
How to salt fish before frying. Here's how to fry any fish! Moderately salty, does not burn, and the crust crunches

Why do some fried fish turn out fragrant, tender and juicy, with an appetizing crispy crust, while others tasteless and falling apart?

Fish selection

Almost all types of fish can be fried. However, not every after frying will remain juicy and oily.

The fact is that many representatives of the marine fish family have low-fat meat, and therefore, after cooking in a pan, it becomes dry and tasteless.

Horse mackerel, saury, mackerel, halibut, herring, sprat, ivasi, horse mackerel, pink salmon and tuna, belonging to fatty and moderately fatty varieties of marine fish, are best suited for cooking by frying.

Fish of river varieties in most cases in fried form always has an excellent degree of fat content and juiciness. Particularly recommended for frying are crucian carp, carp, catfish, trout and salmon.

The above list of fish is not directive, it is just a recommendation, for cooking in a pan you are free at your discretion.

Preparatory work

First of all, clean the fish from scales, cut off the fins, cut it along the belly line and gut it. In large fish, it is recommended to cut off the tail and head.

The best way to remove slime from the surface of fish skin is to rub it well with salt, and then wash it thoroughly.

Cut large and thick fish into pieces about 3 cm thick - so it will be fried evenly and will have the same degree of readiness. Small fish can be fried whole.

If you want to fry a medium-sized fish whole without slicing it into portions, you can avoid its deformation during cooking by making shallow transverse cuts on it on both sides.

In this case, the fish skin, which almost always shrinks and decreases in size during heat treatment, will not be able to change the original shape of the fish carcass.

To get rid of the specific swamp smell of river fish, soak it in milk with salt and pepper 15-20 minutes before frying.

Approximate ratio of ingredients: 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/3 teaspoon pepper.

Another recipe for an "anti-swamp" solution is 1 cup of cold water and 1 teaspoon of vinegar. After removing from the solution, let the fish drain by laying it in a colander, and then pat dry with a paper towel.

Many argue about when to salt fish. If you soaked it in an "anti-bog" solution, there is no need to salt it.

If the fish has not been soaked beforehand, it should be salted 15 minutes before cooking.

Due to the fact that salt promotes the release of juices, fish salted long before frying will fall apart during cooking.


It is best used for frying fish - thanks to the thick walls, its heating will be uniform and the fish will be fried just as evenly.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that the fish or its pieces are immersed in it by about a third.

Fish is especially tasty if you use a mixture of vegetable and in a 1: 1 ratio for frying.

While the pan is heating up, bread the fish. Wheat flour is the best option for a breading agent, since breadcrumbs noticeably interrupt the taste of the fish itself.

After pouring flour into a plate, roll the fish or its pieces in it. It is very convenient to bread the fish using a plastic bag with flour poured into it.

Gently laying the fish in a well-heated pan, fry it on both sides until a delicious golden crust forms.

Do not cover the pan while frying. It is better to avoid splashing fat on the surface of the stove, cover the pan with a colander, turning it upside down.

The approximate time of frying one side of the fish is 5-6 minutes. During this time, refrain from turning, moving or otherwise manipulating the pieces of fish.

After one side of the fish is browned, turn it over with a spatula and wait for the other side to fry.

Fried fish is ready! Enjoy your meal!

The pan must be very hot. When cold proteins found in fish come into contact with insufficiently hot metal, they form compounds that are difficult to break. This is why you often have to scrape your fish off the pan piece by piece. Be patient. Place the skillet over medium heat and heat it for 5 minutes before adding the fish.

- You're frying too long -

Too long frying will dry out the fish and make it tasteless. Measure the thickness of the fish at its thickest point and fry for 4 minutes per cm, flip the fish halfway through and continue. The flesh of the fish should turn from transparent-translucent to white, but in the middle it should still be a little transparent. In the case of salmon, watch for white lines that should disappear. Once this has happened, the salmon is ready.

- You touch her too often -

The top layer of fish skin, which holds all the juices, is very fragile. By touching the fish, you damage this layer. Keep manipulations to a minimum. To turn the fish, try to use only a spatula or even a spoon. Once the fish is cooked through, you can easily pry it off with a spatula. If it is still raw, it will stick to the pan.

- You are defrosting incorrectly -

Defrosting at room temperature or under running hot water favors the growth and reproduction of bacteria. Defrost fish by transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator. Or, if you're in a hurry, put it in an airtight container and run it under very cold running water. Make sure that the water covers the surface of the fish as much as possible, but does not flow inside the package and does not come into contact with the fish itself, otherwise it will become damp and difficult to cook. Thanks to this method, fish can be thawed in about 30 minutes.

- You're over-salting the marinade -

If you put a lot of salt in the marinade, the meat will absorb the liquid, leaving most of the salt crystals on the outside. Instead, rub the seasonings and salt directly into the fish, adding just a tiny bit of salt to the marinade. Try not to overcook the fish in the marinade, otherwise it will become too raw. Add dill, parsley, lemon and a little olive oil to the marinade - this will add a special flavor to the taste.

- You put too many fish in the pan -

Be reasonable. You should not clog the pan to the eyeballs with fish fillets and then wonder why some pieces have burned out for a long time, while others have just begun to fry. Take a frying pan of a suitable size, put 2-4 pieces of fish on it and cook. Let from the first call you will not be able to cook all the fish at once - it's okay, it will not run away anywhere, but as a result you will get tasty and healthy food. After all, we all know perfectly well what consequences can be from eating raw and undercooked fish.

- You don't inspect fish before buying -

Start with the eyes. Healthy fresh fish should have clean, clear eyes. If the eyes are cloudy or dark, this indicates old age or illness. The fish should be shiny and free of slime, which is a sign of decomposition. The meat of fresh fish is strong, after pressing with a finger, it should not leave dents. No matter how strange and illogical it may sound, fresh fish should not smell like fish, it should smell like the sea. A pronounced fishy smell indicates that the fats in the fish have begun to oxidize - a clear sign of decay and old age.

- You skin before frying -

After frying, it will be much easier to remove the skin, as frying reduces the layer of subcutaneous fat that binds the skin and pulp, thereby making peeling easier. Also, the proteins contained in the fish skin prevent burning, which makes it easier to turn the fish.

- You can't give up -

The fish is scorched to the pan, the sauce smells like your grandfather's socks, and the taste is out of the question, but you're still waving your spatula in the scorching air, trying to save the day. No need, that's enough. It is clear that you did not count on this at all, but learn to come to terms with defeat. Coals covered with a foul-smelling substance are not the best idea for a romantic dinner. Start over, or take your girlfriend to a restaurant. This does not mean that you will never become a good cook - just not this time. We've all been through this, it's all good.

Especially if it is cooked correctly: slightly crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. Undoubtedly, this is a very appetizing food. Regardless of whether you purchased this product in a store or received your own catch, everyone should learn how to fry fish.

The most difficult moment in the cooking process is time - it is important not to overdry this delicate delicate product. That is why it is important to understand how long to fry the fish until fully cooked.

What kind is better?

Since there are so many types of fish available today, it can be confusing which one is best. For frying, it is better to take low-fat sea or river varieties: trout, striped pollock, tilapia and cod. As a rule, breeds with white meat are fried best. Before frying, you need to properly butcher it: freshwater species often have scales that need to be peeled off, and also have many bones that it is desirable to select during pre-processing.

Why is it so? First of all, because for cooking in a frying pan it is necessary to use a certain amount of vegetable or butter (what is better to fry fish on is already a matter of personal preference). For this reason, fatty species such as salmon, tuna, or Chilean sea bass can become too oily and unattractive when cooked. These varieties are best cooked on the grill or in a brazier.

Preparatory stage

So, you have purchased a good one. You can choose what you will cook it in - in flour or breadcrumbs. Using this layer of powder will give the product more texture and volume. It will also depend on how much to fry the fish in a pan. If you are going to roll it in flour, dip the pieces first in a bowl of milk or a raw egg for three to five minutes. This helps to avoid burning.

Take a frying pan, pour a few tablespoons of oil, preferably specially designed for heating to high temperatures. The latter include safflower, sunflower and grape seed oils. You can also use ghee, which will give the product a distinctive flavor. In any case, the container must be well lubricated - you need to cover the bottom. No matter how long you fry the fish in the pan, the layer of oil should be sufficient. It is only important that the pieces do not float in it.

How in flour?

People often avoid cooking fish for many reasons, including fear of bad smell in the apartment. But the main reason why people do not dare to culinary experiment is that many do not know how to fry fish in a pan in flour. This is especially true of the fillet, because it is very tender.

Preheat the pan and wait for the oil to heat up. It is advisable to sprinkle a few drops of water into it - if the contents of the container begin to hiss and splash, you can start cooking. Place the fish in the pan. It is advisable to prepare the "front" surface first. The skinless side is usually assumed. Once your fish is in the pan, carefully trim it with a wooden spatula to prevent sticking.

Roast time

How long to fry fish in a pan? This process usually takes about three to four minutes on one side. Then carefully turn each piece over. Fish typically cook for about 10 minutes for every 3 cm of thickness. Obviously, most species are smaller. Use a wide spatula to turn the pieces. Be careful not to hurt the fish. Fry for another three to four minutes on the other side. You can navigate visually - the meat should turn white and be easily pierced with a fork.

Carefully lift the fish out of the pan with a spatula. Divide into bowls and serve immediately with a few lemon wedges and chopped parsley.

What are the rules to keep in mind?

First of all, you need to use a frying pan with a thick bottom. It needs to be very hot before you start cooking. This is done over medium heat for a few minutes. It is advisable to use a steel non-stick or cast iron skillet, but a regular one will work too. Modern utensils can guarantee that the skin from the pieces will not stick, but you will not be able to get a brown crust. But you can understand how to fry without oil. Therefore, the choice is up to you.

Sticking of the product to the dishes can occur for two reasons: either the fish is not dry enough, or the pan is not heated well. To avoid this, be sure to wipe each piece of product with a tissue.

Use a neutral oil, such as rapeseed or grapeseed oil, so that there is no foreign smell. Heat it well in a pan - it should sizzle a lot when you add the fish.

How to make fish with crispy skin?

Almost any fish that is sold with the skin on can be cooked crispy. Salmon or perch are well suited for this purpose.

Make a few shallow cuts around the edges of the fillets if the skin is especially thin. This will help prevent curling.

Sprinkle fillets or fish pieces with salt and pepper just before cooking. If you salt too soon, the moisture from the meat will begin to actively stand out. This will make the skin moist and the meat rough and dry.

Use a pan that distributes heat evenly. Cast iron, stainless steel, or heavy models with a non-stick coating are best. They are easiest to bring to the desired temperature and hold it.

Place the pieces in the hot oil, skin side down. When using a cast iron or stainless steel skillet, the skin with the piece may stick slightly to the bottom at first. But after a while it will fall behind on its own.

From high temperature, the protein in the composition of the meat will begin to fold, and the fish will begin to shrink and change shape. When this happens, the skin will only remain attached at the outer edges. Take a flexible spatula and press the meat until it is completely deformed. This ensures that the skin stays attached and comes out crispy.

How long to fry fish in a pan until crispy?

Let the fish fry on its own. Do not flip or move it around the pan. Watch the cooking process carefully to avoid burning. The skin on each piece should not reach the consistency of chips. When you can see the golden brown on the skin, carefully slide a spatula under each piece and flip it over.

The fish will most likely flake and fall apart, so be very careful. At the moment, the degree of completion is about 70 percent. How long to fry fish in a pan until cooked? You will only have a couple of minutes to prepare the second side.

Side dishes for fried fish

Serve such a fillet preferably with a side dish of lentils or any other cooked bean product. You can combine fried fish with a spoonful of yogurt mixed with olive oil, salt and pepper, as well as fresh chopped vegetables - cucumber and radish with garlic. Perch is traditionally served on a bed of greens with a vegetable salad.

You can also make a side dish in the form of boiled spinach or raw Chinese cabbage. Fish is also served with fried potatoes, couscous or rice. In fact, your possibilities are endless. If desired, you can cook which will go well with any of the side dishes.

You can do almost everything with fish: fry, boil, stew, salt, smoke, marinate, bake in the oven and even freeze. Not knowing how to handle fish, housewives prefer other products, depriving themselves and their family of such yummy. Especially how delicious to cook fish you can see at this address. The most basic problem that occurs when frying fish is the lack of a dense, beautiful crust. Often the fish sticks to the pan and falls apart when turned over. It stays moist, more stewed than fried, and eventually loses almost all of its flavor.

Almost any fish is suitable for frying. River, as a rule, contains many small bones, but it is often small in size and easy to cook with a whole carcass. Crucian, small carp, perch are always cooked whole. This fish acquires a sweetish pleasant taste after frying. Larger fish are prepared by cutting into large pieces. Sea fish has larger bones and there are relatively few of them, which is very convenient in the process of eating it.

Fish preparation

The first thing to do with any fish is to remove or cut out the gills, clean it from scales, completely remove the insides and rinse from the inside. In large fish, the tail and fins are removed, they can be cut off with scissors and hidden for cooking fish soup. For the same purpose, the head is removed. There is practically no meat in it, so it makes no sense to fry it, and for fish soup it is simply irreplaceable. Large fish are divided into pieces up to 5 cm thick, depending on the size of the fish. If the piece is thin and long, then it may break under its own weight, even if the fish is cooked correctly.


The next step is soaking the fish. Salting fish in a pan is wrong. On top of any fish is a dense skin. Salt will not get into the internal tissues of large pieces. In order for the taste of the fish to be fully revealed, it must be soaked in salt water. To do this, take a tall bowl or pan, fill it with water, and then add salt and sugar to it. Salt needs about 2 tsp. per liter of water and a little less sugar. The fish is placed in prepared water for 15 minutes. You should not worry that it will become salty or sweet. The fish will absorb exactly as much salt as it needs, and sugar will help make the structure of the fish denser, it will be easier to achieve a good crust. Also, precisely for the rapid formation of a crust, pieces of fish or whole fish are breaded in flour. Flour removes moisture from the surface of the product and takes a major part in the formation of the crust. But you don’t need to bread if the pieces are very large or the fish is too oily, because the flour may start to burn, and the product will still be full of moisture and the crust will soften, crumble and burn in the pan.

Fish frying

Fry fish should only be heated to the maximum. Oil is poured the most ordinary. It should completely cover the bottom by 2-3 mm. The fish or a piece of it is placed in the pan with your hands and you immediately need to make several small rotational movements. When a cold product, and even more so wet, comes into contact with the pan, the oil underneath it leaves, which means that the fish will begin to grab the surface and stick. If you move the fish a little, pressing lightly with your fingers, the oil will again fall under it and the process of crust formation will immediately begin. Periodically, it needs to be moved a little so that the oil flows under the fish constantly.

Whether you're frying the fish whole or in chunks, make sure the pan is the right size for the amount of fish. If the fish is in contact with each other, then it does not warm up well, and the longer it takes to heat it up, the more moisture it releases. As a result, the fish will begin to stew in its own juice.

Most often, housewives make the main mistake - they turn the fish over prematurely. Turn over only when the underside is covered with a dry, dense crust. In order not to be mistaken, lift the edge of the fish or a piece and see at what stage the crust is. The fish is cooked from 4 to 8 minutes, depending on its thickness. A very thin and small fish cooks even faster, so you do not need to leave the pan unattended.

Serving fish

Let the fish cool slightly before serving. In no case do hot pieces or whole carcasses immediately stack on top of each other so that it does not steam. But already cooled fish can be beautifully laid out in several layers. Decorate the dish with fresh onions and parsley, you can use fried or pickled onions. To give an interesting aroma and flavor, the finished fish can be sprinkled with a little lemon juice.

It doesn't matter where you usually get your fish from: catch it yourself or bring it from the market. Almost any fish turns out delicious if it is fried. But you need to be able to fry fish.

Frying fish in a pan

Once you have chosen the right fish, it should be cleaned and gutted. This is not difficult, but requires caution if the fish's fins are spiky. Also, be careful when pulling out the insides so as not to damage the gallbladder. Otherwise, the meat of the fish will become bitter. The head of the fish is not needed for frying, so it is usually cut off and used to boil the fish broth. And the rest of the carcass is washed and sprinkled with salt at least ten minutes before frying, so that the fish meat absorbs the salt. However, this is not critical, and you can salt the fish in the process of rolling in flour.

It is always better to fry fish in flour breading, otherwise it will not work crispy, and the fish will stick to the pan tightly, no matter how much oil you pour. Flour is poured into a large bowl, and pieces of fish collapse in it from all sides. Some clever housewives pour flour into a plastic bag, and put pieces of fish into it one at a time. So the fish will be breaded in flour, and the kitchen will remain clean.

Pieces of fish should not be too thick, otherwise the fish in the middle will not be fried, and the outside will burn. Small fish do not need to be cut - they are fried whole. You can bread in another way: first dip a piece of fish in the egg mixture (a beaten egg and a couple of tablespoons of milk), and only then roll it in flour.

The boned pieces of fish are placed in a heated frying pan, in which refined vegetable oil is preferably poured. It is not necessary to feel sorry for the oil: it is best if the fish is half immersed in it. Butter can be mixed with butter or ghee. The main thing is to heat the oil well, then the fish will be “sealed” with a fried crust and will not absorb excess fat. Fry for 5-7 minutes on each side.

It is very important not to disturb the fish until a strong, crispy crust forms on the bottom, otherwise the piece will simply lose its shape. You should not cover the pan with a lid, because our goal is fried, not stewed fish. Serve the fish to the table with heat, with heat, otherwise it will cool down, soak in fat and become not so tasty at all. A side dish for fried fish can be ordinary mashed potatoes, pasta, or just a couple of lemon slices.

Grilled fish

Fish can be fried not only in a pan, but also on the grill. This method is especially good for oily fish, which usually turns into shapeless, unattractive pieces in a pan. The main problem that worries those who want to taste grilled fish is that the fish sticks to the grill during the frying process. As a result, when she tries to separate pieces of fish from this grate, they break and hopelessly spoil the mood of the cook. There is only one way out: clean the grate to a shine and grease well with oil.

Grilled fish is cleaned in the same way as usual, very large pieces are cut so that the tightening skin does not deform the entire piece. You can stuff the fish with herbs or lemon slices. The top of the fish is rubbed with oil and salt and pepper. The prepared fish is placed on the grate over a well-heated grill and fried for about 10 minutes on each side. If the pieces are very thick, increase the frying time.

If you are still afraid of not coping with the sticky grate, wrap the pieces of fish in foil: the fish will still turn out very tasty.
