
Proper preparation of pork skewers. Recipes for the best marinades for pork skewers

The freshest meat is chosen for barbecue. It shouldn't be too oily, but it shouldn't be too dry either. Best of all, of course, is the neck, but meat that is located along the ridge of the pig is also suitable.

Not recommended to use back- this meat is too lean for barbecue - it will turn out hard and dry. Also, meat that has been frozen is not recommended.

Pork shish kebab. Marinade for barbecue

Popular barbecue marinade

The fastest and easiest recipe for marinated pork kebab has been known to everyone since Soviet times. For 2 kg of pork, 300 grams of onion, 250 ml of vinegar, salt, pepper are taken. Meat cut into pieces, salt and pepper. Put in a saucepan in layers, pouring each of them with 9% table vinegar and shifting with onion, cut into rings. If you marinate the meat and leave it overnight, it is better to put it in the refrigerator. And at room temperature, it only takes a couple of hours, after which you can safely start cooking, for example, on the grill.

Recipe quick pickling

For a quick pickle, you can use lemon juice instead of vinegar. This barbecue recipe will be more useful, in addition, the meat will get spicy taste. But lemon juice is used in smaller quantities, otherwise the kebab when grilled on the grill may turn out to be too sour. To soften the meat, soda water is added to the marinade. The meat will become noticeably softer and juicier.

So, put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmeat (salted and peppered) into a saucepan, add lemon juice, you can lemons with zest, mix thoroughly and leave for two hours.

Pomegranate barbecue marinade

Many have heard or even tried pork skewers marinated in pomegranate juice. Anyone who has tried it is unlikely to remain indifferent. It is fragrant, tender, tasty and even looks more attractive, thanks to golden brown pomegranate hue. Barbecue is marinated in pomegranate juice for at least eight hours, so it is better to do it in the evening so that by morning the meat is well marinated, absorbing the aroma and taste of pomegranate. Only shop juice completely unsuitable for this purpose, it must be used exclusively fresh fruits. Cut the meat, salt and pepper, and then add the crushed pomegranate seeds along with the seeds.

Wine marinade

Pork kebab marinated in wine has specific taste qualities, spicy aroma and has its fans. Use red for marinade. dry wine, preferably sour. There is no need to add any spices - just salt and black pepper. Marinate for a maximum of three hours. You can also successfully use the most ordinary light beer as a marinade.

Chicken shish kebab. cooking recipes

How to cook chicken skewers

Chicken skewers can be marinated in onions. For this enough onions are crushed in a meat grinder and mixed with peppered and salted meat and marinated for about three hours. It would be nice to add a little lemon or pomegranate juice to such a marinade. Also for the marinade chicken skewers you can use garlic. To do this, it is crushed and mixed with vegetable oil. Lemon juice, parsley, pepper are added to the same mixture. The chicken is salted, rubbed well and mixed with this marinade. The barbecue is fried on a fire in 2 - 3 hours, it will turn out juicy and fragrant.

Marinade with mayonnaise. delicious recipe barbecue

Both chicken and pork skewers can be marinated in mayonnaise. It will turn out soft and juicy. For marinade, you can use only mayonnaise, without adding any spices, you can salt and pepper the meat beforehand, you can add a special seasoning for barbecue to mayonnaise, as well as a little lemon juice. You can marinate in mayonnaise from one to three hours.

Kefir marinade

There is also a simple way to marinate barbecue - in kefir or sour milk. Such a kebab will turn out soft and tender if you marinate it overnight. Do not forget to salt and pepper the meat, then pour plenty of kefir, mix and wait for the morning. If chicken kebab is planned, then you can add a lot of chopped greens to kefir - dill, parsley, cilantro. Overnight, tender meat will absorb their aroma and pleasantly surprise your taste buds.

Marinade secrets:

  • If the meat is a little dry, then add to the marinade vegetable oil which will make it fatter and juicier.
  • If you do not want to spoil the barbecue, then do not use spices that you know little about for pickling. The kebab should smell like meat and smoke, and the marinade and spices are just a flavor, an additive that gives it piquancy.
  • Also, do not add everything that is at the same time to the marinade. A good and tasty barbecue has one simple secret: how easier marinade the tastier the barbecue.

Barbecue recipes. How to cook pickled onions

It is impossible to imagine any barbecue without pickled onions. Preparing it is quite simple.

The head of a white onion is cut into half rings. Put in a jar and pour boiling water for about 1 minute (if you overcook the onion, it will boil and become soft). After pour cold water and add vinegar to taste. Leave for 20-30 minutes. The water is drained. The bow is ready. You can add greens if you like.

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Most delicious barbecue is considered Georgian, and the best marinade for shish kebab is ours! Let's prepare the barbecue marinade according to our recipe: the meat will become fragrant, soft and will simply “melt in your mouth”. And you can’t pull your guests by the ears from such kebabs. Shish kebab marinated according to this recipe will become true royal dish any picnic.


  • pork meat - 2.5 kilograms;
  • onion - 4 large pieces;
  • lemon - half;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • spices for barbecue;
  • ground black pepper;
  • ground red hot pepper.

The most delicious barbecue marinade. Step by step recipe

  1. Of course, for cooking barbecue it is very important to choose right piece meat. For delicious juicy barbecue, it is better to take balyk - or as the people say "neck". It is this part of the carcass that is moderately fleshy, but quite fatty, which gives the finished barbecue juiciness.

Advice. For barbecue, you need to take fresh meat, preferably not frozen, but not steamed either. Fresh meat should have a light shade (slightly pinkish), a glossy sheen, and a uniform texture. It should be elastic (as opposed to defrosted) - this can be checked by pressing a little with your finger. Also, the freshness of meat can be determined by smell. If the meat smells, has a pungent smell - in no case take it. When buying meat for barbecue, I recommend taking whole piece- it's better to cut it.

  1. So, cut the meat into pieces, about 70-100 grams each. Try to cut the meat, if possible, across the grain.
  2. We grate one onion or chop it in a blender so that the onion releases a lot of juice. A small pieces onions stick well to the meat and will not allow it to burn during frying.
  3. Cut the rest of the onion into rings and knead with your hands.
  4. Then transfer the onion to the bowl with the meat.
  5. We fall asleep meat and onions with spices. It is the spices that add flavor to the barbecue marinade. First of all, you need to take dried herbs, coriander, mustard powder, dried garlic and horseradish, basil, marjoram and thyme.
  6. Pepper is very important for preparing marinade for kebabs. Red ground and black pepper are suitable here.
  7. By the way, black peppercorns, before grinding, need to be warmed up a little in a dry frying pan. Then it will better reveal its taste and aromatic qualities. .
  8. Be sure to include spices Bay leaf which has a strong pleasant smell, and the dishes in which it is used become very fragrant and fragrant. All these spices affect not only taste, but also increase appetite and help improve the digestion process. And they are great at fighting harmful bacteria in the body.
  9. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the meat. It helps the meat fibers become softer. If there is no lemon juice, it can be replaced with a tablespoon of vinegar, but only natural: for example, wine or balsamic.
  10. And now we add secret ingredient, which marinade for barbecue will make uniquely tasty, fragrant, very soft and juicy - add kefir.

Advice. Kefir for marinade should be slightly sour, but in no case bitter, and not have a spoiled smell.

  1. There is a lot a variety of recipes for barbecue, but the composition of any of them necessarily includes acid. It could be wine or vinegar; juices from sour fruits or berries: e.g. apple, cherry, cranberry, pomegranate juice. Many marinate barbecue in mayonnaise or sour cream. The perfect addition to the barbecue marinade will be tomatoes and tomato juice. Acid effectively softens and loosens meat, helps to speed up its preparation. And yet, for special gourmets, alcohol is added to the barbecue: it also makes the meat soft and tender.
  2. When all the ingredients for the marinade are added to the bowl with the meat, mix everything with your hands. In the process of mixing, the meat needs to be crushed a little, as it were, in order to soften the fibers and “drive” the spices into each piece. The marinade should wrap around the meat on all sides. Only in this way you will get a wonderful, delicious barbecue.
  3. After all the physical processes over the meat, we cover the semi-finished product for shish kebab with a lid. Then we send our barbecue to super marinade at least 12 hours (and even better for a day) in the refrigerator. Each marinade ingredient should “make friends” with each other, and the meat should absorb all the juices and flavors from spices and seasonings.
  4. Stir the meat in the marinade from time to time. It is very important not to marinate the kebab in an aluminum pan, as the marinade contains acid and the aluminum will oxidize.

This light marinade is suitable for any type of meat: pork, beef, turkey, chicken, and even white fish skewers, such as catfish.

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Cooking delicious barbecue is a kind of sacrament. This dish is worthy of becoming the highlight of any table, including a festive one. A kebab is being prepared, as you know, from lamb, chicken and beef meat, but the most popular and favorite is, of course, pork skewers. Choice as a base for barbecue pork meat is, of course, not accidental. Pork is quite easily and seamlessly fried, perfectly marinated and in the end almost always becomes juicy and tasty. Pork meat fried on a spit turns out to be soft, with appetizingly melting fat from the heat and an incredibly attractive wonderful aroma. However, the success of a barbecue depends not only on choosing a good quality meat- the composition of the marinade is of great importance here. Marinade for pork skewers will largely determine the taste and quality of the future dish. Therefore, the preparation of the marinade is very milestone cooking meat skewers.

Quality meat is the key to a delicious barbecue

According to both amateurs and professionals, pickling is necessary in order for the meat to become even softer and saturated with the aromas of spices and seasonings. It's hard to disagree with this. If you look at the composition of the marinade, you will notice that it almost always contains some kind of natural acid (wine, fruit and berry juices, lactic acid products, vinegar, etc.). And acids, as you know, have the ability to destroy and thereby slightly soften the connective tissue of meat, thereby facilitating the penetration of aromatic substances and spices into the meat thickness. A large amount of onion, which is often present in the marinade, is also not accidental. It goes well with meat. In addition, during pickling, the onion releases juice and gives the solution the sugar it contains. As a result, the sugar caramelizes and a beautiful crust appears on the surface of the fried pieces.

Vinegar marinade for pork skewers

This marinade is traditional, quick and uncomplicated. It can be especially useful if there is a lot of fat in the meat, because. it will add a little bit of sourness. You can take both ordinary and fruit vinegar. The main thing here is not to overdo it with its quantity.


- water (0.2 l);

- vinegar (0.2 l);

- onion (4 pieces);

- salt to taste;

- a pinch of granulated sugar;

- bay leaves (2 pieces);

- black peppercorns (about 10 pieces);

- ground black pepper (0.5 teaspoon).

  1. Free the onion from the husk and cut into thin rings.
  2. Put the cooked meat in a container and add chopped onion, bay leaf and pepper there.
  3. Dissolve salt and granulated sugar in water, add vinegar and pour all this over the meat.
  4. Put the container with pickled meat in a cool place and let it brew for about 3.5 hours.

Kefir products, like vinegar, contain lactic acid. In this regard, the process of marinating meat in kefir should not be too long either. To ready kebab not sour, 4-6 hours is quite enough.

Ingredients for 2 kg of meat:

- kefir (500-700 ml);

- onion (1 kg);

- black and red pepper powder to taste;

- salt to taste;

- ginger (1 tablespoon);

- a set of spices and dried herbs taste.

Cooking sequence

  1. Cut the peeled onion into thin half-rings and knead a little with your hands so that the juice comes out.
  2. Add the onion to the meat and mix well so that the onion juice is absorbed into the meat.
  3. Pour all the spices to the meat and pour kefir. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, slightly crushing the pieces of meat so that the flesh is well saturated with the marinade.
  4. Leave to marinate in a cold place, but not in the refrigerator. Sometimes you can stir.
  5. Salt the meat about half an hour before the start of cooking the barbecue.

Marinating in mayonnaise

This marinade is quite popular, because it uses one of the most adored products among the people - mayonnaise. In addition, this ingredient is very suitable if the meat is not very fatty.

For 2 kg of meat:

- mayonnaise (from 350 to 400 grams);

- onion (1 kg);

- mustard powder (3 tablespoons);

- salt to taste;

- a mixture of spices.

Cooking sequence

  1. Finely chop the onion into half-rings, crush with your hands and attach to the meat. Mix everything well so that the meat absorbs the onion juice.
  2. Add mayonnaise and all spices to a container with meat, mix.
  3. Put for impregnation in a cold place for 6-12 hours.
  4. Before frying the kebab (about half an hour), salt the meat.

Pickling on mineral water

This method also involves keeping pork in a pickling solution for a long time - at least 12 hours. The peculiarity of this method is that the solution based on mineral water has an ordinary taste. Therefore, the aroma of pork here blooms to the fullest.

Ingredients for 3 kg of meat:

– mineral water with gas (1 liter bottle);

- onion (from 1 to 1.5 kg);

- vegetable oil;

- salt, pepper to taste;

- a mixture of spices.

Cooking sequence

  1. Sliced ​​thin onion half rings mash and add to the pieces of pork. Mix everything so that the meat pulp absorbs the onion juice.
  2. Pour mineral water into a container with meat, add spices and mix everything again. By the way, it's good if mineral water will contain potassium and sodium salts.
  3. Place the meat in the refrigerator and leave it there overnight.
  4. About a couple of hours before cooking, add salt to the meat.
  5. Before frying, the water is drained, the onion is removed and vegetable oil is added so that the meat does not burn.

For this method of pickling, dry red wine is suitable, you can even take not very expensive.

Ingredients per kilogram of meat:

- wine (350 ml);

- onion (6 pieces);

- bay leaves (2 pieces);

- black and red pepper, rosemary (1 pinch each).

Cooking sequence

  1. Roll the pieces of meat in a mixture of seasonings, add bay leaves. Mix everything and remove to infuse for an hour.
  2. Mix thin onion rings with pieces of pork. Onions should give juice.
  3. Take the container with meat to a dark, cold place for about one hour. After that, pour the meat with wine, stir and leave to marinate for at least 12 hours.

In this type of marinade, sourness and the characteristic taste of lemon and the sharpness of onions are very successfully combined.

Ingredients per kilogram of pork:

- lemons with a ton of skin (2 pieces);

- onion (0.5 kg);

- black and red pepper powder to taste;

- a set of spices and seasonings (turmeric, curry, coriander);

- salt to taste.

Cooking sequence

  1. Onion, cut into thin semi-rings, pour the selected spices into the meat and mix everything.
  2. Add the squeezed lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly again so that the pieces of meat are saturated with the marinade solution.
  3. Take it to a suitable place and leave it there for about 4 hours.
  4. Before cooking (about half an hour), salt.

Components of a kilogram of meat:

- tomato juice (1 glass);

- salt, taking into account the taste and salinity of tomato-containing juice;

- black and red pepper powder to taste;

- spices and seasonings for barbecue (coriander, cloves, basil, rosemary, nutmeg) to taste.

Cooking sequence

  1. cook tomato base- Pour the juice into a container and mix it with spices.
  2. Place the meat pieces in the marinade and mix thoroughly.
  3. Leave to infuse for at least an hour, then taste. If the marinade turns out to be fresh and not very sour, you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice or vinegar to it, salt it.

The listed methods of marinating pork are the most popular. However, in the world there is a huge variety of various options using a variety of ingredients.

However, when marinating pork for barbecue, there are general tricks. Firstly, after mixing all the components, it is necessary to tightly close the container with meat and, preferably, press it with some heavy object. Secondly, the meat is always aged in cool place, but if the pickling method is long (more than 4 hours), then it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator.

With the advent of the barbecue season, it becomes more than ever topical issue About, how to make pork skewers marinade, because each of us strives to ensure that it is to the taste of the whole company. pork is no less popular than beef, lamb or chicken barbecue, because pork meat, marinated according to all the rules, is very tasty and juicy. However, even the most perfect meat can be spoiled; it is wrong to cook it for barbecue.

So, first of all, you need to choose pork for barbecue. Give preference to meat with little fat. This is a guarantee that the barbecue will turn out quite juicy and not fresh. Buy neck, brisket or lumbar for barbecue - such meat is softer than ham or meat from the shoulder.

It is best to marinate fresh meat, but if it happens that you already have frozen meat, then you should definitely defrost it before marinating. It is best to let the meat thaw itself, try not to do this with a microwave oven, because with such a defrosting it will lose a lot of moisture, which means it will be dry.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular and the best recipes marinades for pork. Any marinade for pork skewers, how to make it, how much meat and other subtleties of cooking kebabs can be kept in it now will not be a secret for you.

With a large abundance of barbecue marinade recipes that are known today, it’s hard not to get confused and make right choice in favor of one or the other. Of course, and with a great desire, probably, in a lifetime you will not be able to try all of them. Therefore, you need to focus only on inner intuition and small tips.

There are both simple and complex marinades that take a long time to prepare and consist of a large number ingredients. Remember how you cook barbecue and how you marinate it. Most of us are guided in this matter by the principle and the rule - nothing more. Someone is used to pickling meat in wine, someone - in vinegar, onions and black pepper. Still others prefer marinating meat in ketchup. But in fact, marinade recipes are just darkness.

Remember that the younger the meat, the less time it should marinate. All barbecue marinade recipes will be given for 2 kg. meat. No matter what recipe you use delicious marinade for pork barbecue, never throw it away after removing the marinated meat from it. While frying the kebab, this marinade can be poured over the kebab, because the additional sauce will never be superfluous, but on the contrary, it will make the meat even tastier. You need to moisten the meat with marinade when fat already begins to stand out from it.

Marinade for pork skewers. Best Recipes

Spicy pork skewers marinade


  • Lemon - 1 pc.,
  • - 2-3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Olive oil - 1/2 cup,
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Onion - 2 pcs.,
  • Spices: parsley, nutmeg, dried herbs.

So, we begin to consider the most popular marinades for kebabs and them recipes. Marinade for pork skewers has an unsurpassed aroma due to the inclusion of lemon and spicy mustard. To prepare it, cut the lemon and onion into rings. Olive oil mix with mustard, sugar, salt. Dip the diced meat into the marinade. Add onion and lemon rings. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Pork should be infused in such a marinade for at least 5 hours.

Tomato marinade for pork skewers


  • Tomato ketchup or juice - 2 cups
  • Onion - 2 -3 pcs.,
  • Garlic - 1 head,
  • Spices: black ground pepper, bay leaf, coriander.

This is a fairly simple marinade option, but it is considered one of the ideal marinades for marinating pork. Pour the ketchup or tomato juice into a bowl. Add garlic, passed through a press, chopped onion rings and spices to it. Salt a little to your liking. Add meat and stir. The marinade should completely cover the pieces of meat. Marinating time is about 3-4 hours.

Marinade for pork skewers French


  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.,
  • Sour cream - 1 glass,
  • Olive oil - 4-5 tbsp. spoons,
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Spices: ground black pepper, paprika, fresh basil leaves

This is one of the little-known marinades in our country, although in France it is very popular, because the French are simply used to adding cheese to almost all dishes. So, to prepare such a marinade, you first need to grate the cheese. Prepare a deep bowl in which the pork will marinate. Pour sour cream into it. Sour cream is recommended to choose with high fat content. Add shredded cheese to it Apple vinegar, olive oil.

Stir the resulting mixture and season it with spices. At the very end of cooking, put a few leaves in the marinade. fresh basil. Transfer the diced pork to the marinade. Stir the contents so that the marinade evenly coats each piece of meat. Such a barbecue will surely delight those who taste it, because French cuisine is considered to be one of the most refined and spicy in the world.

Milk marinade for pork skewers


  • Milk - 1 glass,
  • Mustard - 50 gr.,
  • Onion - 2 pcs.,
  • Vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Spices: thyme, black pepper, suneli hops

This pork kebab marinade is quick to prepare and guaranteed to be soft and tender. tender barbecue. Milk, as well as all lactic acid products, have excellent softening properties in relation to meat. Even hard meat with such a marinade will become soft and juicy. Pour milk into a bowl, add mustard, vinegar, salt and spices to it. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Put the saucepan on the fire and heat the marinade.

It should be hot, but at the same time not boiling. Once the marinade is hot, remove the pan and let it cool until room temperature. Cut the onion into quarters. Put it in milk. After that, you can lay out the pieces of pork. Close the container with a lid, put the meat to marinate in the refrigerator for several hours.


  • Grape juice - 2 cups,
  • Lemon - 1 piece,
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.,
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Onion - 1 pc.,
  • Dried fragrant spices

Sweet and sour barbecue marinade great choice for those who love spicy and spicy dishes with a sour taste. Pork kebab in such a marinade is sure to please for a male company. Preparing such a marinade is quite simple. I want to immediately note that it is best to use grape juice red in color, because, unlike light grape juice, it will additionally give your kebabs a beautiful ruby ​​​​color.

Add mayonnaise and sugar to grape juice. Stir up uniform consistency. After that, you can put rings of previously chopped lemon and onion in the marinade. You can put chopped pork in the finished marinade. When you fry such a pork kebab, do not forget to water it with the remaining marinade.

Marinade for Asian pork skewers

Marinade Ingredients:

  • Rice vinegar - 100 gr.,
  • Sesame oil - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Soy sauce - 50 gr.,
  • Ginger root - 1 pc.,
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc.,
  • Garlic - 1 pc.,
  • Cashew nut butter - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Spices: allspice, lemongrass, curry

Asian-style marinade will appeal to those who love or at least are not indifferent to oriental cuisine. present in the marinade rice vinegar, soy sauce and ginger root, cashew paste will add to the barbecue peculiar taste, very different from the one we are used to and how we imagine the smell of barbecue.

Everyone who has tried cooking pork in this sauce notes that the meat is very tender, has a sour-spicy taste with an unusually pleasant aroma. Pour rice vinegar into a bowl, add extra virgin sesame oil to it, nut butter cashew nuts. Mix the marinade ingredients with a wooden spatula, add the spices and minced garlic.

Grate the ginger root fine grater. Add it to the marinade. After that, you can add chopped meat. The marinade is quite concentrated and spicy, so the meat marinates quickly enough. In just 3-4 hours, the meat can be used for barbecue.

Armenian pork barbecue marinade

Marinade Ingredients:

  • Sunflower oil (not refined) - 1-1.5 cups,
  • Onion- 4-5 pcs.,
  • Red wine - 250 ml.,
  • Salt to taste
  • Spices: red ground pepper, coriander, cilantro, suneli hops

To prepare the marinade, pour sunflower oil in a saucepan, add spices and salt. Mix well. Cut the onion into wide rings. Cut the pork into pieces. Then transfer the meat to a saucepan with oil and spices. Lay the sliced ​​onion on top. Mix everything. After that, press the meat with your hands. Cover the pan with a lid and leave the meat to marinate for 6 hours.

Spring, summer, autumn - this is the time when on weekends you really want to escape into nature, breathe fresh air, relax, and, of course, what kind of vacation without barbecue. Agree, a barbecue with young potatoes, young greens and vegetables, what could be better! And if also accompanied by a good friendly company, mmm…!

If you suddenly decide to go on a picnic that was not planned, like this spontaneously, then this barbecue marinated recipe is just your option. If you have two hours of time left, then feel free to marinate this recipe and don't guess. and will have time to marinate, and the taste of meat will pleasantly surprise you, and the aroma is simply divine.

Ingredients for pork skewers:

  • pork neck or any other part of the carcass that you like;
  • bulb;
  • young garlic;
  • 1-2 teaspoons fragrant honey;
  • 50 ml. soy sauce with garlic;
  • seasoning for grill or barbecue;
  • salt.

Spicy Pork Skewers - Recipe

should be cut into portioned pieces. Keep the pieces small in size, and the marinating process will be faster and the meat will fry faster.

Put them in a pan in which the process of marinating meat will take place.

Peel the onion, cut in half, and then cut into half rings. Knead a little in the hands, add to the meat.

In a separate bowl, let's start preparing the meat marinade itself. To honey, which should be fragrant, add 50 ml. soy sauce with garlic. Why with garlic? Because the recipe contains young garlic, and soy sauce with garlic, will only enhance its flavor.

Here we add about a teaspoon of seasoning for grilling or barbecue to honey and soy sauce. You can use a ready-made mixture in the recipe, or you can make it yourself, you just have to combine your favorite spices with each other.

We stir everything and let it stand for a while. In the meantime, cut the stems young garlic. Add to meat and add salt. But remember that soy sauce is also quite salty, so don't overdo it.

Now you can add to the meat and marinade. We pour it out and do a kind of massage on the meat, so the marinade will quickly begin to soak the meat fibers. Yes, and doing a “massage” you mix all the ingredients evenly with each other.

Meat can be marinated in such a marinade for 1-1.5 hours. This time is enough to make the meat soft, fragrant and incredibly tasty!

Spicy kebab pork ready. Bon appetit!

Spicy pork skewers. Photo

You can use these barbecue marinades throughout the year. In cold winter, when there is no way to go out into nature, marinating meat in one of the marinades listed above, you can cook a delicious kebab in the oven, in a frying pan or in a homemade barbecue maker. Choose any pork skewers marinade recipes which we offer you today and enjoy only delicious kebabs.
