
Chopped peppers with vegetables for the winter recipes. Bulgarian pepper for the winter: simple recipes

I want to bring to your attention a recipe for pickled bell peppers, which you can use as an independent dish or use for stuffing with minced meat with the addition of rice, and vegetable fillings. For stuffing, blanks should be made from whole peppers, and for salad and garnish, it can be cut into large pieces.

My mother always has a jar of such pepper on hand. It can be closed in jars of different sizes, it is convenient for us for our family to prepare canned bell peppers in 3-liter jars.

Whole pickled peppers for stuffing

preparation for the winter

Of course, now, at any time of the year, fresh bell peppers can be bought in a store or on the market. But, firstly, not always and not everyone has such an opportunity. Secondly, someone is used to making homemade preparations for the winter from their crops from their backyard. Thirdly, to prepare stuffed peppers with meat, you do not need to spend a lot of time preparing the pepper itself, the semi-finished product is always at hand.

A whole pepper, of course, can simply be processed and frozen whole without the core and seeds, but sometimes there is simply not enough space in the freezer. After all, you always want to freeze berries, mushrooms and other vegetables.

Therefore, I offer you the option of harvesting peppers according to my mother's recipe.


  • Bulgarian fleshy pepper - the volume may be different.

For the marinade: 1 liter. water

  • Water - 1 l.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Vinegar (70%)

Calculation of vinegar essence for pickled peppers for the winter:

  • per jar 0.7 l. - 0.5 tsp;
  • for a 1 liter jar. - ¾ tsp;
  • for a 1.5 liter can. - 1 tsp;
  • on a 2 liter jar. - 1.5 tsp;
  • for a 3 liter jar. - dessert spoon, etc.

Cooking process:

Let's start preparing the bell pepper.

We need to wash all available pepper thoroughly under running water.

Carefully remove the stalk and seeds from each pepper, without cutting the pepper itself, keeping it whole.

When all the pepper is prepared, it must be placed in a deep pan of a suitable volume with boiling water.

From the moment of boiling water with pepper, blanch it for 5 minutes.

At this time, you can put another deep pan on the stove, in which we will prepare the marinade for pouring peppers.

Carefully take out the blanched peppers and put it in pre-prepared sterilized jars.

It is not worth stuffing jars with pepper, as it should remain as a whole, intact.

After filling the jars with pepper, pour them with boiling marinade.

Add vinegar to each jar (in accordance with the above volumes of jars used).

We roll up jars of pickled peppers on a turnkey basis.

We turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket or blanket until they cool completely.

Then we put it away for storage in the pantry, closet or send it to the cellar.

This blank is perfectly stored at home.

According to this recipe, you can also cook for the winter, cut into pieces - just for eating as a snack.

I think you will like my recipe and you will use it.

Good and tasty blanks to you with our Notebook!

July 8, 2017

In order to prepare Bulgarian pepper for the winter, you do not need too many ingredients, as this is done very easily and simply. Peppers are prepared for various dishes. You can prepare peppers in order to take out a jar in winter to cook stuffed peppers. Or prepare bell pepper as a seasoning for other dishes. And you can prepare already stuffed peppers. Also, many harvest not only sweet pepper, but also hot.

Very often, pepper is closed in jars along with a tomato. So in one jar you get two useful products at once. Basically, a marinade based on vinegar, salt, vegetable oil spices is used to harvest peppers.

Peppers can be twisted as a whole or sliced. Can be rolled raw or fried. In general, there are recipes for every taste. And here's a small selection of how you can prepare pepper for the winter in jars and more.

Freezing pepper for the winter as a way to preserve all the nutrients in pepper has recently appeared. This method became available with the advent of a new generation of refrigerators with dry freezing. In which you can freeze food without harm to them.

So how do you freeze peppers? Before freezing, you need to decide for which dish you want to freeze the pepper. If you want to cook stuffed peppers in winter, then we do this.

We choose more or less the same peppers in size, cut off the stem and remove the seeds. Dip prepared peppercorns in boiling water for 20 seconds. This will make the pepper softer and won't crack or break when frozen.

And we put one into the other like a pyramid of 5-6 pieces.

We put the finished pyramid in a bag and carefully wrap it. The rest of the package can wrap the empty cavity of the last pepper.

Here is such a tricky way to prepare peppers for future stuffing.

You can also prepare pepper to add it to certain dishes.

Sort the bell pepper, wash and dry.

Cut off the stem and discard the seeds. Cut into thin strips.

Fold the straw into a bag and put the bag in the freezer.

Pickled bell peppers for the winter

The preparation is not only tasty, but also very bright. Since for this recipe it is desirable to use peppers of several colors.


  • 3 kg of prepared pepper.
  • 100 grams of garlic.
  • 150 vegetable oil.
  • 0.5 liters of water.
  • 300 sugar.
  • 100 salt.
  • 300 vinegar 9%.

Cooking process:

1. Cut the pepper into small tongues, put in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid.

2. After 10 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan; we will prepare the marinade on this water.

3. Add salt, sugar, vegetable oil. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Cook for 10-15 minutes.

4. For 2-3 minutes before readiness, throw garlic into the marinade. Boil for a minute and add vinegar, cover with a lid and boil for another 2 minutes.

5. Arrange the pepper in sterilized jars as tightly as possible.

6. Carefully pour the brine into the jars, cover with lids and twist the pepper.

7. Banks turn over and wrap. Keep until completely cool. Then move to storage.

8. That's the whole recipe for pickled peppers for the winter. There are several more recipes on the blog on how to cook pickled peppers for the winter.

Pepper in a tomato for the winter

With such a preparation, you get two products at once and pepper and tomato in one jar.


  • Bulgarian pepper 2.5 kg.
  • 2.5 fresh tomato juice.
  • 1 kg of onion.
  • 1 head of garlic.
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 0.5 cups of salt.
  • Lavrushka leaves.
  • 7-8 black peppercorns.
  • 0.5 cups of vinegar.
  • 250 vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

1. Wash the pepper, remove the tails and cut the seeds lengthwise into 3-5 parts.

2. Cut off the buttocks from the tomatoes and chop them in a meat grinder.

3. Pass the garlic through a press.

4. Cut the onion into cubes.

5.Pour the tomato juice into a deep saucepan. Put on the stove to cook for 5-10 minutes.

6. Take a larger pot so that pepper and onion can still fit in it.

7. Add onion, pepper, salt, sugar, garlic, spices, oil to the boiling tomato. Cook for 10-15 minutes.

8. For 2-3 minutes, pour in the vinegar and cook further under a closed lid. Do not forget to stir occasionally so that the whole story does not burn.

9. Arrange in sterilized jars and cover with lids.

10.Tighten the covers. Turn the banks upside down.

11. After complete cooling, turn the jars upside down and observe them for 2-3 days; if the lids are not swollen, you can transfer the pepper to a place for long-term storage.

Pepper for the winter spicy recipe

It turns out a very original dish. thanks to the beets, the color will not be normal.


  • 1 kg of sweet pepper.
  • 300 carrots.
  • 1 head of onion.
  • 1 medium beet.
  • 1 tablespoon of salt.
  • 5-6 peppercorns.
  • 0.5 tablespoon of sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid.

Cooking process:

1. Peel and grate carrots with beets.

2. Finely chop the onion.

3. Peel the peppers from tails and seeds.

4. Mix carrots, beets, onions, salt and mix.

5. Stuff each pepper with vegetables. Beautifully laid out in banks.

6. Prepare a brine for 1.5 liters of water, pour salt, sugar, throw pepper. Boil the brine for 10-15 minutes.

7. Pour the finished brine into the jar and cover with lids.

8. Put the jars of pepper in a saucepan, pour water over the shoulders of the jars and boil for half an hour. Then tighten the covers with a special key.

9. Banks turn over to wrap up. Leave until completely cooled.

How to prepare hot peppers for the winter

It is possible and necessary to harvest not only sweet pepper, but also hot. And for this, here is a recipe for canning hot peppers for the winter.

Ingredients for a half liter jar:

  • 300 grams of hot pepper.
  • 150 water.
  • 150 table vinegar.
  • Tablespoon of salt.

Cooking process:

1. When harvesting hot peppers, the tails are not cut off and the seeds are not taken out, since the main sharpness is concentrated precisely in the seeds. Ponytails are only culturally cut off and that's it.

2. Place hot peppers in a cleanly washed jar.

3. Prepare the brine. Boil water, add salt and vinegar, cook the brine for 10 minutes. Then let it cool down.

4. Pour jars of pepper with cold brine. Cover the jar with a lid. Put it to be sterilized in a pot of water. Sterilize hot peppers for 5-7 minutes. Then tightly roll up the lid.

5. Hot pepper is now ready for long-term storage.

Bulgarian pepper contains many vitamins, has a great taste and goes well with any dish. That is why he is so loved by many people. In addition, it is very bright and beautiful. Sunny, saturated with the lively energy of the sun and summer, every time it invariably becomes an adornment of any summer and autumn table.

Bulgarian pepper contains many vitamins

This method will help the hostess to quickly prepare pepper for the winter.. But this recipe differs not only in the speed of preparation, but also in taste. Celery will play a big role. Despite the fact that for many this is far from being the most favorite product, it gives the dish a little spiciness and piquancy.


  • Bulgarian pepper - three kilograms.
  • Pure water - four glasses.
  • Acetic acid 70% - one dessert spoon.
  • Sugar - one dessert spoon.
  • Salt - one dessert spoon.
  • Garlic - seven to eight heads.
  • Sunflower oil - one glass.
  • Black peppercorns - to taste.
  • Celery leaves - at the discretion of the hostess. It is important to use the greens, as the root and stem will not work.
  • You can also add basil. It perfectly complements the taste of celery and adds a southern touch to the dish.
  1. Peppers must be thoroughly washed and dried. Pull out the tail with seeds.
  2. Cut the vegetable in half.
  3. Next you need to prepare the marinade. Fill a pot with water and put on fire. When it starts to boil, you need to add sugar, salt, oil and acetic acid to it.
  4. Boil the mixture for no more than two minutes. And then take it off the fire.
  5. While the marinade is hot, put the pepper into it.
  6. Garlic must be removed from the husk and chopped.
  7. Break the celery greens into small leaves.
  8. In pre-steamed jars, you need to put vegetables.
  9. First lay out a layer of pepper.
  10. Then a layer of garlic and a layer of celery.
  11. Sprinkle a few peppercorns on top.
  12. Alternate vegetables in this order until the jar is filled to the top.
  13. Pour marinade into a container with vegetables and close it tightly.
  14. When the jars have cooled, they can be removed to a cold place, cellar or refrigerator.

Since sweet peppers lay in a boiling marinade before being put into jars, it will cook much faster. A few days after conservation, it can be opened and served.

Pickled peppers in 20 minutes

This recipe is the record holder for the speed of preparation of blanks. Just half an hour, and the pickled pepper is ready to serve.

Delicious and fragrant pickled sweet bell peppers are a great choice for harvesting for the winter. Try with butter, garlic, spices.

Today I propose to make delicious bell pepper marinated in instant pieces.

the preparation is good in itself as a cold pickled appetizer, but its huge plus is that there are no extra ingredients and we marinate without sterilization, which means that everything will take a minimum of time. Therefore, if you have a lot of pepper, but little time, then I suggest trying to roll sweet bell pepper in the marinade for the winter. A simple, step-by-step recipe with photos at your service. Let's try to prepare pickled peppers for the winter ?!

  • sweet pepper - 3 kilograms;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon with a slide;
  • vinegar 6% - 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup;
  • peppercorns;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • water - 1 liter.

To begin with, we need to wash the pepper well and peel it from the seeds inside and cut into pieces according to the height of the fruit. Slices can be of any width. What size pieces I made can be seen in the photo.

Of course, you can not cut, roll up the whole peppers, but it is more convenient to work with small slices. Try to close it this way and that, and then decide which is more convenient for you.

Now we take a larger pan, pour water into it. You need to add everything for the marinade to the water, that is, salt, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil, bay leaf, peppercorns.

While the marinade is boiling, you need to think about sterilizing the jars.

If there are not many of them, then I usually process them in the microwave. As for me, it is fast and convenient, no extra pots or kettles. Just fill a clean jar of water, about halfway, and put in the microwave for 10 minutes at maximum power.

The marinade boiled. We take about ⅓ of our pepper and put it in the marinade. You need to boil for 3-5 minutes and that's it.

We tightly put the processed pepper in a jar and pour the marinade up to the shoulders. We carry out this procedure until the pepper or marinade runs out.

Filled jars just need to be rolled up with clean lids and wrapped until cool. Store such a workpiece in a cool place.

Recipe 2: pickled sweet peppers for the winter

A very successful recipe! In winter, delicious pickled sweet peppers will become an appetizer, a component of vegetable or meat stew, and a side dish for meat or fish. In a word, there would be pepper - but there is a use for it.

  • 3 kg pepper

for the marinade:

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • 1 cup quality vegetable oil
  • 1 cup 3% table vinegar (or a third of a cup 9%)
  • 1-1.2 liters of water
  • 3-4 peas of allspice
  • 4-5 black peppercorns
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • 2-3 cloves (optional)

Prepare jars and lids ahead of time. Clean and dry, they stand next to the stove. We put water for the marinade on the burner, add all its components.

We thoroughly wash the sweet peppers - it is better to take red and orange or yellow ones for pickling - we divide each in half, free from the stalks and seeds.

Depending on the size, cut into 4-6-8 pieces or just straws.

We arm ourselves with a slotted spoon, dip the pepper slices in portions into the boiling marinade, blanch (cook) for 1-2 minutes and lay it tightly! immediately to the banks. We cover the jar with a lid after each serving and, of course, when it is full.

We taste the marinade, perhaps we need to add salt. Do not forget to take out the bay leaf and cloves, peppercorns. Pour the peppers in jars with boiling marinade and immediately roll up. Flip over and let cool. Sweet peppers prepared in this way have a long shelf life. 3 kg of sweet pepper is about 3 liter jars or 4 jars of 750-800 ml each.

Recipe 3: how to pickle sweet peppers for the winter (with photo)

Pickled sweet peppers for the winter are a very light and tasty vegetable snack that can easily complement any menu. Those people who have to diligently monitor their figure will be especially happy with such pepper. The thing is that the dish we offer is low-fat and low-calorie. Well, for lovers of baked meat, pickled vegetables with garlic will generally be a joy, in addition to such pepper, even the driest meat will turn out incredibly juicy and appetizing. Also, using this preservation, it is very easy to prepare a delicious quick salad with cabbage and butter, which can be easily served even at the festive table.

To make the appetizer we offer more vivid and colorful, we recommend pickling sweet peppers of several colors at once. Even if you use only red and green peppers, the workpiece will still come out very beautiful and attractive in appearance. However, for contrast, it does not hurt to use yellow pepper as well!

Using this simple recipe with step-by-step photos, you can preserve whole peppers at home. You can also supplement it with cucumbers, onions, or other suitable vegetables. The main thing is that you can prepare all these blanks for the winter without sterilization, which often takes a lot of time!

So, let's start cooking!

  • sweet bell pepper - 1 kg
  • water - 200 ml
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 80 ml
  • sugar - 80 gr
  • honey - 1 tbsp. with a slide
  • salt - ½ tbsp.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • bay leaf - to taste
  • black peppercorns - to taste

First of all, stock up on the freshest and highest quality sweet peppers. Advice! To make the pepper snack not only tasty, but also very attractive in appearance, we recommend using several colors of pepper for its preparation.

Prepare all spices, as well as water, vinegar, vegetable oil and honey. Note! In this case, it is advisable to use only bee honey, since it is such honey that has really useful healing properties.

Now combine all the previously prepared ingredients in one container so that you can make a delicious marinade out of them. In the resulting mixture, do not forget to add the garlic squeezed through the press.

Next, bring the marinade to a boil, then place the chopped sweet pepper in it. Boil vegetables for ten minutes, stirring constantly. At first, it may seem to you that there is not enough marinade for so many vegetables, but this is only at first. During the cooking process, the pepper will give its own juice, which, believe me, will be enough for such a volume of pepper.

It is not necessary to boil the pepper until softened, even after cooking it should remain dense and elastic. Arrange the semi-finished pepper in sterile jars, then fill it with hot marinade. Close the filled jars tightly with lids and place upside down in a convenient place to cool. Do not forget to cover the preservation with a warm blanket.

Delicious pickled sweet peppers with honey are ready for the winter. You can store it in any suitable place.

Recipe 4: pickled sweet peppers with butter and garlic

Bulgarian pepper marinated in oil with garlic and herbs will be the best addition to any dinner in the winter. Well, how can you do without pickled vegetables in cold weather! For example, I always want to uncork a delicious marinated preparation as a side dish for meat or fish, which will please not only my taste, but also the summer aroma.

For today's preparation, we will use sweet bell peppers of different colors. It is better to choose a different color so that the pepper looks more elegant in a jar. How can you resist when the workpiece smells just magical, and the color of the pepper is pleasing to the eye. I love bell pepper not only fresh, but also pickled, so in the summer market I immediately buy a couple of extra pounds so that when I get home I can roll them into jars.

  • 1 kg sweet bell pepper,
  • 1 bunch dill,
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 150 grams of vegetable oil,
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar,
  • 150 grams of vinegar,
  • 1 tables. l. salt.

I wash my bell pepper, I clean it so that in winter the seeds do not interfere with the meal. I cut the prepared peppers into slices.

I boil water and put bell peppers in boiling water. You can blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes or turn off the heat and let the peppers soak in hot water for 7-8 minutes. With such procedures, the pepper will become softer and it will be easier to put it in canning jars.

Peel all the garlic and cut the cloves into thin slices.

Chop the dill with a knife. Fresh herbs pair perfectly with peppers.

Put a piece of pepper in a jar so that all colors alternate.

Also put garlic and dill between the peppers. A colorful and at the same time tasty mosaic will learn, so to speak. Fill the jar to the top, alternating all the vegetables.

Boil the butter with sugar and salt, then pour in the vinegar and remove from heat.

Pour hot marinade over bell peppers in jars. So we blanched the pepper, then it is not necessary to sterilize the workpiece additionally.

Immediately roll up and let the jars cool under a warm blanket.

Recipe 5: pickled peppers with garlic for the winter

Sweet, juicy and very fragrant pickled peppers with garlic for the winter, cooked according to a simple recipe, will be the best snack on your family menu. Rolled in slices, it retains its shape and at the same time it is quite soft. Spicy twist looks very appetizing, due to the fact that the colors remain bright and saturated. This preservation is not only a full-fledged snack, but can also be used as an additive to borscht or vegetable stews, and a few slices placed on a layer of pizza will give it an original taste.

  • 5 kg sweet peppers
  • 3 heads of garlic
  • 1 st. vinegar,
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
  • 1 st. granulated sugar,
  • 1 st. water,
  • 3 tbsp salt,
  • a few peas of black and allspice.

To make sweet peppers with garlic in oil look beautiful and bright on the table in winter, we choose vegetables of different colors for canning. We wash the peppers and remove the tails, as if pushing them inside. Then they are easily removed, and immediately with the core. But, in order to completely clean out adhering seeds, cut in two and rinse under the tap. Then we divide the halves into several more parts to make slices.

We clean the garlic from the husk. Large cloves can be cut into pieces. Pour some water into a saucepan. As soon as it boils, add peppers and blanch for 3-4 minutes. Then we take out the vegetables and leave to cool on a plate.

In an enameled bowl, mix all the other ingredients, except for peppercorns - this will be the marinade. Bring to a boil. Dip peppers in it for 3-5 minutes.

Then we catch them with a regular spoon or slotted spoon. Then add the garlic to the marinade. And let it boil for about 3 minutes. It may seem that the liquid is uneven - this is due to the combination of water and oil, layers are formed.

Now we catch 2-3 cloves of garlic and put them on the bottom of a sterilized jar.

We fill the rest of the space with slices of vegetables, making sure that peppers of different colors get into one jar.

Pour still hot marinade, slightly turning the jar so that the liquid gets into all the gaps. Sweet peppers in oil with garlic are rolled up for the winter with a key or screwed with special lids.

To increase the cooling time, wrap the preservation with a blanket or wrap it in a towel.

Tips: hot marinade can crack glass. To prevent this from happening, between the table and the bottom of the jar, we put the blade of the knife.

Bon appetit.

Recipe 6: pickled sweet peppers with honey (step by step)

When it comes to bell pepper, I can't resist it. I eat it fresh and canned. Preserving this vegetable is a thankful task; in preparations, it reveals its aroma even more. Sweet peppers marinated with honey for the winter is one of my favorite recipes.

If not everyone can buy fresh peppers in winter because of the high price, then stocking up on canned peppers for the season is affordable for everyone. True, you will have to make some efforts, but how tasty such a multi-colored bright blank is!

I always take sweet peppers in different shades: from yellow to red. Thus, the workpiece will look bright and attract attention.

  • sweet bell pepper - 500 g
  • honey (forbs) - 100 g
  • sunflower oil - 100 g
  • table vinegar 9% - 50 g
  • coarse table salt - 20 g
  • granulated sugar - 10 g
  • water - 700 g.

I cut the pepper into halves and quarters so that it is convenient to put it in jars.

I cook the marinade from water with the addition of salt, granulated sugar. After boiling, keep on low heat for no more than 3-4 minutes.

Then I pour sunflower oil into the marinade.

I put in the pepper slices and start blanching. It lasts 5-7 minutes. The peppers are softer on the top and still crispy and juicy on the inside.

I take out the pieces of vegetable from the marinade and carefully transfer them to glass, sterilized jars.

The remaining liquid is used for pouring pepper. I also add vinegar to the jar.

I do not forget about the place for honey, which I pour into the jar at the very last turn.

I put the workpiece to sterilize for 15 minutes. Initially, the water in the dishes should be warm so that the glass jar does not react to the temperature difference and does not burst.

I close the finished workpiece tightly with lids.

I put the cooled jars in the pantry, where they will stand all winter. At any suitable moment, I open it and enjoy the taste and smell of wonderful peppers.

Recipe 7, step by step: Bulgarian pepper with honey and vinegar

Bright and colorful bell peppers make a great appetizer or vegetable salad before serving the main course or as an addition to it. 15 minutes will be enough for you to prepare this fragrant aperitif, the smell of which will spread throughout the house and will call all your relatives to the table. However, in addition to color and aroma, the bell pepper appetizer also has an unforgettable sweet taste, which is given to it by fragrant honey. That is why pickled bell peppers with instant honey are so popular!

  • 4-5 bell peppers of different colors
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp 9% vinegar
  • 1 -1.5 st. l. vegetable oil
  • greens to taste

We clean the bell pepper by cutting off the cap with the tail and cutting out the seeds inside the pepper. Let's wash it in water. Cut each peeled pepper into wide ribbons and put them in a bowl. By the way, for pickling, be sure to choose fleshy varieties of this vegetable - they are more fragrant.

Transfer the sliced ​​​​pepper to a saucepan or saucepan and fill with hot water. Add salt and bay leaves. Place the container on the stove and bring its contents to a boil. Boil the pepper strips for 10 minutes.


In winter, fresh sweet peppers are not cheap, and there are fewer vitamins in it. Peppers can be preserved whole - almost all vitamins will be preserved, and an additional tasty dish will appear on the table.

For preservation, always choose fresh, whole, intact and rot-free sweet peppers. Regardless of the recipe, they first wash it, and then cut out the stalk from it and clean the seeds through the resulting hole. All used vegetables are also washed. Jars and lids are pre-sterilized. For canning, use only non-iodized salt.

After filling with the finished product, the jars are sterilized (if indicated in the recipe), rolled up with a lid, turned over, wrapped in something warm and, after cooling, placed in storage in a prepared cool place.

Cabbage must be disassembled into inflorescences, and carrots cut into circles. Then we blanch these vegetables and tomatoes in boiling water, and then cool them. We cook the marinade. We fill each prepared sweet pepper with tomatoes (1–2 pcs), hot pepper (1 pod) and carrots (2–3 cups). From above we cover the stuffed vegetables with 1 inflorescence of cabbage. We put the vegetables in a jar, and then pour the chilled marinade on top. We roll up the container and hide it for storage.

Marinated aromatic. To prepare 1 liter of marinade, we take: 1 liter of water; Art. spoons of granulated sugar 2, and salt 1; 2 peas of allspice and black pepper; 2 cloves; 2 bay leaves. We lay out the prepared pepper in jars, and then pour it with boiling marinade.

Salty in Ukrainian. You will need:

  • pepper - 1 kg;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • water - 300 ml.

Blanch the prepared fruits in boiling water for 2 minutes, and then immediately cool them in cold water. After that, sprinkle each pod with salt. We use half of the salt required for the recipe. Then we put one pepper inside the other and lay it tightly in the prepared enameled container. Then we cover the vegetables with gauze, and put a lid with oppression (load) on top. We leave them like this for 12 hours.

The temperature should be room temperature. After that, we dissolve the rest of the salt in boiled water and pour the pepper that has begun to ferment with the resulting chilled brine. We cover it again with gauze, a lid and press down with oppression. Then we hide the container with vegetables in a cool place. After 6 days, the pepper will be ready. Before use, it is rinsed in running water, and then soaked for 12 hours in boiled water.

Heat finely chopped tomatoes to a boil. Then add sugar, salt and all ground pepper (black and red) to them. Cook the tomato mass at a low boil for 5 minutes and pour into jars with stuffed pods. We sterilize the containers in boiling water (liter - 60 minutes).

Stuffed with eggplant. The number of ingredients for seaming a 3-liter jar:

  • pepper - 10 pcs;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • eggplant - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 3 pcs;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato juice - 1.5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Blanch prepared pods for 3-5 minutes in boiling water. After scalding with boiling water, eggplants are peeled, cut into strips, and then fried until half cooked in vegetable oil. Finely chopped onions and carrots, previously grated on a grater with large cells, pass together in oil, and then mix with eggplant and salt. We stuff the pods with the resulting filling, which we then immediately put in a jar. First, salt the juice to taste, boil, and then pour the stuffed fruits into it. We sterilize the container for 20 minutes.

Stuffed with cabbage. We take:

  • pepper - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • cabbage - 0.9 kg;
  • vinegar 6% - 100 ml;
  • salt - 20 g.

Blanch the prepared pods for 3 minutes in boiling water, and then cool. Grate the carrots with large cells, or cut into thin strips, and chop the cabbage. Place both vegetables in an enameled bowl, grind with salt. Then we let them stand for 3-5 hours. Then pour the extracted juice into a separate container. We fill the pods with the vegetable mixture, which we then put in jars. Add vinegar to the vegetable juice and pour the stuffed fruits with the resulting marinade.
