
Recipe for okroshka with meat on kefir. Meat okroshka is the right nutrition for the summer season! Recipes, secrets and subtleties of okroshka with meat

Cold soups are very popular in summer, when we look for freshness and lightness in drinks and dishes to help endure the heat.

That is why we want to tell you about how okroshka with meat is prepared - a kind of Russian dish that is often present on the tables in the summer. This meat cold soup has many cooking variations, today we will consider the most delicious and most successful of them.

It is erroneously considered that classic okroshka prepared using boiled sausages, but this is not entirely true. A modernized recipe can and does allow the addition of this ingredient, but in ancient times, when such sausages were not produced, people used pure meat.

And let's be honest, the meat product that is now sold in stores can hardly be called natural. Even the most expensive varieties of boiled sausages contain a small amount of meat in their composition.

If you avoid similar products or you just like to eat everything natural, then meat okroshka is exactly the dish that will help you successfully resist the summer heat.

At the same time, the presence of meat in this cold soup makes it quite satisfying. This combination of qualities made this dish a real favorite in the former CIS and far beyond its borders.

Those gourmets who cannot imagine their life without meat will especially appreciate the recipe for mixed okroshka. In addition, you will certainly be pleased with the original version of this dish, prepared with fried meat. But, perhaps, let's not rush and consider each recipe closer.


  • Meat (beef, pork)- 300 g + -
  • - 1 PC + -
  • - 1 PC + -
  • - 2 pcs + -
  • - 1 PC + -
  • - 2 pcs + -
  • Kvass - 1.5 l + -
  • Cucumber pickle— 0.5 l + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • Parsley dill, green onion - 1 bunch + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -

How to cook okroshka on kvass with meat

  1. The meat should be boiled in a small amount of salted water. After that, we take it out of the broth, cool it and chop it very finely. Pour into a deep container.
  2. Hard-boil the eggs and cool under running water. cold water. Peel off the shell and chop finely, add to the meat.
  3. My potatoes and boil directly in their skins. According to the same scheme, cool, clean and then cut into a small cube.
  4. Peel fresh cucumber and onion. Cucumbers of both types are cut into cubes, like potatoes, but we cut the onion very, very finely. Combine all previously chopped ingredients.
  5. In a separate container, mix brine, mustard, kvass and finely chopped greens. Mix everything until the mustard is completely dissolved.
  6. Pour the previously chopped vegetables, eggs and meat with our solution and mix. Salt, pepper and taste.
  7. We put the container in the refrigerator for half an hour. After that, serve to the table, adding a little sour cream to each serving.

If you want your okroshka to be very tasty, then take the choice of meat seriously. Here it is the main ingredient and therefore the quality requirements are quite high.

Choose only the meat in which the number of veins is minimal, and all films must first be removed.

Recipe for okroshka in meat broth with meat


  • Beef - 300g;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs;
  • Radishes - 5 pcs;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • Meat broth - 2 l;
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste.

Cooking okroshka in meat broth

  1. Place the meat in a small amount of water and bring to a boil. We drain this water and pour in new, salt, it should be a little more than two liters, since part of it will evaporate during the cooking process. When the meat is ready, take it out, and cool the broth and put it in the refrigerator.
  2. Finely chop the beef and place in a bowl in which we will continue our cooking.
  3. Boil the potatoes in their skins, then cool and cut into small cubes.
  4. Wash fresh vegetables and cut into quarters, pour into a bowl.
  5. Eggs are also boiled, cooled under cold water and cleaned. After finely chop and combine with the rest of the ingredients.
  6. We take out the broth from the refrigerator. Pour acid into it, add mayonnaise and sour cream. Here you need to add finely chopped onion, parsley and dill.
  7. Pour in our broth solid ingredients. Salt and pepper, then mix thoroughly. We try to taste, if everything is in order, put in the refrigerator for another hour.
  8. After this time, the dish is ready and it can be served at the table.

If you wish, you can replace citric acid with freshly squeezed lemon juice. In this case, its amount should be equal to 1 tablespoon. This value can be adjusted to your liking.

Meat okroshka: whey recipe


  • Meat (beef or pork) - 200 g;
  • Smoked meats - 100 g;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • Sour cream - 100 g;
  • Serum - 1 l;
  • Parsley, dill, green onions - 1 bunch each;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

How to make okroshka on whey with meat

  1. The meat should be boiled until tender. Then let it cool down and finely chop.
  2. Boil the potatoes in their skins, let them cool, peel and cut into cubes with a side of half a centimeter.
  3. Smoked meats are cut in a similar way.
  4. Hard boil eggs, cool in cold water, peel and finely chop.
  5. Cucumbers need to be washed, if desired, peeled and cut into cubes.
  6. We combine all our cuts in a sufficiently deep container and set aside, now we are engaged in refueling.
  7. We mix whey with sour cream, pour finely chopped and washed greens here, mix everything until sour cream is completely mixed with whey.
  8. Pour the rest of the ingredients with the resulting liquid. Add salt and pepper. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour.
  9. After the specified time, the dish is completely ready.

Meat Okroshka Recipe

lovers meat dishes will be delighted with this cold soup, because it contains three types of meat at once. At the exit, we get a kind of chilled hodgepodge that will surely conquer you from the first spoon.


  • Beef tongue - 100 g;
  • Chicken fillet- 100 g;
  • Smoked pork - 100 g;
  • Ready mustard - 1 tbsp;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • Fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs;
  • Dill, parsley, green onions - 1 bunch each;
  • Kvass (preferably white) - 1.5 l;
  • Sour cream - to taste.

How to cook okroshka team with meat

  1. The tongue and chicken fillet should be boiled until tender. Remove the skin from the tongue, and then finely chop both types of meat.
  2. We cut smoked meats into small cubes, pour all three types of meat into a deep container, in which we will continue our cooking further.
  3. Hard-boil the eggs, then cool them under running cold water, peel and finely chop them.
  4. Wash cucumbers and herbs thoroughly running water, cut the cucumbers into cubes, and finely chop the greens. We combine all the ingredients.
  5. In a separate container, mix kvass and mustard, mix until the mustard is completely dissolved. Fill with this solution our remaining components.
  6. Fresh cucumber - 1 pc;
  7. Radishes - 5 pcs;
  8. Chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  9. Ready mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  10. Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  11. Sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  12. Green onions, parsley, dill - 1 bunch each;
  13. Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  14. Salt and black pepper - to taste;
  15. Kvass (preferably white) - 0.5 liters.
  16. How to make okroshka with fried meat

    1. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat over medium heat. We put the meat here and fry until cooked. Don't fry it too long as the meat will dry out.
    2. We cut our fried meat into small cubes.
    3. Wash and cut vegetables in the same way.
    4. Hard-boil chicken eggs, cool with cold water, then clean them and chop finely. We mix all the ingredients.
    5. Separately, mix sour cream, mustard, lemon juice, and finely chopped greens, mix everything and add to our cut.
    6. Pour the resulting mass with kvass, salt, pepper and check for taste, after which we send it to cool and infuse in the refrigerator for half an hour. The dish is now ready to be served.

    prepared according to this original recipe okroshka with meat is somewhat different from classic dish palatability. So if you usually don't really like cold soups, try this variety of this dish, this okroshka will surprise you.

Well, how to do without okroshka in the heat? When it's hot outside, nothing but fresh vegetables, soft drinks I don't want to eat cold soups. This is where the most popular cold soup called Russian okroshka comes to the rescue. Okroshka is made on both kefir and mineral water, but, undoubtedly, the most delicious okroshka turns out to . It not only nourishes, but also quenches thirst. Okroshka does not happen much in the summer.

I have my own ritual of drinking okroshka on kvass. First, I add quite a bit of kvass, it turns out a thick salad, slightly diluted with kvass, and then, when I satisfy my first hunger, I gradually start adding kvass to the okroshka, and there is already a more liquid okroshka, and in the end, I practically drink the rest.

Okroshka is prepared with different varieties meat or sausage. IN this recipe using a mixture of boiled beef and boiled sausages.

Recipe Information

Kitchen : Russian and Ukrainian.

Cooking method: pre-cooking individual ingredients with subsequent cutting.

Total cooking time: 35-45 min.

Servings: 7-8 .


  • boiled beef - 130 g
  • Tatar sausages - 3 pcs.
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • radish - 6 pcs.
  • green onions - 1 bunch
  • salt, sour cream and bread kvass for dressing - to taste.


Note to the owner:

  • Instead of beef, you can use pork or chicken to make okroshka.
  • If you do not like onions, put parsley or dill in okroshka instead.
  • lovers spicy dishes they can slightly pepper okroshka or add mustard sauce to taste.

Okroshka with meat

Okroshka with meat

Hearty, cool, simple soup for a hot day)

Compound: for 4 servings

Beef - 200 g;
Kvass (preferably homemade) - 4 cups;
Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
Radishes - 6 pcs.;
Cucumber - 1 pc.;
Eggs - 2-4 pieces;
Sour cream (or kefir) - 4 tablespoons;
Green onion, dill - 1 bunch each;
Parsley - 0.5 bunch;
Salt, sugar - to taste

How to cook

  1. boil beef and cool. cut into small pieces;
  2. Boil eggs and potatoes (in uniform). Cool and clean. Cut into small cubes;
  3. cut the radish thinly, finely and gently. Peel the cucumber and cut into small cubes;
  4. finely chop the onion, mash (ceil) with salt;
  5. for dressing combine: eggs, potatoes, onions and radishes. Mix. Salt;
  6. finely chop dill and parsley;
  7. in each portion plate lay out the dressing, beef, greens. Fill with cold kvass. Mix. Try it - is there enough salt? Fill with sour cream.

Dressing for okroshka

Features of preparation and taste

All the components of the dressing should be finely chopped so that when you scoop up the next portion of okroshka with a spoon, it will fit pieces of everything that you crumbled into this delicious cold soup.

Radishes are a rather rough-tasting root vegetable when you bite into them. big chunks. And thinly sliced, it will merge into the rest of the okroshka components, adding a pleasant sharpness and red color.

Enjoy your meal!

Potatoes do not have to be boiled in their skins, but this way they retain more vitamins and are more convenient for okroshka and salads - you can boil them in advance and store them in the refrigerator until the right moment.

If there is no beef, you can cook okroshka with pork, chicken, sausage (okroshka with sausage recipe) or sausages. And if there is nothing meat at all, it doesn’t matter, it will turn out vegetarian, vegetable okroshka, this is also very tasty food. Just use less liquid. Let the dish be thick.

In addition to meat, radishes and parsley can be excluded from cold soup. Everything else is a classic okroshka recipe.)) You can add canned green peas.

I advise you to take real homemade kvass for cold soups, sour (here is a recipe for homemade kvass). Okroshka acquires a more natural taste, without excess sweetness and strange aftertastes.

If you like mustard, you can season okroshka not just with sour cream, but creamy mustard sauce. For him, you should choose egg yolks, combine them with 1 tbsp. mustard and sour cream, mix everything well. Salt. Try. If there is not enough sweetness, add some sugar.
And put on a tablespoon of sour cream - mustard sauce in every plate.
The taste is bright and slightly tart.

Where is my big spoon?!))

If you are not a fan of kvass in soups, you can fill the same filling with 1 glass of kefir, diluted with 1 glass boiled water(or ready-made drinks: tanom or ayran). For some reason, whole kefir turns out to be tasteless in cold soups, apparently, it is too thick and heavy for okroshka (kefir okroshka recipe).
Most importantly, remember that everything tasty liquids, with which you fill cold soups, must be CHILLED in advance. 🙂

And if opponents of okroshka are wound up in your house, who are freezing from the inside from water from the refrigerator, soups and ice cream, season the okroshka filling for them with sour cream (or sour cream mustard sauce), olive or vegetable oil or mayonnaise. Get very tasty food -

Meat okroshka has been in our hearts since childhood. Hearing this pleasant-sounding word, we seem to be moving into the world of spring and warmth, fresh vegetables and Have a good mood, summer sun rays and country rest in the circle of loved ones. Okroshka with meat perfectly diversifies the menu of cold dishes for the summer.

"Okroshka exacerbation" falls, as a rule, in the spring-summer period. This soup is very filling, but at the same time gives an incredible feeling of lightness and cooling.

Okroshka came from the word "crush", that is, the basis of this a simple dish lies cutting ingredients. There are fish, vegetable, and meat okroshkas. Dressings are also distinguished by their variety: bread kvass, broth, kefir, acetic or lemon water, matsoni, soda and even beer. Today we will share with you recipes for okroshka with meat.

General principles for preparing meat okroshka

Okroshka is a cold assortment with filling. Synthesis boiled meat, eggs, fragrant greens and fresh vegetables. As a rule, okroshka does not create boundaries in cooking and completely allows improvisation. The philosophy is simple: mix whatever you want and fill bread kvass.

Meat to the vegetable component of okroshka is selected in a 1: 1 ratio. It is advisable to choose meat products low-fat grade, lean pork, veal or chicken fillets are best.

Treat with special attention to the selection of ingredients. Meat and vegetables must be fresh and of high quality.

The taste of the dish directly depends on kvass. For okroshka, not very carbonated kvass of natural fermentation is best suited. If you can't make it at home, buy draft kvass in barrels.

Cold soup is served, usually with sour cream. Garnished with fresh herbs (parsley, dill, fresh green onion) and half a quail egg.

Traditional Russian meat okroshka


Lean pork - 500 g;


Eggs - 5 pieces;

Mustard - 1.5 teaspoons;

Sour cream;

Kvass - 1.5 l;

Horseradish (to taste);

3 art. spoons of cucumber pickle;

Radishes - 5 pieces;

Fresh cucumbers - 2 pieces;

Two medium-sized pickled cucumbers.

Cooking method:

1. Divide the boiled pork with your hands into small pieces.

2. Grind hard-boiled eggs, onion, fresh and pickled cucumbers, radishes. When slicing, make sure that all ingredients are the same size.

3. Dressing for traditional okroshka is done as follows: rub with a spoon egg yolks in combination with horseradish, green onions and mustard. We fill cucumber pickle, salt, pepper. You can add other spices to taste.

4. Fill the mixture with dressing and let it brew for an hour so that the okroshka becomes more juicy and appetizing.

5. Pour the finished okroshka with bread kvass and serve with sour cream with a low fat content. The plate can be decorated with halves of quail eggs.

Okroshka meat "Combined"


Two fresh cucumbers;

Potatoes - 3 pieces;

Turkey breast - 200 g;

Beef - 200 g;

green onions;


Kvass - 1 l;


Sour cream;

Dried tarragon - half a teaspoon;

Black pepper - to taste;

Salted mushrooms;


Cooking method:

1. Boil and cool the meat of turkey and beef, cut into cubes. Fresh cucumbers cut into cubes. Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and cut into squares. Grind onion on a grater.

2. Dressing for okroshka is simple: add kvass spicy mustard, dried tarragon and black pepper. Mix well and pour the chopped ingredients with the resulting liquid. Let it soak for half an hour. Dried tarragon is an important spicy additive that gives okroshka a spicy taste. tart taste and more pronounced aroma. No wonder tarragon is one of the important components Arabic cuisine since the eighth century.

3. Cut the pickled mushrooms and pickled cucumbers into cubes, chop the boiled eggs and green onions. Finely chop fresh herbs.

4. After 30 minutes, mix all the chopped ingredients with dressing and pour kvass. Mix well and serve with sour cream. You can pour kvass into a separate decanter so that a person can regulate its amount in a plate, or maybe not add it at all, since many people like to eat okroshka like spring light salad.

Meat okroshka with spicy sauce


Potatoes - 50 g;

Cucumbers - 70 g;

Veal - 30 g;

Chicken fillet - 20 g;

Doctor's sausage- 30 g;

Radishes - 25 g;

Quail eggs- 3 pieces;

Celery - 20 g;

Green onions - 10 g;

5 g dill;

Kvass - 250 ml.

The proportions in this recipe are given exactly for one person, therefore, by increasing them one or more times, you can feed all your household members.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pre-boiled potatoes into thin strips, which are then divided into cubes. We cut cucumbers exactly the same as potatoes. Grind the boiled meat of veal and chicken. Cut the radish into thin strips and place in a glass of water. Being in the water, the radish will lose excessive bitterness. But there is another alternative way: salt each piece of radish so that the salt plays the role of the so-called "sponge".

2. We cut the sausage into cubes. Quail eggs are divided into two halves.

3. We prepare the sauce for okroshka according to an old recipe: put two yolks in a bowl, add salt and pepper to taste. We fill olive oil and interfere. We add mustard. Refueling is ready and sent to okroshka.

4. We lay out the okroshka platter on deep plates, pour kvass.

Okroshka with beef tongue


Chicken fillet - 200 g;

beef tongue- 200 g;

Fresh cucumbers - 4 pieces;

Two medium onions;

Salt pepper;

Kvass - 2 liters;

Dill - 100 g.

Cooking method:

1. Put the chicken fillet in a pot of boiling water, salt, cook over moderate heat until tender (15-20 minutes).

2. Dip the beef tongue into boiling water and cook over moderate heat for 30-40 minutes. Immersion of meat in hot water will make the texture of the delicacy softer, juicier and more tender. You can check if it is ready like this: by pressing on the meat with a fork, it should stand out clear juice. Then hold your tongue cold water so that the skin can be easily removed. Peeled tongue cut into slices.

3. Peel cucumbers, cut into slices. Pour kvass and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour. After 30 minutes, spread the chopped dill.

Okroshka in meat broth


2 potatoes;

A bunch of green onions;


Dill, parsley;

Chicken fillet;

Smoked sausage;

Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons;

Sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Pour chicken fillet with cold water, put on gas, add half a teaspoon of salt. Salt is necessary so that the broth is transparent, and the foam comes to the top. We leave the broth to cool, then fill it with our okroshka.

2. Grate cucumbers. Hard-boiled eggs, chopped. Chop onions and green onions. Boiled potatoes (can be in uniform) cut into cubes, do the same with smoked sausage.

3. Squeeze mayonnaise and sour cream. It's best that they be home cooking.

4. Add broth to okroshka. We stir the resulting assortment. It turned out hearty and not at all fatty meat okroshka.

Meat okroshka


Beef - 200 g;

Fresh cucumbers - 3 pieces;


Radishes - 5 pieces;

Two eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the meat hot water and leave to cook until done. After it has been cooked, do not remove it from the broth immediately, let it cool in it, then it will give the soup more juicy taste.

2. Boil hard boiled eggs. Peel off the shell, grate and add to the rest of the ingredients.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into plates, then bars and, ultimately, cubes. We send it to the water and leave to boil.

4. As a rule, mustard and horseradish are not mixed, but in this recipe this bold combination gives a pleasant sharpness and piquancy. Add mustard to the yolks, season with a pinch of salt. Mix thoroughly with a spoon or fork. To neutralize the sensations of the sweetness of kvass, add horseradish to this mass and continue rubbing. Leave for 15 minutes, then pour kvass and mix with a whisk until foam forms.

5. Finely chop the dill and add it to the dressing. Pour a little kvass so that the mixing of the mass is uniform. We continue to mix with a whisk.

6. We do not clean the radish, it bright color gives it an attractive look. Cut the radish into thin strips and send to the gas station.

7. Cut into strips and fresh cucumbers.

8. We combine vegetables, meat, dressing and kvass. Okroshka is ready!

Meat okroshka with mineral water


Two chicken eggs;

200 g of veal;

Three fresh cucumbers;

Potatoes - 4 pieces;

1 teaspoon table vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. Boil eggs, cool in cold water, peel and finely chop.

2. We disassemble the boiled veal meat into small pieces with our hands or a knife. It is better to do it with your hands so that the delicate structure of the meat is not damaged.

3. Mix sour cream with mustard and vinegar - the dressing is ready. Adjust the amount of vinegar yourself, depending on what taste of okroshka you want to get.

4. Add mineral water and stir the okroshka.

There is an opinion that the combination of onion and salt will give okroshka juiciness. In no case do not grind the onion with salt, as the onion gives off all its bitterness, and the okroshka becomes excessively sour.

Adding vinegar to a pot of potatoes will keep the potatoes whole but take a little longer to cook. Otherwise, slurry is obtained from potatoes.

Okroshka must be chilled, a warm mixture of vegetables and meat is unlikely to have an invigorating and refreshing effect.

Pounded egg yolks, mustard, salt and sugar - this dressing will definitely brighten up the taste of okroshka.

All ingredients must be cut equally. So it is easier to use okroshka, and it is more pleasant for the eye.

To make okroshka give juice and become more fragrant, grate radishes and fresh cucumbers on coarse grater.

If hungry guests arrived, and you just finished slicing okroshka and did not have time to cool it, do not be discouraged. Add one cube to each serving bowl food ice.

Summer is a great time for culinary improvisations and gastronomic creations! While the fire is burning, kebabs are marinating, vegetables and fruits are being cut, you can invite your friends to refresh themselves with a delicious cold soup. Hardly anyone can resist this!

Meat okroshka is famous for its tonic properties and qualities that are beneficial for the life of the body. Combine and try different combinations products in okroshka, and it will definitely suit your taste!

Okroshka is a variety of cold soups, the basis for the preparation of which are whey, kefir, mineral water or kvass. But the most important thing in okroshka is the vegetable mass. This cold soup comes in three varieties: meat, vegetables, and fish. And today we are preparing a recipe - okroshka with meat on kefir from our culinary notebook. How to cook delicious okroshka with meat.


Okroshka recipe with meat


- th knitted fillet - 300 gr;

- table salt;

- kefir - 500 ml;

- potato tubers - 2 pcs;

- radish - 1 pc, or radish - 200 gr

- a bunch of green onions - 1 pc;

- fresh cucumber - 1 pc;

- hard boiled egg - 4 pcs.

Cooking okroshka with meat

Step 1.

We clean the washed radish and rub it coarsely on a grater. Or use radish instead of radish. You need to cut it into thin slices.

Step 2

In the "uniform" boil the potato tubers. When potatoes are cooked, peel and cut into cubes.

Step 3

Cut the washed cucumber into cubes or strips.

Step 4

Finely chop the green onions.

Step 5

We mix the prepared products and season them with salt.

Step 6 .

Fill the whole mass with kefir.

Step 7

On plates, pour the finished okroshka with meat, adding a chopped egg into each quarter. Enjoy your meal! We hope you enjoyed our okroshka with kefir meat.


Okroshka can be seasoned with kefir, kvass, whey, and even mineral water. You can add mustard, it will give spicy taste okroshka and sharpness with aroma. Radishes are also often added to okroshka.

Some people make okroshka according to the Olivier salad principle, that is, the ingredients are the same, but they are seasoned not with mayonnaise, but with kefir or whey. It turns out a kind of liquid Olivier. Okroshka generally loves fantasy. Experiment and your okroshka will turn out the most delicious!

Finally, we offer you a joke about okroshka and a video recipe.

Our meeting was one big and continuous mistake. It was necessary to break off all relations with her even then, in the summer, when she offered me to warm up the okroshka.

Video recipe for okroshka on kefir and mineral water

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