
Cooking pilaf in the microwave recipes. Cooking pilaf in the microwave recipes with photos


Pork (fillet) - 600 g

Carrots - 150 g

Onion - 150 g

Garlic - 4 cloves (about 12 g)

Rice (steamed) - 350 g

Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Salt - 1.5 tsp.

Black ground pepper - 0.2 tsp.

Seasoning for meat - 1 tsp.

Dried barberry - 1 tbsp. l.

Water (boiling water) - 400 ml

Cooking method

1. Wash the pork under running cold water, pat dry with paper towels and cut into medium pieces.

2. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips.

3. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

4. Peel the garlic and cut each clove in half lengthwise.

5. Rinse the rice well under running cold water.

6. Fry the meat and onions with vegetable oil in a pan over high heat for 10 minutes.

7. Then, transfer the fried pork with onions to a suitable dish for the microwave oven, in which you will cook pilaf.

8. Now add salt, pepper, meat seasoning, barberry to the meat and mix everything thoroughly.

9. Put rice on top and level it.

10. Push the garlic into the rice, evenly over the entire surface.

11. Put raw grated carrots on rice.

12. Then pour all this gently with boiling water.

13. Cover and microwave at maximum power for 20 minutes.

14. Then remove the pilaf, discard the garlic and mix everything thoroughly.

15. Now cover again and cook in the microwave at maximum power for 5 minutes.

16. At the end of the cooking time, leave the pilaf for another 10 minutes.

Microwaved pork pilaf is served hot with fresh vegetables.

I cook pilaf in the microwave for a long time and quite often. The result is not always the same, especially when it needs to be shown - as in this case.

Pilaf always turns out very tasty, but sometimes there are problems with its friability. If you give a little extra water, you will get, although quite tasty, but rice porridge with meat. So be sure to take this into account. In the ingredients, I gave the correct amount of water, given that the rice is pre-soaked. And when cooking, I lost sight of it and, out of habit, poured it in a 1: 1 ratio (I haven’t cooked for a long time), perhaps the rice was also a little small. I always use round Krasnodar rice (which was in pilaf - I don’t know, they bought it and poured it into a mold without me). I beg your pardon, now the rice is not crumbly ((I will attach a photo of the resulting pilaf in the microwave later.

In the microwave, rice acquires a completely different taste than cooked on the stove (I already wrote this once). And this is absolutely true. I like to cook in the microwave and rice porridge, and rice for a side dish for that very reason.

So, take the products on the list.

Rinse the rice well, changing the water several times. Then fill the rice with water and leave until the turn comes to it.

Cut the onion and carrot into thin sticks.

Pour sunflower oil into a microwave-safe saucepan, put onions and carrots, put in the microwave at maximum power for 3 minutes, covering each time with a lid. After each shutdown of the oven, you need to wait a bit until the temperature is evenly distributed over the contents.

Cut the pork into medium-sized pieces.

Add the pork to the pan and repeat the procedure with the fry again.

We take out the pan, mix the contents and add spices. Warm up again for 1 minute.

Add drained rice and clean water.

We level the surface and set for 10 minutes at a power of 80%.

We take out. There should be almost no water left in the rice. Salt the pilaf to taste, add whole cloves of garlic if desired. We mix, put the pilaf in the microwave for 5-6 minutes at maximum power without a lid.

Pilaf is ready. You can add more spices, it's for everyone's taste. For a gentle diet, such a pilaf is just right. It turns out to be more delicate in taste, because there are no roasts, both meat and vegetables. Sometimes I combine cooking on the stove and in the microwave - I do the first part on the stove (brine), and after adding rice, I put it in the microwave. Such a pilaf turns out to be more similar to a regular one.

Serve microwaved pilaf sprinkled with fresh herbs, pickles or salad.

Bon appetit!

  1. Chicken breast - 500 gr.
  2. Rice - 1.5 cups.
  3. Large onion - 1 pc.
  4. Carrots - 2 pcs.
  5. Spices - 1 tsp.
  6. Salt - to taste.
  7. Garlic - 2 cloves.
  8. Tomato paste - 2 table / l.
  9. Vegetable oil - half a glass.

Cooking method:

Rinse rice groats and soak in warm water for 30 minutes. Divide the chicken breast into pieces. Pass the carrot through a grater, or cut into thin strips.

Chop the onion with a quarter of the rings. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the meat until white for about 5 minutes. Then, together with the onion, for another 5 minutes. Remember to stir. And after adding the carrots, continue frying for 5 minutes.

Then fill with boiling water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes until the chicken is done. When extinguishing, the lid must be closed.
After the elapsed time, finish cooking zirvak by adding spices, salt and tomato paste. Mix all the ingredients and simmer for literally 3-4 minutes.

Put chicken meat with vegetables (zirvak) in a cup. Drain the water from the cereal and place the rice on the zirvak, simultaneously leveling the layer of cereal. Pour boiling water over the rice grains by 0.5 cm. Close the container and place the bowl in the microwave.
Set the appliance on high power for 5 minutes to bring the liquid to a boil. Then switch to low power for 20 minutes.

Leave to stand in the oven for 10 minutes under the lid, and only then remove and mix.
Pilaf with chicken in the microwave is ready to eat. After covering with a flat dish, turn the contents of the cup onto a dish. Prepare salads in advance.
Bon appetit!

Pilaf with pork in the microwave

The recipes that I will bring to your attention are slightly different from each other.

  1. Pork fillet - 400 gr.
  2. Rice groats - 1 cup.
  3. Large onion - 1 pc.
  4. Carrot - 1 pc.
  5. Garlic - 1 head.
  6. Vegetable oil - ? glass.
  7. Seasonings for pilaf - 1 tsp.
  8. Salt - to taste.

How to cook pilaf in the microwave

Cut the meat and onion into small cubes. Carrots in thin strips. Fry the meat in a frying pan in hot oil for 5 minutes.

And, adding the onion first, continue to fry for 5 minutes. And then with carrots for another 5 minutes.

Add spices, salt. Pour boiling water 1.5 cm above the level of zirvak and put the head of garlic, having previously peeled the dry husk and cut off the rhizome. Simmer on a fire slightly above average for 15 minutes, covered with a lid.

Then load the washed and strained cereals into the frying bowl. Lay the zirvak from the pan on top. Mix with rice, pour boiling water 1 cm above the level of the contents of the bowl, and close the lid.

You send it to the microwave, setting it to full power for 25 minutes and waiting for the signal. Leave in the oven for 10 minutes.

After that, take out the pilaf and mix it. Put into bowls and serve.

Bon appetit!

Pilaf with meat in the microwave

Meat without bones (beef or pork) - 500 gr.
Onion - 1 pc.
Carrots - 2 pcs.
Groats (rice) - 1.5 cups.
Vegetable oil - 100 gr.
Salt, spices - to taste.
Bay leaf - 2 pcs. (optional).
Ground paprika - 1 tsp.


If you use pork, then you should separate the fat and cut into small pieces. Cut the meat a little larger. Onion chop a quarter rings. Carrots in thin strips.
In a frying pan or cauldron, when using lard, fry the fat, turning it into cracklings. Then add vegetables and fry for 10 minutes on a medium-high flame, stirring occasionally. Extend frying after adding oil, salt and laying meat for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, set the pan aside.
Pour well-washed rice into a baking dish.

Gently spread the fried meat with vegetables on the cereal with a spoon. Drain the oil and juices from the pan.

Now is the time to lay the paprika, spices and bay leaves. Pour in one and a half cups of boiled hot water. Close the package with the latch (clip) included in the package. Set the bag in a flat plate with sides to prevent the juices from spreading over the microwave.

Set the average microwave power for 35 minutes and wait for the signal. After the signal, do not open the package for 10 minutes. Then put the finished pilaf in a dish and mix. The taste of pilaf cooked in this way is in no way inferior to what we feel when we cook on the stove in a cauldron.

Bon appetit!

Pilaf with beef in the microwave

Recipe Ingredients:

  1. Beef fillet - 400 gr.
  2. Onion - 1 pc.
  3. Carrot - 1 pc.
  4. Rice - 1 cup.
  5. Salt - to taste.
  6. Salad oil - a quarter cup.
  7. Seasonings - 1 tsp.

First, semi-finished products are prepared: meat is cut into small pieces, carrots are passed through a grater, onions are cut into cubes.
In a separate frying pan, heat the oil and fry the meat until brown. Then, adding the onion, continue to fry for 5 minutes.
Fried onions with meat are placed in a heat-resistant bowl. Sprinkle with salt and seasonings. They spread well-washed rice and cover the contents with a layer of grated carrots. Pour a glass of water, close the container with a lid and send it to the microwave. Set high power for 20 minutes. After the signal, leave in the oven for another 10 minutes.
After that, they take out the bowl, mix the pilaf and, spreading it into plates, serve it on the table.

Bon appetit!

The recipes that you have read on this page can be used to cook pilaf from any meat (beef, pork, lamb). And the recipe with chicken is applicable for cooking from any part of the chicken (goose, turkey, etc.).

Calorie pilaf in the microwave with chicken \u003d 216 Kcal and meat \u003d 262 Kcal per 100 grams of ready-made food.

In the end, as usual, I offer you one video recipe for cooking pilaf in the microwave.

The rhythm of life of many modern women is very fast, so not every housewife can boast of a lot of free time to prepare culinary masterpieces for her family. Therefore, many women are looking for ways out of this situation. Further in this article are the simplest and most delicious recipes for cooking pilaf in the microwave with chicken or pork.

Smart home assistant - microwave

It is extremely difficult to argue with the statement that kitchen appliances make a woman's life much easier. Many household appliances provide housewives with the opportunity to prepare a variety of dishes that are distinguished by high taste and benefits for the human body.

One of these units that have become indispensable in the kitchen is a microwave, as in the photo below. This is a unique device with which you can cook delicious, healthy and original in appearance meals for the whole family. Very successful is rice pilaf with chicken in the microwave or the Polaris slow cooker.

And how to cook pilaf in the microwave in a matter of time and make it as tasty as possible, we will tell later in this article. After all, culinary masterpieces can be prepared from simple ingredients and with a minimum of time spent.

Simple pilaf recipes in the microwave

So, if you have a microwave in your forge or, in extreme cases, a Polaris multicooker, using such a device you can cook pilaf with pork in the microwave in the photo below, you can see such a dish in finished form. Not only does it look beautiful, but it is also very nutritious and tastes great.

Microwave pilaf ingredients

To make pilaf in the microwave with chicken with your own hands, you will need:

  • meat: pork, chicken and the like;
  • onions in the amount of 1-2 pieces. Discard the newfangled varieties of white, blue or pink onions. Only the usual golden onion should be added to pilaf;
  • carrots in the amount of 1-2 pieces;
  • rice - about 2 cups. If you prefer crumbly pilaf, it is better to purchase oblong-shaped steamed brown rice. If you like “wet” pilaf, then it is better to choose round white rice;
  • seasonings to taste. The most popular in this aspect are paprika, a mixture of peppers, dried barberry, dried garlic, dill, basil and the like;
  • salt to taste.

Of course, this is the most common version of the countless recipes for this dish that exist today, describing step by step all the stages of work.

On the Internet on culinary forums, you can find other recipes for pilaf in the microwave with a photo. This will allow you to diversify your diet and try to give the usual dish an even more original and improved taste. And the photo will show how the dish should look like.

How to cook pilaf in the microwave?

First, prepare all the products described above.

  1. Peel onions and carrots. Next, the onion and chicken meat are cut into cubes, the carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater or cut into strips at the choice of the hostess. Rice must be washed thoroughly. To do this, you need to rinse it in at least 6 clean waters;
  2. Next, chopped chicken and onions need to be fried in sunflower oil in a pan;
  3. Now you should choose a container of the right size for the microwave, in which they put fried chicken with onions in layers, sprinkling them with seasonings and salt, then rice, then grated raw carrots. Then the container with the ingredients will need to be poured with boiling water in an amount that is equal in volume to the amount of rice. Conventionally, two cups of rice are poured with two cups of boiling water. Now you need to put the dish in the microwave for a quarter of an hour.

Note that the actual cooking time may increase in several cases:

  • you decide to cook a large amount of pilaf for a large family;
  • your microwave is low power.

After the time is up, the dish is taken out of the microwave, stirred and tested for readiness. If the rice is not boiled enough, you can put the pilaf in the microwave for a few more minutes. The photo below shows such a dish in finished form.

We hope you enjoyed our microwave pilaf recipes. In the video below, we will once again describe in detail the entire process of preparing such a dish in a microwave oven step by step. Be sure to check it out to please your family with a delicious dinner made from simple ingredients in minimal time.

One of the most favorite dishes of oriental cuisine is plov. It is eaten with great pleasure by both adults and children. This dish can decorate any festive table. But, in order for pilaf to turn out especially tasty and fragrant, you need to know some nuances. This is what we will talk about next. And also you will learn how to cook pilaf in the microwave. Let's start with history.

Curious facts

We think that it will be very interesting for many readers to read about where pilaf was first cooked, as well as other interesting information about this dish. We invite you to get acquainted with some interesting facts.

  • A popular rice dish has been around for a very long time. According to some sources, in the second century BC. There are a large number of legends associated with the invention of pilaf. According to one of them, this dish was invented by the cooks of Alexander the Great.
  • Many housewives are well aware that pilaf is best cooked in a special pan with thick cast-iron walls or a cauldron. But, not everyone knows that in ancient times, lamb skin served as a container for preparing a dish loved by many people.
  • In the East, it is believed that pilaf is the work of only male hands. So if you want to try this dish in a classic version, then you should find a place where it is cooked by chefs familiar with oriental cuisine.
  • It will be interesting to know that in different countries of the world, not only rice is added to pilaf, but also wheat, peas, corn and even pasta.
  • Pilaf is not only a very tasty dish, it has the ability to instantly restore strength. It is no coincidence that it was cooked during conquests by cooks from various armies of the world.

Pilaf in the microwave

It is believed that this dish requires a special dish called a cauldron. But what if there is no such device in the household? Can't think of anything? We suggest you try to cook pilaf in the microwave. Such equipment is in almost every home. Pilaf in the microwave turns out to be very tasty and everyone who tries it likes it. Next, we will describe in detail what products you will need, as well as describe the entire sequence of actions.

Required Ingredients

There are a large number of options for cooking pilaf. Let's learn how to cook this dish according to the classic recipe. First of all, remember that all the main ingredients are taken in the same amount. You need to prepare the following set of products:

  • Carrot. It is best to take medium sizes.
  • Rice - one kilogram. Most suitable long grain.
  • Spices - to taste. You can take pepper, turmeric, basil, mint, zira and much more. Or it’s easier to do it - buy a special set for pilaf in the store.
  • Onion - one kilogram.
  • Garlic - two heads.
  • Sunflower oil - half a glass.
  • For pilaf, we will definitely need meat. You can take beef, pork or chicken. The required amount is one kilogram.
  • Water - three to four glasses.


  1. Cooked meat must be thoroughly washed. If there is very little time for cooking, then take the chicken. Cut it into small pieces.
  2. Take an onion and peel it. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Carrots also need to be cut into thin sticks.
  4. Take a frying pan and pour sunflower oil on it.
  5. We spread the meat, fry for a few minutes.
  6. Add carrots. We fry everything together.
  7. Then add chopped onion.
  8. After a few minutes, add salt and the necessary spices. Including a peeled head (or two) of garlic.
  9. Boil water and pour the prepared mixture. The liquid should not only completely cover vegetables and meat, but also be one centimeter higher.
  10. The mixture must be simmered over medium heat under a lid. After ten to fifteen minutes, remove the pan from the stove.
  11. Take rice and wash it well.
  12. We need special dishes for the microwave. We shift the vegetables with meat into the bowl. Add cereal. We mix everything. We need boiling water. Fill the resulting mass with liquid. The water should be one centimeter above the contents of the bowl. Close the lid and put in the microwave.
  13. We set the cooking time: twenty-five - thirty minutes. After we let the pilaf brew for some time.
  14. Pilaf is served hot to the table.
  15. Bon appetit!

Now you know perfectly well how to cook pilaf in the microwave with chicken or other types of meat. But, how to make it more crumbly and fragrant? We suggest you use some secrets.

  • If you want the rice in pilaf to be more crumbly, be sure to rinse it well. The water needs to be changed several times.
  • Of great importance is the choice of meat for cooking pilaf (you have already learned how to make it in the microwave). For a real classic dish, lamb or beef is most suitable. Many housewives like to use chicken meat. But if you are an adherent of the classics, then it is best to opt for beef.
  • Carrots and onions are traditionally added to pilaf. Please remember that vegetables are cut into large pieces.
  • The wrong selection of spices for pilaf in the microwave (the recipe is presented in this article) can spoil the taste of the finished dish. What are the best seasonings to add? Ready-made pilaf kits are sold in stores, which include all the necessary spices. But, some housewives prefer to buy all seasonings separately. When preparing pilaf, you will definitely need pepper, garlic, as well as such a spice as zira. It will not be difficult to purchase all the necessary ingredients, but the pilaf will turn out to be tasty and fragrant.

Let's summarize

Pilaf in the microwave (a recipe with a photo is presented in this article) is a great option not only for everyday, but also for a festive table. Juicy pieces of meat, fragrant seasonings and spices, unusually delicious rice... Having tried at least one spoonful of this marvelous dish, you definitely want more. Thanks to a detailed description of the preparation of pilaf (which we proposed in the article), you will definitely get a real culinary masterpiece. Cook with love and delight your loved ones!
