. Perhaps, at the moment, making pancakes is the most enjoyable thing for me to do in the kitchen.

I sincerely wish you to find your best pancake recipe! I wish you to find your tricks and secrets of cooking, cook with love and pleasure!!

All the best to you!

P.S. More interesting articles for you:

And before our favorites were American thick pancakes -

That's why pancake recipe are obtained thin and airy . And the cooking method is very simple. Be sure to try these delicious pancakes!

It is best to bake pancakes in old cast-iron pans. To prevent pancakes from burning, you can pre-calcine salt in a pan. To do this, pour salt into the bottom of the pan in an even layer, heat it over high heat. Sprinkle salt and wipe the pan with a dry cotton cloth (you can not wash the pan after calcination!). Another secret, you need to grease the pan with half a raw potato with vegetable oil (photo and detailed description in the article)


Milk- 0.5 liters

Eggs chicken - 3 pieces

Oil vegetable - 100 grams in the dough, 20 grams of frying.

Sugar- 1 tablespoon

Flour- 1 cup (250 grams).

Spices: salt (pinch), soda (pinch), vanillin (1 gram bag) optional.

How to cook pancakes with milk

1 . Pour half a liter of milk into a large cup. .

. We drive in 3 chicken eggs.

. Then add 100 grams of vegetable oil.

4 . A pinch of salt and a pinch of soda. Baking soda can be substituted for baking powder. Vanillin sugar will give milk pancakes a pleasant caramel flavor.

. According to the recipe, you need to add 1 tablespoon of sugar to pancakes. With this amount of sugar, pancakes turn out a little sweetish. Just so that you can dip them in sour cream, jam or honey. You can increase the amount of sugar if you wish.

. Mix the pancake mixture thoroughly. Add flour in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps.

Of course, it is easier to beat the mass for pancakes in a blender. Or use a food processor.

. If you do not have a special brush for greasing a pan or baking sheet, use our method. You will need half a small potato, a fork and a saucer. Peel the potatoes, wash and put on a fork so that an even cut remains at the bottom. In a saucer, pour a little vegetable oil (literally 1-2 tablespoons).

. Now just dip the potatoes in the oil and grease the pan with it. With this method, the oil is obtained exactly as much as needed. Pancakes will not be greasy or dry. They will not burn and will be openwork and ruddy.

. Using a small ladle, pour the pancake batter into the hot skillet. In a circular motion, distribute it over the entire surface of the bottom. It is better to bake pancakes on medium or low heat.

. When the edges of the pancake are browned, it's time to flip the pancake.

Delicious thin pancakes are ready

Bon appetit!

Pancakes with milk are a favorite delicacy familiar from childhood. More than once we were lifted from the bed by the magnificent aroma of grandmother's pancakes, cooked according to family recipes, delicious, sweet and salty, stuffed and just for tea with sour cream. This is a daily breakfast dish, and holiday recipes for the arrival of dear guests, even cakes, and they are made from pancakes in milk, which turn out to be not only very tasty, but also a very extraordinary treat. And the aroma of pancakes makes the house really cozy and hospitable.

Secrets of delicious pancakes

  • Ingredients must be not only fresh, but also properly prepared. For example, eggs should always be at room temperature, it is better to take them out of the refrigerator for an hour or two before cooking.
  • The flour must be sifted, and the milk for the dough must also be at room temperature. In general, why milk in the dough? Because thanks to this ingredient, pancakes come out very thin, but strong for fillings, fragrant and tender.
  • To prevent pancakes from sticking to the surface of the pan, add a little sunflower oil to the dough. So they will be tastier and juicier, and you will need many times less oil to fry them.
  • But butter instead of sunflower oil in the dough will make pancakes for milk even more fragrant, sweeter and more satisfying. It also gives more of a golden hue.
  • It is better to mix the dough either in a blender, or use a wooden spoon or a whisk. But an ordinary spoon will not be able to stir all the lumps in the dough.
  • Watch the consistency of the dough, because the dough is too rare - there are no whole and beautiful pancakes. The pancakes will tear, so you should add a little flour, 2-3 tablespoons, depending on the amount of dough.
  • To make pancakes even when frying, it is not enough to use a round frying pan. Be careful with the use of oil. It should be quite a bit so that the surface of the pan is covered with a thin layer. Use a cooking brush or goose feathers, as our grandmothers and mothers did.
  • If you are making sweet pancakes with milk, you can use butter, just put a piece on a fork, and grease the surface of the pan in this way.
  • There are pans that do not need oil at all. But so that the edges of the pancakes do not turn out dry and brittle, it is better to add a little oil, just grease the surface of the pan. And if you are the owner of an old cast-iron pan, this is generally an ideal dish for pancakes in milk.

Milk pancake dough The first thing to do is prepare well.

The first rule of the pancake test is that the consistency should resemble sour cream, not cream, but sour cream, 25% fat. That is, it should not stick to your hands like yeast dough, but it should not look like water either. If the dough is thick, you should add milk, and if vice versa - liquid, then flour, or cocoa, if you are making chocolate pancakes with milk.

The second rule: how to rid our dough of the hated lumps that are obtained by mixing loose ingredients?

  • First, mix the dry ingredients, milk and eggs, but add the flour gradually, in several passes, and in the meantime beat with a whisk or a spoon, depending on how you mix the dough.
  • Take part of the milk, and gradually pour flour into it, stirring everything to a mass without lumps, and then mix with all other products. So you won’t see lumps in the finished dough at all.
  • You can also use this advice: mix everything, but add milk gradually, in a thin stream, stirring the dough, or beating it with a blender or in a food processor.
  • To make the lumps dissolve quickly, add sunflower oil (if it is included in your recipe), at the very end, after you mix the dough thoroughly.

To make pancakes in milk with small holes, milk or boiling water should be added hot to the dough, because it is boiling water that creates these amazing holes into which all the most delicious things fall: sour cream, honey, butter or jam.

Rules for frying pancakes in milk

Since we need exactly thin pancakes with milk, it is worth stocking up on some devices for turning over our culinary masterpiece.

  • A good frying pan, it should have a handle, so it is more convenient for turning the pancakes over and spreading them evenly.
  • Kitchen glove.
  • Means for greasing the pan: feathers, cooking brush, fork with butter.
  • Kitchen knife for cake - wide and even, not sharp. It is with him that we will turn the pancakes over. You can also take a thin spatula, not wooden, but iron.
  • A ladle or a deep spoon to pour the dough, whichever is more convenient for you.

Heat up the skillet over the fire. Lubricate the pan and pour the dough - no more than half a ladle, plying the pan so that the dough spreads evenly over the surface. That is, the pan must be turned by the handle clockwise, well, or counterclockwise, so that the pancake is uniform. The fire is medium, fry the side for up to 2 minutes.

Turn the pancake over, this can be done with a knife, a thin spatula, or you can turn it over on the fly by throwing it over the pan. But it is very difficult to catch him, try first in a simple way.

On the other hand, pancakes are always fried quickly - half a minute - a minute. But if pancakes are provided with a filling, then the second side should be browned for a few seconds. Then take out the pancake, put the filling, wrap and fry the other side already with the filling. Or put the dish in the oven.

The best pancake recipes with milk

Pancakes with milk and sour cream (cream)

What is needed:

  • A glass of milk - 200 ml (boiling water)
  • A glass of cream - 200 ml (10%)
  • Spoon of sunflower oil
  • Flour - 7 tablespoons (tablespoons)
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Sugar or powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons (tablespoons)
  • A pinch of salt

How to cook:

Sift the flour through a sieve. Beat the eggs with a blender or spoon. Add sour cream and mix well. Add flour to sour cream-egg mixture. Gradually and slowly add the flour and mix well. Now put sugar and salt, mix and pour milk in a thin stream while stirring the dough. Now beat the dough well. Such pancakes turn out to be very thin, since the dough is quite liquid, turn the pancakes very carefully.

Pancakes with milk on boiling water

What is needed:

  • Two glasses of milk - 400 ml
  • A little more than half a glass of boiling water - 150 ml
  • Eggs - 3 pieces.
  • A glass of flour - 200 g
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons (tablespoons)
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons (tablespoons)
  • A pinch of salt

How to cook:

Sift flour through a sieve and mix with a pinch of salt. Then we make a hill of flour, and create a recess in it. Put the eggs in the hole and mix everything with a blender or whisk very carefully - set the bowl aside. Now mix separately: milk, sugar, water, mix and add to flour with eggs - beat everything thoroughly until lumps are lost. Now add 50 ml of boiling water and sunflower oil, mix everything until a homogeneous consistency. Now you can fry thin pancakes with small holes.

Pancakes with milk - thin

What is needed:

  • Milk - 1 liter
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Flour - one and a half cups
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons (tablespoons)
  • A pinch of salt
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons (tablespoons)
  • Baking powder - 2 tablespoons (tea)

How to cook:

Sift the flour. Mix: sugar, sunflower oil and eggs - beat thoroughly. Then add milk at room temperature to the mass and mix. Now add the baking powder and flour - in several approaches, it is better to stir very intensively with a whisk or beat with a blender. Fry pancakes in a hot pan.

Pancakes and kisses don't like counting. In my family, pancakes have always been not just a dish, but a kind of small holiday. We all gathered together at the table, on which stood sweet honey, all kinds of jams, pickles, and, of course, a huge plate of pancakes bright as the sun.

For me, as, probably, for many residents of our country, pancakes are not just a dish. I associate it with pleasant conversations, warm tea, sweet jam, mother, grandmother and, of course, Shrovetide.


So, for one serving of pancakes you need to have:

  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Wheat flour - 200 gr;
  • Salt - 1⁄2 tsp;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • Water - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Butter - 30 gr.

How to cook delicious and thin pancakes in milk:

  1. We beat the eggs into a container, add sugar. Beat with a whisk, mixer or spoon until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Add a quarter liter of milk to the mass. Be sure to leave some of the product in order to make it easier to mix the dough and there are no lumps left in it!
  3. Add salt, stir the mass until the salt is completely dissolved.
  4. Sift all the flour into our bowl. If the flour is not sifted, then various impurities may remain in it, so my advice to you is not to neglect this simple action.
  5. Mix the mass again. This time even more carefully so that not a single lump is left!
  6. Pour the rest of the milk into the container, add the butter, mix.
  7. Now you need to heat the water to a boiling state, pour it into a small glass, add soda and, without waiting for the chemical reaction of bubbles to appear, add liquid to the container with the dough. Soda is necessary so that after cooking in a pan, the pancakes turn out to be soft, tender and have those most beautiful, like a pattern, holes.
  8. Now it's time to move on to the frying pancakes. In fact, there are special, so-called pancake pans: aluminum, non-stick, ceramic and so on. But if you do not have a frying pan with low walls in your household, do not despair! The only significant difference will be that in ordinary frying pans with high walls, the dish is obtained with small shoots on the sides and it will not be so easy to achieve ideal “sunny” circles.
  9. Lubricate the surface with vegetable oil. This should only be done the first time, before frying the very first pancake. However, if the pancake sticks to the pan during cooking (which depends only on the quality of the pan itself), then I advise you to grease it every time before a new pancake.
  10. Heat up the skillet well.
  11. Pour batter into skillet. At the same time, you can rotate it a little so that the dough fills the entire surface.
  12. Watch. If the dough is caked on the outside, then it's time to turn the pancake over with a special flat spatula. Then wait another minute and shoot the resulting dish!
  13. Put the resulting pancake on a plate, and be sure to grease with butter. This is necessary so that the pancakes, after they have cooled, do not stick to each other.
  14. And now for the final touch: make tea, open a jar of jam or honey, take a pancake and plunge into a moment of supreme pleasure!

Pancakes are closely connected with the ancient pagan rituals of the Slavs.

Each nation had and has its own rich ancient traditions, including culinary ones.

It is difficult to find a person in Rus' who has not heard of Shrovetide, and the main symbol of this holiday, of course, are pancakes.

Today I want to treat you to the most delicious thin pancakes with milk, recipe which I have inherited.



  • 1 l. milk
  • 3-4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp Sahara
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 300-350 gr. flour (2 cups)
  • 100 gr. butter


  • 30 gr. vegetable oil


In the bowl in which we will knead the dough, beat the eggs, pour salt, sugar, and mix thoroughly with a whisk, no need to beat.

Pour in about half of the milk, mix well so that the salt and sugar dissolve.

If you pour out all the milk at once, then after adding the flour, most likely, unmixed lumps will remain.

Then we add pre-sifted flour and since flour is different for everyone, you may need a couple of spoons more.

Mix the dough well, it is more convenient to do this with a whisk, and not with a spoon.

At this stage, the dough is quite thick, knead it to a smooth, homogeneous state without lumps.

Traditionally, vegetable oil is added to pancake dough, but this recipe uses butter, then pancakes, in addition to a beautiful porous texture, also acquire an unusual creamy taste.

Add the remaining milk and mix again, and so that the butter does not freeze in the dough, all products should not be cold, but at least at room temperature.

The dough turns out to be quite liquid, something like heavy cream, you can let it “rest” for 5-10 minutes, or you can immediately start making pancakes.

We set the pans on the stove, and heat them well, because. it is in a hot pan that pancakes turn out beautiful, porous, with holes.

Then lower the heat slightly and brush the pans with oil each time before pouring the batter.

Pour the dough into a hot pan and spread it in a thin layer over the entire surface.

I want to attract your attention.

If the pan is very hot and oiled before each pancake, then no soda is needed, the pancakes will be in the hole anyway and without the taste of soda.

From this amount of dough, 30 pancakes with a diameter of 20 cm come out.

Ready-made pancakes can be served immediately hot with honey, jam, condensed milk, sour cream and, of course, caviar.

They are ideal for stuffing with any fillings.

Pancakes are thin, very soft, with a creamy taste.

This is a proven and very reliable recipe for perhaps the most delicious pancakes.

I will be very happy if you prepare them.

I wish you all bon appetit!

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