
Recipe for tender pork skewers. Marinade for barbecued pork in beer

You can go to a barbecue with family and friends at any time of the year, the main thing is that the rain does not put out the fire or the coals in the grill. There are no specific seasons for preparing a wonderful pork kebab. Both in winter and summer, fragrant pork shish kebab will decorate any table.

Meat has never been famous for its cheapness, so its choice must be approached carefully and carefully. Delicious barbecue is obtained from pork, the meat is soft, with fat melting from the heat, dripping on vegetables, distributing incredible flavors. Such a spectacle can be seen by picking up not only a good piece of meat, but also choosing the most delicious marinade for pork barbecue.

How to choose the right piece of pork for barbecue

The main secrets of cooking a successful pork kebab

Pork kebab marinade recipes

Marinade for pork skewers with vinegar

(recipe for 1 - 1.5 kg of meat)

In the prepared meat, cut the onion into rings, previously peeled. Add to the raw kebab along with the onion and pepper, parsley. This pork kebab marinade is prepared with salt, as it is dissolved in water along with sugar, vinegar is added, and mixed well.

Marinade - dissolved sugar and salt in water and vinegar, pour pieces of pork and onions mixed with pepper. Let it brew for about 3.5 hours in a cool place, not in the sun, but in the shade.

Marinade for pork skewers on kefir

(recipe for 1.5 kg of meat)

Mix prepared meat with black pepper and suneli hops, leave for half an hour. Then grate the onion on a fine grater, half the indicated amount. Add to meat, mix well. After a few minutes, pour kefir, mix well so that all the pieces are covered, add the onion, chopped into rings, powdered sugar. Stir again, leave the pork kebab marinade, for which it will soak the meat for 5-6 hours. You can leave it for 10 hours, it will only taste better.

Pork barbecue marinade with pomegranate juice

(recipe for 2 kg of meat)

The beauty of this recipe is that no matter what spices and seasonings you choose, it will invariably give off a pomegranate, become soft and piquant in taste.

  • Seasonings and spices - black and white ground pepper, cumin and coriander, oregano, paprika. Any dried herbs, bay leaf.
  • Onions - 3 pieces.
  • Pomegranate juice, natural, not packaged - half a liter.
  • Salt - to taste, when serving.

Prepare the meat, cut the onion into rings, add to the raw kebab and leave for an hour. Then mix with spices and marinate for another hour. Then pour pomegranate juice, mix well and leave for the night or day, in general, for 8 hours.

Marinade for pork skewers on onions

(recipe for 1 kg of meat)

Grate half of the onion, half - cut into rings, not very large, better thinner. In the prepared pieces of meat, washed and dried, add the onion, chopped into rings, mix very well, leave for an hour. Then add marinade to the pork kebab, consisting of a mixture of spices and pepper, grated onion. Mix well, cover the bowl with cling film. Leave in the dark and cool overnight.

Lemon Pork Marinade

(recipe for 1 kg of meat)

Mix chopped and washed, dried meat with spices and mix well with your hands. Then you need to add the zest of 2 lemons. This is easy to do - remove the peel from the lemon with a fine grater, add to the meat and mix. We supplement the marinade for pork kebab with onion, cut into rings, mix well with meat and spices. It is better to cut the onion into not very thick rings so that it gives more of its juice to the meat. Leave for an hour, then add the juice of 1 lemon. We marinate for about 5 hours, you can leave it overnight, it’s even better, the meat will become more pliable for frying, and not dry out.

Mineral water pork barbecue marinade

(recipe for 4 kg of meat)

When there is a large amount of meat, and it needs to be marinated urgently, the best remedy is mineral water. It quickly makes the meat soft and juicy. And by adding some non-standard ingredients, the pork kebab marinade will be perfect.

  • Mineral water, carbonated - 1.5 liter bottle.
  • Onion - 1 kilogram.
  • Dried tomatoes and dried paprika. There are mixtures of these ingredients, sold in stores.
  • Coriander in grains (also called dried cilantro) - half a teaspoon.
  • Black pepper, ground - 1 tablespoon. You need a lot of pepper, as mineral water kills its flavor, but if you use large quantities, it will feel great.
  • Salt - to taste, when serving.

Prepare the meat, wash, cut and dry. Cut the onion into rings, thin, mix well with meat, leave for an hour, a second, so that the pork is saturated with onion juice. Then add coriander, ground black pepper, mix well, add the dried mixture of vegetables (tomatoes and paprika), mix again.

Now pour the main part of the marinade - mineral water - into the pork kebab. Pour the meat so that the water slightly covers the pieces of meat. Leave better for 8 hours, better for the night. We wrap the bowl with shish kebab with cling film, store it in a dark, cool place.

Marinade for pork skewers with red wine

(recipe for 1 kg of meat)

We wash the meat well and cut into cubes, dry. We rub the pork with seasonings and spices, add lavrushka. Mix very well and leave for an hour. In the meantime, peel and cut the onion into rings or half rings, as in the end it will be convenient for you to put it on a skewer. Add to the meat, mix so that the onion gives juice, and the marinade for the pork kebab gets its “kebab” flavor.

We leave the meat with onions and seasonings for a while in a dark and cool place, and after an hour you can pour the pork with wine and mix again. The kebab should be marinated for about 12 hours, if possible, let it stand a little longer.

Marinade for pork barbecue with cognac and herbs

Let's start preparing the marinade for the prepared meat. It is necessary to mix the juice of 2 lemons with sunflower oil in a separate bowl. Add herbs, grinding them well with your hands or in a mortar, knead with a pestle. This will release the flavor and saturate the meat faster. To make the pork kebab marinade spicy, add cognac, then red ground pepper. We mix everything well.

Now we rub the pork well with the marinade, pour it over and knead with your hands to be sure that each piece has received its portion of the “hoppy” dressing. It is recommended to leave the barbecue for at least 2 hours.

Marinade for pork barbecue on sour cream and mayonnaise with herbs

We prepare the marinade for pork kebab, chopping the onion on a grater or in a blender, turn it into mashed potatoes. We mix it well with prepared pieces of meat, leave for an hour so that the meat properly collects onion juice.

After this time, add seasonings and spices, mix well again and leave for another hour. If you marinate the kebab, in this way, you can get the most intense taste from each marinade ingredient.

Now add mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, soak the meat well, mixing with your hands. We leave overnight in a cool and dark place, wrapping the dishes with cling film.

Marinade for pork barbecue on mustard and soy sauce with cilantro (recipe for 0.5 kg of meat)

This spicy pork kebab marinade is great for both grilling meat and barbecue. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients, mix well. Spread the prepared pork well with the marinade, mix until each piece is covered with dressing. Leave for 3-4 hours in a cool and dark place, under cling film.

Cooking barbecue has long been a tradition of the spring-summer season. Without this signature dish, not a single trip to nature, cottage, out of town is complete. Juicy and tasty pieces of meat cooked in the fresh air - what could be better on weekends or holidays?

One of the secrets of making the perfect barbecue lies in the ability to properly marinate the prepared meat. The marinating process is usually long, but what if there is not much time, and you are planning a spontaneous barbecue trip? There is a way out: this article contains the best ways, tips and tricks for preparing a quick marinade for pork skewers.

We reveal the secrets of quick marinating pork

Many barbecue lovers are sure that pork should be marinated for as long as possible, and the speed of this process will not affect the quality of the dish in the best way. This is wrong. Long soaking of meat (a day or even more) leads to the release of all the juices from the pork, which negatively affects its taste and juiciness.

Here are the main secrets with which you can marinate pork in a matter of hours:

  • Pork at room temperature will marinate in just one hour, completely absorbing the aromatic sauce. Meat should not be frozen or chilled. It is necessary that it is completely thawed, in this case, the pork will be saturated with seasonings and spices faster. The marinating time of chilled meat is doubled, frozen - four times.
  • It is advisable to use "young" pork. Such meat itself is softer and more tender, so it marinates much faster.
  • Cut pork meat should be across the fibers. So it marinates faster and is better fried, it will be soft and tasty. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that each piece contains a fatty layer.
  • An acidic marinade has a much faster effect on pork meat. Therefore, as ingredients, you should choose products containing acid: fermented milk, lemon juice, dry wine.

The secret of the perfect barbecue is the right meat

The best ways to quickly marinate pork

So, the top of the best ways to quickly marinate meat for a delicious and fragrant pork kebab.

Mineral water

One caveat: mineral water should be highly carbonated. Otherwise, it can be water of absolutely any brand and composition (even medical-table and medicinal).

Additional ingredients: spices, onions, meat seasoning.

The amount of water directly depends on the amount of meat: it must be completely covered with water. The poured pork with the addition of spices and chopped onion rings should be mashed a little with your hands and left in a container for about an hour or two. This time is enough for it to be saturated with minerals, and carbon dioxide effectively acts on the fibers, making them softer. The result is a soft, incredibly tasty dish.

If onion is indicated in the marinade, it is recommended to add it as much as possible.

onion juice

Perhaps one of the most affordable and easiest ways to marinate meat for barbecue. Onion juice perfectly softens, flavors pork without overdrying it and without destroying the structure of meat fibers.

Additional ingredients: bay leaf, a pinch of ground black pepper, a tablespoon of salt and vegetable oil.

Chop the onion to a pulp. Mix with pieces of meat, pepper, add 2-3 bay leaves, pour in vegetable oil. Stir and put in a cool place for two hours. Salt before cooking.


This is a fairly common and uncomplicated way to prepare pork for frying. Kefir gives the meat a unique tenderness and excellent taste. It is better to choose a dairy product with a high degree of fat content.

Additional ingredients: onion, a pinch of sugar, spices.

For one and a half kilograms of meat, about half a liter of kefir is taken. Pork is cut, sprinkled with chopped onions, spices, sugar, poured with cold kefir, mixed and left for two hours.

The most common way is marinating pork in kefir

Kefir for ribs

If ribs are chosen as the basis for barbecue, then the option of a quick kefir marinade will come in handy.

Additional ingredients: onion, garlic, soy sauce, seasonings and spices.

The ribs are washed, dried and cut into pieces along the bone. The onion cut into rings is placed in a pan, kneaded with hands. Soy sauce, kefir, squeezed garlic, spices are added to it, everything is mixed. Soak the ribs in the marinade and leave for an hour.

Many people prefer juicy barbecued ribs.


Do you want to achieve a spicy taste and exquisite spicy aroma? Feel free to use mayonnaise as a marinade. In addition, the effect of mayonnaise on meat is faster than when using kefir. It is not necessary to completely immerse the meat in the sauce, just coat the pieces with it.

Additional ingredients: spices, onions.

Prepared pork is sprinkled with spices, mixed, left for 15 minutes. After the pieces are saturated with the aroma of spices, they are smeared with mayonnaise, onion cut into thin half rings is added to them. The resulting mass is mixed by hand and put in the refrigerator for one hour.


Vinegar is best used as a marinade for pork skewers.

Additional ingredients: sugar, onion, cool water.

Pork washed and cut into pieces is rubbed with spices. 4 tablespoons of vinegar are diluted with 8 tablespoons of water, sugar is added there. The meat is poured with the finished mixture, sprinkled with onions, mixed and sent to the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.


One of the traditional barbecue marinade recipes. It gives the dish a spicy sourness.

Additional ingredients: onions, seasonings and spices. For 2 kilograms of meat, about 100-120 grams are taken. lemon. Sliced ​​lemon is mixed with onion, cut into half rings. Meat and seasonings are added to the lemon-onion mixture, everything is thoroughly mixed and put in the refrigerator. Marinating takes 2-3 hours.

Cherry juice

This is a rather original, but successful pork marinade option, which is perfect for lovers of sweet sauces. At the same time, the meat turns out incredibly juicy, tasty and fragrant.

Additional ingredients: salt to taste, sweet paprika, dry red wine.

Sliced ​​pork (about 3 kg.) Is placed in a saucepan, sprinkled with paprika (about 1 tablespoon). The meat is left for 20 minutes. After that, 200 ml is poured. cherry juice and 100 ml. guilt. The base for the kebab is mixed by hand and left for another 90 minutes. At the end, salt is added to taste.

For marinade, it is better to choose concentrated cherry juice.

How to quickly marinate pork skewers? Important: the more aggressive the components in the marinade, the less time it will take to marinate.

Recipes for original express pork marinades

The time for preparing pork meat for frying using any of these delicious marinades takes from half an hour to one hour. This time is more than enough for the pork to be completely soaked. Here are the tried and true recipes:

  • Wine marinade. The basis of the marinade is a bottle of dry red wine (also suitable for marinating beef and lamb). Meat slices are poured with wine an hour before cooking.
  • Marinade "dry". There is nothing simpler: chopped meat is put into a bag, a package of meat seasoning is also poured into it. The package is tied, shaken. Pork is marinated in its own juice, retaining its juiciness and taste.
  • Fruit marinade. This method of pickling can rightfully be called extreme. Perfect for lovers of experiments and unusual taste sensations. It is extremely important to strictly observe the cooking time: 10 minutes in the marinade will make the pork tender and soft. But after 20 minutes, the meat will turn into a slimy mass, unsuitable for frying. The speed of action is explained by the fact that fruit acids are a very concentrated product. For the marinade, you will need ripe kiwi fruits, cut into circles. They should shift the meat and detect the prescribed 10 minutes.
  • Marinade tomato. Another quick marinade for pork is prepared on the basis of a tomato. Pieces of meat are poured with tomato juice so that they are completely covered with it. Juice can be replaced with lightly salted tomato paste. The most win-win option is tomato sauce, which includes apples and spices (for example, Krasnodar). Spicy lovers can use adjika - in half an hour the pork will marinate perfectly.
  • Beer marinade. An old but proven and effective recipe. Pieces of pork meat and chopped onion rings are poured with beer and left for about an hour. The result is a soft and tender barbecue.

Remember: with any method of marinating, it is advisable to salt the meat at the very end. This trick will help him maintain juiciness and amazing taste.

Quickly marinating pork for barbecue is not only possible, but also very simple. Almost all products for a quick marinade can be found in the refrigerator. Any marinade option can be diversified by adding your favorite seasonings or spices. But, whatever method is chosen, following our tips and recommendations, you will get the most fragrant, tasty and juicy kebab. A picnic in the fresh air with a masterfully prepared dish will be remembered for a long time.

Shish kebab is an appetizing and fragrant dish that is baked on skewers. In the classic version, it is cooked with pork. It is very important to properly marinate and cook pork meat so that it does not become stiff. Various ingredients can act as a marinade - lemon, oil, kiwi, pomegranate juice, soy sauce, vinegar, kefir. Below you will learn how to marinate pork skewers so that the meat is juicy and tender, and cooking secrets will help you make a truly tasty and delicious dish.

How to choose meat for barbecue?

What is the best part of pork? The right choice of meat is half the success in cooking barbecue. A product that has been frozen or improperly stored will spoil the taste of the dish. To make the meat tender, it is important not only to cook it well, but also to choose the part of the pork that is ideal for roasting on skewers. Recommendations for choosing a product for a classic pork kebab:

  1. Don't buy frozen meat. Chilled pork is perfect for the dish. It is permissible to use a frozen product, but only if there was a freeze once, although the kebab will still be inferior in taste to a chilled meat dish.
  2. To distinguish between chilled and frozen pork, press down on the top with your finger. If the product is fresh, the surface will recover quickly. In defrosted pork, a bloody liquid will be visible, the consistency of such meat is loose, uneven, and the color is brighter.
  3. Don't take meat if you're confused by the smell or the look. Smell the pork, see if it oozes blood - that's a bad sign. Humidity on the surface of the meat indicates the presence of harmful substances there or improper storage. If the product has a gray, dark color, then the animal was old - the barbecue will turn out tough. Good meat has a dry appearance, a uniform shade over the entire surface, and a slight sheen.
  4. Choose cuts without excess fat and sinew - this will make it difficult to prepare the pork for cooking. Some sellers hide fatty pieces by wrapping them inside, so carefully inspect the product from all sides.
  5. Most importantly, buy the right cut of pork. Ideally for a soft and juicy kebab, meat from the neck (neck chop), located along the back of the pig, is suitable. Also, a wonderful dish will turn out from tenderloin, ribs, loin. Pork ham is also suitable for barbecue, but it is important not to overdry it. The back meat part and the tenderloin from the shoulder blades have a lot of veins, but if they are properly peeled and marinated, the kebab will turn out tender.

After the meat is selected, you need to marinate it. The most delicious marinade for pork skewers, so that the meat is soft and tender, is prepared using different ingredients. Below are popular step-by-step recipes with a photo of a marinated barbecue product.

How to marinate pork skewers with lemon

Lemon juice is a great marinade dressing that can replace vinegar and oil. Lemons will provide the juiciness of the meat, give it an interesting flavor.

You will need:

  • 4 lemons;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 8 onions;
  • 5 kilograms of pork;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of spices for barbecue.


  1. Take a large container. Wash and clean the onion, cut into rings. Put one layer in a container, sprinkle with salt and spices.
  2. Clean the meat from the veins, excess fat. Divide into serving pieces. Place the pork on top of the onion. Place another layer of onion on it. Lay out the layers one by one until these ingredients run out. Don't forget to sprinkle the layers with spices.
  3. Wash the lemon, cut it. Squeeze out the juice.
  4. Pour ingredients into containers.
  5. Wrap the edges of the dishes with cling film, hide in the refrigerator for six hours. Mix ingredients 2 times.
  6. Once the pork is marinated, it's ready to cook: put the pieces on skewers and cook over smoldering coals until tender, turning occasionally, drizzling with wine or water. Readiness is determined by the incision: a clear liquid should ooze from the meat.

Classic barbecue marinated in vinegar

The classic barbecue marinade is vinegar. The ingredient gives the dish a pleasant sourness, guarantees a juicy and delicate taste. You can make such a barbecue according to your own taste: at home in the oven, in a frying pan or in nature, using a skewer and skewers.

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram and 200 grams of pork;
  • 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • salt, pepper, other seasonings;
  • 2 bulbs.


  1. Prepare the meat: rinse under cold water, cut into portions.
  2. Add spices to the meat product, mix everything well in a deep bowl.
  3. Clean the onion. Grate the vegetable, and then pour it into a container with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. 2 to 1 dilute water with vinegar. This recommendation applies to the 9% component. If it is of a different concentration, follow the instructions on the packaging for dilution to a food consistency.
  5. Pour the pieces with the resulting liquid, mix.
  6. Cover the skewers in the marinade with cling film, leave at room temperature for 60 minutes. Then place in the refrigerator overnight.
  7. Put the pieces of meat on skewers. Cook over charcoal, turning pork occasionally. Pour it with water, wine or beer to make the dish juicy.

Pork skewers marinated with mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is not only a delicious salad dressing and appetizing sauce, but also an excellent component of barbecue marinade. The product does not allow the meat to dry out during baking, making it juicy and appetizing.

You will need:

  • 5 bulbs;
  • kilogram of pork;
  • 200 ml of mayonnaise;
  • seasonings.


  1. Prepare pork, cut into portions. Put in a deep bowl.
  2. Add your favorite spices, do not forget to salt. Thoroughly mix the pieces so that the seasonings are evenly distributed. Leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Fill the ingredients with mayonnaise. Stir until sauce coats all parts of pork evenly.
  4. Cut the onion into rings, make them wide, then fry with the meat. Mix part of the vegetable well in a container with the rest of the products, and put a part on top for baking.
  5. Marinate as follows: 60 minutes at room temperature and overnight in the refrigerator. If you will be cooking in a few hours, then leave the meat in the room for 180 minutes.
  6. Bake the kebab, alternating pieces of pork with onion rings.

Tomato sauce for barbecue

What is the best barbecue sauce? Many people agree that these are satsebeli - a classic option for a Caucasian dish.

You will need:

  • 2 bunches of cilantro;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 200 grams of tomato paste;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • a teaspoon of adjika, vinegar, salt;
  • hops-suneli - 1 tablespoon;
  • pepper.


  1. Wash and finely chop the cilantro, put in a convenient deep container.
  2. Crush garlic, add to cilantro. Mix with adjika, suneli hops, vinegar, pepper.
  3. Grind it all with a pestle.
  4. Add tomato paste, stir.
  5. Pour in water, salt, mix thoroughly again.
  6. Pour the sauce into a jar and take it with you to nature to enjoy a real Caucasian shish kebab!

Marinating pork skewers in wine

Thanks to wine, your dish will have a beautiful color and a pleasant tart aftertaste. Marinate the neck or ribs in a drink - then the barbecue will turn out great.

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram 300 grams of pork;
  • 7 bulbs;
  • 300 ml dry red wine;
  • seasonings.


  1. Cut the pork neck into pieces.
  2. Separately, salt each cut part, put in a deep container, mix and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Finely chop half the onion, add to the bowl with the meat and mix. Gradually pour in the wine, stirring the ingredients.
  4. Cut the rest of the onion into rings and place on top.
  5. Infuse for 60 minutes at room temperature with the lid closed, then transfer to the refrigerator overnight.
  6. Cook on skewers, turning pork neck occasionally.

Kefir pork skewers recipe

Kefir gives the finished dish a delicate color, makes the meat product soft and tender. This kebab has a rich taste without sourness.

You will need:

  • 1.5 kg of meat;
  • half a liter of kefir 3%;
  • 7 onions;
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • seasonings.


  1. Cut the pork neck into pieces, put in a deep bowl.
  2. On a coarse grater, grate part of the onion (about half), add seasonings, put in a container with the main ingredient.
  3. Gradually pour in the kefir, stirring the pieces, pour in the granulated sugar.
  4. Place the remaining chopped onion on top.
  5. Roast on skewers over smoldering coals until tender.

How to marinate pork skewers in mineral water

You can marinate pork for barbecue in mineral water. The meat will absorb some of the water, the finished dish will come out juicy and tasty.

You will need:

  • 4 kilos of pork;
  • 1 kilogram of onions;
  • cilantro seeds;
  • black pepper, salt;
  • paprika;
  • dried tomatoes;
  • a bottle of mineral water.


  1. Cut the pork into large pieces. Put in a deep container.
  2. Chop the onion, add to the pork and stir.
  3. Pepper, add cilantro seeds, salt, tomatoes with paprika. Stir and remember that the onion will release the juice.
  4. Pour the ingredients with mineral water - the marinade is ready. The meat will be marinated in mineral water and in its own juice.
  5. Cover the bowl with a lid and refrigerate overnight.
  6. Cook the kebab in the mineral marinade on the grill until tender, turning the skewers over.

Soaked pork skewers in beer

How to soak pork kebab so that it turns out juicy and tender? A beer marinade will help with this. On coals, pork pieces will not dry out, and will also acquire an unusual and appetizing aroma.

You will need:

  • 1.5 kg of pork;
  • a bottle of light beer 0.5 l;
  • 3 onions;
  • seasonings.


  1. Cut the pork into portions. Place in a deep container.
  2. Pepper, salt, stir to evenly distribute seasonings.
  3. Grind the vegetable on a coarse grater. Add to the rest of the ingredients, then pour in the beer.
  4. When the marinade is ready, cover the container, let stand for a while at room temperature, and then hide in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. Grill over smoldering coals using skewers until tender.

The secrets of cooking barbecue

The subtleties of cooking shish kebab will help to make the dish really tasty and please your friends and relatives. If you know the simple secrets of creating this dish, the risk of getting a hard, overdried kebab disappears. The subtleties of cooking delicious meat:

  1. The distance from the barbecue to the coals should be no less than 15 centimeters.
  2. The marinade, together with the pork neck, should be kept in glassware, clay, enamel. This prevents the metal from reacting with food, as is the case with aluminum bowls.
  3. Pour the meat pieces during cooking - with oil, beer, wine, or the marinade in which it was cooked.
  4. Place fatty pieces in the middle of the skewer, small and lean ones at the edges. To make them bake well, alternate with onion rings or other vegetables.
  5. Stack the skewers tightly next to each other.
  6. The wrong wood can spoil all efforts to find the perfect meat product and marinade. Use branches of fruit trees as firewood, such as apricot, apple, plum.
  7. Don't forget the sauces. Satsebeli, mustard, ketchup perfectly complement the food.
  8. Watch videos of experienced chefs who will share their secrets of cooking meat.

Calorie content of the dish per 100 grams

How many calories are in pork skewers? Calorie content per 100 grams depends on which part of the pig is chosen for cooking - neck, ribs, back. Fat-free tenderloin contains fewer calories than fatty, sinewy cuts. The type of marinade also affects the calorie content. For 100 grams in the classic version of the dish with vinegar, there are 220 kcal.

Pork kebab is the most popular, it is pork that is most often fried in nature.

Have you ever wondered why pork? This is because it turns out very tender, while pork has a special taste that most people love. Today we’ll talk about barbecue marinade, proper cooking of meat, learn how to fry it so that it is soft and has a delicate taste.

How to choose the right meat

The basics of barbecue are really simple. The first step is to buy quality meat. The neck part will be the best choice, as it will give the kebab softness and juiciness. The fallback is the brisket.

If you purchased a ham, then you should not expect softness from the barbecue, this part will make it too dry. Shoulder meat is similarly not worth taking for barbecue. Choose meat with a lot of fat, the excess will fry, and the one that remains will add juiciness. Naturally, it is better to overpay and buy chilled meat, it will be many times better than ice cream. If you have saved, then in no case do not defrost in an accelerated way, but rather leave it at room temperature for several hours, so it will retain its basic properties.

First you need to decide how your meat will be marinated, and after that, start looking for a recipe. There are a lot of them, we will try to introduce you to the main ones that will make the barbecue soft and juicy. To make the meat fragrant, in addition to the usual onions and spices, kvass or beer is also added to the marinade. In some regions, pork skewers are prepared with the addition of wine. Dry wine is perfect for this recipe.

For many recipes, vegetables and fruits are needed, namely their juices - lemon tomato and others. There are also ways to marinade with dairy products. Mayonnaise is very popular - it is added to various types of barbecue. There is a lot of information about all the recipes on our website.

The most delicious marinade for pork skewers

It is generally accepted that the original barbecue recipe is based on lamb, but many people use absolutely any meat for it. Beef and chicken are also often used, but not everyone will like this barbecue. Most people consider pork to be the most fragrant and delicious. If you cook it according to the recipe, you get a beautiful dish that will be with a delicious crust and delicate aroma. Therefore, to get a delicious barbecue - be sure to buy pork, and your success will be guaranteed.

Pork skewers on kefir

The complexity of this recipe is very simple. The kebab according to this recipe will be so juicy that every member of the family will not resist this aroma and will gladly go to the country with you. So do not hesitate and quickly go to the store to buy the right products. If you like our recipe, we will be very happy about it.

What will be required:

  • pork (neck part) - 2 kg.
  • onion 5 pcs.
  • kefir - 1l.
  • spices.


If you want to get a tasty and soft barbecue based on kefir marinade, then you need to buy quality meat. Look for the neck or loin as these are the best parts and will make the kebab very juicy.

1. First, take the meat and rinse it well several times, then dry it with a paper towel.

2. Divide the pork along the fibers, and then make square pieces out of it. If you do everything according to the recipe, then the meat will be fried well on all sides. Take a separate bowl and move the chopped pieces there. It is better to take an enamel bowl or glass.

3. Cut the onion into rings and spread it evenly over the meat.

4. Take the necessary spices and sprinkle the pieces with the right amount. After that, mix the whole mass until it becomes homogeneous.

5. Now you need to pour the whole marinade with kefir, then mix everything again and cover with a lid or cling film. We put the meat in the refrigerator so that it is saturated with spices and becomes soft. Leave it overnight, in the morning there will be a ready-made marinade.

6. Find a barbecue and other tools, and you can start cooking.

7. String small pieces on skewers, then put them on the grill.

8. Make sure that the meat does not burn, turn it over often.

As a result, the pork should be golden brown. Put sauce and herbs on the table along with meat.

Marinade with pomegranate juice

If you use pomegranate juice for the marinade, then your kebab will be very juicy, its aroma will tempt your loved ones and a group of friends. This recipe is one of the best that will make your dish fragrant and delicious. Cooking barbecue according to this recipe will give you pleasure. The main thing in the marinade is chopped onion and real pomegranate juice.



1. First of all, clean and wash the onion, then divide each onion into 4 parts. The recipe calls for onion in the form of shavings, so it's best to grate it or try using a blender.

2. Rinse the brisket several times, then cut it into medium pieces. Now you need to separately rub spices and salt into each piece. Next, put the meat in a separate bowl, preferably deep.

3. Now pour the onion chips into this bowl and mix everything until smooth.

4. Gradually pour pomegranate juice over everything in several passes, you should not rush, otherwise the pork simply will not absorb the juice. Leave the poured meat for an hour, covering it with a lid or film.

5. As time passes, move the marinade to the refrigerator and leave it there for 7-8 hours. It is most convenient to leave the meat to marinate overnight.

6. Prepare the barbecue and kindle the coals. At a time when the fire is strong, put the meat on the skewer, then wait for the coals to smolder and put the skewer on the grill.

7. When frying, turn the meat over and sprinkle water on it to keep it juicy. To check the readiness of the meat, occasionally pierce it. If you see a clear liquid, then your kebab is ready.

Our dish is ready! Now it can be served on the table along with vegetables and herbs.

mayonnaise recipe

Among the people, this marinade recipe is less popular. Many people think that shish kebab with mayonnaise will turn out to be too fatty, while mayonnaise has a lot of cholesterol. But you just have to try this new dish, and you will immediately think about it differently. Seasonings will give him a special flavor, mayonnaise will add tenderness to the meat, and lemon juice will make it soft.


  • pork 2-2.5 kg.
  • mayonnaise 4-5 tbsp
  • onion 3-5 pcs.
  • mustard 3 tbsp
  • lemon 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf.
  • salt and spices to taste.


1. Rinse the meat and chop it into ready-made portioned pieces, put all the meat in a separate deep bowl, where it will marinate.

2. Add spices, mustard, then pour mayonnaise on top.

3. Spread everything evenly over the surface of the pork. Cut the onion into rings and add the bay leaf. At the end pour over lemon juice.

4. Cover the marinade and let it stand at room temperature for about an hour.

5. Mix the meat again with spices and onions, then send it to the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, it will need additional salt.

6. Put the pork on skewers, then you can start frying the meat. You can use coals or a grill.

Recipe with mineral water

There are many different meat dishes. Each country is rich in its meat recipes. You can list a lot, but the barbecue is considered one of the best.

Meat lovers always put this dish in the first place, because it has a delicate aroma and wonderful taste that everyone likes. Our recipe is based on mineral water, thanks to which the barbecue will have a delicate taste. Among all the marinades, this one is the simplest.

For cooking you need:

  • pork 3 kg.
  • onion 1 kg.
  • mineral water with gas 1l.
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • salt and pepper to taste.
  • spices for barbecue.

First of all, you need to prepare the meat. The neck part will be the most suitable option. This part will be very soft, because it contains more fat, which, when frying, will retain all the juiciness.

1. After buying pork, it should be thoroughly washed several times and dried with a paper towel.

2. Cut the meat into small pieces within 5 cm and put it in a separate container. Enamel or glassware is best suited for marinating.

3. Peel the onion and pat dry. Cut it into rings. If it will be used in other dishes, then it is worth grinding it even more.

4. Place the chopped onion to the meat, add the spices and salt the marinade, rub the spices evenly over the meat with clean hands.

5. Our marinade is almost ready, it remains to fill it with mineral water to the very top and cover our container. Wait about 12 hours for the pork to marinate.

6. As soon as the specified time has passed, you need to get the meat and drain the remaining mineral water from it.

7. Now you should add a couple of tablespoons of oil and mix the mass. After that, you can put the marinated pork on skewers, try to make gaps between the pieces of about 0.5 cm. You can add onions between them, so you will make the barbecue very unusual.

8. After the skewers are ready, they can be laid out on the grill tightly one to one. In order for the meat to be fried and at the same time not burnt, it is necessary to choose the right height between the coals and the meat. The optimal value would be about 15 cm or a little less.

9. When a fire is formed, immediately sprinkle meat and coals with water. Rotate the skewers evenly, no matter what our dish burns.

10. If the meat was marinated for as long as indicated in the recipe, then in half an hour your barbecue will definitely be ready. Pierce the meat to make sure it's done. Clear juice will notify you that the dish is ready. You can also cut off a small piece and taste it.

Now lay the meat nicely on a tray, it is not necessary to remove it from the skewers, then put it on the table.

Marinade with kiwi

If you put kiwi in the barbecue, it will become very soft. The undoubted advantage of this method of pickling is its speed, because the whole process will take about two hours.

Fruit from the tropics has an unusual composition, rich in many enzymes. It, like a lemon, can split tissue. If you bought hard enough, then kiwi will help you in this matter.


  • pork 2 kg.
  • medium-sized onion 2-3 pcs.
  • kiwi 1-2 pcs.
  • spices.
  • salt to taste.

1. First, wash the pork, divide it into small pieces, and put it in a saucepan or deep bowl.

2. Cut the onion into rings and sprinkle on top of the meat.

3. Finely chop the greens and add there too.

4. Now you can sprinkle the marinade with salt and add the necessary spices.

5. The main highlight in this option will be kiwi, which must be grated and added to the meat. After that, it is necessary to mix the whole mass with clean hands.

6. Wait a few hours until the meat marinates, then start to the most important thing - cooking on the grill.

As you can see, this recipe is very simple. Important, do not keep the meat in the marinade for more than the specified time, otherwise its taste will disappear, and you will have to forget about the aromatic smell and delicate taste.

Kiwi should be added to the marinade last. Alternatively, this can be done during the ignition of the barbecue. This citrus fruit takes 15 minutes to tenderize our pork.

Marinade with vinegar

This recipe is also very unusual, it combines sugar and vinegar.


  • pork - 1 kg.
  • vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp.
  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • pepper, spices.
  • salt to taste.

Marinade preparation process:

  1. Rinse the meat under running water.
  2. Cut the pork into portions with a knife.
  3. Place the meat in a deep bowl and sprinkle with spices.
  4. Peel and chop the onion into rings, then add it to the meat.
  5. Mix vinegar with 8 tbsp. spoons of water.
  6. Pour the mixture into the meat, put in the sugar, and mix well.
  7. Let it brew in the room for a while, then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Bon appetit!!!

Pork skewers in the oven

The oven will be a great helper in cooking barbecue at home. The cooking process is quite difficult. To make the dish soft and juicy, you must first make the right marinade.

Now let's take a closer look at our recipe in the oven. For cooking we need:

Cooking process

On the table, pork skewers will go well with vegetables. By the way, this recipe is suitable not only for the oven, but also for the pan.

Pork skewers in a slow cooker

Most people love barbecue, but there is no time to cook it. It is often not possible to go out into nature, and in rainy weather, thoughts are not at all about that. This is exactly the situation that influenced the creation of an unusual recipe.

The company and I went out into nature, but suddenly it started to rain, which prevented us. Plans changed dramatically, and with the meat it was necessary to come up with something. The slow cooker was the first solution.



  • Fruit trees are most suitable as firewood for barbecue. They give a high temperature, smolder for a long time, and their aroma is very strong.
  • If you find it difficult to determine the distance from meat to heat, then plain paper will help us with this. Choose the distance at which it will smolder, and not burn. This method is universal.
  • If you have several pieces of meat turned out to be very small, then put them on the edges of the skewer, in which case they will not burn.
  • So that the coals do not light up once again, they can be sprinkled with salt.
  • For a beautiful barbecue presentation, you should use vegetables and herbs - they will complement your dish well.

Shashlik is a dish loved by many. The kebab season usually starts in May, according to statistics, every tenth Russian goes out for the May holidays to nature. And what kind of outdoor recreation without barbecue? And here the questions begin: how to marinate the meat so that the barbecue turns out soft, juicy, fragrant? In this article, you will find 5 of the best marinade recipes for pork skewers.

Which recipe to choose is a matter of taste for everyone. Controversy and discussions are unfolding about the barbecue marinade. There is no single correct recipe, because everyone has different tastes. And to decide which is better, you can only experimentally. Write in the comments how you marinate the kebab, let's see which marinade will get the most votes!

Now, let's start cooking!

Tips and secrets for barbecue

For pork skewers, it is better to take the neck. This meat is quite fatty, the barbecue will turn out very tasty. Also pay attention to the freshness of the meat, do not take frozen meat.

Cut the meat for the kebab into small pieces so that it is convenient to eat this kebab later. Too large pieces will take a long time to cook, they will burn on the outside, but remain raw on the inside. Pieces that are too small will dry out.

Many kebabs argue that meat should not be salted during marination. This is because the salt draws the juice out of the meat, making it dry and tough. They say that the meat should be salted either directly during frying or at the end of the marinating process. Others, on the contrary, argue that you can salt the meat during marinating to make it tasty. How to proceed is up to you. It all depends on personal preference here.

You need to fry the meat when it is at room temperature. Do not start frying meat that has just been taken out of the refrigerator (if marinated for a long time), let it warm up a little.

You need to fry the shish kebab on the already burned-out "gray" coals. You need to string the pieces one to one on the skewer so that there are no gaps. But do not press them too tightly. If a piece of fat hangs from a piece of meat, cut it off so that it does not burn.

As the meat begins to brown, fat drips from it into the coals, causing a flame to ignite. To quickly and easily put out a fire, sprinkle some salt on the coals where they caught fire. Salt instantly absorbs fat, and you don’t have to pour fire (often meat is poured with wine, water, vinegar when cooking, but you can do without it).

Flip the kebab when you hear a sizzle. It is better to turn more often than to burn.

Pork kebab marinade with ayran (carbonated tan) and onion

This marinade can be called one of the most delicious. The meat according to this recipe is very tender and fragrant. Ayran is good because it is both a milk drink, and sour, and carbonated. All these properties are very good for meat. It is enough to marinate meat in ayran for 2 hours, after which it can already be fried.

For this marinade you will need:

  • pork (better neck) - 2 kg
  • onion - 1.5 kg
  • ayran - 1.5 l
  • pepper mixture - 3 pinches
  • salt - to taste
  • any spices - to taste (you can take a mixture for barbecue or cumin, or coriander)

How to marinate pork in ayran.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Salt the onion and crush it well with your hands so that the onion releases the juice. Onion juice is a very important component in the pork marinade, it gives the meat the desired flavor and tenderness. You can even pickle meat without the onion itself, but only with squeezed onion juice. In the next marinade recipe, I will write how to do this.

Cut the meat into portions and add to a well-mashed onion. Mix meat and onions well with your hands. Give the meat a massage, remember it, so it will better absorb the marinade.

Now fill the meat with onions with ayran and leave it to marinate for a couple of hours. You can leave it overnight, just put it in the refrigerator in this case. We will add pepper and other spices later, before frying, because spices without oil will still not reveal their aroma.

Remove the meat from the marinade before skewering the skewers. Remove the onion from the pieces, do not fry it, because it will burn anyway. Put the meat in a separate container, add a mixture of peppers and zira (or other spices if desired) to it. Mix and string on skewers.

Grill the skewers until done. Serve skewers with your favorite sauce. Bon appetit!

Onion marinade for pork skewers

Onion juice is an excellent marinade for pork. When marinating meat for barbecue, you can do without vinegar and other acids, and use only a lot of onions. At the same time, the meat will be tasty and aromatic. Vegetable oil is always used as a conductor for spices so that they better reveal their spicy bouquet and soak the meat well. Mustard is a natural way to further tenderize meat.

Ingredients for marinade with onions and mustard.

  • pork pulp - 1500 gr.
  • onion - 1 kg
  • black peppercorns - 15 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • mustard powder - 1 tbsp.
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • salt - 1.5 tsp


Peel and chop the onion in a way convenient for you: grate, chop in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Now you need to squeeze the juice from this onion gruel. Use a sieve to squeeze the juice from the onion.

Cut the meat into small pieces (about 40-50 grams), put in a bowl in which you will marinate it. Pour 1 tbsp. dry mustard, mix with your hands, massaging the meat. Grind peppercorns in a mortar or mill and add to the meat. Break the bay leaf and send it there. Mix everything well with your hands. Pour 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and salt the meat, mix.

Pour the meat with onion juice, mix and leave to marinate at room temperature for 2 hours. If you will fry the kebab the next day, then cover the container and send it to the refrigerator.

The marinade is ready. Your kebabs are sure to turn out very tasty if you cook according to this recipe!

Marinade for pork skewers with kiwi

Kiwi is a very healthy fruit, which has a sufficient amount of natural acid. For pickling meat, it is better to use such an acid than artificial vinegar. But it is important to know that when marinating kebabs with kiwi marinade, you should not leave the meat overnight. Kiwi softens meat fibers very much, so 30 minutes is enough - 2 hours of pickling - and you can fry.

This marinade is quick and tasty, the kebabs are juicy. It is very well suited if your meat is not very fatty, or you doubt its quality, or you need to quickly marinate the meat.

Choose kiwi as ripe and soft as possible so that it releases juice well.


  • pork - 2 kg
  • kiwi - 1 pc. (100 gr.)
  • onion - 0.5 kg
  • pepper, salt, spices - to taste


Cut the meat into pieces. Salt and pepper it. It is good to use a mixture of peppers. Mix everything with your hands, not forgetting to mash the meat.

Peel the onion and chop into a pulp in a blender. Add the onion paste to the meat. The onion is finely chopped so that the meat has better contact with it and is well saturated with its juice. Optionally, you can cut the onion into half rings and mash it with salt (as in the first marinade recipe) or squeeze the juice out of the onion and use only the juice (as in the second recipe).

Use your hands to mix the meat with the onions.

Peel the kiwi and use your hands to crush it into the meat. Mix everything together again and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours.

Put the meat on the skewers and fry. Bon appetit!

Marinade for pork barbecue with kefir

Many people like marinade with kefir the most. But this is a matter of taste. Try marinating pork in this way, perhaps you will also become a fan of kefir marinade. To prepare this marinade you will need:

  • pork - 2.5 kg
  • onion - 1 kg
  • low-fat kefir - 1-1.5 l
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • ground bay leaf - to taste
  • salt - to taste


Rinse the meat well, remove films and excess fat. Cut the meat into serving pieces. Peel the onion and cut into medium cubes. Squeeze the onion well with your hands so that it releases the juice.

At this stage, we do not salt the meat, but only put spices in it. First, put black pepper into the meat and mix well with your hands. There should be enough pepper so that pepper is visible on each piece after mixing. Also put the pepper in the onion and stir it. Bay leaf is laid next, also separately in meat, separately in onions. Also, mix well with your hands and mash.

Now combine the onion with meat in one container.

Pour the meat with kefir, mix everything well. Leave the meat to marinate at room temperature for 2-3 hours. Or refrigerate overnight.

Have you forgotten that we did not salt the meat from the very beginning? The meat will need to be salted about 40-60 minutes before frying. Salt the meat, stir and you can start to kindle a fire.

Put the meat on the skewers and start frying it. During frying, you can grease the meat with kefir marinade.

Marinade for pork skewers with vinegar and onions

There is a lot of controversy about this marinade between all barbecue lovers. Some argue that vinegar is the best marinade, others write that in no case should you marinate in vinegar. In any case, vinegar is a Soviet classic, the taste of childhood. If you want to make barbecue with vinegar, then it is better not to marinate for a long time so that the meat does not become tough. A couple of hours will be enough for the meat to marinate. But, if there is no other way, leave the meat to marinate overnight.

Ingredients for Vinegar Marinade:

  • pork - 1.5 kg
  • onion - 700 gr.
  • table vinegar (9%) - 50 ml
  • salt - 1.5 tsp
  • black pepper - 1 tsp


We cut the meat into the necessary pieces. Peel the onion and cut into rings.

Now you need to take a container in which you will marinate the meat. It is desirable that it be plastic or glassware. We lay out layers in this container: meat, onion, a little vinegar, salt, pepper and again everything in the same sequence. Cover the meat with a plate and put a press (bottle of water). Leave at room temperature for 1 hour. Then send the meat to the refrigerator.

It remains to fry the barbecue and enjoy its taste!

I think that from these 5 options you will definitely choose your favorite and best pork kebab marinade. I look forward to your comments, see you in the next article!
