
Secrets of beautiful and delicious pancakes. How to bake delicious pancakes - secrets and tips from chefs

Pancakes are a traditional dish of the Eastern Slavs. Among the ancient Slavs, pancakes were obviously a ritual food; they are an indispensable attribute of the Maslenitsa holiday. In our time, pancakes are almost no longer perceived as ritual food, and have taken their place in the everyday Russian diet.

It would seem that baking pancakes is very simple. But baking thin, translucent, beautiful and airy pancakes is already an art, and it has its own secrets.

How to make sure that there are no lumps in the pancake dough

1. Milk and water must be poured into flour. In this case, the dough is easier to stir and it will be easier to get rid of lumps.

2. There is another option for making dough for pancakes without lumps. To do this, on the contrary, you first need to knead a very thick dough, then gradually pour the rest of the liquid into it according to the recipe and mix.

3. If the dough turned out to be too liquid, do not immediately add flour to the bowl - pour off part of the dough, add flour, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and combine with the remaining dough.

How to make pancakes beautiful

1. To make the pancake even, of the same thickness, pour the dough onto the edge of the pan with one hand, and lift it with the other and make a rotational movement so that the dough spreads over the entire surface.

2. The rouge of pancakes can be adjusted by adding sugar to the dough. But do not overdo it: if there is too much sugar in the dough, then the pancake will burn, and not become ruddy.

12 Secrets of cooking delicious pancakes - How to cook, bake delicious pancakes? Chef's Secrets. Who doesn't love delicious pancakes? Yes, and with different fillings? And on Shrove Tuesday, God himself ordered to bake pancakes and eat them! But how to cook delicious pancakes for a young hostess? Own experience is not enough, so the women's site-magazine ForLove.com.ua offers to get acquainted with the most important secrets of making and baking pancakes before making pancakes, as well as read the best recipes for making delicious pancakes and pancakes not only for Maslenitsa, but in general on any day to the table. Let's start with the secrets of making pancakes. After all, even an experienced housewife does not always know how to properly and tasty cook thin pancakes or pancakes with kefir, pancakes with milk or yeast pancakes, regular pancakes or sour pancakes, buckwheat pancakes or classic pancakes, stuffed pancakes or thick pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes... The secret of making delicious pancakes No. 1: Be sure to sift flour for pancakes, even if you are sure that it is absolutely pure - sifting loosens the flour with air, and then the dough then becomes soft and fluffy. It is necessary to sift flour directly at the time of cooking pancakes, but not ahead of time. The secret of making delicious pancakes number 2: When making pancakes, you can use only fresh eggs, and before adding the eggs to the dough, they must be beaten well. The secret of making delicious pancakes No. 3: Salt and sugar for making pancakes and pancakes ... are dissolved, stirring, in a separate bowl, then the liquid must be filtered through a sieve so that pieces of undissolved salt and grains of sugar do not get into the dough and spoil its structure. And only the already filtered liquid with sugar and salt dissolved in it is poured into the pancake dough. The secret of making delicious pancakes No. 4: Often pancakes do not work out, because the sequence and a certain order of actions when making pancakes are not followed. In order for the pancakes to turn out “correct” - tasty and beautiful, in no case should you pour freshly sifted flour into the liquid mixture! First you need to mix the liquid ingredients of the pancake dough in one pan (at the same time, do not forget that we dissolve the salt and sugar separately, and then filter it), then you need to pour the required amount of sifted flour into another pan, and then, in a thin stream, slowly, continuously while stirring the dough, it is necessary to pour the liquid consistency into the pan with flour. Delicious Pancake Secret #5: To make really tasty pancakes, you should know that the egg yolks for the dough are cooked separately from the egg whites. Not all sugar and salt should be diluted with water, but either part of them, or only salt should be dissolved in water. Both yolks and whites must be beaten or simply rubbed very well with sugar. It is advisable to beat the proteins well with a mixer. After that, the yolks pounded with sugar are first (!) Added to the pancake dough, the dough is mixed, whipped a little, and only then whipped whites are added to the pancake dough! This is how the dough for delicious pancakes is prepared. Delicious Pancake Secret #6: A good recipe for pancakes and pancakes involves adding a certain amount of butter or vegetable oil to the pancake batter. It is only necessary to add it to the dough after adding the flour and the final kneading of the dough - at the very end. Otherwise, the dough will turn out dense, too elastic and tasteless. And you need to add oil - in moderation, but no more than that. The secret of making delicious pancakes No. 7: For baking sweet pancakes, you can add more sugar to the dough (to get thin, pale pancakes, you need less sugar, but because of too much sugar, pancakes can burn), and when you add soda to the dough, you definitely need it take a little and quench with liquid citric acid, previously dissolved in water, or you can quench soda with acetic acid in a ratio of a quarter teaspoon of soda and a couple of drops of vinegar (the soda should completely dissolve). The most delicious yeast pancakes are obtained if the dough is kneaded with milk, and the most fluffy pancakes are obtained if the yeast dough is kneaded with water. Yeast pancake dough should not be mixed like regular unleavened pancake dough. In order for yeast pancakes to turn out well, it is desirable that the dough comes up 2-3 times. If the dough is “not fermented”, the pancakes will be dense and tasteless, and if the yeast dough has fermented, then they will be inexpressive, pale and with an unpleasant sourness. When preparing pancakes with sour milk or kefir, soda must be quenched with acid in a separate bowl, and added to the pancake dough immediately before adding flour. The secret of making delicious pancakes No. 8: To make delicious pancakes and pancakes, it is advisable to beat the pancake dough a little, but not much. To make yeast pancakes, it is important to be able to catch the moment when the dough has already risen, but has not yet “fallen” - then they need to be baked Secret of making delicious pancakes No. or a heavy-bottomed cast-iron skillet, or a regular modern non-stick skillet. It is advisable to ignite the pan for pancakes well on a powerful fire before baking pancakes, and even better - ignite with coarse, table salt, shaking it regularly in a pan. After calcining the pan with salt, you do not need to wash it - just wipe it with a clean, dry cloth. It is important that only pancakes are cooked in the pancake pan, and that it be stored in a separate, clean place, because washing the pancake pan is undesirable. Some people prefer to grease the pan with bacon in the old fashioned way - but this is already an amateur. It is best to grease the bottom of the pan with butter, but if it is in short supply, then refined sunflower oil will do. Pancakes can be turned over with a fork, a special elongated fork-tack from a table set, or a wooden spatula. The secret of making delicious pancakes No. 10: Pour the dough into the pan with a small ladle - and pour the dough a little so that the pancakes do not turn out too thick and clumsy. When pouring the dough into the pan, we hold the ladle in one hand, and the pan in the other. Moreover, the dough must be poured onto the hot surface of the pan quickly, and turning the pan back and forth so that the dough is quickly and evenly distributed over the surface of the pan. Fry the pancakes on a good, but not excessive, fire for 30 seconds - one side of the pancake. When turning the pancake, it should easily separate from the surface of the pan, and determine the moment when the pancake can already be turned over by the following signs - the appearance of bubbles in the baked pancake and the acquisition of a brownish tint by the edges of the pancake. The secret of making delicious pancakes No. 11: Baked pancakes should be put on one plate, suitable in diameter, and the layers between the pancakes should be lubricated with butter, and the top of the pancake hill should be covered with a clean towel so that the pancakes breathe, but at the same time not cool down. The secret of making delicious pancakes No. 12: Pancakes can be formed into triangles, wrapped in tubules, handkerchiefs. Pancakes can and should be stuffed with various fillings and minced meat - mushrooms with onions, minced meat with onions, stuffing with chopped greens and eggs, sweet cottage cheese with raisins. Also, children and adults love to eat pancakes on both cheeks with various jams, marmalade, honey, condensed milk, chocolate butter, sour cream. And the most important secret of delicious pancakes - pancakes should be eaten immediately after they are cooked, as they say - "hot, hot!" Following the simple rules for making delicious pancakes, Maslenitsa will delight you and your loved ones with only the most delicious and beautiful pancake "suns". And may all your pancakes be tasty and not a single “lump” for the Maslenitsa holiday! Author: Tatyana Laptishcheva

Pancakes are one of the dishes without which modern Russian cuisine is unthinkable. However, "sunny" cakes first appeared before our era. Thus, the history of this dish has more than two dozen centuries.

Historical reference

Many people think that pancakes are a traditional Russian dish. However, in fact, the first to make sour cakes were the ancient Egyptians in the fifth century BC.

In Rus', the first pancakes made from appeared around 1005-1006. There are several legends about how exactly the first pancake was “born”. So, according to one version, the hostess simply forgot oatmeal jelly in the oven. It thickened, fried, and, “taking a sample”, everyone decided that it turned out very tasty.

It is noteworthy that from the very beginning, pancakes have been a dish traditionally made using only extremely high-quality products. This was due to the fact that they were endowed with a sacred meaning - they, like kutya, were intended to commemorate deceased relatives. By tradition, they were baked after the funeral and distributed to the poor with a request to remember the newly deceased.

However, over time, the meaning of this dish has changed. They have become the main dish of Maslenitsa - the holiday of seeing off winter. The golden round pancake began to be regarded as a symbol of the spring sun and the Slavic deity Yarilo. Each housewife had her own secret recipe, which was passed down from mother to daughter by inheritance. Those who did not have the opportunity to bake treats on their own could buy it from street vendors - fortunately, on Maslenitsa this dish was sold literally “on every corner”: in taverns or from peddlers right on the streets.

The fillings were the most diverse - mushrooms, caviar or fish. Those who had more modest wealth were content with pancakes stuffed with or.

The so-called "pancakes with salt" were considered a special delicacy. They were prepared in a special way - they were fried on one side, and any filler was placed on the second and the dough was poured on top. Then the pastry was turned over to the other side and fried. The result was a double pancake with a “baking” filling in the middle. Such pastries were stuffed with fresh forest mushrooms, herbs, vegetables, boiled eggs.

Curious facts

It would seem that we know everything about pancakes. However, there are a few curious facts that probably remain unknown to a wide audience.

It is now the housewives who are baking pancakes from. In Rus', it has long been considered pancake flour. Thanks to her, the dough turned out to be very fragrant, and the baking had a pleasant, slightly sour taste.

The well-known proverb “the first pancake is lumpy” has nothing to do with the mistakes of ancient culinary specialists. In fact, it is associated with the Komoeditsa holiday, the main characters of which were ... bears. It was these animals in Rus' that were called "comas". Komoyeditsa was timed to the awakening of animals after hibernation, and in the early morning pancakes were brought "as a gift" to the bears to their lair. This is how the proverb “The first pancake is komAm” arose, which eventually transformed and acquired its modern meaning.

Not only the baking of pancakes, but also their consumption was associated with a huge number of traditions. So, it was allowed to take them only by hand. No cutlery could be used, and even a person who cut a pancake with a knife was considered a real criminal in Rus'!

Abroad, pancakes are made from almost the same products, but each nationality has its own characteristics associated with their baking and consumption. So, in the UK, ale and malt flour are used for pancake dough. American pancakes are small in size and very plump. In fact, these are pancakes that are served in a slide, with a layer of maple syrup, berries or vegetables. The Germans serve pancakes and, while the Spaniards bake them from and stuff them with minced meat. And in China, a huge amount of onion is added to the dough.

Today in the world, in addition to ordinary Russian pancakes, French crêpes pancakes folded into “envelopes”, incredibly tender Czech “palachinki” with vanilla or cheese sauce, American pancakes, a Mongolian version of pancakes called gambir, as well as Ethiopian pancakes from teff flour called "ingera".

The composition and calorie content of pancakes

The main ingredients that make up any type of pancake are flour, milk and eggs. The remaining components vary - and as a result, and changes. It is noteworthy that there are an order of magnitude more calories in pancakes with filling. In pancakes without filling, the indicator is 189 Kcal per 100 grams of baking. This volume of product contains 5.1 g, 3.1 g and 32.6 g.

The benefits and harms of pancakes

The benefits of pancakes are determined by the chemical composition of this baking. It contains (positive effects on metabolism, normalization of the immune system), (powerful, affecting the functioning of the reproductive system and skin condition) and (decrease in levels, stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract). Also in the composition is (strengthening the heart muscle), (normalization of the kidneys), (cell regeneration, elimination of toxins), (prevention of anemia and thyroid disease) and (responsible for the condition of bones and teeth, promotes mental activity).

At the same time, pancakes, especially with fillings, are quite high-calorie, and therefore people who are prone to gaining extra pounds should not get too carried away with this dish.

In addition, now ready-made pancakes are sold in many supermarkets, but the quality of such baking leaves much to be desired due to the huge amount of flavorings and preservatives that unscrupulous manufacturers add to it. Therefore, if you still decide to enjoy pancakes, it is better to bake them yourself.

Thin pancakes with milk

Among the huge variety of pancakes, very thin, actually lacy pancakes made from yeast-free dough are traditionally very popular among gourmets. They are often referred to as "French" as opposed to the traditional Russian ones, which are made with yeast and are quite dense.

To prepare fifteen pancakes with a diameter of 20-22 centimeters, you will need: 0.5 liters of milk, three eggs, 200 g of flour, two tablespoons of oil (you can take both vegetable and refined, without a pronounced smell), the same amount of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt.

Please note that in order for the dough to turn out homogeneous, all ingredients must be at room temperature. Therefore, it is better to remove milk and eggs from the refrigerator in advance. In the event that you use butter, it must first be melted and allowed to cool. Note that baking with butter will be more ruddy and will get a distinct creamy flavor.

Wash the eggs and break them into the prepared container. Add salt and sugar. Stir the mixture using a mixer, or just a whisk or fork. Please note that it is not necessary to beat the eggs into the foam, you just need to ensure that the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.

Pour about 150 ml of milk into the mixture. Mix thoroughly and sift the flour into a container with the future dough. Mix thoroughly again so that the dough is absolutely homogeneous, without a single lump. Then pour in the rest of the milk and stir again. Add oil and mix until the dough has a greasy consistency.

It is better to grease the pan with oil just before pouring the dough for the first pancake onto it. However, in the event that the pancakes stick, it is worth lubricating it every time before pouring the dough. Please note that it is better to use vegetable oil to lubricate the pan, because pancakes burn.

In order for the pastries to turn out not just thin, but truly openwork, with holes, the pan should be heated as much as possible.

Flip the pancake when the top side is no longer sticky. Use a wooden spatula for these manipulations.

Pancakes on kefir with boiling water

Many housewives do not use milk to make pancakes, but. As a result, pancakes are thin, porous, they literally melt in your mouth.

You will need: kefir (400 l), boiling water (200 ml), two eggs, 250 g of flour, two tablespoons of sunflower oil, 75 g of sugar, half a teaspoon of soda and literally a pinch of salt.

Eggs should be thoroughly beaten with sugar and salt. Pour kefir into the same container, add pre-sifted flour and beat again.

Boil the water, dissolve the soda in it and start pouring it into the dough in a thin stream, stirring constantly. After that, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and let the dough brew for about five minutes.

Heat up the pan well. Lubricate it with vegetable oil and start frying pancakes.

Pancakes from zucchini

For the preparation of pancakes, not only flour is used. Pancakes from were also very popular.

To prepare them, you will need: fresh zucchini (450 g), kefir (300 g), four eggs, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, 5 g of salt, and butter, which will be used to grease the pan.

Grate the zucchini on the smallest grater. Squeeze out the juice. Whisk the eggs with salt and add them to the zucchini. Pour in the same kefir and add the pre-finely chopped parsley. Stir and add sunflower oil. After that, mix again and let the dough stand for about a quarter of an hour.

Heat the pan, brush it with sunflower oil. Form pancakes. Fry them from both barrels until the color turns golden. After that, grease each pancake with butter.

Maslenitsa has always been a symbol pancakes. According to tradition, pancakes are baked throughout the Maslenitsa week. Previously, baking pancakes was a whole ritual. This delicacy was prepared according to special recipes and with special rituals and incantations. Each hostess kept her recipe a secret. It was believed that if you reveal the secret of the recipe for pancakes for Maslenitsa, then you will lose family well-being.

There are many signs and beliefs associated with Shrovetide pancakes, which they tried to observe to attract good luck and happiness.

Signs and customs associated with pancakes

  • The first baked pancake was intended for the souls of deceased relatives. One of the traditions of this holiday is the remembrance of the dead. Therefore, the first Shrovetide pancake was left at the window, given to the poor or fed to birds. It is customary to place the last pancake in the hand of a carnival effigy, which is then burned.

  • For our ancestors, making pancakes was a special sacrament. The dough was kneaded on the street near the well, while reading the plot.
  • If pancakes for Maslenitsa were successful, then this predicted a good and rich year. If the pancakes turned out to be tasteless and ugly, then there will be troubles and troubles.
  • The more pancakes you bake for Maslenitsa, the happier and more profitable the year will be. In general, it was not customary to save money on Maslenitsa. The main feature of this holiday was that during the week you need to walk to the fullest, then the whole year will be successful.
  • There is a belief that pancakes must be eaten either whole or torn with your hands. Pancakes were not eaten with utensils. A pancake could not be pierced with a fork or knife - this could attract bad luck.
  • There was a sign: if there are pancakes on Thursday, and peas on Wednesday, then the money will not be transferred all year.
  • On Maslenitsa week it was customary to guess on pancakes. For this, the hostess gave the rooster a pancake. If he pecks it all to the crumbs, the year will be poor. It turns out that the rooster pecked at family well-being and prosperity. If the rooster refuses such a treat or eats for everything, then the year will be successful.
  • Ancient recipes for pancakes for Maslenitsa

    In the old days, pancakes for Maslenitsa were baked from oatmeal. Later they began to use buckwheat, wheat and rye flour. Pancakes were filled with various fillings or smeared with butter. Pancakes with meat, fish, mushrooms, cottage cheese, honey, onions, sour cream, caviar and potatoes were especially popular.

    • oatmeal pancake recipe

    1.5 cups of wheat flour, 2.5 cups of oatmeal, 3 cups of milk or water, half a cup of cream, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 30g. yeast, salt to taste.

    Pour warm milk into a saucepan, dilute the yeast in it. Mix wheat and oatmeal in a separate bowl, then pour into a saucepan with milk and stir. After you need to let the dough rise properly. Then the egg yolks, melted butter, pounded with salt should be added to the dough. Mix everything well. In a separate bowl, beat the whites, separately - the cream. Then mix them and pour into the dough. After this, the test must be allowed to stand again.

    • cheese pancake recipe

    2.5 cups flour, 5 eggs, 100g sugar, 200g butter, 3 cups milk, ¾ teaspoon salt, 300g cheese.

    Grate the cheese, separate the egg yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with milk and add flour, salt and cheese. Beat egg whites separately and add to the batter. Such pancakes are best baked in small sizes. Fry until golden brown.

    • Recipe for yeast pancakes with whey

    1 - 1, 2 l. whey, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, flour, 10g. live yeast, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    Mix eggs with sugar, add yeast, add half a liter of warm whey and vegetable oil. Mix everything and add flour with salt. The dough should be as thick as pancakes, preferably without lumps. Then you need to add the remaining whey and mix everything again. As a result, the dough is liquid, like pancakes. Put the dough in a warm place for about an hour.

    Despite the fact that Maslenitsa is one of the oldest holidays in Russia, pancakes became a traditional dish only in the 8th century. And earlier, honey gingerbread was baked on Maslenitsa. It is believed that the historical predecessor of pancakes was oatmeal jelly. Once it was decided to warm it up on fire, as a result, the first pancakes were obtained. We wish you a merry Maslenitsa, and do not forget to press the buttons and

    16.02.2015 09:25

    Ilyin's Day in 2014 is celebrated on August 2. According to the folk calendar, on this day they prayed to St. Elijah the Prophet. This folk...

The main dish of Shrovetide week is pancakes. Experienced chefs say that it is not difficult to bake them. There are many secrets and tricks that will help you cook the "correct" pancakes - thin, smooth and tasty.

Dough preparation rules

You need to start cooking pancakes 3 hours before you serve them on the table. If you are making yeast dough, start kneading it 5 hours beforehand. The flour must be sifted, this will loosen it, and your dough will be softer and more fluffy. Remember that you need to sift flour not in advance, but directly during the preparation of pancakes. Use only fresh eggs. It is also recommended that you beat the eggs well before adding them to the dough.

Pancakes will turn out tastier if the egg yolks for the dough are cooked separately from the proteins. It is recommended that both yolks and whites be rubbed well with sugar or beat them with a mixer. The yolks are first added to the dough, then the dough is mixed and allowed to rise (if you are preparing a yeast dough) and only then the proteins are added. Remember that the protein dough is mixed from top to bottom to maintain the foamy structure of the dough. Then the dough is allowed to rise again and immediately begin to bake pancakes.

When kneading the dough for pancakes, it is important to follow the cooking sequence. Remember that sifted flour should never be added to a liquid mixture. First you need to mix all the liquid ingredients, and then in a thin stream, stirring constantly, add the mixture to the flour.

It is better to add salt and sugar to the dough for pancakes, after dissolving them in water in a separate bowl. Before adding, the liquid must be filtered, so pieces of undissolved salt or sugar do not fall into the pancake dough. To make pancakes successful, it is recommended to add vegetable or butter to the dough. It is best to do this at the end, when flour has already been added to the dough. When adding oil, know the measure - 2-3 tablespoons will be enough.

The more sugar in the dough, the more ruddy the edges of the pancakes turn out. If your pancakes turn out pale, then your dough has become sour. You can correct the situation by slightly sweetening the dough. However, here it is also important to know the measure, too sweet dough will burn.

If you are making yeast dough, don't worry if it hasn't risen enough. Warm milk will fix everything, which must be gradually added to the dough, stirring it constantly. It is believed that yeast pancakes are tastier if the dough is mixed with milk, but more magnificent if it is mixed with water. Yeast dough for pancakes should rise 2-3 times. If it is "not fermented", the pancakes will turn out to be too dense, and if the dough is fermented, the pancakes will turn out to be pale and sour in taste.

If you are preparing pancake dough with kefir or sour milk, the soda must be quenched with either citric or acetic acid. It is recommended to do this in a separate bowl; it should be added to the dough before adding flour.

If you knead too thick dough, you can dilute it. However, do not add milk to it, otherwise the pancakes may start to burn. It is better to add water to the dough. You can also add beer, then the pancakes will turn out thin, but strong. There should be no lumps in the pancake batter, but don't beat the pancake batter for too long or it will become too sticky.

The subtleties of baking

It is important to start baking pancakes at the right time: the dough should rise, but not settle. No need to mix it, take the dough with a spoon from above.

Pancake dough is poured into the pan in a thin layer. If you added oil to the dough, then you need to grease the pan with oil only before the first pancake. It is important not to overdo the oil. If the oil is not poured into the pan, but lubricated with a piece of potato, then no excess will remain. You can also grease the pan with a piece of bacon.

The dough should be poured into a hot pan quickly, while tilting the pan in different directions so that the dough is quickly and evenly distributed over the surface.

It is recommended to fry pancakes on moderate heat. You need to turn them over when the edges are already dry, and the middle is covered with "pimples". The pancake should separate well from the surface. If the pancakes do not turn over well, tear, bake poorly, then there is not enough flour in the dough. You can fix the situation by adding the missing ingredient.

The dough for pancakes is not fertile if bubbles form in the middle of the pancake during baking. Put the dough in warm water for a while, this will save the situation.

The pan in which you are going to fry the pancakes must be clean. It is better if it is a special frying pan, in which you will cook nothing but pancakes. It is not recommended to wash the "pancake" pan with abrasive detergents, so nothing will burn on it and the dough will stick less. Before you start baking pancakes, heat the pan well.

It is better to pour the dough into the pan with a small ladle. It is better to turn pancakes with a wide wooden spatula. In order to evenly distribute the dough in the pan, you can use a special spatula in the form of a rake without teeth.

As a rule, ready-made pancakes are placed on a dish on top of each other and covered with a lid. You can coat them with oil. Pancakes are best served hot.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources
