
What greens are put in okroshka. Delicious classic okroshka - step by step recipe

If you have boiled potatoes, fresh cucumbers, radishes, boiled eggs and a variety of greens, then consider that your delicious okroshka is almost ready. For the liquid base, you can choose whatever you like or find in the fridge. Natural bread kvass, low-fat kefir, curd whey, mineral water are well suited.

The history of the appearance of the dish

Russian cuisine did not know either boiled sausage or ham. At her disposal was beef and a poor set of vegetables. Instead of kvass, cabbage and cucumber pickles were used. All the ingredients were crumbled, for which the dish was awarded the name "okroshka".

There is probably no family in our country in which okroshka would not be prepared. This dish seems to be made for a hot summer.

What do you need for a classic dish

In the classic version, the ingredients cut for okroshka are poured with white kvass, it tastes much more sour than bread kvass. Today, this kvass is not found, but we can independently prepare high-quality, delicious homemade kvass from rye bread or malt, with the addition of herbs.

How to cook:

  1. Dip the beef tongue in boiling water, cook for an hour and a half. The skin from the tongue will be removed easily if you hold it under running cold water. The already cooled tongue is cut into cubes. If the tongue is large, use only the required amount, 100 grams will be needed for 1 serving;
  2. Remove the peel from the potatoes, cut them into cubes, put in a pot of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes until the potatoes are soft. Remove the potatoes with a slotted spoon or use a colander. In this case, it is necessary to save the broth in the amount of 1 cup. Cool all ingredients;
  3. Hard-boiled eggs, remove shells. Cut the protein into cubes. Grind the green onion feather, put it in a cup, send the yolks to it, season with salt. Crush these products, you can use a pestle or an ordinary wooden “potato masher”. Then pour in the cooled broth, mix;
  4. Remove the skin from the cucumbers, chop into medium-sized cubes, pour into the pan with the yolks and onions. Put squirrels, potatoes, tongue, sliced ​​​​radishes in the same pan, pour kvass. To infuse okroshka, it must be put in the refrigerator for at least two hours;
  5. Serve okroshka cold, season with sour cream.

For okroshka on kvass

Traditional products for kvass okroshka are lean meat, fish, herbs and vegetables. These products are taken in equal proportions. The main thing is to serve cold okroshka with sour cream.

For okroshka you need:

  • 1.5 l of bread kvass;
  • 300 grams of boiled beef;
  • potatoes - 3 or 4 tubers;
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • 6 radishes;
  • green onion feather and dill - 1 large bunch each;
  • boiled eggs - 4 pieces;
  • 80 g sour cream;
  • mustard - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon zest - ½ teaspoon;
  • to taste - spices.

It will take 20 minutes to cook, the calorie content of 1 serving will be 300 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Chop the boiled beef, boiled potatoes, vegetables (cucumber and radish) into cubes, mix. Add chopped onion and dill;
  2. Peel the boiled eggs, separate the whites and yolks. Add chopped proteins to a container with vegetables and meat;
  3. Grind the yolks with sour cream, add Russian mustard, lemon juice and zest. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Dilute with kvass;
  4. Arrange a mixture of meat and vegetables on plates, pour prepared kvass.

How to cook okroshka with kefir

Okroshka with kefir is a summer soup that tastes just like the classic okroshka on bread kvass. The method of preparing cold soup with kefir, in general, has no fundamental differences. First of all, a base is prepared from fresh and boiled vegetables, meat or sausages. The liquid base in this recipe is kefir.


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • ham - 400 grams;
  • parsley, green onion feather, dill - to taste;
  • cucumber (fresh) - 2 fruits;
  • liquid kefir 1% - 1 liter;
  • radish - 6 pcs.

It will take only 15 minutes to cook, 1 serving contains 390 kcal.

Cooking method:

What products are needed for a dish on mineral water

Okroshka on mineral water is prepared simply and quickly. The main ingredients are jacket-boiled potatoes, egg whites, cucumbers, radishes and green onions. They go well with carbonated, not too salty mineral water.

What you need for 4 servings:

  • 4 potatoes;
  • 200 grams of beef or boiled tongue;
  • fresh cucumber - 4 pieces;
  • radish - 8 pcs.;
  • egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • matsoni - 400 ml;
  • mineral water (with gas) - 800 ml;
  • 8 pcs. - green onion feather;
  • to taste - spices;
  • dill for decoration.

You can cook okroshka in 20 minutes, calorie content - 300 kcal.

How to cook okroshka:

  1. The meat base of okroshka is prepared in advance. Boil meat or beef tongue, cool. Cut into thin pieces;
  2. Prepare vegetables: boil potatoes, cucumber, radish, wash and dry herbs. Cut vegetables into cubes, and chop greens at your discretion;
  3. Mix matsoni (or kefir) with mineral water and pour over the ingredients (tongue or meat, herbs and vegetables);
  4. Season to taste with salt, pepper, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

  1. If okroshka is cooked with meat, then it should be soft and tender, preferably boiled with a bone and cut off from it. To make the taste of cold soup richer, you can use a variety of meats: chicken, beef, pork, but only beef;
  2. For okroshka, fish with a neutral taste is suitable: pike perch, tench, or cod. It is pre-cut into cubes, and then boiled;
  3. Lemon juice is added to cold soups with fish to acidify them a little;
  4. Meat or vegetable cold soups are allowed to be supplemented with kvass, which has a light sweet taste;
  5. To prepare kvass, you need to cut bread (rye) into pieces, dry it in the oven. Put dry bread in a container, add boiling water, leave for four hours in a warm place in the kitchen. Strain the bread mixture, add dry yeast, sugar, cover with a thick towel. Leave in the kitchen to infuse. For preparation: a loaf of rye bread, 2 bags of yeast, four liters of water, 200 grams of sugar;
  6. To give okroshka a spicy taste, you must first combine kvass with black pepper and mustard. Add spicy dressing to prepared vegetables, herbs, meat, let it stand for a while, then pour the remaining kvass;
  7. If okroshka does not contain meat products, horseradish is better than mustard for a harmonious taste;
  8. Kefir perfectly quenches thirst, it is especially useful in hot weather. However, if you pour okroshka with one kefir, it will turn out to be very thick. Therefore, kefir must be diluted with water, mineral water can also be used;
  9. Eggs are added to okroshka whole or only protein, and the yolk is ground with mustard, horseradish, ground black pepper, diluted with a small amount of kvass and, adding a little sour cream.

In the heat, you can refuse hot dishes, but cold okroshka is simply a must. She is easy to prepare. A couple of potatoes, eggs, cucumbers, meat or sausage - and the whole family is fed.

What is needed for okroshka? The list of ingredients has been known for a long time. This familiar dish appeared in Rus' many years ago, its origin lies at the very origins of Russian cuisine.

A very simple, light, quick, beneficial and satisfying dish will add variety to your menu. Do not torture yourself in the summer in the heat with complex and heavy dishes! Prepare yourself a better saucepan of delicious okroshka.

What is needed for okroshka on kvass, on kefir, on whey and other bases? Let's find out.

But first, let's find out what okroshka is, and then we'll learn how to make okroshka. Okroshka is a cold soup that is loved in Russia and Ukraine. It is usually prepared from products that are easily found in the garden or in the nearest shop with vegetables and fruits. All the ingredients are inexpensive, they last a long time, and they give an amazing taste.

By the way, making okroshka is very easy, everyone can cope with the execution of this dish: both novice housewives and children. And the stomach will enjoy the combination of light foods that are easy to digest in the heat.

What you need to know about cooking classic okroshka?

Each housewife imagines how to make okroshka on kvass and how to make it lighter, or, on the contrary, reduce its satiety. For example, sour cream in okroshka on kvass will add “heaviness” to the dish. And if there is okroshka seasoned with sour cream, with bread, then you will be full for a very long time.

Milk whey as a dressing reduces satiety, but gives okroshka a light and very unusual taste.

Okroshka, made on kefir, will help the stomach to improve its functions.

Okroshka on ayran or tan will give the dish a taste unlike anything else.

A few secrets for a good okroshka

What is needed for okroshka? For starters, good homemade kvass. To prepare it, you will need sourdough. It can be made from a mixture of wheat, buckwheat and rye flour, as well as barley and rye malt. Malts should be fermented with mint.

Good kvass has a whitish hue and a sour taste.

Of course, okroshka can be prepared with store-bought kvass. But the experience of this dish is a little different.

Put meat or poultry in the right okroshka. Especially tasty is okroshka on beef, chicken or turkey meat. It is better to use varieties of meat that do not have too much fat. It still turns out very satisfying.

Meat is not always on the list of what you need for okroshka. For quick cooking, boiled sausage can be used instead of sausage.

Cut all the ingredients included in the dish equally. You can do it with straws, or you can do it with cubes. Stick to one style of slicing to make the okroshka look prettier.

Prepare the dressing for the dish. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the yolks together with spicy mustard. Add sugar to the mixture, stir. Add sour cream and some kvass. Then stir the dressing properly.

Before you add green onions to the okroshka, you can grind it together with table salt. So he will allocate more juice and okroshka will become more fragrant.

There is a way to fill okroshka well, very quickly and not mess with kvass. We will need very carbonated mineral water and kefir. You need to mix the dressings 1 to 1. You also need to squeeze lemon juice into the dish, and add sour cream as a sauce. Salt everything. The dressing needs to be slightly brewed separately, then it can be poured with vegetables, meat and eggs chopped for okroshka.

There is also a very masculine variation of okroshka, which cannot be called ordinary for the Russian ear. In addition to standard cucumbers and radishes, potatoes, eggs and meat, it also includes 50 g of shrimp. Pour such okroshka with dark beer. You can fill with mayonnaise and your favorite spices.

Such okroshka with non-alcoholic beer can be consumed even at lunch on weekdays.

Here are a couple of interesting ways to cook this favorite dish.

Classic okroshka, delicious recipe with photo:

What you need for okroshka (for 5 servings):

    1. Potatoes in uniform - 5 pieces

    2.Fresh medium cucumber - 4 pieces

    3. Boiled egg - 2

    4. Radishes - 7 radishes

    5. Lean meat (cooked) - 300 g

    6. Greens (parsley, dill, green onion) - each type in a bunch

    7.1 tablespoon mustard

    8. Sour cream 100 g

    9. Spices (sugar, salt, ground black pepper - be guided by your taste)

    10. 1 liter of homemade kvass

Clean all the listed components of the dish, cut in the same style. Peel the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. We will rub the yolks. So we cut only proteins.

Prepare a dressing for our dish: rub the yolks together with spicy mustard, add salt, sugar, sour cream and kvass, mix.

Add dressing to okroshka, sprinkle with herbs on top.

Now mix all the ingredients well to distribute the dressing and pour the okroshka with kvass. The dish needs to be infused for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, and okroshka can be served.

Another version of okroshka is very popular in the southern part of Russia. Fish is used for its preparation. What do you need for okroshka with fish?

two potatoes;

1 cucumber;

2 large or 3 medium boiled eggs;

Greens (dill, onion, parsley - grind with salt);

1 glass of cranberries;

300-400 g fillet of pike perch.

Preparation of okroshka with fish:

Take an ice mold, put a cranberry in each compartment and fill with mineral water. Then freeze.

Pour a glass of cranberries with a liter of boiling water, let it brew. Then strain, squeeze the berries.

Cut vegetables and eggs.

Put the fish in a plate, fill with a mixture of vegetables and eggs. Top with chilled cranberry infusion. At the end of cooking, put ice cubes with berries frozen inside in okroshka, sprinkle everything with herbs.

Okroshka is the perfect combination of taste and health benefits. Everyone loves this national Russian summer soup. The classic recipe for okroshka is well known. However, the ingredients for kvass okroshka are perfect for kefir okroshka and not only. That’s why okroshka can be crumbled into anything: add meat or fish ingredients, use whey, kefir or mineral water instead of kvass. The whole summer is ahead, you can make the most unexpected innovations in a familiar dish by preparing okroshka according to different recipes. They are simple, only some ingredients and filling change.

Youtube.com, Natalia Kim

What products are needed for okroshka

Let's be clear: okroshka requires invigorating fragrant, sour, but by no means sweet kvass. Purchased kvass can be brought to the desired state by adding a couple of crusts of black or Borodino bread to it and letting it brew in a warm place for about three hours. Strain, cool and get almost the same kvass as it should be.

Okroshka can be cooked on refreshing kvass, there is okroshka on delicate whey, for a change, you can cook okroshka on spicy ayran or soft kefir, and fish okroshka is sometimes even poured with beer. Okroshka can also be filled with just mineral water.

For satiety, put meat or sausage in okroshka. It is preferable to use lean meat: boiled beef is perfect for making okroshka, you can put chicken or turkey, some put boiled tongue. If there is no meat, the easiest solution is to cook okroshka with boiled sausage.

As a rule, the classic okroshka recipe includes boiled potatoes, fresh cucumber, radish. Vegetables should be cut into equal cubes or straws.

Boiled eggs can be put in okroshka, cut into cubes, or cut only the protein, and prepare dressing from the yolk. To do this, grind the yolks with mustard, add sour cream, sugar, salt to taste and mix with a small amount of kvass.

Green onions, dill, fresh sorrel are put in okroshka. By the way, green onions can be ground with salt. And of course, they season okroshka with sour cream or other seasonings to taste: mustard, horseradish, etc.

Okroshka classic

Ingredients: kvass 1 liter, boiled meat or ham 200 g, potatoes 3 - 4 pcs., cucumber 2 pcs., radish 5 - 7 pcs., eggs 2 - 3 pcs., green onions and dill 1 bunch each, salt to taste.

Cooking method. Boil potatoes in uniforms. Hard boil the eggs. Refrigerate hot foods. Wash and dry vegetables and herbs. Peeled potatoes and meat (ham) cut into small cubes. Put in a deep bowl. Also finely chop the radish and cucumber. Separate the whites from the yolks and chop too. It is recommended to knead the yolks with a fork and also put in a bowl. Green onions and dill should be finely chopped and slightly mashed in a bowl of salt. Then put in the total mass and mix thoroughly. Okroshka is served with kvass and sour cream. You can add mustard or grated horseradish to taste.

Okroshka meat

Ingredients: boiled beef 200 g, cucumbers 3 pcs., boiled eggs 2 pcs., sour cream 4 tbsp. spoons, kvass 2 l, dill 60 g, a bunch of green onions, sugar 20 g, mustard 8 g, salt to taste.

Cooking method. Cut beef and cucumbers into strips. Chop part of the green onion and rub it with salt until juice appears, add mustard. Separate the yolk from the protein, grind the yolk, and chop the protein into strips. Combine kvass with salt and sugar, mix. Combine the prepared ingredients, add some sour cream, mix. Dilute with kvass. Serve okroshka with finely chopped herbs and sour cream.

Okroshka on kefir

Ingredients: kefir 1 liter; kvass or mineral water with gas 0.5 liters, boiled potatoes 2 pcs., radish 5 pcs., boiled sausage (boiled meat) 200 g, boiled chicken egg 2 pcs., fresh cucumber 1 - 2 pcs., radishes and green onions 0.5 bunches, mustard 1 teaspoon, sour cream, salt, spices to taste.

Cooking method. The recipe for okroshka on kefir is not very different from the classic okroshka on kvass. The main thing is to remember that delicious okroshka on kefir, like delicious okroshka with kvass, is obtained only when it is well infused and cooled. Classic okroshka on kefir is prepared in the same way as okroshka on kvass with mustard, the ingredients are cut into medium-sized pieces and mixed with dressing.

Okroshka vegetable

Ingredients: bread kvass 2 liters, boiled carrots 1 pc., boiled potatoes 3 pcs., radishes 5 - 6 pcs., cucumbers 2 pcs., boiled eggs 2 pcs., chopped green onions, sour cream, mustard, salt and sugar to taste.

Cooking method. Cut the vegetables into strips, combine with a finely chopped egg, onion mashed with salt. Stir. When serving, put a vegetable side dish on a plate, salt, add a little mustard and pour over kvass. Serve sour cream separately.

Okroshka on whey

Ingredients: whey 1 liter, boiled potatoes 2 pcs., boiled meat or sausage 200 - 300 g; fresh cucumber 1 - 2 pcs., fresh radish 4 pcs., boiled chicken eggs 2 pcs., green onions and dill 1 bunch each, mustard 1 teaspoon, sour cream, salt.

Cooking method. Okroshka on whey is very tasty and healthy, because whey contains a lot of microelements useful for the body. Wash and dry fresh vegetables, boiled potatoes and boiled eggs and cut into small cubes. To know how to cook okroshka with whey or kefir deliciously, you need to remember about dressing. This is sour cream, mustard and salt. First mix sour cream with mustard, and then add a little salt, only in this way okroshka on whey and kefir will be moderately spicy, salty and tasty. Now you can mix everything, pour whey and let stand.

Okroshka on mineral water

Ingredients: okroshka on mineral water is cooked only on water with gas, boiled potatoes 2 pcs., boiled eggs 3-4 pcs., boiled meat or sausage 300 g, fresh cucumber 1-2 pcs., radish 3-4 pcs., green onions, dill, sour cream, salt.

Cooking method. Cut vegetables, eggs and meat ingredients into cubes or strips. Chop greens. For dressing, mix half a cup of sour cream with a teaspoon of mustard. If okroshka on mineral water is not acidic enough, add a pinch of citric acid or a drop of table vinegar. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Okroshka with crab sticks

Ingredients: bread kvass 1 l, crab sticks 240 g, radish 5 pcs., cucumbers 2 pcs., egg 2 pcs., mustard 1 tbsp. spoon, dill 1 bunch, sour cream 3 tbsp. spoons, salt and black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Step 1. Wash the cucumbers, peel if necessary (if it is too thick and rough) and cut into small cubes.
  • Step 2. Hard boil the eggs, cool, separate the whites from the yolks. Squirrels cut into cubes. Rub the yolks with mustard, salt, pepper, chopped dill and sour cream in a separate bowl until smooth.
  • Step 3 Cut crab sticks into small pieces.
  • Step 4. Wash the radish, dry it with a paper towel, cut off the ends and cut into thin circles.
  • Step 5. Place all the prepared ingredients in a deep voluminous bowl and mix well. Pour okroshka with chilled kvass, season with mustard-sour cream mixture and mix again.

Okroshka mushroom with mustard

Ingredients: bread kvass 1.5 l, salted mushrooms 400 g, potatoes 250 g, carrots 50 g, green onions 100 g, sour cream 200 g, chicken eggs 2 pcs., cucumbers 200 g, mustard 20 g, dill, sugar and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Step 1. Wash potatoes and carrots, boil in their skins, cool, peel and cut into small cubes.
  • Step 2. Wash the cucumbers, peel if necessary (if it is too thick and rough) and cut into small cubes.
  • Step 3. Hard boil the eggs, cool, separate the whites from the yolks. Squirrels cut into cubes. Rub the yolks with mustard, pepper, chopped dill and sour cream in a separate bowl until smooth. If it seems necessary, salt and add sugar, but remember that you have salted mushrooms in the okroshka!
  • Step 4. Rinse salted mushrooms under cold water, dry with a paper towel and finely chop.
  • Step 5. Wash the radish, dry it with a paper towel, cut off the ends and cut into thin circles.
  • Step 6. Rinse green onions, dry and chop finely.
  • Step 7. Place all the prepared ingredients in a deep voluminous bowl and mix well. Pour okroshka with chilled kvass, season with mustard-sour cream mixture and mix again.

Okroshka is a cold soup that our ancestors traditionally cooked in the summer. This dish still performs two important functions today - it saves from the heat and gives a feeling of satiety. Do you know what is needed for okroshka? If not, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the contents of the article.

The history of the creation of the dish

The name comes from the old Russian word "kroshevo". So our grandparents called everything that crumbled into food, and then filled with kvass, whey or cucumber pickle. Some sources claim that okroshka was invented over 1000 years ago. Initially, it was eaten by peasants. They had to work in the field in the heat. And in order to cool down a little, and at the same time to refresh themselves, they ate okroshka. Her grocery list was poor. Today, many of us are wondering: “What ingredients are needed for okroshka?” And the peasants did not have much choice. They made a refreshing stew from onions, radishes and bread kvass.

Soon, okroshka began to appear on the tables of the upper classes. The nobles liked the peasant stew. But they decided to add ingredients such as eggs, boiled meat and sour cream to it. Later, recipes appeared that included the use of boneless fish.

Do you want to please your kids and husband with a tasty, satisfying and at the same time refreshing dish? There is simply no better option than okroshka. It's ready in minutes. This dish can feed a large family. What is needed for okroshka? Now you will know about it.

Buying products

We go to the nearest vegetable market or supermarket. One of the main ingredients is meat. That is what makes the dish satisfying. It is advisable to buy low-fat varieties, for example, veal or beef. Some housewives prefer a more economical option - boiled sausage. But a real delicacy will be okroshka, to which beef tongue was added. If you want to make a light fish soup, then use cod, perch or stellate sturgeon.

Don't forget the greens. Without it, okroshka is not so tasty and fragrant. Dill, parsley, cilantro and green onions should be finely chopped, put on the bottom of the pan and mash with a crush.


What to fill with okroshka? Here you need to be guided by the taste preferences of all family members. Some people love others - whey. Potatoes and cucumbers can be cut or chopped on a grater.

Every year more and more foreign tourists visit Russia. They want to get to know not only our culture but also our cuisine better. In the summer, restaurants in Moscow and other large cities serve okroshka. Foreign guests are happy to order cold soup, which includes many ingredients. Siberian okroshka is especially popular. How to cook it at home? What is needed for okroshka on kvass? Take a notepad and write it down.

Grocery list:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • 100 g of ham;
  • wild garlic to taste;
  • one potato
  • green onions to taste;
  • one fresh cucumber;
  • kvass.

What do you need to make okroshka?

1. Potatoes must be boiled in their skins. When it cools down, clean it.

2. Hard boil eggs. Cool, remove the shell.

3. Grind the cucumber, send it to a deep salad bowl.

4. Wild garlic and cut. Add to cucumber.

5. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Put in a salad bowl.

6. Grind the ham (preferably in cubes). Eggs can be chopped with a knife or passed through an egg cutter. Add to other ingredients.

7. Greens must be chopped and sent to okroshka.

8. Mix the resulting salad thoroughly. Salt.

9. We lay out the okroshka on deep plates. Fill with kvass. Mayonnaise or sour cream is used as a dressing. The dish is served to the table with pieces of black bread. We wish you all bon appetit!


  • 3 eggs;
  • sour cream;
  • 5-6 radishes;
  • 300 g boiled sausage;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • kefir;
  • a little table mustard;
  • 3-4 cucumbers;
  • dill;
  • green onions;
  • salt.

Cooking okroshka on kefir

We follow the instructions:

1. Boil When it cools down, cut into cubes.

2. Grate cucumbers (possible with skin). We do the same with the radish.

3. Cut the sausage into cubes.

4. Hard boil eggs. Grind one yolk and three whites. And the rest of the yolks will be used to prepare the dressing.

5. Rub the chopped green onions with salt until the juice stands out.

6. Now you need to refuel. To do this, grind the yolks, sour cream, a little dill, salt, mustard and ground pepper. The resulting mixture is diluted with a small amount of kefir. We leave for 10-15 minutes. This dressing performs two functions - a thickener and flavoring.

7. In a cup or saucepan, combine ingredients such as eggs, sausage, cucumbers, potatoes and radishes. We mix it all up. Salt. The resulting salad is distributed on deep plates. Pour kefir into each of them. Sprinkle chopped dill on top. Cold soup can be seasoned with mustard, sour cream or mayonnaise. Whoever likes it.

Okroshka on water with vinegar

Grocery set:

  • 250 radishes;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 60 g of arugula;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 1 st. l sour cream;
  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 200 g of pork kebab;
  • 1 st. l vinegar (9%);
  • salt.

Instructions for cooking okroshka on water with vinegar:

Step number 1. We wash the cucumbers. Cut into cubes or grind on a grater.

Step number 2. Let's start processing the radish. Rinse with tap water, remove stems and grate.

Step number 3. Barbecue should be cooked on the grill or in the oven. When the meat has cooled down, cut it into cubes.

Step number 4. Grind the arugula.

Step number 5. Hard boil eggs. Cool down. Grind on a grater.

Step number 6. Put all these ingredients in a deep cup or pan. We mix. Salt.

Step number 7. Now you need to make a gas station. We take 1.5 cups of cooled boiled water, 1 tbsp. l sour cream and vinegar. Mix in a separate bowl. Fill the okroshka with the resulting mixture. It turns out very tasty and unusual.

Whey okroshka recipe

Grocery list:

  • 10 sprigs of dill;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 1 liter of serum;
  • 350 g boiled sausage;
  • 200 g radish;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 200 g cucumbers;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • salt.


1. Put everything you need for okroshka on the table. First, boil the eggs and potatoes (separately). This will take a matter of minutes. When the eggs have cooled, peel them from the shell. The potatoes also need to be cooled, and then remove the skin from it.

2. Chop all vegetables (except radishes) and sausage into cubes. Greens can be simply chopped.

3. Place these ingredients in a saucepan. We mix. Salt. Add sour cream. Mix again.

4. Before serving the dish, pour the okroshka with whey. Divide soup among bowls. Sprinkle chopped dill on top.

Mineral water okroshka recipe


  • 1 bunch of green onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • one cucumber;
  • 5-7 radishes;
  • 2-3 liters of mineral water;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • 200-250 g sour cream;
  • 100 g boiled beef;
  • two potatoes;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt.


1. Wash dill and onion with water. Grind them, put them in a saucepan, mix with salt and lemon juice. We mix.

2. Boil potatoes in their skins. Cool, then cut into cubes and send to the onion and dill.

3. Eggs must be hard-boiled. Grind the yolks and whites, add to the pan.

4. Wash the cucumber and radish in running water. We rub on a large grater. I put it in a little.

5. Boil the meat until fully cooked. Cool and cut into strips or cubes. Add to saucepan.

6. Pour 1 liter of mineral water into this dish. I put sour cream. We mix. Add the remaining water to the desired density. It remains only to distribute the okroshka on plates and invite the household to the table. Bon appetit!


Who said that you need to put only meat or sausage in okroshka? Nothing like this. Some modern hostesses prefer to cook fish okroshka.

We will need:

  • 1.5 l of kvass;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 0.5 kg of fish;
  • two eggs;
  • a bunch of radishes;
  • 1 tsp sugar;
  • some green onions;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l sour cream;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 tsp table mustard;
  • salt.


1. Boil the fish. Then we clean it from the bones, and cut the flesh into cubes.

2. Cooked, cool, peel and chop.

3. Wash and cut cucumbers and radishes (preferably into cubes).

5. Put the following ingredients in a saucepan: radishes, potatoes, fish, onions and cucumbers.

6. In a separate cup, grind the yolks with salt, sugar and mustard. We mix them and dilute with the specified amount of kvass.

7. Pour seasoned kvass into a saucepan with chopped ingredients. Add sour cream. Sprinkle with chopped dill. The fish hash is ready to eat.


We talked about what you need for okroshka. The recipes contained in the article are suitable for both novice housewives and experienced chefs. You can please your family with different types of okroshka. The components that make up the summer soup give a feeling of satiety, but at the same time do not harm the figure at all.

How to cook okroshka? Very simple! Now I will tell you (and show) okroshka recipe according to which my dear wife prepares it.

Products for okroshka

To prepare okroshka according to this recipe, we need the following set of products:

  • sausage or boiled meat
  • cucumber
  • boiled eggs
  • radish
  • fresh herbs
  • mayonnaise or sour cream
  • mustard
  • kvass or kefir to turn the salad into okroshka

Okroshka recipe

Let's start cooking okroshka. Let's start with greens. Rinse the greens thoroughly under running cold water, then cut off all excess.

Finely chop the greens. Any herb you like will do. Usually it is green onions, dill and parsley.

Pour the herbs into a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Salt is needed in order for the greens to give juice. Then the okroshka will be more fragrant. To make the greens give juice faster, you can shake it with your hands.

Finely chop the radish and send it to the bowl with the greens.

We cut the cucumber. In order for the okroshka to be homogeneous, all the ingredients must be cut into approximately the same pieces. Cut the cucumber first lengthwise to make long sticks, then cut them across. Children, as a rule, at this moment try to steal a piece. :)

Cut sausage or boiled meat.

And finally, cut the hard-boiled eggs.

We send all products to a bowl. Look what a beauty! Looks quite like spring.

We fill this salad with mayonnaise or sour cream (as you like). We add mustard. Our mustard is not spicy, so we added almost a tablespoon.

Before serving, put the salad in a deep plate or in special cups.

And the final touch. Attention! Let's turn the salad into okroshka! Add kvass or kefir.

Kvass, of course, is best made at home. But if you really want to quickly cook okroshka, then you can take the store.

This is how delicious okroshka we got, and the recipe for cooking is not at all complicated!

Bon appetit!
