
Sour kvass at home recipe. Making kvass: a recipe for a drink using yeast

- a primordially Russian drink, which was drunk by the great-grandfathers of the great-grandfathers of our grandfathers. The tradition of making and drinking kvass has been preserved to this day, and the recipe has not undergone any changes - why improve something that is perfect?

It is homemade kvass from black bread that perfectly quenches thirst in the heat, improves mood, and improves appetite.

From this article you will learn how to make bread kvass at home, get acquainted with the various options for preparing this drink, and also learn the recipe for kvass from rye bread, following which you can ensure a constant feast of taste and life on your home table. And most importantly - all the recipes are simple, you just have to tune in a positive way. So let's go!

Before proceeding directly with the production of this divine drink, it will not hurt us to find out how kvass is useful. And the benefits of drinking this drink really do not raise questions - our ancestors actively used it to fight beriberi and an extreme form of manifestation of a lack of vitamin C in the body - scurvy.

In addition to the mentioned vitamin C, kvass contains:

  1. Organic amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.
  2. The whole group of vitamins B, E and PP, vitamin A.
  3. Useful elements are copper, iron, phosphorus and calcium.

It is also rich in carbohydrates - the main source of energy. That is why you can easily “eat up” kvass, if, of course, you consume a sufficient amount of this energetically valuable drink.

Thanks to such a chic composition, kvass helps our digestive system cope with heavy meals, helps to establish a water-salt balance and strengthens the immune system. Agree, a fairly rich list of useful qualities, for which it is worth learning how to make kvass on bread.

How to do at home?

Let's make a reservation that all of the above is true only if we ourselves prepare kvass from bread at home.

Drinks sold in stores are rather rich in preservatives and other joys of the chemical industry, which, although they allow the liquid to be stored for a long time, completely kill all the useful qualities.

And the recipe for homemade kvass has nothing to do with the processes taking place in factories for the production of "industrial" kvass.

Black bread recipe with yeast

To prepare homemade kvass from black bread according to the classic recipe, we need:

  • half a kilo of black bread;
  • five liters of water;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 20 grams of pressed or 5 grams of dry yeast.

And here is a detailed recipe for bread kvass with these ingredients:

  1. Cut brown bread into small pieces, dry in the oven until a small golden crust appears. It is important not to overdo it and not get black crusts at the exit.
  2. Pour boiled water cooled to 30 degrees into a container in which fermentation will take place.
  3. We fall asleep crackers in the water.
  4. We close the fermentation container with gauze and send the wort to a dark place for about 24 hours.
  5. A day later, the wort is ready for filtration. It is necessary to squeeze the crackers, filter the liquid, move it to a clean container.
  6. To start the fermentation process, add 200 grams of sugar and diluted yeast.
  7. We cover the container with the wort with a lid, be sure to leave a gap for the release of carbon dioxide that forms during the fermentation process. We send it to a dark place for 14-15 hours, room temperature.
  8. We filter the resulting drink.
  9. Add another 50 grams of sugar, mix.
  10. The drink is almost ready. It remains to bottle it, seal it tightly and let it rest for a few more hours.

This bread kvass recipe is so simple that even a child can repeat the procedure. Meanwhile, even this simple recipe can speed up a bit and get homemade kvass of excellent quality from rye bread even faster. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the crackers, let it cool, and immediately after that add the yeast and sugar.

This recipe can be made kvass from white bread, but it is black bread that will give a classic unforgettable taste.

Recipe "Boyarsky"

Ingredients for making kvass according to this recipe:

  1. A kilogram of black bread.
  2. Five liters of water.
  3. 300 grams of sugar.
  4. A glass of wheat flour.
  5. Yeast (30 grams pressed or 7 grams dry).
  6. A few mint leaves.

To prepare kvass according to this recipe, we need to pre-cook. Do not be afraid of this terrible unfamiliar word, everything is extremely simple - just pour 30 grams of pressed (or 7 grams of dry) yeast with a glass of boiling water, add 50 grams of sugar and a glass of wheat flour of any kind. We send the resulting mixture to a warm place where the leaven will “reach” for at least an hour or two.

While the sourdough is cooking, pour black crackers with boiling water, add 250 grams of sugar and set to cool. We mix the cooled liquid with sourdough, add mint leaves and send to ferment. The fermentation period this time is about a day.

After 24 hours, the drink must be filtered, bottled, add a pinch of sugar and sent to the refrigerator. Congratulations, now you know how to make bread kvass with an interesting taste!

There are many ways to make homemade kvass with a twist. In our case, the word "zest" is used, including in the literal sense. The fact is that by adding raisins during fermentation, you can achieve a significantly greater strength of the finished product, if, of course, this is the task.

Personally, I see no reason to make this drink - it will lose the quality that I see as its main advantage - the ease of drinking in hot weather and the rapid quenching of thirst associated with the use of cold kvass. But, of course, no one forbids you to experiment.

How to cook without yeast?

There is also a recipe for making bread kvass without yeast. In this case, on the contrary, the drink will turn out to be even lighter than usual. In addition, it will be significantly lower in calories, which will surely appeal to people who avoid drinking high-calorie drinks due to the threat of excess weight.

In order to prepare bread kvass without yeast, follow a few simple procedures:

  1. Cut 500 grams of black bread into slices, dry.
  2. Boil 5 liters of water, add 250 grams of sugar and crackers to it, mix thoroughly.
  3. Cool the resulting brew to 22 degrees Celsius, pour into a fermentation tank, not forgetting to leave part of the volume to carbon dioxide.
  4. Add 50 grams of unwashed raisins. It is important to use the unwashed dried raisins, because it is on the surface of the raisins that bacteria live that will help us in fermentation. Transfer the jar to a dark place, the temperature of which is about 20 degrees.
  5. After a couple of days of fermentation, filter the kvass, add 50 grams of sugar.
  6. Pour into bottles, after adding a few raisins to each, move hermetically sealed bottles to a dark place for 10-12 hours. To cool, place the bottles in a cool place. When the drink cools down to 8-11 degrees - you can start drinking!

Homemade kvass from bread, prepared according to this recipe, will be quite carbonated, but not very strong. If the task is to get the finished product faster, it is better to follow the classic recipe, according to which kvass is made at home from rye bread with the addition of yeast. The classic recipe will allow you to get the finished product in a day.

Congratulations, from this article you learned how to make kvass from bread at home, and also got acquainted with a number of techniques that allow you to give the drink an unusual flavor, understood how to make it stronger or lighter, learned about the new role of raisins, which before, most likely all without thinking.

We wish you good luck, sincerely hoping that the article turned out to be useful, and that home-made bread kvass prepared by you personally will delight not only you, but also your loved ones!

Hello friends!

Spring has just begun to recede, but I want summer already. Warm days would soon come, and with them long evenings, greenery everywhere. I already want trips to nature, okroshka and foamy, cold, effervescent kvass ...

Judging by the weather, the weekend at the dacha is postponed, but nothing will stop us from preparing a delicious foamy drink. After all, this is our original Russian dish, which is already more than 1000 years old! And let Coca-Cola lovers argue with me which is tastier - Russian kvass or their highly carbonated drinks. As you know, they don’t argue about tastes, but the benefits are much greater in the first.

Still would! Our sour product invigorates, amuses, quenches thirst and gives strength. And how many varieties. There are beet, fruit, berry, honey, malt, bread. That's the last one today and we'll talk.

It is the most common and easy to prepare. A traditional set of products is required, and this is usually pure water, rye bread, sugar, and yeast. The only thing is that the process itself takes several days. It can be from two days to five. But it won't stop us from making the most delicious kvass in the world, right?

Making kvass with fresh yeast at home

Consider a simple option for making a homemade drink. It kicks in the nose, foams, and for this we love our dear Russian kvass so much!

I will say that it takes a little more than 2 days to cook it. But then you get 6 liters of tasty and excellent liquid. Want more? Take ingredients twice as much. After all, as you know: there is never a lot of kvass!

We will need:

  • Boiled water - 6 liters;
  • A loaf of black bread "Borodinsky";
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cup + 4 dessert spoons;
  • Fresh yeast - 100 gr.;
  • Raisins - 2 dessert spoons.


1. Cut the Borodino loaf into slices. Take a baking sheet and put it on it. We need to dry them to the state of crackers and even with a burnt crust.

2. Put the baking sheet in the oven. When one side of the slices is browned, flip to the other side to dry.

3. Dip the croutons in warm water. And for such an amount, it is better to take either a large saucepan, or you can use a clean plastic bucket.

4. Voditsa should be thirty degrees, neither colder nor hotter. Let them get wet, and we will prepare a yeast sourdough.

5. Break 100 grams of pressed yeast into a saucepan. Sprinkle them with half a glass of granulated sugar.

6. Pour about 1 glass of warm water. Stir a little with a spoon.

7. Pour wheat flour. Stir with a spoon and set aside for about 30-40 minutes.

8. Remove the dough in a warm place without drafts and then it will suit you even faster. The mass during this time is activated, the yeast will jump.

9. That's how everything foams! Pour the batter into a bowl with breadcrumbs.

10. Add some more warm water. We shake everything well with a large spoon and put it in a warm place for fermentation for ten hours. Do not forget to cover with gauze on top so that the mass breathes and not a single mote gets inside.

11. Then squeeze the croutons and throw them away.

By the way, they can be used for fertilizer in the garden, if you have one.

12. We remove another bucket for a day under the gauze. Now you can strain and pour into three-liter jars.

13. Put 1 dessert spoon of raisins in each jar. Dilute 4 tablespoons of sugar in a glass and pour half into each container.

14. Close the jars with lids and leave to ferment for another 10 hours at room temperature.

Well, everything, you can drink our kvass. Just put it in the fridge to cool first.

Sweeter lovers can add honey or sugar to taste. And we move on to the next interesting recipe for a delicious drink in the heat.

How to make a bread drink in a 3 liter jar?

Especially popular is the option for a three-liter jar. Probably, for the most part because of the convenience and availability of such dishes in all homes. Well, this is my personal opinion.

I agree that it is really convenient when kvass wanders in a jar. But then it can be strained and poured into a bottle or decanter. I also recommend this recipe because it is long-lasting. You can make a product, and then cook it again on the resulting sourdough. Moreover, the subsequent drink is even tastier and richer.

We will need:

  • Boiled water - 3-3.5 liters;
  • Ground rye crackers - 100 gr.;
  • Sugar - 200 gr.;
  • Fresh yeast - 10 gr.


1. In a 300 ml mug, we scald crumbs from rye crackers somewhere. Mix everything well and set aside to swell.

2. To wake up our fresh yeast, fill it with a little warm water and add a tablespoon of sugar. Shake the mixture and also leave aside.

3. We take a clean jar of 3 liters and dump the swollen crumb crumbs into it. Add warm water to the mug to collect any crumbs from the sides of the mug. And all this is also poured into a jar.

4. Pour sugar on top and add the yeast foamy mass.

Fans of an unsweetened drink can put 2 times less sugar instead of 200 grams.

5. Fill everything with warm water almost to the very neck of the jar.

6. We cover the neck of the jar with a plastic lid, but do not close it. Because our kvass must ferment with air access.

7. Set aside the jar in a dark and warm place for 2 days. We prepare a decanter with gauze and filter the kvass.

8. It is convenient to use a lid with holes. She will not let the crackers merge, and the gauze will stop the unnecessary mixture even better.

It turns out double filtering)

We cool the liquid and use it for its intended purpose. That is, we drink with pleasure!

Finally, I will say that we again pour the remaining sourdough with warm water, add sugar to taste and a little steamed crackers. Again we remove for two days "to walk".

Video on how to cook food without yeast

Do you want a drink with yeast, friends? Then here is a great recipe for you. In the recipe we use malt and rye flour, sugar plus raisins. And add coriander and cumin. Well, it turns out delicious!

I suggest watching the whole recipe and process in a good video.

Cooking delicious kvass for okroshka

It's no secret that the most delicious okroshka is made with homemade kvass. The drink is more saturated, without preservatives and dyes, goes well with vegetables and meat. Oh, and I already wanted some crumbs. But let's get the drink ready first! After all, it takes several days to cook it.

We will need:

  • Boiled water - 6 liters;
  • A loaf of rye bread;
  • Sugar - 24 tbsp. spoons.;
  • Dry yeast - 0.5 tsp.


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

2. Cut the rye flour bread into cubes and send it to the oven so that they are dried and fried.

For a richer taste, it will even be good if the crackers burn a little.

3. We divide crackers into 2 parts. From one we will prepare the leaven, and the second we will put aside for kvass.

4. So, we take out a liter jar and fill it up to half with crackers. We boil water and fill it up to half with boiling water. Add sugar and stir. Cool everything to room temperature and add 0.5 teaspoon of dry yeast.

5. We cover the starter with gauze and put it in a dark and warm secluded place for 3 days.

6. After 3 days, distribute the remaining crackers into 2 three-liter jars. Fill them up to half with boiling water. Pour 4 tablespoons of sugar into each bowl.

7. Cool the mixture in jars. We add the starter equally to each bowl and stir. We cover with lids and clean for 2 days so that kvass wanders and walks.

8. After the set time, filter the drink through gauze. We throw out the entire bread mass, and pour the liquid back into the jars.

9. In two glasses, dilute 7 tablespoons of sugar with water and add to jars. Leave at room temperature for 1 day.

10. After that we send it to the refrigerator for a day.

Now, after such manipulations, delicious nectar is ready! Cook okroshka with soul and pleasure!

And I tell you bye-bye!

  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Dry yeast - 30 g;
  • Raisins - 50 g;
  • Instruction

    Cut the bread into small flat pieces. Lay the bread on a baking sheet in one row and put in the oven. You need to dry the bread at a small, until a golden crust is formed. The crust should not be overcooked, otherwise the kvass will acquire a taste.

    After 2 days, strain kvass through cheesecloth or a sieve, so as to completely separate all the thick. Remove the grounds in the refrigerator. Pour the remaining sugar and raisins into a jar. Raisins must first be washed thoroughly. Mix the contents well and leave for 12 hours in a warm place.

    Pour the kvass into bottles and close the lids very tightly. Remove kvass for a day in the refrigerator. After a day, kvass can be drunk.


    During fermentation, sugar turns into alcohol, which means that kvass will contain 1-2% alcohol. Motorists and parents of young children need to remember this.
    Yeast should not be diluted in hot water, otherwise the fermentation process will turn out to be defective.
    While the fermentation process is in progress, the jar of kvass should not be closed with a tight lid.

    Helpful advice

    You can take any bread for making homemade kvass, but kvass will acquire a rich brown color from rye bread. Stale bread is also perfect for making kvass. If the bread is stale, it is not necessary to dry it in the oven.

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    • how to make kvass from bread

    Homemade rusk - a drink that perfectly quenches thirst and is suitable for making your favorite summer dish - okroshka. Having mastered the basic recipe, be sure to try cooking kvass various flavor nuances. At a summer party, serve your guests a selection of homemade drinks that they will surely appreciate.

    You will need

    • Homemade rusk kvass: - 500 g rye rusks; - 5 liters of water; - 300 g of sugar; - 30 g of yeast. Currant kvass: - 500 g crackers; - 5 liters of water; - 15 g of yeast; - 200 g of sugar; - 0.5 cups of currant jam; - currant leaves and fresh mint. Kvass with horseradish and honey: - 600 g crackers; - 4 liters of water; - 300 g of sugar; - 30 g of yeast; - 100 g of honey; - 100 g of horseradish.


    Prepare the main raw materials for kvass a - crackers from rye or Borodino bread. Cut the loaf into slices, and then into narrow ribbons or cubes. Dry the crackers in the oven until a thin crust forms, making sure that they do not burn. For a drink, crackers can be crushed in a mortar or scroll in a meat grinder, turning them into small crumbs.

    Try several cooking options kvass and choose the one that seems more suitable for you. Raw materials can be poured with boiling or warm water, sugar or pre-prepared sugar syrup can be added, added to kvass a decoction of mint, currant leaf, raisins, honey, cumin, horseradish or jam - and as a result, get more and more new variations of this drink. However, the base of the cracker kvass but remains unchanged - it is rye crackers, yeast and water.

    Kvass is prepared in bulky dishes - all glass or enameled. Pour crackers into it, pour boiling water over them and leave the mixture for 10 hours. Boil sugar mixed with a glass of water in a separate bowl. Pour the cracker infusion into another container, add sugar syrup and yeast to it. Stir the mixture and leave for 4 hours - during this time the fermentation process takes place.

    Remove the foam from the finished drink, strain kvass send through gauze to the refrigerator for aging, pouring it into glass jars or bottles. For each add a few raisins. Young after 2 hours kvass he'll be ready. The longer it sits, the richer the flavor will be. However, it is not recommended to withstand more than two days, it is better to drain the remnants and fresh kvass.

    Leftover from the first batch kvass new must can be used. Add breadcrumbs and yeast to part of the mixture. Instead of sugar, put half a glass of homemade in the mixture. In a separate bowl, brew a handful of fresh currant leaves and a few sprigs of fresh mint. Pour the wort with hot boiled water, add a decoction of herbs and infuse the mixture for 6 hours at room temperature. Then strain, pour into clean glass jars and put in the refrigerator.

    Try another unusual option - kvass with and hell. Pour the crackers with boiling water and leave for 4 hours to infuse. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth, add yeast and sugar to it. Put kvass for fermentation for 4-6 hours. Grate the horseradish root and mix it with liquid honey. Add the resulting mixture to the young kvass, mix thoroughly, pour into jars or bottles and refrigerate.

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    • homemade kvass from breadcrumbs

    Kvass is a soft and refreshing drink that can quench your thirst and be used as a base for making okroshka. Homemade kvass is quite easy to prepare. There are many original recipes for making kvass at home, which not only make this drink tasty, but also healthy.

    Classic rye kvass

    Cut a loaf of rye bread into slices. Then put the bread slices on a dry baking sheet and put in the oven at maximum temperature. We are waiting for the bread slices to become dark in color. Care must be taken not to burn the bread. We shift the crackers into a suitable dish and pour 5 liters of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 5 hours. Strain the wort through gauze, add a tablespoon of yeast, half a glass of sugar and a tablespoon of raisins. Stir, close the lid and leave overnight. Pour the finished kvass into bottles, cork and put to cool in the refrigerator.

    Bread kvass with dried fruits

    Pour a mixture of dried fruits with water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Dried rye bread pour boiling water and leave in a sealed container for 3 hours. We filter the decoction of dried fruits and the wort and combine it together. Add sugar, yeast and put in a warm place for fermentation. We pour the fermented kvass into bottles and put 3 raisins in each. We put in a cold place. Instead of sugar, you can use honey boiled with water. After 3 days kvass is ready.

    Kvass with mint or oregano

    Cook in the same way as before, only add a little honey in addition and flavor with fresh or dried mint or oregano grass, dipping a gauze bag in kvass for 10 hours. Mint gives a refreshing taste, and oregano improves digestion.

    Kvass with calamus

    Calamus roots have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, improve the condition of the gums, and lower blood pressure. Add an infusion of calamus to the bread kvass prepared in the usual way. Add 1 cup of infusion of calamus roots to a 3 liter jar of kvass or put dry calamus roots (80 grams) in a gauze bag for 5 hours.

    Kvass from fresh carrots

    Wash the carrots and peel them. Grate on a coarse grater and put in a 3-liter glass jar, add dried brown bread crusts, pour warm boiled water and leave for 10 hours, covering the jar with gauze. After infusion, we filter the liquid (wort) and add the yeast diluted in warm water, with a small amount of flour and set to ferment overnight. After that, you can add citric acid on the tip of a knife. It will turn out not only refreshing, but also a drink enriched with vitamins and microelements. For 3 liters of kvass you will need 150 grams of carrots, a glass of sugar, 20 grams of yeast, 500 grams of rye bread, citric acid, a tablespoon of flour.

    Lemon kvass "Ekaterininsky"

    To prepare kvass "Ekaterininsky" we will prepare 700 grams of lemons, a handful of raisins, 500 grams of sugar, 50 grams of yeast and 10 liters of water. Add granulated sugar to a pot of water and wait for the water to boil. Then you need to cool the water with sugar. Grate the lemon zest, squeeze the juice from the lemons, knead the yeast and add everything to the pan. Mix everything, throw a handful of raisins and put in a cool place for 3 days.

    For more than 1000 years of its history, it has acquired the status of not only a national, but also the most healthy drink. Even in Rus' they knew: kvass not only quenches thirst on a hot summer day, it is also useful for vitamin deficiency, increased fatigue, and has bactericidal power. And most importantly - it can be cooked at home. You just need to know that kvass is obtained by fermentation and infusion of bread, water, sugar, malt and yeast. To taste, you can add raisins, lemon, herbs, cranberries, lingonberries, mountain ash. Do not forget that on the basis of kvass, you can use both okroshka and, for example, tyurya or botvinya.

    You will need

      • 25 g yeast
    • 3 liters of water
    • 1 kg rye crackers
    • 100 g raisins
    • 100 g sugar
    • 100 g honey
    • 200 g ginger root or 100 g horseradish


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    If kvass turned out to be very spicy when adding horseradish or ginger, the volume of these additives recommended in the recipe can be halved.

    Helpful advice

    Blackcurrant, cherry or lemon balm leaves, dried fruits and berries are also suitable as flavorings for homemade kvass.

    Kvass is cool and invigorating, just what you need in hot weather. This drink has been drunk for several thousand years and the Slavs were the first to make it. There are many varieties of kvass: strawberry, raspberry, beetroot, apple, pear and even with spices. We, however, will learn in more detail about the benefits of bread kvass, which is familiar to us.


    Kvass is the perfect summer drink. It quenches thirst well, adds strength after exhausting heat and fills the body with useful substances. Kvass contains vitamins B, C, PP and E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and various amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and organic acids.

    A good property is that kvass stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolism, and acts on the stomach, like kefir, maintaining a healthy microflora. It helps to get rid of heaviness in the stomach after overeating and has a slight laxative effect.

    It has been noticed that with frequent, but not excessive, use of kvass, tooth enamel is strengthened, hair falls out less, brittle nails disappear. And, thanks to the content of yeast in kvass, acne and pustules on the skin disappear. To improve the condition of hair and skin, kvass is used externally, rinsing the hair and making lotions on the face.

    Drinking kvass on time will also bring a lot of benefits to you and your baby, if there are no contraindications. It improves immunity and replenishes vitamins. Of course, you should not get too carried away with this drink because of the risk of gaining extra pounds. There are 21 kcal per 100 ml of drink.

    Even the useful ones have contraindications. So, for example, kvass is not recommended for people with urolithiasis, high blood pressure, kidney disease, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, increased flatulence, diarrhea), as well as people with gastritis and stomach ulcers. Pregnant women should not drink the drink if there is a threat of pregnancy and increased uterine tone.

    Unfortunately, store drinks with "Kvass" are far from a real drink in terms of their composition and origin. They contain a lot of chemicals and preservatives, so such a product will not benefit the body. It is better if you are not too lazy and prepare a soft drink yourself at. Moreover, there are so many different recipes on the Internet.

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    When no one wants to eat dried bread, it has to be thrown away or given to the birds. From the fact that it is no longer possible to return to him the original taste that causes appetite. But for an experienced housewife, everything goes well. And if the original state of bread really cannot be given, then let's go the other way - we will use ingenuity!

    You will need

    • Old, beginning to stale bread (the main condition: not moldy).


    We dry crackers.
    To do this, we take bread (here you can also use fresh; the variety is not important). We turn on the oven at 180 degrees. We cut our bread into small pieces-cubes. Lay out on a baking sheet. We put the tray in the oven. We keep the crackers closed for about 10 minutes, waiting for them to brown. Then turn off the oven and leave to cool without removing the crackers from it. The main thing is to observe the golden mean: do not let the crackers burn out and not dry out. Burnt crackers are inedible, and under-dried ones spoil rather quickly.

    We fry the croutons.
    Cut the bread into medium-sized pieces. Croutons are different:, garlic,.
    To prepare croutons with, ingredients: 3 eggs, 1 glass of milk. Mix milk and eggs, whisking in a homogeneous mass all the time in one direction (so that the protein does not twist back). If we want to get croutons for tea, then add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Dip slices of bread in the resulting mass, spread on a preheated pan. And then be sure, frying on all sides, we carefully monitor that they do not burn!
    There are two ways to prepare garlic croutons. First, the already obtained croutons are rubbed with salted garlic mass; second, garlic is first fried in a pan, and only then croutons are added. But beware: garlic burns very quickly!

    Cooking kvass.
    We will need: 3 liters. water, 200 g. sugar, 20 g.

    This drink is especially in demand in summer, but this does not mean that it cannot be drunk at other times of the year. Today we will learn how to cook kvass at home from rye bread.


    • Crackers (from dark bread) - 0.2 kg;
    • Sugar - 7-10 tbsp. spoons;
    • Yeast (dry) - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • Drinking water - 3 liters.


    1. Take dry rye bread and break it into several pieces. If you have fresh bread, then dry it in the oven.
    2. Boil water. Let it cool down a bit (5 minutes).
    3. Take a 3-liter jar and pour croutons and sugar into it.
    4. Fill the contents of the jar with hot water almost to the top (leave 5-8 centimeters on top). Mix everything and leave the jar to cool at room temperature.
    5. Now add yeast and stir again.
    6. Now the jar needs to be tightly closed with a lid and sent to infuse. Wrap kvass in an old blanket and leave it to ferment for 12 hours. Be careful, if there is not enough free space in the jar, then kvass can tear off the lid.
    7. After 12 hours, you can get a jar of kvass. Now strain the drink through cheesecloth and you can already drink it. Homemade bread kvass is ready. Now you can enjoy this healthy drink, which has no harmful substances at all.

    Homemade bread kvass with yeast


    • Bread (rye) - 500 g;
    • Sugar - 0.25-0.3 kg;
    • Water - 5 l;
    • Yeast (dry) - 5 g (pressed yeast can also be used, only 20 g will be needed).


    1. Turn on the oven to 200 degrees.
    2. Cut the bread into small cubes. Bread must be taken without additives (sesame, seeds, raisins, etc.), otherwise it will affect the taste of the drink, because extra elements are not needed here.
    3. Lay the bread out on a baking sheet. You don’t need to lubricate it with anything, otherwise our kvass will give off oil. Do not be afraid, the bread will not have time to burn in a short time.
    4. Send the mold with cubes to the preheated oven for 5 minutes. You can bake croutons longer, then the kvass will be darker, and the taste will become sharper.
    5. Pour 5 liters of drinking water into a large bowl and boil it.
    6. Wait for the water to cool down and be at room temperature.
    7. Prepare two 3-liter jars. Pour the prepared water into jars. Add crackers to jars (separate them into two parts and throw them into jars).
    8. Wrap the tops of the jars with gauze (because kvass must not be covered during fermentation) and send them to a dark place. Banks with kvass should be infused at room temperature for 48 hours.
    9. Dissolve the yeast in a small bowl (follow the instructions on the package).
    10. Strain all kvass through cheesecloth. The crackers that remained in the gauze will need to be squeezed out well, then they can be thrown away, we will not need them anymore.
    11. Strained kvass again pour into jars.
    12. Add diluted yeast and sugar to the jars (0.1 kg per jar will suffice at this stage). Mix everything very well with a long spoon.
    13. Now cover the jars with lids, but do not close them. Carbon dioxide must escape quietly, otherwise the cans may burst.
    14. Kvass should ferment for 16 hours at a temperature of 18-25 degrees, while it should be in a dark place.
    15. Remove both jars and add sugar to them. Be guided by your taste preferences.
    16. Pour the finished kvass into bottles. Spin them up.
    17. Send the bottles to infuse for the last time - send them to a dark place with room temperature for 4 hours.
    18. Now our kvass is ready! It must be refrigerated before use. As soon as you put the bottles with kvass in a cold place, the fermentation process will stop.

    Be careful! Such kvass is stored no more than 3 days.

    Without yeast - with raisins

    This recipe is good because the drink will not have an unpleasant yeasty aroma.


    • Rye bread - 0.3 kg;
    • Raisins - 0.025 kg;
    • Drinking water - 2 l;
    • Sugar - 0.1-0.2 kg.


    1. Cut the bread into small pieces (do not cut the crust).
    2. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
    3. Lay the bread out on a baking sheet in a single layer. The form must not be lubricated!
    4. Place the tray in the oven for 3-4 minutes. Bread needs only to be dried, and not fried, otherwise the finished drink will be bitter.
    5. Boil 2 liters of water.
    6. Put the croutons in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. Pour about 50 grams of sugar to them, mix everything. Wait until the water has completely cooled down.
    7. Pour raisins into cold water. Now it is better to pour the drink into a jar. The lid cannot be closed. Just cover the jar with cheesecloth to keep insects out.
    8. Put the jar of kvass in a dark, dry place, but at room temperature.
    9. Leave the drink to infuse for three days. On the first day, foam forms on kvass - this is an indicator that you did everything right, since the fermentation process has begun.
    10. After the specified time - kvass must be filtered. To do this, take gauze and fold it in several layers, pass the entire drink through it, collecting all the pulp in gauze. Squeeze the pulp well and leave it in cheesecloth. From it you can again get kvass several times (2-3).
    11. Now you can still add sugar to kvass. It is required, even if only in small quantities. After all, then carbon dioxide will be released and kvass will turn out carbonated.
    12. Pour the finished drink into bottles, but do not fill them completely, leave a few centimeters on top so that the bottle does not burst.
    13. Send the bottles to a dark place for 6-8 hours. The cap must be tight, so check the pressure constantly. Ideally, come every hour and unscrew the lid to release the gas.
    14. Kvass, which has already been saturated with carbon dioxide, can be put in the refrigerator. In a cold environment, the fermentation process will stop and the kvass will be ready to drink.
    15. When the drink is well cooled, it can be drunk. Kvass from rye bread is ready! Such a drink is stored for no more than 5 days.
    16. To get another portion of kvass from the pulp, you need to do the following:
    • Put the pulp in a jar.
    • Boil 2 liters of water and add 100 g of sugar to them. Wait for the water to cool down.
    • Pour the pulp with boiled water, mix everything.
    • Throw a small piece of bread (fresh) to the drink.
    • Subsequent steps will be the same as in the main recipe.

    It is believed that this kvass is tastier than the first. Cake from this kvass can still be used 1-2 times.

    Be careful! The pulp must be reused during the day.

    Alcoholic bread kvass - a recipe at home


    • Bread crackers - 0.3 kg;
    • Dry yeast - 5 g;
    • Sugar - 0.5-1.5 kg;
    • Citric acid - 3 g;
    • Purified water - 5 liters.


    1. It's easier to work with breadcrumbs right away, but if you don't have them, they're easy to make. In order to get 300 g of crackers, you need to use 450-500 grams of bread. It must be cut into small cubes and laid on a baking sheet. It is worth putting the form immediately into the oven preheated to 190-200 degrees, for a few minutes. If you want bitterness to be felt in kvass, then hold the bread in the oven a little longer.
    2. Boil 3 liters of water.
    3. Put the croutons on the bottom of the pan and pour them with boiling water. Let everything infuse under a closed lid for at least 3 hours.
    4. Take a colander and put gauze on it, which is folded in layers. Strain the infused crackers through a colander. Do not throw away the pulp.
    5. Boil the remaining 2 liters of water.
    6. Put the used crackers in a saucepan, and fill them with boiled water. Leave everything to infuse for 1 hour.
    7. After the allotted time, strain the water, squeeze the cake well, now it can already be thrown away.
    8. Dilute yeast with water. We use dry yeast in the recipe, and before adding it to kvass, you need to transfer it to an active state. Detailed instructions will be on the package.
    9. In a large container, mix all the kvass. Add citric acid, pre-soaked yeast and sugar. It must be added carefully, because the strength of our drink depends on it. Therefore, we will add sugar to kvass in stages. At first, 0.5 kg will be enough.
    10. It is necessary to mix everything thoroughly, now send the kvass to infuse for 10 hours. It should be in a dry, dark place, but at room temperature. You can not close the kvass with a lid, just cover it with gauze.
    11. After 2 hours, check the kvass, bubbles should form in it. If they appeared, you did everything right and you will get delicious kvass.
    12. After the allotted time, take out the drink. Taste the kvass, if the strength is low, you need to add more sugar. At this stage, add 0.2-0.3 kg of sugar. Mix everything and send the kvass to infuse further.
    13. After 5 hours, take out the kvass and taste it again. If the strength is low, add sugar again. This time, 200 grams will be enough. Mix everything again and hide.
    14. After 5 hours, try kvass. You can also add sugar. The maximum is 1.5 kg of sugar, with this amount the fortress will be 12 degrees, you will not get more.
    15. If the taste of kvass completely suits you, then close the container with a lid and send it to the refrigerator until completely cooled. If the strength is acceptable for you, but there is not enough sweetness, then just add sugar to the container and hide it in the refrigerator. Cold neutralizes the fermentation process, so the strength of kvass in the refrigerator will not increase.
    16. This kvass can be stored up to 7 days.

    How to cook homemade kvass? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. In this regard, we want to devote this article to this topic.

    general information

    Bread kvass is a traditional Russian drink. In Rus', it was consumed all year round. He was popular in monasteries, and in noble estates, and in peasant huts, and even in the royal chambers. It is noteworthy that kvass from bread quite easily quenches thirst, quickly restores strength and relieves fatigue. That is why this drink is very popular today.

    The benefits of kvass

    Almost everyone knows that natural homemade kvass is good for health. After all, a few decades ago in hospitals and infirmaries it was equated with medicines. And today doctors know that kvass regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, significantly improving digestion, and also prevents the growth of microbes and raises the overall tone.

    Due to the presence of vitamins and microelements, bread kvass is able to positively affect all body systems. So, it is recommended to use it with the following deviations:

    • with diseases of the nervous system and heart;
    • for the treatment of hypertension and vascular cleansing;
    • with gastritis, which is accompanied by low acidity (in this case, it is necessary to drink kvass before eating directly);
    • to restore liver cells;
    • to improve overall well-being (due to the presence of lactic acid, magnesium, amino acids, trace elements, calcium and B vitamins in the drink);
    • with arrhythmias;
    • as a choleretic agent;
    • to increase potency, strengthen teeth, etc.

    Homemade rye kvass: recipe

    Kvass is a summer drink. Many people think so. And this is no accident, because in the summer heat you really want to drink something refreshing. It should be noted that such a drink can be easily purchased at any store. But the tastier and healthiest of all it turns out if you cook it at home. And the time-tested method will help us in this.

    Making rye kvass at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Moreover, for the preparation of such a drink, only simple and affordable ingredients are needed. After mixing all the components, kvass will be ready for use in a day. By the way, you can store it for several months, but only in a cool place.

    So, before making homemade kvass, you should prepare the following components:

    • cold water - 3 l;
    • ground rye crackers - a full faceted glass;
    • sugar sand - a full glass;

    Cooking process

    How to cook homemade kvass so that it turns out to be as tasty as possible? To do this, take a three-liter glass jar, wash it thoroughly, and then add ground rye crackers, granulated sugar and dry granulated yeast. Next, you need to pour cold water into the container. Moreover, the liquid should not reach the edges of the jar by 4-5 centimeters.

    To make kvass tasty and quickly ferment, it is recommended to thoroughly mix the contents of the jar with a large spoon. As a result of this procedure, granulated sugar should completely melt. If desired, a few pieces of dark raisins can be added to the finished mixture. They will give kvass not only a pleasant shade, but also a special taste.

    After all the ingredients are mixed, the filled jar needs to be covered with a glass lid and placed in the sun. By the way, it is not recommended to tightly close the container with kvass. If you neglect this advice, then during the fermentation process, the lid may fly out, splashing your entire room with a fragrant drink.

    Final stage

    In total, making kvass at home can take you about two days. After all, after you put the filled jar in the sun, just that much time should pass. If you want to get a less "vigorous" drink, then it should be removed from the sun after 1-1.5 days.

    Ready kvass needs to be filtered through gauze or a strainer, and then poured into bottles (can be plastic) and put in a refrigerator. After cooling, the drink can not only be drunk, but also used to prepare such a delicious traditional Russian dish as okroshka.

    How to re-make kvass?

    It should be noted that after making homemade kvass, it should leave a wort that can be used to create a new drink. To do this, take 3-4 large spoons of the mixture, put them in a jar, add the same amount of new rye crackers and a glass of sugar. Next, the ingredients must be poured with cold water, mixed thoroughly and left again in the sun for 1-2 days. At the same time, adding yeast and raisins is not recommended. As practice shows, such a starter for kvass makes the drink even more tasty and rich. You can repeat this procedure an infinite number of times.

    Preparing a honey drink

    Few people know how to make kvass using honey. And so that you can enjoy such a drink, we will present its detailed recipe right now.

    So, we need:

    • water at room temperature - 5 l;
    • rye flour - 1 large spoon;
    • granulated sugar - 1/2 cup;
    • any honey - 200 g;
    • fresh lemon - 1 (small);
    • dry granulated yeast - 1/3 dessert spoon;
    • dark raisins - add to taste.

    Preparing the Components

    Before making homemade kvass, you should carefully process all the main ingredients. To do this, wash a small lemon and cut it into thin slices. It is also necessary to dilute dry granular yeast with two large spoons of warm boiled water. As for rye flour, it is also recommended to mix it, but with a cold liquid.

    Cooking process

    After preparing the main components, you can start preparing a delicious drink. To do this, mix lemon, honey and granulated sugar. Next, all the ingredients should be poured with 4 liters of water at room temperature. In the same container, add diluted granular yeast and rye flour. After that, the contents of the jar must be thoroughly mixed for 3-6 minutes, and then loosely closed and placed in the sun. To withstand kvass in this way should be about a day. After 24 hours, add another 1 liter of warm liquid to the container.

    After the thin slices of lemon and raisins float, the drink is considered to have come up. It should be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth, bottled and put in a cool place. After 2-4 days, fragrant kvass can be safely drunk.

    Classic kvass from dry sourdough

    Now you know how to cook homemade kvass on your own. The recipe for such a Russian drink may include completely different ingredients. Moreover, the taste and aroma of the finished product depends on them.

    If you want to get the same sourdough drink as sold in barrels on the street, then we recommend using ready-made dry sourdough, which can always be found in ordinary bakery stores.

    So, to prepare classic kvass at home, we need:

    • cold water - 3 l;
    • dry sourdough from the store - 4 large spoons;
    • granulated sugar - 8 large spoons (more or less, if desired);
    • dry granulated yeast of the Pakmai type - 4-5 granules (no more!).

    How to prepare a drink?

    Kvass at home on store-bought dry sourdough is very tasty. If you prefer a sweeter drink, then it is advisable to add 8-9 large tablespoons of granulated sugar (per 3 liters of water). If you do not like sugary kvass, then you can limit yourself to only 6-7 tablespoons of a sweet product.

    So, to prepare such a drink at home, you should take a clean three-liter jar and pour granulated sugar and dry sourdough from the store into it. Next, the mixture is required to pour 3 liters of cold tap water. At the same time, it is not recommended to fill the jar to the top, since liquid may spill during fermentation.

    After the container is filled, its contents must be thoroughly mixed with a large spoon (within 3-7 minutes). At the end, you need to add a few granules of dry yeast of the Pakmai type to the jar. It is highly recommended not to use more of this product. If you neglect this advice, then the finished kvass can have a pronounced taste and aroma of yeast.

    After mixing all the ingredients again, the jar should be loosely covered with a glass lid or multilayer gauze, and then put in a warm place. It is undesirable to leave such a drink in the hot sun, as it can peroxide. The main condition for it is a shade and a temperature of + 27-29 degrees.

    Final stage

    After a day, kvass from dry sourdough can be tasted. If it does not suit you, then the fermentation process can be continued in the same mode. If the drink seemed already tasty enough to you, then it should be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth, bottled and put in a refrigerator. After a few hours, kvass can be safely consumed.

    How to use kvass wort?

    The mass left at the bottom of the jar after you have strained the drink is called kvass wort. It is he who must be used to prepare a new batch of drink. To do this, you need to take 1 cup of the mass, pour it into a clean three-liter container, add 8 large spoons of granulated sugar and 3 large spoons of dry sourdough. After mixing all the ingredients, they should be loosely covered and put in a warm place where the rays of the sun do not fall. After keeping the drink for 1-2 days, it must be filtered, placed in a refrigerator, and a new batch should be made from the remaining kvass wort. It should be especially noted that each time your kvass will turn out even more tasty and rich than the previous one. However, adding granulated yeast to subsequent batches is highly discouraged. I also want to say that the longer you keep the drink warm, the more vigorous it turns out.

    The basic principle of making kvass

    As you can see, it is not difficult to make kvass at home. It should be noted that there is an incredible number of various recipes for such a drink. Someone additionally adds rye or wheat bread to it, someone uses dried fruits, and someone even puts kvass on beets and garlic. Learning how to make this drink on your own is quite simple. To do this, you just need to know the proportions of the main ingredients. As for the process, it is the same for all drinks:

    • prepare and, if necessary, process all the main ingredients (for example, dilute yeast, chop lemon, beets, garlic, etc.);
    • take a clean, if possible glass container;
    • lay out all the dry ingredients;
    • add drinking water;
    • mix the ingredients thoroughly;
    • loosely cover the dishes;
    • put the jar in a warm place (in some cases it is possible in the sun);
    • wait for active fermentation of the contents of the container;
    • keep warm for about 1-2 days;
    • strain kvass;
    • pour the drink into bottles;
    • cool;
    • drink as a regular drink or use to prepare other dishes (for example, for okroshka).

    By adhering to this algorithm of actions, you can make absolutely any kvass using almost any ingredients.

    To make kvass at home as tasty, fragrant and healthy as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules during its preparation:
