
Making apple cider vinegar at home. homemade berry vinegar

Greetings, regular readers of the blog about healthy lifestyles and those who visit my site for the first time! Today we continue the theme of apple cider vinegar. I will not repeat the composition of the natural essence from apples. If interested, read about. We will try to find out the recipe for apple cider vinegar at home.

Of course you can buy finished product. But still, it will be more healing to prepare your own elixir from natural apples with love. It will be 100% free of any chemicals and harmful substances. Perfect option if you take your fruits from a summer cottage or personal plot.

From the article you will learn about simple prescription x and more complex, but which can also be looked at. Your work will be justified. Home Apple vinegar has good aroma And bright taste, and the benefits of the product can not be said.

It is used both internally, for weight loss and recovery, and externally, as a lotion for oily skin getting rid of wrinkles. In addition, apple cider vinegar makes an excellent barbecue. Therefore, a bottle of natural apple essence must be in every home.

Before you start cooking healing elixir from apples, read these tips and tricks. Then the final product will definitely not disappoint you.

  • To prepare healing acid, use natural apples, not Chinese. Best fit autumn varieties grown by yourself. If you're buying apples from the market, look for those that sometimes have wormholes. This suggests that chemistry was not used when growing fruits.
  • Prepare the right dishes, container. Stainless steel cannot be used. Glass will do enamelware, clay. The infusion container should be wide-mouthed and preferably not transparent.
  • You need to mix the wort with a wooden spoon, stick, etc.
  • Carefully observe all stages, technology and deadlines. The timing of fermentation must be monitored especially carefully so that the product does not deteriorate. Follow the recommended temperature regime, make sure that insects and dirt do not get into the container with raw materials.
  • Give the must a good supply of oxygen. You can store containers in the fresh air, in the shade of bushes in own garden. Just make sure that there is no overheating, sunlight and dust.

Ready-made natural apple cider vinegar is not transparent, it is slightly cloudy. Over time, sediment will form at the bottom of the bottle. This is normal, don't be scared. Also, after a while, a “vinegar uterus” should appear in the container. This sediment is somewhat similar to a slime jellyfish.

IN shop product you, most likely, will not see any sediment or the "womb", since it does not differ in naturalness. This "womb" can be used as tea mushroom and prepare based on it health drinks. It is also used to make a new portion of the elixir.

The photo below shows what a "vinegar uterus" looks like.

homemade recipes

So, now let's get to the fun part - recipes. The first recipe is simple and does not require special skills.

Traditional Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

Take raw materials, focusing on the tips described above. Prepare the correct container.

What will be required:

  • 3 kg of good fragrant apples.
  • 0.3 kg of sugar.
  • Clean cloth, gauze (larger).
  • A wide vessel (an enamelled bucket, a barrel, a saucepan will do). Remember the stainless steel ban.


  1. Wash the apples, peel them from damage, inclusions on the peel, remove the core.
  2. Chop prepared apples. Your task is to make puree, but pieces of fruit were visible to the eye. Experienced housewives use a coarse grater, blender, meat grinder.
  3. Transfer the raw materials to the prepared clean container with a wide neck.
  4. Put 300 grams of sugar and mix everything well with a wooden spoon with a long handle.
  5. Add boiled water at 70°C. The exact volume of water is not known, be guided by the container. The water should cover the puree by at least 2 cm.
  6. Cover the dishes with a clean cloth, gauze. Tie a string or secure the gauze with a rubber band to keep it from falling off.
  7. Put the raw material to ferment in a dark place where the temperature does not fall below 16-17 ° C, but it is not hot either. Optimally - up to 25 degrees.
  8. Mark this day on your calendar. The next checkpoint is in 14 days.

While the wort is fermenting, you must mix it with a wooden object at least twice a day during all these two weeks.

There must be access to oxygen, so you do not need to put containers in a stuffy room. For this reason, the wort must not be closed with lids, even wooden ones. Fabric and several layers of gauze are the best option.

  1. When 14 days have passed, the must must be filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze. Squeeze out all the pulp as much as possible so that one cake remains.
  2. Pour back the resulting juice and cover it with a cloth, gauze. Remove to the same place where the wort stood.
  3. Leave the apple cider vinegar to ripen for about a month.

The finished product should acquire a beautiful amber, be transparent and fragrant. Pour the elixir into glass bottles Close them tightly and put them in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

apple juice recipe

If you don't want to make vinegar from apple slices, make it from fresh juice. This recipe will especially appeal to housewives who have a juicer. If you have made a lot of apple juice for harvesting and don’t know what to do with it, then prepare homemade vinegar. For juice, take good natural apples.

How to do apple essence from freshly squeezed juice:

  • Prepare 1 liter of juice on a juicer.
  • Take 100 grams good honey better than Siberian.
  • Pour the juice into suitable container(glass, enameled).
  • Pour in honey and mix well.
  • Cover the container with clean gauze.
  • Put the juice in a dark place where there is a lot fresh air. Make sure that the gauze does not peel off, fix it.
  • Set aside 2 months. The liquid does not need to be shaken.

Pour the finished essence into a storage container. Strain vinegar with honey is not necessary.

An important nuance: in the process of standing on the surface, a film may form. It does not need to be removed, the film will dissolve itself when the vinegar is ready, this is a normal reaction.

Recipe with bread

If you have the desire and time, I advise you to cook apple cider vinegar with brown bread. It turns out very tasty. Sweet apples are best.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 0.8 kg of apples, peeled from the core.
  • 1 liter of boiled water.
  • A piece of dried black bread (preferably homemade or Borodino).
  • 200 grams of honey.
  • 20 grams of yeast (dry).
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Grind prepared apples in any way, transfer them to a suitable container.
  2. Pour them cool boiled water.
  3. Add honey, dry yeast to the mass, crumble bread there.
  4. Close the container with gauze in one layer. Place the container in a room where there is a lot of fresh air and the temperature is kept in the range of 20-30 degrees Celsius.
  5. After 10 days, squeeze all the must thoroughly.
  6. Pour the resulting juice into a container with a wide neck. Pour 2 tablespoons of sugar there, stir and tie the top of the container with gauze so that it does not fly off.
  7. Remove future vinegar in a warm place for 2 months.

How to understand that the apple elixir is ready? The liquid will acquire a transparent hue, and a precipitate will appear at the bottom. Strain the finished vinegar into bottles through cheesecloth and store them in a dark, cool place.

I hope you enjoy these simple recipes. It is better to tell about how to drink vinegar from apples in a separate publication. Stay tuned for blog updates!

And finally, watch a short video on how to cook beneficial essence from apples:

Natural raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar at home. 2 recipes

Natural raw apple cider vinegar, prepared at home, preserves and even enhances valuable properties raw apples. Eat different ways making homemade apple cider vinegar from whole apples or fresh apple juice. In this article, two simple recipes for making natural raw unfiltered apple (cider) vinegar at home

Making Apple Cider Vinegar in domestic or industrial settings involves the fermentation of ripe apples or fresh apple juice. During the fermentation process, raw apple goes through the stages of sweet cider, dry cider and eventually turns into vinegar. Natural apple cider vinegar is raw because it does not go through the pasteurization process. Pasteurization (heating) destroys most enzymes and destroys useful material contained in vinegar.

We are offering to you 2 recipes for making homemade apple cider vinegar: from apple juice and from apples. To make apple cider vinegar at home, take fully ripe apples of late sweet varieties or juice from them - these are the apples that ferment better. It is better to take organic apples, or at least grown without the use of synthetic pesticides. It is better not to wash homemade apples before making apple cider vinegar.

Homemade apple cider vinegar. Recipe 1: Apple Juice Vinegar

Squeeze juice from domestic apples and strain it. Pour the resulting juice into a wooden (most the best option), a glass or enamel bowl with a wide top and place it in a warm place at home (we have a boiler room, where the temperature is constantly kept at 22-26 degrees). Heat (16-20 degrees C or higher) - necessary condition for active (fast) fermentation in the process home cooking apple cider vinegar. The fermentation process can be accelerated up to 3-4 weeks by adding to the juice wine sourdough, leaven from prepared natural apple cider vinegar, sugar, vinegar uterus(see photo below) or a pinch of yeast. However, even without leaven and with room temperature at home, apple juice will turn first into wine, and then into homemade apple cider vinegar, although the process can take up to 9-12 weeks.

Vessel with vinegar must be covered with cling film, which should be pierced with a toothpick in several places, so that midges, which are sure to gather near the cider, penetrate less into the vessel. cling film, in my opinion, better than a towel, because through it the liquid in a warm place does not evaporate so quickly in the process making homemade apple cider vinegar.

Soon, active fermentation of apple juice will begin and turn it into homemade vinegar. A vinegar uterus may appear on the surface. If active fermentation has not started after a week, add sugar and yeast to the apple juice. When the vinegar queen begins to sink to the bottom, your natural homemade apple cider vinegar ready. If the vinegar uterus is not formed on the surface homemade apple cider vinegar(this also happens), just periodically taste the vinegar. When it reaches your desired acidity, you can pour homemade apple cider vinegar by bottles. Before the spill homemade apple cider vinegar remove the vinegar uterus, stir the vinegar so that the leaven (sediment) is evenly distributed over the bottles. Don't filter! store homemade apple cider vinegar in the dark cool place.

The first time I made my homemade apple cider vinegar in the summer from ready-made organic apple fresh juice, then I didn’t know any rules yet making natural vinegar. I poured the juice into a jug, put the jug in the garden under a huge flowering mock orange bush and covered it with a paper napkin, which I secured with an elastic band. It was summer, the weather was warm and the mock orange was fragrant. I have read that the natural environment (in this case- a summer garden filled with flowering plants and insects that collect nectar) contributes active fermentation. I "forgot" the pitcher in the garden for a few weeks. When I brought the jug into the house in autumn, it was ready homemade apple cider vinegar, completely natural. There was leaven in that first batch of vinegar, but there was no vinegar queen.

Apple cider vinegar at home. Recipe 2: apple cider vinegar

Take late ripe apples of sweet varieties. Grind apples (cut, crush or turn through a meat grinder, no need to cut the core) and put in a wooden, glass or enamel bowl with a wide top. Pour apples warm water or natural apple juice with top, add sugar (about 50 g per 1 kg of apples) or honey. You can add a piece of black bread or a pinch of yeast to speed up the fermentation. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place in a warm place as described in recipe 1 above.

In progress making homemade apple cider vinegar active fermentation of apples should begin and an vinegar queen will appear on the surface. If active fermentation has not started after a week, add the same amount of sugar to the container. After 2-4 weeks, separate the apples from the liquid by straining homemade vinegar. Pour the liquid into the same bowl (after washing it out), rinse the vinegar uterus in clean water and return the uterus to fluid. Leave the vinegar, covered with a film, for another 2-4 weeks in a warm place at home to ferment. When the vinegar queen sinks to the bottom, your natural homemade apple cider vinegar ready. The lowering of the vinegar uterus to the bottom means that it dies, because. for its vital activity (fermentation process) there is no more "fuel" - sugar.

Acetic uterus

Acetic queen appears on the surface at the stage active fermentation and takes the form of a vessel in which it is cooked homemade apple cider vinegar(see photo). The vinegar uterus looks and feels very similar to kombucha, if you still remember this method of fermenting drinks popular in the 80s. Often asked what to do with vinegar. You can separate part of the vinegar uterus and use it to make another batch of apple cider vinegar. Some people use vinegar womb for the same health benefits as natural apple cider vinegar. It is necessary to store the separated vinegar uterus in natural apple juice.

properties of apple cider vinegar

Acidity of homemade apple cider vinegar varies depending on the selected apples. However, in any case, the percentage acidity homemade vinegar far below "regular" store-bought vinegar.

Cloudy sediment is always present in natural apple cider vinegar(usually at the bottom of the vessel, see photo above). This cloudy cloud vinegar starter, do not confuse with vinegar uterus. It is this leaven that is the concentration enzymes (enzymes) of vinegar and can be reused for production of natural vinegar from fresh apple raw materials.

Natural homemade apple cider vinegar, in a few spoons of which there is a medicine, a food vitamin supplement, and just a refreshing drink in summer heat. I'm on my 4th season.

Recipe from Jarvis' Honey and Others natural products” and the book by N. Kobzar “Natural nutrition. Path to health.

Apple cider vinegar is made in three steps. All manipulations are simple, albeit stretched in time. The real busy time from cooking is not large. Depending on the initial quantity / quality of apples, the longest time is the preparation of apples, and then the extraction.

Ingredients of apple cider vinegar:

1st stage:
  • 400 g apples
  • 500 ml water
  • 50 g sugar/honey
  • 10 g black bread (small cracker)

2nd stage:

  • 100 g honey/sugar per liter of liquid

How to make apple cider vinegar at home - a simple recipe:

Step 1: Making Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar

  1. Any apple is suitable for vinegar. And even better, I think, a mixture of apples. We wash, clean from wormy, spoiled areas. If you have selected apples, without nuances, then we directly rub the whole thing on a grater (along with the core, seeds, skins). Also, if you dry apples, then you can use the skins / middles left after the apple peel. This year my apple trees are resting and I'm using fall fruit from my grandfather's orchard.

    Preparing apples

  2. We rub on coarse grater manually or with the help of your kitchen helpers (blender, food processor...). It can also be cut into small pieces. This year I use a nozzle ( coarse grater in a combine) for 6.5 kg of prepared apples (in the past, I manually rubbed 10-12 kg - there was more time).

    We rub

  3. Pour the apple mass with warm boiled water. In proportion for every 400 g of apples, 500 ml of water (for 4 kg of apples - 5 liters of water), we feed our future vinegar with honey or sugar and black bread crumbs. This time I'm using sugar. Stir with a wooden spatula/spoon.

    Adding Ingredients for Step 1

  4. We put the container in a dark place with a temperature of 20-30ºС, covered with a cloth or gauze, and leave it for ten days, stirring the contents daily with a wooden spatula two to three times a day.

    Attention! At this stage, we use enamel pan, basin, bucket or glass, or wooden container. A metal container is not suitable!

    The fermentation process is facilitated by: constant temperature, darkness and a wide area of ​​​​contact of the future vinegar with air. I have a huge pot, which for these ten days I put in the garage and cover with a towel (from midges). I also add some ready-made vinegar from last year, which remained with the sediment.

    2nd step of making apple cider vinegar at home

  5. After 10 days, filter and squeeze the mixture through 4 layers of gauze. I put a sieve covered with gauze in 4 layers in a bowl and squeeze it out in parts.

    We filter

  6. Pour the resulting liquid into 3 liter jars 2-2.5 liters in each jar, add sugar / honey at the rate of 100 g per liter.

    Pouring into jars and adding sugar

  7. Stir until dissolved. Cover with a piece natural fabric, fasten (with an elastic band, for example) so that midges do not fall.
  8. And again we leave the jars in a warm, dark room for another 1.5-2 months (at this time, no active participation on your part is required, although vinegar will definitely be pleased if you look at it and remember time about time 😉😂).

    We leave vinegar for 1.5-2 months

    Depending on the variety of apples and other conditions, your homemade apple cider vinegar will be ready after this time. I usually remember about him in 2-3 months. At this time, the vinegar ferments, “plays” (so do not fill the jar to the top). From above, an acetic uterus will form in the form of a film or even a thick, approximately half a centimeter, mucous formation. The liquid itself becomes transparent during this time, a precipitate forms at the bottom, now the vinegar is considered ready.

  9. 3rd step of making apple cider vinegar at home

  • We insert a watering can covered with gauze folded in 4-5 layers into suitable clean bottles and pour vinegar.
  • Closes tightly with lids (according to the recipe, it is necessary to cork with wax; I have twist-on lids, which I additionally lay with a square parchment paper) and stored in a cool place. I have the main volume stored in the basement, and the bottle on duty in the refrigerator.

Where can you use homemade apple cider vinegar:

  • dressing salads;
  • add to hummus and when cooking instead of lemon;
  • extinguish baking soda;
  • we use at or in other preparations for the winter;
  • we drink in the morning / evening or in the heat for refreshment in this form: add 1-2 tsp to a glass of water. vinegar and 1 tsp. honey;
  • gargle when worried: 1-2 tsp. vinegar in a glass of water, gargle every hour (rinsed and swallowed, washing the back of the throat) ...

Be careful, natural apple cider vinegar is an acid. Pay attention to this obvious fact.

The_host recipe author

How to make apple cider vinegar at home, which has beneficial properties for the body? Preparing a natural remedy will not bring special trouble. The technology is simple, but it will take time for the fermentation of the composition, patience to wait for a positive result of a simple experiment.

Apple vinegar own production - required ingredient many dishes home cosmetics, its use is one of the components healthy lifestyle life. The finished product is on the shelves of stores, the labels claim that it is "natural". Can manufacturers and distribution networks be trusted? Let's leave the question open and focus on another problem.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar

Since ancient times, it has been known that apple cider vinegar has healing and cosmetic effect. They use it for weight loss, treat skin irritations, acne, diaper rash, and use it to rinse hair. The publications of the famous American specialist D. S. Jarvis in the past century attracted the attention of millions of people to unique properties apple cider vinegar.

Feedback from new fans is led by the recognition of Scarlett Johansson. The Hollywood star claims to use apple cider vinegar to keep her skin fresh and clean. Which of its varieties does the actress use? Huge fees for filming allow her to buy high-quality natural vinegar from apples. This healthy natural remedy anyone can prepare at home at no extra cost.

The word "vinegar" came from French to other languages ​​a long time ago. After all, even the fine wines of France become sour when colonies of special bacteria appear in them. When fruit juice or must is fermented, ethyl alcohol is obtained first. Under the influence of bacterial enzymes, it turns into acid. Natural apple cider vinegar includes several types of fruit acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, provitamins, beta-carotene, macro- and microelements (zinc, potassium, calcium, sodium, copper, iron and magnesium).

Even Hollywood stars appreciated the benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar: cooking at home without yeast

The process of extracting the juice from apples and then fermenting the liquid is just one of the many ways in which your favorite fruits are processed. As a result of all processes, a pale amber liquid is obtained, which has many valuable properties. The most useful is organic vinegar. So called products grown in ecologically impeccable areas, without the use of pesticides. It is also considered important for the conservation medicinal properties lack of filtration and pasteurization in the acid production process.

Recipe small portion apple cider vinegar:

    Wash from 5 to 10 fruits, remove the stalks, diseased and damaged areas. Grind apples and place in a wide glass or ceramic dish.

    Pour in enough water to cover the entire mass by about 2-3 cm.

    Add a quarter cup of sugar for every liter of water, mix everything thoroughly.

    Cover the jar or bowl with a clean napkin or kitchen towel, let it wander for a week in a dark place.

The most intense process fermentation is on at temperatures from 25 °C to 27 °C. After a week, it's time to drain the liquid into jars with a wide mouth. You should not fill them to the very brim, you need to leave room for bacteria to come into contact with air. From above, the neck of the dishes is covered with gauze, strengthened with a rubber ring, left for 5-6 weeks.

Apple cider can be easily made at home

During fermentation, a gel-like film is formed from many acetic acid bacteria. It should never be removed! The so-called "vinegar mother" serves as a starter for decomposition ethyl alcohol for acid and water. The film is collected from the finished product, then used to prepare a new portion of apple cider vinegar. When the entire fermentation period has passed - about 1.5 months - they change the gauze under the lid and close the jar tightly.

Using sliced ​​apples in this recipe will lengthen the production of vinegar by up to 7 weeks. The use of sourdough and fermented freshly squeezed juice (apple wine) accelerates ripening. The finished culture of bacteria very quickly turns alcohol into acid. The process goes best with an alcohol content of no more than 10%, if the fortress is higher, then water is added. In industry, conditions are created under which natural vinegar is obtained in just a day. Cooking at home usually starts with 1-2 liters of product.

Recipe fast food apple cider vinegar:

    Place "vinegar mother" in a bowl filled up to half apple wine or fermented juice.

    It's good if the film is on the surface, but if it falls to the bottom, it's okay.

    Cover the top of the jar with a piece of gauze or a clean cloth, place in a warm place.

    After 2-4 weeks, bottle the finished product and close them.

Homemade apple cider vinegar: cooking with yeast

Beautiful imported fruits on store shelves look attractive, but often contain GMOs, pesticide residues and other biochemistry. Better take sweet and sour apples late varieties grown in your own garden or purchased from farmers.

What to do with fruits?

    Remove stalks, wash running water, cut off rotten and spoiled places.

    Finely chop or grate.

    Pour the mass into a jar with a wide mouth.

    Heat boiled water until it is warm.

    Dissolve sugar and yeast.

    Combine the ingredients with the apple mass, mix everything thoroughly.

Homemade vinegar does not contain harmful additives

Ingredients for making vinegar:

    apples or trimmings from fruits - 1 kg;

    sugar or honey - 1 cup (200 g);

    wine yeast to speed up fermentation - 11 g;

    demineralized water - 6 glasses (1.2 l).

The mixture is left for 7-10 days at a temperature of 25-30 ° C for fermentation (alcohol). The mass is stirred daily. After the expiration date, filter or strain the vinegar through gauze. It turns out a light brown or yellowish liquid, which should be poured into a clean, dry jar. Cover it with a thin cloth or gauze, place in a warm place for further fermentation (acetic acid). This process may take 40-50 days. The longer the fermentation takes place, the more pleasant and finer taste apple cider vinegar.

In the summer, the jar is left in the kitchen or in the room, making sure that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on it. When the product is fully prepared, it will acquire a characteristic smell, but not sharp. Quality apple cider vinegar is a clear liquid. It is carefully drained from the sediment or filtered into bottles. If turbidity appears, it should not cause concern. Bottles of vinegar are closed tightly and stored in a cool, dark place.

The benefits and harms of apple cider vinegar

Finding out how to cook natural remedy, let's move on to how to use natural apple cider vinegar. It is traditionally used for dressing salads, adding it to marinades, pickles. For more than 10,000 years, the healing and restorative properties of natural apple cider vinegar have been known. The tool improves digestion, relieves depression, chronic fatigue. The total amount of useful liquid for oral administration is 2-3 tablespoons daily.

How to drink apple cider vinegar? diluted with water or fruit juice! There is a simple drink recipe for a healthy start and end of the day:

    apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon;

    mineral or ordinary water- 1 glass;

    honey - 1-2 teaspoons.

Taking a natural remedy helps to cope with the manifestations of allergies to pollen, food and pet dander. Treatment with apple cider vinegar relieves suffering from sore throat, varicose veins, arthritis, lowers cholesterol, relieves acne. A sore throat is treated with a mixture that includes apple cider vinegar with honey (1: 1). The same composition, diluted with water, is taken for rheumatism.

Regular use of vinegar can harm the enamel of the teeth, it turns yellow, thinner. For decreasing negative impact dilute the acid with water, take the remedy and rinse your mouth. Using a straw helps keep the vinegar from getting on the enamel. Ingestion sometimes causes heartburn, leads to softening of the bone tissue. Drinking apple cider vinegar should be limited by people who have hyperacidity gastric juice, osteoporosis.

Apple cider vinegar may act as an antidepressant

apple cider vinegar for weight loss, hair and nails

A popular way to lose weight is to daily intake natural apple cider vinegar. Three tablespoons of the product are diluted in a glass of water. Consume 3 times a day before meals. Solution naturally suppresses appetite, "burns" fats in the body. You can take 1-2 teaspoons of 5-6% undiluted vinegar for the same purpose. The tool has a strong cleansing effect on the digestive tract.

How to make apple cider vinegar at home so that he pleases you with his taste? We will reveal to you a few secrets, after reading which you "everything will fall into place." So, let's start looking at them.

How to make apple cider vinegar at home

Jarvis Recipe

The remedy obtained from this recipe is a rich source of potassium. The process of its preparation is quite long, but as a result you will get the products of the most High Quality.

You will need:

Black bread
- yeast
- honey
- apples

Manufacturing process:

Grate the apples along with the skin and core. You can also skip them through a meat grinder. Put the resulting mass into large saucepan, clay pot or glass jar, pour warm boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1. For each liter of the mixture, put 20 g of dry black bread, 10 g bread yeast, 100 g of honey. This will speed up the process. Do not clog the container with the mixture, you can simply cover it with a napkin. Place the container in a warm and dark place, soak for 10 days. Every day, stir the mass 3 times with a wooden spoon, and then strain through cheesecloth. Measure the volume of the resulting liquid, pour into a vessel with a wide neck. For each liter of liquid, add another 50-100 g of honey, mix thoroughly. Close the dishes with gauze folded in several layers, keep warm for 40-50 days. As soon as the liquid becomes transparent, strain through cheesecloth, pour into bottles.

Learn and.

How to make your own apple cider vinegar


Sugar - 50-100 g (depending on the variety)
- apples (overripe) - 1 kg


Rinse the fruits thoroughly, chop finely, grate, transfer to an enamel pan or glass jar, put sugar. Fill the apples hot water(about 70 degrees). Water should cover the fruits by 3-4 cm. Move the vessel to a warm place, close the lid or tie with gauze. Stir the mass 2 times a week so that it does not have time to dry out on top. After 2 weeks, strain everything through cheesecloth, pour the liquid into large fermentation jars. Leave about 5 cm on top, because during fermentation the mixture will rise. After 2 weeks, the vinegar will be ready. You just have to filter it.

How to make homemade apple cider vinegar?

Take a clean enameled or glassware. Cut clean apples into slices, remove rotten places, clean out the core. Fill in the prepared fruits on? dishes, fill with boiled water. The water temperature should be between 50 and 60 degrees. Water should cover apples by 3-4 fingers. Add sugar. Replace if possible granulated sugar honey. Cover with a loose lid, put in a dark and warm place for 2 weeks, stir every day to prevent crusting. Do not add pomace from apple juice to your drink, as it will be difficult to filter.

As soon as fermentation begins to decline, drain the resulting liquid by filtering it through cheesecloth. Drain into three-liter jars, add more a small amount of sugar or honey, tie gauze on top, put in a cool and dark place. After a month, the liquid will become transparent and beautiful, will get an amber color. This is a sign that the vinegar has reached readiness.

A slimy film forms on the surface of the liquid. It is called the vinegar uterus. You can use it to make another batch of homemade vinegar. It is recommended to add it to a filtered, fermented composition. This will make the process go faster.

How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar: Recipes

Option number 1.

Gather well-ripe apples of any variety. If you own your own dacha, then this simple is wonderful, because you have the opportunity to collect fruits that are not processed chemicals. Wash apples, cut small pieces, make a puree out of them. Transfer the resulting mass immediately into an enamel pan. For every kilogram applesauce add 50 g of sugar. Fill the mass with hot water (70 degrees). Place the pot in a cool and dark room.

How about you?

Be sure to stir the mixture twice a day so that it does not dry out on top. Leave it all for a couple of weeks. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth, pour into big banks where she starts to roam. Remember that the liquid should not reach the neck. You should leave 7-8 free centimeters. The liquid will rise as it ferments. Leave the jars for another 2 weeks. You will make wonderful apple cider vinegar!

It turns out very tasty and

Option number 2.

Recipe - Make Apple Cider Vinegar

Take large, sweet and unpeeled apples, chop them coarsely, leave for half an hour to darken them. They darken due to the oxidation of iron. Squeeze the juice from the fruits, drain into a glass bowl, cork with a rubber glove. In addition, it is advisable to additionally wrap the neck with tape or adhesive tape to prevent air from entering. Leave the container at a temperature of 26 degrees for 6 weeks. Over time, the rubber glove will begin to inflate and will need to be removed.

you will like it and

Over time, the glove will inflate, and then completely inflate. At this point, it must be removed. A “vinegar film” (a film of yeast-like fungi) forms on the surface. Pour the vinegar and this film into a wide earthenware or wooden bowl, cover with a cloth, leave for 6-8 weeks so that the drink ferments a second time.

Remember that after fermentation, the liquid increases in volume, so leave 7-9 cm on top. Otherwise, it will flow through the top. Do not throw away the film, as it has even more useful properties than vinegar itself. As soon as the liquid is cleared of turbidity and stops bubbling, fermentation will be completed. Vinegar filter through gauze, pour into bottles. Store it in a dark place at a temperature of 6 to 15 degrees. All will be kept throughout the year. beneficial features product. Here is such a simple, slightly lengthy process for making apple cider vinegar.

Excellent winter preparation And

How to make natural apple cider vinegar.

Select apples, wash, cut out rotten and wormy places, grate, scroll in a meat grinder or crush. For the preparation of vinegar, the core with the peel is also suitable, as well as the remains from cooking jam and compote. Pour in 0.5 liters of boiled, warm water(for every 400 g of apple mass - 100 g of honey or sugar), place in a suitable vessel. To speed up the fermentation process, add 20 g of black crackers and 10 g of yeast.

Store container in a warm place. For successful fermentation, up to 20% of sugar substances must be present in the mass. Be sure to create conditions for aerobic fermentation. To do this, take a barrel with a wide neck made of wood or enameled clay, place it in a dark room so that it does not reach Sun rays. In the first ten days, the fermentation stage takes place. During this time, it is necessary to stir the mass several times with a spatula, and then squeeze it through a nylon curtain fabric or gauze. Strain the squeezed juice again, determine the volume, pour into a barrel. Add 50-100 g of honey or sugar for every liter. To continue the process, tie the container with gauze, keep warm. The second stage of fermentation takes place over 40-60 days. This will depend on the temperature, preparation, variety and juice of the apples.

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As soon as the liquid calms down, clears up, we can talk about the fact that apple cider vinegar is completely fermented and ready to drink. Pour the vinegar with a hose, filter through gauze, store in the basement, in a tightly closed banks or bottles.

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Benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is used in the home for a variety of purposes. It can be used as a cosmetic, a means to improve digestion, household whole. However, before using it, you should consult your doctor. And most importantly - do not overdo it! It is also used in cooking. It improves the taste of food, enhances it biological value and quality. It is added to homemade mayonnaise, in canning brine, in various sauces. At the same time, it is very important to remember that during its use as a medicine, accuracy, gradualness and duration must be observed. This is far from the most harmless product, so it may not help, but harm.

When making apple cider vinegar at home, make sure that all products are of high quality. Perform each process conscientiously so that the product is of high quality.

At its core, apple cider vinegar is an acid that is obtained naturally. At the same time, no "chemistry" is added to its composition. The process of its preparation looks something like this - juice is squeezed out of the fruit, which retains all its useful qualities.

To provide good fermentation are used bread crusts or bread crumbs. Due to their action, fruit acids contained in apple juice begin to release alcohol. It makes cider. It is saturated with special acetic bacteria and oxygen. All this creates conditions for an acid reaction, which contributes to the conversion of acetic acid.

During the transformation into vinegar, the juice does not lose its useful qualities. In addition, it also acquires new organic acids (oxalo-acetic, citric, acetic), as well as minerals. The whole "this company" is moving to apple cider vinegar. However, if stored incorrectly, the product may lose all of them.

Now recipe for making apple cider vinegar"is completely disclosed for you. You know all the intricacies of its preparation. Carefully study the features of each of the stages and you will certainly succeed! In addition, we told you where you can use the product you have prepared. And this is also important. It is also important to listen to the recommendations specialists to bring benefit to your body, not harm!
