
Dried peach. Dried Peaches: Delicious and Healthy

Peach is considered not only very tasty, but also quite healthy fruit. Its refreshing, juicy and nutritious pulp is perfectly absorbed by the human body. Until recently, only fresh or canned fruits could be found on the shelves. But already today, dried peach is sold in the markets and shops. What is the name of this product, you will learn by reading this article.

What is included in these dried fruits?

The dried fruit, known as "septala", contains about 15% sugar, as well as a small amount of proteins and fats. In addition, they are considered an excellent source of organic acids, including chlorogenic, tartaric, malic, and citric acids.

As for the vitamin composition, dried peaches contain beta-carotene, thiamine, vitamins E, B and PP. They also contain cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and lycopene. In addition to everything, these dried fruits are rich in minerals. They contain a large amount of phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium.

Dried and harm

These dried fruits are valued for their antioxidant properties, thanks to which they are used as a prophylactic against cancer. Also, doctors often recommend adding them to the diet of people with problems with the heart and nervous system. It is proved that these fruits have a beneficial effect on male potency.

In addition, dried one hundred grams of which is 254 kcal, is indispensable for low hemoglobin levels and constipation in children. Regular consumption of these dried fruits improves blood composition, normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract.

Despite all the benefits of this product, it should not be used by people with diabetes. In addition, excessive consumption of dried peaches can cause an allergic reaction, as well as problems with the vascular and digestive systems.

Mostly dried peaches, the benefits of which are obvious to any average consumer, are sold in the markets. When choosing this product, you need to pay attention to the presence of aroma. The absence of a characteristic pleasant smell may indicate a violation of the rules for storing fruits. In addition, quality dried fruits should not be wet in appearance. Experts recommend not buying such peaches, as there is an increased likelihood that they were watered with an unknown liquid. A quality product should be dry, clean and free of whitish deposits.

Useful properties of dried peaches can be stored for two years. At the same time, it is extremely important to follow certain recommendations. Keep this product preferably in an airtight glass or plastic container, hidden in a dark place.

What fruits are suitable for drying?

In order for dried peaches to retain as many valuable vitamins and microelements as possible, it is necessary not only to strictly follow the technology of their preparation, but also to choose the right raw materials. It should be understood that overripe, underripe, damaged and too soft fruits cannot be used for these purposes, since during the drying process they will begin to deteriorate and lose their properties. It is advisable to make blanks from ripe sweet and sour varieties with pink or pale yellow flesh.

How to dry peaches at home?

Having selected the desired fruits, you can start sorting them. It is advisable to immediately separate small, medium and large peaches, since the drying temperature will depend on their size. Large fruits are recommended to be cut in half beforehand. As for small fruits, they can be dried whole. Washed and prepared peaches should be laid out in a thin even layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and sent to the oven. Drying peaches is recommended at a temperature of 65 degrees. From time to time they should be taken out of the oven to turn over.

Alternative way

Many modern housewives have long refused to use the oven to make dried peaches. They cannot be harvested with bones, because this way they deteriorate faster. This technique involves the processing of fruits with a solution. This can significantly facilitate the process of peeling. The fruits are dipped into a container with a solution and boiled for ten seconds. After this time, it is necessary to wait for the fruit to cool completely, cut them in two along the groove, carefully remove the skin and fumigate with sulfur.

Peaches that have undergone such processing must be laid out on trays and left for four days. That is how much time is required for the complete weathering of sulfur dioxide, which had time to dissolve in the cell sap. After that, the fruits can be sent for drying, remembering to periodically turn them over. After a few days, the fruits are poured onto one tray, on which they remain until full condition. Dried peaches are considered fully cooked when their moisture content is less than 18%.

Useful Combinations

Let's make a reservation right away that the dried peach, whose name you already know, stands out against the background of other analogues with its unique exquisite taste. Due to the fact that it retains many vitamins, it is often used in cooking. Basically, fruit drinks and compotes are prepared from these dried fruits. However, some gourmets add them to meat dishes. In addition, these fruits are used to make fruit salads, desserts, pies, cakes and muffins.

Paradoxically, this rather high-calorie one is often used in weight loss programs. Dried peaches can be consumed not only as a snack, but also as an independent dish. Nutritionists recommend eating no more than five pieces daily. These dried fruits contain a fairly large amount of sugar, so it is often used as a sweetener added to all kinds of cereals.

Pilaf recipe with dried peaches

To prepare this delicious and healthy dish you will need:

  • one and a half cups of long-grain rice;
  • two tablespoons of oil;
  • a glass of prunes;
  • a quarter of a lemon;
  • two tablespoons of water;
  • a glass of dried peaches;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • half a glass of raisins.

First you need to boil rice in salted water until half cooked. While it is on the stove, you can rinse the dried fruits and pour boiling water over them. After half an hour, it is necessary to drain the water in which there were peaches, prunes and raisins, cut them into small pieces and add to a container with rice. Oil, water, sugar and pitted lemon slices are also sent there. Then the pan is placed in the oven and left there until the dish is ready.

Use in cosmetology and medicine

On the basis of dried peaches, all kinds of lotions and scrubs are produced. At home, they make decoctions that help rejuvenate, brighten and cleanse the skin.

These dried fruits are also used in medicine. Many doctors recommend using them for people who have recently undergone surgery. It is believed that dried peach fruits contribute to the strengthening and speedy recovery of a weakened and depleted body. These fruits contain a large amount of potassium, so they should be part of the diet of those diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases, including angina and arrhythmia.

In winter, they can be consumed to strengthen the immune system. Dried peaches are indicated for anemia and problems associated with impaired intestinal motility. A decoction or infusion prepared from them helps to get rid of heaviness in the stomach.

Summer is a period of true fruit abundance. And when it unties its basket full of the most fragrant fruits and berries, then you will not find anything in it. Everything's there. And not the last place is occupied by such a fruit as a peach.

The Isidri dryer will help to preserve all the benefits of peach, thanks to which you can enjoy delicious dried fruits at least every day at any time of the year. If there is already an electric dryer in the household, then you should definitely use it, and if not yet, then you should definitely purchase such a device as the Ezidri fruit dryer.

It will help preserve all the vitamins and minerals of peaches without losing their quality. Dried peaches completely replace their usual sweet tooth snacks with sweets, cookies, cakes, but without harm to health, rather, on the contrary, for the benefit of the body. Dried peaches have helped some people transition to a healthy diet.

Before drying the fruits of the peach tree for harvesting for the winter, they must be sorted out, spoiled, unripe or overripe fruits must be removed. All peaches are thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces, the bones are removed from them.

Dried peaches, subject to certain storage rules, do not lose their valuable qualities and useful properties for two years. If dried peaches are harvested for the winter, then they are kept in a dry, dark place, in a hermetically sealed container. To do this, you can use glass jars with tight lids or simple linen bags.

Uses of dried peaches in cooking

Peach is very easily absorbed by the body. In addition, dried peaches can fully satisfy the need for sweets and do not harm the body.

If we consider all dried fruits, then dried peaches stand out for their delicate and refined taste and pleasant aroma. It is due to their taste properties that they are widely used in cooking. As a rule, compotes, fruit drinks are cooked from peaches, put in muffins, cakes and pastries, added to ice cream. Dried peaches make excellent desserts, fruit salads. In addition, they are useful for cooking various meat dishes.

So with dried peaches you can cook pilaf. And if you bake a piece of pork in foil, smearing it with a sauce of lemon juice, ketchup (or sour cream), adjika and slices of dried peaches, then all the inhabitants of the apartment will come to the smell of the most aromatic dish, and the pork itself will acquire the thinnest beautiful fried crust and soak in sweet and sour sauce with a delicate peach flavor. It may seem that such a fruit as a peach can only be combined with sweet dishes, but it will give the meat an indescribable tart and delicate flavor.

Although peaches have a fairly high glycemic index (that is, they contain quite a lot of fructose), they are used in various weight loss programs. Excellent several pieces (no more than 5 per day) are suitable for snacking between meals. You can use peach as part of fruit salads, which are seasoned with low-fat yogurt.

In combination with dried apricots, raisins, prunes and other dried fruits, dried peaches can be used to cook delicious vitamin compotes that do not need sweetening. By adding dried peach to porridge, you can get a wonderful and complete breakfast, which the most fastidious child will not refuse.

Only one peach smell will lift a little capriculum out of bed in the morning. Peaches give a delicate taste and aroma to dairy products, refresh drinks, desserts and pastries, butter creams. And dishes from meat, poultry, dried peaches make piquant. Add them to stews, sauces and roasts. Dried peach is indispensable in the preparation of mousses, jellies, smoothies, sauces.

Summer time generously endows us with a large number of fragrant fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, greens. One of these summer gifts is the handsome peach, which is adored by even the most fastidious gourmets. But you can only enjoy it for a few months of the year. And so I want to save a piece of summer memories for the winter.

And the Izidri fruit and vegetable dryer will become an assistant in preserving such a gentle solar miracle as a peach. Thanks to such a useful device at any time of the year, it is possible to create various culinary masterpieces from high-quality dried peach fruits and enjoy them with family and loved ones.

It is on everyone's lips. But many remember dried peaches only when they come across them in a store or in some unusual recipe. The properties of dried peaches are similar to the nutritional value of dried apricots, but, meanwhile, this is a completely different, special product that should be included in your diet.

dried peaches as a product

Dried peaches also have an antibacterial effect, normalize the intestinal microflora, help fight internal suppuration and unpleasant odors. Along with this, skin problems are corrected, the color and structure of the epidermis improves, the flabbiness of the integumentary tissues decreases, they become more susceptible to cosmetics.

Despite the rather high content of carbohydrates, the product is also used in the diet menu. Dried peach fruits are good for snacking or for raising the overall tone of the body and its ability to cope with physical stress. It is good to combine these dried fruits with dairy products and cereals. However, you should not consume more than five medium pieces of dried peaches per day, so as not to increase the level of sugar consumed and not provoke allergic reactions in the body. It's best to replace the sugar you're used to adding to smoothies and morning cereals with peaches - they have great sweetening qualities.

Eating dried peaches

Dried peaches are great with complex carbs! In particular, cereals, fresh fruits and whole grain cakes. Using this product, you can prepare a low-fat curd cream or cocktail that will be highly nutritious and have a unique taste.

The ideal option is to prepare compotes, fruit drinks, homemade lemonades, teas and infusions with mineral water from peaches. Such drinks strengthen the immune system well, normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, help increase the overall tone of the body, performance, improve metabolism and start the process of losing weight.

Dried peaches are widely used in the preparation of desserts - cakes, pies, pastries, ice cream, sweets and more.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
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Peach is a southern fruit tree belonging to the Rosaceae family. China is considered the birthplace of the peach. Valued for tasty, juicy and fragrant fruits. Peach is used to make jam, compotes, jams, and also used in dried form.

The fruits of the peach tree are sorted, spoiled, unripe or very overripe peaches are selected. They are thoroughly washed, dried and divided into two parts. The bones are taken out. An obligatory step is blanching the prepared halves in a 2% solution of baking soda. Peaches can be dried in the sun, but this method is used in southern countries where the sun is very active. You can dry peach halves in the oven - in this case, the fruits are placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment and put in the oven for 4-5 hours.

According to its composition, dried peach is considered simply a unique product. It contains a large amount of vitamins: vitamin A, B2, vitamin C, vitamin E and PP, as well as organic acids such as citric, tartaric and malic acid.

Of the trace elements, dried peach contains iron most of all. Also, the mineral composition is represented by magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese, selenium and phosphorus.

Beneficial features

Peach is very useful for people with anemia and heart disease. This tasty fruit is indicated for people with a weakened immune system. It is recommended to use this fruit for intestinal diseases, constipation and heartburn. Removes harmful toxins from the body and increases appetite.

Doctors recommend eating dried peach for diseases of the kidneys, liver, urinary and gallbladder. Dried fruits of the peach tree are used in folk medicine in the treatment of gout, rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis.


Dried peach is used in the preparation of compotes, mousses, jellies, smoothies, various sauces. This dried fruit is added to baking. Dried peach cupcakes are especially delicious. Many housewives use it to cook pilaf with dried fruits. Meat baked with dried peach fruits acquires an unusual aroma.

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Dried apricots
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Step 1: Prepare the Peaches.

ripe (not rotten!) Wash peaches and cut in half. We remove the bone. Small fruits can be dried with a stone. While you cut the peaches, heat up the oven. The temperature in the oven should not exceed 65 degrees. Please note that from 1 kilogram of peaches, 200 grams of dried peaches without pits and 300 grams with pits are obtained.

Step 2: Dry the peaches.

Lay a baking sheet on a flat surface and place baking paper in it. Lay the washed and chopped peaches on paper. Put the baking sheet with the peaches in the oven for half an hour. Peaches should be stirred every 10 minutes. This is the only way you can dry them evenly. After half an hour, turn off the oven and let the peaches stand for about an hour. Then preheat the oven again and put the peaches in it. Repeat this process until the peaches are dry.

Step 3: Serve dried peaches.

After our peaches are dried, you can arrange them in glass jars or paper boxes. At any time of the year, you can get them and make delicious compote or jam. Bon appetit!

You can dry peaches in the sun. To do this, spread the fruits evenly on paper and dry the peaches to the desired hardness.

Both sweet and sweet-sour varieties of peaches are suitable for drying.

You can not be afraid for the figure. Dried peaches are low in calories and very healthy.
