
Quick meat dishes in a slow cooker. Buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker - ingredients

This recipe should be familiar to every housewife! Why? Because by cooking meat in this form, she will not only be able to please appetizing snack relatives, friends and guests, but also significantly save the family budget on the purchase of finished meat products ...

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Hungarian goulash - simple but amazing tasty dish Hungarian cuisine. Translated from Hungarian, the word "goulash" means "shepherd", which obviously indicates the inventor of this fragrant vegetable stew from beef and vegetables. The dish can be cooked in a cauldron on coals or in large saucepan, but it turns out especially fragrant hungarian goulash in the multicooker...

Let's cook homemade roast today in a slow cooker. This is a very satisfying and tasty dish that absolutely everyone likes - both adults and children. You can cook it at least every day, serving it for dinner - it is unlikely that you will ever get tired of it. I will share with you two homemade roast recipes. Of course, I suggest cooking in a slow cooker, as this kitchen machine makes it very easy..

If you are still thinking about what to cook delicious for dinner, I recommend that you try to make a juicy and hearty meal- pork with vegetables in a slow cooker. The stew turns out tender and tasty, and you can cook rice or make mashed potatoes for a side dish. In summer, you can take fresh vegetables, and in winter you can buy frozen ones. If in the warm season you freeze vegetables yourself, you get more..

Today we will cook the turkey drumstick in a slow cooker. Turkey is one of the most useful and high-quality types of poultry meat, which is also dietary. It contains phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iron and many others. useful trace elements. By the way, turkey meat is superior in iron content to chicken meat. Therefore, doctors highly recommend the use of this product. I'll tell you about..

Today's topic - lamb ribs in a multicooker. This is a dish that can be served on its own or with vegetables or mashed potatoes. Lamb turns out juicy, fragrant and very tasty. Cooking lamb meat in a slow cooker is not difficult for beginner cooks ...

Many people should like today's dish, because it is squid in sour cream. It has long been no longer a delicacy, more and more housewives prefer to serve squid at the table. Therefore, I recommend that you try them too. In combination with sour cream, this type of seafood turns out to be unusually tender!..

The topic of today's article is meat in foil in a slow cooker. You can cook it for family dinner or meet their guests by serving on the festive table. The most important thing is to choose good, fresh meat. And I will offer you two ways to prepare this dish. In the first case, we will cook meat in foil with lemon juice, in the second - with mustard ...

Planning to make a healthy and hearty dinner- steamed beef in a slow cooker especially for you! And I will tell you today how to steam meat in a slow cooker. Two recipes are described below - beef with tomatoes and cheese in foil, and steamed beef in the sleeve ...

Delicious, fragrant, juicy and healthy beef with buckwheat in a slow cooker will be for you great lunch or dinner, if you do not mind spending only 1 hour of your time on this miracle. This dish can also be called dietary, and therefore you can offer it to those who want to lose weight. But this is the case if you take low-fat ...

Today we’ll talk about duck fillet in a slow cooker. Duck is hearty and nutritious meat, but, unfortunately, cooked in the oven or in a pan, it does not always turn out tasty and soft. That is why I advise you to use a slow cooker to bake duck. In this case, the meat will turn out fragrant, juicy and tender. Great as a side dish fresh or vegetable stew. So,..

Today we will talk about the favorite dish of many of us - beef ribs in a multicooker. You can find so many ways to cook ribs, and this is due to their taste, satiety and nutrition. cooked in kitchen helper- slow cooker - they are unusually tender and soft. And all because we will cook them in the "Extinguishing" mode ...

Let's talk about delicacies that can be prepared by boiling beef tongue in a multicooker. You can make a salad with beef tongue and mushrooms, or you can cook aspic beef tongue. The most excellent dish is the tongue baked with mushrooms, and it can also be marinated. You can also serve the tongue as a snack on the festive table. And now I will tell you how to cook the beef tongue itself. A..

Today I will talk about festive dish, which should please a lot of people - a rabbit in sour cream in a slow cooker. IN old times, of course, this meat was not cooked in a slow cooker at all, but we have such an advantage. Rabbit meat can easily be called dietary and light, moreover, the dish turns out to be quite satisfying. And now the recipes! Cook rabbit meat in a slow cooker with pleasure!..

If you want to be convinced of the qualitative difference between cooking in a slow cooker and on the stove, I recommend that you try cooking excellent dish- a liver in a slow cooker. In order to cook it in a pan, it will take much more time and effort! ..

Favorite by many liver in sour cream in a slow cooker - a dish for all times! In the past, of course, it was cooked on the stove, but since we have a great kitchen machine, we can make the cooking process easier. Below I give you two recipes - liver in sour cream with onions and garlic, which give the dish a sharp and spicy taste, as well as the liver in sour cream with tomatoes. I like both cooking options, and I..

Shrimp in a slow cooker is an incredibly tasty dish, and I will tell you how to cook pilaf with shrimp, as well as shrimp with spaghetti under cream sauce. Both of these dishes will amaze you with their tender and unique taste so I highly recommend making them. As for the first recipe - shrimp with rice - it is even more convenient to cook it in a slow cooker than on the stove or in the oven, since you do not need to constantly ..

Many do not even imagine their life without meat, especially a large half of the strong population. And how not to love this product, because it has amazing taste. In addition, the dishes from it are very satisfying and nutritious.

So how can you cook meat? There are plenty of ways! It can be baked, fried, boiled, added to vegetable dishes, soups, serve with cereals and salads. And how delicious it turns out in a slow cooker. Therefore, we will dwell on this in more detail and consider the most delicious recipes in a multicooker.

Recipe for stew in a slow cooker


The pulp should be washed cold water and remove all films, streaks;

The fillet should be cut across the fibers into medium pieces;

We peel the skin from the onion and cut it into medium cubes;

Peel the carrots and wipe with a coarse grater;

We cut the sweet pepper in half, clean the seeds, cut off the stem and cut into strips;

Pour vegetables into a multicooker cup for meat, pour half a glass of water;

We put the program "Extinguishing" and simmer for about 2 hours;

After about an hour, you need to mix all the components and add water;

We clean the garlic from the skin and chop finely with a knife;

Approximately 15-16 minutes before the end of cooking, add garlic to all components and mix;

We extinguish until a beep sounds;

You can additionally after cooking, hold in the "Heating" mode for half an hour. This will give the dish softness, tenderness and juiciness;

The finished dish can be served with a side dish of vegetables. It can also be sprinkled with chopped dill.

Meat baked in pieces

  • 2 kilograms of beef meat;
  • Garlic - half a head;
  • 2 carrots;
  • A little salt and, if desired, ground black pepper;
  • A little fragrant Provence herbs;
  • Vegetable oil.


  1. A piece of beef should be washed with cold water and cleaned of veins, films and excess fat. Spread on a paper towel and dry;
  2. Peel the garlic cloves and chop into small strips;
  3. We peel the peel from the carrot with a knife and chop it in the form of straws;
  4. Further narrow sharp knife we make small punctures in a piece of meat;
  5. Rub the fillet with a mixture of salt and seasonings. The most fragrant meat is obtained if it is rubbed with a mixture of Provence herbs;
  6. Then sprinkle with ground black pepper and put in a baking bag;
  7. Tie tightly and leave in a cold place overnight;
  8. After that, we take it out of the bag and put it in a multicooker cup, add vegetable oil;
  9. We set the "Frying" mode and fry the piece on all sides until golden color. Fry each side for 15-20 minutes;
  10. Change the mode to "Extinguishing" and cook for 2 hours;
  11. In the process of stewing, the piece should be turned over several times;
  12. After full cooking, it must be cooled and cut in a chilled state into thin slices.

How to cook a pork dish

Components that will be required:

  • A kilogram of pork pulp;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • Mustard - 200 grams;
  • 2 large spoons natural honey;
  • Vegetable (regular) oil;
  • Salt and, if desired by the cook, black ground pepper.


  1. Pork must be washed with water and cleaned of all excess. It is advisable to leave it in cold water for 2-3 hours, during which time all harmful substances will come out of it;
  2. Then we take it out of the water and dry it on a paper towel;
  3. Mix salt and black pepper in a bowl. We thoroughly rub all sides of the piece with these components;
  4. Peel the skin off the garlic cloves and chop them into small pieces or squeeze through the garlic;
  5. On a piece we make small cuts and rub with the passed garlic;
  6. Next, in a bowl, mix the mustard with honey until a homogeneous consistency;
  7. We coat the meat with this mixture and leave to marinate for 2-3 hours;
  8. After that, put the marinated fillet into a multicooker, pour in sunflower oil (growth) and fry for 20-22 minutes in the “Baking” mode;
  9. Then we turn the piece over, select the “quenching” program and stew in own juice until ready. The pork will be ready in about 3 hours;
  10. We take out the finished meat from the multicooker and put it on a plate;
  11. Cut into thin slices and serve with great pleasure;
  12. This dish will good option for holiday treats.

Frying meat with a slow cooker

Component products:

  • Pulp of beef or pork - 600-700 grams;
  • Vegetable (regular) oil;
  • Salt and, if desired, ground black pepper;
  • Seasonings dry - to taste.


  1. The fillet must be well cleaned with cold water and remove all excess. We dry it with a paper towel and a towel;
  2. Next, cut it across the fibers into 6 equal pieces;
  3. In a small bowl, mix salt, ground black pepper and dry seasonings. Rub the meat on all sides with this mixture;
  4. We place it in a cellophane bag and beat it well with a special hammer;
  5. Then pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker, select the “Baking” program and heat the oil;
  6. Put the pieces of meat into the heated oil and fry them on both sides for 5-8 minutes;
  7. Approximately 3 pieces will fit at a time;
  8. After the meat is ready, it must be left in oil for 10-15 minutes, and then put on a plate;
  9. The finished dish can be served with vegetables, cereals and salads.

How to cook beef

What we need:

  • 200 grams of carrots;
  • Beef - 500 grams;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Black peppercorns - optional
  • Lavrushka - 2 pieces;
  • A little salt.


  1. Carrots should be washed and peeled off with a knife. Peeled carrots cut into small strips;
  2. Peel the garlic cloves and crush them with a press. They can also be finely cut with a knife or rubbed with a fine grater;
  3. We thoroughly wash the beef fillet and remove excess veins and films. We make small cuts with a knife;
  4. Put carrot sticks and chopped garlic into the cut holes;
  5. After that, put the meat in the multicooker container, pour a glass of water and select the "Soup" mode;
  6. Cooking meat for 3 hours. In the process of cooking, the meat must be periodically turned over;
  7. Also do not forget to salt it, add lavrushka and peas of allspice black pepper;
  8. After the beep, we take the meat out of the multicooker and transfer it to a flat wide plate;
  9. The cooled piece must be cut into thin slices and served on the table.

Pork with mushrooms and garlic

What components need to be prepared:

  • 600 grams of pork;
  • Half a kilogram of champignons;
  • 200 grams of onion;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Glass of water;
  • Vegetable (regular) oil;
  • A little salt and spices.


  1. Pork should be washed with cold water and dried with a paper towel;
  2. Cut the dried meat into portions;
  3. We wash the champignons, clean and cut into thin slices;
  4. Peel the husk from the onion and cut into small pieces;
  5. We peel the skin from the garlic cloves and chop them with a knife into small pieces;
  6. Pour oil into the container of the multicooker and heat it;
  7. After that, put a piece of meat, plates of mushrooms, pieces of onion and garlic there. Mix everything thoroughly;
  8. Salt, add ground pepper and spices. Mix well again;
  9. Select the "Extinguishing" mode and simmer for about an hour. Every 20 minutes, all ingredients must be mixed;
  10. 20 minutes before readiness, pour everything with water and mix. If desired, you can put a couple of leaves of lavrushka;
  11. After the meat is ready, you need to take it out on a flat plate, and put stewed mushrooms on top;
  12. This treat can be served with a side dish of rice and vegetables.

Meat goulash with buckwheat

You will need the following:

  • Beef or pork - 500 grams;
  • 300 grams of buckwheat;
  • One bulb;
  • Carrot - 1 piece;
  • Half a liter of water;
  • Lavrushka - 2 pieces;
  • Vegetable (regular) oil;
  • Salts and spices.


  1. We clean the meat with cold water and cut into equal squares;
  2. We place them in the capacity of the multicooker, pour vegetable oil and fry in the "Baking" mode for about 15-20 minutes;
  3. Remove the skins from onions and carrots and chop with a knife in the form of straws;
  4. Next, add vegetables to the meat and fry for about 20 minutes;
  5. Thoroughly rinse buckwheat with water and put it in a slow cooker with the rest of the ingredients;
  6. Salt everything, season with spices and add Bay leaf;
  7. We set the "Buckwheat" or "Rice" mode and cook for about 20-30 minutes until fully cooked;
  8. We lay out the finished porridge with meat on plates and serve it on the table.

The meat cooked in the multicooker assistant will turn out very juicy and fragrant. If it is additionally marinated and rubbed with spices, it will be even tastier and more aromatic. This treat will go well with vegetables, cereals and any salads.

It can also be used as a holiday treat. Be sure - everyone will like it: both guests and your family.

How to cook meat in a slow cooker (Panasonic, Polaris, Redmond, etc.) and how much to cook it for soup? For cooking meat, a multicooker is the most suitable and modern kitchen appliance. It turns out very tasty and healthy. Also, meat cooked in a slow cooker can be used for salads or passed through a meat grinder and made filling for pancakes. You can also cook, and.

To cook meat in a slow cooker, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of meat (beef or pork);
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • water;
  • salt.

How to cook meat in a slow cooker: recipe

To cook meat in a slow cooker, rinse the whole piece well with cold water. Pat dry and cut into medium pieces. Dried meat is easier to cut.

Put the meat for cooking in the slow cooker. Pour in water to cover the meat. Add salt, put garlic cloves and bay leaf. If you like spices, you can also add them for aroma and taste.

Close the multicooker lid. Plug in the pot. Select a program. Set cooking time. On the "Stew" or "Soup" program, cook the meat for 1.5 hours. Pork is cooked in 1 hour. When the meat is cooked in the slow cooker, you will hear a signal. The meat pot will switch to keep warm mode.

It happens that it is necessary to boil the meat in a slow cooker whole piece, then we proceed as follows. Stuff the washed meat with garlic. Put it in the multicooker. Pour water up to half of the piece of meat. Salt the water a little more than to taste.

Add a tablespoon of dried parsley and a tablespoon of dried dill. Close the pot lid. Cook meat in a slow cooker this case should be on the "Extinguishing" mode for 2-3 hours (beef is cooked for 3 hours). In the middle of the process of cooking meat in a slow cooker, turn it over to the other side.

Now you know how to cook meat in a slow cooker - it's really simple. Cool the meat cooked in the slow cooker. Serve for breakfast, cut into slices. Bon appetit!

Read other recipes for the multicooker. You can cook delicious meals!

Meat in a slow cooker can be cooked in all ways: boil, stew, bake and fry. Ours can do everything smart assistant! Thanks to the so-called 3D heating, the meat in the slow cooker cooks evenly, and gentle modes allow you to soften even the most unfortunate pieces.

Let's figure out how to cook meat in a slow cooker in all its modes. And we will start, perhaps, with the simplest option - cooking.

Cooked meat , served cold, can be a great alternative to store-bought meat delicacies. The main thing is to choose suitable piece and don't miss the salt and fragrant roots. For cooking, you need to choose a tenderloin with the minimum amount fat and veins. So that the meat does not give all the juices into the broth during cooking, the meat must be sealed with boiling water. The algorithm is: rinse and dry paper towels boil meat, water separately (in a kettle or on a stove, in a slow cooker it will be much longer), salt it and pour it into a bowl. Turn on the “Stew” or “Soup” mode, lower the meat into the bowl and close the lid. After an hour, remove the foam with a perforated spoon (if there is a little left, don’t worry, it will all settle), add a whole onion, parsley root, carrot and a piece of celery root to the bowl - be careful with it, not everyone likes it. Close the lid and turn on the same mode for another couple of hours. If you don't want to bother with sealing the meat in boiling water, simply place all the ingredients in a bowl and cover with clean, cold water. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 3 hours, and that's it!

broth from boiled meat can be used as a base for sauce or soup. The meat, having cooled and cooled in the refrigerator, is served, cut across the fibers into slices 1 cm thick, with various sauces, or simply on sandwiches.

The same beef, which no one wants to mess with on the stove, turns out to be especially tender and fragrant if it is cooked with vegetables in the same “Stew” mode, but without adding water, practically in its own juice.

Beef with prunes, onions and Borodino bread (holiday dish)

1 kg beef pulp,
5-7 heads of onions,
20-22 pcs. prunes,
4 tbsp good tomato paste
½ loaf of Borodino bread,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf - to taste.

Cut the washed beef large pieces and fry in the multicooker bowl in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, sprinkling with half a teaspoon of sugar. Stir constantly so that the sugar, mixing with the secreted juices, forms golden crust on meat. When the meat is browned, pour in the vegetable oil, and when it warms up, put the onion cut into half rings. Cook in the same mode for 5-7 minutes. Then put the washed prunes, tomato paste, a little water, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour. Half an hour after the start of stewing, add the crumb of Borodino bread to the bowl, mix. It is best to add salt and spices to this dish at the end, when the signal for the end of the mode sounds. After that let it stand ready meal for 10-15 minutes in the heating mode.

The sugar in this recipe works not only as a color, but also softens the meat.

You can stew in a slow cooker not only beef, of course. Pork in tomato juice, you will get just great.

Pork stewed in tomato juice

1 kg pork tenderloin,
1-2 stack. tomato juice
2-3 garlic cloves,
1-3 bulbs
salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil - to taste.

Cut the onion into thin half rings and sauté it for a small amount vegetable oil in the "Baking" mode until transparent. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces, add to the bowl, pour tomato juice, add spices, set the "Stew" mode for 1-1.5 hours.

If you add potatoes to this recipe, you get almost goulash.

The "Baking" or "Frying" mode allows you to get an appetizing golden brown on meat. Just look how much interesting dishes you can cook using this mode!

For meat lovers in French, a multicooker is simply irreplaceable. Only in it the meat will never dry out and will always reach readiness, remaining juicy and tender. Pork is especially delicious. But what are we all about pork and beef? The turkey in the slow cooker is simply amazing.

Turkey "A la meat in French"

600-700 g turkey fillet,
3-4 bulbs
2 tomatoes
100 g of hard cheese,
mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, herbs - to taste.

Cut the turkey fillet into pieces, salt, pepper and fry in the multicooker bowl in the “Baking” mode on one side. When the pieces are reddened, turn them over, brush with mayonnaise, lay out a layer of chopped onion rings, put tomato slices on top of it, sprinkle with grated cheese, close the lid and leave to cook in the same mode for 50 minutes.

Marinated meat fried in a slow cooker

1 kg pork tenderloin or tender veal,
2-3 ripe kiwis
2 sweet fleshy peppers,
3-4 bulbs
salt, black ground pepper, ground coriander- according to taste and desire.

meat cut portioned pieces(not too small) and place in a bowl. Grind kiwi into puree, peeling it from the skin. bow and Bell pepper cut into half rings. Add kiwi, onion and pepper to the bowl with meat, salt, pepper, mix and leave to marinate for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator. Then put everything in a bowl, set the “Baking” mode for 40-45 minutes. Turn over once (20 minutes after the start of the mode).

Remember the recipe for this marinade - it will come in handy on summer barbecue trips!

By the way, in a slow cooker you can easily cook chicken pastrami. There is even nothing to describe here - fill in two chicken fillets without skin with water and salt (for 3 cups - 2 tablespoons of salt) and leave in the refrigerator for a day. So the meat will become dense and moderately salted. Then roll the fillet in any spices or fragrant herbs, put in a bowl (do not pour oil!) And turn on the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes. Immediately after the signal, turn off the multicooker and leave the fillet to ripen for 8 hours.

This is one of the most simple options, which will beat off any desire to look into the meat departments of supermarkets. But pork tenderloin can also be prepared for the festive table. And it won't be hard!

Pork ham

1 kg pork with a small layer of fat,
5-6 garlic cloves,
1 tsp ground coriander,
1 tsp aromatic dried herbs
1 tsp a mixture of peppers (peas),
1.5 tsp salt.

Wash and dry the meat. Cut the garlic into slices. With a sharp narrow knife, make deep punctures in the meat and stuff them with garlic. Garlic slices can be rolled in aromatic herbs. Mix salt and spices, rub the meat with this mixture, put it on foil and cover with the remaining garlic on all sides. Tighten the foil tightly, in several layers, and put the meat in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then put the meat in the bowl, set the "Baking" mode for 75 minutes, and after the signal, leave it for 15 minutes in the heating mode.

Instead of garlic, stuff the meat with strips of carrots, and rub the meat for pickling with a mixture of mustard, vegetable oil and spices for meat.

Here is such a different meat in a slow cooker. We did not have time to talk about steamed meat or duet dishes, but all this can be found on the pages of our website.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Any meat dish cooked in a slow cooker outperforms meat cooked by one of traditional methods: in a frying pan, saucepan, oven. The main advantage of this preparation is that all products that have undergone long-term heat treatment retain their beneficial features. The fat content in this dish is minimal. Meat in a slow cooker comes out light, dietary, steamed, and has pleasant taste and appetizing aroma. It can be prepared as a separate independent dish, as well as in combination with other products: cereals, vegetables, spices. And each recipe won't take too long. Stewed meat in a slow cooker is very convenient.

For cooking meat dishes in a slow cooker, any kind of meat is suitable: pork, beef, rabbit meat, chicken, as well as game that has tough meat, which softens very well as a result of steaming.

The combination with other products allows the meat to be enriched with new flavors, which gives the dish piquancy and unusual flavors. taste qualities. They turn out great: stewed potatoes with meat in a slow cooker, cabbage with meat in a slow cooker, buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker, rice with meat in a slow cooker, meat with vegetables in a slow cooker and others. The simplest dish, for example, potatoes with meat in a slow cooker, becomes something special, very tasty and satisfying.

Special attention should be paid to such dishes, which have received special distribution and which are especially spicy and interesting in a slow cooker: pepper, stuffed with meat in a slow cooker, stew with meat in a slow cooker, French meat in a slow cooker. These dishes can be a decoration for any holiday table, they are always welcome among the most demanding guests. Therefore, every housewife should have at her disposal several meat dishes in a slow cooker. Their recipes are varied and attractive. The easiest and fastest way to cook such meat in a slow cooker, the recipe with a photo of which on our website you liked more than others.

There are several tricks on how to cook meat in a slow cooker. We share them:

Do not cook from old meat, the dish will be tough;

The older the meat, the longer it takes to cook;

Use fleshy pieces of meat, tenderloin, etc., sinewy and bony pieces are best taken for cooking first courses or for minced meat;

Poorly suited for use in a slow cooker and frozen pieces of meat;

The meat should be pink but not dark in color;

The bowl of the multicooker must first be lubricated with oil. The food bowl must be inserted into the body of the device and turned slightly counterclockwise, the bowl must be in close contact with the heater;

When closing the multicooker, you must definitely hear a click. This will indicate that the lid is closed correctly. If this does not happen, the lid will not lie tightly, in which case the dish may not cook well, and this will not benefit the slow cooker itself.
