
When to salt corn on time. Choosing a good product

In order for boiled corn to meet the expectations of your taste buds, you need to choose the right cobs in a store or market. The most delicious are sold until the end of August. Later ones may be overripe and tough.

You can check the age of corn by crushing one grain. Young seeds will ooze a white liquid resembling milk.

Young corn with grains of milky white or light yellow color is ideal for cooking. To the touch, the cob should be soft, but at the same time elastic. The grains should fit snugly together and be about the same size.

Pay special attention to the leaves. In good corn, they are green, dense, fresh.

The Perfect Cob / butimhungry.com

Do not buy corn without leaves. Perhaps the seller deliberately removed them to hide the poor quality of the goods from you.

How to cook corn on the stove

Boil water in a saucepan and drop the corn into it. It is not necessary to remove the leaves: when cooked, they will add additional flavor and juiciness to the corn. But it is better to get rid of the stigmas. The ears must be the same size so that they cook at the same time.

Young corn is cooked for 20-25 minutes, mature - at least 2 hours.

To speed up the cooking process of old corn, you can soak it in water for 2-4 hours in advance. The grains will soften and cook faster.

Closer to the end of cooking, take a sample from the dish: pry one grain with a fork and bite through. If it is soft and juicy, the corn is ready. Drain the water, cover the pan tightly with a lid and wrap with a towel. Wait 10-15 minutes. Such evaporation makes the corn more tender in taste.

Free the cooked hot corn from the leaves and serve. Salt and butter - to taste.

How to cook corn in the microwave

Peel the corn and soak in cold water for 1 hour. Then put it in a plastic bag, pour 2 tablespoons of clean water at room temperature there. Tie the bag tightly and poke a couple of small holes in it to allow the steam to circulate. Send the cobs in a bowl, it - in the microwave. Cook for 15 minutes at maximum power.

You can cook even faster. Wash cobs, remove leaves and fibers. Wrap the corn tightly in a paper towel dampened with water and place on a plate. Select the maximum power and send the cereal to the oven for 5 minutes. All! The corn is ready.

Remove the corn from the microwave with tongs: the dish is very hot.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker

Clean the cobs of fibers and leaves, wash thoroughly. Pour water into the multicooker up to the maximum mark, put corn inside. If the ears do not fit into the bowl as a whole, cut them into several parts. Select high pressure mode, set the timer for 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, remove the corn, let it dry a little, season with salt and oil to taste.

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker

Clean the corn from all excess and wash. Put the cobs (whole or chopped) in the bowl of the household appliance. Cook the corn on maximum power if the pressure cooker is electric, or medium heat if it is mechanical. Cooking time - from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the age of the ears.

Eat hot corn immediately after cooking. When cooling, the grains lose their juiciness and harden.

How to cook corn in the oven

Grease a deep baking dish with butter. Put the washed and peeled corn from the leaves and stigmas there. Pour warm boiled water so that the cobs are half in it. Cover the mold with a sheet of foil. Send the corn to an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40 minutes if the cereal is young, and for 120 minutes if the cobs are ripe. Add salt to the finished dish.

How long to cook

Before giving recommendations on how to cook corn, it’s worth saying a little about how to choose the right product so that it is boiled and juicy. The grains should be soft, when pressed on them, liquid may be released. It is better to buy young cobs, unpeeled from leaves and stigmas, which will protect them from drying out. Having made your choice, do not store them for a long time: the faster they are cooked, the tastier they will turn out. How to do this - choose from the options we offer.

in a saucepan

The most traditional way is to boil the corn in a pot filled with water. Boiling time can vary from 20 minutes for young cobs to several hours for more ripe corn. It all depends on which variety you purchased. After the time has elapsed, the water should be drained by covering the pan with a lid. It is better to salt ready-made cobs. The fragrant grains are ready to eat and taste even better if sprinkled with salt while still warm.

In a slow cooker

During the process with the help of a multicooker, their integrity is completely preserved, which means that all minerals will remain inside and bring maximum benefit to the body. Rinse the corn cobs, previously cleaned of leaves and hairs, under running water. Set the "Cooking" or "Steaming" mode for 20-25 minutes. Do not salt the water in which the cobs will be boiled. To improve the taste, you can put a small piece of butter.

in the microwave

Separate the grains from the cobs, rinse under running water. Pour the grains into a thermo-dishes suitable for use in the microwave, pour water so that it covers the entire surface, cover with a lid. To determine how long the corn will cook, you need to build on the number of grains to cook. Having set the power to 700-800 watts, after 30 minutes add a little butter and parsley or dill to the water. Continue steaming for another 10 minutes. You can use it as a separate dish or as a preparation for adding to salads.

In a pressure cooker

To cook cobs in a pressure cooker, choose instances with milk grains. If they dry out a bit, add sugar to help bring back the flavor. To speed up the process, preheat the water in the pressure cooker, pour boiling water over the corn cobs. There should be enough water to completely cover the surface. All these preliminary procedures will help you get the finished product in no more than 10 minutes. While hot, rub with salt and brush with butter, which gives the product a special taste and aroma.

In a double boiler

Young corn cooks very quickly, and some prefer to eat it raw. You can calculate how many minutes the process will take, depending on the amount being prepared. Put the peeled and pre-washed heads of cabbage into the form of a double boiler. Add a glass of water to create enough steam. After 5-10 minutes, you can turn off the steamer and enjoy juicy, sweet young cobs.

cooking recipes

Novice housewives will need easy-to-use recipes, having mastered which in practice, any girl or woman will be able to cook boiled cobs. A variety of ways will make the taste of grains unique and original. Based on the proposed recipe, do not be afraid to experiment on your own, finding more and more new cooking methods.

How to cook milk corn with salt

The traditional way of cooking young cobs looks like this:

  1. Select even healthy cobs of milk corn, clean them from leaves and fibers.
  2. For cooking, pick up a voluminous pan in which the cobs will feel free, completely covered with water on top for several centimeters. It is desirable that the dishes have a thick bottom, which will ensure uniform heating of the product placed in water.
  3. Place the cobs in cold water. Line the bottom, sides and top with leaves and stigmas for extra flavor. From the moment the boil begins, note about 10 minutes - this is enough for the milk corn to cook.
  4. Try picking one seed and check for taste. It should be soft and juicy.
  5. Remove the hot corn from the pan, salt it and start eating.

Cooking with milk

Unusual, though slightly costly compared to the traditional method, will give the cereal a mild flavor and a subtle mouthfeel to the eaters. Fans of boiled corn should definitely try these recipes at least once.

Recipe #1:

  1. Peel the corn cobs, trim the edges.
  2. Heat milk or a mixture of water and milk in a heavy saucepan. Salt is not needed.
  3. Put the cobs in the milk and cook over low heat for about twenty minutes.
  4. Ready hot corn should be greased with a small amount of butter and allowed to soak for a few minutes. Sprinkle the top with salt to taste.
  5. Taste qualities differ from ordinary boiled corn for the better.

Recipe #2:

  1. Boil peeled and washed cobs until half cooked in water.
  2. After taking out the corn, cut the grains with a knife into a bowl.
  3. Boil the milk and pour in the grains. Cook an additional 10 minutes.
  4. Before the end of cooking, add a piece of butter.
  5. After the pan is removed from the heat, do not rush to take out the grains, let them soak a little with a milky-butter taste and smell.
  6. Salt immediately before use.


  • How to properly cook aged or fodder corn

If you find that there are small notches on the grains, this is a sign that the corn has already become old. You can cook it in the same way as the fodder, which is used for bait during fishing (especially carp loves corn kernels). Pre-soak the cobs for half an hour with cold water so that the required amount of moisture gets inside the grains. Further, the cooking process is no different from the usual. Increase the cooking time to 1.5-2 hours.

  • Why is corn tough after cooking

If salt is added to the water at the beginning of the process, then the cob will become hard, not tasty. Therefore, it is better to salt at the end of cooking or immediately before use, until the ears have cooled down.

  • Is it necessary to salt the water and when

You can salt the water, but it will be better if this happens after 5 minutes of cooking. Then the grains will remain juicy, soft, will not acquire unnecessary rigidity and an unpleasant taste.

  • How to determine readiness

Based on the degree of maturity of the cobs, determine in advance the approximate time it will take to cook. To get a delicious dish, young corn will need to be cooked from 10 to 30 minutes, while more ripe ones from an hour to three. After time, separate one or two grains and taste, they should be soft, juicy, but not hard.

  • Why does water darken when boiled?

The water may darken if you boil feed corn. Sometimes the liquid even becomes a little reddish when cooking varieties that can be eaten. The pigmented red-brown paint under the grains is washed out when heated, hence the coloring of the water. The color of the water does not affect the quality of the grains, you can eat them without fear.

video recipe

Having a miracle steamer in the kitchen, you can quickly, in 20-30 minutes, cook a few ears of corn. Use the minimum amount of water, and cereal grains, receiving uniform heat, are gradually steamed, while the integrity of the shell is not violated. The convenient, simple method recommended in the video is suitable for any housewife, even if she is just taking her first steps in cooking. The timer, set for a certain time required for cooking, will notify you of the end of the process with a sound signal.

Corn is considered an excellent dietary product, and it is in boiled form that it is most easily absorbed by the body. It seems that no culinary experience is required to prepare a popular delicacy. But it is not so. First, you need to know how much to cook corn, depending on its variety and degree of ripeness.

Secondly, it is important to choose the right product when buying, otherwise you will have to tinker with it to bring it to the desired taste and softness. What should be paid special attention to?

How to choose corn for cooking

  1. The most delicious cobs, the so-called "milk ripeness", can be found on the shelves only in season. It usually starts in July and lasts until the end of September. Young, tender corn is not stored for storage, so in the cold season we can only purchase specimens with hard, hard grains that will have to be cooked for a long time. Naturally, the benefits of such a product will be minimal, and gastronomic pleasure too.
  2. You should pay attention to the color of the grains. It should be milky yellow or golden, but not amber. Saturated hues indicate that the corn is either overripe or feed.
  3. The sugar varieties are the best. Such corn can be safely consumed even raw - it is soft, tender and sweet in taste. If there is no way to try the product when buying, you need to gently squeeze the largest grains with your fingers. In young cobs, they are elastic and dense, and when the shell breaks, white, thick juice is released. The grains of old corn are dented, look slightly dried out, and there are often gaps between them.
  4. Another important indicator is the leaves. If they are withered, wilted, thinned, it should be understood that the cob is already overripe, it will turn out to be hard and heavy for the stomach even after a long boil. The leaves of milky corn are rich green, tightly adjacent to each other. It is important that they do not have any damage.


Sometimes on sale you can see completely peeled corn. It's better to bypass it. Most likely, the product was actively processed with pesticides, which did not have the best effect on the leaves, so they were removed. In addition, the cob, boiled unpeeled, will bring more benefits and be more fragrant.

The best varieties of corn: the secret of "Bonduelle"

Let's start with the revelation. The Bonduelle variety, which is often lured to us - gullible buyers, market marketers, does not exist in nature. Frozen and canned vegetables are sold in our stores under the Bonduelle trademark from the French company of the same name. Among them is corn, really very tasty, tender and sweet.

Therefore, when we are offered “that same Bonduelle” on the market, we immediately fall for the bait and buy a fairly expensive product. In fact, the French company uses the early sugar varieties "Bonus" and "Spirit" for preservation.

There are other, equally delicious varieties. For example, domestic varieties and hybrids, which can cost less, are in no way inferior to foreign ones in taste and benefits:

  • "Dobrynya"
  • "Gourmet"
  • "Sandes"
  • "Early Golden"
  • "Pioneer"
  • "Jubilee"
  • "Ice Nectar"

The latter variety belongs to the late-ripening and is considered one of the sweetest. Cobs can be eaten raw, which allows you to get the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.

When choosing corn, you should not blindly trust its name, which, as we have already seen, may turn out to be false. You need to pay attention to the signs of ripeness and quality described above.

Feed corn, more familiar and familiar to us from childhood, can be found in August at grandmothers in the market. It is quite edible, but unlike food, it is rich in starch, has a coarser texture of grains, and therefore it takes a long time to cook - from 2 to 3 hours.

How not to make a mistake by buying fodder cobs instead of delicacy?

  1. Let's take a look at the form. Table corn is smaller and slightly barrel-shaped. The so-called fodder - elongated.
  2. In fodder cobs, the grains are darker in color, often have an orange tint. Their taste is not pronounced, it is difficult to chew raw pulp.
  3. The grain size of sweet corn is larger and more convex.
  4. Feed corn costs much less than table corn. This is due to the capriciousness of food varieties that require special growing conditions.

How to cook

The "Queen of the Fields", despite its high origin, is undemanding in cooking. The easiest way is to cook it in a saucepan, but you can use alternative methods: a double boiler, slow cooker, oven or microwave. The last option will be the fastest, but is only suitable for young sugar cobs.

The royal person also has his own culinary secrets:

  1. The cob does not need to be cleaned before cooking. As a rule, only 2 - 3 top sheets are removed, while the rest, if they are fresh and not damaged, are left.
  2. It is recommended to hold the corn in cold water for an hour and only then cook it. The grains will acquire a special softness. Overripe specimens of table varieties are placed in milk, half diluted with water, and left for 4 hours. After that, they cook much faster.
  3. In order for all cobs to “reach condition” at the same time, they must be the same size. Therefore, too large break in half.
  4. Put the product in cold water, not boiling water. Important: you need to salt the corn only at the end of cooking. Otherwise it will be tough. And it is better to rub the cobs with salt just before use.
  5. After boiling water in a pot with corn, the fire should be reduced so that the heat treatment process is gradual.
  6. To improve the taste, you can add a little sugar and a piece of butter to the water.
  7. Drain the water from the pot with the cooked corn, and then wrap it tightly in a blanket for about 30 minutes. The cobs from this become softer and more tender, acquire a rich aroma.

How much to cook

The cobs of table varieties are prepared most quickly in the stage of milky ripeness. 20 minutes is enough for them. It is also not worth cooking the product for too long, otherwise you can get the opposite effect: the grains will harden and become dry.

Sweet corn will take 40 to 60 minutes to reach full maturity.

Forage varieties are boiled for at least 2 - 3 hours.

Check readiness by pressing the grains. If they become soft, it's time to serve the corn to the table.

It is better to treat yourself to cobs while they are hot. Cooling down, corn grains become viscous, starchy.

Cooking methods

The most delicious and healthy will be corn cooked on the day of purchase. With prolonged storage, the sugar contained in the grains turns into starch, causing the nutritional value of the product to decrease.

Cooking on the cob in a saucepan

The dishes should be thick-walled, preferably wide, so as not to break the cobs. The best option is a cast iron pan with a tight-fitting lid.

It is advisable to cook enough corn to eat at one time. Boiled cobs do not store well and lose their taste.


  1. We clean the corn from all leaves or remove only the top ones, depending on their condition. In both cases, carefully wash the product, remove the stigmas.
  2. You can lay out the bottom of the pan with leaves, place the cobs on top and cover them with a second layer of greens. I don’t like this method - we cook only the edible part (grain). Pour water so that it completely covers the product.
  3. We cook corn depending on the variety and degree of maturity. Before boiling - the fire is moderate, after we make it weaker.
  4. When the grains soften, drain the water and let our summer dish cool a little. Serve with salt and butter.

in the microwave


For overripe corn or fodder varieties, this method is not suitable.

Recipe number 1. In the package

The method is very fast and convenient. You don’t have to mess around at the stove, torment the family in anticipation, and then clean the pan. The only negative is that you can’t cook a large portion at a time.

  1. After removing all the leaves, wash the cobs well under running water.
  2. You can rub them with salt and dry spices, if desired.
  3. We put it either in a baking sleeve or in a regular plastic bag and tie it tightly so that the moisture released during the cooking process remains inside.
  4. With a power of 800 W, the cobs of milky ripeness will cook in 10 minutes.

Recipe number 2. in the leaves

In this case, the corn will be steamed. It is important that the leaves fit snugly on the cob and are fresh. Sluggish and dry must be removed.

  1. We cut off the ends of the prepared unpeeled cobs and put them in a glass flat plate, trying to place them at some distance from each other. Attention: some housewives, trying to cook as much corn as possible at a time, put it in several layers. As a result, the product remains half-baked. Quality is more important than quantity here.
  2. Boil the cobs in the leaves for 3-5 minutes at maximum power. It is recommended to turn them over.
  3. At the end of cooking, the leaves are not removed immediately, waiting a few minutes for the corn to finally “reach”.

Recipe number 3. Under a paper towel

The leaves have a worthy substitute. Peeled cobs can be tightly wrapped in a damp paper towel and cooked like that.

Recipe number 4. In a container of water

This method will take twice as long, but there is no risk of overcooking the product.

  1. We place the peeled cobs in a deep container suitable for a microwave oven and completely fill it with water. We don't salt!
  2. We cover with a lid and cook at a power of 700 W, 20 - 45 minutes, taking into account the degree of maturity and quantity.

Periodically you need to add boiling water, as the liquid will evaporate.

Corn removed from the microwave is very hot, it must be allowed to cool or use special holders while eating.

In the oven

Peeled (if you wish, you can leave part of the leaves) and prepared cobs are placed in a baking dish, previously greased with butter.

Next, pour boiling water flush with the product (no need above). Cover the container with foil, sealing the edges so that steam does not escape and send it to the oven, heated to 180ºС for 40 - 60 minutes.

In a slow cooker

The algorithm of actions is the same as when cooking in a saucepan, but instead of the usual kitchen utensils, we use a bowl of a multifunctional electric assistant.

  1. We clean the corn from the leaves, wash it well, remove the stigmas and cut off the conical top.
  2. We load it into the multicooker bowl and pour cold water, making sure that it covers the cobs on one side, and on the other does not exceed the maximum allowable mark.
  3. We close the lid and set the program "Cooking vegetables" or "Soup". We cook young ears for 15 - 20 minutes, mature ones - twice as long.

You can add corn leaves to the bowl. The taste of the dish will be richer, more varied. The leaves are washed and placed in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Then half of the greens line the bottom of the bowl, and the rest is placed on top of the cobs. In this case, the water should completely cover the resulting "sandwich".

Cook, as in the first version.

In a double boiler

The following method will definitely appeal to adherents of a healthy diet. However, we will make a reservation that fodder varieties or overripe cobs, therefore, are better not to cook.

There are two options for processing corn in a double boiler:

  • in general
  • grains


When cooking, do not use all levels of the steamer. It is more correct to place the cobs in one layer, so they will be processed evenly and there will be no damp areas left.

Whole ears are cleaned of leaves, if necessary, divided into several parts and placed in a steam basket.

Processing time is 35 - 40 minutes.

The grains are laid out in a thin layer and steamed for 15 minutes. After turning off the timer, you need to let the product brew a little.

In a pressure cooker

Those who have this miracle device can safely cook any corn - both canteen of any degree of ripeness (including overripe), and fodder.

It is necessary to ensure that the cobs are completely under water.

With milky ripeness, the product is cooked for 10-15 minutes, in other cases it will take 40 minutes.

Corn from a pressure cooker is very fragrant and sweet. Forage varieties will become tastier if you add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

We looked at the main ways to cook corn. This unique cereal crop is tasty on its own and does not need to be “overloaded” with spices. However, if desired, you can add exotic notes with oregano, a mixture of peppers, dried garlic or lime.

Let's cook this simple and healthy treat for the family more often. Bon appetit everyone!

Good day everyone!

Today we will cook corn in a saucepan with you. And we will learn how to do it not anyhow, but correctly, so that it pleases you with a juicy, fresh taste and awesome aroma.

By the way, did you know that this cereal crop is the only one of its "brothers" that contains gold! No wonder its grains are so similar in shape and color to gold bars.

As for the nutritional value of corn, in 100 g it contains 125 kcal, 4 g of protein, 2 g of fat, 22 g of carbohydrates. This boiled product perfectly satisfies hunger, and for a long time, and also saturates you with a lot of vitamins and minerals.

To make corn juicy, fragrant and healthy, you need to choose and cook it correctly. So, not fodder (bright yellow), but food (lighter or white) cereal crop, moreover, recently plucked from the garden, will be especially tasty. If you buy corn in a store, then you should know that wilted leaves indicate that it has been on the counter for several days, so it is better not to take it.

This recipe was shared by reader Julia from Khabarovsk. She wrote to me that her boiled corn always comes out very juicy and soft, thanks to the fact that she chooses only fresh and young cobs for cooking. Well, let's try!


  • Corn - 4 pcs.
  • Water (boiling water) - 1 liter
  • Butter

First, free the corn from the greens, cut off the “tails”.

Place the cut leaves in a bowl.

Put corn on top.

Pour boiling water over and cook for 20-30 minutes (no more!).

Sprinkle with fine salt.

Take a piece of butter and rub it on a freshly cooked cereal. Bon appetit!

How long should corn on the cob cook?

First of all, I want to note that the cooking time of the cobs in the pan depends on whether they are young or old. Light yellow corn indicates that you have a young and fresh cereal crop in your hands. Therefore, 15 minutes after boiling is enough for her to boil well.

If you have corn on the cob in front of you, it means that it is not the first freshness. Therefore, it can take much longer to cook it - from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the size and amount of cereal. So, 3 pieces of young maize will be cooked in about 20 minutes.

So, in order for corn on the cob to boil well, it is necessary to completely immerse it in water and cover the pan with a lid. During the cooking process, it is very easy to check its readiness by arming yourself with a toothpick and piercing a grain.

After you take the cereal out of the pan, you can rub it with salt, a piece of butter and your favorite spices. An incomparable and satisfying dish is ready. Bon appetit and a healthy snack!

How long does corn cook in a pot without the cob?

Bare corn kernels take different amounts of time to cook depending on what they will be used for. If for bait, then they should be boiled for 30 minutes to one hour with preliminary aging in water (for swelling) for 2-3 days.

By the way, it should be noted that the grains of this cereal crop are an excellent bait for catching carp, crucian carp, rudd, roach, ram, bream, carp, grass carp and even chub. The video (see below) shows detailed instructions for making an excellent "food" for fishing.

If you need bonduelle corn for preservation, then you can not cook it at all beforehand. It will be enough to pour hot brine and roll up the jars.

However, I have friends who every year harvest this cereal for the winter, after boiling it in a saucepan for 15 to 30 minutes. At the same time, they assure that corn is especially tasty if sugar is added to it in the amount of 1 tablespoon during the cooking process, as well as ½ tablespoon of salt per liter of water.

Recipe for cooking corn to be tasty and sweet

The main secret of cooking sweet and tasty boiled cereal is in the so-called corn stigmas (“threads”). How? Now find out!

To prepare, take:

  • Corn in any quantity
  • Boiling water - 1-1.5 l
  • Salt to taste and desire

Step by step cooking method:

Separate corn from greens.

We put the corn leaves in a saucepan, having previously freed them from the stigmas (“threads”).

Gently lay the corn on top of the leaves.

From above we cover with a shock of "hair". Attention: it is this chip that will help to give the boiled cereal sweetness and juiciness!

Cover with the remaining leaves like a blanket.

Fill the saucepan with boiling water.

Press with a fork and put on fire.

Cook with the lid not completely closed in a saucepan for 15 minutes after boiling.

We free the corn from the leaves and take it out of the boiling water. Rub with salt to taste.

How to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan with salt and milk - a detailed recipe with video

Impregnation with milk gives the cereal an additional portion of vitamins, as well as extraordinary softness and a unique creamy taste. Try it and you will definitely want more!

We will need:

  • Young corn - 5 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Milk - 300 or 500 ml.
  • Butter - to taste

Step by step cooking method:

Carefully place the corn in a bowl.

Sprinkle it with salt.

Fill with milk.

We put it on the fire and wait for it to boil.

Cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes over low heat.

We take out our corn.

Rub it with butter. Bon appetit!

The following video shows three more ways to boil corn with milk. Only here, to give the boiled cereal special flavoring properties, various spices and spices are added. After all, every housewife has her own cooking secrets!

Cooking bonduelle corn on the cob (delicious!)

Bonduelle is considered the most sugar among other varieties of corn. That is why caring mothers love to cook it so much for their kids. Try this recipe too! I'm sure you'll like it.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • corn bonduelle

Step by step cooking method:

Carefully clean the corn from the leaves and "tails".

Put it in a saucepan.

Fill with cold water.

Cover the top of the corn with washed leaves.

Put on fire. After boiling, cook for 10-15 minutes.

Remove the corn from the pan and season it with fine salt to taste.

Step by step recipe how to cook fresh baby corn in a pot

There is nothing tastier than freshly cooked cereal! However, it can also be spoiled if it is cooked for a long time and incorrectly. Therefore, so that this does not happen to you, I share with you a proven recipe.


  • young corn
  • Boiling water

Step by step cooking method:

Peel the corn and cut off the ends on both sides.

Put the washed leaves in the pan first, and on top of them the corn itself.

Fill with boiling water.

Put on fire, cover the pan with a lid and wait until it boils.

After boiling, cook young corn for 20 minutes.

Sprinkle with salt after cooking. Bon appetit!

Video on how to properly and quickly cook corn in a saucepan with salt and sugar

You know, while I was preparing this article for you, I found a video on YouTube on how to cook cereals 10 times faster. To be honest, I was attracted by the loud title, and I watched a one-minute video.

The bottom line was that the corn cobs were half-peeled and put in the microwave for 5 minutes. After that, they were pulled out and completely freed from the remaining leaves, and then rubbed with salt and oil.

In my opinion, this method of cooking corn is unacceptable because of its unecological friendliness. Therefore, if you agree with me and want to learn how to cook it quickly and safely for your health, watch the following video.

What is useful boiled corn for a person?

If you are a lover of this cereal crop, you should know that even when boiled, corn retains more than 80% of its beneficial substances. No other cereal can surprise you with such indicators. At the same time, in boiled form, it is able to normalize the water-salt balance, as well as the work of the body at the cellular level.

Corn perfectly stimulates the activity of the brain and heart. That is why it is especially useful for children and the elderly. In addition, boiled cereal helps to saturate the body well, calm down and get rid of insomnia. And if you suffer from chronic fatigue and frequent ailments, start consuming 60-70 g of boiled corn kernels daily for a month - you will definitely like the result.

It is especially good to lean on cereal for those who had a wonderful time at a festive feast the day before. The fact is that corn perfectly removes alcohol from the body, and also relieves the stomach of heaviness.

Cereal culture is also useful for infertility - both male and female. And during the bearing of the baby, it strengthens the skeletal system, hair and nails, and also helps the formation of collagen in the skin.

Do you like boiled corn? Maybe you have your own recipe for cooking it in a saucepan? If so, I look forward to your comments. See you in the next blog posts!

Boiled corn is perhaps the most favorite summer treat that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Of course, it may seem to many that preparing such a dish is quite simple, and there will be no problems in the process. However, in reality this is far from the case. In most cases, when cooked, corn loses almost all of its useful properties, taste and nutritional value. Many do not even know how to cook corn on the cob properly. At the same time, this product is second only to watermelons and ice cream in popularity. It is worth noting that on many resort beaches, boiled corn is sold almost as a delicacy, and many vacationers buy it willingly. To prepare such a dish at home, you will need patience, time and knowledge of technology. Of course, the eternal debate about how and how much to boil corn has not yet been resolved. However, in reality, everything turns out to be much simpler. The main thing is to know some tricks.

Choosing the right corn for cooking

Before you cook corn on the cob, it must be properly selected. The most suitable option is freshly picked food varieties. If you buy corn in a store, then you should choose unpeeled corn, as the natural “wrapper” will indicate the freshness of the product and protect the grains from drying out.

To determine the freshness and degree of maturity of the product, you should carefully examine the cob. In young corn, the leaves are bright green when fresh, and the tendrils are slightly cool and slightly moist. If the cob has already begun to turn yellow, then this is the first sign that the corn has been plucked for a long time and has already lost a certain percentage of juiciness.

If the product is in doubt, then you can conduct a small test. At the base, gently press the grain with your fingernail. If the corn is young, or in other words - dairy, then when pressed, a little juice will come out. If the grain is hard, then the product is already overripe and has lost its juiciness. By the stiffness of the grain, you can determine the ripeness of the cob. Of course, the degree of maturity of the product affects both the taste and the cooking time. It is worth noting that in the old cob, the sugar in the grains turns into starch. As a result, the product loses its sweetness and aroma. It depends on the level of maturity how much and how to cook corn.

Preparing cobs for cooking

Before you cook fresh corn, you should prepare the cobs. Someone prefers to clean the product completely, eliminating all antennae and leaves. Others, on the contrary, remove only spoiled and dirty greens from the cobs. Each of these options is correct in its own way. Leaves and tendrils make the product more fragrant and juicy. However, once cooked, it is very difficult to remove them. So what is the right way to cook corn on the cob? Leaves and tendrils should be removed completely, and then placed on the bottom of the container, where the delicacy will be cooked.

Cooking utensils: what to choose

For cooking corn, you should choose a container that has sufficient height and width. You don't have to break the cobs. In this case, the dishes should be thick-walled. The ideal option is a cast iron pan or a cauldron, which is tightly closed with a lid. If there is neither one nor the other, then you can use a pressure cooker. It greatly speeds up cooking. It is better to opt for just such dishes, since it is much easier to cook corn in a pressure cooker. After all, the container closes tightly, and optimal conditions are created inside for the preparation of cobs. In addition, in order to preserve all the nutritional properties of the product, it should be cooked at a temperature of 200 to 250 ° on low heat.

Cob stacking

At the bottom of the pressure cooker, put the leaves and antennae from the cobs, and put the peeled corn on them. It is best to put the greens on the sides. This will keep the cobs from touching the sides of the pot. From above, corn should also be covered with leaves. Do not forget about the mustache. After all, they contribute to the fact that the grains are juicy and sweeter.

Filling the container with corn

If you are wondering how to properly boil young corn and how much liquid, then you should know that the cobs should be completely hidden under water. Only after the container is full, it can be put on fire. The water must be constantly boiling throughout the cooking.

How long to cook?

There is no exact answer to this question. On average, the cobs are boiled for 40 minutes. It all depends on the variety. The process can take 20 minutes, or even five hours. During cooking, you should regularly check the product for readiness.

Add salt or not

Here, too, everything depends on the variety, since it is by no means recommended to cook sweet corn on the cob in salted water. It is worth noting that in such a product there is much more liquid than in feed. Salt also speeds up the process of removing liquid from the grains directly into the broth. As a result, corn may turn out not so juicy and tasty.

How to check the readiness of corn

If you do not know how to cook milk corn, then during cooking, check its readiness. Periodically pry the cob with a fork and try on the grain. This should be done until the corn boils soft. If the grains have become juicy, soft and very easy to chew, then the product is ready. You can remove the container from the fire and serve the dish to the table.

How to properly serve

Now you know how to cook young corn properly. However, this is only half the story. You also need to know how to properly serve cooked corn. It is best to consume the product hot, so it is much tastier. To do this, remove all the cobs from the pan and let the broth drain. After that, the corn must be cleaned of fibers and leaves. Ready cobs are served on hot plates. To avoid getting your hands dirty, you can use skewers. Corn is rubbed with salt and only in this form is used. You can also season the corn with spices and butter.

How to store cooked corn

Storage also matters. The remaining corn on the cob is best left to cool in a saucepan in the broth. If the cobs are removed from the water, then the grains can wrinkle and lose their appetizing appearance. It is worth noting that corn can be left in the broth for four hours at a liquid temperature of 70 °. Cooled cobs can be put in the refrigerator and stored there for no more than two days.

How to cook frozen corn

So, you know how to cook corn on the cob. But what to do with frozen? When the hot summer has come to an end, and the fresh corn season has passed, you can satisfy your desires by purchasing a semi-finished product in the store. Do not think that such a product does not have useful qualities. Corn cobs are first steamed and then quickly frozen. It is this processing technology that allows you to save all the qualities of the product. Cooking such a semi-finished product is much easier. Simply place the product in boiling water and boil until fully cooked. After the water boils for the second time, you need to cook the corn for about 25 minutes. As a result, the delicacy cooks much faster, and is not inferior in taste to fresh.


Cooked corn according to all technologies retains all its useful qualities. And she doesn't have too many of them. It is worth noting that this product is an excellent source of trace elements and vitamins. To saturate your body with everything you need, you can consume 50 grams of yellow grains daily. Since it is difficult to cook milk corn, you can purchase a ready-made product. However, it is worth remembering that properly cooked corn contains the amino acids tryptophan and lysine, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, ascorbic acid, vitamins PP, B, E, C.

In addition, the product contains a lot of fiber, which helps to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, while improving the functioning of the entire digestive system. It is worth noting that doctors recommend using corn for those who suffer from diabetes, obesity, various metabolic disorders, allergic diseases and gastrointestinal pathologies.

If you regularly eat this product, you can significantly reduce the risk of oncology, diseases of the cardiovascular system and other diseases. Corn contains very useful components that can improve memory and speed up all processes in the brain.

As you can see, properly cooked cobs are of great benefit. After all, if all the rules of cooking are observed, many microelements and vitamins are preserved in corn, which have a positive effect on human health.
