
How to cook porridge with frozen pumpkin. Food preparation and choosing the right pumpkin

In this article you will find only the most best recipes cooking pumpkin porridge, as well as helpful tips and the secrets of pumpkin porridge.

A vegetable such as pumpkin contains useful material, minerals and vitamins of groups B, E, C and T, and by the way, the last vitamin in many vegetables can not be found often. Pumpkin is also famous for being very low in calories, so this product considered in demand among people who adhere to dietary nutrition. Nowadays there are many recipes, in the preparation of which pumpkin is used. But as for cereals, which are prepared from this vegetable, so we can say that these are the most popular and favorite dishes of many people.

The fact is that even after the pumpkin passes heat treatment when cooked, it still contains every useful substance that it possesses, plus the vegetable is rich in carotene and calcium. Each hostess has her own recipes for preparing pumpkin porridge, and for sure there is more than one such recipe in cookbook. Some recipes for making pumpkin porridge are that the pumpkin is boiled or stewed, and then a mushy mass is made from the vegetable using a blender. And some cereals can be cooked in the pumpkin itself!

Pumpkin porridge can be cooked with the addition of various fruits, you can also add fragrant honey, nuts and dried fruits. Having prepared such a pumpkin porridge, you will fall in love with this vegetable in any case and choose one of the recipes presented below that will become your family's favorite!

Read also:

Pumpkin Pie - The Best Recipes

Pumpkin soups - the best recipes

How to prepare products for pumpkin porridge

Each recipe has its own technology by which pumpkin is processed in order to cook porridge. In some recipes, you just need to cut the vegetable into pieces, and even large ones, then a large grater is taken, pieces of pumpkin are rubbed on it and sent to a container in order to cook. If you take other recipes, then for the preparation of some cereals, the pumpkin is cut into medium pieces, then stewed and whipped with a blender until smooth, but sometimes the vegetable is left simply in stewed pieces.

If you cook porridge with the addition of any cereal, then it is necessary to prepare the cereal in the same way as before preparing simple porridge.

  • 1. If you want to pamper your family with pumpkin porridge, it is best to buy nutmeg pumpkin for its preparation. Having prepared porridge from of this variety can be eaten both hot and cold. Both in the first and in the second case, the porridge will be very tasty and fragrant.
  • 2. Pumpkin porridge can be prepared simply from a vegetable such as pumpkin, or you can add a little cereal. Basically, millet, rice, semolina are added to the pumpkin, and even oatmeal or corn grits are used.
  • 3. To dress pumpkin porridge, you need to use a little butter, sugar and milk. If you wish, you can improve the taste of pumpkin porridge, this is done very simply: add fragrant honey, nuts, prunes, raisins or dried apricots to the porridge, and you will achieve the desired result.

Video recipe - royal pumpkin porridge

And then you can learn about several recipes for making delicious pumpkin porridge and you can cook these dishes for your family. Pumpkin porridges are very tasty, fragrant, tender, and most importantly, beneficial to the body!

Pumpkin porridge with cinnamon

If you combine in cooking fragrant cinnamon with healthy and nutritious pumpkin, the result will be lovely dish for autumn time - pumpkin porridge with cinnamon! Given pumpkin dish will give you a lot of energy and good mood and start cooking pumpkin porridge this recipe even the most inexperienced cook can!


  • purified - three hundred grams;
  • milk - one hundred grams;
  • cinnamon - to your taste;
  • sugar - to your taste;
  • salt - on the tip of a teaspoon.


First you need to cut the pumpkin in small pieces. Then take a saucepan, pour into it right amount milk and put on fire. When the milk boils, add chopped pumpkin, cinnamon, sugar and salt to it, mix all the ingredients well, make a small fire and let the porridge boil. From time to time do not forget to stir the products.

In order to understand whether the porridge is ready or not, it is enough to look at the vegetable itself, that is, when pumpkin slices will share the fibers means the dish is ready. When you remove the porridge from the stove, put butter, mix and you can lay out pumpkin porridge on plates.

On top, if desired, you can put another piece of butter and a teaspoon of fragrant honey.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for semolina porridge with pumpkin

Pumpkin porridge with semolina prepared according to this recipe is considered an easy and nutritious dish, because for cooking we will use not only healthy pumpkin, but milk and semolina. Having tried this porridge not only for an adult, but also for a child, it will become a favorite treat!


  • peeled pumpkin - three hundred grams;
  • semolina- two tablespoons;
  • milk - two hundred grams;
  • butter - one teaspoon;
  • sugar - to your taste;
  • salt - to your taste.


And so to start, cut the pumpkin into small cubes. Then take a container, pour half a glass of milk into it and put it on fire. When the milk boils, send the chopped pumpkin into it, make a small fire and cook the vegetable until it becomes soft.

When the pumpkin begins to soften, add the remaining milk and boiled water to the container, do not remove from the heat, but let the food boil again.

When the contents boil, you can add semolina in the right amount, sugar, salt to your liking and, without leaving the pan, constantly stir the ingredients. When the semolina is ready, add pumpkin to it and mix well, then put a little butter, cover and wrap the pan on top, use a terry towel for this. Set the container of porridge aside on the table and let it stand for ten minutes. Porridge should be well saturated with aromas.

That's all, amazingly delicious semolina with pumpkin and cinnamon is ready, you can invite everyone to tol and do not forget to put a little more butter in each plate, thanks to this product pumpkin porridge will be even tastier and juicier!

Enjoy your meal!

Also read:

Milk porridge - recipes, tips, secrets

Recipe for pumpkin porridge in the oven

Surely every hostess knows that if you cook food using the oven, then in the end you get amazing delicious dishes, which can be said about pumpkin porridge, which we suggest you cook in the oven. As a result, you will put on the table and pamper your family with a delicious and fragrant pumpkin delicacy!

To prepare this dish, we will use millet groats, pumpkin, fragrant honey and of course butter, in general, the porridge will turn out not only tasty, but also very nutritious and healthy! Pumpkin porridge in the oven will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • millet groats - in the amount of one glass;
  • water - four hundred grams;
  • pumpkin - eight hundred grams;
  • sugar - fifty grams;
  • honey - two tablespoons;
  • butter - forty grams;
  • salt - to your taste.

Cooking method:

Take the millet, rinse it thoroughly under running water, then put the millet in a container and pour hot water. Let the millet groats stand for five minutes.

Then take a pumpkin and cut it into medium pieces. When the millet swells, add sugar and salt to it, mix the products thoroughly. Then take the form in which you will bake the pumpkin and send the mass into it. Then put a pre-cut pumpkin on top of the millet, pour honey on top and put the butter in pieces.

Cover the form tightly, use food foil for this. Preheat the oven and send the form with the pumpkin into it, let it bake for one hour. Then take out their porridge oven and without removing the foil, let it stand on the table for another ten minutes. Then stir well the pumpkin dish and you can sprinkle it on plates.

If you cook for your family this amazingly tasty and fragrant dish, they will be simply delighted with your culinary skills. Believe me, you have never tried pumpkin porridge cooked according to this recipe!

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin

This pumpkin dish is very tasty, fragrant and nutritious. A main secret cooking millet porridge lies in the fact that all the ingredients that are part of the preparation, we will lay out in layers and bake in the oven. And so let's get started:


  • millet groats - two hundred grams;
  • pumpkin - four hundred grams;
  • milk - eight hundred grams;
  • sugar - fifty grams;
  • cinnamon - to your taste;
  • cardamom - to your liking.


To prepare pumpkin porridge, thoroughly wash the millet groats under running water, then send the millet to a container and fill it cold water. Then put the container on the fire so that the water with millet boils and as soon as the water boils, drain it immediately.

Then remove the skin from the pumpkin and extract the seeds. Take coarse grater and rub a vegetable on it. Next, you need to add the right amount of sugar, cinnamon, cardamom to your taste to the grated pumpkin and mix everything well.

Now take the pots in which you will bake the pumpkin dish and start laying out the layers. Put the grated pumpkin with sugar and spices on the first layer. Then spread the millet groats in the second layer and put the pumpkin on top again. Now pour all the ingredients with milk and see that the pumpkin with millet is completely covered with it. Preheat the oven, put the pots of pumpkin porridge in it and bake for five to ten minutes.

When the pumpkin porridge is ready, you can put more on top of each pot a small amount of butter. By the way, this pumpkin dish can be prepared even for any celebration, because on holiday table pots with a bright pumpkin will look original!

Enjoy your meal!

microwave pumpkin porridge recipe

Pumpkin porridge is very fond of eating those people who lead healthy lifestyle life and feed exclusively wholesome food. But, some hostesses cannot devote much of their time to cooking every day. healthy food. Therefore, pumpkin porridge according to this recipe is for such housewives. In order to prepare this dish, you need to spend very little time, and most importantly, we will cook porridge in the microwave and it is very good if you have this kitchen utensil in your kitchen.


  • pumpkin - two hundred grams;
  • apples - two pieces;
  • sesame - one tablespoon;
  • flax seed - twenty grams;
  • honey - one teaspoon;
  • vanillin - to your liking.


Peel the pumpkin and cut it into small pieces or you can cut it into thin strips. If you have a coarse grater, then this kitchenware also perfect for carving pumpkins.

Now wash the apples, dry them, peel the skin, remove the seeds and cut the fruit small pieces, add sesame seeds, flax seeds and vanillin to apples to your liking.

After this time, remove the form with pumpkin and apples, let the dish cool, and then pour fragrant honey on top.

Pumpkin porridge in a slow cooker - video recipe

That's all, you can treat your family to a wonderful pumpkin dish with apples and honey. We hope you enjoy at least a few pumpkin porridge recipes presented to you!

Enjoy your meal!

Pumpkin porridge - general principles and cooking methods

Among vegetables, pumpkin is the champion in the content of nutrients, minerals and vitamins of groups B, E, C and even T, which is very rare. Since the pumpkin is low-calorie product, then it is very much in demand and in diet food. There are a lot of dishes for the preparation of which this wonderful vegetable is used. However, cereals are perhaps the most popular and beloved among many peoples.

Pumpkin porridge retains all the beneficial substances that this vegetable is rich in, including carotene and calcium. Each housewife has her own recipe for making pumpkin porridge, or even more than one. In some recipes, the pumpkin is pre-boiled or stewed, then mashed in a blender. In some, porridge is cooked right in the pumpkin! Try to cook pumpkin porridge using different recipes, with honey, nuts or dried fruits, and you will definitely be able to choose the porridge that will become a favorite in your family.

Pumpkin porridge - food preparation

IN different recipes envisaged different processing pumpkins for making porridge. For some, it is cut into large pieces, and then grated and boiled. According to other recipes, the pumpkin is first stewed, pre-cut into cubes, and then mashed with a blender or left in pieces.

If pumpkin porridge is cooked with some kind of cereal, then the preparation of the cereal is the same as for cooking regular porridge from this cereal.

Pumpkin porridge - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Pumpkin Porridge with Cinnamon

The aroma of cinnamon and useful, nourishing gourd- this dish can be safely called the best for autumn menu! Such porridge for the whole day will energize you and good mood. And even a completely inexperienced cook can cook it.


300 gr. peeled pumpkin;
100 gr. milk;
1 tsp butter,
cinnamon, sugar and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes. After pouring the milk into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, then put the pumpkin with cinnamon, sugar and salt there.

2. Thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, cook the porridge over low heat with occasional stirring. It can be considered ready when the boiled pumpkin cubes begin to separate into fibers. Having flavored ready porridge butter, serve it to the table.

Recipe 2: Semolina Porridge with Pumpkin

Very light and at the same time nutritious dish, thanks to milk and semolina. Both adults and children will love this porridge.


300 gr. peeled pumpkin,
2 tbsp. l. decoys,
200 gr. milk,
1 tsp butter,
sugar and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes. Pouring 0.5 cups of milk into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, add pumpkin to it and cook for small fire to its softness.

2. Mix the rest of the milk in a saucepan with the same amount boiled water bring the resulting mixture to a boil.

3. Add semolina with sugar and salt to it, not forgetting to constantly stir the contents of the saucepan. Having prepared semolina, put the pumpkin in it, mix well, add butter, then, closing the pan with a lid and covering with a towel, leave it to brew for about 10 minutes.

Recipe 3: Pumpkin porridge in the oven

Like any dish cooked in the oven, this porridge has a special aroma and taste. It has everything to qualify for the title the best breakfast: millet, pumpkin, honey and oil. A very nutritious and tasty dish.


1 glass of millet;
400 gr. water;
800 gr. pumpkins;
50 gr. Sahara;
2 tbsp. l. honey;
40 gr. butter;
a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the millet well, pour boiling water over it and leave for 5 minutes.

2. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes.

3. Adding sugar and salt to the swollen millet and mixing the resulting mass well, put it in a baking dish. Laying pumpkin cubes on top, pour over honey and spread the oil.

4. Covering the form tightly with foil, place it in a well-heated oven and bake for 1 hour. Then, taking the porridge out of the oven, keep the dish under the foil for about 10 more minutes, mix and serve.

Recipe 4: Millet porridge with pumpkin

Very tasty porridge made from millet and pumpkin, in which the components are laid out in a pot in layers and baked.


200 gr. millet;
400 gr. pumpkins;
800 ml. milk;
50 gr. Sahara;
to taste cinnamon with cardamom.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the millet well, put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. Then, putting the saucepan on the fire, bring to a boil, then drain the water.

2. Having cleaned the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, we rub it on a coarse grater. Then add sugar with cinnamon and cardamom to it, mix everything thoroughly.

3. We spread pumpkin, millet, pumpkin again in a pot in layers. Pour everything with milk so that the pumpkin and millet are covered by 2 fingers. Then we put the pot in a well-heated oven and cook the porridge for about 50 minutes.

Recipe 5: Pumpkin Porridge in the Microwave

Pumpkin porridge is very popular with lovers balanced nutrition. However, some catastrophically do not have enough time to cook. healthy food. For them, we provide a recipe for "quick" pumpkin porridge, which is cooked in the microwave.


200 gr. pumpkins;
2 apples;
1 st. l. sesame;
20 gr. flax seeds;
1 tsp honey;
vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled pumpkin into small cubes or strips (if desired, you can take a large grater and grate).

2. We clean the apples from seeds, then, cutting them into small cubes, mix with sesame seeds, flax seeds and vanilla (on the tip of a knife). We put it in the microwave, turn it on to maximum power and cook the porridge for about 20 minutes. When it cools down, add honey.

Pumpkin porridge - useful tips from experienced chefs

It is best to use nutmeg varieties of pumpkin for making porridge. Porridge made from such a pumpkin is tasty both hot and cold.

Pumpkin porridge can be made directly from the pumpkin itself or with the addition of various cereals. Usually millet or rice is used for these purposes, sometimes semolina, corn grits or oatmeal.

refuel pumpkin porridge taken with butter, sugar and milk. You can significantly improve the taste of porridge if you supplement its taste with honey, nuts, prunes, raisins or dried apricots.

The role of pumpkin porridge in the diet is difficult to overestimate. rich in vitamins, fiber, micro and macro elements, pumpkin speeds up metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol levels, improves kidney and heart function, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens vascular walls and is an excellent antidepressant. Pumpkin porridge - diet dish, low-calorie, but at the same time tasty and very healthy.

pumpkin porridge recipe

To cook pumpkin porridge, you will need: - 800 g of pumpkin; - 1 cup of dried apricots; - 3 apples; - 4 tbsp. granulated sugar; - 2-3 tbsp. butter.

Wash the pumpkin, peel, cut the pulp into cubes and put together with the washed dried apricots in a saucepan. Pour in some cold water, add butter and simmer until tender.

Then place on a greased skillet or ovenproof dish and level. Wash the apples, cut in half, remove the seed box, then cut thin slices and spread evenly over pumpkin porridge with dried apricots. Sprinkle sugar on top and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 15-20 minutes.

Ready sweet porridge with pumpkin and fruit, brush with butter on top and serve.

Recipe for rice porridge with pumpkin

The combination of pumpkin and rice is considered a classic. There are many recipes for this dish, they differ, as a rule, only additional ingredients. To prepare rice porridge with pumpkin and raisins, you need to take: - 500 g of pumpkin; - 1 cup of rice; - ½ cup of raisins; - ½ cup of water; - ½ cup of milk; - 3–4 tbsp. granulated sugar; - 2 tbsp. butter; - salt.

Wash the pumpkin, peel, cut the pulp into small cubes and put in a saucepan. Fill with hot boiled water, cover and cook for 15 minutes.

Boil rice separately. Then add milk to the pumpkin pot, boiled rice, butter, granulated sugar and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Melt a tablespoon of butter in a frying pan, remove from heat, put washed and dried raisins on the heated oil. Cover the pan with a lid and let the raisins swell. After 15 minutes, transfer the raisins along with the oil to the pan with the pumpkin rice and mix well. Delicious in 5 minutes rice porrige with pumpkin and raisins will be ready.

Rice porridge cooked in pumpkin is very tasty. It will require: - 1 small pumpkin; - 100 g of honey; - 500 g of apples; - 200 g of rice; - 100 g of pitted prunes; - 100 g of raisins; - 200 g of sour cream; - 200 g of butter; - 5 tablespoons .l granulated sugar; - cinnamon; - salt.

Wash the pumpkin and cut off the top. Carefully remove pumpkin seeds, peel them from the pulp and chop in a blender. Rinse the raisins with prunes thoroughly and chop them too. Wash the apples, cut into halves, remove the core and cut into thin slices.

Pour rice with cold water, salt and boil until half cooked. Then mix rice with raisins, prunes, apples, pumpkin seeds, add sugar, butter, cinnamon and sugar.

Put the resulting mass in a pumpkin, cover with a cut top, put on a baking sheet and place for 30–40 minutes in an oven preheated to 160 ° C, bake until cooked.

Rice porridge in pumpkin is recommended to be served separately as a sweet sauce with sour cream mixed with honey

Rice porridge in pumpkin prepared according to this recipe is served whole on a dish.

Recipe for pumpkin porridge with millet

Among the popular and favorite recipes in Rus' for cooking pumpkin, there is also the option of combining it with millet porridge, which is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. For pumpkin porridge with millet, you will need the following products: - 2 cups of millet; - 300 g of pumpkin; - 4 cups of milk; - ½ cup of water; - 4 tbsp. butter; - 1-2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;

Vanillin; - salt.

Millet must be washed well first with cold, then with hot water. This is done in order to wash off impurities from the cereal and eliminate bitterness.

Pour pre-washed millet big amount hot salted boiled water and put on medium fire cook until the cereal is half cooked. This will take 15-20 minutes. Then drain the remaining water, add warm milk, sugar, vanilla on the tip of a knife and pumpkin pulp cut into small cubes. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes.

After that, close the pan tightly with a lid and put on water bath or in the oven for 15 minutes to firm up. When serving, pour the finished porridge with pumpkin and millet with melted butter.

Our ancestors loved to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in a Russian oven. The taste of this dish was amazing. In the absence of an oven, you can make pumpkin porridge with millet in the oven. To prepare a dish according to this recipe, you need to take: - 400 g of millet; - 1 small pumpkin; - 1 liter of milk; - 2 tbsp. sugar; - 2 eggs; - 200 g of pitted prunes; - 2 tbsp. sour cream; - 200 g butter; - salt.

  • pumpkin and water
  • salt with sugar
  • honey and butter,
  • a handful of raisins.

There are no specific proportions or exact weights of the ingredients. Take the amount of pumpkin and water, focusing on how many people you will cook porridge. Other listed components add only according to your taste.

How to cook diet pumpkin porridge on the water

1. Peel the vegetable, wash and cut the flesh into medium-sized cubes.

2. Fold the cut pumpkin into a saucepan, pour in enough water to cover the pieces a little. Put the pan on the stove, make the fire small and boil for 20 minutes. This time will be enough for any variety of pumpkin and the size of the cut pieces.

3. In the meantime, take care of the raisins, it must be steamed well. To do this, pour the berries warm water and hold it for 20-25 minutes. If you fill it with cold water, then the raisins will swell much longer - 3-4 hours. There is a culinary unspoken rule for steaming raisins - than colder water, which is filled with raisins, the longer it must be kept in it. When there is absolutely no time, put the raisins in a colander and scald with boiling water. It is necessary to scald, and not pour, otherwise it will turn out to be a boiled mess.

4. If there is water left after boiling the pumpkin, pour it into a separate mug or glass. To prepare porridge, we need a ready-made pumpkin, and with water it will be possible to regulate the density of the dish.

5. pumpkin pulp grind to a mushy state. This can be done with a blender, a crush that is made mashed potatoes or just mash with a fork.

6. Actually, dietary pumpkin porridge on water without cereals is ready, the rest is a matter of taste. Add some salt and sugar if desired. You can season pumpkin porridge with honey, put pieces of butter. When the butter has melted, pour raisins into the porridge, mix everything well and you can put it on portion plates. If the porridge turned out to be too thick, and you want to thin it, then dilute it with a little pumpkin broth, which you poured into a separate bowl. Together with raisins, you can add pieces of finely chopped dried apricots or prunes, nuts, seeds to such a porridge (although sunflower is prohibited with bile).

Now among housewives, recipes for pumpkin porridge cooked in milk are gaining popularity. After several experiments, we concluded that Muscat pumpkin is best suited. Porridges with pumpkin from this variety have the best palatability both cold and hot. By the way, delicious pumpkin porridge is obtained without a slow cooker, in any simple kitchen. Porridge can be prepared not only from pure pumpkin, but also diluted with various cereals. This is done in order to take away the excess moisture that the pumpkin porridge releases during the cooking process.

Millet, rice, semolina or corn grits and oatmeal. IN various recipes are used various additives, according to the type of honey, nuts, prunes and dried apricots, as well as traditional raisin, but there are no differences in the question of how to cook pumpkin porridge.

We present to your attention a recipe with accompanying photos from the category "Pumpkin porridge with milk". So, how to cook pumpkin porridge with milk? You can also add oatmeal and cook with milk.

Cooking progress

1. The pumpkin must be cleaned, cut into approximately equal small cubes and put in a saucepan.

2. Then pour water into the same place (there should still be little - so that it has time to boil away) and cook the pumpkin over high heat with the lid closed, for about 10 minutes (until the pumpkin becomes soft).

3. If excess water remains, drain. Then mash the boiled pumpkin, turning it into a homogeneous mass (as in the photo).

4. After that, pour milk (after reducing the gas under the pan) and wait until this mixture boils (about 10 minutes).

5. Spread the pre-prepared rice on top, pour sugar and salt (optional) and leave to cook for about half an hour, until fully prepared rice.

6. As soon as the pumpkin porridge is ready, remove it from the heat, put butter on top, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for about 15 minutes. As you can see, cooking pumpkin porridge is not at all difficult.

Video recipe

Porridge with pumpkin allows you to save all the necessary elements in a slightly modified form. Pumpkin is especially famous as a storehouse of potassium, calcium and carotene (orange plant pigment). Every housewife has her own recipe for pumpkin porridge. For some dishes, the vegetable must be boiled or stewed in advance; in some recipes, it is required to make useful pumpkin puree in a blender.

And some dishes can be boiled and put in the pumpkin itself! And the abundance of additives makes pumpkin porridge one of the family's favorites. Especially after pointing out its immediate benefits. But do not get too hopeful - even such a harmless milk pumpkin porridge can cause some harm.

Benefit and harm

There is no doubt about the benefits. It occupies a leading position among vegetables in terms of the amount of substances necessary for the body, various minerals, as well as vitamins of several groups (B, E, C), including even vitamin T, which is very rare in vegetables. Its low calorie content puts it at the top of the list of foods for people on a diet. P benefits of pumpkin porridge just obvious. Another plus is big list recipes that include pumpkin as an important and useful component. But it is worth noting that pumpkin porridge is in the lead in this list.

Also pumpkin porridge: lowers blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle, as it contains calcium. A large number of trace elements, such as magnesium, sodium, sulfur, iron, fluorine and copper - allow the pumpkin to strengthen nervous system and blood vessels, cleanse the kidneys, stomach and liver (but do not overdo it - an excess of benefits is also harmful!). Helps in the normalization of metabolic processes and blood formation processes. But there is small list diseases that are incompatible with the use of pumpkin porridge (especially on!). Failure to follow certain precautions may harm your health.

If you have diabetes, low acid gastritis, or stomach ulcers, or duodenum- you should refrain from preparing dishes according to recipes that include this orange vegetable- it carries potential harm. But it is small enough to show how useful it is as a nutritional and dietary product.

And yet, how many calories are in pumpkin porridge? If you use a recipe in which, then it is worth noting that the calorie content of pumpkin porridge is amazingly low. 100 g of such milk porridge contains everything, only the 20th part of daily rate calorie intake for an adult. It turns out that you can eat such pumpkin porridge in any reasonable amount per day - the calorie content allows. It is on a low calorie level that most pumpkin diets are based.

If you want something more original, cook for your loved ones.
