
Lean yeast dough for pies. Lean yeast dough

In this article, I will tell you how to make lean pie dough in several ways. After all, many hostesses love to cook pies for their family, and this article will help you with this. Happy reading.

Lenten pie dough

Lean pie dough is actually not difficult at all, and there are many recipes for making it, so you can choose the one that suits you best. Such a dough is suitable for various goodies during the fasting period. Now we will consider with you the easiest recipe for lean apple pie.

Lenten Pie Dough Recipes

So, for the easiest recipe for this test, we first need a love of cooking, because the most delicious dishes are those that are cooked with love.

To prepare the test we need:

  • Sugar (40-50 grams)
  • Flour (250 grams)
  • Vegetable oil (130 ml)
  • Cold water (80 ml, or 7-8 tablespoons)
  • Small pinch of salt (¾ teaspoon)

First you need to sift the flour.

After you have mixed the dough, you need to knead it, if the dough sticks to your hands, then add a little more flour, and if the dough, on the contrary, is too dry, then add a little water.

When you finish kneading the dough, then divide it into two parts, so that it is a little bit larger, put it in a bag or wrap it with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
Filling Ingredients:

  • Apples (3 pieces)
  • Flour (3 tablespoons)
  • Sugar (110 grams)
  • Cinnamon, optional (0.5 teaspoon)

So, first we remove the seeds from the apples, for this we cut them in half and cut off the part where the seeds are located. Next, just cut the apples into thin slices. Sift flour and add sugar and cinnamon, mix everything. Add this flour mixture to apples and mix. Our delicious filling is ready.

It's time to get the dough out of the refrigerator, prepare a baking dish in advance, previously a little greased with oil. A piece of dough that we distribute more throughout the mold, making small sides on the sides, on top of the first layer of dough we distribute our filling. After all this, we take a piece of dough, which is smaller and fix our pie (we make a hat, so to speak), cover our future pie with this piece of dough.

Next, preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees, put our cake in the oven, and bake for 50-60 minutes. While the cake is being prepared, make yourself and your family delicious tea. When the cake is ready, take it out of the oven, cut it and serve it to the table. Well, that's all, we got such a quick and tasty recipe, bon appetit.

This is also interesting:

Lean yeast dough for pies

And now I will tell you a recipe for lean dough for pies with dry yeast.

We will need:

  1. Warm water (380 ml, or more simply one and a half glasses)
  2. Wheat flour (8 tablespoons)
  3. Sugar (3 tablespoons)
  4. Dry yeast (1 sachet)
  5. Salt (half a teaspoon)
  6. Vegetable oil (4 tablespoons)

To begin with, we take yeast and sugar, mix and add warm water and mix everything thoroughly (foam should appear). In a separate bowl, we must sift the flour and add our mixture of water, sugar and yeast there. All that remains for us is to add salt and knead the dough very well. We heat the vegetable oil a little in the microwave or in a water bath, and then add it to the dough. Our dough must be homogeneous, and without any lumps. As you finish kneading the dough, then cover it with a towel, and begin to prepare the filling.

Filling Ingredients:

  • head of cabbage
  • A little vegetable oil (for frying)
  • Spices to taste

So, we begin to cut the cabbage into small pieces, that is, we chop it. We heat the pan, add vegetable oil and start frying the cabbage, you can also add the spices that your heart desires. We fry until our filling is cooked.

By this time our dough has already risen. Take a board dusted with flour and spread the dough there. Next, we divide our dough into small balls, which we will roll out. After all the balls have already turned into small cakes, we begin to fill our future pies with filling. Next, we form pies.

The next step is to put the pies on a baking sheet and hide them in a warm place.

To make the pies even tastier, you can take tea leaves and grease ours on top.
pies (the main thing is that the tea leaves are not strong).

After all this is done, we warm up the oven well somewhere up to 180 degrees, and send our pies to bake. Bake until fully cooked.

Lean dough for pies without yeast

Well, now we will transgress with you to the recipe for a delicious yeast-free dough.

What we need:

  • Flour (9 tablespoons)
  • Boiled water (90 ml)
  • Vegetable oil (3 tablespoons)
  • Vinegar (1 spoon)
  • Salt (a pinch)

And as always, first we need to sift the flour. Next, gradually pour water and sunflower oil into the flour (without stirring) and immediately add the remaining ingredients, and only then move everything. Then we knead the dough and let it stand for 20-30 minutes, after which we preheat the oven and bake our pie.

So that the pie does not seem boring, you can make it with jam, just after preparing our pie, grease it with delicious jam on top.

Lenten shortcrust pie dough

Okay, now let's move on to the sand test.

All we need:

  • ICE water(200 ml)
  • Vegetable oil (180 ml)
  • Salt (half a teaspoon)
  • Wheat flour (3 cups)
  • Sugar (to taste)

It is advisable to add a couple of ice cubes to the water to make it even colder. Add oil and salt to the water and beat everything until foamy (IF THE WATER IS NOT ICE, NOTHING WILL WORK). Next, mix the sugar with flour, and pour our mass into the flour in the form of foam, mix.

Well, now we knead the dough, adding a little flour, until such a state that the dough stops sticking to your hands. Well, that's all the dough is ready to use. Further, as your imagination decides what to do with the dough, pies or a pie, and if you did not add sugar, then you can even make a fish pie.

Poured lean dough for pie

Well, here we come to the last recipe, and this, or as it is also called choux pastry

Ingredients for Lean Puff Pastry:

  1. 3 cups flour
  2. 300 ml vegetable oil
  3. 300 ml boiling water
  4. Half a teaspoon of salt
  5. 1 tablespoon sugar
  6. Baking powder 1 teaspoon

Mix salt with flour and baking powder, make a small depression in the middle, where pour boiling water and butter, mix, and let the dough cool. After the dough has cooled down, feel free to knead it and let it rest for about 15 minutes. Well, our dough is ready. Preheat the oven and bake the dough until fully cooked.

Probably, there is not a single person who would not love fragrant, lush, tender pies. This is not only very tasty, but also one of the most beloved pastries of many people, because their aroma and delicious, crunchy taste are familiar from childhood.

Pies are just perfect for a snack at work, they are convenient to take with you on the road, but with the onset of the Great Post, many deny themselves this pleasure. But if you cook lean pies without adding milk and eggs, the taste of which is simply delicious, you can treat yourself to fragrant pastries even in fasting.

Today it is simply impossible to imagine a lean table without fragrant pastries. You can easily prepare lean pies from unleavened or yeast dough, with salty, savory or sweet fillings.

However, it is worth remembering that for the preparation of lenten pies, it is necessary to use vegetable oil, which, according to the rules of Great Lent, can only be consumed on Saturday and Sunday. That is why it is best to treat yourself to delicious pastries only on weekends.

Lenten pies with cabbage filling

To prepare such pies, you will need a yeast lean dough, which is prepared very quickly and quite easily.


For test:
4 tbsp. wheat flour
2 tbsp. l. white sugar,
20 g fresh yeast (1 sachet dry),
½ tsp salt,
1 st. boiled water
3 art. l. vegetable oil.
For filling:
500 g onion
1 medium sized cabbage
spices and salt - a little, to taste,


First, we take sugar and yeast, which we dilute with boiled (warm) water. Sift the flour into a separate saucepan, so that the pies will turn out to be more magnificent and tender. We stir the yeast in the water, and as soon as the foam begins to appear, pour the mixture into a saucepan with flour, add salt, and then knead the dough well. Lightly heat the vegetable oil in a water bath, then add it to the dough at the moment when it is almost ready.

With special attention, we make sure that lumps do not appear in the dough, and it has a uniform consistency. In the event that the dough turned out to be very steep, then you can add a little more warm water. As soon as the dough is ready, cover the saucepan with a simple towel, and then leave it for a while in a warm place so that it fits well.

While the dough is coming up, we begin to prepare the filling. Take the cabbage and chop it finely. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Put a frying pan on the stove and leave it to warm up well. In a frying pan with well-heated oil, fry the onion and cabbage until the filling is half cooked, then season with spices and salt to taste.

By this time, the dough should rise well. Lightly knead the dough and put it on the table, previously sprinkled with a small amount of flour. We divide the dough into small balls, roll out each ball and put the filling in the middle of the cake, after which we form pies.

We spread all the pies on a baking sheet, after which we leave them for a short time in a warm place so that they come up slightly. From above, the pies are smeared with tea leaves (weak), and then placed in a well-heated oven and baked until cooked.

Lenten pies with mushroom filling

During the fasting period, many decide to give up meat, but this does not mean that you need to eat tasteless food, because meat can be easily replaced with mushrooms. Of course, the taste is not exactly the same, but a dish with mushrooms will be quite satisfying and tasty. You can cook delicious lean pies with the most delicate mushroom filling.


For test:
1 tsp salt,
1 st. l. Sahara,
1 tsp yeast (dry)
100 g vegetable oil,
1 st. boiled water
500 g flour.
For filling:
200 g onion,
600 g champignons,
pepper and salt - a little, to taste,
vegetable oil - a little, for frying.


We knead the dough according to the method that was described in the previous recipe - the dough should be tender and soft. We cover the finished dough with a simple towel and place it in a warm place for a while (the dough should triple in size).

While the dough is coming up, we are preparing the mushroom filling. Onion peel and cut into small cubes, just clean and chop the mushrooms. In a frying pan with well-heated vegetable oil, fry the onion with champignons until fully cooked, season with pepper and salt. As soon as the filling is ready, it is left for a while to cool slightly, since for the filling of pies it is necessary to use not hot, but warm mass.

As soon as the dough fits well, we divide it into exactly 10 identical parts and form pies, stuffing them with ready-made mushroom filling, cover with a towel and leave for a quarter of an hour so that they can rise.

We heat the oven to 200 degrees, grease the pies with weak tea leaves and bake for 20 or 25 minutes (the pies should be covered with an appetizing ruddy crust).

Ready pies should be covered with a towel and left for a while (about a quarter of an hour), so that they will become softer and more tender.

Lenten pies with apple filling

You can make lean pies with a variety of sweet fillings. Apple is one of the most delicious and affordable fillings during the fasting period.


For test:
0.5 sachet of dry yeast,
3 art. l. vegetable oil,
1.5 st. boiled water
500 g flour.
For filling:
50 g powdered sugar or sugar,
70 g nuts (walnuts),
250 g sweet apples,
cinnamon - a little, to taste.


We take a deep bowl and sift flour into it, then pour water, add dry yeast and a little vegetable oil (about 2 tablespoons). Next, knead the dough and add all the remaining butter, knead the dough well so that no lumps remain and leave for a while in a warm place, as the dough should still come up. After the dough has increased several times in volume, lightly knead it and leave it again - we repeat this procedure exactly three times.

As soon as the dough rises, we transfer it to the table, sprinkled with flour in advance, and divide it into small balls, the weight of which should be about 50 grams. Next, cover the dough balls with a simple cling film and leave for about 10 minutes, wait until they rise slightly.

At this time, we begin to make the filling. Wash the apples well, peel, remove the core and cut into small pieces. Sprinkle prepared apples with icing sugar or sugar, mix with chopped nuts.

As soon as the filling is ready, roll out the balls of dough and place the filling in the center of each cake, sprinkle with a little cinnamon on top and pinch the edge of the pie well.

Lubricate the baking sheet with a small amount of vegetable oil, then put the formed pies on it and leave for about 10 minutes so that they rise slightly. Lubricate the surface of the pies with water and sugar and bake in a preheated oven for about half an hour, until an appetizing golden crust appears on the surface of the pies.

Simple Lenten Pies

This recipe for pies is just perfect not only for fasting, but also for those who follow a diet, but at the same time cannot refuse delicious and fragrant pastries.


For test:
0.5 st. boiled water
0.5 st. vegetable oil,
flour - a little to make an elastic dough,
salt, sugar, dry herbs - a little, to taste.
For filling:
1 bunch of green onions
3 potatoes.


Mix the oil with water and add a small amount of salt, add sugar (if desired, you can not put sugar at all). Then flour is poured into the mixture - an elastic and fairly dense dough should be obtained.

Now we prepare the filling - peel the potatoes, then cut them into halves, pour water, lightly salt and cook until fully cooked. As soon as the potatoes are ready, pour the broth into a glass and mash. If desired, some dry herbs can be added to the dough, but this is not a required ingredient. It is important that the finished puree is not too dry or runny. Chop the green onion and add to the filling.

We divide the finished dough into equal parts, after which we roll out each piece of dough in the form of a thin circle and put the filling in its center, form a pie.

As soon as all the pies are ready, put them on a baking sheet and sprinkle with a small amount of dry herbs on top. Pies are baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour, until they are covered with a fragrant golden brown.

Lenten pies with cabbage

The recipe for these lean and low-calorie pies will especially appeal to those who are constantly forced to follow strict diets. Fragrant pies are incredibly tasty, and most importantly, dietary.


For test:
1 st. l. any vodka,
3 art. l. vegetable oil,
1 kg wheat flour
2 tbsp. l. white sugar,
1 sachet of yeast (dry)
1 tsp salt,
2 tbsp. boiled water.
For filling:
2 small onions
1 carrot
1.5 kg cabbage,
salt, vegetable oil and pepper - a little.


We take the water that will be used to prepare the dough and heat it up slightly (it is important that the water is slightly warm, but not hot). Next, we dilute the yeast in water, add sugar and salt, a little vegetable oil, and of course, vodka. Mix everything well and start adding the sifted flour in small portions. The result should be an elastic dough (the dough will be completely ready after it stops sticking to your hands). The container with the dough is covered with a towel and left for some time in a warm place (the dough should double from its original volume).

While the dough is coming up, we begin to prepare the filling. Finely chop the cabbage, and then mix with grated carrots and onions, which we cut into small cubes in advance. Season the filling with pepper and salt - carefully knead with your hands.

We shift the cabbage into a deep frying pan, cover with a lid and simmer until all excess liquid has completely evaporated. After almost all the liquid has disappeared, add quite a bit of vegetable oil to the pan and lightly fry the filling under the lid. Thanks to this method of preparation, the filling will be low-fat, but at the same time tasty and quite juicy.

As soon as the dough is suitable, we form the pies and put them on a baking sheet, previously greased with a small amount of vegetable oil, and leave for a while so that they slightly fit.

Pies are baked in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour. If desired, ready-made and still hot pies should be smeared with sweet and strong tea, after which they can be served at the table.

Options for fillings for lean pies:

Apple filling - it can be prepared not only from fresh apples, but also from jam. In the event that fresh apples are used, then a little cinnamon or sugar can be added;

Cabbage filling - you can cook lean pies with fried or stewed cabbage, with the addition of onions or carrots. If grated carrots are added to the filling, it will become sweeter and juicier;

Mushroom filling - mushrooms are taken, finely chopped and stewed with the addition of grated carrots and onions cut into small cubes. During the extinguishing of mushrooms, excess liquid may appear, which will need to be drained. Incredibly tasty and juicy is the filling for lean pies with cabbage and oyster mushrooms - in this case, the mushrooms are first boiled, and then fried until fully cooked in a pan with chopped cabbage;

Carrot filling - raw (you can also use boiled) carrots are taken and chopped on a coarse grater, after which they are slightly stewed with sugar. Instead of sugar, you can take cinnamon or ginger (it turns out very tasty). If you do not like the sweet carrot filling, there is a salty option - the carrots are grated and lightly fried with onions, seasoned with salt and pepper;

Jam filling - absolutely any jam can be used here, but it should be thick enough so that it does not leak out during baking. Also suitable marmalade, jam, jam. If there is a very tasty, but watery jam, you can add a little starch or flour to it (about 1-2 tablespoons, no more), so that during baking it will thicken and not spill out.

Lenten pies are prepared just as easily and simply as ordinary products using milk, eggs and butter. However, it should be noted that such pastries can be consumed even during Lent.

Today we will tell you about how you can easily and quickly cook lean pies with cabbage, as well as with mushrooms and onions. These recipes do not include prohibitive ingredients such as eggs, milk, butter, or other cooking oils.

Step-by-step recipe: lean pies with cabbage

So, lean yeast pies require the following ingredients:

  • sifted wheat flour - 4 cups;
  • brown sugar - 1 large spoon;
  • iodized salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • boiled water - 2 full glasses;
  • dry yeast - a small bag;
  • sunflower oil - 2 large spoons (for dough);
  • sweet onion - about 300 g (for the filling);
  • white cabbage - 1 elastic fork (for stuffing);
  • spices and iodized salt - apply to taste (for filling);
  • vegetable oil without flavor - use for frying.

Knead yeast dough

Start preparing lean cabbage pies with kneading the base. To do this, granulated sugar must be poured into boiled water (warm) and completely dissolved in it. Next, you need to mix the sifted wheat flour with dry yeast and salt, and then put them in a sweet liquid. After mixing the ingredients with your hands, add oil (refined sunflower oil) to them. You should end up with a fairly soft dough. You shouldn't mix it too hard. It should stick slightly to your hands.

Curing process

To make lean pies lush and tasty, the dough should be kept warm for about 1.5 hours. To do this, it must be covered with a towel and a lid, and then placed in the sun or near the battery. In the process of lifting the base, it is recommended to lightly beat it with your fist or shake the dishes vigorously.

Making the stuffing

What other ingredients are needed to implement the presented recipe? We decided to cook lean pies with cabbage. It must be rinsed, cleaned of surface leaves and chopped into thin straws. It is also recommended to chop the onion. After that, both vegetables should be put in a saucepan and simmer with the addition of a glass of water for about ¼ hour. After evaporating all the moisture, you need to pour oil (refined sunflower oil) into the ingredients, add salt and other spices, and then fry over medium heat until they turn red.

We form products and fry them in a pan

Lenten pies are formed very easily. To do this, you need to pinch off a small piece from the yeast base and roll it into a cake. Next, in the middle of the product, you need to put a spoonful of vegetable cabbage and pinch the edges strongly. Similarly, all other semi-finished products should be formed.

After preparing the products, you must immediately start frying them. To do this, pour oil (refined sunflower oil) into a saucepan, and then heat it well. Next, put a few pies in vegetable fat and fry them on both sides until browned.

At the end, the finished batch of products must be removed from the oil and placed on a plate. It is required to place new semi-finished products in the pan and cook in exactly the same way as the previous ones.

Serving for dinner

Now you know how lean fried cabbage pies are made. After they are prepared, they should be immediately presented to the household. In addition to such products, it is recommended to serve sweet tea without milk. Enjoy your meal!

We make lean pies in the oven with mushrooms and onions

You can cook flour products not only on the stove with a frying pan and oil, but also using the oven. For this, it is also recommended to use a yeast base.

So the ingredients needed are:

Making dough

Lenten pies with mushrooms are prepared in almost the same way as similar products with cabbage filling. First you need to knead the base. In warm boiled water, you need to dissolve granulated sugar, and then pour in granular yeast. After waiting until the last ingredient swells, iodized salt, as well as sunflower oil and sifted flour, must be added to the resulting mass. As a result of intensive mixing of all products, you should get a soft base, slightly sticking to the palms. In order for it to reach the desired consistency and rise well, it should be covered with a thick cloth or lid, and then left warm for 90 minutes. Moreover, every half hour, the yeast dough must either be shaken vigorously or beat with a fist.

Cooking stuffing

The filling for such pies can be made using different mushrooms. We decided to use fresh mushrooms. Although you can buy oyster mushrooms, mushrooms, and chanterelles. Before using these ingredients to form delicious pies, they must be carefully processed. To do this, the mushrooms need to be thoroughly washed, cleaned of unnecessary elements, and then chopped into small cubes. Exactly the same must be done with onions.

After both ingredients have been processed, they should be put in a saucepan and fried with oil until red. In this case, the products must be flavored with spices without fail.

After frying the mushrooms with onions, they must be removed from the heat and cool completely. In the meantime, rinse the green onion feathers, then chop them finely and add to the cooled stuffing.

Product Formation Process

Lenten pies in the oven are baked quite quickly. But before you put them in a heated cabinet, you should properly shape them. To do this, you need to pinch off a small piece from the risen dough, flavor it with vegetable oil and roll it into a cake. Next, in the center of the product, you need to place the mushroom filling with green onions and pinch the edges well.

After all the semi-finished products are cooked, they must be laid out on a greased baking sheet. Moreover, it is recommended to place them at a distance of 3-4 centimeters from each other, because during the baking process, the yeast dough rises noticeably.

How to bake?

Having placed all the formed products on a baking sheet, it should be immediately placed in the oven. Bake pies with mushrooms and onions preferably at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 50 minutes. During this time, they should rise well, become ruddy and very tasty.

Serve to the table

Unlike pies with cabbage, mushroom products are very satisfying and high-calorie. That is why they are good to serve for dinner or take with you to work. In addition to such pastries, it is recommended to present a cup of sweet tea.

Potato dough is soft, airy, baking from it turns out incredibly tasty. Adding boiled potatoes and a decoction from it to the dough leads to the fact that the finished products come out soft, tender, although we do not add eggs, milk, or butter. The recipe was brought to me from a pilgrimage to holy places. Monks bake bread from this dough in monasteries.

Every experienced hostess knows that fasting is not a reason to eat poorly. After all, there are a huge number of recipes, and everyone who wants to fast has the opportunity to cook delicious lean soups, and nutritious main courses, and, of course, pastries - homemade, fragrant, appetizing. There are many recipes for lean pies, as well as recipes for lean dough for pies.

Composition of products

  • 200 grams of boiled potatoes (about 4 tubers);
  • 200 milliliters of potato broth;
  • 20 grams of pressed or one and a half teaspoons of dry yeast;
  • one tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • one and a half teaspoons of salt;
  • 100 milliliters of refined sunflower oil;
  • 500 grams of wheat flour.

Air lean dough: a step-by-step cooking process

  1. We clean the potato tubers, wash them, fill them with cold water and put them on the stove. Boil potatoes until tender.
  2. After the potatoes are cooked, drain the water from them. We leave part of the broth (one glass): we will need it to prepare the dough.
  3. Put the yeast in a small bowl (dry or fresh, decide for yourself), add a little granulated sugar and a little wheat flour (all this from the total amount).
  4. Pour in about 50 milliliters of warm potato broth (also from the total amount), mix with a whisk.
  5. Leave to activate.
  6. We turn warm potato tubers into mashed potatoes: in any way that suits you best.
  7. Put the mashed potatoes in a deep bowl, fill it with the remaining broth.
  8. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps. Add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and yeast to it.
  9. Gradually add the sifted wheat flour and knead the dough.
  10. Gentle, pleasant to the touch, elastic and very soft dough is rounded.
  11. Put it in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave for 1-1.5 hours to rise.
  12. Punch down the dough and it's ready to go. Start baking.
  13. Making dough for lean pies and pies is not difficult, but some nuances should be taken into account. Lenten pies are cooked somewhat faster than butter pies, and these pastries will also get stale pretty quickly due to the lack of eggs.
  14. Therefore, when baking, you should especially monitor the cooking time of pies, but do not leave finished products in an open dish.
  15. In order for lean pies to remain soft longer, you can wrap them in cotton or linen and place them in a plastic bag. Due to the composition of the fabric, the products will "breathe". It is best not to tie the package, but leave it open.

Bon appetit to all: fast to your health.

Many are afraid to start Christian fasts for fear that they (those who fast) will not have to taste anything tasty during these long days. “No pastries should be on the tables on fast days!” - consider those who have never turned to the posts. In fact, even during fasting, Christians are allowed various baked goods and pastry culinary products. But without eggs, milk, butter and other animal products. For example, there are such types of lean dough for various pastries or for dumplings.

Yeast dough for pies

From such a dough, you can bake pies in the oven or in a pan, make cakes, you can make delicious lean buns from it, bake lean bread. To prepare this dough, mix eight cups of wheat flour, three cups of warm water, a glass of vegetable oil, four tablespoons of sugar for sweet pastries or two tablespoons of sugar for unsweetened ones, 100 grams of live yeast and two pinches of salt.

Yeast must first be diluted in warm water, then put the rest of the ingredients to them. Knead elastic dough. No need to be lazy to knead it well. It will only get bigger from there. Now the dough should be allowed to rise in a warm place (rise, increase in volume). We knead the dough. Let's get him up again. Now you can bake from it.

Soda dough for baking lean cakes and pies

Quick to prepare, airy dough! For it, you need to add half a teaspoon of soda slaked with lemon juice or vinegar, two pinches of salt, half a tablespoon of sugar, 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil to a glass of warm water. If you want the cakes to be sweeter, you can add more sugar.

Now you need enough flour for kneading the dough to make an elastic bun. It must be divided into two halves. Roll out each half into a sausage and cut it into pieces. We roll these pieces not too thinly into juicy pies or you can bake flat cakes without filling in vegetable oil.

Lean dough for dumplings

And if suddenly you don’t feel like baking, but want to do it, for example, with cabbage or cherries, with strawberries, then you can do this.

Pour flour (half a kilogram) on the table, make a hole in it and pour a glass of water into it, in which salt and three tablespoons of vegetable oil are mixed. Knead elastic dough. Let it stand covered with a napkin for 15 minutes on the table. Then you can start cutting dumplings.
