
The value of semi-finished fish products in human nutrition. The biological significance of fish in human nutrition

Fish in the human diet is present in a fairly large amount and is traditional dish for many peoples of the world. The importance of fish in human nutrition cannot be overestimated by its nutritional and valuable properties. No less benefit of seafood is noted in relation to persons who strive for a balanced and good nutrition With big amount easy-to-digest protein. You can learn about the benefits of fish for humans from the material offered on this page.

Fish contains complete proteins with a balanced composition of amino acids. In low-protein fish (macrurus, capelin, etc.), the amount of protein reaches 10-13%, in high-protein fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, salmon, tuna, etc.) - 21-22%. Compared to animal meat, fish has almost five times less connective tissue, which ensures quick cooking and a delicate texture of fish after heat treatment, as well as its easy digestibility. Therefore, in many diets that include only minced meat, fish is allowed to be cooked in a piece. It is difficult to digest dried, dried and partly salted fish.

How much fat is in fish: content and quantity

  • lean fish species (up to 3% fat): pollock, asp, flounder, crucian carp, burbot, perch, saithe, pike perch, cod, hake, pike, etc.;
  • moderately fatty (from 3 to 8% fat): pink salmon, carp, chum salmon, sprat, bream, herring, low-fat herring, whitefish, catfish, horse mackerel, tuna, ide, etc .;
  • fatty (from 8 to 20%): salmon, nelma, sturgeon, black halibut, saury, sardine, stellate sturgeon, fat herring and large ivasi, mackerel, etc .;
  • very fatty (up to 30% fat): white salmon, lamprey, eel.

Fats in fish are present mainly in the form of unsaturated fatty acids, which are natural antioxidants. Say no special laboratory research how much fat is in fish is very difficult, you can only operate with approximate data.

In fish, there are as many (or slightly less) B vitamins as in meat, and there are more vitamins A and D, especially in the liver. Fish also contains various minerals. Sea fish is especially rich in iodine, zinc, fluorine and other trace elements. But there is less iron in it, and it is absorbed worse than that contained in meat.

As for cholesterol, in many types of fish it is more than in meat. The amount of purines in both fish and meat is approximately the same, as a result of which it may be necessary to limit, and in some cases even exclude some of its species from the diet for gout and urate nephrolithiasis. There are fewer extractive substances in fish than in meat, but they excite the secretion of the digestive glands more strongly.

The taste properties of fish are weaker than meat, therefore, despite the valuable dietary qualities, it quickly becomes boring. This must be taken into account when compiling the menu.

What are the benefits of fish oil

Of particular note is fish oil, which is easier to digest than animal fats and contains essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. fatty acid(PUFA), which have a specific effect on the body. Thus, PUFAs present in marine fish oil normalize lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis, slow down blood clotting (this is important in coronary heart disease and cerebral atherosclerosis, varicose veins), and help reduce pressure in arterial hypertension. In addition, they have a positive effect on inflammatory diseases joints, such as rheumatoid arthritis. This is the basic information about the benefits of fish oil for the human body.

If the course of diet therapy does not exceed 4-6 weeks, it is recommended to eat 150-200 grams of oily fish per day and completely exclude meat products.

Useful properties of fish for humans

New information about what exists beneficial features fish for humans, associated with a change in the idea of ​​​​the properties of PUFAs, caused a "fish boom" around the world. Over the past decade in the United States and some other countries, fish consumption has increased by 20%, while meat consumption has decreased. Many people who had become vegetarians in the hope of improving their health began to eat fish again.

According to Russian standards, a healthy adult is recommended to eat an average of 50 grams of fish and fish products per day. This does not mean that it is necessary to consume exactly this amount of fish every day; The recommendation serves as a guideline for a healthy diet.

The value of seafood in human nutrition

The determining value of seafood in human nutrition lies in their low calorie content and nutrient saturation. IN diet food mainly lean and moderately fatty fish are used. Some diets include slightly salted (4-10% salt) fish and balyk products. Medium-salted fish, the amount of salt in which reaches 11-14%, must be pre-soaked. There are also diets that purposefully include fatty sea fish rich in PUFAs (mackerel, horse mackerel, sardine, herring, notothenia, tuna, salmon, and cod fish liver), and even PUFA concentrates in the form of dietary supplements.

The constant or long-term (over many months) consumption of 300-400 grams of oily fish per week, which is 3-6 fish dishes per week, has a beneficial effect on the metabolism. At the same time, fish can be cooked in any way, including canned food in own juice or tomato sauce.

The above information about the nutritional value of fish should not be taken as a call to give up meat. Yes, in some respects it is significantly inferior to fish, but in others it surpasses it. In nutrition, you need to reasonably combine both fish and meat. You should also not assume that fish or the PUFAs contained in it will save humanity from atherosclerosis and hypertension. There are no such "medicines" among food products.

Checking the fish for freshness with a knife - the knife is thrust into the muscles behind the head: if the fish is stale, the knife taken out will smell unpleasant.

fish quality requirements

Benign fish: the eyes are bulging, the cornea is transparent, the gills are bright red, the mucus is transparent, the scales are glossy. Muscle tissue is dense, gray-white. The meat is difficult to separate from the bones. After cooking, the broth is transparent, fragrant. There are certain requirements for the quality of fish, which are enshrined in the regulations of GOSTs.

Poor-quality fish: eyes sunken, reddened, gills brown, grayish red, scales easily peel off. There is a partial protrusion of the intestine from the anus. The meat along the spine is reddish ("tan"). Muscles are flaccid, separated from the bones. When pressed with a finger, the fossa on the tissue is not leveled. The smell is putrid. After cooking, the broth is opaque, with an unpleasant odor.

Functions of fatty acids

There is a common misconception about what the functions of fatty acids are.

Currently, PUFAs are subdivided into:

  • on omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, trout), shellfish and some vegetable oils - soybean, rapeseed, walnut;
  • omega-6 fatty acids, which are abundant in corn and sunflower oils.

In commercials and popular books, for some reason, it is generally accepted that PUFAs of the first group are more useful. But from omega-3 PUFAs and omega-6 PUFAs, completely different biologically active substances (“tissue hormones”) are formed in the body, which affect the metabolism and functions of individual organs in different ways.

In case of lipid metabolism disorders, it is necessary to take both those and other fatty acids: the former reduce the content of fat in the blood, and the latter - cholesterol. Omega-3 PUFAs present in fish oil reduce high blood pressure, reduce blood clotting in atherosclerosis, and reduce inflammation.


You can not abuse any of those or other PUFAs. Their lengthy excess consumption with a deficiency of antioxidants, such as vitamins C, E, A, as well as selenium, etc., disrupts metabolism. An excess of omega-6 PUFAs can support inflammation in the body and provoke breast cancer.

There are also omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids, one of the main representatives of which in human nutrition is olive oil oleic acid. It favorably affects cholesterol metabolism and the condition of the biliary tract. In 2003, WHO experts noted the possible involvement of oleic acid in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Thus, if you want to protect yourself from most diseases, you should regularly eat sources of all fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9): oily sea fish and seafood, nuts and seeds, vegetable oils, and not only sunflower, but also olive, corn, linseed, etc.

What is the value of seafood

A complete diet should include non-fish seafood, such as squid, shrimp, crabs, mussels, scallops, sea cucumbers, etc. are allowed. They are notable for their low fat content and at the same time serve as a source of complete proteins, and in terms of microelement content they are much superior to meat. Until recently, it was believed that these seafood are very useful for atherosclerosis. However, the percentage of cholesterol in most of them is quite high, in connection with which the international societies for atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease in 1999 recommended moderate consumption of mussels and crabs and the exclusion of shrimp and lobster meat from the diet to normalize lipid metabolism.

The benefits of seaweed for humans

Sea kale has a low calorie content and a high content of iodine, other minerals, dietary fiber, as well as vitamins of group B. The benefits of seaweed for humans are especially pronounced in atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, iodine - deficient diseases, functional disorders of the intestine with constipation. You can also use canned seaweed. It is undesirable to include it in the diet when peptic ulcer, gastritis, intestinal diseases with diarrhea.


If you cook caviar from river fish at home, then the caviar should be pre-boiled to avoid infection with helminths.

Fish is a wonderful product, especially valuable for its nutritional value. Since ancient times, mankind has loved it for its high taste and nutritional qualities.

Who benefits from fish?

Fish is an excellent supplier of animal proteins necessary for the proper growth and operation of all cells and organs of our body. Unlike meat products fish protein contains much less connective fibers, so it is much easier to digest and digests fairly quickly.

In addition, fish contains much fewer calories than the same meat, which is why it is suitable even for those who are struggling with being overweight. In terms of quality indicators, fish protein is in no way inferior to meat protein, it contains the same essential acids, among which there is tauric acid, which prevents the development of nervous and cardiovascular diseases. Most of this substance is found in ocean fish, squid and shrimp.

Another important advantage of fish and seafood is the large amount of healthy fatty acids in them. Thanks to them, all lovers of such food are, as a rule, the owners of excellent vision, strong nerves, a healthy heart and low cholesterol. In addition, tumor diseases are very rarely found in them, and they live an order of magnitude longer than meat-eaters.

Fish and seafood are a real pantry of vitamins, among them are B vitamins that will keep you from autumn-winter depression and improve the condition of your skin and hair, vitamin A, which is important for excellent vision, vitamin D, which protects against rickets in childhood and osteoporosis in children. mature age.

In addition, both river and sea fish contain a whole range of various microelements. Among them are fluorine and phosphorus, which will protect you from dental problems, potassium, which normalizes performance blood pressure, as well as selenium, which strengthens the immune system and maintains a good mood.

Useful properties of fish and seafood have long been used by folk healers. Modern medicine actively uses a substance such as fish oil obtained from certain varieties of fish. Scientific studies have shown that the tissues of a significant number of fish have antibacterial properties. This product is used to produce insulin, pancreatin and various other medicines that are important for human life and health.

Consumption of fish significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. Regular presence of it in the menu almost doubles the content of serotonin in our brain, which provides us with peace of mind and reduces the risk of developing depression.

Some species of oceanic and marine fish can protect a person from diseases such as stroke, as well as prevent death from sudden cardiac arrest. Those peoples whose cuisine contains a lot of fish dishes retain their beauty, health and youth much longer.

fat content

One of the main indicators of the energy and nutritional value of fish is its fat content. Long-term storage leads to the fact that fats are oxidized and broken down, as a result of which the fish changes color, and also acquires foreign taste and smell. The most unstable is subcutaneous fat, and its oxidation causes the carcass to turn yellow.

the best palatability possesses a fish that has an average degree of fat content, while the fat is concentrated under the skin or distributed between the muscles. These are halibut, mackerel, sea bass, sturgeon, etc.

Skinny fish are usually used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition: pollock, cod, hake, pike, pike perch, perch, bream, catfish and horse mackerel.

Since fish oil is low-melting, it is much more easily absorbed by the body than pork or beef fat. In addition, it contains biologically active polyunsaturated acids, fat-like substances (phosphatides, steroids and sterols), as well as fat-soluble vitamins E, D and A.

Which fish is healthier?

It is difficult to unambiguously answer the question of which fish is more useful, river or sea. The river contains fewer calories and more easily digestible protein. Marine - is excellent source fatty acids, in addition, it contains iodine, which is simply necessary for normal metabolic processes, high intelligence and excellent performance.

A few examples

Cod is a fish with juicy and tender meat. There are about seven types of it (by place of residence), but there is not much difference between them. This fish contains a lot of B vitamins, as well as a lot of vitamin A and D.

Pike is especially rich in potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. In addition, it helps us to stay young and cheerful.

Mussels are a product that has a unique taste, as well as a complete set of vitamins. In particular, they contain a lot of vitamin E. These products are suitable for cooking pilaf, soups and salads.

Oysters are especially useful. This delicacy can be boiled, baked, fried and used to make sauces. They came to us from French cuisine, where it is customary to consume them raw, opening the shell with tongs and sprinkling the contents with lemon juice.

So, fish and seafood are especially useful for every person, regardless of age. If you include them in your daily menu, they will surely bring you health, youth and beauty.

squid fish dish culinary

The value of seafood in human nutrition

Seafood (seafood dishes) is an important component balanced nutrition. Seafood contains substances that are beneficial to health, are perfectly absorbed by our body and have practically no contraindications. A diet based on eating seafood reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, helps fight overweight. Seafood is a storehouse of iodine. This deficient trace element is not produced by our body, and can only come from food. For example, only 30-50 g of crab meat provides a daily dose of iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. In Japan, whose cuisine is simply impossible to imagine without seafood, people rarely suffer from thyroid diseases. That's who you need to take an example from! Moreover, this is a natural product, not artificially iodized. Seafood is rich in amino acids, minerals and vitamins. They contain healthy protein and more than thirty trace elements that have a positive effect on the condition of our skin and hair. Iodine, zinc, sulfur, calcium, potassium, magnesium and polyunsaturated acids help our body to function normally and be always in good shape. Taurine, which is especially rich in shrimp meat, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, relieves the body of an excess of cholesterol. Useful properties of seafood have been known for a long time. Even the ancient Greek philosopher and gourmet Archestratus, the author of the first cookbook, said that the most healthy food the one that lives in the sea. No wonder half of his recipes are devoted to seafood dishes.

Seafood is balanced in composition, it is easily absorbed by the body and is a low-calorie food. Nutritionists recommend the "sea" diet to people prone to fullness. Such nutrition not only helps to lose weight, seafood dishes have a wonderful, exquisite taste. Latest Research Scientists have proven that seafood is an excellent antioxidant. Astaxanthin, which is rich in shrimp, promotes tissue regeneration and prolongs youth. People who include seafood and fish in their menu are less prone to depression and melancholy.

It is not for nothing that the Mediterranean diet, made up of seafood, vegetables, fruits and olive oil, is considered the most common and light. Numerous studies and observations of people with different culinary passions showed that such a diet not only prolongs life, it also improves its quality.

Seafood, the benefits of which are undeniable, an abundance of vegetables and fruits, red wine, the sun that shines almost all year round- a recipe for the temperament of the cheerful Italian nation. So what do we have?

  • 1. Seafood, seafood dishes are rich in polyunsaturated acids, which lower blood cholesterol levels and help prevent heart and vascular diseases.
  • 2. Seafood contains little coarse connective tissue, which is poorly digested by the stomach. Therefore, the marine diet is useful for people with digestive problems.
  • 3. Useful properties of seafood are also determined by the content of iodine - a deficient microelement, which is found only in some products. The human body cannot synthesize iodine on its own, and its deficiency leads to severe thyroid disease. It is enough to consume 50 g of any seafood per day to provide the body daily rate iodine. By the way, in Japan, which ranks first in the world among lovers of "sea" cuisine, thyroid diseases are extremely rare.
  • 4. Seafood belongs to the group of low-calorie foods. 100 g of mussels contain 3 g of fat, 100 g of shrimp - 2 g, and 100 g of squid - only 0.3 g. The comparison is not in favor of meat, the calorie content of which is 300-600 calories per 100 g.
  • 5. Seafood dishes calm the nervous system, increase resistance to stress. Magnesium, which is part of almost all seafood, regulates the transmission of nerve impulses, relieves irritability, and helps fight insomnia and anxiety. B vitamins complement the effect of magnesium, promote the production of folic acid, which, in turn, stimulates the formation of the "hormone of joy" - serotonin. Vitamin B deficiency leads to emotional overload and psychological discomfort.

Seafood is the strongest aphrodisiac. There is a legend that the most famous lover of all time, Casanova, before each of his dates, ate 70 oysters and washed them down with a glass of champagne. He did it for good reason.

Seafood, rich in zinc and selenium, helps the formation of testosterone, which increases sexual desire. It is not at all necessary to eat oysters in such quantities, but a portion of light, tasty sea ​​lettuce before a romantic meeting will be very handy.

Let's take a closer look at some types of seafood.

Seafood: the benefits of mussels

Mussels are a storehouse of vitamin E (25% of the daily dose is contained in 100 g of mussels), useful both for health and for our appearance. Due to such a high vitamin content, mussels prevent the destruction of cell membranes, which directly affects the condition of the skin and complexion.

In addition, mussels contain vitamin B12, selenium and iron. Like any seafood, mussels are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are invaluable for health. And all this wealth against the background of the low fat content of the product, so that even slimming young ladies can safely cook it. Mussels are sold both fresh and frozen, with or without shells.

Seafood: the benefits of shrimp

Shrimps are delicious little crustaceans and the most popular delicacy. Shrimps are rich in vitamins A, E, D, B12. This is the best snack for girls on a diet: shrimp have no fat and sugars, not a lot of protein, so they quickly satisfy their appetite.

Seafood: the benefits of crabs

This delicacy contains a large amount of zinc and copper, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids, useful in cardiovascular diseases. The crab has the most delicate dietary meat, which contains vitamin C and zinc (they strengthen the immune system and help the body fight viruses). IN crab meat there is iodine, necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, and calcium, useful for nails, hair and teeth. Potassium helps the nervous system work. Also, this delicacy is rich in many other vitamins and biologically active microelements: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, vitamins PP, B1, B2, B12, sulfur. Crab meat also contains the amino acid taurine, which has a beneficial effect on vision, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels and maintains muscle tone in the body.

Crab meat, despite such richness useful substances, -- light diet a product that will help keep your figure slim.

Seafood: the benefits of scallops.

This is a delicious low-calorie delicacy rich in omega acids. IN scallops a lot of protein and iodine, so they are useful for people who have problems with the thyroid gland.

Seafood: the benefits of seaweed.

Laminaria, or seaweed, is a very well-known and beloved product. Seaweeds are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as B vitamins. They are useful for people with kidney diseases, of cardio-vascular system and thyroid gland.

Seafood: The benefits of caviar

Red and black caviar are one of the most beloved delicacies, which, alas, does not often appear on our tables due to its high cost. However, this wonderful product has a very high nutritional value, and modern nutritionists often talk about the various beneficial properties of caviar, which are due to the very rich composition of this natural food product.

IN salmon caviar contains high-quality proteins and fatty acids that are simply vital for our body, which are very easy to digest and have great nutritional value. Also, caviar is rich in vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, silicon, zinc and others.

One of the main advantages of regular consumption of caviar (in moderation, of course) is the enrichment of our body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent blood clots. These cholesterol deposits can be the cause of very serious diseases: myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, pressure drops and others. In addition, the beneficial properties of caviar include excellent restorative and regenerating effects of this food product, normalization of metabolic processes in the human body. This is especially true for lipid metabolism.

Also, red or black caviar has long been considered a product with unsurpassed restorative qualities.

Eating fish caviar is associated with improved general condition health, increased vigor and vitality.

Red caviar helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, thereby ensuring more efficient blood circulation, especially in small blood vessels, and improved nutrition of all important organs and systems of the human body. Experts believe that the introduction of red caviar into the diet is associated with an increase in the function immune system, as well as improved tissue regeneration and slowing down the aging process of the body.

Speaking about the beneficial properties of caviar, we should mention the healing effects of black caviar, which is a little less popular in our latitudes. This caviar has a valuable nutritional complex and a unique rejuvenating effect. In particular, the regular use of black caviar helps to improve the condition of the skin, its nutrition and rejuvenation, as well as strengthening. Similarly, black caviar acts on blood vessels and capillaries, strengthening and protecting them from premature aging. Finally, it is known that black caviar is a rather high-calorie product, therefore it is considered an excellent source of energy and vitality.

Undoubtedly, red and black caviar are among the most beloved foods and the most desired delicacies on our table. However, despite all the above useful properties of caviar, it should be remembered that this food product is not medicinal, therefore it is recommended to use it as a means to maintain the body's strength. Moreover, both red and black caviar are very rich in salt, so those who suffer from urolithiasis, hypertension, coronary heart disease and all kinds of kidney diseases are advised to completely exclude fish caviar from their diet.

Seafood: The Benefits of Seaweed (Laminaria)

Biologists and physicians confidently declare that algae are superior to all other types of plants in terms of the content of active substances. Seaweeds have anticancer properties. In the annals of different peoples, numerous legends have been preserved about them.

Seaweed was used not only as an excellent food product, but also as an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Already in ancient China, seaweed was used to treat malignant tumors. In India, seaweed has been used as an effective remedy in the fight against certain diseases of the endocrine glands.

In ancient times, in the harsh conditions of the Far North, Pomors were treated with algae various diseases, and also used them as practical the only source of vitamins.

The qualitative and quantitative content of macro- and microelements in seaweed resembles the composition of human blood, which indicates our evolutionary connection with the sea, and also allows us to consider seaweed as a balanced source of saturation of the body with minerals and microelements.

Seaweed contains a number of substances with biological activity: lipids rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids; chlorophyll derivatives; polysaccharides: sulfated galactans, fucoidans, glucans, pectins, alginic acid, and lignins, which are a valuable source of dietary fiber; phenolic compounds; enzymes; plant sterols, vitamins, carotenoids, macro- and microelements. As for individual vitamins, trace elements and iodine, there are more of them in seaweed than in other products.

Seaweeds and biologically active substances from them have antimutagenic activity, which is determined by the pigments p-carotene, chlorophyll, lutein, radioprotective properties, which is associated with the presence of alginic acid and its salts in their composition.

Alginates are able to selectively bind and remove heavy metal ions, such as strontium and cesium, as well as other radionuclides from the body. A feature of alginic acid preparations is their directed correction in the most radiologically affected vital systems of the human body (the hematopoietic system and the gastrointestinal tract). There is evidence of a favorable symptomatic effect of kelp in cancer patients. Specialists recommend seaweed (kelp) not only for the prevention of cancer and leukemia, but also for radiation sickness. The therapeutic anticarcinogenic effect of kelp is due to the presence in this seaweed of many biologically active substances and a complex of microelements. It is on its basis that powerful bioadditives have been created - oncoprotectors.

Scientists have proven that algae have greater biological activity than land plants.

Studies show that the Inuit (Eskimos) of Alaska and Greenland are much less likely to develop malignant neoplasms compared to other populations.

Scientists attribute this to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in their diet. They have high biological activity, are not synthesized in the human body, therefore they are irreplaceable. Seaweed polyunsaturated fatty acids are involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins, which have a huge impact on health. They are able to dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure, expand or narrow the lumen of the bronchi, stimulate the production of hormones, and increase the sensitivity of nerve fibers. Prostaglandins play an important role in the activity of the reproductive system, in the mechanisms of fertilization and childbirth.

Brown algae and preparations from them have a hypolipidemic effect, prevent the development of obesity, and improve the functions of the cardiovascular system. Traditional japanese diet with a high content of seaweed and reduced calorie content prevents the development of obesity and atherosclerosis. It has now been proven that saturation of the body with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in seaweed and fish oil normalizes lipid metabolism and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Seaweed is used for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Biologically active substances of seaweed have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Algae immunocorrectors increase the activity of the human immune system and enable the body to successfully fight bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

A number of studies have proven antiviral activity against the human immunodeficiency virus. The high sorption activity of drugs makes them indispensable for the prevention of allergic and autoimmune diseases. They are able to restore the functional activity of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, enhance cellular cooperation, activate the synthesis of secretory immunoglobulins-A, the deficiency of which is the basis of chronic diseases involving the mucous membranes. respiratory tract, genitourinary system And gastrointestinal tract. Seaweeds accumulate a number of vitamins from sea water (A, C, D, vitamins of groups B, K, PP, folic and pantothenic acids). Algae contains absolutely all the minerals, vitamins and amino acids necessary for the full-fledged work of our body. At the same time, it is enough just to regularly include standard portions of the product in the diet.

Moreover, modern medicine has gone to meet those who do not quite like the taste of seaweed, and today many drugs have been created that contain seaweed (against rheumatism, migraine, diabetes). Remember, probably you or your friends strengthened the immune system with spirulina extract.

About the benefits of seaweed for weight loss

First, like pineapple, brown algae (kelp, seaweed) contain a special enzyme that breaks down fats.

Secondly, algae can be washed down with water or green tea. At the same time, they swell in the stomach, increase significantly in volume and eliminate the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Thirdly, algae contain a meager amount of calories: from 7 to 15 per 100 g (depending on the type). So seaweed salad (if you do not add mayonnaise and other calories) can be eaten almost without restrictions. In conclusion, we want to note that the Japanese, who actively consume seafood in general and algae in particular, are distinguished by enviable health and high life expectancy. The most important rule for eating seafood is that it must be fresh. In stores, all marine life is most often sold frozen. If you have thawed seafood, then cook it right away, because you cannot re-freeze them. If you decide to try delicacies in a restaurant, it's best not to choose the dishes that are ordered the least. If the dish is popular, then you can expect the source material to be fresh.

Seafood is a very tasty, light and healthy food that diversifies everyday cuisine and will give you a good mood!

32 In the cooperative industry, baking is the main industry.

Endogenous PS: High. energetic. value, differentiation by grades and types of flour. The biological value is not great. Physiol. the value of bread is due to its porosity of the crumb. The digestibility is high.

Among the exogenous properties, the main one is 1) that bread has the ability to cover the meaning. Part diet human 2) high degree of readiness

Production technology: 1) preparation of raw materials - flour + water + yeast. Additional raw materials - sugar, fat, milk, spices, eggs, malt, raisins, poppy seeds, etc. 210-280°) 9) cooling.

Requirements for the quality of bread. Bread is taken in batches. Quality is checked by inspection of 10% of products from each shelf. Bread entering the retail network is inspected, paying attention to the appearance, the condition of the crusts and crumb, if necessary, determine the taste, smell, humidity, acidity, porosity of the crumb, the presence of foreign inclusions, diseases and impurities.

Bread products must have their characteristic shape, not to be crumpled and without lateral influxes. Roughness is allowed on the surface with the presence of shallow cracks (with a width of not more than 1 cm) and tears. The color of the crust can be from golden yellow to dark brown, no more than 3-4 mm thick. Deviations from the norm in appearance are possible in case of non-compliance with the proofing regimes, baking duration, non-compliance with the temperature regime during baking, the use of flour with weak gluten (vague form), etc.

The crumb of good-quality bread should be well baked, not wet and not sticky, elastic, and have good porosity. The presence of voids, crumbling, non-mixing, hardening is not allowed. Bread with uniform porosity is richer, better absorbed by the body. Each type and variety of bread is characterized by a certain taste and smell. Good-quality bread should have a pleasant taste due to additives. Feelings of insipid, oversalted, excessively sour and bitter taste, the presence of a crunch are not allowed in the bread.

Premises for storing bread and bakery products should be equipped with open and closed containers, equipment containers, mobile shelves or stationary shelves. Premises for storing bread and bakery products should be repaired with whitewashing or painting of walls, ceilings - as necessary. The premises are disinfected at least once a year. It is not allowed to keep other goods and products in the premises intended for the storage of bread and bakery products that can impart an unusual smell to the products. When storing bakery products, the following are laid: shaped bread in one or two rows on the side or bottom crust; hearth bread and bakery products - in one row on the bottom or side crust; small pieces - on the lower crust in 1-2 rows, and products with decoration - in one row; croutons, crackers - in bulk. During transportation, trays, boxes and baskets are stacked on top of each other so that when the car moves, they do not move from their place and do not deform products.

bread products depending on the type of flour, they can be wheat, wheat-rye, rye, rye-wheat. According to the recipe - simple, improved and rich (only wheat). According to the method of baking - hearth and shaped.

Range formation factors:

type of flour, type of bread

Flour variety, bread assortment (type)

Recipe, subtype of bread

Baking method, molded and hearth

33 Pasta subdivided into groups A, B, C and classes 1 and 2. Group A - pasta made from durum wheat flour (durum) and flour premium increased dispersion; group B - from flour of soft vitreous wheat; group B - from the bakery wheat flour, which in terms of quality and quantity of gluten should not be lower than flour of group B and pasta flour of the highest grade from soft wheat (semolina); 1st class - from flour of the highest grade, 2nd class - from flour of the 1st grade.

Additional raw materials- flavorings and fortifiers: fruit juices, pastes, surfactants, eggs, wheat flour gluten, casein, whole and powdered milk, whey, concentrates and isolates of legumes.

Preparation of raw materials for the production of pasta consists in mixing flour of different batches, heating water. Steep dough is prepared with a moisture content of 28-32%, without fermentation. Soft kneading is used for the preparation of flexible products, hard kneading for stamped products. Then the dough is pressed, giving it a plastic structure. By passing the pressed dough through the dies, strands of threads, ribbons of tubes are obtained, which are blown with air and cut. Sliced ​​(pasta, vermicelli, noodles, etc.) products are dried at a temperature of 50-70°C for 20-90 minutes. Long products are dried for 16-40 hours. Dried products are sent to stabilizers-coolers, then to packaging

Pasta with a net weight of not more than 1 kg is packed in packs or colorfully designed cardboard boxes, paper bags, cellophane. Weighted and packaged products must be packed in shipping containers, wooden, plank, molded cardboard boxes. Pasta is packed tightly in boxes, weight deviations should not exceed 2% for packaged products.

Pasta is divided into types - tubular, thread-like (vermicelli), ribbon-like (noodles), curly.

34 classification of vegetables. Depending on what part of the plant is used for food, vegetables are divided into two groups: vegetative and fruit. In the vegetative group of vegetables, the vegetative organs of plants are used for food: root, stem, leaf or their modified forms - tubers, root crops, bulbs. This group includes the following subgroups:

tubers: potato, sweet potato ( sweet potato), Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear);

roots: carrots, beets, parsley, parsnips, celery, radishes, turnips, radishes, rutabaga;

cabbage: white cabbage, krayonokchannaya, cauliflower, Savoy, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, Khibiny, Beijing;

onion: onion, onion on a feather, leek, batun, shallot, chives, slime onion, multi-tiered, garlic, wild garlic, mountain onion (anzur);

lettuce spinach: lettuce, spinach, sorrel;

spicy vegetables: dill, leaf parsley, tarragon,

thyme, basil, horseradish, lemon balm, etc.

In fruit vegetables, seeds and fruits are used for food. This group includes the following subgroups:

pumpkin(watermelons, melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash);

tomato: tomatoes (tomatoes), eggplant, capsicum;

legumes: beans, beans, peas;

cereals: corn in the milk stage of maturity.

According to the method of cultivation, vegetables are divided into soil, greenhouse, greenhouse; according to the terms of maturation - early, mid-season and late.

Maintaining the quality of fresh vegetables largely depends on properly organized collection, sorting, packaging, transportation and storage. For consumption in the degree of maturity, vegetables are harvested for sale, as well as those that have the ability to ripen during storage. In the technical degree of maturity, vegetables intended for industrial processing are harvested. And in a removable degree of maturity, vegetables that have the ability to ripen and be stored for a long time are harvested.

Vegetables must be harvested carefully, avoiding damage, using appropriate containers (boxes, baskets, trays). To reduce damage to vegetables with delicate skin burlap or shavings are placed in the container. The period from collection to laying for storage or sale and processing of vegetables should be minimal.

Vegetables, as a rule, are heterogeneous in shape, size, degree of maturity, quality, therefore, when harvested (if possible), they are sorted and sized. Vegetables entering a warehouse or store must be checked for quality and compliance with applicable standards and specifications. Attention is drawn to the shape (it should be typical, not ugly), the size of vegetables (determined by the largest transverse diameter, for cabbage - but by weight). The allowable size for each type of vegetable is set by the standard. Commodity processing of vegetables is carried out on special technological lines with high productivity. These are sorting and calibrating machines, vibrators, packing tables. Progressive is the use of receiving conveyors of the T-236 type with an X-ray unit.

35 Depending on the structure of the flower and other features, the fruits are divided into pome fruits, stone fruits, berries, nuts, subtropical and tropical. pome fruits- fruit crops with multi-seeded juicy fruits. Seed fruits - apples, pears, quince, mountain ash, medlar, shadberry. Their fruits are false, since the pericarp is formed due to the walls of the ovary and the growing fruit. The seeds are in the chambers.

stone fruits- cherry, sweet cherry, apricot, peach, plum, dogwood, blackthorn, cherry plum, etc. The fruits are single-celled drupes with a juicy pericarp. The fruit consists of a skin, pulp and a stone, inside of which there is a seed.

Berries have unopened juicy fruit with thin leathery exocarp and juicy meso- and endocarp. Berries are divided into real, complex and false. Real berries - grapes, currants, gooseberries, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries. Their berries are formed due to the growth of the walls of the ovary.

Walnut crops- walnut and Manchurian nut, pecan; hazel: hazelnuts, hazel; pink: almond; beech: chestnut, beech; pine: Siberian cedar; sumac: pistachio. Depending on how the pericarp is arranged, nuts are divided into real and stone fruits. In hazelnuts (hazel, hazelnuts), the fruit is placed in a wrapper of leaves (plus). In drupes, the fruit is surrounded by a dense inedible pericarp, and the seed is additionally covered with a lignified shell.

subtropical and tropical fruit can be divided into citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines), grapefruits, citrons, oranges, and others: pomegranates, figs, persimmons, dates, bananas, pineapples, mangoes, kiwi, etc.

Apples of each commercial variety must be whole, fully developed, clean, without excessive moisture on the surface of the fruit, without foreign smell and taste. In the second grade, fruits that are heterogeneous in shape, but not ugly, are allowed. The size of the first grade is not less than 55 mm, the second - not less than 40 mm.

In the first grade, overripe fruits are not allowed, with pressures of more than 3 cm g of apple area, with punctures, skin defects in the form of dots and punctures. Fruits of the second grade can not be sized.

Stone fruits and berries are stored in refrigerators at temperatures from 0 to +0.5°C and relative humidity air 90%. It is generally accepted that the shelf life of stone fruits is 10-15 days. One of the requirements for maintaining the quality of stone fruits is the use of active ventilation and cold, Positive The results are obtained by treatment of plums with potassium permanganate, the use of potassium meta-bisulfite, storage in a modified atmosphere.

36 The most common types of processing of fruits and vegetables are: pickling, salting, soaking, pickling, drying, quick-frozen vegetables and fruits, canned fruits and vegetables, tomato products.

Fermentation is based on the formation of natural preservatives - lactic acid and alcohol, accumulated in fermented products as a result of sugar fermentation by lactic acid bacteria and yeast. The amount of lactic acid depends on the presence and purity of lactic bacteria, sugar content, salt concentration and fermentation temperature. Fermentation must take place under anaerobic conditions. In cabbage, the presence of small particles is allowed - in the 1st grade up to 10%, in the 2nd grade - up to 20%. Its quality is affected by the turbidity of the juice (typical for sauerkraut of the 2nd grade). Cabbage is tasty when it crunches, which is typical for the 1st grade. Its taste should be pleasant, sweet and sour, pronounced acidity is allowed in the 2nd grade. The color is white or white-yellow. Of the physico-chemical parameters in sauerkraut, the content of cabbage is normalized in relation to juice (88-90%), salt (up to 2%

Cucumbers used for pickling should have firm flesh, rough skin, dark green color. Cucumbers larger than 14 cm, yellow, with defects (damages) are unsuitable for pickling. Standard cucumbers should be strong, crispy. The content of cucumbers with internal voids is limited. Cucumber pickling technology: sorting, calibrating, washing, preparing spices, preparing brine (6-7%), filling barrels with cucumbers, spices, monitoring and regulating the fermentation regime. Cucumbers are regular salting, spicy, salty garlic, salty spicy, salty with sweet pepper, with sugar and citric acid.

Dried potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, white and cauliflower, green peas, dill, parsley, spinach and sorrel.

Let out production consider in conditional banks. For a conditional jar, net weight is considered by weight of 400 g of finished products: fruit and berry marinades; tomato products; juices with pulp; jam, marmalade, puree, sauces, pastes, artificial honey, spices, canned food for children and diets; mushroom, vegetable marinades; snack bars, lunch and filling canned food; semi-finished products for public catering; juices; horseradish, mustard.

To calculate the number of conditional cans with a net weight, the actual number of cans is multiplied by the net weight and divided by 400 g or 353 ml is multiplied by the conversion factor.

37 Mushrooms contain amino acids, vitamins, antibiotics. According to nutritional value, mushrooms are divided into 4 categories: the 1st category includes White mushroom, saffron milk cap, real and yellow; to the 2nd - boletus, boletus, butterdish, volnushka, aspen breast, white load, dubovik, Polish mushroom; to the 3rd - mokhovik, goat, whitefish, serushka, black breast, valuy, russula, burning and caustic, pepper pepper, oyster mushroom, brilliant green, milkweed .. rubella, squeaky.

Mushrooms are divided into edible, inedible, poisonous. Among edible mushrooms, conditionally edible mushrooms can be distinguished, containing harmful substances that are removed with a certain processing method. Edible mushrooms, according to the location of the spores, are divided into spongy, lamellar and marsupials.

Fresh mushrooms should have a fleshy, clean, healthy, strong body (stem and cap). The legs are cleared of soil, cut to the required size. Dirty, frozen, moldy, worm-eaten mushrooms, with an unpleasant odor, an admixture of other mushrooms are not allowed for sale. Special attention refers to the presence of poisonous mushrooms.

Marinated mushrooms prepared from porcini mushrooms, boletus, oil (peeled and unpeeled), mossiness mushrooms, mushrooms, common chanterelles, autumn mushrooms, greens, champignons, oyster mushrooms, etc. Mushrooms are boiled, acetic acid and spices are added 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking. Pickled mushrooms are cooled, packaged, corked, pasteurized.

salted mushrooms more often they are prepared from lamellar: whites, valuev, oyster mushrooms, volnushki, milk mushrooms, brilliant green, chanterelles, saffron milk mushrooms, russula. Salt in cold and hot ways. Hot salting is used in hot weather to process mushrooms faster and prevent them from spoiling.

dried mushrooms- white, boletus, boletus; boletus, mushrooms, chanterelles. Honey mushrooms and chanterelles are dried if there is confirmation that there are no poisonous mushrooms among them.

Mushrooms are dried whole, you can separately dry the root of the porcini mushroom and the hat or cut porcini mushrooms.

38 Vegetables, fruits and berries are frozen in bulk or in containers, with or without sugar. Containers - waxed paper or cardboard boxes and bags made of lacquered cellophane or polyethylene, as well as glass and metal cans.

Freezing berries. Freeze the viburnum and blackberry cleared from the receptacle (in sugar or 50% sugar syrup); strawberries, strawberries, black and red currants, gooseberries (in 50% sugar syrup); grapes, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, sweet cherries, dogwoods, pome fruits, tangerines (without sugar or in sugar syrup). To stabilize the color, citric or ascorbic acid is sometimes added along with sugar.

Freezing vegetables. Freeze sweet corn (on the cob, in cellophane); zucchini whole fruits in cellophane; eggplant, freed from the stalk, blanched; green peas - with salt or sugar; beans, tomatoes, shredded white cabbage canned; sweet pepper - white or chopped, spinach, sorrel, herbs, melons and watermelons are peeled (in syrup).

Except freezing certain types fruits, berries and vegetables produce frozen vegetable sets, use them as semi-finished products for cooking first and second courses. They also freeze juices and purees.

To determine the quality of quick-frozen fruits and vegetables, at least 3% of places are selected from a batch of product. Products are judged by appearance, color. In thawed form, determine the taste, smell, texture. Microbiological indicators are checked: the total number of mesophilic microorganisms, the presence of Escherichia coli, mold fungi. Frozen vegetables, fruits and berries are stored in refrigerators at a temperature of minus 18°C ​​and a relative humidity of at least 95% for up to 1 year. Defrost products in a stream of air, immersion in water or irrigation with water, high-frequency currents. Thawed products cannot be stored.

39 Dried fruits and vegetables are superior in energy value to fresh ones and are convenient for transportation. Drying vegetables and fruits consists in removing moisture from them to a residual ce content in vegetables from 6-7 to 12-14%, in fruits - up to 16-20%.

Preparation of fruits and vegetables for drying consists in washing the product, sorting before drying, calibrating, cleaning, cutting, blanching, drying, leveling moisture, removing impurities, sorting after drying and packaging.

Dried potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, white and cauliflower, green peas, dill, parsley, spinach and sorrel. Dried vegetables are produced in bulk or in the form of briquettes, sometimes powder, granules. Separate dried vegetables are used in vegetable or vegetable-cereal concentrates.

To preserve the natural color and prevent spoilage, some types of fruits and berries are sulphited. There are natural (solar) and artificial (fire and sublimation) drying. Natural drying is economically beneficial, but has some disadvantages - drying time, product contamination with dust, damage by insects (wasps, ants). Artificial drying is carried out at the expense of gas, electricity, firewood, coal (steam and electric dryers).

Sublimation drying is carried out on the basis of preliminary freezing of raw materials with the transition of ice crystals to steam, bypassing the liquid phase. Freeze-dried products have a low moisture content (3-5%) and are of high quality, vitamins are better preserved in them.

Dried potatoes. For drying, a standard potato containing a minimum amount of sugar is used, since it combines with amino acids to form a dark-colored product, which causes the dark color of dried potatoes. Such potatoes do not boil well and swell slightly. It is cleaned, washed, cut into cubes, plates, columns and dried. They produce fried potatoes, grits, powder, flakes, mashed potatoes, granules, chips, canned potato products.

Dried potatoes should be firm, no more than 2-3 mm thick and no more than 15 mm long. The taste and smell should be characteristic of dried potatoes; the color is yellowish with shades, the presence of white and pink spots is allowed. The burden of boiling dried potatoes is 25 minutes, the humidity is not more than 12%. The product must not be affected by barn pests and moldy.

40 Fermentation is based on the formation of natural preservatives - lactic acid and alcohol, accumulated in fermented products as a result of sugar fermentation by lactic acid bacteria and yeast. The amount of lactic acid depends on the presence and purity of lactic bacteria, sugar content, salt concentration and fermentation temperature. Fermentation must take place under anaerobic conditions.

Sauerkraut. They ferment white cabbage of mid-season and late ripening, which meets the requirements of the standard. Depending on the method of preparation, cabbage can be shredded, chopped, headed (chopped or shredded), whole, Provencal, shredded and chopped for industrial processing, freshly pickled. Depending on the recipe, cabbage is produced with carrots, with apples and carrots, with berries and carrots, with cumin and carrots, with sweet peppers, parsnips, etc.

In cabbage, the presence of small particles is allowed - in the 1st grade up to 10%, in the 2nd grade - up to 20%. Its quality is affected by the turbidity of the juice (typical for sauerkraut of the 2nd grade). Cabbage is tasty when it crunches, which is typical for the 1st grade. Its taste should be pleasant, sweet and sour, pronounced acidity is allowed in the 2nd grade. The color is white or white-yellow. Of the physico-chemical parameters in sauerkraut, the content of cabbage is normalized in relation to juice (88-90%), salt (up to 2% in the 2nd grade) and acidity (up to 1.3% in the 1st grade).

soaked apples prepared from autumn and winter varieties with a sweet and sour taste, white or yellowish flesh: Antonovka, Babushkino, Rosemary, Anise. For starch saccharification, apples are kept for up to 20 days, sorted and sized (by quality and size). In prepared barrels, scalded straw and apples are placed in rows. Apples are poured with a solution of sugar, salt, malt. With double fermentation (alcohol and lactic acid), apples acquire a refreshing taste. soaked apples(I and II grades) should be elastic, refreshing sweet and sour taste (1.5% acids), alcohol content - 0.8-1.8%. Wet pears, plums, cranberries.

41 Sugar is a pure carbohydrate - sucrose. It strictly limits moisture and impurities of other substances. In the human body, sucrose is broken down by enzymes into glucose, fructose and is used as an energy material for the formation of glycogen, fat, etc. When 100 g of sugar is oxidized in the body, about 410 kcal of energy is released. Excess sugar intake is undesirable. Its daily physiological norm is 100 g, it should be differentiated by age, lifestyle, nutrition.

Sugar obtained from sugar beets containing 16-17% sucrose. The beets are washed, crushed into shavings, from which the sugar is extracted with hot water by diffusion. In addition to sucrose, other water-soluble substances also pass into the diffusion juice.

Sugar-sand is not divided into grades. It should be white with a sheen sweet taste without foreign tastes and odors both in dry form and in aqueous solution. Sugar must be free-flowing, without lumps, completely soluble. Sugar solution - transparent, colorless, without sediment, suspended particles and other impurities.

Granulated sugar must contain at least 99.75% sucrose (in terms of dry matter) and not more than 0.14% moisture. The standard limits the content of reducing substances, ash, ferrous impurities and color.

Rafinated sugar obtained from granulated sugar by refining (cleaning). Refined sugar is produced in the following types: refined granulated sugar, pressed refined sugar, cast refined sugar, refined powder, sucrose for champagne.

Granulated sugar is packed with a net weight of 50 kg in clean, new and used fabric bags of categories I and II; in fabric bags with polyethylene and paper liners; bags made of material with a viscose base, polypropylene. The bags must be tight, spilling of sugar crystals is not allowed. However, the burlap itself does not protect sugar from dusting, ingress of fabric villi, fires. The fabric easily gets wet, serves as a source and place for the development of bacteria.

Lump sugar packed V fabric bags of 40 kg or packed in consumer packaging. In bags, refined sugar can become contaminated, the edges of the pieces are chipped, fines and powder are formed. The quality of refined sugar is well preserved by packaging in packs, paper boxes with a net weight of 0.5 and 1.0 kg, followed by packing in plank, plywood boxes or wrapped in bags with a net weight of 20 kg in thick paper.

Storage: air humidity in warehouses with granulated sugar should be no higher than 70%, refined sugar - 80%. It is measured at the level of the bottom row. Storage temperature: not lower than 12 °С. Sugar is stored in dry, clean, ventilated warehouses on wooden racks, pallets or on the floor covered with tarpaulin, etc. The height of the stack depends on the type of sugar, its packaging and is 2-5 m, powdered sugar - 1.8 m.

42 Honey is a natural product with a sweet taste and a complex "honey*" aroma. Sugars are the main component of honey. The total content of monosaccharides (glucose and fructose) in honey is 68-73, sucrose - 2-5%. The sugars of honey are easily digestible. The high degree of sweetness of honey is associated with the presence of fructose - 27-44%. The use of honey is recommended for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver, heart, stomach, and respiratory tract. Honey refers to products that can withstand long-term storage.

Classification of honey. According to botanical origin, natural honey is divided into flower, honeydew and mixed (a natural mixture of flower and honeydew honey). flower honey bees produce from flower nectars - sweet juice, specific in aroma and taste for each plant species, containing up to 40% sugars. Flower honey can be monofloral (lime, acacia, buckwheat, cottonseed, etc.) and polyfloral (mountain, steppe, Bashkir, etc.), i.e. honey collected from the flowers of various plants and designated as a floral composite.

Honey quality indicators. It should have a thick, viscous consistency mature product. The taste is sweet, without foreign taste, the aroma is natural, pleasant, from weak to well pronounced, without foreign odors. The color of honey is natural, without impurities.

Foreign impurities (bees, larvae, wax, etc.), foaming, gas evolution, fermentation, foreign smell and taste are not allowed in honey.

Physical and chemical indicators of honey quality: moisture not more than 21%, mass fraction of reducing sugars and sucrose, diastase number (characterizes the activity of enzymes). Honey should not contain hydroxymethylfurfural. The presence of this substance indicates prolonged heating of honey, during which enzymes die and it loses its medicinal value, or honey is falsified with molasses, invert syrup.

Honey is packaged in barrels made of beech, birch, linden, except for spruce, pine, oak, in stainless steel flasks tinned with food tin. For small packaging of honey, containers of different capacities, configurations, from various materials (glass, tin, molded cardboard with a special gasket, polymer) are used.

Honey can be stored for a long time. But only mature honey is stable, i.e., having a moisture content of not more than 21%. The relative humidity of the air in the honey storage room should be around 70%, the temperature fie should be above 20°C. At low air humidity and leakage of the container, honey can dry out, and at high humidity, it can become moistened.

76. Meaning fish products in human nutrition. Preferred endogenous consumer properties of fish compared to meat.

Fish meat contains nitrogenous substances, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, enzymes, minerals. The chemical composition varies depending on the type of fish, age, gender, time of harvest.

Proteins - 5 - 22%, on average 16%. In the juice of the intercellular space are mucins and mucoids, which have a viscous consistency.

Nitrogenous extractives are found in the muscles in small quantities, but they have big influence the taste and smell of fish. Contains creatine, purines, free amino acids, carnosine, ammonia, urea.

Fish fats contain mainly unsaturated fatty acids - oleic, linolenic, arachidonic, clupanadonic. Saturated - palmitic, stearic, myristic. Small amounts of fats contain phosphatides, dyes, carbohydrates and vitamins.

An important role is played by phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, magnesium. Trace elements: iodine, bromine, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt.

Fish has a high nutritional value, promotes health and improves human performance. Unsaturated amino acids with 5-6 double bonds contained in fish oil contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Iron and copper have a therapeutic effect in anemia, iodine in diseases of the thyroid gland, and vitamin A, calcium play an important role in preventing tumors, strengthening the nervous and immune systems.

77. Classification and characteristics of the most important commercial families of fish. The main factors influencing the formation of consumer properties of fish.

Sturgeon family: Beluga genus - Beluga, Kaluga; genus of sturgeon - Russian, Siberian, Amur, Sakhalin, Baltic sturgeon, spike, stellate sturgeon, sterlet.

An elongated body with five rows of bone formations - bugs: one dorsal, two thoracic and two abdominal. The skeleton is cartilaginous, the meat is white, with high nutritional and taste qualities. The bulk comes in the form of ice cream. A special value is caviar.

Herring family: herring, sardines, herring, sprat, sprat. No lateral line, head without scales, one dorsal fin. Herring - Atlantic, Pacific, Baltic, Azov-Black Sea. They are sold salted, spicy, smoked, felted. Up to 35% fat.

Cod family: cod, haddock, pollock, saffron cod, pollock, blue whiting, freshwater burbot. 3 dorsal and 2 anal fins. It is sold mainly in frozen fillets. The fish is skinny, has good taste.

Salmon family: Far Eastern salmon - chinook salmon, coho salmon, sim, chum salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon; noble salmon - salmon, trout, brown trout, nelma and white salmon; whitefish - whitefish Amur, Nevsky, Chudsky, etc., muksun, omul, peled (cheese), vendace. The body of salmonids is covered with tightly fitting scales; there are no scales on the head. The lateral line is light, the first dorsal fin is short, the second is filled with fat (adipose fin).


The meat of most salmon is pink, without small bones, is a valuable raw material for slightly salted and smoked products, high-quality canned food and preserves.

perch family: zander, perch, bersh, ruff. The meat of pike perch and bersh is low-fat, but tasty, it is a good raw material for drying and canning. River and lake perch and ruff give a rich fish soup.

flounder family: flounder and halibut of numerous species. The body is flat, wide, both eyes are located on the same side of the body, the dorsal and anal fins are very long.

Smelt family: common and small-mouthed smelt, capelin and smelt. These are small elongated fish with a dark back and silvery sides, having an adipose fin (second dorsal). They are used in salted, frozen, dried, and smelt mainly in salted-dried form.

Mackerel family: common, Black Sea and Japanese mackerel. It is used for the production of salted, smoked products, culinary products and canned food.

Several types are known tuna family, living in the warm waters of the oceans. Basically, these are large (up to 600 kg) fish, in which the lateral muscles are highly developed. The meat is used for the production of canned food, it is sold in the form of ice cream.

Scorpion family: sea ​​bass. The meat is tender, tasty, fat up to 6%. sea ​​bass are sold in the form of frozen fillets, chilled and frozen, go for hot and cold smoking.

From several types mackerel family saury has the greatest commercial value. The body is elongated, there is one dorsal fin, there are accessory fins. Length - 19-31 cm, weight - up to 200 g, fat content: for small - 4.2%, for large - 28-31%. Saury goes to the production of canned food.

Fish dishes occupy a significant share in the products of public catering enterprises. Their nutritional value is determined primarily by the content of complete proteins. These proteins contain tyrosine, arninine, ristidine, and lysine. The total content of nitrogenous substances in fish is from 13 to 21%. The digestibility of fish proteins is 97%. One serving of a fish dish, not counting the garnish, contains, depending on the type of fish and yield, from 14 to 30 g of protein. The fat content in fish ranges from 0.1 to 33%. Fish oil contains biologically active unsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins A and D, phosphatides, cholesterol. The digestibility of fish oil is about 90%. Due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, fish oil has low temperature melting, easily oxidized, and the quality of the fish deteriorates. Fatty acids with 4 ... 6 double bonds are oxidized especially quickly, and there are 1.5 ... 2 times more of them in marine fish than in freshwater. Therefore, sea fish is stored worse even when frozen. Fish contains active enzymes that oxidize fats during storage, which leads to the accumulation of substances with an unpleasant odor and taste. The enzymes contained in sea fish are especially active. The mineral composition of fish is very diverse. So, in the ashes of marine fish, there are 7 times more sodium and chlorine compounds than in the ashes of freshwater ones. Marine fish contain a lot of iodine salts, which is very important for the population of Belarus, which is deficient in this element. Fish is also important as a source of fat-soluble vitamins. Thus, Atlantic fatty herring contains 30 μg of vitamin A per 100 g of the edible part, keta 16 μg.

The tissues of some fish (carp, herring, smelt, etc.) contain the enzyme thiaminase, which breaks down thiamine. This enzyme is so active that the inhabitants of countries where it is customary to eat raw fish feel acute deficiency. During heat treatment, thiaminase is destroyed and therefore its negative effect can only affect

when using stroganina (raw frozen fish).

The characteristic of fish meat is high content extractives. There are more of them in the meat of marine fish than in the meat of freshwater, and, moreover, they have a different composition. This explains the specific taste and smell of sea fish dishes. There is practically no glutamic acid in fish meat, there is little creatine and creatinine of substances that play an important role in the formation of a “meaty” taste. There are few purine bases in fish (almost 100 times less than in beef). this is of great importance when using fish in the diet of the elderly and sick people.

However, the meat of some fish (mackerel, tuna, saury) contains an increased amount of histidine (especially dark meat), which turns into histamine during storage and heat treatment.

In small quantities it is useful, but in large quantities (more than 100 ml%) it is harmful. Therefore, you should not use mackerel, tuna, saury in the nutrition of children and adolescents; it is better to cook cutlet mass from fish with dark meat; fish should not be stored after thawing.

The specific smell of fish is due to a whole complex of volatile substances, in particular mono, di, triamines, these compounds in marine fish are 2.5 ... 3 times more than in freshwater, and ammonia is 10 ... 15 times more. Volatile substances accumulate during storage. The smell of trimethylamine is unpleasant, reminiscent of the smell of fish oil and blubber, and is retained for a very long time in the mouth, on the surface of the hands, etc. Since the amount of amines in the meat increases with the age of the fish, large specimens of fish have a more pronounced odor. With this in mind, you should choose sauces for fish dishes that have a pronounced aroma and taste (tomato, Russian, garlic, etc.), boil fish with a sharp specific smell with a lot of spices or in a spicy broth, serve lemon with fish dishes . nutritional value fish dishes can be enhanced with side dishes and sauces. As a side dish, boiled and fried potatoes are usually used, which contain many carbohydrates that are not found in fish. Many sauces for fish dishes (Polish, Dutch, sour cream) contain a significant amount of fat, so they are served with skinny fish.

Classification of fish and seafood dishes

Fresh fish is cooked boiled, stewed, fried, baked. Fish is rarely stewed. Stew it not to soften, but to give a special taste. Salted fish it is recommended to boil or allow. Depending on the method of heat treatment, fish dishes are divided into boiled, poached, fried, baked, stewed.

The choice of the method of heat treatment of fish depends on the characteristics of its structure and tissue composition, on the ratio of water, fat and protein in the muscles. for frying, it is better to use fish that has juicy and tender meat (cod, blue whiting, navaga, halibut, fatty herring, eel, etc.). Fish with denser meat (chum salmon, pink salmon, saury, mackerel, tuna, etc.) should be boiled and stewed, because thanks to the sauce that is served with boiled and stewed fish, the dish turns out juicy.

Diversity technological properties seafood allows you to significantly expand the range of second courses. The choice of the method of heat treatment of mollusks and crustaceans for the production of second courses, as well as for fish, depends on the characteristics of their structure, tissue composition, and nutritional merits. So, the meat of squid, scallop, oysters in order to avoid significant losses nutrients, which is inevitable when cooking in a large amount of water, should be allowed with the addition citric acid(0.5%) or cook in your own juice, steam and microwave. Shellfish (crayfish, lobsters, lanrysts) are best cooked in plenty of water.

Boiled fish dishes

Fish is cooked in portions, links, and less often whole and stuffed. Any fish, except for sturgeon, is cooked in portioned pieces; links or a large piece (up to 5 kg) only sturgeon; whole large specimens of fish for cooking banquet dishes. Fish is cooked in fish boilers (boxes), stewpans. After the water boils, the heating is reduced and the fish is cooked without boiling at a temperature of 80 ... 90 0 C. Portioned pieces of fish are placed in one row with the skin up. Fill the fish with hot water (2 liters per 1 kg of fish); white roots are added to improve the taste, onion and sometimes carrots. Bay leaf and pepper are put only in those

cases when the fish has a specific unpleasant odor. Sea fish with a specific smell (cod, haddock, catfish, flounder, halibut, etc.) are boiled in a spicy broth. To do this, add salt, allspice and bitter pepper, bay leaf, carrots, onions, parsley, dill, celery to the water, boil for 5 ... 7 minutes, then lay the fish and cook it until tender. The cooking time for a piece of fish weighing 150 ... 200 g is on average 12 ... 15 minutes. Sometimes, when cooking cod, horse mackerel, catfish, tench and other fish, cucumber pickle or peel and seeds of pickled cucumbers are added. This softens the taste, weakens the specific smell, the fish meat acquires a more delicate texture. When cooking trout and sturgeon fish spices and vegetables are not added, as these fish have a very pleasant taste and aroma. Bream, carp, carp, crucian carp, vobla, saffron cod, smelt, Baltic herring should be used not for boiled second courses, but for fried ones, as they turn out to be more tasty. The weight loss during cooking in portions is 20% for most fish species, and only 18% for cod and flounder, and 25% for catfish.

Links of sturgeon fish, prepared for cooking, are placed on the grate of a fish boiler. To maintain the shape, the links are tied up, but it is not necessary to tie them to the boiler grate. Very large links (for example, belygi) are cut into pieces of 2 ... 3 kg. Sturgeon fish is poured with cold water, brought to a boil, and then cooked until tender at low heat. The cooking time for stellate sturgeon links is 45 ... 60 minutes, for sturgeon 1 ... 1.5 hours, for large pieces of beluga 2 ... 2.5 hours. Weight loss is 15%. Links of fish are usually boiled for cold dishes. The boiled fish is washed with hot broth and cleaned of cartilage. The readiness of fish during cooking is determined using a chef's needle (the needle enters freely into the finished link). Whole fish is boiled (salmon, trout, white salmon, cidaka, etc.) Mostly by order. When cooking freshly asleep (1.5 ... 2 hours) trout, to obtain a blue color, the fish is dipped in a warm 3% vinegar solution for 20 ... 30 seconds, and then boiled in salted water.

Garnish for boiled fish: boiled potatoes, turned in the form of barrels, mashed potatoes and a slice of lemon additionally, boiled crayfish or shrimp can be served as a side dish. Boiled fish dishes are served with Polish, Dutch, tomato sauces. If the fish is served without sauce, then it is poured with melted butter. Parsley or dill is used to decorate the dish.

Boiled fish with Polish sauce. With this sauce, pike perch, tench, pike, whitefish, catfish, Far Eastern salmon, and sturgeon are most often served. Pieces of boiled fish are placed on a portioned dish, surrounded by a side dish of boiled potatoes in the form of barrels or whole tubers; in addition, you can put boiled crayfish. Sprinkle potatoes with chopped parsley or dill and drizzle with oil. Polish sauce is served separately or poured over fish.

Boiled fish with hollandaise sauce. With this sauce it is recommended to serve zander, tench, Far Eastern salmon, cod, sea bass. The fish is cooked and served in the same way as with Polish sauce.

Boiled fish with white sauce with capers. With this sauce, zander, tench, cod, flounder, halibut, Far Eastern salmon, whitefish, taimen, omul, and sea bass are often served with this sauce. They cook and serve fish in the same way as with Polish sauce.

Poached fish dishes

When poached, fish loses significantly less nutrients than when boiled, and therefore poached fish dishes are tastier. The broth, which is obtained by stewing, is used to prepare sauces for the same dishes.

Small-sized fish (trout, pike perch, starlet) are allowed whole; links of sturgeon fish; in portions of sturgeon fish, flounder, halibut, burbot, etc. It is best to serve fish in portions without skin and bones or with skin without bones. For priming, the fish is placed in a saucepan or fish boilers. Sturgeon links, previously scalded and cleaned of small and large bugs, are placed skin down, and portioned pieces obliquely (one piece is placed on another), sterlet on the abdomen; sometimes the skin is removed from the links.

Scaled and scaleless fish, cut into portioned pieces with skin, are placed in one row, and pieces with skin and bones are skin up so that the thicker part of the piece is better boiled.

The fish placed in the dish is poured with broth or water so that the liquid covers the fish by 1/3 of its height (about 0.3 l of water per 1 kg of fish), white roots, spices, onions are added and stewed on the stove or in the oven in tightly sealed container. In order for the fish to have a more delicate and specific taste, white is used when stewing.

wine, citric acid, brine. Sometimes white mushrooms or champignons and their decoction are added. Portioned pieces of fish are heated to a temperature of 80 ... 82 0 C 8 .. 14 min. In practice, the time for stewing portioned pieces is 15 ... 20 minutes, and for whole fish and links 25 ... 45 minutes. When poached, the mass of fish decreases by 15 ... 20%. The main side dish for stewed fish dishes is boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, and additional champignons or porcini mushrooms and cancer necks or crabs. A slice of lemon is placed on a piece of fish, the garnish is poured with oil and sprinkled with parsley or dill. Poached fish is poured with steam, tomato, tomato with mushrooms sauces, brine, Russian, white wine.

Steam fish. Pike perch, pike, sea bass and sturgeon are cooked with steam sauce. Portioned pieces of fish, cut from fillet with skin, without bones or without skin and bones, are placed in one row in a saucepan, sprinkled with salt, pepper, slices of parsley root and onions are added. Then pour the broth so that it covers the fish by half, close the lid and cook at a low boil. Sturgeon fish (links) are cut into portions, scalded and washed in warm water, put in a saucepan and stew in a broth with white wine (without spices).

From a small sterlet (up to 400 g) they clean off the lateral bone bugs, gut, remove the screech, gills, wash well; they are salted and rolled up, after which they are stewed in a broth with white wine. The dorsal bugs of the sterlet are cut off after poaching. The stewed fish is placed on a warmed dish or plate, garnished with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, boiled fresh porcini mushrooms or champignons, crabs or crayfish necks are put on the fish, poured with steam sauce prepared on the broth left over from poaching the fish, and a slice of lemon without zest. The garnish is poured with oil, sprinkled with dill. Fish in white wine sauce. This sauce is used to prepare salmon, burbot, smelt, flounder, eel, whitefish, salmon, white salmon, and trout.

Portioned pieces of fish are stewed with the addition of parsley, onions and white wine. Trout, white salmon are allowed without parsley and onions. When the fish is cooked, the broth is carefully drained and white wine sauce is prepared on it.

Poached pieces of fish are carefully placed on a crouton of bread or puff pastry. Put on the fish boiled mushrooms, cut into slices, crayfish necks and pour over the sauce, a slice of lemon is placed on top. Fish, especially a whole carcass, can be placed on a dish, around to place figured croutons from puff pastry. Garnish with boiled potatoes (barrel or whole) and dill or parsley. Potatoes for garnish can not be served.

­ Fish in brine sauce. Prepared links of sturgeon fish or portioned pieces of sturgeon fish, pike perch, pike, flounder are placed in a saucepan or on a grate of a fish boiler, broth, cucumber pickle are added and stewed. A brine sauce is prepared on the broth, boiled champignons, blanched, thinly sliced ​​pickles, boiled and finely chopped sturgeon cartilage are added to it, and the sauce is broken through to 75 ... 80 0 C. This sauce is poured over the fish. Garnish it with boiled potatoes, dill or parsley, lemon.

Fish taken in Russian. Portioned pieces of fish (ocetrina, cod, burbot, horse mackerel, etc.) are stewed with the addition of onions, white roots, mushroom decoction. Prepare a side dish for the sauce. To do this, carrots and parsley are cut into small sticks and allowed. Mushrooms are boiled and cut into slices. Pickled cucumbers, peeled and seeds, cut into slices and stewed. The onion is cut into half rings and scalded. The capers are squeezed out of the brine, the pits are removed from the olives. Prepared products are placed in tomato sauce and bring to a boil, warm up for 8 ... 10 minutes. Boiled potatoes are placed on a heated metal dish or plate, fish is placed next to it and poured with sauce. Put a piece of peeled lemon on top, sprinkle the garnish with herbs. When using sturgeon fish, boiled cartilage is added to the sauce.

Fried fish dishes

Fish of all kinds is fried in the main way, in a large amount of fat (deep-fried) and on an open fire. Small fish are fried whole, sturgeon fish in links and portioned pieces without skin, cut from scalded links without cartilage. Scaled and scaleless fish are cut into portions from fillets with skin and bones, from fillets with skin without bones, and for frying in fat from fillets without skin and bones. Sometimes fish weighing up to 1.5 kg is fried in pieces cut from a non-plastered carcass (round fish). Before breading, the skin on portioned pieces is cut in two or three places so that the fish does not deform during frying. When frying in the main way, the fish is sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour, in red or white breading. Fat in a frying pan or baking sheet is heated to 150 ° C. Fish is fried first on one side and then on the other side. Fried fish is brought to readiness in an oven. When frying, pieces of fish are heated inside up to 75 ... 85 ° C. The duration of frying is 10 ... 20 minutes. Fried fish is often served as a side dish with fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, crumbly cereals, less often stewed and boiled vegetables. Salted cucumbers and tomatoes serve as an additional garnish. Carp, tench, bream, perch and roach are served with buckwheat porridge. Decorate the dish with parsley or dill. Place a slice of lemon on top of the fish. Fried fish can be served natural or with sauce. When served without sauce, it is poured with oil or a piece of butter or green butter is placed on a piece of fish. You can also baste the fish with melted butter and lemon juice. Most scaly and scaleless fish are released more often with tomato sauce, red sauce, tomato sauce with vegetables, tomato sauce with tarragon or mayonnaise; sometimes the sauce is served separately. Carp, tench, perch, bream and roach are served with sour cream sauce, and salmon and sturgeon with tomato sauce or mayonnaise with gherkins.

Fish fried in Lenin-pad style. Portion pieces of cod, pike perch, catfish, flounder are fried and served in a portion pan; fried potatoes (in circles) are placed around the fish, and onion fries, cut into rings, are placed on top.

Fish fried with lemon (minière). melt down butter, add lemon juice or a solution of citric acid, parsley, salt, bring to a boil and pour over fish fried in the main way. Garnish fried potatoes.

Fish fried in fat (deep-fried). Fish fried in a large amount of fat (deep-fried) is called fish fries. Most often, zander, navaga, sturgeon, halibut, cod, catfish are fried this way. The fish is cut into fillets without skin and bones, cut into portions, breaded in flour, dipped in ice cream, again breaded and fried in fat heated to 180 ... 190 ° C; frying time 8...12 min. The fried fish is taken out, allowed to drain the fat and roasted in an oven for 5 ... 7 minutes. Garnish with fried potatoes (boiled) or potatoes fried in fat (fries), parsley (fries) and a slice of lemon. Sauces are served separately: tomato, mayonnaise or mayonnaise with gherkins, etc.

pike perch with green oil(colbert). The prepared semi-finished product in the form of a figure eight or a bow is deep-fried, brought to readiness in an oven for 5 ... 7 minutes. Fried fish is garnished with french fries, a circle of green butter is placed on the fish, decorated with dill, a slice of lemon. Tomato sauces, tomato sauces with white wine or mayonnaise are served separately.

Fish fried in dough (orly). After pickling, fish pieces are shaken off parsley, dipped in dough (batter) and deep-fried for 3-5 minutes. For the test, egg yolks are ground with salt, diluted with milk, pour flour, knead well, adding vegetable oil. Well-whipped proteins are introduced into the dough immediately before frying. Fried fish is placed on a heated dish in the form of a pyramid, parsley greens (fries) and a slice of lemon are placed next to it. Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins or tomato sauce is served separately.

Fish fried on open fire(grilled fish). Pike perch, whitefish and other fish, which are fried breaded, are not marinated, but moistened in melted butter and breaded in white breading. Fresh herring, salmon, whitefish, nelma, white salmon are cut into portions and marinated, and then fried without breading.

The fish is placed on a grate made of metal rods, heated over burning coals and rubbed pork fat. Fish pieces are fried first on one side, and then on the other, while dark, strongly fried stripes are obtained on fish pieces. Garnish fried or boiled potatoes. Unbreaded products are poured with melted butter, and breaded

fish is served with mayonnaise sauce with gherkins or tomato sauce. A slice of lemon is placed on the pieces of fish or on the side. Currently, grills are widely used, in which fish is fried using IR emitters on skewers.

or gratings.

­ Fish fried on a spit. Sturgeon is fried on a spit. To do this, it is cut into portions (without skin and cartilage), which are sprinkled with salt, pepper, strung on skewers and fried over burning coals or in grills. During frying, the fish is moistened with vegetable oil. Garnish fish with green or onion, lemon, sliced, fresh tomatoes(whole) and fried french fries. Onions are cut into rings, and green onion pieces 4-5 cm long.

Stewed fish dishes

The fish is stewed raw or pre-fried. Portion pieces for stewing are cut from fillet without rib bones, sprinkled with salt, pepper, poured with sauce and stewed until cooked. Served with boiled potatoes or stewed with fish. Cod stewed in milk with onions. Cod fillet with skin is cut into pieces (two per serving), sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour and fried in vegetable oil. The fish is put in a saucepan, raw chopped onion is added, lightly fried all together, and then poured with hot milk and stewed until the onion is ready. Released with boiled potatoes, sprinkled with herbs.

Fish stewed in tomato sauce with vegetables. Portioned pieces are placed in a bowl in two layers, alternating with layers of chopped vegetables (carrots, onions, white roots), poured with water or broth, vegetable oil is added, tomato puree, vinegar, salt, sugar and stew for 45 ... 60 minutes, for 5 ... 7 minutes. before the end of the quenching add pepper and bay leaf. Garnish boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes.

Baked fish dishes

Fish is baked raw, stewed or fried. Cut it into portions of fillet without rib bones (with or without skin). Small fish are baked whole. Fish is baked along with side dishes of fried, raw or boiled potatoes, buckwheat porridge. The frying pans are oiled, the sauce is added, the prepared pieces of fish are placed (fillets without skin and bones), the garnish is placed, the sauce is poured over, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with oil and baked in an oven at a temperature of 250 ... 280 ° C until formation golden brown.

raw fish baked under white sauce, boiled and stewed under steam and milk, fried under sour cream and tomato with onions and mushrooms. On vacation, the dish is poured with oil and sprinkled with parsley or dill.

Russian baked fish. Raw pieces of fillet of pike perch, catfish, pike, carp, bream, sea bass, cod, sturgeon, beluga are put on a greased frying pan, sprinkled with salt, pepper, sliced ​​​​or circles of boiled potatoes, completely covering the fish, poured with white sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese , drizzle with oil and bake at a tempo

temperature 210 ... 220 ° C 15 ... 20 min. After that, put the pan on the stove and bring the sauce to a boil, boil for 3-5 minutes, otherwise the fish may turn out to be raw. Release the dish, sprinkled with parsley or dill.

Fish baked under sour cream sauce with mushrooms (Moscow style). Pieces of fillets of catfish, pike perch, sturgeon are sprinkled with pepper, salt, breaded and fried. A little sour cream sauce is poured into the pan, pieces of fried fish are placed, and slices of fried potatoes are placed around it. Slices of boiled porcini mushrooms, fried onions, slices of boiled eggs are placed on the fish, poured with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked for 10 ... 15 minutes at a temperature of 250 ... 270 ° C. Sprinkle with herbs on vacation.

Fish baked with sour cream sauce. The fish is breaded in flour, fried, put on a greased frying pan, covered with slices of fried or boiled potatoes or crumbly buckwheat porridge seasoned with fat, poured with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked.

Fish baked in tomato sauce with mushrooms(limited). Usually zander, catfish, pike, sea bass, cod, flounder are usually baked under ograten sauce. A little tomato sauce is poured into the pan, pieces of fish fried in vegetable oil are placed, slices of boiled potatoes are placed around, poured with tomato sauce with mushrooms, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked.

Fish baked with pasta. Boiled pasta seasoned with fat is laid in an even layer on the pan, a depression is made in the middle and a piece of stewed fish is placed in it, and slices of boiled champignons or white ribs are placed on it. All are poured with steam sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked. This is how pike perch, pike, cod are usually baked.

Solyanka from fish in a pan. The fish fillet is cut into pieces weighing 25 ... 30 g, put on a greased frying pan, add sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpickles without peel and seeds, sautéed onions, butter, pour in the broth and simmer until tender. Then add capers, boiled fish cartilage, browned tomato puree or tomato sauce and bring to a boil. A layer of stewed cabbage is placed on a greased frying pan, prepared fish with cucumbers and onions is placed on it, a second layer of stewed cabbage is on top; the surface is leveled in the form of a low hill, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 250 ... 275 ° C. When vacationing, the hodgepodge is decorated on top with lemon, olives, pickled plums, cherries, lingonberries, herbs, gherkins.

Chopped fish dishes

Prepared semi-finished products from chopped fish (cutlet, quenelles, natural cutting without fillers) are fried, stewed, baked, less often steamed or stewed (for example, quenelles).

Cutlets and meatballs. Cutlets or meatballs breaded in breadcrumbs are fried on both sides on a baking sheet or a frying pan for 8-10 minutes and brought to readiness in an oven for 5 minutes.

Finished products are garnished with fried or boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled or steamed vegetables with fat. Products are poured with melted butter, meatballs can be poured with sauces: tomato, basic red, sour cream, sour cream with onions. You can serve the cutlets separately with tomato or sour cream sauce or pour it on a plate next to the cutlets.

Amateur fish cutlets. Cod or perch fillet (industrial, skinned) is passed through a meat grinder twice along with soaked wheat bread, boiled carrots, browned onions. An egg, salt are added to the fish mass, mix well, cutlets are formed in 2 pieces. per serving. Semi-finished products are placed in a saucepan greased with margarine, a little water is added and stewed with the lid closed for 15 ... 20 minutes. Released with steam sauce. Garnish mashed potatoes. Fish cutlets with cabbage and carrots. Pike perch, hake or pollock fillet (with boneless skin) is stewed, cooled, finely chopped. Chopped cabbage is allowed. Carrots and onions are sautéed. Combine prepared vegetables and fish, add salt, pepper, half the norm of grated cheese and mayonnaise, mix thoroughly. Oblong-shaped products are formed from the resulting mass, placed on a frying pan or baking sheet, poured with the remaining mayonnaise, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked. Released without garnish, 2 pcs. per serving.

Fish patties, fried fries. Fillets without skin and bones of cod or perch are passed through a meat grinder with a fine grate, butter or margarine, salt are added, and mixed thoroughly. From the fish mass form meatballs of 3 pcs. per serving. Dough (batter) is prepared, as for fish fried in dough. Prepared meatballs are dipped into the dough and deep-fried until a crust forms, then brought to readiness in an oven. Released with a complex garnish.

Zrazy fish chopped. Prepared semi-finished products are immediately fried on both sides in a pan or baking sheet, brought to readiness in an oven (4 ... 5 minutes). When serving, zrazy (2 pieces per serving) is poured over with butter or margarine, garnished. Side dishes: boiled potatoes, fried potatoes, boiled or stewed vegetables with fat. Red main or tomato sauce is served separately or added to zrazy.

Zrazy fish with prunes in Russian. For stuffing, prepared prunes are poured with water, allowed to swell, stones are removed and crushed. Chopped prunes are mixed with chopped eggs and softened butter. Molded zrazy are steamed for 20-25 minutes. They are served with fresh oryptsy, tomatoes, which are served separately in a salad bowl.

Body. The formed semi-finished products are deep-fried for 3...4 minutes until a golden crust is formed, then, after the fat drains, they are placed in a frying pan and placed in an oven heated to 250 ° C for 4...5 minutes, until products appear on the surface. small air bubbles. They release 2 pcs. per serving with fried potatoes, green peas seasoned with butter or milk sauce, or with complex garnish. Tomato sauce is served separately in a gravy boat.

Meatballs. Meatballs are prepared in the form of balls of 3 ... 4 pcs. per portion, placed on a baking sheet, fried in the main way on both sides, poured with sauce (tomato, tomato with vegetables, sour cream with tomato) and stew for 10 ... 15 minutes. Bread can be replaced with stewed rice, which is introduced into the cutlet mass in a chilled form. When serving, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, stewed rice are placed on a heated plate, meatballs are placed next to them and poured over with the sauce in which they were stewed. The garnish is poured with oil, the dish is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Fish crispbread. The prepared mass is laid out in molds greased with oil and steamed. When you leave, the bread is cut into portions, garnished, poured over with sauce or fat. Side dishes: boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, stewed rice. Sauces: sour cream, sour cream with tomato, tomato.

Fish roll. The roll, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and sprinkled with oil, is pierced with a knife in two or three places and baked in an oven at a temperature of 250 ... 280 ° C for 20 ... 30 minutes. On vacation, the roll is cut into portions (2 ... 3 pieces each), garnished, the sauce is served separately or added to the roll. Side dishes: boiled potatoes, fried potatoes. Tomato sauces, tomato with vegetables, sour cream, sour cream with onions.

Meatballs with tomato sauce. They are prepared from a mass to which onions, eggs, margarine are added. Molded in the form of small balls weighing 12...15 g, 8...10 pcs. per serving, allow 10 ... 15 minutes. On vacation, meatballs are garnished and poured over with sauce. Side dishes: boiled or stewed rice, boiled potatoes, boiled vegetables.

Quenelles in sauce. The molds, greased with oil, are filled with the prepared knelling mass to 2/3 of the height and boiled in a water bath. Readiness is determined by the lag of the mass from the walls.

Ready quenelles are taken out of molds, decorated with crabs, shrimps, boiled mushrooms and poured over with steam sauce, white wine or tomato sauce.

Seafood dishes

Dishes from boiled meat of seafood. Boiled and stewed meat of cephalopods, bivalves and crustaceans has a soft and delicate taste, due to which it is widely used not only in rational, but also in dietary and therapeutic nutrition. Depending on the type of raw materials, spices, spices, seasonings, aromatic roots are used when cooking and poaching seafood. The amount of seasonings and spices introduced depends on the taste and smell of natural seafood. So, the meat of squid, scallop, oysters should be boiled and stewed without the addition of spices and aromatic roots. Rakov, raw uncut shrimp, trumpeter should be boiled with the addition of bay leaves, black peppercorns and aromatic roots. They are served with complex vegetable side dishes and sauces (sour cream, tomato, Dutch and its derivatives).

fried foods. These dishes are classified into the following groups: portion breaded, small-sized fried in natural and breaded form, stuffed, from chopped natural and cutlet mass.

For frying, you can use all seafood raw or pre-boiled.

Roasting shellfish in its natural form is accompanied by intense release of juice (38...81%), which slows down the formation of a crust. Prolonged thermal exposure contributes to severe dehydration, drying out, due to which the finished product, despite the pronounced taste and smell, acquires an organoleptically unacceptable texture. Therefore, it is advisable to cook dishes from fried breaded meat. The presence of breading ensures the rapid formation of a crust, prevents the release of juice and ensures that the finished product is juicy, with pronounced taste and aroma, characteristic of this type of raw material. Frying breaded semi-finished products in deep fat at a temperature of 180 ... 190 ° C contributes to the most intensive formation of a crust, due to which the duration of frying does not exceed 2 ... 3 minutes. To bring the product to a state of culinary readiness, it must be kept for 4 ... 20 minutes in an oven at a temperature of 200 ... 220 ° C. Products from chopped mass are fried in the main way at a temperature of 140 ... 160 ° C until a uniform colors with their obligatory subsequent exposure in the oven for 3 ... 5 minutes. Seafood dishes fried in the main way are served with a complex side dish and sauces: tomato, sour cream with onions, onions, etc. Fried clam meat in batter goes well with fresh vegetables (tomatoes, oryptsy), olives and parsley, celery. fried stuffed products from cuttlefish, squid, cucumaria, trepang, which are distinguished by high taste and aromatic properties, can be sold in their natural form, without sauce.

Submission to fried foods a piece of cancer oil gives finished products not only a piquant taste and aroma, but also significantly increases their calorie content.

Seafood stews. Stewed dishes are distinguished by juiciness, softness, high taste and aromatic properties. It is advisable to use raw materials for the preparation of stews that require long-term thermal exposure (trepang, cucumaria, trumpeter, seaweed), which do not have a pronounced taste and aroma. Stew seafood in broth, sauces with the addition of a set of vegetables, seasonings and spices.

Cucumaria, trepang, sea kale for full-fledged ready meals should be stewed together with animal products (beef, pork, poultry, fish) and vegetables.

Stewing fried oysters, mussels, scallops in milk with the addition of onions, spices provides a very mild taste. Squids, oysters can also be stewed raw, but the sauce for stewing is used with a thicker consistency.

It should be noted that the duration of stewing meat of squid, scallops, oysters and crustaceans should not exceed 20 ... 30 minutes, since a longer thermal effect not only worsens the organoleptic characteristics of ready-made dishes, but also digestibility and digestibility.

baked dishes. Roasting seafood makes it possible to preserve the taste and smell characteristic of this product to the maximum extent, and, if necessary, change the specific organoleptic qualities. The meat of molluscs, crustaceans is baked raw, boiled, stewed, fried and stuffed. The most appropriate
