
Kvass on raw yeast. How to make bread kvass without yeast at home from sourdough

“Russian kvass saved a lot of people” - this proverb fully reflects the importance of this drink for the Slavic peoples. Unfortunately, today's drink, which is on the shelves in stores and is called kvass, can hardly be called the savior of the Russian people - it is often a mixture of preservatives and acids that are not very beneficial for the body. Good, bread kvass cooking at home is very easy.

Kvass - unique drink. He never gets bored, quenches thirst well thanks to the acids contained in it, tones. About him healing properties make legends. It is authentically known that kvass has a calming effect, has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system improves metabolism and digestion. As a product of lactic fermentation, it is similar in effect to the body with kefir, curdled milk and koumiss - it regulates the work gastrointestinal tract, prevents the formation of pathogenic microflora, etc.

But all this can only be said about traditional double-fermented kvass. The fact is that now kvass is more often prepared according to the "beer" technology - most manufacturers carry out only incomplete alcoholic fermentation. The lack of lactic and other acids in such a drink is compensated by chemically synthesized acids. real kvass- This is a product of double fermentation - sour-milk and alcohol. In such kvass, the acids necessary for the body are formed naturally during the vital activity of yeast and lactic acid bacteria.

Recipe for homemade bread kvass with yeast

There are a lot of similar recipes on the web. You can't call it bad, but traditional too. It is simple and this is perhaps its biggest advantage. However, this bread kvass is not much different from the one that gets on store shelves. However, it is real, prepared by one's own hands, does not contain preservatives, still quenches thirst and carries some nutritional value for the body. Such a drink in the old days could save lives.


  1. Cut a good wholemeal rye bread (in extreme cases, you can make it from black bread) into cubes of approximately 3x3 cm, and then brown it in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of about 180 ° C. You need to achieve a pleasant golden brown color, in no case overburn it, otherwise the kvass will be excessively bitter.
  2. Now you need to boil 5 liters pure water and pour it over the browned croutons. Wait 3 to 5 hours for it to cool and then filter kvass wort through a couple of layers of gauze and squeeze lightly. Before this, you need to ferment the yeast: in a small bowl, mix a tablespoon of sugar and a glass of warm water, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and add the yeast. After 10-15 minutes, when foam appears, the yeast is ready to use.

Zest (from one fruit) and lemon juice (from half), raisins (50-60 g) and other similar additives can be added directly to the must after filtration. It is better to pre-brew spices and herbs in a glass of boiling water, filter and add a ready-made broth to the wort. Bread kvass goes well with cumin, coriander, rosemary - 1 tsp each, as well as with herbs such as lemon balm and mint - 1 tbsp.

  1. Dissolve the desired amount of sugar in the filtered wort. For starters, I recommend taking Not a large number of sugar and sweeten already ready kvass from bread. In time you can pick it up optimal amount to your taste. After that, you need to add yeast to the sweetened wort, cover the container in which the drink is prepared with gauze and leave it in a warm place for 12-15 hours.
  2. Bread kvass is almost ready. Slightly fermented wort must be filtered again through cheesecloth and poured into plastic bottles. Before that, you can add 3 tbsp to kvass. sugar or divide this amount of sugar between bottles - it will be needed to carbonize kvass, this is done with, for example. Close the bottles tightly and wait 5 to 10 hours.

Bottles should be filled no more than ¾ of their volume. It is necessary to choose a container made of dense plastic with well-fitting corks - a large amount accumulates during carbonization carbon dioxide, which can break the bottle without any problem. That is why it is not recommended to use glass containers for these purposes.

  1. Then kvass must be cooled to 10 ° C (not necessary) so that fermentation stops, and you can safely drink it for at least 3-4 days. Bottles can also be left in cool place, for example, in the basement, for up to 3-4 days, and then drink. Such bread kvass is suitable for consumption up to four weeks. Tastes exceptionally chilled on a hot summer day!

Recipe for kvass from bread without yeast (on sourdough)

This recipe is a completely different story. It may not be 100% traditional, but a drink obtained in this way can be called kvass with full confidence. Everything is present in it: lactic acid, which is formed as a result of lactic fermentation - it is provided by rye sourdough, a small amount acetic acid- it is formed as a result alcoholic fermentation. Yeast is not added here, which greatly affects the taste and smell of kvass. However wild yeast present always and everywhere, and the bread must is a very nutrient medium for them.

So, the preparation of bread kvass of double fermentation:

I won’t tell you how to cook rye sourdough, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I don’t understand baking at all. I only know that such leaven can be bought in ready-made in some supermarkets, but it would be better to ask a friend of the hostess who bakes bread herself - in almost 100% of cases she will have right amount starter. After all, yeast-free recipes rye sourdough there are more than enough on the Internet (Don Pomazan described the process of making rye sourdough in an article with).

In general, the process of making bread kvass at home without yeast does not differ much from the first recipe. Bread is also cut into cubes and browned. Pour boiling water over it, and then wait until the wort cools down to 30 ° C (with more high temperature lactic acid bacteria of the starter can die). Add the starter to the cooled wort, mix well and tie the neck of the container with gauze or a thick cloth. We leave the wort in a warm place for 2 days, and then filter it through several layers of gauze. Add 40 g of sugar and pour into plastic bottles.

Kvass has been known to the Slavs for over a thousand years. It is known that the Eastern Slavs owned the recipes for making long before the formation Kievan Rus. The first mention of kvass in Russian written sources dates back to 996: after baptism, Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich ordered that “food, honey and kvass” be distributed to the people. They also knew how to cook kvass in Poland and Lithuania. Nestor reports that the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called saw the Slavs dousing themselves with kvass in their baths.

Bottles should be sent for a day in a warm place for carbonization, and then put in the refrigerator or taken to the cellar. At this time, you can drink kvass, enjoy life and improve your health. By the way, the sediment remaining at the bottom of the bottles is a kind of starter for the same rye sourdough, so it can be used to prepare another batch of kvass.

Let me remind you that such kvass contains almost no alcohol (no more than 0.5%), it sometimes lacks bad smell baker's yeast, and he himself is as authentic and useful as possible. More traditional kvass prepared from barley and/or rye malt, but that, as they say, is a completely different story.

If only bread and kvass, then everything is with us!

Kvass can be used as an aperitif, antiseptic, energy drink and dietary component, and its properties are similar to those of lactic acid products.

IN summer heat this invigorating drink becomes almost the only salvation for those who are thirsty. Invented over 1000 years ago, it still enjoys its former popularity. Today, it is the basis for many dishes of Russian cuisine, often cold stews such as okroshka.

From ancient times, craftsmen who make "nectar that plays like champagne" were worth their weight in gold. Kvass brewing was considered a worthy business, to which only those who had a sufficient resource of knowledge and secrets were allowed.

Sweet and sour, "hissing" kvass will easily quench your thirst, drive away melancholy and set you in a positive mood.

Initially, in Rus', only a slice was required to create a drink. stale bread, then they began to add honey to the sourdough as a sweetener, mint for spicy taste, raisins, berry leaves and, of course, malt.

With his "planting" and began the process of making kvass. The bags were soaked in spring water, after which the grains were dried in a dark place, waiting for the time when they would germinate. In this form, they were subjected to stone oppression and went through the process of "drying" in the oven. Dried grains of coarse grinding were poured with boiling water and left in clay vats so that the drink could slowly ferment.

Ripe kvass has a dark red color with a slight tint of yellowness, small tingling bubbles and a rich sour-sweet taste.

How to make bread kvass for 3 liters - recipes

Previously, there were many variations of cooking this drink. “Sour cabbage soup” was famous, which often saved people after a hearty meal and wild fun, boyar, monastery, soldier, white, okroshochny, raisin, “thick kvass”, also fruit and berry brew (from lingonberries, raspberries, apples, pears, plums, cranberries, etc.).

And in our time, many people like to move away from the classics, having tried new ways of cooking. We offer you original Russian recipes.

with yeast

You will need:

  • Black bread (500 g).
  • Boiled water (3 l).
  • Yeast (15 g).
  • Crystalline sugar (200 g).
  • A pinch of raisins.

Attention! The amount of sugar can be increased or decreased depending on preference. Also, if desired, you can add a couple of tablespoons of honey, it will give the drink a special piquancy.


  • Cut the loaf of bread in half, then chop into small cubes. Carefully spread on a baking sheet in a thin layer so that there is space between the pieces, and they are well browned to a pleasant golden hue.

Reference.“The longer you keep bread in the oven, the more bitterness will be felt in kvass, and the color, accordingly, will be darker.”

  • Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cool to room temperature, pour into a container designed for fermentation.
  • Pour the dried bread, cover with gauze and leave in a dark, warm place for 2 days. From above we can additionally cover with a lid and wrap with a towel.

  • The resulting infusion should be filtered through cheesecloth, squeezing the crackers well.
  • We breed yeast, as indicated on the package, then add them to the kvass wort.

Important!"For cooking best kvass you should use baker's or brewer's yeast. They contribute to the fermentation process, and add to the drink bright aroma and taste."

  • Add sugar, mix thoroughly until dissolved.
  • Cover loosely with a lid so that carbon dioxide can escape. Leave for 16 hours in a warm place (up to 25 ° C).
  • We filter after the “rest”, bottle it, adding a pinch of raisins to each, as well as sugar or honey (it is needed for the appearance of carbon dioxide). Leave for a short time (up to 6 hours) in a dark, warm place. After tightly close and put in the refrigerator to stop the fermentation process. After a couple of hours, you can start tasting.

The shelf life of an unpasteurized drink is 3 days. With more long-term storage becomes sour, loses taste.

How to cook bread kvass with yeast at home, you will learn from this video:

Yeast free

You will need (ingredients for 0.5 l of sourdough):

  • Water (2 glasses).
  • Half a loaf of rye bread.
  • Sugar (1 tsp).

Other ingredients:

  • Sugar (1-3 tablespoons).
  • Rye bread (3-4 pieces).
  • Ready sourdough (1 l).
  • Water (3 l).


  • For sourdough, boil and cool water, add a teaspoon until dissolved granulated sugar and half a slice of bread. Pour crushed bread, water and sugar into a jar. Cover with a cloth and leave to ferment in a warm place. This process will take 2-3 days.

  • After the set time, we taste the starter. The liquid will be cloudy with a sharp, characteristic odor.
  • We take a 3 liter jar, put the sourdough, chopped bread, sugar, and cooled boiled water (to the brim). Close the lid tightly and leave for a day. After we drain 2/3 of the fermenting liquid, add 2-4 pieces to the jar fresh bread and insist until ready.

This video shows how to make yeast-free homemade bread kvass:

dry drink

You will need:

  • Water (3 l).
  • Dry kvass (100 gr.).
  • Sugar (2-3 tablespoons).
  • Yeast (50 gr.).


  • We take 3 l glass jar, add the dry mixture to it, pour 1 liter on top boiling water. The resulting mixture is kept for about half an hour in a warm place, covered with a lid and wrapped in a cloth. After that, open the container, break the formed clods, and fill with the remaining boiled water.

  • We leave it on the switched off stove or in another warm place so that the liquid cools down to 35 degrees. Then we dilute the yeast and add it to the jar. The drink will ferment for about 4 hours. After waiting for time, you should sweeten kvass by adding sugar or honey, bottle it, after filtering it, cork it tightly, but do not put it in the refrigerator, leave it to lie at room temperature.
  • After you notice signs of fermentation, transfer to the cold. In a day you can enjoy a delicious drink.

Watch a video that shows how to make dry bread kvass:

There are a few tricks that families pass down from generation to generation, today we will share them:

  • Kvass can be prepared literally from all products known to you (vegetables, fruits, bakery products), but the most delicious is obtained from a loaf of ordinary black bread without any additives in the form of spices.
  • During cooking, use only glassware, enameled and plastic containers are also suitable. Deciding to engage aluminum cookware know it will oxidize.
  • Do not try to season crackers with oils and flavorings, so you only spoil the taste of the drink, lose its naturalness.
  • From time to time, check the contents of the container in which you store unfermented kvass, tightly closed jar or bottle, the level of carbon dioxide may exceed the norm, and, as a result, high pressure, your container will explode.
  • Fruit kvass can be used as spicy marinade for vegetables, meat or fish.
  • Adding to yeast-free kvass flour (it thickens the liquid), you delay the fermentation process for a while.

Benefit and harm

Perhaps the only drawback of kvass is the low percentage of alcohol content - from 2.3% to 2.6%. Thus, this drink has contraindications. Kvass is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

Contraindicated in people with diseases:

  • Gastritis.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Hypertension.

In this case we are talking about kvass home cooking, as for the surrogate drink sold in stores, it will certainly not be of benefit. Made with flavors, sweeteners, and colors, it can be harmful to your health.

Among other things, this soft drink has a number of useful features:

  • Promotes digestion, improves metabolism.
  • Strengthens teeth.
  • Helps to lose weight.
  • Cleans blood vessels, helps in the treatment of the nervous system.

Reference."Kvass is considered diet drink. It is used to prevent many common diseases."

This drink is full of vitamins, minerals, lactic acid and enzymes. It perfectly copes with thirst, reduces fatigue, and has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach. It also helps fight alcohol addiction, to some extent replacing drinks with high content alcohols.

It is believed that this invigorating drink helps men increase their "strength".

It also includes:

  • Starch.
  • Ash.
  • Squirrels.
  • Mono- and disaccharides.
  • organic acids.

To all of us, the familiar caramel-colored drink was previously considered nothing more than a sign of luxury and wealth. During Lent, it was used to improve health, but we just love kvass for its pleasant cheerfulness and intoxicating effect.

Choose a recipe to your liking to please your family and friends. You can turn to the secrets of old Russian customs, or be adherents of modernity.

It does not matter, because the desire for excellence and helps to open up new perspectives.

Don't be afraid to experiment. You, too, can bring some of your inspiration and create a new invigorating masterpiece. The main thing is to do everything with love!

Almost every country has its own popular national drinks, and housewives often share their secrets with neighbors and friends. Our national drink- kvass, and we will be happy to share with you how to make bread kvass at home - to quench your thirst and health. Due to the special composition, this life-giving drink increases our efficiency, improves digestion and saturates the body with nutrients.

Kvass - ancient drink, known in ancient Egypt for the 3rd millennium BC. And the Slavic peoples brewed kvass when Kievan Rus did not yet exist. ubiquitous and daily drink in Rus', kvass became, starting from the XII-XIII centuries, and by the XV century there were more than 500 kvass varieties! In Russia, a very honorable profession was the profession of "kvass", and its carriers were narrow specialists in the preparation of certain kvass varieties.

And still, in the villages where national traditions in the consumption of kvass drinks, they talk about how to “brew” kvass, and not how to cook it, which very eloquently speaks of the deep roots of popular love for this amazing drink.

Homemade kvass from black bread can be cooked with or without yeast. Yeast accelerates the maturation of the drink, and therefore this method is very popular among chefs.

But kvass drinks on yeast have serious contraindications - they should not be drunk by children and pregnant women, because, one way or another, yeast makes the drink low-alcohol. But for all other people it is very useful to drink it, and therefore we will consider popular recipe making bread kvass with yeast.

* Advice from Cook
The main rule for obtaining high-quality bread kvass at home is clean and soft water. Therefore, before using in a home recipe tap water, it must be boiled. You can also use filtered water or spring (forest) water. Well water is often characterized by increased hardness and it is also recommended to boil it.

How to make kvass from bread at home using baker's yeast, but in such a way that the smell of yeast is not captured? This is possible if you have patience and do everything according to technology. The technology is three-stage, but as a result you will get homemade kvass High Quality!

Stage I: making sourdough on bread and yeast

We dry small pieces of black bread with crusts in the oven until light blackness. The color of the final product depends on the degree of roasting of crackers.

Let's start preparing the sourdough: clean jar with a capacity of 3 liters, we fill up 100-150 g of crackers, 3-4 tbsp. sugar and pour boiling water over three-quarters of the volume of the jar. Leave to cool to 30-35 degrees. It is better to fill the crackers at night, covering the jar with a terry towel to retain heat for the maximum time.

Dissolve 15 g of pressed yeast in half a glass of warm water, pour into a jar of breadcrumbs, stir and cover the container with a towel or gauze. We put in a warm corner for fermentation. You will have to wait a day or a little more for the starter to be ready. During fermentation, the softened crackers rise to the top, and the sourdough remains at the bottom.

In a day upper layer We choose crackers with a spoon, pour the liquid into the sink, because it smells strongly of yeast and is unpleasant to drink. What is left at the bottom of the jar is the yeast starter. We spread it in a clean 3 liter jar and proceed to the second stage of preparing a drink from bread.

* Advice from Cook
The most popular home recipe kvass - from Borodino bread, which gives the folk elixir a piquant sourness and aroma. Try it too!

Stage II: preparation of young sourdough kvass

Young sourdough on fresh sourdough will have light yeast smell, but with each new portion of the drink, the smell of yeast will become weaker and soon disappear completely!

To freshly prepared sourdough, add 150 g of crackers from Borodino bread, a third of a glass of sugar ( finished product you can then sweeten more) and pour warm (30-35 degrees) boiled water, without adding 5 cm to the neck. Cover with a towel and set to ferment.

In about a day, kvass is ready. We pour the finished infusion into a clean bowl through a layer of gauze so that the drink is pleasing to the eye and suspended particles of bread do not float in it. Before putting it to cool, we bottle it, throw a few raisins into each, close it tightly and put it in the refrigerator for carbonation.

Stage III: use of the starter for the next portions of the starter drinks

Before preparing a new portion, we select everything from the remaining thick large pieces bread, and on the remaining sourdough we put fresh sourdough. Thus, you will always have at home an invigorating and very useful drink for digestion - real elixir health!

The amount of starter will increase, it will become stronger and more effective, and the smell of yeast will completely disappear. Of course, you do not need so much, and therefore you either distribute it to acquaintances, relatives and friends or throw it away.

The sourdough will not spoil if stored in the refrigerator. Before storage, do not add anything to it (especially sugar), dilute it a little with boiled water, close it tightly and place it in the upper section, closer to freezer. The sourdough will keep for more than 2-3 weeks.

To prepare fresh kvass infusion from bread, all you have to do is take out the treasured jar from the refrigerator and put a new portion! Remember that you need to cook it not only in summer heat, but even in winter it will give you strength and health, support immunity and normalize metabolism. Bread kvass at home is a guarantee of high quality and product safety!

deal with summer thirst possible thanks to the invigorating and delicious kvass- traditional Slavic drink With sour taste. For some time, kvass was undeservedly forgotten, but now it can again compete with other drinks and even surpass them many times over in taste and taste. useful qualities.

Kvass restores strength and is the basis of many dishes of Russian cuisine, often cold stews. The most popular of them today is okroshka, the secrets of which we shared recently.
Kvass is prepared from malt (barley, wheat) and flour based on fermentation, as well as from rye bread. Often honey is added to it, fragrant herbs. You can also make kvass from berries, fruits and even beets.

A bit of history
The first records about kvass are mentioned in the ancient chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years". It speaks of an order issued by Prince Vladimir on the occasion of the Baptism of Rus' (988), so that bread kvass and intoxicating drink were distributed to compatriots.
It is known that thanks to kvass, brewing and distilling arose in the middle of the 15th century. The word kvas in Old Slovak meant “festivities”, “feast”, confirming that it was the main intoxicating drink at weddings and holidays.
In Rus', bread kvass was an everyday drink, and its presence in any home was a symbol of well-being.

What is kvass
In Rus', except bread drink fruit kvasses were very popular. They were prepared on the basis of pears, apples, lingonberries, cranberries, plums, raisins, raspberries. Each settlement had its own special recipes. So, crushed berries and fruits were fermented, and not just pure juices. The amount of alcohol in such drinks was from 1 to 3%.
And more intoxicated kvass, compared to Russian, was prepared in England, Germany, Hungary, and Denmark. Their strength ranged from 3 to 6%. Everyone knows the drink cider. It was especially popular with us in the 19th century. This apple kvass, whose homeland is France.

Interestingly, according to recipes, dishes with fruit should not be placed in a warm place for fermentation, since this process must take place in a cool room. Earlier in Rus' there were different masters for making kvass. For each type of drink there were separate kvass. Someone cooked barley kvass, someone pear, apple or mint.
There were more than 150 kvass recipes, among which were white okroshny, raisin, soldier's, monastery, boyar.

Beneficial features
Due to such a successful selection of substances in the composition, kvass acquires a number of unique properties. This drink contains vitamins, amino acids, lactic acid and enzymes.
It perfectly refreshes, invigorates and quenches thirst during a hot day, improves metabolism, reduces fatigue, increases human efficiency, and also has a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach and the heart and vascular system. It prevents the development of unwanted, harmful microflora and enhances the body's fight against diseases.
Kvass helps people fight alcohol addiction. It replaces to some extent alcoholic drinks, repelling the desire to use them. At the same time, in the kvass itself, the share ethyl alcohol is 1.2%, which is significantly lower than the same indicator in low-alcohol beer.
The benefits of kvass are really huge, and, of course, you need to use it. However, despite this, there are contraindications. For example, sour kvass do not get involved in people suffering from chronic ulcers and gastritis with hyperacidity. It is worth giving up kvass for liver diseases and gout. It is not recommended to drink kvass for pregnant and lactating mothers. Also, it should not be given to children under 3 years of age.

Interesting facts about the benefits of kvass
It is believed that kvass is able to increase male power.
In order to reduce weight, experts recommend drinking the drink on an empty stomach. This will promote the secretion of gastric juice. Also, before meals, you can drink kvass for gastritis with low acidity.
There is an opinion that beet kvass has the ability to regenerate liver cells. It is recommended to use it for arrhythmias, hypertension.
Vitamin C is present in kvass, and this helps to get rid of cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels. As a result, the work of the cardiovascular system improves.

Homemade kvass: basic cooking rules
Homemade kvass is of the greatest value, its benefits are greater, and there are much fewer contraindications for use. What you need to know to make delicious kvass?
Rule #1: Yeast
Yeast for kvass should only be fresh. Watch the expiration date. Better spend some time and buy new ones.
Rule #2: Bread
There is an opinion that you can make kvass from any bread. But most the best option there will be rye bread. The taste of the drink will turn out brighter, and the properties will be more useful. First you need to dry the bread in the oven. This will determine the color of the drink. The more browned the bread, the darker the kvass will be.

Rule #3: Water
It is necessary to prepare kvass on boiled water, cooled to room temperature.
Rule number 4: dishes
The wort for kvass is usually infused in a glass or enamel container. Do not use aluminum cookware, as it tends to oxidize.
Rule #5: Storage
First, it is recommended to infuse the starter at room temperature, and after it ferments and foam appears, it must be filtered and stored in a cold place for no more than 2-3 days. Otherwise kvass will lose its beneficial features and taste.

Homemade bread kvass
I share the most simple recipe homemade kvass, which will not be difficult to prepare.
Boiled water (cooled) 3 l
Rye bread300 g
Pressed yeast30 g
Sugar 100 g
Cooking method
Dissolve yeast in a glass of warm boiled water. Then pour the mixture into the prepared bottle, add the toasted bread, sliced in small pieces, and sugar. Fill everything with water. Cover the jar with cheesecloth and leave at room temperature for several days. When the kvass is ripe, strain it. Ready drink put in the refrigerator or in a cold place. half of the remaining bread sourdough save for the next servings. For them, you no longer need yeast, only water, bread and sugar.
This is the simplest kvass recipe that can be prepared in a metropolis. It will help you quench your thirst on the hottest day!

And let's cook the most delicious and summer drink, in which the benefits and refreshing taste are concentrated!

It is not difficult to do this, because in our article you will find a recipe for kvass with dry yeast, whose light carbonated sweetness is so refreshing on a hot day.

We offer you and classic recipe, and her possible options to create a new unique bouquet.


  • Black bread - 100 grams;
  • Water - 2 l;
  • Sugar - 80 g;
  • Dry yeast - 4 g.


  1. Cut the bread into thin narrow slices, preheat the oven to 200 ° C and send it to dry for 30 minutes. Should be crackers.
  2. We set 2 liters of water to heat up and, when it boils, pour the crackers in a saucepan. We cover them with a napkin or towel and leave to infuse for about 5-6 hours. During this time, the water will acquire the color and aroma of rye bread.
  3. Now it's time to add sugar and yeast. We stir everything and leave again. We make sure that the place where our kvass is located is warm, otherwise fermentation simply will not work.
  4. After a day and a half, we check the drink - it should already be ready. If yes, we filter it. We fold wide gauze in several layers and pass the liquid through it first into the pan, and then bottle it.

That's the whole recipe for kvass from black bread! As you can see, nothing complicated.

But if you want to try something new and not quite ordinary? Let's try another recipe.

How to cook light kvass

The drink turns golden with a soft delicate taste.

  1. As in previous recipe dry crackers from 100 - 150 g of white bread.
  2. Pour the finished and cooled crackers into a jar and pour 3 liters of warm boiled water (not boiling water!).
  3. Leave for 30 minutes to swell, and then pour 4-5 tbsp. sugar and ½ tsp. dry yeast and mix.
  4. Cover with a towel and keep warm.

After a day or so (24-26 hours) you can check. All is ready? So, we filter and bottle. Here is our wonderful drink!

Here is another proven recipe.

Kvass with raisins and dry yeast

Thanks to dried fruits, kvass will become more spicy and unusual.

Bread must be prepared in a slightly different way.

  • Cut into slices and leave 4 slices of Borodino or any other rye bread with rich bright taste on air. It should dry naturally overnight.
  • Then preheat the oven or brown the bread directly in the pan for half an hour. cool the finished crackers and put them in a jar or in a saucepan.
  • Immediately add a couple of tablespoons of dark raisins, 4 g of dry yeast and 4 tbsp. Sahara.
  • Pour 3 liters of warm boiled water, mix everything properly, cover with gauze or a napkin and leave for a day.

  • After the specified time, we filter the kvass through a sieve, and then through cheesecloth so that there are no crumbs left.
  • Pour into bottles, putting in each 1 tbsp. white raisins.

We put kvass in the refrigerator and keep it for at least another day, and preferably two. So it will become more saturated.

Kvass from bread prepared according to this recipe will take longer to make and ripen, but the result is worth it! Try it and see for yourself.


  • — 3 l + -
  • - 75 g + -
  • - 100 g + -
  • - 1 pack (20 g) + -
  • Rye bread - 200 g + -
  • Mint fresh or dried50 g or 6-7 sprigs + -


It will turn out a very unusual refreshing drink.

  1. Mint, regardless of whether it is dried or fresh, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse.
  2. In this recipe, we need sourdough, so we dilute the yeast with 1/3 cup of warm water and leave it.
  3. Bread, without drying, cut into cubes, also pour boiling water (3 l) and cool at room temperature until slightly warm state(30-40°C).
  4. Now add sourdough and mint decoction to the soaked bread. Cover with a cloth and let rest for at least a day.
  5. We filter the finished kvass, add sugar to it, stir and bottle it. Refrigerate for 30-40 minutes and serve.

Mint kvass will be appreciated by both guests and family!

Bread kvass with beets on dry yeast

The drink is not only tasty, but also very healthy!

  • Clean and cut into slices or three grater large beets(250 - 300 g).
  • We need crusts from bread - they do not have to be dried (50 - 80 g).
  • We put everything in a 3-liter jar, put dry yeast and 5 tbsp on the tip of a knife. Sahara.

  • We fill everything with warm boiled water and leave to ferment for 2-3 days.

Ready kvass is filtered, bottled, cooled and served!

Of course, in all listed recipes you can add your favorite spices or honey. In the latter case, the amount of sugar, of course, is cut. Good with rye bread clove, coriander and even horseradish are combined. And vanilla and cinnamon go well with white.

As you can see, the recipe for bread kvass with dry yeast can be varied indefinitely! The main thing is your desire and willingness to experiment. Try it, friends, and share your cooking secrets in the comments.
