
Delicious pork skewers marinade. Delicious kebab using olive oil

barbecue marinade recipes

Pork kebab is a surprisingly tasty dish. And if you marinate it correctly so that the meat is juicy, then you will lick your fingers at all! Recipes in the article

20 minutes

220 kcal

5/5 (1)

It is difficult to find a person who would not like barbecue. Usually, at the mere mention of this word, saliva begins to flow. The pork skewers are especially good. First, it is almost impossible to spoil it. Secondly, during frying, most of the fat is lost, and tasty and healthy meat gets on the table. And thirdly, pork has such juicy and rich taste that no other kind of meat can compare with it.

Why is it important to prepare a good marinade?

Pork meat itself is quite soft, that is, by and large, you can do without pickling. But if you want a barbecue especially juicy Be sure to use the marinade. So what is it for:

  • The meat becomes softer and more tender.
  • It gives a unique taste to pork.
  • The right marinade keeps meat juices from flowing out, thanks to which the beneficial properties of pork are preserved to the maximum.

And now let's look at a few simple recipes for making marinade for pork skewers. With them, the meat will always be tasty and juicy!

Classic marinade for pork barbecue

First of all, I bring to your attention a classic marinade recipe. As you understand, shish kebab itself is a Caucasian theme. Shepherds usually cut the animal, butchered it and roasted it at the stake. And the most delicious barbecue that I have ever tasted was cooked just like that.

Armenian relatives invited us to visit for the weekend. I remember that I was still surprised that I saw large pieces of meat and a huge amount of chopped onions. What about the marinade, I thought.

And then my father-in-law posted meat and onion in the ratio 1:1 on the table, flavored them with spices and began to knead the pork with his hands. After 10 minutes of such manipulations, he prepared a barbecue and immediately began to fry the meat. It was served on the table with spicy sauce and traditional Armenian lavash. It turned out amazingly delicious!

Mineral water marinade for pork skewers

I like this option because it is very easy to prepare, and it takes very little time.



  1. Add chopped onion, spices and lemon juice to the meat. Mix well.
  2. Fill the pork with mineral water and let stand for an hour. After an hour, you can fry the barbecue.

Fast and delicious!

Marinade with kefir for pork barbecue

For this marinade, you can use both kefir and whey.

For 1 kilogram of meat you will need:

  • kefir - ½ liter;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • spices;
  • salt.

Everything is mixed and put in the refrigerator. Shashlik with this marinade is very tender and tasty!

Marinade with mustard for pork

And this marinade recipe for pork kebab came from sunny Greece.

For 2 kilograms of meat you will need:

  • whole grain mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  • chopped rosemary - 1 tablespoon;
  • dry red wine - ¼ liter;
  • tomato sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • finely chopped garlic - literally 1 clove.

You just need to mix all the ingredients and marinate them for an hour.

A few words about products. If you can't find whole grain mustard, Dijon mustard can be used. Krasnodar tomato sauce is ideal for this dish (moreover, it is the sauce, not ketchup). Rosemary is a rather tart seasoning, so be guided by your taste.

And by the way, my mother says that it is better to salt the meat just before frying. So it turns out much more tender and softer.

I want to bring to your attention a few tips that a familiar chef kindly shared with me.

  • No need to add oil. Pork itself is quite fatty, so there is absolutely no need to additionally enrich it with oils.
  • You can use vinegar. Pork is one of the few meats that vinegar will not spoil. In addition, this marinade is extremely easy to prepare.
  • Pork must be marinated for at least 12 hours. In order for the meat to properly absorb the marinade, it takes about half a day. Quick pickling methods are also good, but still they will not give such a result.

Use the advice of a professional, and your barbecue will turn out to be breathtakingly delicious!

What to serve with

As you know, you can’t spoil porridge with butter. So you should choose the right side dish for pork kebab.

  • Of course, first of all it fresh or pickled vegetables. Tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, cauliflower or white cabbage, radishes, eggplants, bell peppers are suitable.
  • Do not spare the greens (cilantro, parsley, dill, lettuce) - it will not only improve the taste of the dish, but also make it more vivid and expressive.
  • Use variety of sauces. Tomato, mushroom, creamy lemon, garlic, tkemali sauce will perfectly complement the dish.
  • Pairs well with grilled meats. cheeses. It is best served with feta or mozzarella skewers.

For a good barbecue, you need to take only the highest quality, proven or fish. A slight presence of fat is quite welcome.

The pulp should be cut into pieces weighing about 50 g. A good barbecue marinade, among other things, often contains onions. It gives the marinade piquancy, and the dish with it will turn out more juicy. Onion rings, after the main ingredient is marinated, are sometimes strung on skewers, alternating with pieces of meat or fish. For 2 kg of pulp, 700 g of onions are required. Ratio is approximate. It is believed that you can’t spoil the barbecue with onions. It is desirable that the onion heads are small - their diameter should not exceed the thickness of the chopped pieces. Otherwise, the onion will go beyond them and burn, and this is not very tasty.

Pieces of meat or fish should be put in a large bowl, pour marinade and stir. After that, lay the onion between the pieces. It must also be marinated and it is desirable to maintain the integrity of the rings, otherwise it will not be possible to put it on skewers. The bowl is covered with a circle or a plate, pressed down with oppression and put in a cool place. After a few hours, depending on the marinade that is preferred, as well as on the raw materials that are marinated, you can start stringing and frying.

Traditional vinegar marinade

The composition of the vinegar marinade includes table vinegar - about 70-90 g, salt and ground pepper. You do not need to add water, because during the marinating process, the meat will release juice, mix with vinegar and soak all the meat. You should be careful with salt, because in the process of frying the meat loses some moisture, as a result of which the salt concentration increases. Some undersalting can later be compensated with a sauce that is served with barbecue. His recipe is at the end of the article.

A good barbecue marinade, prepared using table vinegar, is suitable for all types of meat and fish.

Marinade with fruit vinegar

Natural fruit vinegar for barbecue is even better than ordinary table vinegar, however, due to the low concentration, and it does not exceed 4%, a longer exposure is required. Its quantity is also taken more than 2-3 times, that is, half a glass. If ordinary table vinegar softens and soaks the meat in a couple of hours, then fruit and berry vinegar will require about 8 hours.

The best recipe for vinegared kebab marinade usually involves using natural grape or apple cider vinegar infused with rosemary, tarragon, or basil. This marinade is used for cooking pork, beef, lamb, chicken, rabbit and fish such as salmon or sturgeon barbecue.

The composition of the marinade, in addition to vinegar, includes salt and pepper. Onions are treated in the same way as in the case of a traditional marinade on table vinegar.

Marinade using red or white wine

The acids found in table wines are great for marinating. The best barbecue marinade is always made taking into account the color of the meat. For dark meat, red wine is taken, and chicken and fish are marinated in white. Ideal for pickling semi-sweet wine. White wine will give the kebab a slightly sour taste, which is a win for both chicken and fish. Of all the varieties of red wine, you can safely give preference to Cabernet. Its tartness goes well with the meat of large animals, as well as with rabbit meat. The best marinade for pork skewers is made with cognac. It is usually half diluted with water or citrus juice.

For 2 kg of pulp, one glass of wine mixed with salt and ground pepper is enough. The taste of the marinade depends on the type of wine. Onions will come in handy in this case. It is recommended to grind it in a blender to a homogeneous puree and put it in the marinade. Send whole sprigs of fresh parsley there.

Marinade with mayonnaise

Modern gourmets are advised to marinate shish kebab in mayonnaise. This method is most suitable for those cases when the meat has no fat at all and may turn out to be harsh, however, the most knowledgeable people in the kebab business say that mayonnaise, as well as sour-milk products, is the best marinade for pork kebab.

Mayonnaise contains all the ingredients necessary for pickling - vinegar, salt, pepper and even mustard. It is she who gives dry and tough meat incomparable juiciness and softness. The marinating time is quite long. It is better to leave the meat with mayonnaise in a cold place all night. Since mayonnaise contains vegetable oil, the kebab will be fried quickly enough. To get a tender and fragrant meal, it is important not to overexpose the skewers on fire. This is where you need to be very careful. When a piece of transparent liquid appears on the cut, the kebab is considered ready.

Marinade on sparkling water

For the marinade, they take mineral water with gas. It is desirable that this water has a pronounced taste and a high level of salinity. Carbon dioxide passes through the fibers of the meat and creates conditions for a deeper penetration of the aromatic components of the marinade into it. These are fresh herbs - parsley, celery, basil, tarragon, oregano and mint. The amount of salt and pepper is determined individually, based on the taste of mineral water.

Perfectly cope with pickling and sweet carbonated drinks. Despite their seeming incompatibility with salt, pepper, onions and green herbs, meat marinates in them very quickly. It turns out a very good marinade for barbecue from a variety of meats. It undergoes the necessary hygienic treatment and acquires a wonderful taste.

Marinade in Korean

Kebab lovers who know a lot about marinating meat recommend marinating it in liquid from Korean vegetables, which are sold by weight in the markets. The vigorous taste of a very spicy solution marinates any meat perfectly. This is the best marinade for dark meat skewers. Koreans keep the composition of their brines a secret, but it is not necessary to know them. For 12 skewers, half a glass of Korean marinade from any vegetable is enough.

Marinade with tomatoes

Another option for a quick marinade is canned tomatoes. It has all the necessary components. Tomatoes are also used for marinating meat. A few pieces need to be kneaded and combined with brine. Keep the meat in this composition for one night. The next day, the barbecue can be fried.

As for fish, this is perhaps the best marinade for barbecue from it. In this case, pickling should not be too long - 15-20 minutes will be enough.

Marinade with pomegranate juice

In the southern regions, it is believed that the best marinade for lamb barbecue is obtained from pomegranate juice. Packaged canned juice is not suitable for this purpose. It is better to buy fresh on the market or squeeze it out of pomegranates yourself. To marinate 2 kg of meat, one glass of juice is enough.

The marinade, in addition to juice, includes salt and pepper and fresh herbs. They need to be planted whole. They should not get on skewers. Since the pickling process lasts about a day, during this time the plants have time to give all their flavors to the marinade.

The same marinade is suitable for beef.

It makes the color of the meat more saturated and beautiful, and in some cases this is very significant.

Marinade on beer

This marinade can be prepared on beer alone with the usual seasonings, such as salt and pepper, without adding anything else, in the expectation that the hops and malt that gave the taste to the drink will do a good deed for the meat. It is on beer, according to experts, that the best marinade for pork barbecue is obtained. Only high-quality live beer is suitable for it, without the inclusion of preservatives and other artificial ingredients.

Beer marinade is able to turn the usual pieces of cold cuts into an amazingly tasty dish.

Beer and pomegranate juice should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio. Put cilantro, basil, parsley and celery in the marinade and chop into porridge with a blender. Salt and pepper. Dip the meat in the marinade and keep it for 6 hours. If the barbecue is scheduled for the second part of the day, then it is convenient to do this in the morning. In order for the meat to retain all the flavors and not lose its juiciness, before putting it on skewers, it should be removed from the marinade and poured with vegetable oil. Such a kebab is fried faster than without the participation of oil. Its readiness is checked by cutting a piece of meat. As soon as the juice turns from red to transparent, the kebab is ready. It is recommended to remove it a little undercooked. The best marinade for pork skewers, and beer marinade is just that, has a unique preservation property, in which even raw meat will not be harmful to health.

Marinade with lemon juice

This marinade is most suitable for fish, but it may well be suitable for meat. From several lemons, you need to squeeze 150 grams of juice, add salt, pepper, onions and green culinary herbs ground into porridge. Marinate not too long - no more than half an hour. Remove the marinated pieces from the sauce and pour over with vegetable oil. After that, immediately string on skewers and send to the grill.

Marinade on kefir

Fermented milk products are considered an excellent basis for marinade. In order to marinate 2 kg of meat, you need to prepare the following composition. Spicy herbs - cilantro, basil, dill, mint, celery and parsley - put in a blender. Send a few cloves of garlic and a couple of onion heads there. Salt, add ground pepper and pour half a liter of kefir. Grind all the ingredients properly and pour the pieces of meat with a thick and fragrant mixture. The best marinade for chicken, pork, lamb or beef barbecue is obtained on old kefir. The more acidic it is, the better. The duration of marinating depends on the type of meat. For chicken, 30-40 minutes is enough, and pork can be kept for a day.

marinade for chicken

Chicken breast fillet can be marinated in any of the above ways, but we offer you the best marinade for chicken skewers, tested and liked by many gourmets. In order for the marinade to be enough for one and a half kilograms of meat, you need to mix two tablespoons of ready-made mustard with the same amount of mayonnaise and soy sauce. Add a handful of suneli hops and a teaspoon of powdered sugar. Crush two large cloves of garlic and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Marinate in this composition for 40 minutes.

Sauce for shish kebab

The main task of the marinade is to process raw meat products in such a way that they become absolutely safe for consumption. After keeping the meat in one of the marinades we have proposed, it can be eaten raw, but it will be much tastier if it is singed with the heat of barbecue coals and poured over with the appropriate sauce.

We offer you a universal sauce that is suitable for any barbecue. If your kebab turned out to be fresh due to an incorrect calculation of the amount of salt and hot pepper, then homemade tomato sauce successfully compensates for all the missteps.

Three kilograms of tomatoes need to be scalded with boiling water and peeled. Pass through a sieve and pour into a large cast iron skillet or saucepan. Put on fire. Put 3 bay leaves, one small piece of ginger root and a tube of cinnamon in a saucepan. When excess water evaporates, and the volume of tomato puree is reduced by 2 times, you can begin to enrich its taste. To do this, grind fresh dill, basil, tarragon, oregano, mint and 100 g of garlic in a blender. Grind into powder 1 clove, 1 large peppercorn and 20 small peppercorns, a small pinch of cumin and black cumin. Send all this to the tomatoes, after removing cinnamon, bay leaf, ginger from the pan and adding salt and a coffee spoon of sugar to taste. Wait until it boils and turn off.

If the sauce turns out to be more than necessary, then it can be put in a glass jar, pour a little oil on top, cover with a lid and send it to the refrigerator until the next barbecue.

Hello, friends!

Today you will learn how to marinate pork skewers deliciously, and how to cook the most delicious marinade to make the meat soft and juicy.

Spring. Nature wakes up, ants and insects run, butterflies and bumblebees fly, white lilac and bird cherry bloom in the garden. We open the season, with a fire and smoke, and a breathtaking smell of fried. They can be prepared from: pork, lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit meat.

Necessary components: high-quality meat, delicious marinade, barbecue, a good company of friends and the cooking process itself.

In winter, we cook them on skewers at home in the oven, just like or. It turns out delicious! But you must admit that a real, steaming, mouth-watering delicacy can only be cooked outdoors, on the grill.

If you read the article to the end, you will also learn these secrets.

How to marinate pork skewers deliciously so that the meat is juicy and soft

What should be the pieces so that the Caucasian does not turn out dry?

To make your favorite delicacy juicy and tasty, it is important to choose the right one.

We go to the market and choose the neck (neck area) or tenderloin, the loin on the bone is also good. There are few muscles in these parts of the carcass, and therefore they are more tender. The more small streaks of fat, the juicier the treat will be.

How to determine the freshness of meat? To do this, pay attention to the color and smell.

Fresh is always a light pink color, old and hard is dark red, and with the use of dye it will be bright red. And the smell should be specific and neutral.

Try not to buy frozen or steamed, as you risk not getting what you wanted. When frozen, it loses a third of its nutrients, and it turns out tough and tasteless. And after slaughter, it should rest for several hours, only after that it becomes soft.

But if you have a good piece of fresh frozen in the fridge, you can use it too, just thaw it slowly, best in the fridge. Never in a microwave oven or in water.

If you have a large company planned for a picnic, take 400 grams of meat per person so that everyone has enough

Pickling rules and necessary ingredients

Any marinade, the task of which is to make meat soft, fragrant and juicy, has existed since the time of Ancient Egypt, and consists of three basic ingredients - softener, oil, seasoning.

To achieve the desired result, follow the main principles of pickling:

1.Use a softener

  • vinegar (apple, natural, balsamic)
  • juice (lemon, pomegranate, pineapple, kiwi, onion)
  • wine (white, red)
  • soy sauce
  • kefir, yogurt
  • mustard

2. Add oil

As you know, the taste of spices is revealed brighter in oil:

  • olive
  • sunflower
  • sesame
  • vegetable oil sauces

3. Apply spices

  • saffron
  • ginger
  • black pepper
  • coriander
  • marjoram
  • basil
  • nutmeg
  • parsley, cilantro, dill
  • sage
  • store-bought seasonings


Meat rinse well, dry and cut into lengthwise pieces 5 x 7 cm, so it can be easily put on a skewer and it will not fall off it. Pieces that are too large will not bake well, and pieces that are too small will turn out dry.

The fresher the pork, the less additional spices and marinating time are required.

Vinegar. Recently, culinary specialists are not advised to get carried away with vinegar. His alternative - any product containing acid (mayonnaise, pineapple, lemon or dry wine).

Onion garlic. Using a blender, grind the onion until a homogeneous onion gruel. After all, in order to soften the meat mass, we need juice, and in this way we get it in abundance. Garlic should be cut into thin slices across the slices.

Mustard. To soften, take an ordinary ready-made Russian mustard, it will do an excellent job of softening and add moderate pungency and a piquant taste.

Salt. Salt marinade or not? Opinions differ. One opinion - you should not put salt, because it "pulls out" the juice, from which the meat becomes tough. Another opinion - it is necessary to salt. What is your opinion?

But we know that it should always be salted at the last moment.

Spices. It is important to know the measure here. A large number of fragrant spices can spoil not only the taste of the dish, but also digestion. Use in small quantities, as they should only enhance the taste.

The marinade must be prepared in advance, as the marinade time may vary. If you are short on time, leave the cut for 4 hours at room temperature. It is better to make it in the morning and leave it in the refrigerator until the evening. During this time, it will marinate and soften. Keep too long should not be, because it will become sour and tasteless.

You should not mix several marinades in one recipe.

8 delicious marinades to keep meat soft and juicy


It is prepared very simply, it turns out fragrant with sourness.

Acid in its properties is a good preservative. It keeps raw meat in the marinade for a long time. Usual proportions: 40 ml of 9% table vinegar per 1 kilogram.

We will need:

  • neck - 2 kg
  • onion - 300 gr
  • vinegar - 80 ml
  • spices
  • water - 200 ml
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves


  1. Rinse the neck well, dry and cut into lengthwise pieces 5 x 7 cm.
  2. Onion cut into thin rings, sprinkle with large, salt, spices. Knead well with your hands so that the onion starts the juice.
  3. Black pepper, sauté in a dry, hot skillet until dry, shriveled peppercorns are round and smooth. After that, they must be crushed in a mortar. Now the pepper will give all its flavor!
  4. In a separate bowl, mix cold boiled water with acid.
  5. It is better to take glassware or enameled dishes, so that the acid does not oxidize the dishes. Put chopped neck, salted onion with spices, black pepper, vegetable oil into it - mix everything gently with your hands.
  6. Pour in water with vinegar.

It will be tastier if instead of vinegar marinated in pomegranate, tomato, lemon juice or dry white wine

With soy sauce

in tomato sauce


  • pork tenderloin - 2 kg
  • salt - to taste
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • mustard - 3 tbsp. l.
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 80 gr
  • basil
  • pepper


Cut the tenderloin into medium pieces, garlic into thin slices.

Remove the skin from fresh tomatoes by placing them in boiling water for 15 seconds. Chop into medium slices. Tomatoes can be replaced with tomato sauce, paste or juice. For spiciness, you can add ketchup, spicy lovers will appreciate it!

Mix in a bowl: thinly sliced ​​garlic, mustard, tomatoes, honey, olive oil, sugar, pepper, basil. Salt is not necessary.

Put the tenderloin there, if necessary, a little water.

If you are short on time, leave for 4 hours at room temperature. It is better to make it in the morning and leave it in the refrigerator until the evening.

Shish kebab recipe in mayonnaise with onions

By far the most popular recipe. It is good to use if the meat is lean.


  • loin - 2 kg
  • mustard - 3 tbsp
  • pork neck - 2 kg
  • onion - 500 gr
  • mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. l
  • spices


  1. Cut the loin into medium portion pieces and put in a glass bowl, add the onion, cut into rings. Mix well.
  2. Add spices, mayonnaise, mustard, bay leaf, parsley.
  3. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Mustard marinade with honey for pork

Kebabs cooked according to this recipe are soft and tender with a sweet mustard taste.


  • honey - 4 tbsp. l.
  • mustard - 4 tbsp. l.


  1. If necessary, bring honey to a liquid state.
  2. Take an ordinary ready-made Russian mustard. It has moderate pungency and spicy taste.
  3. In a bowl, combine liquid honey and mustard in a 1: 1 ratio, mix well. Thoroughly coat the meat with this mixture and marinate for 12 hours in the refrigerator.

On kefir


  • kefir 2.5% fat - 1 l
  • pork neck - 2 kg
  • onion - 500 gr
  • spices
  • rosemary


  1. You can cook according to this recipe from any fermented milk product: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt.
  2. The fatter the meat, the more low-fat dairy product you use.
  3. Cut the neck into medium pieces, add your favorite spices.
  4. Grind the onion with a blender until onion puree.
  5. Add onion puree to chopped pieces and mix well, pour kefir. Kefir softens meat well and quickly, marinate no more than 2 hours at room temperature or 6 hours in the refrigerator. Such a marinade is not subject to long storage, so fry the kebabs immediately after its preparation.

On mineral water and beer


  • pork neck
  • savory
  • oregano
  • white bow
  • mineral water
  • pomegranate seeds

It turns out very appetizing, use different sauces instead of ketchup

  • pork
  • freshly ground pepper

It turns out very tasty, juicy southerner with the aroma of malt and hops.

How to fry barbecue on the grill?

And we're going to light the grill. Cooking coals for the barbecue is a purely masculine affair.

Now they sell ready-made charcoal. And we prefer real firewood. There will always be birch firewood on the garden plot, a dried apple or cherry tree is ideal firewood. They burn almost without smoke and give a lot of coals.

Do not use coniferous trees, they have a lot of resin and they will spoil the smell and taste of meat. Also, do not use firewood ignitions, they contain kerosene in their composition, which will also affect the taste. Use a fan if the wind isn't strong enough.

While the firewood is burning, prepare the skewers. String the meat along the fibers, interspersed with pieces of bacon or circles of fresh vegetables. In order for it to fry well, you should not string it too tightly together.

As soon as the firewood burns out and the coal is ready, sprinkle it with coarse table salt, in an even layer. Get dry hot heat. Also, a layer of salt will stop the access of oxygen to the coals, and they will not light up, there is no need to spray the coals with water.

Roast should be on smoldering coals with a good heat. The meat is browned, fat drips onto the coals, and a delicious meat smell is carried. At this stage, it is important not to overdo it, to save the juice. This usually takes 20 minutes. Turn the skewer several times as it cooks.

We cut the meat, if the juice is clear, everything is in order, you can remove it from the coals.

Put the finished delicacy on a large dish, let it “rest” for 10 minutes under foil. It turned out to be fried, with a golden crust on the outside, and juicy on the inside!

It is customary to serve onions with barbecue, in any form, fresh or pickled. Baked potatoes and lots of fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro, dill).

Cooking in an electric barbecue

  1. Pieces are prepared with a size of 2 x 3 cm.
  2. If they are made large, they will be in contact with the heating device.
  3. If you make small ones, then they turn out dry.
  4. Cooking on this device for a large company is inconvenient, because it turns out a small yield of the finished product.
  5. We string the meat on skewers so that it does not slide down under its own weight.
  6. Insert the sharp edge of the skewer into a glass, excess fat will drain into it. Close the electric barbecue with a special metal cap, and connect the electricity.
  7. Skewers in a vertical position slowly spin, which ensures uniform frying, from the heat of the lamp. In 10-15 minutes everything is ready! Put on a plate, serve with vegetables and herbs. Bon appetit!

If you ask what is the best marinade, you will not get an answer. Someone likes spicy, someone likes spicy, someone likes sourness. It's a matter of taste.

With the advent of spring, you want to breathe in the freshness and aroma of blossoming trees. It is at this time that people celebrate May Day and Victory Day, for which they get out into nature with their families.

What vacation can be without a delicious and fragrant pork skewers? Then a lot of questions arise. "How to choose the right meat?" "What is the best marinade to cook?"

So, the choice of recipe occurs individually, depending on taste preferences. We offer to consider the main options for preparing barbecue marinade.

Marinade recipe for pork skewers so that the meat is tender (a simple classic recipe with kiwi)

Kiwi contains natural acid in its composition. For pickling, it is best to use natural ingredients than artificially created in the form of vinegar essence. It is important to remember that when combining the filling with meat, it cannot be left overnight, as the exotic fruit greatly softens the meat fibers. Therefore, this step-by-step recipe is considered the fastest, most delicious and fragrant.


  • pork (loin) - 1.6 kg;
  • kiwi - 120 g;
  • onion turnip - 420 g;
  • spices, salt to taste.

1. Rinse the meat, cut into pieces of the same size, salt and pepper a little. Stir, light and crushing movements.

2. Remove the husk from the onion. Using a blender, grind until puree. Combine it with meat, mix.

3. Peel the kiwi. Turn into gruel and put in meat, stir and leave to marinate for 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, it is allowed to fry.

Next, I suggest that you consider the options for pork kebab marinade, which I once cooked myself and tried accordingly. As the saying goes: “there are no comrades for taste and color” - choose your barbecue recipe and quickly go to nature!

Properly pickling meat is the most important step in preparing a tender and fragrant dish. The chosen method determines the taste of the finished ingredient. Despite the fact that the pork pulp will be of the highest quality, it all depends on the marinade made.

These step-by-step recipes will help make the meat tasty, fragrant and tender. The main condition for cooking is to observe the proportions of meat and the main product for the marinade.

The easiest way to pre-prepare meat pulp for frying is to marinate in a large number of onion slices. Due to the significant release of onion juice, the meat softens, and when frying it turns out tender and soft.


  • pork fillet - 2 kg;
  • onion - 2 kg;
  • ground pepper - 25 g;
  • lavrushka - 5 sheets;
  • table salt - 10 g;
  • granulated sugar - 10 g;
  • lemon juice - 80 ml;
  • ground coriander - 5 g.

1. Free the onion from the husk, wash and cut into a medium-sized cube. Crumble the parsley with your hands into a separate bowl.

2. Combine the prepared ingredients in a blender bowl and grind to a puree state.

3. Rinse the meat, dry and cut into equal pieces. Combine in a capacious container with prepared onion gruel, spices, sugar, salt and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly, cover and leave in a cold place for 6-10 hours.

Pork skewers - marinade with mayonnaise

A simple and common way to prepare marinade for pork meat. Experts recommend using fatty mayonnaise sauce or purchased Provencal, but without additives. For piquancy, ketchup "Shashlychny" is added, as it contains fragrant spices in its composition.


  • onion turnip - 500 g;
  • meat without bones and skin - 1.5 kg;
  • grill seasoning - 30 g;
  • liquid smoke - 5 ml;
  • mayonnaise "Provencal" - 40 g;
  • ketchup - 45 g;
  • table mustard -2 tsp;
  • garlic - 4 cloves.

1. First of all, you need to prepare the pork: rinse, dry and cut into equal pieces. Peel the onion from unsuitable parts, chop into strips.

2. In a capacious container, combine meat, onion and seasoning. Leave for 60 minutes, previously covered. In a separate bowl, combine mayonnaise with ketchup, mustard, minced garlic and liquid smoke.

3. Lubricate the meat pieces with the finished mass, cover and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Barbecue marinade with vinegar and onions for pork shish kebab

Making a marinade with wine vinegar and herbs is quite easy and simple. The difference from other cooking options is the absence of vinegar essence. The filling turns out to be fragrant, spicy, thereby giving an unusual taste to pork.


  • onion - 400 g;
  • meat pulp - 1.5 kg;
  • white wine vinegar - 50 ml;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • sesame oil - 55 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp;
  • chili - 15 g;
  • cloves - on the tip of a knife;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • thyme, thyme;
  • lavrushka - 2 sheets.

1. Pre-treat the meat, cut into suitable pieces. Peel the garlic, rinse and pass through a press. Chop the clean and prepared onion into strips.

2. Peel hot pepper and cut into 2 identical parts. Combine all liquid ingredients with loose spices, mix thoroughly.

3. Pour into meat, add garlic and onion. Stir the contents well, cover and put in a cold place for 8 hours. If necessary and desired, before frying, it is allowed to sprinkle the pieces with finely chopped dill.

Classic kebab according to the Caucasian recipe from the chef of the Caucasian cuisine restaurant

The secret of cooking the most delicious kebab, according to the chef himself, is the right meat and the right spices. So he fries meat only from the pork neck and marinates according to the classic recipe: thyme, two types of pepper (black and red), bay leaf, vinegar and vegetable oil, onion and salt.

Watch the video and everything will become clear to you:

Pork barbecue marinade with soy sauce and lemon

The composition of the marinade has an acidic base, since lemon fruit is used for cooking. In turn, soy sauce will give the finished dish some piquancy and a beautiful blush during frying.


  • pork pulp without skin, bones - 2 kg;
  • onion turnip - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 1 fruit;
  • spices for pork to taste;
  • table salt - 30 g;
  • a mixture of ground peppers;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml.

1. Rinse the meat pulp from blood, dry with disposable napkins. Chop into medium-sized cubes and place in a convenient bowl.

2. Peeled onions, chop into half rings. Knead a little with your hands and combine with meat pieces.

3. Squeeze freshly squeezed juice from a lemon fruit, add spices and a mixture of peppers, pour in soy sauce. Mix thoroughly with light, pressing movements. Cover, put in a cool place for 4 hours with regular stirring. Half an hour before frying, add salt.

Pork skewers - marinade on kefir

The fermented milk drink contains acid, which makes the meat pulp softer. Kefir for this dish will come in handy. It is important to remember that you should not marinate the pieces for a long time in kefir. Otherwise, the result will be the same as in acetic acid. The time interval is from 3.5 to 4 hours. In Tatar cuisine, a special kefir drink, Airan, is used in the classic recipe.


  • pork neck - 3 kg;
  • onion turnip - 1.4 kg;
  • kefir - 1 l;
  • table salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • a mixture of spices (coriander, paprika, nutmeg, zira);
  • dry dill, basil;
  • red ground pepper.

1. Rinse the pork, dry it with clean, disposable napkins. Cut into cubes measuring 5 cm by 5 cm. It is better not to chop into small pieces, otherwise the meat will turn out a little dry. Large ones, on the contrary, may not be fried. Place in a plastic bowl suitable for mixing.

2. Peel the onion from the husk, rinse and chop into strips. In order for the vegetable to let the juice out faster, it needs to be mashed a little. Determine in a container for meat.

3. Thoroughly mix everything, making light and pressing movements. Add prepared spices, dry herbs, ground pepper and fermented milk drink. Mix everything well, cover and put in a cool place for marinating, but not in the refrigerator. Do not forget to stir the contents of the container from time to time.

In time, 40-60 minutes will be enough before the start of frying the barbecue. It is recommended to salt the meat 10-15 minutes before cooking, as salt particles draw all the juices out of the pulp, therefore, the dish will not turn out soft.

Pork meat skewers marinated in mineral water (mineral water)

For a large amount of meat, it is better to use mineral water for the base of the marinade. It quickly penetrates deep into the fibers, making them juicy and soft. And if you add fragrant dry herbs and spices, then the composition for meat will be ideal.


  • pork flesh without bones, skin - 4 kg;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • paprika - 2 tablespoons;
  • coriander (seeds) - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 10 g;
  • salt.

1. Rinse the meat, dry it with dry napkins and cut into equal pieces. Remove husks and other parts that are unsuitable for eating from onions. Chop in half rings and combine it with meat pieces. Cover and leave for 60 minutes to soak up the onion juice.

2. After the time has elapsed, add all the prepared spices and seasonings, mix thoroughly. Then pour in mineral water. Fill with liquid so that it completely covers the pieces.

3. Seal the vessel with meat in the marinade hermetically with cling film. Leave in this form for 8 hours, and preferably 10 in a cold place.

Salads for nature:

Marinade for pork barbecue with tomato juice (paste, sauce)

No less tasty is the meat, pre-marinated in tomato juice, sauce or paste. It is recommended to choose the base carefully, but it is better to opt for a product of your own preparation or tomato adjika. When packaged juice, it is important to look at the composition, as the less preservatives, the better.


  • meat pulp without bones and skin - 3 kg;
  • tomato juice - 900 ml;
  • onion turnip - 1.5 kg;
  • seasoning for barbecue to taste;
  • salt, seasoned to taste.

1. Rinse the pork, dry it with clean disposable napkins. Cut into pieces of the same size and put in a convenient container for marinating.

2. Clean the onion, remove unsuitable parts for food and rinse. Cut into several pieces and scroll through a meat grinder.

3. Combine the finished mass with meat pieces, add seasonings and juice, mix thoroughly. Cover and leave to marinate for 4 hours. It is important to remember that salt is added half an hour before frying.

Instead of juice, you can use tomato paste. Meat is prepared in the same way, only 0.5 kg of concentrated puree is taken for 3 kg of meat.

And often served with barbecue.

Marinade with pomegranate juice

The beauty of this step-by-step recipe is that no matter what additional spices are taken, the marinade will still give off pomegranate. The meat turns out to be lickable, soft and savory in taste.


  • pork (loin) - 4 kg;
  • a mixture of ground peppers;
  • caraway;
  • coriander;
  • oregano;
  • paprika;
  • lavrushka;
  • onion turnip - 1.5 kg;
  • pomegranate juice - 1 l;
  • salt to taste.

1. Rinse the meat, dry it and cut into cubes of the same size. Peel the onion from the husk and other parts unsuitable for food. Chop into rings or half rings, as you like. Combine in a separate container, mix thoroughly and leave in a cool place for 60 minutes.

2. After the time has passed, add the prepared spices, the main thing is not to overdo it. Leave again for 1 hour, and then pour the required amount of pomegranate juice. Mix well, leave the container with the contents for 6-8 hours, stirring the contents regularly. Add salt half an hour before cooking meat on the coals.

With beer

Beer lovers will love this recipe. By the way, gourmets and maybe even you will like it more than with vinegar or mayonnaise. Barbecue on beer exudes the aroma of malt, the aroma of live fermentation. I only advise you to buy beer that is really fresh and lively, you can spoil the taste of shish kebab with others of lesser quality.


  • beer (dark or light) - a liter bottle or two half a liter;
  • onions - 500 grams;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • ground coriander - 2 teaspoons;
  • paprika - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Everything is the same as in the previous recipes. Prepare the meat, finely chop the onion, garlic can be chopped or pressed in a crush.

Add spices, garlic and onion to the meat. Gently mix and pour the main ingredient - beer. Let it soak and saturate for 6-10 hours.

How to choose the right pork meat?

It is important not only to properly prepare the marinade for meat, but also to know the recommendations for choosing pork:

1. For a juicy kebab, a neck, a shoulder blade, a loin are perfect.

2. The color of the meat should be pink. The lighter, the younger the age of the animal and the dish itself will turn out much tastier and softer.

3. There should be a natural shine, haze indicates that the animal is not young. If you cook such a piece, then the kebab will turn out tough and tasteless.

4. Fat layers should be white, not yellow.

5. The smell is natural.

6. To purchase a piece of meat, you need to take it without bones, films and skins.

How to barbecue properly?

Before you start frying pickled meat, the pieces must be properly put on skewers. They string evenly so that the meat is evenly distributed throughout the skewer, and also that nothing hangs in the form of separate pieces. The onion must be completely removed from the meat, otherwise it will start to burn and the taste of the kebab will change.

Step-by-step meat frying technology:

  1. make your own coals or buy ready-made ones. Don't forget to keep the coals smoldering. The heat is weak - the meat is dry, and if flames come out, then the pieces will burn. In order to maintain approximately the same temperature, it is recommended to keep a bottle of water next to the barbecue;
  2. put skewers with strung meat on the grill, if necessary, it is allowed to additionally coat each piece with vegetable oil. So, the meat will be baked faster and will not remain raw inside;
  3. rotate skewers regularly. This is required so that the pieces are evenly fried;
  4. be sure to follow the cooking process and do not leave the barbecue anywhere;
  5. check the meat for readiness, remove it from the skewers to a clean plate.
  6. Serve the finished dish is allowed with fresh vegetables, boiled potatoes. As a sauce, you can use garlic, soy, pomegranate, tomato.

Now you know how and know how to cook the most delicious shish kebab so that the meat is soft and juicy. Use any marinade recipe and shock your loved ones and friends.

Bon appetit! And have a great weekend!

Summer is just around the corner, which means it's time for picnics and outdoor recreation. The main character is still barbecue! No field trip is complete without a traditional barbecue. There are many recipes on how to marinate and cook barbecue. We will talk about this in our article.

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Which to choose barbecue marinade and how much meat to keep in it - it depends on individual taste preferences, as well as on the degree of rigidity of the meat. You should not marinate meat using fermented milk products, such as kefir, if you will get to the place for a long time in the heat and do not have a cooler bag. This can be hazardous to health. The tougher the meat, the longer it should marinate. In addition, there are some tricks and secrets barbecue, for example, how to tenderize meat with a marinade.

TOP 15 best kebab marinade recipes

Marinades are suitable for pork, chicken (see how to marinate chicken), lamb, beef and turkey.

    Marinade with mayonnaise

    You will need 200 g of any mayonnaise per kilogram of meat, 4 onions, spices. Mayonnaise is mixed with all the spices to taste. Then they smear the meat.

    Pink marinade (with ketchinez)

    It is prepared from exactly the same as the previous marinade with mayonnaise. Only a small amount of ketchup is added to mayonnaise, due to which the entire marinade turns pink.

    Marinade with wine

    White wine is mixed with seasonings. Then the resulting mixture is poured over meat, laid out in layers with onions so that a layer of onions is on top. The meat is covered with a plate with a load. This will marinate the meat better. It is advisable to leave it in the refrigerator until morning. You can also use red dry wine to prepare this marinade.

    Marinade with beer

    Here you can experiment. According to your desire, marinate the meat in light or dark beer, with spices.

    Marinade with port wine and prunes

    You can marinate meat in red port with spices and chopped prunes. While the meat is marinating, it is recommended to mix it several times. The taste of this meat is very unusual.

    Marinade with mineral water and lemon

    An excellent marinade is obtained from ordinary mineral water with gas. Add the juice of several lemons, spices to the water and pour over the meat. The bubbles make the meat more fluffy and tender.

    Marinade with tomato juice

    Tomato juice is mixed with spices to taste. The meat falls into the marinade for 6 hours. The meat is very juicy and tender. At the same time, slices of fresh tomatoes can be added to such a marinade, which you can then also string on a skewer.

    Marinade with kvass

    To prepare the marinade, you will need fresh (non-bottle) kvass. Add salt, pepper, coriander, basil, rosemary to it. Stir and pour over the meat.

    Marinade with vinegar

    Add a teaspoon of vinegar to 0.5 cups of water. Add chopped onion to the marinade, salt and pepper.

    Marinade with honey and pineapple juice

    To prepare, you will need a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of soy sauce, 4 tablespoons of pineapple juice, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Mix all the ingredients and pour the mixture over the barbecue.

    Marinade with kiwi

    For the marinade, you will need half of one kiwi (no more) for about one and a half kilograms of meat. Kiwi should be beaten in a blender or grated. You will also need a teaspoon of ground coriander, 0.5 teaspoon of sweet red pepper, 0.5 teaspoon of cumin, a little hot red pepper. Do not add salt to this marinade at all. Mix everything and rub the meat with the resulting mixture.

    Marinade with pomegranate juice

    Crush the pomegranate seeds, strain the juice through gauze. Add seasonings to the pomegranate juice to taste.

    Marinade with honey and mustard

    Mix in a bowl 2 tablespoons mustard, 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar, 1/4 cup olive oil. Leave the meat in this marinade for 3 hours.

    Marinade with tea

    You will need black brewed tea. 3 tablespoons of tea pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then strain the tea and add 1.5 teaspoons of salt, black pepper, dried dill, and a little soy sauce to it. In such a marinade, the meat can be kept for only about an hour, and then proceed to cooking barbecue.

    Marinade with kefir

    Seasonings and salt are added to kefir of any fat content. Then the meat is dipped in the marinade for at least 3 hours. This marinade is not suitable if you have to travel a long time to the place of rest.

You will need information on how to properly marinate shish kebab, what spices are needed, how to fry already marinated shish kebab.

How to marinate barbecue

Many do not know how to marinate barbecue. It often turns out to be tough and tasteless, and if it is still overcooked at the stake, then it will be completely impossible to eat. Choose for barbecue fresh meat, but not fresh. It should be the meat of a young animal, without a high fat content. It can also be chilled meat from the store.

  • Try not to buy frozen barbecue meat, as it will taste very different.

In addition to meat, we need onions. The amount of onion is regulated by the taste preferences of the person. There are people who generally can not stand onions in any form. In this case, it is better not to add it to the marinade at all or add it in small quantities.

  • Onions should be cut into rings so that later it is possible to string them on a skewer.
  • These should not be large rings, as some people think. This only indicates the illiteracy of the cook or his laziness.
  • Rings should be medium in size, not too thin so that they do not fall apart, but not thick.
  • You will also need garlic.
  • Slice the garlic cloves crosswise into thin slices, but don't put it through a garlic press.

The kebab should be left in the marinade for about 12 hours in the refrigerator. Then the meat will have time to marinate, and become quite tender. If you do not have time, then leave the meat in the marinade at room temperature, at least for 3 hours.

What spices are needed for pickling barbecue

To prepare marinades, you may need various spices: salt, black and red pepper, ground and unground coriander, chili, basil, dried garlic, bay leaf, fresh or dried herbs, etc. Before preparing the marinade, decide which one you want meat. Choose one of your favorite barbecue recipes and cook it. Do not mix ingredients from different recipes. It may turn out not at all what you expect. The stores also sell universal seasonings, which already have the name “For barbecue”.

How to make meat less tough

To make the meat softer, it can be grated and marinated in freshly squeezed kiwi and pineapple juices. You can also make a gruel from the same fruits, but these must be fresh fruits, not canned ones. The meat acquires a refined taste under the influence of pomegranate juice. Pomegranate should be mashed, strain the pitted juice through a strainer and grate the meat. Then it will become unusually soft and will melt in your mouth. To soften the meat, it can be marinated in grated lemon along with zest, or in lemon juice. Spices such as black pepper and zira soften the meat a little. You should not add too much vinegar to the marinade, it can completely drown out the taste of the meat, and make it tougher.

How to barbecue well

Cooking shish kebab is a very delicate matter, requiring skillful hands. They say that shish kebab does not tolerate women's hands, but this is not entirely true. Women can also cook a wonderful barbecue, although it has become a tradition that this is a purely masculine business.

  • String the kebab on skewers in advance, while the fire has not yet burned out.
  • It is better to string the meat along the fibers, while leaving large pieces of meat closer to the middle, and smaller pieces from the edges.
  • Try to get the pieces of meat not too close to each other. In these places, meat usually remains poorly fried.
  • Stringing, alternate pieces of meat, onion rings and bell peppers, tomatoes, lemon.
  • Barbecue should be cooked over coals at a distance of no more than 15 cm.
  • It should not be an open fire in any case, as the meat will only brown on the outside, and the inside will remain raw.
  • It also should not be almost cool coals, as their heat is not enough to cook the meat well.
  • If the fire flares up, it is better to move the kebabs away or remove them from the fire, or lightly extinguish it with water.
  • Skewers should be stacked tightly to each other. Thus, there will be less fire, but more smoke, which will make your barbecue even tastier.
  • Flip the skewers several times as the meat cooks.
  • To keep the kebab juicy, baste it from time to time with a mixture of water and lemon juice, or the remaining marinade diluted with water.

How to know if meat is ready

  • In order to understand whether the meat is ready or not, pierce it with a fork.
  • If the juice is clear, then the meat is ready.
  • If the juice is pink, then the meat is not baked.
  • If there is no juice at all, then the meat turned out to be too dry.

Have a good barbecue and enjoy the outdoors!
