
Alcohol is poorly excreted from the body. The time of complete elimination of alcohol from the body - depending on the gender and weight of the person, the composition of the drink

Adoption alcoholic beverages, regardless of the amount taken, leads to varying degrees of intoxication. The state of intoxication, in turn, is reflected in the behavior and condition of the drunk person. Common signs of intoxication are: euphoria, a surge of energy against the background of a general rise in mood, a slowdown in the speed of reaction, a slowdown in the perception of information and its incorrect understanding, deterioration in coordination of movements and memory, inadequate perception of oneself and what is happening around. However, there are times when it is necessary to urgently return to a sober state due to external circumstances or, if necessary, get behind the wheel soon. It is then that the question arises How to find out the time of alcohol withdrawal?».

The rate of alcohol elimination depends on several factors:

  • quantity taken alcohol and the degree of intoxication - the more taken, the stronger the intoxication and the longer alcohol will be excreted from the body;
  • strength of alcoholic beverages strong alcohol require more time;
  • sex, age and weight of a person - for example, removing alcohol from the body of women requires 20% more time than men;
  • the general reaction of the body to alcohol (depends on genetic characteristics).

Thus, timing of alcohol withdrawal is individual, and y different people may differ significantly. Depending on the characteristics of the person and the alcohol taken during mild degree intoxication, the complete breakdown of alcohol and the cleansing of the body can take from 45 minutes. up to 2 hours (in severe cases - and more).

Here is a table with the average values ​​of alcohol withdrawal time (calculation for men, for women the given data will be 20% more)

You can also use the following formulas to calculate the rate of elimination of alcohol from the body: the average rate of alcohol withdrawal is considered to be 0.1 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of human weight per hour.

For example, take vodka with an alcohol content of 40%.

1. Convert alcohol to grams:

40 x 0.79 = 31.6 g (per 100 ml of vodka)

2. Standard shot - approximately 50 ml:

31.6 g (per 100 ml) / 2 = 15.8 g of alcohol per 50 ml.

3. Let's say a man weighs 80 kg:

15.8 g / 0.1 x 80 \u003d 1.96 hours, i.e. about 2 hours - time for 1 shot of vodka (50 ml and alcohol 15.8 g).

For beer, similar calculations. For example, 5% beer in a can of 0.33 liters. We believe:

The amount of alcohol in 100 ml: 5 x 0.79 = 3.95 gr

The amount of alcohol in a can of 0.33l: 3.95 x 3.3 = 13.04 g

Alcohol withdrawal time for a 70 kg man: 13.04 g / 0.1 x 70 \u003d 1.86 hours or about 1 hour 50 minutes.

As you can see, it takes a lot of time to cleanse the body of the decay products of alcohol. you can do it yourself at home. However, the method is faster and more efficient, while also at home in comfortable conditions for you - the help of a qualified specialist. Health care"Narcology 24" also provides withdrawal from hard drinking at home with a 100% guarantee of the reliability and safety of methods. All procedures will be performed promptly and anonymously. The arrival of the doctor at home is carried out as much as possible short time. Thanks to us, you are guaranteed to get rid of all signs of alcohol intake quickly and regardless of their degree of complexity.

For a person, there is nothing better than sitting in a pleasant company of friends, celebrating a holiday or a solemn event. But what gatherings do without alcohol libation? The vast majority of our citizens relax with the help of alcohol.

And then how to get behind the wheel, go out with a fresh head to the service, come on a romantic date? After stormy gatherings, a natural question arises: how to quickly remove alcohol from the body. It is easy to do this and you can even do it yourself, using safe and affordable methods.

At home, you can speed up the process of removing alcohol from the body

To understand the methods of removing alcohol-containing products from the bowels of the body, you need to know, or at least approximately imagine how it is absorbed and excreted naturally alcohol from the body. This process looks like this:

  1. Immediately after ingestion, alcohol enters the stomach. Ethanol aggressively affects the mucous walls of the organ and often leads to microburns (especially if you drink on an empty stomach). The stomach responds by producing a large number of gastric juice. By the way, this is how an ulcer develops.
  2. After the absorption of alcohol by the walls of the stomach, alcohol enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. The blood flow passes through the liver. This organ is the main "cleaner" of the body: the liver removes toxins and poisons that have entered the body through the urinary system. Alcohol is also considered a poison. But the liver usually cannot cope with a large dose of poison that has entered the body at the same time, so it “throws” some of the alcohol back into the bloodstream.
  3. The next stop on the alcohol journey is the brain. Here, ethanol enzymes actively affect the brain centers, including conversational, motor, affecting the pleasure center. It is for the sake of such an impact that a person takes “on the chest”.
  4. But the liver is not used to giving up and continues to fight alcohol toxins. The result is a morning hangover syndrome, which is formed due to the formation of acetaldehyde.

How alcohol is absorbed in the human body

The rapid removal of alcohol from the body becomes especially relevant in this case, with symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Signs of intoxication are nausea, vomiting, blanching of the skin, tachycardia, confusion. In this case, only doctors can help, provided that they arrive at the person on time.

Dangerous numbers

Based on many years of research, doctors have deduced a figure showing a dose of alcohol that is deadly for a person. It is equal to 5.5 ppm. That is, in each liter of blood of a drinker, alcohol will contain about 1 milliliter of alcohol.

Blood (according to average data) in the body of an adult takes about 7-8% of body weight.

Suppose a man weighs about 80 kg, therefore, his blood volume is 5-6 liters. One bottle of vodka contains approximately 2.5-3 ppm. This means that 2-3 standard half-liter bottles drunk within an hour and a half on an empty stomach can cause death.

The time of withdrawal of various alcoholic beverages from the body

Alcohol withdrawal time

Based on averages, alcohol is gradually eliminated from the blood of an average adult male on its own. But this process is long and difficult. Alcohol leaves the blood cells at a rate of 0.086-0.14 ppm every hour. Many factors influence the rate of alcohol withdrawal. Let's say faster alcohol leaves the body:

  • in a cold room or on a frosty street;
  • if the person is in a state of severe shock.

The rate of withdrawal is also affected by the state of human health, strength accepted drink, number of snacks. To clearly understand the rate of withdrawal of alcohol from the body, study the table below with an accuracy of calculations of 95-98% (the Widmark formula was used in the calculations).

A good example of the withdrawal of alcohol from the body in 0.3 ppm

These figures were calculated for male body. For a woman, one hour should be added - for the fairer sex, the rate of deoxidation is much lower.

Weight (kg) Vodka: 50 gr.

Beer: 0.5 l

Vodka: 100 gr.

Beer: 1 l

Vodka: 150 gr.

Beer: 1.5 l

Vodka: 200 gr.

Beer: 2 l

Vodka: 250 gr.

Beer: 2.5 l

up to 60 3-4 h7-8 h10-11 h13-14 h16-17 h
60-70 3-4 h6-7 h8-9 h11-12 h14-15 h
70-80 2-3 h5-6 h7-8 h9-10 h12-13 h
80-90 2-3 h4-5 h6-7 h8-9 h10-11 h
90-100 2-3 h4-5 h6-7 h7-8 h9-10 h
from 100 2-3 h3-4 h5-6 h7-8 h8-9 h

Independently, at home, it will not be possible to instantly release blood from alcohol. This is because ethanol enters the bloodstream too quickly through the stomach. Moreover, it is impossible to quickly remove toxins from the body after alcohol, even during resuscitation, when alcohol is introduced into the body. large doses life-saving medicines. But to significantly reduce the harmful effects of ethanol and stop the appearance hangover syndrome quite possible on your own.

How to quickly remove alcohol from the body

Alcohol in pure slowly but gradually excreted from the organs of the body through the evaporation of epidermal (skin) tissues and through the urinary system. To expel alcohol from the body quickly at home will help the use of available medicines or the use of folk remedies.

Rescue Medicines

Doctors use for deoxidation, first of all, a dropper with the addition of insulin, vitamins C, B and additional drugs to the glucose solution. Such activities speed up the time of excretion of decay products from the body. ethyl alcohol and normalize work internal organs.

Help cleanse the body of alcohol and these drugs

It is difficult to organize a dropper at home, and specialized medicines are not available. Therefore, you will have to use those drugs that are freely available at any pharmacy. To find out what removes alcohol from the body (and this process is purely individual), try the following tools:

Zorex. The main active substance of this drug is unithiol. The tool accelerates the process of decay and withdrawal of ethyl alcohol, stops the susceptibility of internal organs to alcohol toxins.

It is often impossible to use Zorex for home deoxidation. Unitiol itself tends to linger in the body, and is excreted from there long time only through the urinary tract.

Biotredin. The drug helps to get rid of toxic ethanol toxins. The effect of this medicine is felt 20-25 minutes after its use. Along with the acceleration of metabolism, the tool has the following effects:

  • improves mood;
  • relieves the state of depression;
  • improves the functioning of the brain;
  • restores the functionality of respiratory cells.

Metadoxil. In addition to helping to cleanse the body of the poisons of ethanol residue, this drug reduces the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver. It also improves the balance of saturated and unsaturated fats in the body. Metadoxil will also help in relieving mental stress, thanks to great content magnesium and sodium.

Along with medications, take tea with honey to stop the hangover syndrome.

Limontar. Do you want to know how to get alcohol out of the blood quickly? Try this remedy. It contains lemon succinic acid. If alcohol poisoning is quite serious, you can take it in a pill every 2-3 hours.

But no more than four times a day. The active substance of Limontar accelerates the cleansing process by accelerating metabolism and stimulating the work of internal organs and their physiological properties.

Glutargin. This drug belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors. The action of Glutargin is aimed at the regulation and resuscitation of metabolic and cellular processes in the liver. The result is the stabilization of cell membranes and the acceleration of the removal of toxic alcohol residues from the bloodstream.

Means that help to quickly remove alcohol from the blood

Glycine. And this drug is a neurotransmitter. Glycine is considered a sedative and relaxing drug. It enhances the antitoxic and antioxidant effect. Stops the aggressive states characteristic of alcohol intoxication, stabilizes sleep and helps the body replenish strength.

Restore general well-being after suffering an alcoholic libation, other drugs will help. They can be used as an additional, supportive therapy in cleansing the body. This:


The action of these drugs is based on the gradual intake of microdoses of active herbal ingredients, which are included. Their work is aimed at breaking down alcohol dehydrogenase and accelerating metabolic processes in the body. To choose the right drug, consider the degree of intoxication:

  1. With an average / mild hangover syndrome, ANTI-E will help (5-6 drops per 20 ml of water every hour on the first day, then 7-8 times daily).
  2. In case of severe poisoning, arm yourself with Protoproten Sto (the first day it should be taken in a pill every hour, then every 2-3 hours).

Hangover remedies

Doctors advise a number of the following drugs for use: Alco-buffer, DrinkOff, Alkoklin, Alka-Seltzer, Antipohmelin, Guten Morgen, Medichronal, Zenalk, Bizon, Vega +, Piel-Alco and others. They are sold in pharmacies and dispensed without a prescription. But anti-hangover drugs only alleviate the symptoms of a hangover syndrome, relieve headache and improve mood.

Folk recipes

Folk healers and healers are well aware of what products remove alcohol from the body. Based on their experience, many effective recipes quickly bringing a person to life after a violent alcoholic libation. What can help:

  1. Very sweet tea along with coffee. Such a mixture of drinks has a strong diuretic effect, and drinking them regularly helps to rid the body of toxic toxins as soon as possible.
  2. Non-carbonated mineral water. If a person has heart problems, tea + coffee is contraindicated for him. In this case, the treatment should include drinking mineral water.

In the absence of contraindications, you should visit the sauna or bathhouse. But you can limit yourself to a hot bath and a contrast shower. Ethyl alcohol vapor also leaves the body through the pores of the skin. Water will help speed up this process.

Cabbage pickle - the oldest hangover cure

Part of the ethanol that did not have time to settle in the blood remains in the stomach. One of effective ways rather remove alcohol from the body becomes an artificial induction of vomiting. To do this, you need to drink plenty of warm water until vomiting occurs.

Sorbents become additional assistants ( Activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel). These drugs contribute to the removal of toxin residues from the gastrointestinal tract and help cleanse the body of ethyl alcohol.

Using home methods for cleansing the body of ethyl alcohol residues, study and put into practice some important tips. They are quite simple and effective:

  1. It is very useful to drink tonic infusions from medicinal herbs: St. John's wort, chamomile, mint and plantain.
  2. Eat more food with high content starches. It has an absorbent effect. These are: potatoes flour products, various cereals.
  3. In a difficult struggle, fruits with an increased fructose content also help. They help reduce the damaging effects of alcohol. These are: grapes, bananas, apples, strawberries and oranges.
  4. When cleansing the body of ethanol, you need to eat more food with an increased inclusion of potassium. Without this trace element, it is impossible to normalize renal and cardiac functioning. They will come to the rescue following products: avocado, apricots, parsley, potatoes, dates, bananas and ketchup.
  5. Accelerates the withdrawal of ethanol exercise. In a state of a hangover, it is difficult to force yourself to move, and even more so to play sports. But beg yourself to do at least simple exercises for the sake of improving your condition.

And try to sleep well. Dream - great way restore the strength of the body, weakened in the fight against toxins. Better yet, try not to drink too much. Then you don’t have to torture yourself with the search for miraculous recipes and escapes from pharmacies. Everything should be in moderation. Good health!

To understand how to remove alcohol from the body, you need to approximately represent the order of its assimilation in the body. After consumption strong drink with one degree or another, it enters the stomach, where it affects the mucous membrane (often in the form of a microburn, if alcohol is drunk on empty stomach). In this case, a large amount of gastric juice is secreted, which can contribute to the occurrence of an ulcer.

Few people know that in laboratories for studying ulcers on experimental white mice, this ulcer is artificially induced in them with the help of alcohol.

How to get rid of a substance that affects the body almost instantly?

Approximately 10-14 percent of the drink gets into the human blood through the walls of the stomach, the rest is sent to the intestines, which also receives a mini-burn.

Here, alcohol is absorbed more actively and is almost completely transferred to the blood, which passes through various organs, including the liver. With the help of this organ, this or that harmful component. However, the liver almost always cannot cope instantly with the dose of alcohol consumed, alcohol returns back to the bloodstream and enters the brain. Here, alcoholic enzymes affect the pleasure center, can affect motor, speech and other centers, depending on the characteristics of the person and the amount of alcohol consumed.

In the meantime, the liver will continue to fight with the incoming alcoholic poisons, but with abundant libations, it will not be able to process them completely. And the body will be present in the morning acetaldehyde(a very negative health substance), which gives a hangover, nausea, headaches and other signs of drinking alcohol the day before.

The withdrawal of alcohol is relevant primarily in case of poisoning with this substance due to its excessive use. You need to know that the average is fatal dangerous dose approximately 5.5 ppm is considered, where ppm means that 1 milliliter is dissolved in one liter of human blood pure alcohol. It is believed that in the human body, blood occupies about 6-8 percent of the mass. Therefore, in a man with a weight of 80 kg, the calculation gives about 4.8-6 liters of blood. One bottle of vodka contains about 2.5 ppm of purified alcohol (it is stronger than alcohol). Therefore, for many people, 2-3 pints drunk quickly (up to 1 hour) without snacks and without gag reflexes can be fatal.

Signs of alcohol abuse are vomiting, rapid heart rate, irregular heartbeat and breathing, and sometimes loss of consciousness. When they appear, the victim should immediately call an ambulance, loosen his clothes, open the windows for fresh air. If a person has lost consciousness, you need to lay him on his side so that when vomit appears, he does not suffocate. You need to know how to bring the patient out of an unconscious state. To do this, you need to put a chilled towel on your forehead (you can put it in the freezer in a wet form for a while), give it a sniff of ammonia, apply mustard plasters to your feet, calves, neck and hands.

Conclusion al in such cases, it is necessary to start with a gastric lavage by drinking a large amount of warm water or better than water with solution baking soda(two tablespoons per glass). The mixture must be consumed in small sips until vomiting occurs. You should also give a laxative (two tablespoons of bitter salt per glass of water). The withdrawal of alcohol can be increased if you drink a lot of water and take diuretic drugs, in addition, you should take aspirin, which neutralizes acetaldehyde and relieves pain syndromes. Of the brines, preference should be given to the brine from sauerkraut, which contains succinic acid, which is useful in this situation, which removes the drink from the body.

How long does it take to remove alcohol from the blood?

The release of alcohol in this case occurs naturally, but this process is not fast, because. on average, in men, one tenth ppm per hour leaves the blood (maximum 0.15 ppm), and in women the rate of exit is even less (from 0.085 to 0.1 ppm per hour). It is necessary to take into account physical state, mental (in a state of shock, alcohol disappears faster), the environment (in a warm room, the speed is less than in a cold one), the quantity and quality of snacks, the quantity, type and strength of the drink, etc.

Therefore, it will not be possible to quickly remove alcohol in the blood at home. Moreover, the instant release of alcohol is impossible even in the conditions of toxicological resuscitation. There, to save health, vitamins are added to solutions of glucose and sodium chloride, ascorbic acid, panangin, magnesium sulfate, cocarboxylase, which alleviate the condition and help the body cope on its own. In severe cases, droppers are placed with plasmalite, reambin, acesol, trisol, disol (saline blood substitutes).

This is due to the above properties of this substance almost instantly enter the bloodstream when it enters the stomach. Therefore, it is easier to block this access somewhat than to think later how to get rid of the consequences. To do this, before drinking (especially if there are doubts about the quality of drinks), you need to use sorbents like Neosmectin, Enterodez, Entengin, Lingosorb, Smecta, Polysorb, Ultra Sorba, Karbolen or the same activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per two kilograms of weight (drink big amount water). Alcohol, bringing certain taste sensations, simply absorbed into the sorbent in the stomach, minimizing the burden on the intestines, liver, and brain.

How to quickly remove alcohol with the help of special medicines?

If preliminary measures to remove alcohol from the blood have not been taken, then symptomatic drugs should be used, including:

  1. "Zorex" (active substance - unitiol). It enhances the process of removing alcohol from the body, protects the liver, reduces sensitivity to the elements of the half-life of ethyl alcohol. It must be taken into account that the remains of the drug itself are excreted from the body only with urine, so you should not drink it often.
  2. "Biotredin". It speeds up metabolism, improves mood, relieves symptoms of depression, improves brain function, contains substances that improve the respiratory function of cells. The effect of the drug occurs twenty minutes after ingestion.
  3. "Metadoxil" also only helps to quickly remove alcohol from the blood, reduces the risk of liver cirrhosis, regulates the ratio of unsaturated and saturated fats in the blood plasma, relieves mental stress (contains sodium and magnesium).
  4. "Limonar". A medicine based on amber / citric acid. At severe poisoning a tablet can be taken every 2.5 hours (no more than four times a day). Active substances help to remove alcohol from the blood at home by increasing metabolism and stimulating the physiological properties of various organs.
  5. "Glycine". It is a neurotransmitter that enhances the antioxidant and antitoxic effect, relieves aggressive conditions, improves sleep quality, promotes body recovery processes, etc.

Some homeopathic preparations can also help to remove alcohol from the body. Their effect is based on microdoses of substances that effectively break down alcohol dehydrogenase and normalize metabolism. How to get alcohol out faster with these products? First you need to determine the severity of intoxication. With a light and medium level, you need to take "ANTI-E". The drug is drunk 5 drops per st. a spoonful of water every 60 minutes. Then they take an average of 6-7 times a day, depending on the patient's condition. In severe (chronic cases) take "Protoproten one hundred" on the first day on a tablet, every hour, in the future - on a tablet every 2-3 hours.

As you know, alcohol, getting into the human body, begins to quickly destroy it. First of all, the impact is on the brain and liver - it is these two organs that are most quickly destroyed. Therefore, many people are seriously interested in whether it is possible to speed up and how this can be done.

alcohol withdrawal time

Perhaps, any person who has taken alcohol at least once in his life knows perfectly well what alcohol intoxication is. In this state, the reaction, coordination of movements deteriorates significantly. Many decisions made in such a state simply cannot be the decisions of an intelligent person. Of course, time spent in a state of extreme intoxication is not at all remembered - most people forget about everything that happened. In addition, a person practically cannot control himself, losing many human qualities.
And this continues as long as alcohol remains in the human body. Over time, its amount decreases and the person returns to his normal abilities. It is understandable that many people are interested in how long does it take to remove alcohol from the blood. In general, it is believed that these calculations can be carried out according to the following formula: from 90 to 130 milligrams of alcohol per kilogram of live weight is destroyed in one hour. However, women are known to be worse at resisting alcohol intoxication. Therefore, from their body alcohol withdrawal lasts noticeably longer- as a rule, they need 20 percent more time to get rid of a portion of alcohol than a man.
In addition, more than one alcohol withdrawal table. Many take into account gender, weight of a person, the amount of alcohol consumed and its strength. You can also easily find calculators that allow you to relatively accurately calculate the time of withdrawal of alcohol from the body. But they also should not be completely trusted - first of all, the effect of alcohol on the body depends on genetic susceptibility and heredity.

Table time for the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood

Table of time for the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood

How to speed up the removal of alcohol from the body

Often there are circumstances in which a drunk person needs to somehow increase the rate at which alcohol is eliminated from the body. The circumstances for this may be very different. However, the result is the same - a person needs to regain his usual abilities as soon as possible. This includes coordination of movements, reaction, memory, intelligence and other abilities that a person loses while intoxicated.
Of course, the safest thing is to go to the hospital. Narcologists will easily put the patient on a dropper with the appropriate solutions - glucose, brine and others, allowing the body to quickly cope with the poison that has entered the bloodstream. In this case, the alcohol withdrawal time is significantly reduced - usually 4-8 hours are enough..
There are also folk methods to quickly remove alcohol from the body. First of all, you need to drink plenty of water. It will also be useful to drink an orange or grapefruit juice- they contain a large amount of fructose, which allows to stimulate .
In general, it is useful to eat any food containing vitamin C. It can be ascorbic acid, lemon, juices, and many others. In addition, activated charcoal will not hurt - 6-8 pieces at a time, two to three times a day.
If possible, take a bath or sauna. Stimulation of sweating allows you to quickly get rid of the poison that has entered the bloodstream. If a sauna or bath is not available, you can simply drink very hot sweet tea with lemon and crawl under the warmest blanket to sweat quickly and efficiently. It will also reduce the alcohol withdrawal time..
It will also be useful to do a little discharge. In this case, the human body warms up and begins to function much faster. It is quite clear that while alcohol withdrawal time is noticeably reduced.

Is the harm of alcohol neutralized if the removal of alcohol from the body is completed?

Many people, having drunk on the eve of alcohol, the next morning are tormented by only one thought - how to speed up the withdrawal of alcohol? On the one hand, this is quite understandable - ridding the body of drugs, which include alcohol (and alcohol is a drug, as reported in GOST 5964-82) is accompanied by very painful sensations. Which is understandable, the body was seriously damaged by a shock dose of poison and is now trying to signal its owner about the harm that has been done to it, trying to warn against repetition. Therefore, how to complete withdrawal of alcohol interests any alcoholic, including the "cultural" one, who uses "in moderation" and "on holidays".
However, first of all, you should not worry about how to get rid of the pain as soon as possible. Still, this pain is only a consequence of really terrible destruction that has occurred in the body. That's the destruction and it is worth worrying about.
Still, even when alcohol is completely removed from the body, its harm will certainly not be neutralized. And the harm caused by alcohol is truly terrible. Suffice it to recall that the regular consumption of alcohol in small quantities shortens human life by 5 to 20 years. That is, a person who can live 70 years, drinking two glasses of vodka, two glasses of wine or a bottle of beer every day, will lose an average of 13-17 years of life. Therefore, he will die at the age of 53-57. Of course, before his death, he is pretty tormented various diseases(eg alcoholic hepatitis), which a teetotaler at his age will not hear about.
It should be noted that alcohol consumption causes a terrible blow to the human brain and liver. It is not by chance that these organs are damaged in the first place. The liver tries to neutralize the poison that has entered the bloodstream, taking the hit on itself. As a result, a seemingly “moderately drinking” person ends up in a grave at the age of 45-50, and sometimes much earlier. Well, the brain is simply the most complex and subtle structure in human body. It is quite understandable that it is he who has the hardest time as a result of the circulation of alcohol in the blood. To study this material in more detail, it is enough to drive in any search engine “effect bunch of grapes" And .
So, the withdrawal of alcohol should not be the main problem of the "moderate drinker" alcoholic after taking alcohol. If the effect is relatively easy to eliminate, then it is almost impossible to get rid of the consequences.
In general, just think about it. Is it worth it to drink alcohol so that later you suffer from pain and think only about one thing - how to get rid of pain?
Or should you choose a long, happy and healthy life, the birth of healthy and smart children? Still, every glass of alcohol drunk today significantly reduces the chances of getting all this in the future. Therefore, think seriously - is it worth the momentary and very dubious pleasure of giving your whole life for it? After all, there are so many interesting, fascinating and exciting things in the world! So wouldn't it be better to get rid of the alcohol poison that leads to the most serious diseases in order to choose a healthy, exciting and long life?

29.11.2017 Narcologist Raisa Fedorovna Kovalchuk 0

The withdrawal of alcohol from the body

The withdrawal of alcohol from the body is a complex process, and affects many organs and systems. Alcohol in its pure form evaporates through the skin and lungs. The kidneys also contribute to its excretion. Anything that could not be evaporated or filtered out decomposes in the liver and turns into acetaldehyde.

The toxic substance acetaldehyde accumulates in the human body, causing the effect of "alcohol blush", and leads to severe consequences of withdrawal symptoms. With the systematic use of alcohol, the toxin can cause cirrhosis of the liver. Acetaldehyde is converted to ethanoic acid, which is processed by the cells of the human body. pure alcohol excreted from the body in the amount of 30% of the total. The rest passes through the liver.

Alcohol withdrawal time varies by gender. So, women sober up from 0.08 to 0.1 ppm per hour, men are more enduring and lose from 0.1 to 0.15 ppm per hour.

Alcohol withdrawal table (by weight, alcohol content)

The alcohol withdrawal table was compiled by scientists and gives general information regarding the time of withdrawal of alcohol from the body, depending on the weight category of people.

Alcohol/weight (kg) up to 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg from 100 kg
Champagne 1h 35 min. 1h20 min. 1h.10 min. 1h.5 min. 1h00 min.
Liquor 4h30 min. 3h.45 min. 3h.16 min. 2h.56 min. 2h.35 min.
Beer 6% 50 min. 40 min. 25 min. 25 min. 21 min.
Beer 4% 36 min. 30 min. 25 min. 20 minutes. 15 minutes.
Gin 6h.50 min. 5h.50 min. 5h.10 min. 4h30 min. 4h.5 min.
Vodka 5h.50 min. 4h.55 min. 4h.20 min. 3h.50 min. 3h.30 min.
Whiskey 6h.15 min. 5h.21 min. 4h.40 min. 4h.10 min. 3h.45 min.
Cognac 6h00 min. 5h00 min. 4h.35 min. 4h.5 min. 3h.40 min.
Vermouth 16% 2h 21 min. 2h00 min. 1h.45 min. 1h 35 min. 1h 35 min.
Tincture 23% 3h.30 min. 3h00 min. 2h.35 min. 2h 21 min. 2h.5 min.
Table wine 1h 35 min. 1h21 min. 1h.10 min. 1h.5 min. 1h00 min.

To obtain the most accurate data, you must use a calculator and carry out the necessary calculations.

  1. Abundant fluid intake. For more urine production, you need to consume more juices, distilled or mineral water. This helps the faster removal of alcohol from the body.
  2. cleaning digestive system. This method is effective only immediately after drinking the drink, when alcohol has not yet had time to penetrate into the bloodstream. It is recommended to induce vomiting, and then take activated charcoal.
  3. Herbal decoctions and diuretics. These medicines contribute to the abundant production of urine, which helps to more quickly cleanse the body of toxins.
  4. water procedures. It is recommended to take warm shower. An increase in temperature contributes to the opening of the pores of the epithelium. It is worth noting that baths and saunas are contraindicated, as pressure rises and the load on the heart increases.
  5. Fresh air. Need to be more fresh air. Ventilation helps to remove toxins.
  6. Strong tea. Caffeine, which is part of the tea, promotes profuse urination. note that overuse tea and coffee provokes an increase in pressure.
  7. Healthy sleep. Good dream promotes faster recovery.

The easiest ways

Glycerin is one of the simplest and available ways in the fight against alcohol.
How to use: 1 bottle of the drug, mixed with saline in a ratio of ½. The resulting medicine should be taken no more than 50 ml. Perform the procedure 2-3 times.

The effect of taking:

  • removal of symptoms of a hangover;
  • improving well-being;
  • clarification of consciousness;
  • remission of nausea.

Succinic acid has similar properties and is able to replace Glycerin. The effect of the application is the same.


Modern drugs help speed up the sobering process:

  1. No-shpa - to relieve headaches;
  2. Aspirin Cardio - to help the work of the heart;
  3. Analgin - to relieve headache symptoms;
  4. Cerucal, potassium permanganate solution - to prevent vomiting;
  5. Esliver, Ovesol, Essentiale Forte - hepatoprotective drugs for the liver;
  6. Activated charcoal - to relieve unpleasant symptoms;
  7. Fasfalugel - for pain relief, protection, enveloping of the gastric mucosa.

Do popular remedies help?

A fairly popular hangover cure. Unitol, which is part of the drug, has detoxification properties. It is recommended to take in case of poisoning, including ethanol poisoning. Specialists prescribe a remedy only as a last resort.

There are contraindications. In liver diseases, the use of the drug is highly discouraged. It is forbidden to use as a therapeutic remedy for drinking binges. Some patients spoke about the appearance of allergies.

The substitute for this tool is:

  • Povidone;
  • Silica.

Do not expect high results from this medicine. Since alcohol leaves the body only after 1 day, you can take an Alka-Seltzer tablet to increase the speed of the process.

As part of the drug:

  • bicarbonate of soda;
  • salicylic ester of acetic acid.

Substitutes for Alka-Seltzer:

  • Aspirin Cardio;
  • hour with lemon.

It has sedative properties, stabilizes the nerves, acts as a sleeping pill. Apply at night or in the morning.

  • glycerol;
  • drinking soda;
  • tribasic carboxylic acid;
  • aspirin.

The ingredients of the medicine do not include specific agents.

Side effects: sleep disturbance, vomiting, pain in the digestive system. Allergy cases have been reported. Prolonged use is not recommended, the drug can cause cardiac and kidney failure, various puffiness, ulcers.

Healthy foods

You can speed up the process of cleaning the body with the help of all available products. Add them to the diet for a certain period:

  • lemon;
  • parsley;
  • green tea;
  • garlic;
  • cabbage;
  • milk;
  • bananas;
  • potato;
  • grape.


There are manifestations of alcoholism, in which self-medication is unacceptable and dangerous to the health of the patient:

  • pathological intoxication;
  • binge.

To correctly determine the form of the disease, you should pay attention to some details:

  • small amount used alcoholic products causes a strong psychological disorder, aggression, disorientation, dependence;
  • the paranoid form is characterized by reduced self-control, high aggression, causeless unrest, hallucinations;
  • the epileptic form has signs of fear and anxiety, in some cases even panic.

Alcoholics with this form of the disease are dangerous to society. Any of the presented forms is capable of progressing from several minutes to hours. Then the alcoholic falls into an orthodox sleep with obligatory memory lapses.

Home methods of cleaning the body of alcohol are suitable only for single use. A drunken patient should be handled by a specialist.


Supporters of this technique are sure that the patient can be cured only with the help of those drugs that cause the same symptoms in healthy person. However, they should be given in small doses.

Homeopathy works like this. When the patient begins to take a viral pathogen, the body independently begins to rebuild and restore its protective functions. As a result, returns Vital energy reduces the risk of disease. Homeopathy copes with its tasks perfectly, acting not on the symptoms, but on the cause of the disease.

Take good care of your health. Self-medication is not for everyone. In advanced forms of the disease, seek the advice of your specialist.

Useful information for drivers

Before you get behind the wheel, pay attention to the time that has passed since the last drink of alcohol. Study the table and compare your weight, time and drink consumed.
Before leaving, protect yourself and check the degree of intoxication with a breathalyzer.
