
Fried beef steak in a pan recipe. Butter steak

Steak, no compromises. Therefore, in order to cook it correctly (fragrant, soft and moderately fried), you should follow the basic rules. Let's talk about it in this article.

In the photo, a ready-made steak of weak roasting (Medium rare)

The content of the article:

The steak was first invented in ancient times ancient rome. Millennia later, in the 15th century, he became famous in Great Britain, and was published in the publishing house of one of the books in 1460. Well, then, the technology of its preparation began to spread throughout Europe. Currently popularized steak and elevated to the rank national dish Americans. Although it is used and loved in all countries of the world.

Now many people mistakenly call a whole steak. fried piece meat. In fact real steak, this is a whole algorithm of actions that allows you to truly enjoy the original meat dish. This is a piece of meat that is cut across the grain and fried on a grill or pan. Meat for steaks is suitable for those parts of the carcass where the muscles were not actively involved in the movement of the animal. From whole carcass no more than 10% of an animal is suitable for cooking steaks, and this is the main reason for the high cost of the dish.

Today, in the culinary world, steaks are prepared from fish, veal, pork and other types of meat, but beef is still considered a classic dish. A perfectly cooked steak can be a difficult task even for an experienced chef, as sometimes the meat comes out dry and tough, scorching on the outside before it has had time to cook inside. To prevent this from happening, and the dish turned out right and really tasty, you should know some subtleties.
  • For a steak, choose beef tenderloin mature animal, but not old and not young. The meat should be red or dark red in color, but not pink or burgundy. It is advisable to choose parts of the carcass that have less tendons and powerful muscles, with fat evenly distributed throughout the piece.
  • You can determine the softness of the steak with your finger by pressing on the raw meat - the finger is easily immersed, leaving a deep hole, which, after pressing, returns to its original position. If this happens, then the meat is good. If the hole does not straighten out, the meat is not fresh enough, and if it is difficult to press on it, the steak will be tough.
  • For delicious steak meat should be properly prepared - remove the film and upper tendons. Cut a piece not too thin, and not less than 7 cm long. Otherwise, the meat will lose moisture, shrink and become dry. Then, in the center of the piece of the side where the fibers are located along, an incision is made to the middle of the thickness, and the meat is opened with a “butterfly”.
  • The steak is marinated from 12 to 48 hours, and before going to the fire, it is well dried paper towel. The traditional marinade mixture is: vegetable oil, soy sauce, wine vinegar, salt and spices.
  • The frozen stack is thawed in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours. After that, it is wiped dry and left for 20 minutes before pickling, so that it warms up to room temperature. It is not recommended to defrost a steak in the microwave. Since the top layers of meat in the defrost mode are already beginning to cook, while the middle remains cold. Subsequently, it will be difficult to obtain uniform roasting. Also, it is not recommended to defrost meat when room temperature and in warm water.
  • Meat is fried exclusively in a well-heated heavy pan or grill pan. At the same time, the pan should not smoke, otherwise the steak will burn on the outside, and the inside will not have time to cook, which will make it tough. During frying, the protein on the surface of the piece quickly curls up and prevents the liquid from escaping, so the steak is first fried in high heat for 1 minute on each side. This will "seal" the fibers and the meat will retain the juice, which means the steak will be juicy and tender. Next, the dish is brought to the desired degree of roasting at a lower temperature.
  • Ready meat should be left to lie down a bit. During this time, the juice will be distributed inside the piece, the temperature inside and outside will even out, and the steak will become warm, tender and juicy everywhere.
  • The steak is served on warm plates, then it will not cool down so quickly. Needed to use sharp knives without burrs so that the meat can be cut evenly.

How to fry beef steak?

Do perfect steak not difficult, unless of course, you know some rules and follow certain subtleties.
  • When buying meat in a supermarket, pay attention, in addition to the date of packaging, also to the date of slaughter, it must always be indicated. Count 20-25 days from it, which will be the date from which you can start frying the steak.
  • It is advisable not to wash the steaks, but to wipe them with a paper towel until completely dry.
  • Do not put more than 2 pieces in one pan, otherwise the temperature of the pan will drop sharply. The meat will begin to secrete juice, in which it will be stewed, and then a ruddy, fried crust will not work.
  • Turn the steaks over with meat tongs, not with a fork, or the juices will run out.
  • If the meat cannot be turned over, and it does not lag behind the pan, then a crust has not formed. Then the steak needs a little more time to fry.
  • More important advice: meat for steak, do not beat, otherwise, it will lose all juices and structure.

How long to fry a beef steak?

The degree of roasting of steaks can be varied to your taste by increasing or decreasing the cooking time. According to the American classification system, there are 5 degrees of roasting. Here are examples of the approximate cooking time for a steak 2.5 cm thick. For thicker pieces, the cooking time must be increased, and vice versa.
  • Very rare (raw) - a piece can only be allowed on each side for 10-15 seconds.
  • Rare (with blood) - cooked on each side for 1–2 minutes, after which it is given 6–8 minutes to rest.
  • Medium rare (low roast) - cooks on each side for 2-2.5 minutes, rests 5 minutes.
  • Medium (medium roast) - cooks on each side for 3 minutes, rests 4 minutes.
  • Well done (fried) - cooked on each side for 4.5–5 minutes, rested for 1 minute.
It will also be useful to fry the edges of the steak, briefly holding them on the sides when turning over for the first time. It is convenient to do this with special tongs designed for meat. Also for various degrees Roasting requires certain types of meat. For frying from medium rare to medium well, fatty steaks are needed, from rare to medium - with a low fat content (for example, filet mignon).

At the same time, it should be noted that the most accurate way to determine the degree of roasting of meat is with the help of a thermometer, which will allow you to achieve perfect consistency and steak flavor. An electronic thermometer will pierce the surface a little and indicate the temperature of the readiness of the meat.

  • Rare (with blood) = 120° F (48.8° C)
  • Medium rare =130° F (54.4° C)
  • Medium ( medium rare) = 140° F (60° C)
  • Medium well (almost done) = 150° F (65.5° C)
  • Well done (done) = 160° F (71.1° C)

4 beef steak recipes

And now that you are familiar with all the cooking rules, let's cook at home delicious steak.

1. Recipe for beef steak in a pan

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 190 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Selected beef steak - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Spices "French Herbs" - 1 tsp and at will


  1. Sprinkle the meat around the perimeter with medium-grinding pepper and season with salt.

  • Generously coat the steaks with spices with your hands, and rub them into the meat with patting movements.
  • Grease the prepared steak on both sides vegetable oil.
  • Pour oil into a cast iron skillet and heat well.
  • Place the steak in the skillet and cook for 1 minute, then quickly flip over and cook for another 1 minute.
  • Then, flip the piece over again. reverse side and cook until desired doneness.
  • 2. Recipe for cooking steak on a ribbed grill pan

    Well, now, let's cook at home steak conditions with a beautiful "mesh" on a ribbed grill pan.


    • beef steak ( portioned pieces without bone, 3–5 cm thick) - 2 pcs.
    • Salt and pepper - to taste

    Step by step preparation:
    1. Rub the steak pieces on both sides with a mixture of salt and pepper.
    2. cast iron ribbed grill pan heat well without adding oil until a light haze forms.
    3. Put the steaks in the pan and fry for 1.5 minutes. After, turn 90 degrees clockwise and fry for another 30 seconds.
    4. Then turn it over to the other side and do the same procedure.
    5. Put the fried steaks in a baking dish, wrap them in foil and put them in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 10-12 minutes. If you want a stronger roast, then hold them for 15 minutes.
    6. After this time, remove the steaks from the oven and, without removing the foil, leave them on? minutes.

    3. How to cook beef steak?

    Despite the loud ridicule from the lips of "professional" chefs: they say, cook at home tasty and tender beef steak in a frying pan is impossible - we will prove the opposite.


    • Steak 2.5 cm - 1 pc.
    • Salt, pepper - to taste
    • Kitchen fat - for frying
    • Butter - 2 tbsp.

    1. Salt the steaks and leave for 40 minutes to come to room temperature. Salt will draw moisture to the surface, where it will settle in puddles. During this time, the salt will tenderize the meat, break down the protein and, drawn out by the salt, will begin to be absorbed back into the steak. This technique will make the meat tender and juicy.
    2. Put the cooking oil in a well-heated pan and let it smoke a little.
    3. Put the steak, fry it on both sides for 1 minute and pepper.
    4. After, bring it to the degree you want to get.
    5. 1 minute before the end of cooking, put 2 tbsp. butter, it will fill the steak with a rich smell.
    6. Before reaching 2 °C before desired temperature, remove the pan from the heat and leave the steak to rest. During this time, it will reach the desired temperature, because. will continue to cook with the hot pan turned off.

    It's probably hard to find someone who doesn't like beef steak. Of course, because it's delicious and nutritious dish, which is served for the holidays or just even at a family dinner.

    The whole secret of this dish lies in the preparation of meat and cooking. Be sure to follow the recipe and do everything in accordance with the rules.

    Types of steaks and the degree of their roasting

    There are many varieties of steaks. Here are some of them:

    1. Tibun steak. This is a piece of meat that is taken from a T-shaped bone;
    2. Club steak. This meat is cut off from the back, where the thick edge of the longest muscle is located;
    3. Rib steak or ribeye steak. It is cut off from the area of ​​the underblades. This meat has a lot of fatty streaks, which melt when fried. Due to this, the steak is very juicy;
    4. Striploin - meat from the lumbar region. It has large and delicate fibers. This steak is suitable for those who love the pronounced taste of beef meat;
    5. Filet Mignon. This is a transverse thin slice of the sirloin. This meat is tender and juicy taste without blood. The thickness of this steak is no more than 8 cm. Therefore, when baking this meat, everything should be done carefully, it is very important that it is not cold inside and retains the juice;
    6. Roundrumb steak - cut from the hip area;
    7. Porterhouse. This large piece meat from the loin. Usually it is ordered for two, since one person will definitely not master it.

    Roast steaks in the following ways:

    • blue/raw. This is a raw piece of pulp, grilled to 49 degrees;
    • RARE. This is a piece of meat that is fried on the outside and red on the inside. It is fried to 58 degrees;
    • Medium rare. This is a low rare beef. It is without blood, but has juice Pink colour. Fry up to 60 degrees;
    • medium. This is a medium rare steak. He has a pale pink juice. The steak warms up to 68 degrees;
    • Medium well.
    • well done. This is a fully cooked steak that has a crust on top. It is fried to almost 80 degrees.

    Choosing the Right Meat

    Beef is great for steaks. Of course, other types of meat are also suitable for them.

    For example, if pork is used, it is best to take it from the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, thighs or neck. If poultry is used, the flesh from the thighs and drumsticks is perfect.

    If beef is used, then it should be taken from the best parts of the carcass. It is advisable to take it from places that were not involved in physical activity.

    It is worth paying attention to processing. IN different countries meat is processed differently.

    In America, the processing of steaks is not paid Special attention. They don't carve bones, they leave veins. In Europe, on the contrary, bones are cut out and all fatty streaks are removed.

    So, when the meat is selected and processed, you can start cooking the steak at home.

    How to cook beef steak in a pan at home


    1. Pour vegetable oil into a small container. Any oil is suitable - sunflower, olive, rapeseed. Next, put salt there, it is best to use sea ​​salt coarse grinding;
    2. We put a piece of meat in this mixture. We roll it in this mixture so that the entire surface of the meat is in an oil film;
    3. Put the pan on medium fire and heat it up for 5 minutes. Importantly, you do not need to pour oil on it. Then we put a piece of meat there. Each side is fried for 2 minutes;
    4. Fry the steak from the fat side. Fat will add juiciness and flavor to the meat;
    5. Next, fry for another 3 minutes;
    6. After that, put a piece of butter and a couple of sprigs of thyme and rosemary into the pan. Tilt the pan so that the oil is absorbed into the meat;
    7. Fry in oil for a couple more minutes;
    8. At the end, leave the meat in the pan for 5 minutes and already, then put it on a plate and cut into medium pieces.

    How to cook a delicious and juicy beef steak in the oven

    For treats, you should take the following products:

    • 700 grams of beef pulp;
    • Onions - 2 pieces;
    • 50 grams of honey;
    • Dry red wine - 100 ml;
    • Garlic - 2 cloves;
    • 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger;
    • 50 ml soy sauce.


    1. We clean the onions and cut them finely with a knife. Finely chop the garlic cloves. We put everything in a bowl;
    2. Add soy sauce, a little grated ginger, honey and 100 ml of dry red wine to the onion and garlic;
    3. Put the washed pieces of meat in the marinade and leave them for 2-3 hours;
    4. After they are marinated, preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put the meat on a baking dish and set to bake for 115 minutes. Each side should be baked for 7-8 minutes;
    5. Pour the rest of the marinade into a small saucepan and put on the stove. After boiling, boil for 10 minutes;
    6. Ready steaks are laid out on a plate and poured with sauce. Can be served with boiled rice.

    , and is it possible to cook it at home. Serve potatoes in the oven in the oven for a steak, this simple dish is incredibly tasty. The best chefs share their secrets. Do you know how to quickly defrost meat without a microwave? Read the tips in ours.

    How to cook marbled beef steak on the grill

    You will need the following components:

    • One and a half kilograms of marbled beef;
    • 7 sprigs of rosemary;
    • 8 sprigs of thyme;
    • 1 head of onion;
    • A little table salt and ground black pepper.

    Note: marbled beef is meat with fatty streaks, which melt during the frying process and give the pulp juiciness and flavor.


    1. For cooking, it is best to use a steak with a thickness of 1 cm. Wash the steaks in cool water and dry with a paper towel;
    2. Pour black into a cup ground pepper. We rub the steaks on all sides and put them in a cup, put sprigs of thyme and rosemary on them and leave to marinate for 40 minutes;
    3. In the meantime, prepare the barbecue and grill for frying steaks. We put the grill on the grill. Cut the onion head into two halves and dip one half in vegetable oil. Grease the grill with oil. Next, marinated steaks are laid out on it and fried;
    4. Sprigs of thyme and rosemary spread next to the meat on the grill. In the process of frying, they will give the meat a pleasant aroma;
    5. During frying, the steaks should be turned over periodically so that they do not burn;
    6. At the end they should be salted. If this is done during the marinating process, the meat will not turn out so juicy. Therefore, it is better to add salt at the end of cooking;
    7. Steaks are served with fresh vegetables and with red wine.

    How to cook a delicious and juicy steak in sauce

    You will need the following products:

    • Beef meat - 1 kilogram;
    • A little table salt;
    • Ground black pepper;
    • Vegetable oil.

    For sauce:

    • 70 ml of currant juice;
    • 400 ml of broth on meat;
    • 100 grams of flour;
    • 80 ml of red wine;
    • 100 butter;
    • Spices.


      1. The pulp should be washed with cool water and dried with a paper towel. Next, cut it into medium pieces;

      1. Pour salt and black pepper into a bowl. We rub each piece of meat with this mixture;

      1. We put a frying pan on the fire and pour a little vegetable oil into it. Place steaks in hot oil and fry for 5 minutes on each side. Then put the steaks on a baking sheet;

      1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and put a baking sheet with steaks in there for 15 minutes;

      1. While they are baking, prepare the sauce. Put a piece of butter in a small saucepan and put it on the stove. Pour 100 grams of flour into the melted butter. Fry everything until golden brown;
      2. Then slowly pour into the pot. meat broth and mix, it is important that there are no lumps. Once the sauce boils, it should be boiled for 10 minutes;

      1. After that, pour currant juice and red wine into it. Season with spices and mix. After a couple of minutes, remove from the stove;

      1. Baked steaks are taken out of oven and laid out on a plate. We water them ready sauce and insist 20 minutes so that they soak and become juicy. After that, they can be cut into pieces.

    • When choosing meat, it is desirable to give preference to the pulp of young bulls that have been fed with grain. This meat is very tender and juicy;
    • For steaks, meat is taken from areas that were not involved in physical activity. Meat from the subscapular, back and lumbar parts of the carcass is excellent;
    • Before cooking, the meat should be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of -40 degrees during the day. This is necessary so that the enzymes found in meat break down proteins. Due to this, the meat will become more tender;
    • The meat must be dry. Therefore, it should be dried with a paper towel or napkin;
    • Before frying, the meat should have a temperature of at least 20 degrees. Therefore, it should be pulled out of the refrigerator in advance and given time to stand at room temperature. If you put it in the pan cold, then you will not get a crust. Since cold meat will not be fried, but stewed.

    Cooking steaks is a difficult process, because everything must be done correctly. The choice of meat is of great importance. For steaks, choose soft and tender flesh.

    Do not forget about the tips, they will help you cook the perfect and delicious steak at home.

    One of my favorite dishes that I like to cook for myself is grilled steak. Cooking the right steak is not an easy process. But I have improved my recipe over and over again. This step-by-step instruction explains in detail how to cook a beef steak at home in a pan.

    This guide is intended for people with experience in cooking. For those who do not feel comfortable in the kitchen, it is better not to take on this dish. Cooking perfect steak it is a very precise and time sensitive process. But you can easily cope with this if you prepare everything correctly and follow my instructions.

    Stage 1: Equipment and ingredients

    Here is a list of what you will need to cook a steak


    • plate
    • one pan, according to the size of your steak
    • forceps
    • plate
    • timer clock


    • one steak
    • Olive oil
    • Butter
    • Salt
    • Pepper
    • Fresh garlic (or dried)

    Stage 2: Buying a steak

    The first thing to do is to find right steak which we will prepare. To do this, it is better to go to a place with a large selection. quality meat. In such places, the meat is usually a bit more expensive, but in my opinion it's worth it.

    I took a 250 gram selected steak. It is small enough for one person and relatively inexpensive. Choose meat that looks appetizing to you! If funds permit, you can choose an even better steak, but this miniature piece will do just fine for the lesson.

    When you're at the store, make sure you have the rest of the ingredients, such as olive oil, butter, salt, pepper, and garlic. There is a great option to buy some fresh cloves of garlic if you don't want to use garlic powder.

    Stage 3: Meat preparation

    When you get home you should let the meat warm up. In the store it was in the refrigerator, it is very cold there. Cooking a cold steak is not a good idea.

    First, unpack the meat and let it rest on a plate. While it sits, use salt and pepper to season the steak. Sprinkle on all sides, do not spare seasonings.

    Usually it takes 20 minutes for the meat to warm up, it all depends on the size of the piece and how much it was frozen. It is important to warm the meat well so that during cooking in the pan there is no cold middle.

    While the steak is warming up, take your time and make sure all the other utensils and ingredients are ready. Place the skillet over high heat. Before it gets hot, pour in just enough olive oil to cover the bottom of the pan. You will need a lot more oil in the later stages of the process.

    Stage 4: Grilling the steak

    The next step is very important and can be dangerous. At this point, the pan should be very hot. You will use tongs to place the steak in the hot oil. There will be a lot of splatter at these high temperatures so be careful when flipping the steak.

    After you have placed the steak in the pan, start the countdown, it should lie there for 1 minute. After one minute has passed, turn it over to the other side and leave it like that for another 1 minute.

    After a minute has passed, turn the steak on its side to brown the edge. Keep it like that until the edge is colored the same way as the rest of the meat. Do this on both sides. Tilt the pan so that the oil accumulates on one side of the pan, which will make it easier to brown the edges of the steak. As in the photo above.

    You should constantly turn the steak at 1-minute intervals until you feel that it is already well-seasoned. The total length of this step depends on your preferences and the thickness of your steak.
    Now you are ready for the next step.

    Step 5: Cooking the steak

    At this stage, the steak is already browned on all sides and the meat juice is sealed inside. Saddle the stove quieter, medium heat.

    It's time to cook the meat to the degree of roasting that you like. There is no exact cooking time, it depends on the thickness of the steak, the heat of the stove and other factors. You just have to check the meat often enough to make sure it's done or you need to keep it on the stove. For this tutorial, I cooked my medium rare steak, leaving a small pink part in the middle.

    Now that the pan is not as hot, you still continue to flip the steak at 1-minute intervals.

    It's time to add the garlic and oil. cut off good piece butter and place it in a frying pan generously flavoring it all with garlic. I used garlic powder as I didn't have fresh on hand. As you continue to flip the steak, let the meat soak up all of that blissful flavor. Keep in mind that I am describing how to make a perfect steak, not a healthy one.

    I cooked this steak for only 8 minutes, turning every minute to get a medium rare. Again, I remind you that everything depends on the thickness of the piece and the cooking temperature, so I can’t guarantee you exactly the same result in 8 minutes.

    Use tongs to check the meat. When you feel that a piece of meat has begun to thicken, this is probably a medium roast.
    After you've cooked the steak in the skillet for a sufficient amount of time, it's time to take it out and place it on a clean plate.

    Stage 6: Take your time

    Have you finished cooking the steak and are you about to eat it? PATIENCE!

    Let the meat rest before slicing.

    In order for the steak to turn out to be truly juicy, after cooking, the meat must be given a “rest”. If you cook a medium-rare steak and cut it right away, the juice will flood the entire cutting board. As a result, the meat will turn out less juicy, less aromatic and with an insufficiently rich taste.

    Let the meat rest for 5 minutes. If you're so impatient, enjoy a bottle of beer to your liking for now (age permitting!).

    Stage 7: Eat and Enjoy

    You have been patient enough. You have waited 5 minutes. Now you can enjoy amazing taste homemade steak.

    This steak does not require any sauces. The sauce will only destroy its natural flavor that you have created on your stove.

    Stewed vegetables and cold beer will perfectly complement your meat masterpiece. Enjoy!

    Are you going to treat yourself and fry a marbled beef steak in a pan? The first and most important thing that is required for good steak is a savory piece of marbled beef. Alas, you have to leave the illusion of impressing someone with a cutout from the butt of a dairy cow. But how beautiful is the Aberdeen Angus beef bull! Thick and thin edge, tenderloin and rump for amazing classic steaks. Shoulder, diaphragm and flank for distinctive alternative steaks. Mmm, a real gourmet delight!

    Other important rule: Each cut needs a different approach. Don't expect softness and tenderness from the shank after seven minutes on the grill: it requires stewing or baking in the oven with aromatic herbs.

    And finally: although we have talked about this more than once, let me remind you that “fresh meat” is a myth. Only meat that has undergone quality aging for 14 or more days fully reveals its taste and aroma. In our butcher shop we offer to buy wet and dry aged marbled beef meat, which was in ideal conditions enough to be fully prepared for the chef's hand.

    How should beef steak meat be packaged and how long can it be stored?

    Be careful if you buy chilled meat. Carefully inspect the packaging for leaks and tears. It should be tight, without signs of damage - move your nose at the edges and at the junction of the package, can you hear bad smell? Once opened, the package should be stored in a cool and ventilated place. A refrigerator with a temperature of 0 to -1 degrees Celsius is ideal. And it will be better if it is not packed. Shelf life: no more than 5 days. You can read more about and meat for beef steak in my notes.

    Do I need to marinate my steak meat?

    If you have a good piece of marbled beef in front of you, you can be sure that a first-class steak will come out of it. All that remains is not to spoil it. It is important to understand what and how you are going to cook. Marinating a steak before grilling it makes sense only if you are sure that the marinade will add special, piquant note taste, exclusively your favorite.

    How to properly prepare marbled meat for frying in a pan?

    It's simple: never send meat to a pan or grill that has recently cooled in the refrigerator. raw steak should be warmed to a temperature close to room temperature. Otherwise you will get appetizing crust on the outside, but uneven cooking on the inside. Let's calculate: a piece of meat weighing 1 kg should "reach" to room temperature for about 2 hours. That is why a steak of even the weakest degree of roasting - Blue - is cooked for about half an hour: the meat is "warmed up" after the refrigerator.

    When to add salt and pepper?

    There is an opinion that salt "pulls" moisture out of the steak, and if you add it in advance, you will have to be content with an overdried piece of meat. However, I want to say that this is an exaggerated myth. If you like even "salting" - sprinkle the meat with salt 40 minutes before sending it to the pan (Osmosis process). Wish salty crust but "pure" taste marble meat- sprinkle 3 minutes before frying, in the process or at the very end. Salt brings out the flavor of the steak and I recommend using it anyway. The amount of moisture that the meat loses is more than offset by the taste that you get as a result. By the way, pay attention to smoked salt - it takes the taste to a whole new level.

    How to fry meat in a pan correctly?

    I'll tell you a secret: you can fry good steak beef and on the manhole cover. But ideally, you should use a cast-iron saik pan with a thick bottom. It keeps heat for a long time, and will not lose it when we start frying two 300-gram steaks at once. A pancake pan, alas, will not work. Marble beef on a grill pan will get an appetizing recognizable "lattice".

    What oil to use?

    I am a supporter of refined olive oil - it copes with its functions better than others. The oil should be a good heat conductor, which will allow heat to be evenly distributed throughout the beef steak, and is responsible for an appetizing crust (Maillard reaction - chemical reaction between amino acids and sugars that occurs when heated). You can grease the pan with oil, or you can grease the steak itself.

    How to determine the doneness of a steak?

    There is no better way to tell how done a steak is done than by using a thermometer. Or, look at your watch. The frying method is simple: place the steak on a properly heated pan, and hold for a minute on each side. Then flip every 15 seconds. Total time cooking a ribeye steak weighing 300 grams - 6 minutes. You will definitely not get any raw, not overcooked meat - the steak will come out perfect. Everything else is a matter of experience, practice and taste. For classic steaks, I recommend Medium Rare (50 degrees), or Medium (55 degrees). And please use tongs in your work - do not damage or cut the marbled beef meat during cooking, it will lose all its juiciness.

    final chord

    Marble meat during frying in a pan or grill is under great stress: this is facilitated by high pressure and temperature. At the same time, it is these two factors that distribute the meat juice over all the fibers of the piece. By cutting the steak immediately after cooking, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy this juice - it will simply flow out onto the plate. Wait until the juice returns to the center of the piece, calms down, disperses through the meat. For a steak weighing 300-350 grams, it will take 2-3 minutes. The moments of waiting can be tedious, but the result will please you.

    Juicy marbled beef steak is a classic of the genre. However, cooking the perfect steak at home is quite difficult. The likelihood that a ten-centimeter piece of beef will be evenly fried, will not lose juiciness and taste excellent is not so great. How to fry a beef steak in a pan? You can't do without knowing some tricks from real chefs.

    How to fry marbled beef?

    Marble beef is a famous delicacy. It is not easy to get such meat, and you need to be able to cook it correctly. Fried marbled beef is especially tasty, provided that it is properly prepared and heat-treated. What is the peculiarity of cooking such meat? Let's take a closer look.

    Marble beef: how to choose and prepare for frying

    The structure of such a piece of meat consists of thin veins of fat and fibers, which, when cut, looks like a marble stone. This is where the name of the delicacy comes from. Most cooks prefer to cook steaks from marbled beef. The taste, as well as the appearance of the dish, is unusual, and the meat is very tender.

    If purchased marbled beef V fresh– rinse the piece under running water cold water, and then remove moisture from it with paper towels or napkins. Meat from vacuum packaging dry enough. Next, marbled beef is cut into blanks for steaks.

    Portioned pieces of meat are rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper. These seasonings are quite enough. Experienced chefs prefer not to pickle this delicacy, because this can spoil delicate taste meat. It is necessary that in this form the steaks stand for about an hour in the refrigerator.

    Classic beef steak in a pan


    • Marbled beef (sliced ​​steak or cut from the thigh).
    • A little sunflower and butter.
    • Herbs, spices and seasonings to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. How to cook delicious steak beef in a pan? First you need to choose the right meat. It is better to choose marbled beef - with big amount patches of fat. This type of meat is ideal for steaks. Cooked meat will have great taste and retain its juiciness.
    2. You can take frozen beef, only before use you need to keep it in the refrigerator for a day. Slowly thawed meat perfectly retains all the juices and will be tender. At the same time, steam beef is not the best option, since the meat must be ripe. And it matures for at least two days. Then the fibers will be softer, and the steak will be correspondingly tastier.
    3. We take a cut of meat and cut off a piece from three to five centimeters thick. Beef is a type of meat that can have several degrees of doneness. If you want to cook a steak medium degree frying, then cut off a piece of meat with a thickness of 3.5 - 4 centimeters.
    4. At the same time, there is one caveat: meat should be cut strictly across the fibers. Cut off in one motion so that the surface of the piece is as even as possible. To do this, you need to have a large and sharp knife at hand.
    5. How to marinate beef steak? We take a piece of meat, pour vegetable oil. Then sprinkle on both sides with pepper and seasonings to taste. It is sprinkled, not rubbed. Otherwise, the taste of beef will be “drowned out” by spices.
    6. Ideally, the steak is grilled. However, for lack of a better way, we will cook on the stove. How to fry a beef steak in a pan and achieve the perfect result? Let's start with a frying pan. It must have a thick bottom. Cast iron or aluminum is best.
    7. If cooking for thin frying pan, then the meat will not be fried - only stewed. So, we take a suitable frying pan, heat it at maximum heat and fry for four minutes. Then turn over to the other side and fry again for three to four minutes.
    8. Putting a piece of meat on hot pan or baking sheet. Then we send it to the oven preheated to 150 degrees. Or alternatively, we continue to fry it in the same pan. However, in this case, you can overcook the meat.
    9. It's time to salt the meat. To do this, first dilute in a bottle with hot water salt. You can also add herbs there. For example, rosemary and thyme are the perfect complement to the taste of beef. We continue to fry. At the same time, from time to time we grease the steak with the prepared solution.
    10. How long does it take to fry the meat in a pan and not dry it? medium steak thickness should be fried in a pan for about 16 minutes. Remember that eight has already passed. Therefore, fry for another eight minutes, turning a piece of meat every two minutes to the other side.
    11. Remove the meat from the heat, transfer to a warm container and leave for 5 - 10 minutes. During this time, the juice is evenly distributed throughout the piece of meat. We shift the meat and serve to the guests. Best used as a side dish light vegetable lettuce or greens.
    12. You can also serve beef with creamy, mushroom or pesto sauce (greens and butter, whipped with a blender). Complements and reveals the taste grilled steak glass of red dry wine from beef.

    marbled beef steak recipe


    • marbled beef, tenderloin or already cut steaks
    • black pepper, salt
    • grill pan

    Cooking method:

    1. The steak is cooked from beef at room temperature. If there is a need to defrost meat, then only in advance in the refrigerator, a day before.
    2. Remove beef with a sharp knife excess fat, films and veins.
    3. We cut the steaks with a thickness of 2 - 2.5 cm, it can be thicker, but not more than 4 cm. Too thin pieces quickly lose moisture and become tough. Too thick will take a long time to cook.
    4. Dry the steaks with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
    5. There is a lot of controversy about when to salt and pepper. We salted and peppered both sides before frying.
    6. We heat the pan, but do not heat it up, without smoke and fire)
    7. We put the steaks in the pan, try not to touch each other.
    8. Timer - here main secret! We mark the time. For a steak 2 - 2.5 cm thick, set the timer for 90 seconds (one and a half minutes).
    9. Turn the steaks on the timer signal.
    10. Again we mark 90 seconds.
    11. Flip the steak to make beautiful drawing mesh.
    12. Let's set the timer again. It turns out that each side we fry 2 times.
    13. In total, it takes a little more than 6 minutes to cook a steak.
    14. We remove the pan from the fire.
    15. Be sure to cover the steaks with foil after frying to let them rest.
    16. Keep under foil for about 5-10 minutes. Then serve on a warm plate to the table.

    Marble beef in a pan

    To prepare delicious juicy steak from marbled beef in a pan you do not need much time and special culinary tools. All that should be on hand is a piece of quality meat and some spices for aromatics.


    • Steak "New York" Primebeef - 800 g
    • Olive oil - 3 tbsp
    • Pepper mix - to taste
    • Salt - to taste
    • Other seasonings (basil / rosemary / thyme) - to taste

    Cooking method:

    1. Wipe the striploin steak dry with a paper towel and leave it on the table to saturate with oxygen. Let the meat warm up a little at room temperature. This is necessary for even frying.
    2. Rub the meat with a mixture of peppers and salt, olive oil.
    3. Heat the pan to 200 degrees.
    4. We put a piece on a heated surface, press it with a spatula.
    5. Fry the steak on each side for 2.5 minutes, constantly turning over.
    6. Fragrant herbs are added at the end of roasting.
    7. We turn the beef 4 times - with a piece thickness of no more than 3 cm, there will be enough time to get the ideal degree of Medium readiness.
    8. Remove the beef steak from the pan, let the piece "rest".

    Marble meat and a minimum of spices


    • Steak - 800 g
    • Olive oil - 3 tbsp
    • Salt - to taste

    Cooking method:

    1. The steak should be thick, the thicker the easier it is to cook. If the steak turned out to be thin, then you need to be a professional to catch marbling, not to let the fat leave the meat, not to overcook. So about 2 cm thick is a normal steak.
    2. Steaks don't bounce. Even if they are made from regular beef, from clipping. Her top, thickest part goes on steaks and you don’t need to beat it off. They beat the tenderloin closer to the tail, but here they do not make steaks, but langets, for example.
    3. We wash the meat, but we don’t know how it was treated, where it was lying around. After washing, the meat must be dried with a towel, it is impossible to start cooking wet meat, it will take excess water and it won't taste good.
    4. We sprinkle the meat with finely chopped fresh rosemary, pour with refined olive oil. Together they emphasize the taste of meat, reveal it. Many spices and herbs I do not recommend. Still, we cook expensive meat and try to emphasize it. natural taste. So rosemary or thyme, black pepper, maybe garlic. It's enough.
    5. I think that such simple marinade it will be enough, but now it is very popular to marinate meat in kiwi, it breaks down the fibers. But you won’t achieve deep frying with blood on such meat, it will be just soft meat - not a steak.
    6. Best fit Cast-iron pan. Plain or grill pan with a corrugated surface. It removes excess fat, and the meat is well fried, a crust forms on it.
    7. Heat a dry frying pan and put the meat on it. Oil is not required, we have a piece of meat smeared with olive oil. The meat must be fried golden brown. 30 seconds on each side, no more. And then bring it to readiness in the oven.
    8. Oil. We used refined olive oil for the marinade. We fry on it. You can’t fry on expensive cold-pressed olive oil, it will burn and taste bitter.
    9. We bake steaks at very high temperature, 220-240 degrees. It is difficult to bring steaks to readiness in a pan, they will start to burn
    10. 3 minutes. And we get a medium rare roast. The steak is quite raw inside, but juicy, pink juice comes out of it.
    11. 6 minutes- this is a medium roast, medium roast. The meat is already without blood, not raw, but pink and transparent pink juice flows from it. This is a universal degree of roasting, if a person does not specify how roasted he wants a steak, I will make him medium.
    12. 9 minutes- medium well, well-done steak. On the cut, it is quite a bit pink, but if 5 minutes pass, it will already turn gray, cook on a plate. And from it flows clear juice.
    13. For marbled meat, medium well roasting is a bad option. Because the melting of fat has already begun. And the meat will not be as juicy as in the previous two cases. Soft - yes, but not juicy.

    The steak is already cooked and needs to be salted before serving. I use coarse sea salt.

    Steak New York strip steak


    • beef striploin steak- 250 g;
    • vegetable oil - 2 teaspoons;
    • salt and pepper - to taste;
    • water - 400 ml;
    • ground black pepper - to taste.

    For garnish:

    • vegetable oil - 2 teaspoons;
    • green beans - 100 g;
    • salt - to taste;
    • chopped almonds - 6-8 pcs.;
    • Cherry tomatoes - 2 - 3 pieces;
    • tomato sauce - 50g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Wipe the steak with a paper towel, pepper, brush with olive oil on all sides, let it rest at room temperature for 2 hours. To cook a dry frying pan, you need to heat it up quite strongly.
    2. Place the steak in the hot skillet, after 30 seconds turn the meat so that you have a "grid" (i.e. 90 degrees), then after 30 seconds turn it over to the other side so that you get a "grid" on the other side.
    3. An important point in cooking a steak is the formation of a crust. It is she who keeps the juices inside the piece, making it tender and juicy. Do not salt the meat before frying, and do not cover.
    4. After the crust has formed, transfer the steak to a less hot surface and fry until desired doneness.
    5. Determine the readiness of the meat: pierce the steak with the tip of a fork or knife and press a little on top, if the juice released is transparent pink, then the meat will turn out to be medium rare and will be pink inside, if the juice is transparent, then the meat is completely fried.
    6. It is best to use medium roast meat. After frying, the meat must be left for 1-2 minutes in a warm place so that the juice is evenly distributed over the fibers.
    7. The steak is very tender and juicy, with an unusual taste. The marbled beef striploin steak is perfectly paired with wine made from the Shiraz grape variety.

    Ribeye Steak from marbled beef


    • marble beef;
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt;
    • pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. It is necessary to take a thick edge of beef and cut off a piece from it, strictly across the fibers of at least two and a half centimeters so that the thickness of the piece is the same on all sides.
    2. Then put this steak on the drainage to remove water and put it in the refrigerator, so that it has time to “come to its senses” after the previous procedures and is slightly weathered.
    3. Remove the steak from the refrigerator 30 minutes before cooking to bring it closer to room temperature.
    4. Brush the steak with vegetable oil. Pepper with crushed black pepper and salt generously at the very last moment of frying. For proper cooking steak, the primary frying surface temperature should be as high as possible.
    5. Put the steak on a very hot grill and fry it for 1 - 2 minutes, turn the steak over and fry for 1 - 2 minutes in the same way.
    6. Repeat the procedure several times. Next, fry the steak at a lower temperature until the desired degree of readiness.
    7. The recommended degree of roasting is medium. Rib eye steak is more lean meat, so juicy red wines from the grape varieties Malbec, Merlot, Zinfandel are suitable for it.

    Marble beef in a pan classic recipe


    • marbled beef
    • Olive oil
    • Garlic
    • Rosemary
    • Mix of spicy peppers

    Cooking method:

    1. Pour olive oil into the pan in which the meat will be fried. Crush the garlic with a knife, right in the skin, and add to the oil. We also throw a couple of sprigs of rosemary there. Leave the oil to absorb the aromas for about 20 minutes or more. Everything, the preparation is over!
    2. We start the main stage directly 15 minutes before serving. First, remove the garlic and rosemary from the olive oil. The oil has already been soaked enough, so we throw out the flavors - we no longer need them. Heat the pan steadily and evenly.
    3. Salt and pepper the steaks, and then carefully place them in a frying pan. There should be free space between the pieces of meat so that excess juice can evaporate.
    4. Fry marbled beef for 1.5 minutes on each side. Try not to pierce the meat when turning, so as not to lose the precious juice.
    5. Turn off the burner, cover the beef with a lid and let it “rest” for about 10 minutes. During this time, we announce delicious tender meat among those present and transfer the salsa to a beautiful gravy boat. Now you can serve.

    How to make salsa for marbled beef


    • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
    • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
    • Tomato juice - 100 gr.;
    • White wine vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
    • Chili or Tabasco sauce - to taste;
    • Greens - to taste;
    • Salt, pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    This dish is very convenient because all the preparation can be done the day before, and on a solemn day, just spend 10 minutes and enjoy the result! But even if the guests promise to come in half an hour, there is no reason to abandon the idea.

    1. If you have an oven, preheat it to 180 degrees. Meanwhile, wash and lightly rub the bell peppers with olive oil.
    2. We put them in a refractory form and send them to the oven until they are confidently burned - this will take about 20 minutes, although look, all ovens are different!
    3. When darkening appears on the skin, we take out the peppers and wrap them in a regular bag or cling film- let them cool down.
    4. If you don't have an oven, rinse the peppers, rub with oil, immediately place in a bag and microwave for 2-3 minutes. Then take it out and let it cool down.
    5. While the peppers are cooling, let's take care of the tomatoes. Slightly cut the skin, put them in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Vegetables must be completely covered with water. Leave for 15 minutes and then take it out.
    6. We clean the skin from the tomatoes, remove the remnants of the stalk, and cut the pulp into small pieces.
    7. We shift everything into a separate container and pour the tomatoes tomato juice- this will give a light pickle. Read more:
    8. When bell pepper cool, we also peel off the skin, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes. Add to tomato mixture.
    9. Finely chop the greens - cilantro, dill, parsley, tarragon - your favorite, and also add to the salsa.
    10. Add 1 spoon wine vinegar(if desired, you can replace with a spoon lemon juice), spicy sauce(adjust the spiciness to your taste), a little salt and pepper. Mix everything, cover with a film and leave to infuse at room temperature.

    A little tip: it is advisable to cook more salsa, because it goes well with marbled beef and leaves with a bang.

    How to fry marbled beef in a pan?

    1. For frying marbled beef steaks, it is best to choose a grill pan. But if there is no such dish, then any other will do. You need to add olive or sunflower, preferably refined, oil to the pan and heat it to the maximum temperature, as evidenced by the characteristic crackle.
    2. The steak is placed on a hot pan. Fry it for 30 seconds on one side and how much on the other. This "shock" heat treatment contributes to the creation of a crust that retains juiciness and taste characteristics marble beef.
    3. After that, the fire is reduced and the steak continues to fry. The readiness of the steak is checked by piercing: if clear juice is released, the meat is fried.
    4. After frying, you need to move the marbled beef steak to a plate and let it “rest” for a few minutes. During this time, the juice will be distributed throughout the piece of meat.
    5. You can serve fried marbled beef with a side dish of beans and cherry tomatoes or other vegetables, and from alcoholic beverages the dish will be originally combined with red semi-sweet wine.
