
Blue cheese sauce recipe. Beef steak with blue cheese sauce

We invite you to prepare a delicious and at the same time very quick blue cheese sauce with the addition of cream and a small amount of strong alcohol, which is ideal for any meat dish, but especially for juicy beef steak or burgers - your guests will definitely appreciate the exquisite spicy the taste of the finished dish seasoned with a creamy sauce! Also, the resulting dressing can be used as a deep sauce, dipping fresh celery stalks into it, cut into strips - a great healthy snack. This recipe is very simple to execute and you can easily implement it, regardless of your culinary abilities. Trust me, this is a super quick and enjoyable dressing recipe!

It often happens that you bought a piece of cheese, but it was stale in the refrigerator and no one wants to eat it, then it's time to make a dressing out of it. But then one question arises - how to understand that the cheese is not spoiled, because this recipe is based on this ingredient and we simply cannot allow the main ingredient to spoil? If the white parts of the cheese have turned yellow and the blue mold has turned green, then this product should be discarded immediately! If everything is in order, then you can safely use cheese in cooking.

Due to heavy cream, this recipe is quite high in calories, but you can reduce the calorie content by adding a little low-fat sour cream instead of cream.

So, for cooking we need the following ingredients:

  • butter 50 grams
  • leek or turnip onion - at your discretion. We recommend taking half an onion.
  • vodka, brandy or whiskey (depending on preference and what is on hand). You need quite a bit - about 25 grams. Any strong alcohol will go into this recipe.
  • 150 ml heavy cream (30-35% fat)
  • 30 grams of blue cheese

Now it's time to start making the blue cheese sauce.

  1. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Low heat is used so as not to burn the oil.
  2. Finely chop the onion and fry in butter until a nice golden color.
  3. Turn up the fire to the max.
  4. Pour alcohol into the pan and let it sizzle for just a minute to evaporate the alcohol.
  5. Turn down the heat to medium.
  6. Pour in the cream and stir until the sauce starts to bubble.
  7. Now add finely chopped blue cheese.
  8. Stir until you get a nice smooth cream.

OK it's all over Now! This recipe is not only simple, but will take you a minimum of time. We suggest you prepare this sauce for any meat dish or as a dressing for fresh celery, you can also use the resulting baking cream, but then you need to increase the number of ingredients, depending on the size of the dish that will be baked.

Among the numerous varieties of this fermented milk product, blue cheese occupies a special position. For some, it causes sincere bewilderment and even disgust - how can you eat this?! Someone is ready to try out of curiosity and respect for the centuries-old tradition, but is in no hurry to declare their love for this product. And for some, there is no better treat than a slice of Dor Blue or Gorgonzola with bluish-gray streaks. It is recommended to prepare cheese sauce with mold from these varieties, since blue mold gives the product a special, unique aroma and a spicy-spicy flavor. It is worth noting that ready-made dressing is also to the taste of those who are suspicious of blue cheese in general, since it tastes really fantastic.

The main ingredient in the sauce - cheese - is the only expensive product in the recipe. All other components will fit into the budget, and some of them can be found in the refrigerator at any time. To enjoy a delicious sauce, it does not require complex culinary manipulations or a lot of time. It is prepared easily, quickly and not troublesome.

You will need:

  • Cheese with blue mold - 170 g
  • Sour cream (fatty) - 200 ml
  • Natural yogurt - 4 tablespoons
  • Black pepper, ground - to taste

Servings - 4

Cooking time - 20 minutes

Exquisite variety

The history of the origin of blue cheeses includes a wide variety of conjectures and myths. One version says that he appeared thanks to a simple French shepherd who looked after a flock of sheep. One day, when he was in the pasture, a terrible storm broke out with a downpour and winds. The shepherd had to wait for more than one day in a small cave, and when he looked into his bag of food, he was horrified to find that the cheese was moldy. But there was nothing to do, and the shepherd ate a piece. To his surprise, he found that the taste of the product was much better. Returning home, he revealed the secret to the local milkmen, and since then, next to the cheese of traditional varieties, pieces with blue veins have invariably appeared on the shelves.

As you can see, the list of ingredients does not include spices and seasonings. This is due to the fact that it is cheese that carries the main flavor note, and without additives it is quite spicy and tasty. Any spices will only smear this feature, eventually depriving the blue cheese sauce of its uniqueness.

  1. Blue cheese is cut into small pieces and kneaded with a fork. Usually this product is soft enough to make this action easy. For chopping, you can use a potato masher.
  2. Shredded cheese is seasoned with salt. It needs very little, and in some cases the spice is not used at all, since this type of product has a fairly high salinity. Then black ground pepper is added to the mixture, and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  3. Yogurt is added to the cheese paste (if desired, it can be replaced with heavy cream), then the sauce is stirred. At the end, sour cream is laid out, and everything is mixed again until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. The blue cheese sauce can be left as is with cheese chunks, or you can use a blender to blend the dressing until creamy. In both cases, it turns out very tasty. The finished cheese sauce cools a little in the refrigerator and is served at the table.


The unique taste of blue cheese allows you to serve the sauce from it with a variety of dishes. This is its main advantage over dressings made from simple cheese: the taste of the finished product is not quite cheesy, but very piquant, spicy, with spicy notes. The most popular submission options are as follows:

  1. Various fish dishes, such as fish cakes or oven-baked fish. This product itself has an original taste, and in combination with a blue cheese sauce, you get a real feast of taste sensations. By the way, the same can be attributed to seafood, which with any sour cream and cheese dressings go with a bang.
  2. Snacks such as chips, nachos and croutons flavored with Dor Blue cheese sauce will surprise guests and immediately become the main treat. Slices of fresh vegetables can be served with the sauce.
  3. Cheese dressing with a delicate creamy taste is useful for serving chicken in its various types. It can be simple baked chicken legs, fried wings and even stewed necks. An equally good option is chicken offal, which includes the liver, hearts or ventricles.
  4. Everyday option - as a spread for sandwiches. To make it, you just need to reduce the amount of sour cream or increase the amount of cheese. You will get a thick curd paste that can be spread on a slice of rye bread and garnished with a slice of tomato and a branch of parsley on top. Delicious!

Bon appetit!

For a long time I did not have the courage to encroach on a steak. But, as it turned out, everything is not so scary and difficult. The main thing is that men are happy :)

Ingredients for Beef Steak with Blue Cheese Sauce:

Recipe for Beef Steak with Blue Cheese Sauce:

The most important thing is to choose good beef. I prefer tenderloin, the steak from this part of beef is called Filet.
Tenderloin (tenderloin) - clipping. The most valuable and delicious inner cut, which is under the striploin. This muscle is not involved in motor processes and therefore is the most tender. The famous Chateaubriand and Filet Mignon steaks are prepared from the tenderloin.

You can buy specially prepared beef marked "for steak", but I take regular tenderloin. I believe that every housewife has her own channels for supplying quality meat :)

So, we cut off films and excess fat from our good piece. Dry well with paper towels.
If the meat was frozen, then it must be thawed in the refrigerator. No microwaves or warm water. The meat should also be washed in cold water. The temperature regime is very important, otherwise the steak will begin to cook even before it hits the pan, and for this dish, the temperature and cooking time are critical.

Now we put the knife clearly perpendicular to the piece and the board and cut into pieces 3-4 cm thick. I once read that the optimal thickness of a Fillet steak is from 3 to 6 cm. The main thing is that all the pieces are of the same thickness.
We also dry the chopped steaks and leave them to "rest" for 20-30 minutes under a napkin or towel.

While the meat is resting, prepare the sauce.
Sweet and sour berry sauces also go well with steak, but .. my husband thinks that this particular option is especially good.
It is important that the meat is lean, but the sauce just gives the right balance.
I got the idea from the Australian show My Kitchen Rules, but the recipe was made by trial and error.

Put the butter in a bowl, melt over medium heat. Finely chop the garlic or pass through a press, add to the oil, fry a little.

Many people already know how to avoid unpleasant consequences, but just in case: before sending garlic to the dish, remove the core from each clove - it is in it that all the consequences :)

Add flour, mix until smooth. Pour the cream, heat well, but do not boil in any case.

With the amount of flour, and indeed the question of its use in this sauce, I suggest that everyone decide on their own. The more it is, the thicker the consistency, but I do not recommend more than a tablespoon. It won't affect the taste.

We crumble the cheese with our hands or cut it - as it suits you, add it to the rest of the products and, stirring constantly, let it melt and combine with the creamy garlic mass.
As soon as the consistency becomes homogeneous, remove from heat. The sauce is ready.

With crispy baguette and wine.. mmm..

But we will return to the meat.
We put a heavy frying pan with a thick bottom on the fire. It should be well heated. Oil is not needed, we will fry in a dry frying pan. If there is a grill, we do it on the grill.
Sprinkle the pieces lightly with pepper. It is better to add salt immediately before use, otherwise there is a risk of getting dry meat, because it is important to "seal", which salt will not contribute to.
Fry on each side for 4-5 minutes.

Now you need to determine the degree of roasting.
The general rule of thumb for choosing a doneness is that the fatter your cut and the more marbling it is, the higher the doneness you can choose without losing the juiciness of the meat.

I recommend Medium.
Connect the tip of your ring finger to your thumb. With the index finger of the other hand, press on the soft area between the thumb and the base of the palm. The same should be meat cooked Medium.
Meat with a medium roast on the cut is already completely pink, with blood inside. Cooks 4-5 minutes on each side and rest time is 6 minutes. Temperature inside the piece - 71° C

Today we will prepare a very tasty supplement (or dressing, appetizer - whatever you want to call it) on a cheese basis. Blue cheese sauce is certainly for a true connoisseur of culinary arts, because not everyone loves such waste products of microorganisms. But we love it! And it's so delicious! You can use this blue cheese sauce with anything: meat, fish, vegetables.

What goes well with

For example, the easiest option is with vegetables, bars or cut ribbons. Such as fingers, we cut the sticks from carrots and celery, cucumber, add kohlrabi and put all this assortment on a large plate. This is an amazing appetizer, almost a delicacy. We simply dip vegetable “fingers” into the sauce and eat. Probably the 2 most popular dishes that are suitable for an appetizer are barbecue wings and rustic potatoes. Another sauce with blue cheese can be served with steaks (fish or meat), and other hot dishes - you just have to show your culinary imagination.

Sauce with cheese with blue cheese or "Blue cheese"

  1. Where do we start? Pour up to half a liter of cream 22% into a container. And now we have to warm them up first of all. When the steam is already on, cut into pieces (any, not too large) or knead the blue cheese - you can use dor blue or roquefort. We take about half a kilo and gradually begin to pour into the cream, kneading thoroughly. In order not to burn, we use the smallest fire.
  2. And now add paprika here. You can, of course, not add it, but some people really like this pepper, and it gives such a special piquancy to blue cheese sauce.
  3. We got it like this: the cheese has completely dissolved, and now we pour the mass into a container in which the food will be cooled, because so far it is very liquid. And when it stands in the refrigerator and hardens, it will become a real thick sauce.
  4. Here is the sauce with blue cheese and cream is almost ready. But it should stay in the fridge for a few hours. Usually it is cooked at night, and until the morning it is perfectly cooled and hardened.
  5. We take out from the refrigerator. Look how thick and wonderful it turned out: a spoon is worth it! And besides, it is perfectly stored. Before serving, we warm it up a little (we take as much as we need, and send the rest back to the chamber), you can use the microwave. This is the consistency we get, creamy. And now let's make, for example, barbecue wings, and serve this sauce with the dish - it's such a perfect combination!

Another Blue Cheese Sauce Recipe

Let's try to cook another version of a delicious cheese snack with mold. This is a very simple and quick recipe. To do this, we need natural yogurt (Greek) without additives - a cup, sour cream - a cup, a handful of peeled walnuts fried in a dry frying pan. And, of course, blue cheese (let it be Roquefort in the amount of 300 grams). And let's get started!

How to cook

  1. Blue cheese should be mashed with a fork or spoon.
  2. Then add yogurt and sour cream and pierce everything with a submersible blender until smooth in a deep container.
  3. Now add salt and pepper to taste. You don't need to add a lot of salt, as the cheese is already salty. Mix everything and add the walnuts, first roasted and crushed.
  4. Mix the sauce again - until a homogeneous consistency. Done: now transfer to a gravy boat. And on top, for greater beauty and a powerful characteristic aroma, you can chop a little blue cheese on the sauce (already immediately before serving). So, are you going to try this recipe?


For this variation, we need 200 grams of Italian gorgonzola and 100-150 grams of heavy cream (at least 20%). And also take the juice from half a lemon, and from the spices - paprika, ground nutmeg, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Heat the cream over low heat (you can do this in a small saucepan with a thick bottom or in a frying pan with thick walls).
  2. Chop the gorgonzola into chunks and mash gently with a fork. Dip blue cheese into warm (but not boiled) cream and leave to simmer over low heat (about 7 minutes). Then turn off, stirring constantly so as not to burn.
  3. Remove sauce from heat and add juice from half a lemon. Stir, add ground nutmeg with peppers and paprika. Let the cheese appetizer brew, and to the table!

Chicken in cheese sauce is always delicious, given that the chicken fillet is quite dry meat, and the sauce makes it juicy and tender.

Not so long ago, blue cheeses were not particularly revered by the population, rather due to their absence. Only the fashionable word "Roquefort" was known, although literally a few had a real idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit. And those who had an idea ate Roquefort just like that, and did not cook a dish from it - chicken in cheese sauce. More often and more familiar to cook simple.

However, Roquefort cheese was a frequenter of many jokes. But, times have changed. I remember that about 20 years ago, I first tried many varieties of overseas cheeses at once. The employee brought from France, for tasting. Many pleasant soft cheeses with a pleasant white mold crust, as well as cheeses with noble blue mold. This was a discovery for me, a shock, although some acquaintances sat all evening, covering their noses with their hands and with a complexion very similar to Roquefort.

A group of moldy cheeses with a pleasant bluish-green hue, which gives them a special special variety of mycelium, the collective name of which is blue cheeses.

Besides the fact that blue cheeses are eaten just like that, or with wine, they are also an excellent ingredient for delicious savory sauces. Especially delicious sauces are obtained by combining cheese and cream. Cream obtained from whole milk is a very nutritious product. Usually on sale cream has a fat content of 10-20%, but there are also 30%. The cream itself is the raw material for the production of cheese. For example, Italian cream cheese - mascarpone, American "Philadelphia", with which we make cold.

Sauces based on cream and cheese - serve as an excellent addition to a variety of dishes and give them a special taste, juiciness and perfectly stimulate the appetite. The liquid base of the sauce is cream, the additional part is blue cheese, spices and spices. Actually, that's all.

Once they cooked a dish - chicken in cheese sauce. Chicken fried in small pieces with a creamy blue cheese sauce. It turned out great! Now in the refrigerator there is always a duty portion of cream and cheese. Chicken in blue cheese sauce is cooked at home quite often.

Chicken in cheese sauce. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Chicken fillet 2 pcs
  • Blue cheese (danablue, roquefort) 50 gr
  • Cream (15%) 150 ml
  • Olive oil 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, black pepper, nutmeg, dry dill, flour Taste
  1. Given that the recipe for chicken in cheese sauce is very simple, and everything cooks very quickly, I advise you to first prepare the chicken fillet and at the same time prepare the sauce.

    Chicken fillet, cream and blue cheese - ingredients for a delicious dish

  2. Wash the chicken fillet, remove the remaining fat. Cut the meat into small pieces - the size of a walnut. Salt and pepper to taste, add 0.5 tsp. dry dill. Stir and leave to marinate for a short time while preparing the sauce for the chicken in cheese sauce.

    Wash the chicken fillet, remove the remaining fat. Cut the meat into small pieces - the size of a walnut

  3. In a small saucepan bring cream to a boil. As soon as the cream begins to boil, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum and mix them with a fork. Slowly crumble the blue cheese with your hand and add it to the cream. Cheese dissolves quite well in cream, and makes them thicker. When the cheese is completely dissolved, salt the sauce, add a pinch of nutmeg and just a little bit of freshly ground black pepper. Let the sauce simmer on the lowest heat for 5-7 minutes. Be sure to stir so as not to burn, otherwise the chicken in the cheese sauce will be flavorful.

    Bring the cream to a boil in a saucepan and stir with a fork. Slowly crumble the blue cheese with your hand and add it to the cream.

  4. Retreat. The amount of cream and cheese for the sauce is very conditional. If you want a thick sauce, then the amount of cream must be reduced or the amount of cheese increased. But do not use a thickener - such as starch or flour. They are completely redundant. But, chicken in cheese sauce will be tastier, the tastier the sauce. By combining the ratio of cream and cheese, you can always get any density. For example, I like it better when the chicken in the sauce is thick enough.
  5. Pour the finished sauce into a gravy boat or just a bowl. Cover with a napkin and let it stand. In the meantime fry the chicken.

    Pour the finished sauce into a gravy boat or just a bowl

  6. Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Allow the oil to heat up until light white smoke appears and the oil begins to crackle.
  7. Immediately put the pieces of prepared fillet into the oil, after rolling them in flour.

    Heat olive oil in a frying pan. Immediately put the pieces of prepared fillet into the oil, after rolling them in flour.

  8. Fry chicken pieces in oil until golden brown. Reduce the heat and cover the skillet with a lid. Let the chicken pieces simmer for about 10 minutes. During this time, the chicken will be fully cooked.

    Fry chicken pieces in oil until golden brown
