
In what bowl to cook jam. In what dishes to cook jam at home - an overview and choice of the best option Is it possible to cook jam in cast iron

In what dishes is it better to cook jam so that it turns out tasty, healthy and stored for a long time? To solve this problem, manufacturers are daily engaged in the manufacture of a wide range of dishes.

Kitchen utensils for such purposes vary in size, shape and production raw materials. To understand which model to choose, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the listed parameters in more detail.

We choose in which dishes to cook jam.

The type of container is selected taking into account the number of berries and fruits that the consumer plans to prepare for a long or short period. The same can be said about the volume of the product.

If you decide to cook jam from 1-2 kilograms of berries, then it is preferable to use a saucepan. However, if we are talking about cooking delicacies from 5-10 kilograms of fruits or berries, then you can’t do without a massive basin.

The basin is used when cooking jam from 5-10 kilograms of fruits or berries.

Preferred container sizes

The size of the container is selected taking into account the number of households or the desired volume of the cooked mass. If you want to make jam for quick consumption, use a small cauldron. Plus, it doesn't take long to wash.

If you decide to stock up on such a delicacy for the winter and pour it into jars, give preference to massive structures. Wash them a little harder, but then you will not regret it.

It is believed that jam is obtained better in a wide and shallow dish.

Materials used for the manufacture of such pans

When buying a container for making jam, it is imperative to take into account the raw materials from which the product is made. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of jam and jam recipes. Some require several stages of cooking, while others, on the contrary, can be prepared in an hour.

Focus on this parameter so that in the end you do not have to expose the dishes to temperature fluctuations. Because, some metal products lose performance from sudden thermal effects.

Stainless steel jam utensils have good technical characteristics.

Stainless steel

Ware for jam from is considered the most optimal container option, as it has good technical characteristics. Steel does not corrode, mechanical damage and oxidation, which is very important when cooking. Since steel pans do not react with acids, you can cook sweet and sour berries in them: cherries, currants, etc.

Stainless steel is available in glossy and matte finishes. This design fact does not affect the quality of cooked food. Which of the options of vessels to choose - the buyer decides for himself.

Water droplets remain on the shiny surface during washing, which must be removed immediately to avoid stains.

As for the thickness of the walls and bottom, thick-walled structures should be chosen. The presence of a dense bottom allows you to cook fruit for a long time.

It is forbidden to store cooked food in an aluminum pan for a long time.

If there is no steel cookware: aluminum or copper

If there was no steel container at hand, then utensils for cooking jam made of aluminum and copper are suitable. Both metals have individual characteristics and advantages, which we will discuss below.

Consider the main advantages of copper structures:

  • Metal has a high level of thermal conductivity. In a few minutes, kitchen utensils can either cool down or heat up.
  • It is easy to control the temperature regime due to thermal conductivity.
  • Copper has excellent antifungal and antibacterial properties. Even without heating the dishes, the risk of infection with pathogenic bacteria and viruses is minimal.

Now I use copper structures less and less in the cooking process. This lack of demand is due to the fact that the metal oxidizes during operation. Harmful chemicals can get into food and adversely affect the human body.

Cooking jam in copper cookware will require less energy consumption.

In order to minimize the risk of an oxidative process, the products are coated with tin. Despite the fact that the coating is considered protective, metal utensils require careful care.

Although it cannot be used to make jam, some consumers take the risk. However, in the process of operation they cannot do without certain rules:

  1. Boil sweet fruits, without sourness, if you have chosen a container made of aluminum.
  2. Operate the product on the stove by placing berries in it in advance and filling them with sugar.
  3. From time to time, stir the jam with a wooden spatula so that it does not stick to the walls and bottom of the dish.
  4. Use fast food recipes.

It is forbidden to store cooked food in an aluminum pan for a long time. After completing the cooking process, immediately pour the mass into a separate bowl or distribute it among jars.

Enamelled pots should not be used for cooking jam.

Enamelled utensils for making jam

Enamelled pots should not be used for cooking jam. But what if there is simply no other dishes? As a possible option, you can use an enamel basin, if you follow some of the nuances of operation:

  • Cook over low heat.
  • Stir constantly so that the mixture does not burn.
  • Use silicone spatulas to stir.

If you are convinced that you cannot follow simple rules, then use an enameled design for pre-treatment of berries and fruits. In such a bowl, you can store products covered with sugar for a long time.

If chips, microcracks or scratches are found on the enamel pan, you should not use it in the future.

Often, enamel is applied to cast iron and steel products. Cast iron is more suitable for cooking sweet syrups and jams, as it has natural non-stick properties.

Cast iron is great for making jam.

Cast iron

As mentioned earlier, cast iron is great for making jam, as long as you take all the precautions. Decided to cook jam in? Do not forget, after cooking, pour the mass into glass or enameled containers.

And also, do not abuse the preparation of acidic foods in cast iron structures. Reacting with acids, cast iron emits harmful substances.

All consumers prefer non-stick cooking utensils.

non-stick cookware

All consumers prefer non-stick cooking utensils. Moreover, its variety is quite wide: teflon, titanium, ceramics and marble. Each of them has features and advantages.

As you know, there are no specialized utensils for cooking jams and syrups, so housewives often operate multicookers. However, there are nuances here too:

  1. Use only non-metallic ladles for pouring the mass into jars.
  2. The non-stick coating is not resistant to sudden temperature changes.
  3. Not every coating is suitable for leaving the mass to infuse.

According to experts, the most wear-resistant protective coating is ceramic. It can withstand temperatures up to 400 degrees. The non-stick ceramic layer requires quick and prompt care.

Modern utensils for jam, which is better: Teflon or ceramic

When using dishes for cooking syrups and jams, it should be noted that the non-stick layer protects not the products, but the structure itself. Which spray should be preferred? Of course, if you choose from tetrafluoroethylene and ceramics, then the second option is most suitable for this purpose.

However, do not forget that with the slightest flaw in the body of the container, it becomes dangerous to use. Try to avoid using sharp objects while cooking.

Ceramic dishes should be washed in warm water using dishwashing detergents.

The form of dishes for cooking jam

A wide container with low sides is considered a suitable product for making jam. In it, the liquid evaporates very quickly and, the mass begins to thicken in a matter of minutes.

That is why many prefer medium-sized basins. Their massive flat bottom warms up evenly. Thus, all the berries manage to boil until tender.

Designs with a thin bottom cannot be used for making jam.

What basins and pans are unsuitable for making jam

Eliminate the use of narrow, tall pans. In them, you will not be able to make jam according to the recipe, as the moisture evaporates slowly and not completely.

Thin-bottomed designs also cannot be used, as the sugar mass can burn even if you cook on low heat. In addition to the thickness of the bottom, consider its shape - it must be perfectly flat and smooth for even heating.

After preparing the jam, the pan must be thoroughly washed.

After preparing berry or fruit jam, the pan must be thoroughly washed. But, since constructions from different materials are used for cooking, the rules for care also differ. We have put together a few general recommendations suitable for any type of kitchen utensil.

  • Use less acidic or alkaline cleaners. Ideally, their use should be avoided completely.
  • Do not wash dishes in the dishwasher, as they may be seriously damaged and deformed.
  • Wipe items dry.
  • Do not use hard metal scrapers. They provoke the occurrence of microcracks.
  • Powder formulations are not recommended for cleaning kitchen utensils.

To wash metal utensils that are unstable to sudden changes in temperature, it is recommended to cool the structure first. Then gradually pour in water, raising its temperature. Thus, it will be easy to remove the remnants of sugar and syrup from the walls of the cauldron or basin.

Video: Copper bowl for making jam

Choose in which dishes to cook jam

Basin or pan - what is better to cook jam

When choosing the shape of dishes for making jam, it is recommended to give preference to shallow containers with a wide bottom. Thus, the dish will cook evenly, and a large surface area will allow excess moisture to evaporate faster.

It is also important that tender and soft berries retain their shape and do not turn into jam. When cooking jam in a saucepan, raspberries or blueberries can be crushed under the weight of a thick layer of food. In this case, a bowl for cooking jam is ideal.

In which dishes is it better to cook jam: aluminum, copper, or stainless steel

The taste and useful composition of the jam depend on the dishes in which the jam is cooked. Incorrectly selected material of the cooking container can not only spoil the quality of the finished dish, but also affect the durability of its storage. Importantly, the oxidation products of some metals can be harmful to health.

Stainless steel

The best utensils for making jam are stainless steel. This material is not in vain called "food": the metal does not react with food and food acids. Jam cooked in a stainless steel pot or basin will retain its taste and benefits.

If the dish is prepared in several stages, it can be left in the bowl without fear for the container itself and the jam.

If there is no steel cookware: aluminum or copper

The best recipes of our grandmothers recommend using a copper basin for making jam. If you want to completely repeat the cooking process to get the "taste of childhood" - this is acceptable. A container made of such metal has good thermal conductivity, and the dish in it is cooked evenly, without burning.

But copper utensils have disadvantages:

  • When heated, copper ions react with ascorbic acid, completely destroying useful vitamins;
  • Copper oxides, which can get into the dish during cooking, are harmful to the human body.

If your choice fell on copper dishes, it must be carefully cleaned and polished. When the jam is cooked in several stages, you should not leave it in a copper basin to cool, but rather pour it into another container.

Copper containers are rare today, so housewives are interested in: is it possible to cook jam in an aluminum pan, or a basin? It is allowed to use dishes made of this metal, but only in extreme cases.

On the surface of such containers there will always be an oxide film, which is destroyed when interacting with food acids, and particles of the substance enter the dish. You can use such dishes for quick cooking in one stage, and the finished product should be immediately poured into jars.

Enamelled utensils for making jam

The disadvantage of enameled dishes is their fragility. At high temperatures, enamel tends to crack. Coating particles can fall directly into the jam. And the exposed metal reacts with acids that secrete berries and fruits, destroying valuable vitamin C.

Modern utensils for jam, which is better: Teflon or ceramic

When choosing which pan to cook jam in, Teflon is not the best option. This coating does not withstand high temperatures. You can use such dishes for preparing a small amount of goodies using the quick cooking method.

Ceramic cookware has many advantages:

  • long service life;
  • uniform heating;
  • insensitivity to temperature changes.

But ceramics cool very slowly. Therefore, when cooking jam in several stages, it will have to be constantly poured.


Properly choosing the dishes, you will greatly simplify the process of cooking jam. And the dish will turn out not only tasty, but also retain the beneficial properties of berries and fruits.

Hello, dear readers of the site "Note to the Family"! My today's article is for housewives, especially young ones, who are going to make jam, but don't know in which dish it is better to do it. But experienced housewives will also be able to find useful information for themselves, for example, on how to clean a basin for jam.

So, in what kind of dishes is it best to cook jam? Reading!

Basic requirements for utensils for cooking jam: it should be wide enough and low. This is necessary so that the liquid evaporates faster.

Just such a form has a pelvis. Therefore, it is the basin that is considered the best utensil for cooking jam.

Decided on the form. Now the material from which this very basin should be made. It is best if the basin in which the jam is supposed to be cooked is brass or copper. Basins made of of stainless steel.

Some people like to make jam in enamelware. Enamel pots can be used when cooked jam needs to be kept in the same container until the next cooking, or when it needs to be stored for some time before packaging.

BUT! There is one necessary requirement for enamelware: it should not have the slightest crack, let alone chipped enamel. Otherwise, in this case, iron will pass into the jam, and not only the appearance, but also the quality of the jam will suffer from this.

A separate question that comes up very often:

Is it possible to cook jam in aluminum cookware?

There are so many people, so many opinions. Someone does not have a soul in their aluminum dishes. They say it is eternal, very convenient, the jam in it never burns. They use it themselves, their mothers and grandmothers used it, and everything is fine with everyone. And someone, having read or heard a lot of fears about aluminum in cooking, threw away all his aluminum utensils.

All these are extremes. Although personally I also prefer not to use aluminum cookware. But from a scientific point of view, it is possible to cook in it, but it is impossible to store products, especially those containing acids and salts, since under their influence the protective oxide film on the aluminum surface is destroyed. Therefore, if the jam is cooked in one go, then with a strong desire it can also be cooked in aluminum dishes. Only immediately after cooking, transfer it, for example, to glass jars. But if the jam is cooked in several steps, and it needs to settle in the same bowl until the next cooking, then aluminum dishes are not suitable in this case!

We have dealt with the material. Now let's talk about dish volume for making jam. The optimal volume will be from 2 to 6 liters. It is better not to use an even larger container, since tender berries (for example, such as raspberries or strawberries) can choke on their own weight, and in this case the jam will turn out more like jam. There is another negative point: the larger the container, the longer the cooking time of the jam. And increasing the cooking time does not have the best effect on the quality of the jam.

And some more helpful tips.

  • If on the same day you need to cook jam from the same berries several times, then you do not need to wash the basin after each cooking.
  • Before starting jam cooking, carefully check the pelvis. It should not have greenish oxide spots!

How can I clean the basin for cooking jam

  • In order to remove greenish oxide spots from the surface of the pelvis, it can be cleaned with sand or sandpaper, and then washed with hot water. Then the basin should be dried, after which it can be used to make jam.
  • A copper basin can be cleaned with the following composition: take 6 parts of water, 3 parts of ammonia and 1 part of chalk. Shake the resulting liquid well. Using a rag, apply this liquid to the surface of the pelvis, then wipe it to a shine with a cloth or woolen cloth.
  • Another way to clean a copper basin is to mix flour, small sawdust and vinegar to a slurry consistency. Cover the basin with this mass and leave to dry, and then peel it off and wipe the basin to a shine.

Well, the last thing. After the process of cooking the jam is completed, the dishes in which the jam was cooked must, of course, be thoroughly washed, and then it is advisable to dry it on the stove until completely dry.

Now, I think, you will no longer have the question: "In what kind of dishes to cook jam?" If the article was useful to you, do not be too lazy to press the social buttons. networks, share with others.

Now the harvesting season is in full swing. I want to recommend you my proven recipes:

I wish you delicious preparations!

And I look forward to seeing you again on the pages of my site!

Hello my dear readers! So the time has come to open a new sub-heading called CANNING, since many of them are already starting the season of harvesting. And I want to start with...

What a great summer, when berries and fruits ripen all around. You can enjoy plenty of juicy fruits and enrich your loved ones with useful substances. But the sunny time is not eternal, and sooner or later it will be replaced by a long winter.

Sweet treats will disappear from the shelves, and with them the main source of vitamins. The only way to save them is to recycle the wonderful gifts of nature and make a product with a longer shelf life. The ideal candidate for this role is jam.

You can prepare such a dessert from any berries and fruits. There are also many recipes. But in the process of cooking, a number of insidious questions may arise, one of them is in what kind of dishes is it better to cook jam?

Choosing dishes

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a container is the material from which it is made. It is on him that the quality of the finished jam and the safety of the nutrients that nature has so generously awarded fruits and berries will depend.

In addition, in different dishes, a sweet dessert is cooked in different ways. And thinking through all the possible nuances in advance is much easier than washing burnt jam.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel is called food grade steel for a reason. It does not react with food even when exposed to high temperatures for a long time. Therefore, it will not destroy the beneficial substances contained in the berries.

The second well-known property of a common material is resistance to food acids. So, you can not be afraid of the harmful effects of acids contained in berries and fruits. The pelvis will not undergo oxidation and will serve its owner for many years.

Any experienced cook will say without a shadow of a doubt that stainless steel cookware is the best option for making jam!


But such dishes are best avoided! Its surface is covered with an oxide film, unable to withstand the destructive effects of acids, which are so rich in natural gifts.

As a result, the film will dissolve, and the metal that it safely held will receive complete freedom. Therefore, if you do not want to eat a dessert with metal particles, give up aluminum dishes.

But if there is no other option, there is no need to be upset. Boil the jam in an aluminum bowl, just don't keep them together for too long. It is better to immediately pour the finished product into jars and wash the basin. And remember, dishwashing detergents made from such a metal should not contain iron.


Surely, many people remember how carefully their grandmother treated copper utensils. She was for them, a kind of family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation.

The fact is that natural copper is very expensive, but it has special properties, namely, high thermal conductivity and durability.

When cooking in such a basin, the jam heats up evenly and does not burn.

But such dishes also have flaws:

  • Copper ions destroy the valuable ascorbic acid contained in fresh fruits.
  • And its oxides, which are harmful to the human body, can penetrate into the jam itself.

However, if there is an urgent need to cook a dessert in such a dish, it is still possible, most importantly, to thoroughly wash and polish the basins each time. And also do not store the finished product in them.

Teflon coating

Such dishes appeared relatively recently, but have already earned the title of the most durable. The minimum service life with careful handling exceeds 10 years. In addition, the structure of the material, slightly reminiscent of a honeycomb, increases the heating surface and promotes uniform cooking of the jam.

A saucepan made of high quality material will not be a bad replacement for a stainless steel basin. Especially when you need to cook quite a bit of jam.

The only "but" - it can not be overheated! Therefore, for uninterrupted cooking of large volumes of jam, it, alas, will not work.


The main advantage is uniform heating and cooking of jam. Also, a ceramic pan perfectly tolerates sudden changes in temperature and has a long service life.

But it cools down for a long time, so while cooling the jam, it is better to pour it into another container.

Enamelled finish

Another kind of dishes in which it is worth making jam. But even here there are nuances.

If the dishes are new, you can not worry about the quality of your favorite dessert. But over time, it undergoes critical changes.

Enamel is a weak material. With constant heating to a high temperature, it cracks, and pieces of the substance can get into food, moreover, it is absolutely imperceptible to our eyes.

Iron, which is under the enamel, begins to interact with the elements of the products. As a result, such a useful and important vitamin C for humans is almost completely destroyed.

And of course, another minus of the irreversible process is the burning of jam in places of damage. Even if these are almost imperceptible chips and cracks, it will not be so easy to wash them from soot.

However, despite such significant disadvantages, enamelware is an ideal option for settling jam. This is appropriate if you are preparing a dessert using the reusable cooking technology.

An equally important detail that you need to pay attention to is the shape of the dishes:

  • Choose a shallow basin, because too thick a layer of food is boiled unevenly.
  • The wider the bottom, the better. With a large area of ​​contact with fire, the basin will heat up faster and more evenly, therefore, the lower part of the jam will not be digested.
  • And so that it does not burn, choose a basin with a whole, even, flat bottom. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort scraping off carbon deposits in cracks and gaps.
  • Since jam is a sweet and fragrant product, all the “sweet teeth” from the area flock to it: bees, wasps, bumblebees. An ordinary lid will protect them from their curiosity.

If you make jam often, get a divider. With his helpWith the help of a knife, you will prevent the product from burning, as well as evenly distribute the temperature over the entire bottom of the basin.

Properly selected dishes will help you prepare delicious, high-quality and really healthy jam, the magical properties of which we need so much in the winter cold. It's such a pity to waste wonderful berries for nothing!
