
Pancakes without milk with eggs are delicious. Pancakes without milk classic recipe

Hello, dear subscribers and guests of my blog! On the occasion of the approach of Maslenitsa, we will talk again about delicious, fragrant pancakes. After all, the holiday in 2018 will last from February 12 to 18. And this week we will have time to cook different variants treats. In addition to all dairy products, we will cook pancakes on the water.

And if someone is new to these recipes, then try cooking. You will see that they are no worse than their dairy counterparts. And in terms of budget savings, even better. For those who are on a diet and counting calories, such a lean dish is also quite suitable. It also happens that there is simply no milk in the refrigerator. This is where these easy recipes come in.

Whoever likes to serve pancakes with what - with sour cream, with jam and condensed milk. meat, fish, caviar or sweet fillings. We can even do it. Hot pancakes from the heat, from the heat are good with tea or coffee. And cold ones are suitable as an appetizer for more strong drinks.

I have been preparing for Maslenitsa for a long time and have tried several pancake options. And more recently, we looked at recipes in detail. And today, according to the plan, I have an analysis of how to make this delicacy on plain water. All the details are in front of you. Choose what you like and cook with pleasure!

It should immediately be remembered that we take not any kind of water, but boiled. It must be cooled to room temperature, but you can also use slightly warm. Follow the recipe in the description and everything will turn out in the best possible way.

The classic recipe for pancakes on the water with eggs

We start from the very simple test no milk, just water and eggs. I usually cook such pancakes without sugar and stuff them savory fillings. But sugar is still present in the recipe, so we will write it down.

Whether your pancakes are sweet or not, be guided by your taste.

Eggs play a major role in this recipe. We will separate the proteins from the yolks and then combine them in the dough. Very tasty and openwork pancakes obtained from such a test.

What you need:

How to cook:

Crack three eggs and carefully separate the yolks from the whites. Eat special devices for separating eggs. But I always separate manually, distilling the yolk from one half of the shell to the other. The number of eggs depends on their size.

If the eggs are large, you can take two. If smaller, then three.

I send the yolks to the container for the test. I will use them right now, and let the proteins wait in the refrigerator.

I add salt, sugar and one glass of water to the eggs. I interrupt everything with a whisk or a mixer.

Be sure to sift the flour to saturate with oxygen. So finished goods will be more airy.

I start adding the sifted flour in small portions to the dough. Continue stirring constantly until the dough becomes thick and homogeneous. Now you should pour in vegetable oil.

Now I pour in, again in portions, all the remaining water and intensively stir the dough. We get batter and no lumps.

I cover it with a lid or a towel and leave it in a warm place for at least an hour.

It is necessary to give the dough a proofing with any baking. And the longer it stays, the better.

During this time, the gluten of flour and pancakes swell, and during baking they will not tear or roll into a “lump”.

I take the proteins out of the refrigerator and beat with a mixer in a strong foam until “peaks”. To beat egg whites so tightly, they must be well chilled.

Add two tablespoons of protein foam to the dough and mix. Thus, I combine the dough with proteins into a homogeneous, dense mass.

The frying pan must be heated big fire and grease vegetable oil or a piece of lard. I pour half a ladle for one pancake. My frying pan is 22 cm in diameter. I bake for about half a minute on each side. But this is not a standard. Look at your pancakes.

As soon as the edges of the pancake have dried, you can turn it over.

I turn over with a wide spatula, maybe that's why my pancakes never tear or crumple.

Finished products are thin and very openwork. At the same time, they are quite dense and will not tear if you wrap any filling in them. Look at this photo what pancakes with holes turned out.

Look at this photo how beautiful they turned out perforated pancakes on water and eggs.

If you are too lazy to separate the yolks and beat the whites, then mix all the eggs into the dough at once. Or try the following recipe.

Thin pancakes with holes in water and milk

These tender pancakes on water we will do with the addition of milk. We prepare them easily, quickly and tasty. We will not whip and knead anything separately, but simply combine all the components in turn in 5 minutes. Then we give the dough to stand warm for half an hour and bake all the pancakes for 10 minutes

For speed, I use two pans. The baking speed is doubled.

But it's no longer worth thinking about the stove. You will also need to move twice as fast.

What you need:

How to cook:

  1. I break the eggs into a large bowl. I beat them with a whisk adding salt, sugar, milk and a glass of water.
  2. Pour the sifted flour in portions, without stopping stirring. kneaded pretty thick dough like pancakes.
  3. I add another glass of water and the dough liquefies. It remains to add vegetable oil and leave the dough to infuse for half an hour.
  4. If the pancakes are stuffed, then during this time you can just prepare the filling.
  5. After half an hour, I heat two pans well on the stove. I grease them with vegetable oil and pour half a ladle of dough into each.
  6. I observe in which pan the edges of the pancake begin to fry first, and I turn the first one over.
  7. When I turn over the second, the first can already be removed.

I still have time to dip the brush in melted butter and grease each pancake already on the plate. Here's a quick recipe. And what a yummy - hot pancakes from the heat, from the heat. Mmm ... just lick your fingers!

If you have never cooked like this before and are afraid that you will not have time, watch this video.

How to bake pancakes in three pans at the same time

This video instruction on baking pancakes from Vilena Vileyko's channel. Look how this guy successfully manages three frying pans.

Very quickly in 10 minutes I cooked up a good slide of pancakes. And none of them got burned.

And we are moving on to pancakes for those who are fasting or simply cannot eat eggs for health reasons.

How to cook lean and delicious pancakes without eggs

It turns out that it is possible to make pancakes without milk, kefir and eggs at all. As the saying goes: live a century, learn a century. This year I tried this pancake recipe for the first time. And, imagine, my whole family was satisfied with the result.

The secret of these pancakes is in sparkling water. Gas bubbles continue to play in the dough all the time while we bake.

Such vegetarian pancakes can be eaten with jam, preserves or with lean mayonnaise. I am giving small proportions for you to prepare for testing. You will see, they are sure to please everyone who tastes them.

What you need:


We take all products at room temperature. The soda water bottle must be closed. We will open immediately before kneading the dough. And the warmer the water is, the better it will “play” in the dough.

I sift the flour into a bowl. I add soda, salt and sugar to it. I open a bottle and pour a glass of water. Adding water to the flour, continue to mix vigorously with a whisk.

Mixing soda with carbonated water will begin to sizzle and bubble vigorously.

The mass is formed immediately thick, like on pancakes. But I then pour a second glass of water and thin the dough. It becomes liquid and bubbly.

I add vegetable oil and mix well. In two minutes we have the dough ready.

This dough is also good because it does not require proofing. It already plays at the expense of sparkling water.

The pan is already heating up on the stove. I lubricate it with vegetable oil. You can start baking pancakes.

For this lean test, I grease the pan every time with vegetable oil. And the pancakes are amazing. Fluffy, crispy and just melt in your mouth!

From this amount of dough, I baked only 10 pancakes. If you believe me that they are very tasty, then it is better to start more immediately.

Lush pancakes without eggs cooked with yeast

And one more option, let's see how pancakes are prepared on the water without eggs and without milk. But at the same time, they turn out tasty and ruddy. Video with very detailed description from the Vvarona channel.

Yeast dough always gives excellent results. For those who observe the fasts, this option is a real find. If anyone is interested, you can see other recipes meatless dishes on my blog.

Thin and openwork pancakes custard with boiling water

Another a win-win pancake dough. We will start it in warm water and then boil it with boiling water. It is these manipulations that will make the dough perfect.

Do not forget that all products must be at room temperature.

Too cold dough will not be brewed, because all the boiling water will instantly cool down.

What you need:

How to cook:

  1. Break eggs into a large bowl and add sugar and salt. Using a mixer or a whisk, beat all this stuff into foam.
  2. Sift a glass of flour and soda into a bowl. Again, mix very intensively, gradually adding water. We get a thick, like on pancakes, smooth dough. And no lumps.
  3. Pour boiling water from the kettle into a glass and quickly brew the dough, without stopping stirring.
  4. Now add vegetable oil and you can bake pancakes.
  5. Grease a hot frying pan with oil and pour half a ladle of dough.
  6. The pancake is fried for half a minute on each side.
  7. Put them on a plate and grease with melted butter.

This simple and tasty way suitable for even the most novice housewives. Custard pancakes on the water you will definitely succeed!

Video recipe for making pancake dough with mineral water

This option is not lean, because there are eggs in the dough. An egg and sparkling water will help you make wonderful, ruddy pancakes.

With this, let me say goodbye to you following recipes. All questions and wishes write in the comments. Thanks to everyone who cooked with me today! I wish everyone to have fun on Maslenitsa and eat pancakes from the heart!

On eggs without milk? You will learn the answer to this question from our article. We will offer you simple recipes that you can easily repeat in your kitchen.

Egg pancakes with avocado

It's simple and tasty dish can be cooked for breakfast for the whole family. For one serving you will need the following ingredients:

  • one chicken egg;
  • a tablespoon of water;
  • a spoonful of wheat flour;
  • a quarter of an avocado;
  • 30 grams of lightly salted fish;
  • one tablespoon of chopped parsley and green onions;
  • a teaspoon of lime juice;
  • A little olive oil;
  • a pinch of salt and black pepper;
  • 20 grams of Bulgarian cheese.

How to cook egg pancakes:

  • cut the avocado in small pieces and drizzle the fruit with lime juice.
  • Break an egg into a glass, add water, and then beat the food with a fork. Add flour and salt.
  • Grind the fish, cut the cheese into pieces and chop the greens. Mix foods with avocado.
  • Heat up the pan and pour the egg mixture into it. When the pancake is browned, turn it over and place the filling on one side.
  • Close the avocado, cheese and fish with the other half of the pancake.

Just a couple of minutes delicious and hearty breakfast he'll be ready.

Pancakes with sweet sparkling water

Your family asked to cook for them delicious pancakes for tea, but there was no milk in the refrigerator? In this case, you will be rescued sweet water Pinocchio or Duchess. The treat prepared according to our recipe is tasty, fresh and soft.


  • flour - two glasses;
  • eggs - two pieces;
  • vegetable oil - two tablespoons;
  • sugar - two teaspoons;
  • salt - one pinch;
  • lemonade - 500 ml.
  • Mix water and sour cream, then add eggs, salt, sugar and baking powder.
  • Beat the products until a homogeneous mass is obtained and add flour.
  • Bake and cool pancakes.
  • Combine the cheese with finely chopped herbs. Brush one side of each pancake with this mixture.
  • Lay the pieces of fish on the blanks and roll them into rolls.

Before serving, cut each pancake in half and lay out the treat in a slide.

Egg pancakes with mineral water

WITH simple recipe, which we describe in detail below, every housewife can handle. Surprisingly, very tasty pancakes are obtained from an affordable set of products.

List of ingredients:

  • two eggs;
  • 500 ml of carbonated mineral water;
  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • 50 grams vegetable oil.
  • Mix water with sugar, salt and eggs.
  • Add sifted flour and mix ingredients.
  • Leave the dough alone for one hour, and then bake pancakes out of it.

Serve the finished dish to the table with any sweet additive or sour cream.


Pancakes on eggs without milk can be prepared in many ways. different ways. Use our recipes, change them to your liking, come up with new dishes. Your family will be happy to taste original and delicious treats prepared by the caring hands of a mother, daughter or grandmother.

Greetings our dear readers. Very soon, here it comes wonderful holiday- Maslenitsa. And this means that winter is ending and you need to eat pancakes. On this holiday, everyone bakes them, probably. But we definitely do them, and not necessarily on holidays, but even just like that. Here we take a look at the recipes for quick pancakes.

You never know what can happen to us and with us, but it happens that you want pancakes, but there is not enough time. Or maybe you want to please the kids for breakfast, and again there is not enough time. You can get out - go buy semi-finished products, and in the morning just fry.

Ha, but it's not about us. To be honest, I don't like store-bought pancakes. Yes, sometimes we buy them, but this is a very rare case. Homemade pancakes are the best. Today we will tell you very simple and quick recipes for pancakes.

Get ready - at the very end you will find a mega simple and very quick recipe for quick pancakes. As well as a couple of tips, stay with us and we'll get started.

Quick pancakes with milk.

It takes a minimum of time, nothing complicated. Just mix everything and cook, and when the kids wake up, they will be delighted with delicious pancakes.

We will need:

  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Butter for frying.

Step 1.

We drive eggs into a deep bowl, immediately sugar, salt and milk. Beat everything with a whisk or a mixer.

Step 2

Add vegetable oil and mix.

Step 3

Now add flour with spoons with a slide. Add not all at once, but in portions and mix constantly so that lumps do not form.

Step 4

We leave it on the table, and in the meantime we heat the stove and put the pan to heat up. We will fry butter, so the pancakes turn out tastier, acquire a tender creamy taste. We melt small piece in a frying pan.

Step 5

Now fry the pancakes as usual, pour with a ladle into the center of the pan and distribute the dough over the surface in a circular motion.

Fry on both sides. Afterwards it can be served for breakfast with sour cream or condensed milk.

Quick pancakes on kefir.

Sometimes it happens that there is no milk in the refrigerator, or it is sour. And pancakes need to be made quickly, and the store is closed or far away. It does not matter if there is kefir or sour milk. You can bake delicious pancakes.


  • Kefir - 400 ml;
  • Muk - 300 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Boiling water - 200 ml;
  • Vegetable oil (olive) - 30 ml;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1.

We drive eggs into a bowl, pour in kefir, put sugar and flour. Also salt to taste and beat everything with a whisk.

Step 2

Now in a glass boiling water Dissolve the soda, mix and pour into the dough. All this is well mixed. If the dough is too thick, you can add a little more water.

Step 3

Now leave the dough aside for 3-5 minutes. In the meantime, turn on the stove and put the pan to heat up. Grease it a little with vegetable oil. Then you don't need to lubricate.

Step 4

When the pan is hot, add vegetable or olive oil and mix well.

Step 5

Now fry the pancakes on both sides until golden color, in general, everything is as usual. If it still burns a little, then you can add more oil to the dough or grease the pan.

When the dough is over, serve it on the table with jam or condensed milk and have a nice breakfast.

Pancakes in a hurry (no sugar).

Here are some more quick pancakes, we will make them without sugar, as we eat them with condensed milk or jam. This is for those who can not have a lot of sweets.

We will need:

  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Vegetable little - 50 ml;
  • Flour;
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1.

Mix all the ingredients immediately in a deep bowl and mix. Usually we do this with a mixer, you can just beat everything with a whisk.

Step 2

Now we heat the pan and for the first time grease with oil a little bit. Then you can not lubricate. If it burns a little, then add more oil to the dough.

Step 3

Fry pancakes on both sides over medium heat until golden brown.

When ready, fold the pancakes into a triangle, pour over condensed milk and have breakfast.

Quick pancakes on the water.

There is also a simple recipe for quick pancakes but on the water. By themselves, they are not very tasty, to be honest. But they are perfect for pancake cakes or spring rolls. Anything can be used as a filling, such as baked apples. Very tasty, I advise everyone.

We will need:

  • Flour - 500 g;
  • Water - 450 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • Soda - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt to taste.

Step 1.

Pour vegetable oil and water into a deep container. Water should be at room temperature. We mix.

Step 2

Now add sugar, salt and baking soda. We mix everything again.

Step 3

Now add a spoonful of flour, mix and add the remaining flour in large portions, constantly stirring. The dough should be runny.

Step 4

Now, as usual, heat the pan and grease a little with oil. As soon as the pan heats up, you can bake a pancake. Pour into the pan, spread over the surface and fry on both sides until golden brown.

When we remove the pancakes on a plate, grease a little with butter or vegetable oil so that the following pancakes do not stick. So every pancake.

Step 5

After the pancakes are fried, we put the filling on top, any, wrap the pancakes with an envelope and that's it. Can be served at the table.

Mega quick pancake recipe.

And now I present to you a mega quick recipe for pancakes with milk and yeast dough. Easier and faster than you can imagine. If you are interested, you can take it into service for emergency situations.

We will need:

  • Yeast dough;
  • Milk;
  • Vegetable oil.

Step 1.

We buy yeast dough in the store, which is not frozen, usually dough in a bag.

Now we take a blender and put our dough into it.

Step 2

Pour some milk, about a glass. We turn on the blender.

Step 3

Pour everything into a deep bowl and add 50 ml of vegetable oil, mix and that's it, you can fry the pancakes as usual.

That's all we have. Leave your comments below, join us in Odnoklassniki and follow us on our channel in Yandex.Zene. Everyone Bon appetit and for now.

How to cook quick pancakes - simple but delicious recipes. updated: February 7, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel

Pancakes without milk are not inferior traditional pancakes with dairy products. They turn out thin and tender. Various fillings are combined with them: sweet, salty, fruit, meat or fish.

Pancakes without milk can be great dessert. They can be served with sweet sauces or fruits. They can also become a second dish by stuffing them various fillings. As a filling, you can take lightly salted and slightly salted fish, chopped meat, fried mushrooms, cheese, etc.

Since pancakes have a high density, they can be baked without any problems. They will not tear during this process. To bake pancakes, the oven should be heated to 200 degrees. They will turn out ruddy, and will have a thin crispy crust.

Pancakes without milk are great options For morning reception food, or as a snack.

Recipe for pancakes without milk on mayonnaise

Cooking time - half an hour.

Number of servings - 15.

Ingredients for milk-free pancakes with mayonnaise:

  1. Water - 5 mugs.
  2. Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  4. Eggs - 1 pc.
  5. 3 cups wheat flour.
  6. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  7. Salt.
  8. Soda.

We mix cool water with salt, sugar, egg and mayonnaise. The ingredients are whipped until smooth. Flour falls on them. Everything must be mixed well to eliminate lumps. The density of the dough should be small. To it is added slaked soda, joins refined oil and mixes.

The pan is greased with oil and heated over low heat. Pancakes are baked on both sides. The appearance of a golden hue becomes a signal of readiness.

Pancakes have holes. They turn out thin and ruddy, and very tasty.

Time consumption - 1 hour.

Number of servings - 15.

Ingredients for blueberry pancakes without milk:

  1. 2 mugs of flour.
  2. Water - 5 cups.
  3. Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  4. 3 art. l. vegetable oil.
  5. 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

Making blueberry pancakes without milk

First, flour is mixed with powdered sugar, salt and soda. Then blueberries are added to them. The ingredients must be mixed thoroughly.

thin fragrant pancakes- a dish that is prepared in every family. Their uses are endless. They are smeared with jam, sour cream, condensed milk, berry jam or honey. Eaten with tea, milk and cocoa. They can wrap huge variety toppings, thereby making it the main hearty meal(with meat) and turn into sweet dessert(with fruit) or light breakfast(with cottage cheese). How to cook pancakes on the water, without spending a lot of time preparing, we will tell below. There are many known test options - from the simplest to the most complex with a large list of ingredients, but we have chosen the most interesting and delicious.

The classic recipe for thin pancakes on the water

This option is quite popular, and many hostesses turn to it on Maslenitsa. He has known since childhood, and is passed down from generation to generation.

Pancakes on the water consist of:

  • 3 eggs
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 3 stack. water
  • 2 stack flour
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. grows. oils.

Simple thin cakes are made very easily: first, we free the eggs from the shell and drive them into a container for mixing the dough. Then add salt, water and with the help of a mixer bring to a state light air foam. As soon as the mixture has turned into foam, turn on the butter and flour. Beat again with a mixer until a homogeneous liquid without lumps.

Heat up a skillet well. At first, it is recommended to grease the surface of the pan with oil, then you don’t need to do this - this ingredient is in the dough, and the pancakes will not stick.

Pour into a heated pan with ⅔ ladle liquid dough so that it covers the entire bottom of the container. Fry over low heat for 2-3 minutes on all sides. You need to focus on readiness according to the state of the pancake - if it is blushed and does not tear, then it is ready.

On a note. If the pancake is torn- try to include 1 more egg and a handful of flour in the dough. If it sticks during frying - another ½-1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

How to cook thick pancakes on the water

Hearty, appetizingly smelling for the whole house, pancakes on the water with eggs turn out to be elastic enough so that you can easily and quickly spin spring rolls out of them.

And if you plan to make a sweet dish, slightly increase the portion of sugar:

  • water 600 ml
  • flour 300g
  • eggs 3pcs
  • salt ½ tsp
  • soda ½ tsp
  • sugar 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • grows. oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • lemon. acid ½ tsp

Sequence of actions: put the eggs in a wide bowl for dough and shake well with a mixer until smooth. After pouring water, add sugar and beat again. The steeper the foam of the egg mass, the more magnificent and tender the pancakes will be.

In a separate glass, we dilute the acid in 100 ml of water. Separately, mix salt, soda and flour, and then combine everything together and mix again with a mixer. We leave to brew for 20 minutes. Add oil, beat and start frying.

On a heated, oiled frying pan, pour a little dough. We wait until it hardens on top, and turn it over to the second side. We put it on a dish, greasing the pancakes with melted butter or melted butter - this way they will not weather and acquire a delicate creamy taste.

Openwork pancakes with eggs

For openwork pancakes is used classic pastry, known to almost every housewife, who at least once a year on Shrovetide week prepares this meal.

The consistency should be a liquid homogeneous dough, so that it is convenient to make a patterned pancake from it:

  • water 250 ml
  • eggs 2
  • flour 100-200 gr (depending on the variety, the volume may increase)
  • sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt 1 tsp
  • rast. oil 2 tbsp. l.

The dough for pancakes on the water begins with the preparation of the egg mass: beat the eggs into a bowl, add salt and sugar. While whisking, add water in portions. When egg mixture turns into foam, gradually add flour and butter, and continue to beat.

To cook openwork pancakes, we recommend using in a simple way- a regular plastic water bottle with a hole in the lid. Pour the dough into a container and draw any drawings on a hot pancake pan. The simplest option is a lattice. As soon as the pancake seizes from above, carefully turn it over with a spatula so that the pancakes are baked evenly.
