
If the pancake is liquid and does not turn over. How to cook pancakes so they don't burst

Why do pancakes tear and stick to the pan? Almost every novice hostess is looking for the answer to this question. Bake beautiful and - it's almost an art. But you can get the hang of it pretty quickly. You just need to remember a few important rules for preparing this dish. It is about them that we are talking in this article.

Having studied the information offered here, each hostess will understand the causes of the problems that arise when baking the national Russian dish - pancakes.

Reason #1: Not enough eggs

Why are pancakes bursting? Maybe the recipe was broken during the preparation of the dough? When kneading it, you must strictly follow the description. As a rule, pancakes stick and tear if there are few eggs in the dough. Protein and yolk is the link of all other ingredients. The deficiency of these ingredients leads to the fact that the structure and density of the dough are violated. It is possible to save such a workpiece. Add 1-2 eggs to the dough. Mix the resulting mass and add a little flour to it. Once again, mix everything thoroughly. The dough should be of a uniform consistency.

Reason #2: Not enough flour

The reason why pancakes tear when turned over may be a lack of flour in the batch. Moisture quickly drains from a very thin dough in a hot pan. It leaves a very thin and porous cake. It is very difficult to turn it over, and sometimes it is simply impossible. If such a nuisance happened to your dough, add a little flour to it and mix until all the lumps are broken.

Do not rush to bake it immediately. Leave the workpiece to brew for half an hour. During this time, the flour will release the gluten, which will make the structure of the dough more dense.

Reason #3: Lack of Fat

Be sure to add a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil to the dough during the kneading, because the lack of fat in the dough can be the reason why the pancakes are torn. The taste of the dish will only benefit from this. And the cakes themselves will easily turn over and be removed from the bottom of the pan.

In addition, it is recommended to lubricate the mold itself with fat. This can be done with a piece of unsalted lard or any vegetable oil. But with the latter, the main thing is not to overdo it. Fat, a thin layer, should be greased only the bottom of the pan. It is convenient to do this with a napkin dipped in oil or a brush.

Reason #4: Too Much Sugar or Spices

When making pancake dough, try not to overdo it with spices. Vanilla sugar, pepper, coriander and other seasonings change its strength. As a result, thin pancakes will both burn and tear. And even the most common granulated sugar in the composition of the dough can cause a violation of the integrity of the cakes. Therefore, it should be kept to a minimum. Additional sweetness can be given to pancakes after cooking, anointing them with jam or honey.

Reason #5: Bad frying pan

In order for the process of baking an old Russian dish to bring you pleasure, it is important to choose the right frying pan for this business. Ideally, it should be cast iron. The walls and bottom of this form are quite thick, which contributes to uniform baking of the dough. You can also use modern ones to make thin cakes. Experienced chefs recommend having separate dishes for baking this dish, that is, it should only be used for pancakes, because those forms in which meat, fish, vegetables are fried can have small scratches and notches. An uneven bottom surface can also be the reason why pancakes tear when baking.

Such a modern unit as an electric pancake maker has proven itself very well. It is advantageous in that it can bake several thin pancakes at once. The temperature program, set according to the instructions, allows the hostess not to worry that the pancakes will burn or not bake. Even a novice cook with the help of such an assistant as an electric pancake maker will be able to cook ruddy and delicious cakes.

Learn how to bake pancakes the right way. Tips for Beginners

You have already learned the main reasons why pancakes are torn. Next, let's talk about the rules of the baking process of this dish. If you follow all the rules described below, you will no longer have problems with making thin cakes.

  • Knead the dough clearly according to the instructions, lay the amount of products. which is indicated in the recipe.
  • Knead the dough until it has an even color and a uniform consistency. In order not to form lumps, you must first stir the flour with a small amount of liquid (milk, water, kefir), and then add more.
  • Before pouring the dough into the pan, it must be heated and then greased.
  • It is recommended to bake pancakes on moderate heat.
  • Turn the cakes over with a spatula, initially lifting the edges in a circle.

Why do pancakes tear when frying? Now this issue is no longer relevant. You know all the secrets of cooking this dish.

Pancakes are a hearty and nutritious dish. They can quickly and satisfyingly feed a large family or guests. For every housewife cooking pancakes is a unique process. Someone bakes them easily and quickly, while other housewives are afraid to even start cooking or constantly wonder why pancakes are torn.

The reason for the excitement is the sticking of the dish to the pan and the violation of integrity when turning over. This can be avoided if you know the causes and ways to eliminate them.

History of the dish

Pancakes are a traditional Russian dish. Thanks to its simple recipe, it was considered a wonderful delicacy in every family. The first mention of the dish in Rus' dates back to the 9th century. At the beginning of 11, the recipe became widespread and appeared on the menu of every housewife.

Historians believe that the first pancake appeared from oatmeal jelly. The hostess put him to warm himself on the stove, but forgot. As a result, jelly turned into a ruddy appetizing cake. They began to practice the culinary masterpiece on hot stones and on red-hot clay coasters.

Pancakes have improved every decade. It became the main delicacy at the Maslenitsa holiday. The dish was baked in huge quantities, treated to all guests and passers-by. Thus, they commemorated the deceased family member and saw off the winter. Pancakes resemble the sun in their color and shape, therefore in ancient times they were associated with the pagan god of light Yarilo.

Today, pancakes are a culinary product. It is baked or pan fried. The batter is browned, turned over and turned into a round thin cake. The dish is used with a huge variety of fillings.

Pancakes tear when turned over: possible causes

The aroma of freshly baked thin pancakes makes you run to the kitchen with enthusiasm. They can easily treat a large group of friends, have a wonderful conversation over tea. But the fragrant dish is quite unpredictable. Pancakes may tear during the turning process, sticking to the pan.

There are quite a few reasons for this:

  1. Wrong choice of frying pan. Utensils play an important role in cooking. If the pan has scratches and other defects, then it is unlikely that you will be able to turn the pancake over without tearing it. To make the dish perfect, you should use a cast-iron "grandmother's" pan with a thick bottom. It is advisable to buy a pancake. This is a special dish with low sides. This pan heats up quickly and cools down quickly as well. When turning the toasted dough, the product will retain its integrity.
  2. Quantity and type of flour. There are hundreds of pancake recipes. They are made on kefir, milk, water, mineral water and even beer. But the most important ingredient is flour. The taste and strength of the pancake depends on its quality and quantity. If you put a little flour, then the dough will turn out liquid. It will not be possible to turn it over - it will tear. To avoid this, attention should be paid to the consistency of the flour. The dough should be moderately viscous and dense. When draining from a spoon, it should slowly pour in a thin stream. To achieve this effect, the dough needs to be infused for 30-40 minutes before cooking.
  3. An abundance of sugar. If you add this ingredient in large quantities, then one side will quickly fry, and the top will remain raw. That is why you should put sugar strictly according to the recipe.
  4. Pancakes tear when turned over if there is a lot of soda in the dough. It gives looseness to the product, which makes it difficult to keep the whole circle.
  5. If the pancakes stick to the pan and tear, it may be due to lack of oil. It must be added to the dough. In order for the dough to be whole when turning, the pan must be lubricated each time. This is done with a special brush or napkin.
  6. Elastic and pliable dough becomes thanks to eggs. Their lack will deprive the product of important qualities. Pancakes are torn - you need to add 1-2 eggs.

When asked why pancakes are torn, the answer is simple - the wrong ratio of ingredients or the wrong choice of pan. But the reason may be in the products.

Round solar cakes are prepared only from fresh proven ingredients. Then, when turning over, integrity will be preserved.

  • Flour of the highest grade. (Not necessarily wheat. An excellent snack will come from buckwheat, corn or oat flour);
  • Eggs are not older than 10-15 days;
  • Quality oil;
  • Purified water;
  • Kefir, which is more than 4 days. (Openwork cakes are not obtained from fresh kefir.)

Why do pancakes stick to the pan

One of the common cooking difficulties is sticking to the pan. The dish loses its charm and appeal. Any housewife wants to skillfully bake them.

Why do cakes stick when hot:

  • Insufficiently hot frying pan;
  • Little oil in the pan;
  • Too liquid dough;
  • An excess of spices (sugar, vanillin, cinnamon);
  • Lack of oil in the dough;
  • Wrong ratio of ingredients;
  • Incorrect frying pan material.

What to do so that the pancakes are not torn

Experienced housewives have tried dozens of pancake recipes. Only with experience can you achieve the desired effect and easily bake whole ruddy and thin cakes. Novice housewives are wondering " pancakes are torn, what is missing?" or " why do they always stick to the pan».

To bake the perfect dish, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. To prepare the dish, you need a dedicated frying pan. On it, except for pancakes, do not cook anything.
  2. Make the dough without lumps. For a uniform consistency, first mix the flour with a part of kefir (milk, sourdough or beer). In the process of stirring, add the rest of the ingredient to the liquid. This reduces the chance of tearing when frying.
  3. The pan needs to be well heated. Then grease with oil and only then pour the dough.
  4. Before each pancake, the pan should be greased with oil. But for the best effect, it is worth making it with a piece of homemade lard.
  5. If the pan has a Teflon surface, then the pancakes are torn when turned over. To avoid this, you need to add a little boiling water to the dough in advance.
  6. Pancakes stick to the surface if baked over high heat. After the frying pan has been ignited, the heat supply should be moderate.
  7. Pancakes can burst from using the wrong utensils. Turning the sun circles is tedious only with a wooden spatula.
  8. The dough must rest for some time. Only then will it become supple and elastic.
  9. Are pancakes bursting? What to add? It's most likely a lack of eggs. Add another one and try again. You do not need to drive in several eggs at once, as the product will turn out to be harsh.
  10. If the circle of dough did not work out, then the pan must be washed and heated again.
  11. To prevent the pancake from tearing, you should gently draw a spatula around the entire product. Only then turn the cake over.

For pancakes that are ideal in shape and taste, you need to start cooking in a great mood. The first craftswomen believed that the dough felt the mood of the cook. Even if the first cakes are not successful, do not despair.

Every person, at least in Russia, once has to fry pancakes. Or an oven? How, by the way, right? For example, in my family they always used to say that pancakes are baked.

But very few people get them the first time: many novice cooks are faced with the fact that pancakes stick, tear when turned over, or in general, instead of them in a pan, they turn into slurred, half-baked lumps of dough.

How to avoid it? What to do so that pancakes do not tear during cooking?

What should I pay attention to when frying pancakes?

Choosing the Right Recipe

First, look for the recipe. In our time, it’s good, any-expensive: I climbed into the Internet, looked for culinary sites, dug up a bunch of recipes.

It used to be that mistresses copied them from each other, and cookbooks were passed down from generation to generation. Grandmothers and mothers cut out recipes from the magazines "Peasant" and "Worker", and also kept records of their mothers and grandmothers.

Therefore, if, fortunately, something like this has been preserved in your family: a notebook with recipes, an old cookbook or clippings from old magazines pasted into an album - rejoice and turn to them first of all. This is a rarity and exclusive for today.

Dough consistency

So let's get started. First, we find out what needs to be kneaded into the dough, since it is in it that the root cause of why the pancakes are torn is hidden. The dough should be of perfect consistency, not too thick, not too liquid. In old recipes, they just wrote: bring the dough to the consistency of sour cream.

This means that after kneading, the dough should flow from the spoon in a long, viscous stream, while not too thick. How to achieve this? If you trust the recipe - strictly observe all the indicated proportions of liquid and flour.

If you are a creative culinary person who herself knows and sees how much to put in, add a little flour to the liquid, stir and check how it drains. Achieve the desired effect - cheers.

And if you don't get it? What if the dough is too liquid? Then, pouring it into a frying pan, you will see that it spreads into a shapeless puddle and does not want to turn into a pancake when frying. And when you decide it's time to fry the other side, you will see that the pancakes do not turn over. Because they are too thin and not strong.

OK, then you decided to add flour to the dough in earnest, just to be sure. And what? Oh joy, the pan turned out to be a dense, even, round pancake. Really very dense. Fat even. One side fried quickly, it's time to turn over. Great, he rolled over elementary, without the slightest problem!

Now the second side is browned, it's time to remove. We try. Damn, it turns out that, firstly, it was torn (not even so much torn as broken) when they picked it up on a fork or tried to roll it, and secondly, it didn’t bake through in the middle! Hence the moral: the consistency of moderately thick sour cream is very important for pancake dough.

Dough Ingredients

Now for the liquid. What should it be? In fact, there are a lot of options: water, beer, milk, kefir, curdled milk, mineral water, brine. In general, there would be a desire, but you can knead pancakes literally on anything, even on vodka.

For example, I prefer kefir or curdled milk, and my mother overheard Nadezhda Babkina's recipe about mineral water, and she is very pleased. Do you know why? Because we all love porous, perforated, fluffy and airy pancakes. No one is interested in them dense, flat and "impenetrable".

So, in order to achieve the effect of airiness, you can act in two ways: either knead the yeast dough, which, of course, is unrealistically honorable and cool, but objectively takes a long time and requires very much love and responsibility in relation to the pancake business, or use liquid with bubbles.

And this is just either all kinds of sour: fermented milk, kefir, or mineral, preferably carbonated, water.

If neither one nor the other is at hand, experienced housewives, in order to achieve bubbling of the dough, use slaked soda. How to get it? Very simple: pour half a teaspoon of soda with vinegar. She will sizzle and bubble up nicely. And this result of a wonderful chemical reaction needs to be launched into the dough, and it will immediately gratefully answer you with numerous bubbles.

The right time to flip

And now, it seems that at this stage everything worked out for you: the dough looks like not very thick sour cream and it bubbles. You pour it into a pan, it spreads evenly in an almost even circle and ... As soon as you try to turn this circle over, your pancakes burst!

What's the matter this time?! Are you turning it over too soon? Are you sure the underside is browned enough and cooked through? The damp bottom of the pancake is very prone to breaks and breaks.

The right frying pan

Let's take a look at your pan. For pancakes, a special pancake maker is ideal, to be completely honest. This is such a device with several round recesses and a special coating, into which the dough is poured, and then everything is taken out just as simply.

There are also special crepe makers, waffle makers, crepe makers with a flat base, submersible and other types. You can choose and buy according to your taste.

If, when frying pancakes, you prefer an ordinary frying pan, then it is best for it to be either cast iron or coated with a special non-stick compound. Yes, and the bottom of it should be perfectly flat.

On a duralumin or steel frying pan, in principle, with some diligence, you can sculpt a decent pancake, but here you need to be a real jeweler with vegetable oil. It can be poured directly onto the bottom of the pan so that it spreads evenly over the entire bottom, or added directly to the dough to make it more greasy and plastic.

Another option: you can put half a peeled raw onion or potato on a fork, and then use it to grease the pan before baking each pancake. So the surface of the pan will be completely covered with vegetable oil, and the oil will not be consumed too much, and the dish, as a result, will not turn out to be too greasy.

The right dose of vegetable oil can be your guarantee of safety so that pancakes do not tear when turned over.

Spatula for flipping

In addition to all of the above, you need to consider that the shape of the spatula can affect the strength of the pancakes when you want to turn them over. Too thick a wooden or metal spatula with large slots will prevent you from successfully picking up the pancake and breaking it in the process of tearing it away from the pan.

What to do so that the pancakes do not tear when turning over?

We simply take into account all the “factors of ideal pancakes” listed before:

  1. Knead the dough to the desired consistency. So that it does not spread too much, you can add a couple of eggs to it, but you can simply follow the correct proportion of flour and liquid.
  2. We choose a special pancake maker or the right frying pan: with a perfectly flat bottom, cast iron or with a non-stick coating.
  3. We take a suitable spatula: thin enough, but strong, metal is better, but wooden is also possible. And for a non-stick frying pan coating, a special plastic one is needed.
  4. We make sure that the bottom side of the pancake is sufficiently baked and browned.

Video: master classes with recipes for pancakes that do not tear

Who among us does not love freshly baked delicious pancakes with a golden crust, which with their aroma alone can excite all our taste buds? Such a delicacy does not require a lot of time to prepare, and the result will truly satisfy the needs of even the most fastidious and capricious gourmet.

But what if, instead of beautiful round suns, we see crumbling dough sticking to the pan, which certainly does not cause appetite, but only spoils the mood of both the hostess and the household? Why do pancakes tear when turning over and is the well-known proverb about the notorious pancake “lump” really not just a fiction, but a real reality - this article will give detailed answers to these and other questions.

If not only the first pancake, but almost half, turned out to be “lumpy”, in this case the whole cooking process only begins to annoy and unnerve, and not bring positive emotions from the culinary work done.

The hostess remains dissatisfied and upset, and relatives and friends, in order not to condemn anyone, chew on an improperly prepared dish and comfort the negligent cook with dubious praise. In order to avoid such a fiasco, we will tell you what to add to pancakes so that they do not tear and what are the subtleties of their proper preparation.

Choosing a frying pan

Marketing tricks work with a bang, so manufacturers guarantee success if you purchase a special pancake maker designed exclusively for making pancakes. In fact, there are only two metals that prevent dough from sticking and burning. These include good old cast iron and aluminum. Therefore, any pan made of aluminum or cast iron will perfectly cope with the task assigned to it.

The whole secret lies in the fact that after several cooking, a thin fatty film forms on the surface of the product, thanks to which the pancakes do not tear when frying. The same film prevents the formation of rust in the pan, thereby protecting it and extending the life of this cookware.

Despite the fact that after cooking you still expose the product to washing, after one cleaning the fatty film is not completely washed off, so the next time the dough will not stick and tear when turning over. Thus, all the incidents and failures of cooking a dish in a new pan are explained.

It’s just that the product hasn’t had time to “get used to it” yet, and that’s why you don’t get pancakes, although the dough is cooked correctly and all the ingredients are added in the right amount.

If pancakes are torn during frying, this indicates that somewhere you made a mistake, and the recipe for the dish was not followed in accordance with all the rules.

Pancakes also fall apart when various flavoring components, such as cocoa or vanillin, are added to the dough.

Do you want to avoid such troubles? Then keep the use of these ingredients to a minimum and do not abuse a lot of soda and sugar.

Secrets of the correct preparation of pancakes

If you don’t get pancakes, you probably didn’t take into account some important nuances that can significantly affect the quality characteristics of the dish. In order to avoid possible incidents, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic secrets of making delicious and fragrant pancakes.

Pancakes are a traditional Russian dish, which is often present on both festive and everyday tables. There is nothing complicated in their preparation, however, sometimes many lovers of culinary creations face a problem and wonder why the pancakes are torn? Let's try to understand this unpleasant situation.

Pancakes stick to the pan: reasons

  • Cold milk. Perhaps this is the most common reason for unsuccessful cooking. The thing is that the dairy product from the refrigerator is not able to dissolve the dry ingredients. Accordingly, sugar and salt begin to dissolve in the pan, creating a sticky layer that prevents the pancake from being removed freely.
  • High fat milk. Even if the dough is cooked strictly according to the rules, but the pancakes still do not become plastic and stick, you should pay attention to the fat content of the milk used. Too fatty product can cause the product to burn, and this, in turn, breaks the elasticity of the pancake.
  • Not enough flour. In a hot frying pan, a product with a small amount of flour instantly loses moisture, so it is simply unrealistic to turn over a thin, spreading cake.
  • Lack or lack of eggs. In the preparation of pancake dough, eggs play the role of a binder, and their lack violates the density of the dough.
  • Too much sugar in dough. Another reason why pancakes tear when turned over and burn is too much sugar or spices. The thing is that in large quantities these ingredients are very difficult to mix, which is why the dough becomes heterogeneous.
  • Too much soda. Of course, without this ingredient, pancakes will not turn out fluffy and airy. However, if you overdo it with alkali, the dough will turn out to be too loose and stubborn.
  • If the first pancake sticks to the pan, it is worth trying to bake another one. It often happens that it is the first instance that fails, and then the pancakes become more obedient. This can happen due to a poorly heated frying pan. well and in case subsequent pancakes tear and stick to the pan, some tricks can be applied:

  • Boil the dough with boiling water. The secret is simple - hot water perfectly dissolves solid ingredients. The dough is homogeneous and plastic.
  • Add starch. Just a couple of tablespoons of this component will help the dough become fluffy and get rid of sticking to the pan.
  • Use powdered sugar to knead the dough. If the sugar is ground a little in a coffee grinder, it will dissolve much faster. So, there will be no effect of caramelization and sticking when heated.
  • Add liquid after flour. In preparing the dough, it is important to mix the bulk ingredients first, and only then introduce milk, water or kefir. This trick helps to get rid of lumps and make the dough plastic.
  • Do not start baking until a light haze forms in the pan. It is this process that indicates the proper heating of the pan. And this is the main condition for uniform frying of pancakes.
  • List of Common Causes of Bad Pancakes

    However, it often happens that all the tried tricks still do not help to achieve results. This happens especially often with novice hostesses. You should not despair, especially since it is not at all difficult to correct the situation. Consider the main causes of burning pancakes and find out how to fix the situation.


    Pancake batter should be slightly thicker than kefir. Too liquid mass will spread over the pan and burn. In this case, adding flour will fix the problem. Only it is better to fill it in portions, so as not to overdo it with the amount.

    If the dough, on the contrary, turned out to be dense and thick, you need to add a little milk or water. After that, the dough must be well mixed.

    Prescription non-compliance

    Deviation from the specified number of products and the stages of their laying in the dough disrupts the entire cooking process. For example, if not enough eggs are added, the pancake dough will not be sticky. With an excess amount, on the contrary, pancakes will turn out rubber.

    The same applies to the order in which ingredients are added. For example, if you first beat the eggs with sugar, and then add flour to them, the dough will be homogeneous. Otherwise, you will get an unmixed mass with lumps.

    Another important point is to let the test rise. The process usually takes about 15 minutes. During this time, all the ingredients dissolve well, and gluten appears in the dough.

    Changing pans or saving oil

    Two more common causes of naughty pancakes that not only beginners, but also experienced housewives may encounter. Let's try to solve these problems.

    I. Prepare the dishes for baking.

    Ideally, the pan for making pancakes should be separate, that is, it is undesirable to cook other dishes on it. Well, if such a pancake is made of cast iron or aluminum. If the working pancake pan has become unusable or a new one has appeared in the arsenal, a problem often arises - pancakes are constantly torn during frying, or they are not fried evenly. Saving an old frying pan or adapting a new one for baking is not at all difficult.

    First, the product must be thoroughly washed and dried. Then put on fire, pour two tablespoons of coarse salt on the entire surface and cover with a lid. In this state, the pan must be left for 3-4 minutes. Then turn off the fire, leave the salt to cool and remove from the pan. Do this very carefully so that large salt crystals do not damage the non-stick surface.

    The second step is to grease the dishes. It is better to do this immediately before cooking pancakes. For lubrication, the pan is thoroughly heated, and then generously smeared with a piece of salted lard. After that, you can immediately begin the cooking process. The first pancake baked after greasing is not good for eating. It will have an overly pronounced fat flavor. The use of fat will not affect the taste of subsequent copies. Usually one lubrication is enough to prepare the entire dough batch, but if the pancakes periodically start to stick again, the procedure can be repeated.
