
Alcohol is stored in the body. How long does alcohol stay in the blood

Today we have to find out how much alcohol is kept in the urine. This question interests many citizens. Especially those who have to take tests. The fact is that alcoholic beverages have a serious effect on the body. Accordingly, the use of beer or vodka will necessarily affect the results of a particular study. If you know for what period of time a strong drink can “weather” from urine and blood, you will be able not to harm the upcoming tests and not to refrain from alcohol for too long. What should every citizen know about the mentioned topic?


How long does alcohol stay in urine? Answering this question is not as easy as it seems. The main problem is that a variety of factors influence the absorption of alcohol into the body.

The main nuances in the issue under study are the following components:

  • volume of drinks consumed;
  • strength of alcohol.

Accordingly, we can say that vodka will stay in the blood and urine longer than beer. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the numerous features of the mentioned topic.

Blood and urine

How much alcohol is excreted from the body? This is an extremely difficult question. As already noted, a variety of factors affect the duration of ethanol from alcohol in the blood and urine.

It's no secret that in the first case, the use of strong drinks will appear instantly. Ethanol enters the blood faster than it enters the urine. But it also comes out earlier.

It follows that it can turn out like this - there is no ethanol in the blood, but it is still in the urine. Or vice versa. Because of this, every person wants to know how much alcohol is kept in the urine.

Processing periods

It is important to understand that the human body processes ethyl alcohol in several steps. In total, the substance goes through 3 stages.


  1. Suction. Through the thin walls of the digestive system, alcohol enters the bloodstream. The process takes about 30 minutes, sometimes one hour. Women absorb alcohol faster than men. Alcoholics do too.
  2. Distribution. At this stage, ethyl alcohol that has entered the bloodstream will be distributed throughout the human body.
  3. Withdrawal. Ethanol is oxidized and excreted from the body. The process depends on a huge number of factors.

It is this process that begins in the human body after the first sip of alcohol. But how much does it take? What factors, in addition to those listed above, affect the process of removing ethyl alcohol?

Suction in detail

Now a little about what can affect the rate of absorption of alcohol. Of course, with the exception of the strength of the drink and its volume.

A person's lifestyle plays a huge role. The point is that:

  • in alcoholics, absorption occurs faster than in healthy people;
  • women are faster than men succumb to alcohol intoxication;
  • an empty stomach allows you to get drunk faster, and a full one slows down the absorption period.

In fact, it all depends on the physiological characteristics of a particular person. For some, alcohol is absorbed and excreted faster, for some, this process takes more time.

Delay in the body depending on the fortress

Now some specifics. How long does alcohol stay in urine after beer? Recent studies have shown that 4% beer (1/5 bottle) begins to be processed by the body in half an hour.

To be more precise, when drinking no more than half a liter of beer, one can hope for a cleansing of the body within a few hours. A glass of champagne is displayed longer. This operation will take at least 1.5 hours. 0.5 liters of champagne stays in the body for about 8 hours. This information is relevant for people of normal build.

But in people with increased weight, the processing of ethyl alcohol is faster. So, it will take about 5 hours for a person to remove half a liter of champagne. A glass of wine is excreted in 2 hours, 0.5 liters - 14 hours (+ - 120 minutes). Liquor remains in the body for a day from the moment of its use.

How long does alcohol stay in urine after vodka? A liter of such a drink will not leave the human body for several days. More precisely, the process of complete elimination of vodka takes 48 hours or more. Today it is generally accepted that cognac is stronger than vodka. It stays on for 1.5 days.

About the features of drinks

How quickly is alcohol removed from the body of a man or woman? The answer to this question requires taking into account a huge number of factors.

It should be taken into account that "light" alcohol (wine, gin and tonic, beer) is absorbed faster. Accordingly, such drinks are removed from urine and blood earlier than stronger counterparts. Only the damage to the body from beer is caused to a greater extent. For example, due to the development of "beer heart".

Formation of alcohol in the urine

Where does the alcohol in urine come from? It's no secret that the bulk of this substance (about 90%) is processed by the liver and stomach. The remaining 10% is excreted from the body with the help of breathing, as well as with sweat and urine. In lactating women, alcohol is excreted with milk.

When are the first signs of drinking alcohol in the urine? This process takes approximately 120 minutes. It is during this time that the kidneys will begin to remove ethyl alcohol.

It is because of this that a blood test is used in studies for the state of alcohol intoxication. This option is considered the most accurate and informative. After all, alcohol enters the bloodstream faster than urine.

About the accuracy of urine tests

How accurate is a urine test after drinking alcohol? It is also not easy to answer this question. It is approximately clear how much alcohol is excreted from the body. But how quickly can you do a urine test?

In general, urination is a controlled process. Therefore, it is possible that in the absence of going to the toilet, ethyl alcohol will disappear from the blood, and it will be found in urine. As already mentioned, in the urine this substance lasts longer.

It is possible to predict only approximately how much alcohol will be shown in the urine. What time limits should be applied? How long does alcohol stay in urine before it disappears completely?

It is recommended that after taking strong drinks not to take a urine test for 2-3 days. That is how much time the body often needs for complete cleansing. In exceptional cases, ethyl alcohol is excreted through the urine longer.

Norms and permissible values

Ideally, urine should not contain a single ppm of alcohol. However, not always the use of alcoholic beverages leads to the formation of ethanol in the urine and blood. For example, kvass or kefir sometimes increase the level of alcohol. Therefore, 0.1 ppm of this substance is allowed in studies. Such a result is now considered the norm.

Doubtful can be called an analysis with a content of up to 1 ppm. Similar results indicate a long-term use of alcohol (2-3 days ago) or recent drinking of non-alcoholic beverages with ethyl alcohol. Such testimony should not be penalized while driving.

Breeding table

How long does alcohol stay in urine? The table below will help clarify the topic under study. In this case, the average person with normal kidney function is meant.

Citizen Weight/Alcohol60 kg70 kg80 kg90 kg100 kg
Beer 4% (100 grams)35 minutes30 minutes26 minutes23 minutes21 minutes
Beer 4% (200 grams)1 hour 44 minutes1 hour 29 minutes1 hour 18 minutes70 minutes1 hour 3 minutes
Beer 6% (100 grams)52 minutes45 minutes39 minutes35 minutes31 minutes
Beer 6% (200 grams)2 hours 27 minutes2 hours 14 minutes1 hour 57 minutes1 hour 44 minutes94 minutes
Vodka 40% (100 grams)348 minutes298 minutes261 minutes232 minutes209 minutes

Please note that the proposed table is not exhaustive. A similar period of ethyl alcohol content is far from relevant for all people. Therefore, we can simply say that this substance will be in the urine and determined for several days. After 3-4 days, the drunk alcohol will finally be removed from urine and blood. But if you drink a lot of liquid, you can achieve zero ethanol content in a faster time.

Results and conclusions

Now it’s clear how long alcohol stays in the blood and urine. As already mentioned, the excretion of ethyl alcohol is influenced by various factors. In addition to all the previously listed nuances, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the person's age;
  • the state of health of a citizen (especially the work of the kidneys);
  • the amount of drink consumed;
  • duration of alcohol use;
  • gender identity.

Thus, the female body processes about 9 grams of alcohol per hour. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Everything is strictly individual.

If you plan to conduct a particular medical study, it is advisable to give up strong drinks 3-4 days before collecting the corresponding biological material. Even better - in a week. This technique helps to achieve 100% accurate results that will not show the presence of ethanol in urine.

The human body is a mystery to physicians. Each person has his own individual characteristics. It is about them that is often forgotten when clarifying the question of how quickly alcohol is excreted. Therefore, no one can give exact data. It is enough to remember all the previously listed features and focus on the complete cleansing of the body within a few days.

Depends on the strength and amount of alcohol consumed, as well as your body weight. A heavier body contains more water. Therefore, with the same dose of alcohol taken, its amount in the blood will be higher with less body weight. So, if you drank beer, the strength of which was 4%, then the approximate alcohol from your body will be as follows: with a weight of 60 kg - 35 minutes; 70 kg - 30 min; 80 kg - 26 min; 90 kg - 23 min; 100 kg - 21 min. Data are based on 100 g of beer consumed. If you drank 200 g of this drink, multiply all time data by 2, if 300 g - by 3, etc. The situation is somewhat different with champagne and other wines, the strength of which fluctuates within 11%. Alcohol will be removed from your blood in 1 hour 36 minutes. - with a weight of 60 kg, 1 hour 22 minutes. - with a mass of 70 kg; for 1 hour 12 minutes – if you weigh 80 kg; 1 h 04 min - with a mass of 90 kg; 57 min - with a weight of 100 kg. The data are also given based on 100 g of an alcoholic beverage. If you have consumed 40% vodka, then the indicators of the time required to remove alcohol from the blood here increase significantly and are: with a weight of 60 kg - 5 hours 48 minutes. min; 70 kg - 4 hours. 58 min; 80 kg - 4 hours 21 minutes; 90 kg - 3 hours 52 minutes; 100 kg - 3 hours 29 minutes These data are calculated based on the consumption of 100 g of vodka. Focusing on the above figures, it is worth remembering that all data relating to the duration of the retention of alcohol in the blood in accordance with a person's weight, strength and amount of drink drunk are very approximate. The retention of alcohol in the blood also depends on factors such as the characteristics of the drink drunk, the amount of time that has passed since it was taken.

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  • how long does alcohol stay in the blood in 2018

A drunk driver is a real disaster. Every day, all over the world, people who get behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated become the cause of traffic accidents, often ending in the death of people: the drivers themselves, their passengers and even peaceful pedestrians. You can calculate the level of alcohol in the blood either with the help of special devices: a breathalyzer and a breathalyzer, or on your own.


A device designed for mass checks of the level of alcohol in the blood, breathalyzer. This is a professional device that shows the most accurate results. It is used in the implementation of activities in the field of work to ensure safe working conditions and in the field of health.

The breathalyzer gives not such correct results as the breathalyzer, therefore this device is not used for accurate examination. But it is great for individual use.

Calculating the approximate blood alcohol level on your own is not so difficult. To do this, it is enough to know your exact weight and the amount of alcohol you drink.

Liquid makes up about 70% of the total. Therefore, the weight of the liquid in, whose body weight reaches, for example, 80 kg, is 56 kg (80 * 0.7 \u003d 56). Assuming he is 2 bottles of beer (1 liter) containing 5% alcohol, i.e. 35 g, this person's blood alcohol level reaches 0.6 ppm (35/56=0.6).

Thus, it turns out that the more alcohol you drink, the higher its level in your blood will be. Although much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of a person.

A mild degree of intoxication refers to the level of alcohol in the blood, reaching 1-2 ppm, to medium - 2-3, to severe - 3-4 ppm. The content in the human body over 4 ppm is called an alcoholic coma.

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Tip 3: How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Ethyl alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages has a toxic effect on the human body. The rate of excretion of this poison depends on several factors: the amount drunk, the type of drink, the age of the person, gender and other conditions. But you need to understand that, despite the complete elimination, alcohol leads to serious consequences, as it causes biochemical and functional changes in the body.

Before drinking alcoholic beverages, one should take into account the time that alcohol remains in the blood until it is completely eliminated, because for many people - especially those who are driving - their own safety depends on knowing this information. The time for cleansing the body of alcohol will be different, as it depends on many factors.

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    What factors affect the period of elimination of alcohol from the body

    The period of excretion of ethanol from the body is influenced by the individual characteristics of a person, the way he takes alcohol, and some other factors.

    Features of the human body

    Depending on the state of health, gender, weight, age and other characteristics, alcohol is excreted in different ways:

    • Health status. In this case, the work of the internal organs plays a decisive role: if they function at the proper level, then the cleansing will happen quickly - within a few hours. But if the liver is disrupted, then intoxication occurs faster, and the process of alcohol withdrawal will be lengthy. For some it takes several days. So, alcohol remains in the blood for quite a long time in people who do not have a good rest, suffering from chronic fatigue, depression. On average, per hour there is a decrease in the rate of ethanol by 0.2 ppm.
    • Gender identity. In men, metabolic processes and blood purification from alcohol occurs 20% faster than in the fair sex. Women, due to the individual characteristics of the body, get drunk much faster.
    • The weight of a person. The lower the body weight, the longer the alcohol remains in the body. Accordingly, the more a person weighs, the slower he will get drunk.
    • The age of the person. The younger the body, the easier it is to get rid of toxic substances. But children and adolescents do not fall under this category: they have alcohol in their blood for a very long time due to the fact that the internal organs are still being formed. In older people, cleansing is much slower.
    • duration of alcohol use. If a person drank alcohol for one day, then they will not stay in the blood for a long time, since the internal organs in this case function at the proper level. But after a long binge, it is many times harder for the body to cleanse itself of toxins, its complete purification occurs on average after 21 days.

    Type of alcoholic drink

    This is one of the main criteria for the length of stay of alcohol in the blood. The higher the concentration of ethanol in the drink, the longer it is excreted from the body. Thus, the removal of vodka and cognac takes much more time than the purification of beer or wine. Quality also plays an important role: the better the drink, the faster it will be eliminated. Much depends on the form in which alcoholic beverages were consumed - in the form of cocktails or pure. When mixing several types of alcohol, its withdrawal takes much longer.

    Time during which alcohol was drunk

    When a person stretches the intake of alcohol for several hours, intoxication occurs more slowly, and blood purification is faster the next day. If a large amount of alcohol was drunk in a short period of time, then the person gets drunk very quickly, and due to the high concentration of alcohol, it will be more difficult to get rid of toxins.


    If the intake of alcoholic beverages was carried out on an empty stomach, then it will take a long time until it completely disappears from the blood. But if a person has eaten well before drinking, he will get drunk more slowly, and the cleansing of the body will happen faster.

    How long does alcohol stay in the blood

    Approximate hours are shown in the table below:

    But depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, these indicators are different for men and women. If a man drinks a glass of cognac or vodka (50 grams), then the blood will be cleansed in 5-7 hours. And when emptying a bottle of a 40% drink, the body will be cleansed in 24-26 hours. For women, these figures are respectively 8-10 and 28-30 hours. A drunk bottle of beer is excreted in men after 4 hours, and in women after 6 hours. The output of champagne (half a liter) in men will occur after 6, and in women after 8 hours. It takes more than 12 hours to get rid of the wine.

Measuring the level of alcohol in the blood is relevant for motorists. Alcohol does not leave the body immediately, and the presence of ethanol in the blood endangers the life of the driver and other road users. Even the next day, a proportion of alcohol remains in the blood, which can lead to fines and the withdrawal of a driver's license. How long does alcohol stay in the blood, a special table will tell.

Two bottles of beer or 150 grams of vodka do not allow the driver to quickly switch at a traffic light. Beer disappears from the body faster than strong drinks, but while alcohol leaves the blood, it is difficult for a person to act. The view is reduced, what is happening on the sides does not fall into the field of view of the driver.

The reaction of the body to alcohol in the blood

If someone did not find the desired indicator or the amount of alcohol exceeds the indicated ones, it is not recommended to drive a car earlier than in a day.

How to speed up the elimination of alcohol from the body

How long the beer stays in the body can be determined from the table. But the question remains how to influence the indicators and remove alcohol from the body before the specified period. Alcohol disappears faster if the following activities are carried out:

  1. Be outdoors.
  2. Drink more liquid.
  3. Take diuretics.
  4. Take ascorbic acid.
  5. Move.
  6. Take a bath, warm shower.
  7. Take sorbents.
  8. In a hospital setting, a glucose-salt solution is administered intravenously.

How long ethanol can remain in the blood and how quickly alcohol is excreted from the body depends on the individual characteristics and lifestyle of a person. Drivers are advised to plan their trips in advance, focusing on a table that shows how long it will take for beer and other spirits to fade.

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a crime. It would seem that everyone knows about this, but ... the facts speak for themselves - there are a lot of such cases.

Many often ask questions: how much can you drink, how long can you drive, how long does alcohol stay in the blood, how to remove it from the body and how it affects human behavior. Let's try to figure it out.

Why is it illegal to drive a vehicle while intoxicated?

From July 1, 2015, there will be a significant increase in penalties for drunk driving.

It should be noted that if we compare our legislation in this area with foreign ones, then our methods of combating this evil are much softer.

For example, in neighboring Belarus, drunk driving is punished with a fine of 12.5 thousand dollars and deprivation of rights for three years, and criminal liability is provided for a repeated violation.

In some Asian countries, they can even be sentenced to death due to the fault of a drunk driver.

So why is the law so harsh on drunk drivers? It's simple: a drunk person driving a car is deprived of the opportunity to adequately assess the traffic situation. Under the influence of ethanol (it is contained in ANY (!) Alcoholic drink), vision deteriorates significantly, the reaction slows down, a person loses his common sense, although it seems to him that he is quite adequate.

In addition to personal risks, a drunk driver poses a threat to other road users, sometimes fatal.

How the driver's reaction depends on the presence of alcohol in the body

If you ask this question to any motorist, then everyone will say that when drinking alcohol, the reaction rate becomes lower. The more a person drinks, the longer will be the time of his reaction to a particular situation.

Many inexperienced drivers listen to such arguments and draw the erroneous conclusion from this that you can drink a little alcohol before the trip, the main thing is not to get drunk "in the insole".

But statistics say otherwise, drivers with small doses of alcohol are more likely to have an accident than those who are heavily drunk. This is easily explained: the latter prefer not to drive at all, but to use or call a taxi. The first believe that their condition is normal and you can go.

Referring to numerous studies, one can see that in critical traffic situations, when a tenth of a second can play a decisive role, a clear reaction is necessary.

In those who have taken even a small dose of alcohol, the reaction is significantly dulled, and often, the same harmless glass or glass becomes guilty of the death of people.

Video - an experiment showing how the behavior and adequacy of drivers change when drinking even a small amount of alcohol:

How long does alcohol stay in the blood (table)

Dependence on the degree of drink and body weight

It is rather difficult to give an unambiguous and specific answer to this question. It all depends on the individual characteristics of each organism and the amount of alcohol taken.

In addition, there are several approaches to the study of this issue, and each of them interprets the concept of alcohol content in the body in its own way.

Below is a table with approximate calculated data on the time of the presence of alcohol in the blood, which modern medicine considers correct. The volume of 100, 300 and 500 grams of various alcoholic beverages is taken as the basis here:

In any case, all the data in the table are approximate and refer only to the presence of alcohol in the blood.

If we talk about the presence of alcohol in other organs, then some sources contain information that, for example, alcohol can be in the brain from 12 to 24 days after drinking it!

Based on these data, we can conclude that a person who drinks alcohol several times a month is constantly under its influence, although neither a breathalyzer nor a blood test will show this.

All this happens at the physiological level and is imperceptible to humans. Consequently, brain activity is inhibited, reaction, vision, etc. are disturbed.

What determines the time it takes for alcohol to leave the body?

As can be seen from the table above, the rate of excretion of alcohol depends not only on the strength and quantity of the product used, but also on the body weight of a person.

There are several other factors that affect the time it takes to remove alcohol from the body:

  • Floor. It should be borne in mind that the female body fights alcohol poison longer by about 15-20% than the male body.
  • Age. The older a person is, the more difficult it is for his body to process harmful substances.
  • Health status.
  • Frequency of use. The more often a person consumes alcoholic beverages, the longer their elimination takes.

How to speed up the removal of alcohol from the body

The main organ in the body that promotes the processing of alcohol is the liver. To speed up the process of removing ethyl alcohol from the body, experts recommend the following methods:

  • induce vomiting. This method is applicable only in the case when alcohol has been consumed recently, and it has not yet had time to begin to flow into the blood;
  • Take activated charcoal. This is a universal remedy for any harmful substance, including ethanol. It is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight;
  • Take a diuretic. It will help to quickly remove alcohol from the body along with urine. But here you must first study the contraindications of the drug;
  • Bath or exercise. Alcohol tends to come out through the skin with sweat. It is not recommended to use this method for people suffering from heart disease, as well as having problems with blood pressure;
  • Dairy products significantly accelerate the withdrawal of alcohol with the help of bacteria and amino acids.

In any case, to be completely sure, it is better to purchase a breathalyzer and check yourself for alcohol content in the body before each trip.

What is considered a state of intoxication in terms of legislation and traffic police

The concept of alcoholic intoxication is clearly spelled out in the legislation - this is the mental state of a person, which is caused by the use of alcoholic, narcotic or other intoxicating substances; expressed in a decrease in a person's ability to account for their actions or manage them.

As can be seen from the definition, the law puts alcohol on a par with drugs and intoxicants.

If we talk about how this or that traffic police inspector will react to the definition of the state of intoxication, then everything depends on the specific case. But in any situation, initially the law is on his side.

Offer to undergo a medical examination, even if he simply thought that the driver showed signs of intoxication, for example:

  • The driver has a characteristic odor from his mouth;
  • The driver's behavior does not correspond to the situation (according to the inspector);
  • The driver speaks incoherent speech (again, according to the inspector), etc.

That is, in simple terms, the inspector has the right to consider a drunk driver who: just drank a glass of fruit juice (smell), got out of the car and began to do push-ups (does not correspond to the situation), or even a simple foreigner who does not speak Russian well ( unrelated speech).


The very order of the survey with the adoption of amendments to the minimum allowable level (technical error) by and large has not changed. But there is one important assumption - the content of absolute ethyl alcohol per liter of exhaled air should not exceed 0.16 milligrams.

This amendment was adopted to take into account the total error of the measuring device, but in no case for the purpose of allowing you to drink a little!

There is a certain procedure for examination by the traffic police inspector for intoxication. The employee conducting it is obliged to strictly comply with all of its points, and failure to comply with at least one of them may play into the hands of the driver in the event of further litigation.

Before starting the examination process, it will not be superfluous for the driver to turn on the video camera or phone camera in order to later have evidence of the inspector's illegal actions, if any.

The main thing that the driver needs to know is that any "bad" traffic cop will hint in every possible way to resolve the issue on the spot. Many immediately agree, especially if they really drank alcohol the day before.

But if you are sober, then there is no reason to worry. Do not rush, you just need to know the laws and be able to use them.

Rules for testing for alcohol intoxication

Introduced, according to which, from November 15, 2014, during an examination for intoxication instead of inviting witnesses, video recording can be used made by a traffic police officer.

Suspension from driving

The first thing a traffic police officer should do, even if it just seemed to him that the driver was drunk, is to remove him from driving. Moreover, there is a separate protocol for this, which must be drawn up with the presence of two witnesses, and signed by them.

  • The driver needs to make sure that the witnesses are invited from outside, i.e. uninterested people. It can be accidentally stopped drivers or passers-by.
  • It is important to ensure that all the data of witnesses are filled out based on the submitted document - a passport (address, full name). If the inspector fills in the data of the witness from his words, then this action is illegal. In the event of a trial, it will be possible to indicate the involvement of attesting witnesses in violation of the law.

There are times when the persistent demands of the driver (when he is sober) to invite witnesses and fill out the protocol scare away the dishonest inspector.

Examination for intoxication

An important point with many nuances. The traffic police has a job description for inspectors who conduct an examination. But many employees either do not know it or forget to use it. If the case eventually goes to court, the driver will be able to appeal violations of the instructions by the inspector.

Video - about some of the nuances of conducting an examination for alcohol by traffic police officers, which you should be aware of:

  • The main thing that the traffic police officer should do is to tell the established procedure for the examination in the presence of attesting witnesses;
  • Tell the driver what device the procedure will be carried out with and what error it has. Here you can ask for a certificate for the device or an act of verification.

And one more very important point: in any certified breathalyzer there is an instruction, according to which, before checking, it is necessary to let a person breathe for 20 minutes. Many inspectors forget about this (or do not know).

  • Before exhaling (again, according to the instructions), install a new mouthpiece removed from the sealed package.

Now this is gradually becoming a thing of the past, but experienced drivers remember cases of extortion by inspectors when they inserted a pre-alcoholized piece of cotton wool into the mouthpiece.

  • Next, the exhalation itself is done accordingly. There are no more tricks here. If the device is certified, and the inspector gave the driver a breath and put in a new mouthpiece, and still the breathalyzer showed more than 0.16, then the driver is most likely really drunk. If the device showed less than 0.16, then the person being checked can safely proceed further.

It must be remembered that this item should also have a separate protocol signed by witnesses and the inspector, indicating the place, date and time of the examination.

If the device showed more than 0.16 ppm, then this does not mean deprivation of rights, then there are two options: proceed to a medical examination or refuse it. When referring to doctors, a separate protocol is also drawn up indicating the time and date.

By the way, if the driver refused a medical examination in the presence of an inspector, but then went to it on his own, while the doctors drew up a document on the absence of alcohol in the blood, then this document can be presented later in court. Most judges take it into account and the driver wins the case, and therefore remains with the rights.

Video explaining the rules of examination for alcohol intoxication by traffic police officers:

As a conclusion

Science gives it a specific definition - it is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor, it is a potent drug, when taken orally, it first causes excitation and then paralysis of the nervous system.

Most likely, the dispute between the two points of view will continue for a long time: radical teetotalers do not accept the views of supporters of cultural drinking in small doses. Increasingly, you can hear from them that harmless doses of drugs and poison do not exist.

Drink alcohol or not - let everyone decide for himself.

Most importantly, don't drive while intoxicated! This should be clear to everyone, and even more so to the driver - a person who is responsible for himself and those around him.

Good for those drivers who know
