
What is the name of the dried peach? How does it affect the body

IN Lately there is a growing interest in ways to harvest fruits and vegetables for the winter. Many are dissatisfied with the quality of the product industrial production due to their active use of preservatives and chemical additives. One of the simple and fairly reliable ways to harvest vitamins from the garden is to dry fruits and vegetables. Thanks to modern technology- Special electric dryers make this process as easy as possible. Personally, home-made fruit drying in terms of volume already overtakes the usual canning.

In principle, any berry and fruit is suitable for drying. Among my favorites is peach. The best dried fruit is obtained from sweet and sour-sweet fruits.


Peach (for an electric dryer in 5 pallets for 1 bookmark, it will take about 1.5 kg).

How to dry a peach

Whole, ripe fruits without damage and rot are suitable for drying. The fruits should be washed well, you can dry them so that the glass excess water. Optimum cut peach for home drying slices 0.5 cm thick. For this, one peach is taken and an incision is made with a knife along the fruit to the very bone.

Then a second incision is made at a distance of 0.5 cm from the first incision, the resulting slice is removed.

Then an incision is made again and in this way the peach is cut into slices, only the stone remains.

The slices are laid out on the pallet of the electric fruit dryer at some distance from each other to ensure good air circulation during drying.

When choosing an electric dryer, it is better to dwell on models where it is possible to regulate the temperature. For drying peach optimum temperature 60-70 degrees is considered. I prefer to put on drying at night, just in the morning a significant part dried fruits will be ready. True, at night there is no way to rearrange the pallets, which is recommended to be done periodically in order to achieve uniform drying.

When the peach slices dry out, become hard and brittle, let them cool, and then put them in a container for storage. Experts advise using glass containers, fabric or paper bags. I use plastic bags zip-lock and store them in the refrigerator in the fruit and vegetable compartment, where they are safely stored until the next season.

What else can be advised? I have more than 8 years of experience in this business, I recently acquired a second electric dryer, since the first model has become obsolete. Once again, I repeat that it is better to take equipment with a thermostat. A useful function is protection against overheating, I advise you to pay attention to this nuance. The weak point of such dryers is the pallets themselves, which eventually begin to break. I noticed that this is actively happening after their intensive washing. After drying the fruit on the pallet remains withered fruit juice released from the fruit. You just need to fill the trays with water with detergent and wait until the juice gets wet, then gently wash them with a sponge. In this case, the lattice will remain intact.

Not everyone has the opportunity and desire to purchase a special dryer, but they want dried peaches. What to do? Use the oven. The temperature is set within 60-70 degrees. It is better to cover the baking sheet with parchment, it will be easier to tear off the dried peach from it than from the baking sheet itself. However, this type of drying requires attention, in the oven, fruits can quickly burn out and turn into coals, and therefore you should periodically, several times an hour, check the condition of the peach in the oven.

dried peach good in tea, for which you need to add a few slices of it to the teapot along with tea. Also in winter you can cook compote, jelly. A well-dried peach goes as a filling in pies. It is recommended to add this dried fruit broken into pieces at the last minute of cooking oatmeal - it will be delicious. If everything is in order with your teeth, then in winter you will be happy to gnaw this fragrant fruit dried on your own. Bon appetit!

Fruits and berries


dried peach, cooked at home, like all other delicacies, is primarily valued for the content of useful microcomponents for the body, and only then for its ideal taste.

Preserve fruit in this way - great option, because when they are dried, as well as when dried, everything beneficial features are saved. The taste and aroma of dried peaches remains as rich as those of fresh fruits. The only thing dried fruit are not juicy, since in the process of drying almost all the moisture is released. But, thanks to this method of harvesting, they become more elastic and instantly melt in your mouth.

To cook at home fruit treat, any variety of peaches can be used, even those that are poorly separated from the bone. Each type of peach is prepared according to a single instruction given in this simple recipe. step by step photo prescription. So, let's start cooking dried peaches for the winter in slices in a dryer.



    For the preparation of dried peaches, we chose homemade fruits, just from which it is difficult to remove the stone. In the following steps, we will show in detail how to remove the peach flesh in the form of slices from the pits.

    To begin with, of course, we will wash the fragrant fruits. Then we take a peach and a small knife.

    First, cut it in half to the bone, the photo shows how it looks.

    Now cut it like this, again only to the bone, to get four slices.

    Then we try to separate the peach slices from the stone, for this we insert a knife into one of the cuts and gently hook the peach pulp with it.

    The photo below shows how it should turn out.

    If the experiment with the knife failed and the peach slices remained on the stone, then we will try to use a thin teaspoon. We also insert it into the cut and cut through its fruit pulp.

    After all the peaches are cut into slices, we fill them with 350 grams granulated sugar and put them in the fridge overnight.

    After a day, we throw the peach slices into a colander so that all the resulting juice stacks.

    In the meantime let's cook sugar syrup. To do this, mix water with the remaining amount of sugar in a container and boil the resulting syrup. Immediately after the liquid boils, place in it peach slices literally for a few minutes. Then we take them out and transfer them to a colander again. Thus, the sugar syrup will completely drain, and the slices will cool slightly. Immediately after that, lay the peaches on the electric dryer tray.

    We send the pallet to the dryer and turn on the high mode until fully prepared fruits.

    Periodically we look at the process of drying peaches. They should become elastic and when pressed on a piece, moisture should not be released.

    If the peach pieces have acquired just such a structure, then it's time to turn off the dryer. Then we cool the fruit slices and the dried peaches are ready to eat..

    Bon appetit!

It is very difficult, almost impossible at home to keep peaches for at least some, more or less for a long time. But dried peaches retain their flavor and aroma for a long time, and depending on the drying method you choose, they can become chips, candied fruits, or marshmallows.

Peaches are not recommended to be dried whole, together with a bone, like apricots. This is not cost-effective - the peach dries for a long time, then it is very difficult to separate the stone, and then only throw away the stone itself. It does not have such a "nut" as in apricot pits.

Wash the peaches, cut them in half and remove the pit. Cut the peach into slices, and place in the dryer pan.

For the first two hours, turn on the temperature in the dryer at 70 degrees, then turn it down to 50, and dry until cooked at a low temperature.

Video from the channel - kliviya777: Dried PEACHES. We make crumbs and fry delicious pancakes

Video: Drying peaches - 10 kg. IN dryer Ezidri master.

Candied peach

If the peaches are almost ripe, you can add sugar and make them like candied fruits. Cut the peaches into pieces, sprinkle with sugar and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

If the peaches let the juice out weakly, boil the syrup, based on 1 kg of peaches:

  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 300 grams of water;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Boil the syrup and dip the peaches into it, let it simmer for 5 minutes, and remove the pan from the heat. Let the peaches stand until they cool completely. Drain the syrup and place the peach pieces in the dryer.

The rules for drying peaches are the same as for all other fruits: the first two hours at maximum mode, then at low until tender.

Peach pastille

Overripe peaches are difficult to dry. They spread and do not hold their shape, so it is better to cook from them " fruit candies", or pastila.

Peel the peaches from the stone, cut and grind with a blender to a puree state.

Add sugar to taste citric acid and boil for 10 minutes on low heat, with continuous stirring.

Pour the peach puree onto the marshmallow tray and dry on the lowest setting until done, usually about 10 hours.

Do not overdry, and test readiness with your finger. Pastila should be soft and elastic.

Some manufacturers "forget" to supply their electric dryers with marshmallow trays, but this should not stop you. Find a piece of baking paper and remember school lessons by labor. Make the sides, and fasten them with a stapler or paper clips.

For one time, such a “pallet” is quite enough, but more is not needed.

How to cook peach-honey marshmallow, see the video:

Glycemic index (GI) – 50.

Calorie content - 254 kcal.

It is believed that China is the birthplace of peach. This heat-loving plant grows in regions with a subtropical climate. Dried peach production technology provides heat treatment fruits at a temperature of 65 degrees. Before that, they are sorted, cut, the bone is removed. The drying process lasts 4-5 hours. Main suppliers: Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Crimea and the countries of Central Asia.

Beneficial features

Peach contains a vitamin and mineral concentrate, which contains proteins - 3 g, fats - 0.3 g, carbohydrates - 57.5 g, in which mono- and disaccharides occupy the main part - 52.3 g, alimentary fiber- 15 g, organic acids - 2.7 g, water - 18 g, unsaturated fatty acid- 0.2 g, starch - 5.5 g, ash - 3.5 g. Vitamins: PP, beta-carotene, A, B1, B2, C, E.

Macro- and microelements: calcium - 115 mg, sodium - 141 mg, phosphorus - 192 mg, magnesium - 92 mg, iron - 3.5 mg. Also available essential oils And beneficial acids: acetic, formic, caprylic and others.

The mineral composition of dried peach surpasses all types of dried fruits in the presence of potassium - 2043 mg, 100 g of the product contains almost 82% daily allowance for the human body. As well as phosphorus - 24%, magnesium - 23%, iron - 16.8%. Vitamin E - 37%, vitamin A - 18.6%, dietary fiber - 50%.

How does it affect the body

With a high concentration of minerals and vitamins, dried peach has health benefits: tones immune system, improves blood composition, stabilizes hemoglobin levels, stimulates the gallbladder. Regular use has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Dried peaches are especially valued by people with arrhythmia, angina pectoris and problems with blood vessels. This product is able to effectively fight microbes and bacteria, and is useful for eliminating the processes of putrefaction in the intestines. It has anti-aging properties, has a good effect on the condition of the skin: it retains moisture at the cellular level, eliminates flabbiness. Inclusion in the diet restores strength, raises the tone.

How to choose

Mostly dried peaches can be purchased in the markets. First of all, it is worth noting the presence of aroma, if it is absent, then this indicates improper storage. If the fruits look wet, this also indicates poor quality. You can’t take such peaches, because they were watered with an unknown liquid. High-quality dried peaches should be clean, dry and without a "gray" coating.

Storage methods

Dried peaches, subject to the rules of storage, do not lose their properties for two years. To do this, they should be kept in a dry, dark place, in an airtight container (glass or plastic), but linen bags are best suited for these purposes.

What is combined with in cooking

Dried peaches stand out from all dried fruits. exquisite taste. They keep a large number of vitamins and carbohydrates. In cooking, this fruit has found wide application. As a rule, dried fruits are used to make drinks (comotes, fruit drinks), but dried peach, among other things, is involved in the preparation of meat dishes. Inclusions in fruit salads and desserts are considered traditional. It is also added to confectionery: muffins, cakes, pies, eaten with ice cream.

Useful food combination

Dried peaches despite being high glycemic index and calories are used in weight loss programs. These fruits are used for a snack or as an independent dish (no more than 5 pieces per day), as well as an ingredient in vegetable and fruit salads seasoned with fat-free yogurt.

Since dried peach has a high percentage of sugar, it can be added to any cereal as a sweetener, and also cooked from it in combination with dried apricots, raisins and prunes vitamin compotes sugarless.


Dried peaches contain a very large amount of sugars (up to 60%), therefore they are contraindicated for people suffering from obesity and diabetes.

Excessive consumption of this product can cause various allergic reactions: diathesis, dermatitis, etc. People with increased uneven excitability, diseases gastrointestinal tract you should also use dried peaches in moderation so as not to aggravate the painful condition.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Doctors advise using dried peaches as a dietary supplement for people who are weakened and emaciated in the postoperative period to strengthen the body. Thanks to great content salts and potassium they are prescribed to patients with cardiovascular diseases, especially in case of heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia, angina pectoris). The method of treatment consists in daily morning intake on an empty stomach of 2-3 halves of dried peach soaked in the evening.

In winter, it is recommended to eat dried peaches to increase immunity, the risk of acute respiratory infections and SARS is reduced. They are prescribed for anemia and disorders of intestinal motility, it is a gentle laxative for the elderly and young children. For regular use dried peaches are used for low hemoglobin, gallbladder dysfunction, lethargy, decreased vitality, to remove toxins and strengthen blood vessels.

Water infusion or decoction helps with heaviness in the stomach and stagnation in the intestines. Drink on an empty stomach to cleanse blood vessels and strengthen the walls.

In cosmetology, an infusion of dried peaches is used to create lotions. In crushed form (to the state of a paste) it is part of scrubs. Fruit acid helps to cleanse the skin of dead cells and brightens the skin. Rubbing with a decoction rejuvenates, nourishes and eliminates fine wrinkles.

Eating dried fruit daily is a solid step towards better health. Dried fruits preserve almost all useful vitamins and substances that are contained in the same fruits only fresh.

If fruits are dried properly, they contain a unique balance of vitamins and minerals: iron, magnesium, calcium. For example, five medium-sized dried apricot slices contain a full daily allowance iron and calcium, which maintains the desired level of hemoglobin in human blood. With the help of dried fruits, you can easily satisfy the feeling of hunger. Ten days of eating dried fruits refresh the face, strengthen nails and hair, and improve digestion. In addition, dried fruits are rich in fructose, with which you can satisfy your need for sweets without causing any harm to the body.

Consider the most popular dried fruits and their beneficial properties.

Dried apricots
Dried apricots is dried apricots seedless. The fruits are dried in the sun for about 6-8 days. Usually from 3 kilograms of fresh apricots, 1 kilogram of dried fruits is obtained, since fruits lose most its moisture.

The best is considered large, medium hardness and elasticity of dried apricots. Bright, of course, looks more appetizing, but saturated color says that chemicals were added to it. Natural light fruits fade slightly when dried.

The most important value of dried apricots is that when dried, most beneficial trace elements. There are not so many vitamins left in it, as in apricots, but there are much more minerals - potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorus than in fresh apricots. There is a lot of vitamin B5 in dried apricots, organic acids and pectins, which effectively remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the human body.

Doctors value dried apricots for their ability to improve eyesight and treat heart disease. It helps to eliminate blockage of blood vessels and softens hard tumors, rejuvenates the skin and strengthens the hair. plant fibers contained in dried apricots help cleanse the intestines. Dried apricots strengthen the heart and increase hemoglobin.

In cooking, dried apricots are in demand in the preparation of desserts and confectionery. In crushed form, dried apricots are used as a seasoning to give dishes sweet and sour taste And pleasant aroma. Dried apricots are added to compotes and other drinks, sauces, soups, pilafs, and used as a filling for sweet pies.

Prunes are dried plum. For its preparation, only fully ripe, fleshy fruits are taken. Prunes retain almost all the useful substances that make up fresh plums.
Prunes are rich in minerals, vitamins and substances vital for the body. It helps in early treatment cardiovascular disease, contributes to the normalization of pressure in hypertension, regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes metabolism, helps to get rid of excess weight. Prunes have bactericidal properties.
It can even tone up and restore reduced performance. It can also improve appearance and skin condition.

Prunes are part of many dishes and drinks - salads, meat dishes, pilafs, compotes.

Dates have a wonderful taste and nutritional properties. It is believed that they contain all the necessary substances for humans. Therefore, they say that eating only dates and water, you can live for several years.

Dates do not contain cholesterol. Due to the fact that they are low in calories (23 calories in one date) and contain great amount useful substances, they are recommended to be used instead of sweets during diets.

This dried fruit strengthens the heart, liver and kidneys, promotes the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, maintains the acid balance of the body and nourishes the blood, promotes the development of the root endings of the brain, enhances the body's ability to resist various infections, including viral ones.

Dates are eaten as desserts and also added to various confectionery products. They also make excellent sweets by adding some kind of nut inside and pouring chocolate on top.

dried apples
Apples can be dried with the skin and seed nest, but the quality is improved if they are peeled and cored before drying.

Dried apples contain sugars - fructose, glucose, sucrose; organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric, chlorogenic and arabic; pectin, tannins and dyes; mineral salts, organic compounds iron and phosphorus; vitamins - provitamin A, B, C and essential oil.

Dried apples can help those suffering from rheumatism, gout, atherosclerosis, chronic eczema and other skin diseases. They are useful for strengthening vision, skin, hair and nails, as well as for eliminating diseases of a nervous nature.

Benefit dried apples is also manifested in their ability to improve digestion, as well as intestinal function, therefore oatmeal with dried apples for breakfast will only serve you well. In addition to cereals, they can be added to salads and pilafs.

dried pear
A pear is one of the fruits that loses a minimum of vitamins when dried, however, this should be done at a moderate temperature. Our ancestors used traditional medicine dried pears for cough treatment.

Pear is rich in sugars, organic acids, enzymes, fiber, tannins, nitrogen and pectin, vitamins C, B1, P, PP, carotene (provitamin A), as well as flavonoids and phytoncides. But the most important value of a pear lies in the content of nutritional fibers. The amount of vitamin C in it is low. By content folic acid pear surpasses even blackcurrant.

Pear is very good for the heart. This is due to the fact that it contains a lot of potassium. The better and stronger smell pears, the greater its benefits, especially for the heart.

From dried pear can be boiled delicious compotes, add them as a filling for baking.

dried bananas
Dried bananas are made without the use of any chemical treatment. The method of their preparation is simple: ripe bananas are peeled, laid out on baking sheets and dried at a low temperature in charcoal ovens.

The moisture content of bananas is reduced to 17-19%, they are greatly reduced in size. At the same time, bananas do not lose their beneficial properties. The pulp contains a large amount of carbohydrates, vitamin C and some minerals necessary for the body - phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Bananas are also used in medicinal purposes. Thanks to high content iron and sugar they help in the treatment of anemia and general weakness. Green bananas are high in potassium and sodium.
Dried bananas can be combined with cereals, desserts.

dried peach
Peach - very valuable product. Its pulp is not only juicy, fragrant, refreshing, but also nutritious. It is easily digestible. Peach is dried pitted, halves.

Dried peach contains sugars, malic, tartaric, citric, quinic, chlorogenic acids, vitamins A and C, essential oils. It is often recommended to patients with cardiovascular diseases, used as an antiemetic.

Dried peaches are used as desserts, combined with nuts, put in baked goods, added to cereals and pilaf, pre-chopped.

It is believed that carefully dried figs are even tastier than fresh ones. During the drying process, the amount of protein in figs increases to 3-6%, and sugar to 50-70%, while fresh figs contains only 1% proteins, 15-20% sugars.

Dried figs can increase the energy produced by our body, improve mood, performance and mental activity.

There is more fiber in dried figs than in all other dried fruits, which gives a feeling of satiety and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The benefits of dried figs lies in the abundance of microelements and vitamins in it that are necessary for our body. It has a strong laxative effect. Do not use it for pancreatitis, diabetes or acute bowel disease.
Dried figs - great addition To cheese platter and guilt. It is combined with honey and nuts. Bruschettas are made from figs.

raisins are dried grapes with bones. This is one of the most useful and popular dried fruits. It retains almost all the useful properties of fresh grapes - 70-80% vitamins and 100% trace elements.

Raisins contain 79.5-87.5% sugars, 2.1-2.9% nitrogenous substances, 0.7-2.3% acids, including tartaric and oleanolic acids, 1.3% fiber, 2-2 .9% ash, 16-22% moisture, vitamins B1, B2 and B5, trace elements - iron, boron, magnesium and others.

Raisins can strengthen nervous system, act as a sedative. It heals the heart and lungs, and doctors recommend it as a remedy for anemia and general weakness, for fever and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, for diseases of the heart and kidneys.

In cooking, raisins are used in bakery and confectionery, muffins and Easter cakes. It is readily added to cereals and pilafs.

dried cranberries
Cranberries are rich in vitamins and minerals which prevent the aging process. In addition, it has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties that contribute not only to the prevention, but also to the treatment of many diseases.

Numerous useful properties of dried cranberries are in no way inferior to valuable qualities fresh berry. In dried form, she sweet taste and rich aroma.

In cooking dried cranberries considered priceless. It is customary to use it as an independent treat, as well as add it to pastries and salads, thereby saturating them with vitamins.

Dried barberry
Barberries are dried in the oven or in the open air, covered with a towel. When dried, it can be stored for about 2 years in paper or canvas bags.

Barberry berries are considered low-calorie and dietary product. Barberry fruits contain carotenoids (xanthophyll, lutein, chrysanthemaxanthin, zeaxanthin, auroxanthin, flavoxanthin, capsanthin), carbohydrates, tannins, pectin substances, ash, organic acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins E, C and beta-carotene.

Well-dried and ground berries are used as a pleasant sour seasoning To meat dishes. Many people add barberry to pilaf.

Include dried fruits in your diet and do not forget, among other things, to cook from them healthy compotes which can be served cold in summer and hot in winter.
