
How to store tomato juice at home. Making tomato juice at home: natural, with vegetables, apples or spices

Good afternoon dear readers!

The other day we took a short break from the topic of blanks with you. And they prepared. I suggest that you do not stop, but start again with winter supplies. And today we have the preparation of tomato juice. I think everyone is familiar with this drink, and not by hearsay. For me personally, this is the taste of childhood, when my grandmother spoiled us with red juice. That's what we used to call him. And most importantly, the taste of such a blank can be completely different. Starting from insipid option and ending with sweet, salty and even spicy flavors.

Another important plus of this drink. Possessing any electrical equipment, such as: juicers or meat grinders. You will be able to cook such a dish in two counts. With a minimum investment of time and effort, the result is a natural decoction.

Despite all positive traits, we missed another one no less important point. Tomato juice, I'm talking about natural, homemade with my own hands. So, rich big amount minerals and vitamins. And this type of drink is dietary, because it contains only 18 calories.

Boiled tomatoes release lycopene even more when heated. Which greatly increases their level of usefulness.

There are a lot of useful factors of tomato broth. Still, I would like to highlight the most important ones:

  • Rich in minerals and vitamins;
  • It contains sugars that replenish our energy costs;
  • Due to the content of antioxidants, it slows down the aging process.

Despite all these advantages, remember that for every benefit, there will be harm. For example: you should not overdo it with the amount of juice you drink, no more than 2 glasses a day. The use on an empty stomach is prohibited. It contains acids that can corrode the stomach. And most experts still advise drinking an unsalted drink, it is considered many times more useful.

How to make tomato juice for the winter at home

Well, ready to start making delicious and natural juice. I decided to start with classic version cooking. This is the recipe my family uses year after year.

The whole secret and love for this drink is the ease of preparation. And one more plus, when there are a lot of tomatoes, you need to let them into the business. So, if you have a similar situation, I suggest getting down to business ...

We will need:

From this amount of ingredients will come out 3 liters finished juice

  • Tomatoes - 4 kg.
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons

If you want a salty drink as a result. Then we put 1 teaspoon of sugar and 2 teaspoons of salt per 1 liter of juice.


1. Let's wash the main ingredient - tomatoes. After we cut each fruit into two parts and remove the stalks on both sides. Then cut into medium sized pieces. You can grind, our task is to get a piece into the hole of the juicer.

By the way in this case tomato varieties can be completely different, we do not focus on a particular type. I want to please you that in this case, overripe vegetables are also perfect. Only a big request, be sure to clean from rotten places. It will go at random, I do not advise counting. This can affect not only taste, but also storage.

2. Now that the tomatoes are prepared, you can proceed to the next process. We prepare a juicer, you can use a meat grinder. And carefully skip the whole mass of peeled vegetables.

Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, it is advisable to use deep dishes. So, during cooking, foam will form on the surface, and it is possible even to rise if it is not removed during the time.

Put the tomato mixture on medium fire and bring to a boil. Add salt and sugar, to taste. In just a couple of minutes, foam will begin to appear. Be sure to remove it with a spoon.

Continue simmering the juice for 15-20 minutes. You can stir occasionally. If the tomatoes boil strongly, the gas must be reduced to a minimum.

3. Remove the finished juice from the fire. Pour the drink into prepared jars. This should be done very carefully.

Remember the old grandmother's advice? So that the jar does not crack during filling with hot juice, put a tablespoon in it. Easy and simple, but this action will protect against additional work.

The spilled drink is tightly closed or rolled up with lids. Turn upside down and put in a warm place under the covers. We store in this state until completely cooled.

After you can remove the finished juice in the pantry or in the cellar. The taste of such a dish turns out to be sweetish, if this option does not suit you, you need to reduce the amount of sugar.

Although, for example, my mother has loved tomatoes with sugar since childhood. Therefore, tastes are different, you still have to adjust the recipe for yourself.

A step-by-step recipe for a delicious juice for the winter

What else is juice prepared at home? Of course, the most delicious and natural. This is the recipe we are going to learn now. prepare necessary ingredients and let's get to work. I promise the whole process will not take you even half an hour. Naturally, it all depends on the number of ingredients.

IN this recipe we use an electric juicer, it speeds up our actions at times.

We will need:

  • Tomato juice - 2.5 liters
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons


1. You probably noticed that the weight of not the tomatoes themselves, but the tomato juice is indicated in the recipe. This refers to the mass passed through the juicer. To prepare it, you need to do the following steps.

Wash the tomatoes under cold running water. We clean from the stalk and rot. Roughly cut into small pieces.

2. Let's prepare our electrical equipment. Make sure the pulp jug is in place. And then I had a similar case that I just forgot about him. In the end, I had to clean everything up.

We will skip the red vegetable in several passes. So that the juicer has time to cope with the received norm.

3. Pour the finished juice into the pan. In which the cooking process will continue. But the resulting tomato cake is skipped two more times. To squeeze out everything that is possible. If you don't want to bother, just throw it in the trash.

We put the mass of tomatoes on the fire. Bring to a boil and skim off the foam. Season with salt and sugar, mix. We will cook for another 5-7 minutes.

4. While you can start sterilizing the jars. In general, in a correct way, it will still be to prepare them in advance. You know that there are a lot of similar moments of disinfection of glass containers. That is why I want to offer you the most convenient. Previously, she also suffered and withstood cans over steam. Now I heat the oven to 150 degrees. I put the dishes on the grate, carefully close the door. And I keep them there for 10 minutes, if the volume is large (3 liter). If less than 5-7 will be enough.

The lids must be boiled if using the metal version.

Ready juice can be poured into jars and removed to cool completely in a warm place. Using a blanket for this.

It is still preferable to store such a workpiece in cool place. Bon appetit!

A simple recipe for tomato juice from a tomato through a meat grinder

Another option that interests many. The thing is that even in every house you can find a juicer. So, then such simple recipes using a meat grinder come to mind.

By the way, I want to assure you that this will in no way affect the taste.

We will need:

For 7 liters of juice

  • Missed tomatoes - 7 liters
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons without a slide
  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons

Varieties in this case use large and fleshy. Naturally without additional chemicals. It would be ideal to harvest your crops, in extreme cases, buy tomatoes from grandmothers.


1. We chose suitable fruits. Then you can start processing them. Wash the tomatoes under cool water. Cut into several pieces and remove the stem. Put the processed tomatoes in a bowl.

2. Now that the tomatoes are harvested, let's assemble the meat grinder. For juice, it is still preferable to use a juicer nozzle. Any such insert is available modern technology.

And carefully pass through it all the vegetables prepared in advance.

If you do not have such a nozzle and a similar electric meat grinder, do not be upset. Pass the fruit through conventional equipment. I call it the Soviet-era version. You probably remember the one with the manual twist.

So scroll through it, and then wipe the resulting mixture through a sieve. And then the cooking process begins. You can follow further recommendations, here you will not find any differences.

3. Received wet weight pour into a large saucepan. Put on medium heat and bring to a boil. The juice must be stirred occasionally. During boiling, a foam forms on the surface, which must be disposed of. Remove it with a slotted spoon or spoon.

Now let's add required amount salt and sugar and continue the cooking process. Cooking time after boiling is 15-20 minutes.

While the juice comes to readiness, prepare the jars. Sterilize them over steam or use the oven. I described this sterilization process in detail in the previous recipe.

Pour the finished red mass into jars. Cover tightly with lids or roll up. We will not turn them over, but simply leave them on the table to cool completely.

We smoothly move on to another recipe for making juice.

How to make thick tomato juice without sterilization

Consider another recipe that has its own distinctive qualities. This is me about the method of sterilization. In this case, we can do without it at all. The main task is to thoroughly rinse the jars and be sure to dry them, do the same with the lids.

There are no more secrets in this method. However, I suggest you study it in more detail.

We will need:

  • tomatoes
  • salt, sugar - to taste
  • Bay leaf
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. spoon on a jar


1. Let's start preparing the fruits. Wash the tomatoes under cool water. We remove the stalks, if the size of the tomato is very large, cut them into slices.

2. We pass the prepared tomatoes through a juicer or meat grinder. If your home does not have any of the listed devices. Let's use the most common way.

Heat the tomatoes over medium heat, boil them for 5-7 minutes. You should get a mushy mass. If the fruits of the vegetable were dense and hard, increase the stewing time.

By the end of time, in small portions pour the mass into a sieve. We begin to wipe them with a spoon or a wooden spatula. Then pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and put on medium heat. Season with salt and sugar, and continue to simmer after boiling for 15 minutes.

To increase the shelf life of the finished juice, vinegar must be added to the composition. This will give it some sourness and keep it until spring.

Ready vitamin drink pour into washed jars. Roll up the lids, let cool at room temperature.

Store such utility should be stored in a cool place. This is the only way you can save everything. useful qualities until spring.

Cooking tomato juice with bell pepper through a juicer

Ideal when there is no time at all. A mountain of tomatoes right in front of my eyes, and ripples. As my grandmother used to say, "the eyes are afraid, the hands are doing." So that such a situation of fear for vegetables does not touch you. I suggest you deal with them quickly.

And of course we won't be alone. And with his favorite assistant - a juicer. Thanks to its double action, the tomatoes will run out before you blink an eye.

We will need:

From the presented ingredients, we will get a 3-liter jar of the finished drink.

  • Tomatoes - 4.0 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 500-600 gr.
  • Bay leaf (medium size) - 3 pcs.
  • Salt - 3 teaspoons (without a slide)


1. First of all, let's deal with the processing of vegetables. We wash the Bulgarian pepper and tomatoes, clean them from the stalks. Divide the pepper into two equal parts, remove the remaining seeds.

2. Let's assemble the juicer. Then we pass through it chopped vegetables. It is advisable to alternate, first a small part of the tomatoes, after the pepper. This is how we deal with all fruits.

3. Put the finished tomato mixture on medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally so that the mass does not burn. Be sure to remove the resulting foam.

Season with salt, you can add a little granulated sugar to taste. And of course, for bay leaf lovers, you can use it too. The only condition is that when you pour the finished juice into jars, take out the lavrushka.

We will cook the tomato mass for 20 minutes, over low heat.

3. At this time, prepare the jars. Rinse them thoroughly under running water, using a sponge and soda. Then be sure to sterilize. Do not forget about the lids, they are also boiled.

The prepared juice without removing from the fire, pour into jars. It is more convenient to do this with a small ladle.

We cover the filled jars with lids, tightly roll them up.

Make sure there are no gaps around the edges of the jars. Just put it on flat surface and scroll in different directions.

Keep ready drink we'll be in a cool place. In the meantime, you can leave them on the counter to cool completely.

Video on how to cook tomato juice with pulp without a juicer

And finally, I suggest you watch the video recipe. In which we will learn how to make juice with pulp without a juicer. Perfect option for those who don't have it. It will replace this electrical appliance, an ordinary sieve. I'm sure it can be found in every home.

Yes, the juice really turned out amazing. And after all, there is nothing complicated, the truth will have to tinker a little. Despite this, as a result you will receive natural juice without dyes.

Our post has come to an end. We've covered quite a few recipes today. I'm sure you've already settled on one. The most important thing is that you can save such a drink until spring. And he does not lose his useful qualities at all.

If the article was useful to you, just share it in your in social networks. See you soon dear readers! I'll be looking forward to the next post :)

In some interesting way, we did not close red tomatoes for the winter. For example, in one of the previous articles I described as many as seven delicious ways twists . But this year we have huge harvest these vegetables, which is enough not only to close the whole tomatoes or various salads And , but even for the preparation of very tasty juice from these red fruits. And there are so many different ways here that I decided to select the most interesting and tried on my family.

It has long been proven that a tomato drink is incredibly beneficial for our body, especially in winter, when there are so few vegetables left that can provide the required amount of trace elements. Therefore, this will be the main reason for its procurement. And the wonderful and beloved taste will be a pleasant bonus to all its useful qualities.

So I won’t discuss much, but I’ll just start revealing all my secrets of making this delicious red delicacy.

In fact, to make juice from a tomato requires minimal amount ingredients and not so much effort. Which is why I love making it. See for yourself and you will see everything.

What is needed for its preparation:

  • Red tomatoes - 13 kilograms;
  • Rock salt - 2 teaspoons per 1000 grams;
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons per 1000 grams.

Let's start cooking:

First of all, we prepare the red fruits: wash them and cut out the stem. Then we divide into four parts.

To obtain the most intense juice flavor, it is better to take large and fleshy fruits.

Then we pass the chopped vegetables through a juicer. This will make the juice less thick.

But if you use a meat grinder for these purposes, then you will get a thick, beautiful mass.

Pour the finished juice into a saucepan, transfer it to the stove and turn on medium heat under it. We put right amount refined sugar and rock salt, in accordance with the amount of juice obtained and boil for about fifteen minutes.

Along the way, we prepare containers for seaming by sterilizing over steam.

Carefully pour the prepared juice into three liter containers and screw on the lids. We put them upside down and do not touch until they cool.

Move to the basement for further storage.

Tomato juice with pulp at home

Every winter cold we are sorely lacking the warm sun and the necessary trace elements. Therefore, a tomato drink will perfectly cope with the second task, raising our spirits and reminding us of warm sunny days.

What we need:

  • Red tomatoes -2000 grams;
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • Herbs are optional.

Let's start cooking:

We wash the red fruits, separate their tails and cut them into arbitrary pieces. Squeeze red juice from prepared fruits.

We put it on the stove and wait for it to boil on a small flame.

Now lay salt, refined sugar and any dried herbs.

In this recipe, you can safely adjust the finished drink to your liking.

Bring the mass to a boil, boil for five minutes and pour over the banks. Put on the lids, and wait for cooling.

Then transfer the blanks to a cool place for a long time.

Video recipe: Homemade tomato juice with pulp without using a juicer

A tomato drink is not always very thick, but with a juicer it is quite possible to adjust its density and saturation. And how to do this, I want to show you in a very interesting video.

Try to prepare in a similar way - you will certainly get incredibly appetizing and healthy. And then the whole winter you and your loved ones will be able to enjoy this super vitamin solution.

How to make tomato juice at home from tomatoes

Preparing a drink on your own lady is probably not easy, choose the way that you like and create. And the result will not make you wait long. Indeed, in fact, winter is just around the corner and it is necessary to have time to make as many tasty and healthy spins for the winter as possible.

What will be required:

  • Tomatoes - 5000 grams;
  • Rock salt - to taste.

Let's start preparing:

We cut the prepared scarlet fruits into various slices.

Fold the blanks into a large bowl, transfer to a gas stove and wait for it to boil. Boil the mass for six minutes, then turn off the gas, and wait for them to cool.

You can pour 100 grams of water to the vegetables to avoid burning.

Grind with a small sieve boiled vegetables freeing them from seeds and peel.

Now we put rock salt to taste and cook for another five minutes.

Pour the mass into containers and roll up with tin roofs.

Let it cool standing on the lids upside down and then transfer to storage in the cellar.

Tomato juice for the winter without sterilization - a simple recipe

There are a lot various ways harvesting juice from tomatoes and almost all of them require sterilization, but this method does not need it. An ideal option that does not require much effort.

What will be required:

  • Red tomatoes - 6 kilograms;
  • Rock salt - at the discretion;
  • Sugar - to taste.

Let's start preparing:

For getting the best juice better take the most ripe fruit, saturated scarlet color.

We wash the fruits and cut into pieces removing the inflorescence.

We squeeze the juice from the chopped ingredients either with a meat grinder or with a juicer.

If you use the first method, then additionally the mass must be rubbed through a strainer.

Pour the prepared mass into large saucepan put rock salt and granulated sugar taste. And transfer to a small tile flame. With constant stirring, wait until it boils. Boil the mixture for about ten minutes.

Pour the mixture into sterilized containers, roll up with tin lids and set upside down. We are waiting for cooling and send them to the basement for safety.

Preparing tomato juice through a juicer

If you prepare a tomato drink simply through a juicer, then at the exit you can get liquid and not much rich taste finished product. Therefore, I advise you to pre-boil the fetus, and then squeeze it. You will see, the difference in tastes will be colossal in the end.

Let's start preparing:

  • Tomatoes - 5000 grams;
  • Rock salt - to taste;
  • Rafinade - to taste.

Let's start:

We wash the red fruits, remove the stalk and cut into arbitrary parts. Then boil them for five minutes over medium heat.

When the mass has cooled down, start squeezing the juice from the fruit.

The finished mass is boiled again for five minutes, previously salted, sugared and peppered.

Then pour the mass into containers, roll up, cover with a warm blanket and wait for cooling.

Then transfer the jars to permanent storage.

Prepare tomato juice for the winter at home without salt and sugar

This cooking method saturated solution elementary and minimal in ingredients. The main thing is to prepare fruits of medium size and very fleshy in texture.


  • Tomatoes - optional.

Let's start cooking:

We wash ripe fruits in a flowing ode, free them from the stalk and cut into arbitrary slices.

We twist the cut blanks with a meat grinder.

Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan of the required volume and transfer it to medium heat. When the mass boils, the excess liquid will gradually begin to evaporate, and it will become thicker. Boil down to your desired consistency.

I do not make it too thick, otherwise it will not look like tomato paste.

Boiling liquid is poured into sterilized containers and closed with boiled tin lids. Leave to cool upside down, and then transfer to permanent storage in a cool room.

Tomato juice for the winter recipe lick your fingers

This is very interesting way, the highlight is to pre-bake the red tomatoes in the oven, and after that it prepares juice from them, adding your favorite spices and spices.

What will be required:

  • Red fruits - 2000 grams;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Rock salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Muscat - 1 teaspoon;
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • Cloves - 4 pieces;
  • Black pepper - 8 pieces;
  • Hot pepper - 2 pods.

Let's get started:

So it is necessary ripe tomatoes Arrange on a wire rack and bake in the oven for about ten minutes at 180 degrees.

Then we pass the baked vegetables through a juicer and get a ready and clean scarlet drink.

Drain it into a saucepan, put on medium heat and boil for about 13 minutes.

Add spices and herbs to the juice, which are listed in the composition.

For example, garlic juice will become richer and healthier as a result. Cinnamon grains will make it more spicy and appetizing in taste. Pepper will make it sharper, and nutmeg will add hot spice.

We also put rock salt, granulated sugar and sunflower oil. Boil for another five minutes, mix thoroughly and pour into sterilized jars of any volume.

The finished product is not likely fragrant and tasty, it is impossible not to drink it up to last drop. So I highly recommend making this drink for your family.

Tomato juice like in childhood! Thick homemade pasta (Video recipe)

Let your kids drink this too healthy drink that our parents gave us in childhood. I don't think anyone will refuse it.

And, as always, I wanted to reveal a few secrets of making the most delicious juice:

Do you want to always look slim and fit? cook tomato juice for the winter at home right not only for the whole winter, but also for months ahead. Very delicious juice obtained only from fresh tomatoes. Such a drink was previously prepared through a sieve or meat grinder, but now it is full of modern technology - you can make tomato juice from tomatoes using a blender, juicer or juicer.

Simple Recipes:

Many young housewives are faced with the problem of making tomato juice at home. Previously, it was difficult to choose the method of its preparation, but experience and time put everything in its place. Therefore, I decided to help the newly minted keepers of the hearth by recommending 9 easy ways to preserve this cooking assistant.

Did you know that the benefits of such juice are simply colossal. It is needed by almost everyone who wants to tighten their figure and is on a diet. It is useful for many vitamins that make up its composition.

1 glass of tomato juice contains only 40 kcal. It lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, removes toxins, destroys free radicals (puts off old age), lowers the risk of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Drink juice and be healthy!

Delicious tomato juice for the winter at home: a simple step-by-step recipe for tomato juice

I made my first red tomato juice using my grandmother's proven method. I always found it to be extremely tasty. The process of its preparation consists of three steps.

Ingredients for Homemade Tomato Juice:

  • large tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • kitchen salt - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • a pinch of sugar.

How to make delicious tomato juice at home for the winter from tomatoes

The first step is very simple - preparing the tomatoes. I wash them thoroughly in a large bowl, and cut them into halves. If necessary, I remove the white seals. I put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces in an enamel bowl on the stove and cook for about 7 minutes.

The second step is to separate the skins from the juice and pulp. I put the cooled tomatoes on a medium-density sieve and push through. I discard the rest of the skin. This process can now be simplified with the help of modern kitchen appliances. The resulting mass (6.5 -7 liters) is poured into a large saucepan, covered with enamel, and sent to boil on gas. I pour kitchen salt and a pinch of sugar directly into the liquid. I also throw in bay leaves. Let it simmer for 15 minutes over moderate heat.

The last step is the canning process itself. While the liquid is boiling, I wash the jars. I am preparing the tie-backs, seaming key and lids. Then, without turning off the gas under the pan, I pour it into jars and roll it.

Canned natural juice according to this recipe , perfectly emphasize the taste of your favorite dishes.

Thick tomato juice with pulp for preservation for the winter - cook in a blender

The process of preserving juice with modern blenders is very easy. Therefore, even if you are preparing this product for the first time, you will quickly get used to it.

List of required products:

  • small tomatoes - 6 kg;
  • kitchen salt - 50 g;
  • basil.

Choosing tomatoes for this type of juice, I opted for overripe De Barao tomatoes. Their dense pulp makes the drink thicker.

After washing the fruits, I cut them in half and poured boiling water (not hot water, but only boiled). I kept the tomatoes in it for 5 minutes. This allowed me to easily rid them of unnecessary skins.

I ground the peeled halves with a hand blender and squeezed through a kitchen strainer. I got a homogeneous foamy mass without stones, very light in color.

I placed this mass in enamel pan. After adding salt and basil to it, I sent the container to gas stove to boil and boil in a few minutes. The main thing is that the fire should not be too strong, otherwise the juice will burn.

The drink, which has thickened a little during cooking, is poured into jars hot and rolled. Juice from selected tomatoes, preserved in this way, will serve as an excellent aperitif for children before dinner.

The classic recipe for making juice from tomatoes can be called its preparation with a manual juicer. Previously, these were in many houses. Outwardly, it is somewhat reminiscent of a meat grinder, but is designed to extract juice from tomatoes. When using this tool, the juice yield is much higher than when using an electric juicer. Sorry, got distracted.

You will need the following products:

  • tomatoes - 15 kg;
  • salt.

I describe the process step by step:

  1. I buy two types of tomatoes for this juice: large, so-called salad and medium. At home, I thoroughly wash them and remove the damaged areas.
  2. I cut large tomatoes into slices, medium ones and so pass. Then I pass everything through the juicer. Tomato puree is immediately in the enamel large saucepan, and cakes and seeds go to another container. From 15 kilograms of fruit, I have an output of almost 14 liters. When using an electric counterpart, approximately 12 liters will come out, but squeeze it out much faster.
  3. I put the saucepan on a small fire and let it boil. While it is heating, I prepare the jars. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, foam appears, do not worry, it will soon subside. At this point, I add table salt and mix thoroughly with a slotted spoon. I let it boil for a while, then I pour it into jars and close it.
  4. I turn the preservation upside down and cover it with an old thick blanket, a warm jacket is also suitable for this purpose.

The juice is not very thick, but amazingly tasty!

Delicious tomato juice, traditionally prepared through a sieve, without added sugar and salt

Making conservation for the winter in urban conditions is very simple. I also made tomato juice using a meat grinder and a sieve. True this traditional way quite long, but as a result of hard work, a very fragrant drink is obtained.

For its preparation, you will need 14 kg of large tomatoes.

I prefer to buy fruits of such varieties as:

  • Red sun;
  • A little prince;
  • Fat Jack.

Tomatoes of these varieties sweet and sour taste, so there is no need to add salt and sugar to the juice.

I wash the fruits several times. Then I cut into 6-8 pieces depending on their size. If the tomatoes are not the first freshness, then I remove the rot-prone areas.

I process fruits with a meat grinder. It turns out a mass with seeds and crushed skins, which kitchen sieves will help get rid of. First of all, I pass the liquid through sieve with large holes, then through gauze folded in four layers. As a result, 10 liters of raw juice comes out.

I boil the drink on the stove, in an enamel bowl, stirring regularly. When the liquid boils, I wait another 7 minutes. Then I pour it into jars and preserve it. They should cool down in an upside down state, covered with an old jacket.

Home canning is very interesting:

  1. 10 eggplant salad recipes

This summer, I tried to close the drink, not just passing the fruits of the tomato through a juicer, but first putting them out in the oven. The result conquered all my household members.

We prepare products according to the list:

First of all, I washed the tomatoes and cut them into halves. Then I divided it into parts and put them out in turn in the oven for about 20 minutes at 150 degrees. For stewing, I used a cast-iron goose with a lid, but I think it would be more practical to use stainless steel dishes.

While the second and third batches were stewing, I simultaneously passed the finished tomatoes through the juicer. Thus, the cooking process did not stop even for a minute.

Advice! If you cook according to this recipe, sterilize the jars in advance.

In the end result, I got a homogeneous thick mass. Then she poured it into an enameled pan, added spices, and boiled for 5 minutes over moderate heat. I poured it into prepared jars and closed it. She wrapped the jars with a blanket and left for a day.

The juice turned out to be such that you can’t tear it off by the ears. I'm afraid he won't survive the winter. Having tried it once, my children walk around the niche in circles.

Aromatic delicious tomato juice at home for the winter - an original recipe through a meat grinder

My mother really likes tomato juice with seeds, so for her personally I also roll this type of preservation. To prepare it, I use a meat grinder.

Need to stock up:

  • tomatoes large varieties- 9kg;
  • kitchen salt (at your discretion);
  • bay leaf -1-2 pieces;
  • red ground pepper - 5g.

The density of the drink directly depends on the amount of pulp in the fruit, so I choose medium-sized dense tomatoes. I thoroughly wash them and get rid of the stalks. Then I pour the tomatoes with boiling water for a few minutes. Important! Vegetables must be completely covered with water.

Having drained the water, I peel them and pass them through a conventional meat grinder. Thus, only the peel leaves, everything else merges into an enameled container.

In received tomato puree I add kitchen salt, bay leaves, pepper and cook over moderate heat. While the juice is boiling, I steam the jars.

After 20 minutes, I start pouring it into glass containers and ride. I put the preservation on a blanket upside down and wrap it up for a day.

The juice turns out spicy and very fragrant!

Cooking tomato juice in a juicer for the winter correctly and tasty

In some families, harvesting tomato juice in a pressure cooker for the winter is traditional method. I recently discovered this method for myself. I liked it for its simplicity. The main thing to remember is to regularly add water to the bottom of the juicer.

Ingredients to prepare:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • kitchen salt - 0.5 tbsp.

Rinse tomatoes thoroughly in water. I divide them into parts and load them together with table salt and sugar into the upper bowl of the juicer. I pour water into its lower part. I hook a hose to the middle structure, which I then direct into an enameled bowl. I collect the entire structure on the stove, and make the fire moderate.

Near the stove I put dishes of suitable volume, so that the released juice flows into it. Every 8 minutes I carefully mix the fruits in the bowl and check the presence of water. When the tomatoes have given up all the juice, I turn off the gas and drain its remnants from the juice cooker.

I put the resulting nectar on gas so that it boils. After that, I immediately pour it into jars and close it.

The last one will be my favorite recipe. According to it, I make juice for myself personally, I don’t even let my family try it. I know that then I will not get anything.

To prepare 6 liters of this excellent drink stock up:

  • tomatoes - 8 kg;
  • sweet pepper (preferably thick-walled) - 1 kg;
  • kitchen salt - 6 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.

Step by step recipe

First of all in electric oven I sterilize the jars, and boil the lids for 7-8 minutes.

Then I wash the tomatoes and peppers, remove all unnecessary from them. I pass the peeled fruits of vegetables separately through a meat grinder.

I push the tomato slurry into the pan through a sieve with small holes, removing tender skin and seeds. In the separated juice, add ground pepper, bay leaves and kitchen salt. Mix and send to cook over moderate heat.

I do not collect the emerging foam, but if it irritates you, you can remove it with a slotted spoon. I use it to determine the readiness of the juice, when the foam disappears it is 100% ready!

Without removing the container from the fire, I pour the juice into jars and close them. Preservation is always more practical to do with someone, otherwise while you pour and twist it yourself, the juice in the pan burns.

These nine best recipes for making natural tomato juice will allow any culinary specialist to create in his kitchen not just food, but dishes for real gourmets. Choose for yourself suitable option, cook with love and spoil your loved ones with homemade juice!

To prepare tomato juice at home, you need to use fresh tomatoes, without damage, with a uniform bright red color. The cooking process is simple: the tomatoes are washed, peeled, cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder, followed by rubbing through a colander to remove the skin.

There are other ways of grinding, for example, in a blender - with further rubbing through a sieve. And you can immediately separate the juice from the skin in a juicer.

All other actions with the resulting tomato juice to save it for the winter, you will learn from the article itself.

Recipe for obtaining juice by steaming a tomato and rubbing through a sieve (without salt and sugar)

find out old recipe, according to which our mothers and grandmothers prepared tomato juice for the winter.

Recipe preparation:

Take ripe tomatoes, wash, cut out the damaged parts, cut into slices, press lightly to separate the juice and start the steaming process.

To do this, pour the juice into an enamel pan, tie cheesecloth on top and put chopped tomatoes on it.

Bring the tomato juice in a saucepan to a boil and after 3-4 minutes, when the tomatoes are steamed, wipe them through a rare sieve. Combine the resulting puree with juice, heat to 85 degrees C and pour into hot jars or bottles.

Sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars and bottles - 30 minutes, liter - 40 minutes.

Tomato juice for the winter with salt and sugar

I like to prepare tomato juice for the winter so that it is with sugar and salt, you pour it in the winter and drink it right away. Comfortable.

Cooking method:

Wash ripe tomatoes well, cut into pieces and crush with a wooden pestle. Pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil while stirring.

Rub the hot tomato mass through a rare sieve to separate the seeds and skin.

Pass the resulting juice again through a thick sieve with holes no more than 0.6 mm or through 2-3 layers of gauze. Add salt and sugar to taste to the juice, heat it up and pour into jars or bottles. Sterilize.

How to make tomato juice at home with ascorbic acid

Cooking order:

Cut the tomatoes into pieces, bring to a boil and boil with stirring for 5-10 minutes.

When hot, rub through a colander or sieve. The holes in the sieve should be large enough to trap the skins and seeds.

Heat the juice again. If desired, add 10 g of salt and one or two tablets per 1 liter of juice ascorbic acid(0.5 g each) as an antioxidant.

With a slight boil, stand the jars: half-liter - 5 minutes, liter - 9 minutes, three-liter - 15 minutes.

How to make tomato juice for the winter at home - with pickled cucumber brine

The brine, in which cucumbers are pickled, is biologically active substances not much different from the cucumbers themselves. According to this significance, it is used for food. Do good, pickle good taste and without signs of any damage. It is filtered through a thick cloth. and save for future use


  • 1 liter - tomato juice
  • 1 liter pickled cucumber brine
  • 50 - 100 g - sugar


Mix tomato juice (obtained in any way from recipes - above) and pickle brine. Heat the resulting mixture, dissolve the sugar, pour hot into jars or bottles.

Tomato juice recipe for the winter - with cherry juice

find out rare recipe making juice from tomato with cherry flavor.


  • 1 liter - tomato juice
  • 0.2 liters - cherry juice
  • 50 g - salt


Mix tomato juice and cherry juice, heat, dissolve sugar in juice and pour hot into jars or bottles.

Pasteurize at 80 degrees C: half-liter jars and bottles - 15 minutes, liter and two-liter - 20 minutes.

How to make tomato juice for the winter - with sauerkraut juice

Juice is obtained from cabbage, in which the fermentation process has not yet completely ended. First of all, you need to squeeze the juice and strain through a fine sieve or flannel.


  • 1 liter tomato juice
  • 0.25 liters of sauerkraut juice
  • Salt and sugar - to taste


Mix tomato juice and juice from sauerkraut, add salt and sugar to taste, then heat and pour hot into jars or bottles. Then pasteurize.

Tomato juice for the winter - with sweet pepper juice


  • 1 liter tomato juice
  • 0.2 liters of sweet pepper juice
  • Salt, sugar, black and red hot pepper


Wash ripe sweet red peppers, cut out the seeds, cut the fruits into pieces, pass through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass.

Mix freshly prepared tomato juice and sweet pepper juice, heat, add salt, sugar, ground pepper to taste and pour hot into jars or bottles. Sterilize.

Video on how to make tomato juice for the winter without jar sterilization

With the help of a juicer, make harvesting for the winter even faster.

Juice becomes original because bell pepper has its own shades of influence on taste receptors.

How to make tomato juice without a juicer for the winter

Consider the easiest tomato juice recipe that you'll love because the jars don't need to be sterilized.

Action plan:

Cut the washed tomatoes into pieces and pass through a meat grinder.

Pour the missed tomatoes into a saucepan and put on fire. Bring the contents to a boil, reduce the heat and, stirring occasionally, cook for 10 minutes. We do not remove the foam.

Then we take a metal sieve and grind all the juice through it.

See how much oil cake turned out and how clean and nice juice in a saucepan.

For each liter of juice, put 0.5 teaspoon of salt. You don't need to add sugar. Here in the pan is 5 liters of juice, so add 2.5 tablespoons of salt.

Mix everything well and put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook for 1 minute.

Immediately pour tomato juice into sterilized jars and roll up the lids with a key.

We got 6 liter cans. Turn them upside down and wrap until cool.

you learned today best recipes tomato juice for the winter. Make your own and share with friends.
