
The harm of hot honey. Can honey be added to hot tea? All for and against

For centuries, honey has been considered one of the most beneficial biological products for health. All over the world, only this sweet does not have an expiration date, and the substance that archaeologists sometimes find in ancient times during excavations of ancient settlements ceramic dishes, is still edible. And yet, honey can be harmful or at least useless as a healing substance, precisely because people very often put it in hot tea.

Loses all useful properties

There are more than a dozen types of honey, its shades range from light amber to burning brown. The aroma and color of the product depends on the plants from which honey bees collect nectar. But true medicinal value and the benefits of honey are determined by the so-called diastase number - the number of amylase enzymes in one unit of volume. Diastase is measured in conventional Gothe units, named after the French researcher, who back in 1914 proposed a method for determining the naturalness and quality of honey by its diastase activity. In Soviet times, GOST was adopted, establishing a quantitative indicator of the diastase number of honey produced in different regions THE USSR. Honey with a level from 3 to 50 Gote units was considered natural and corresponding to GOST. And, of course, the one with the highest scores was the most useful product.

Honorary beekeeper of Ukraine and Chief Editor magazine "Bjolyar circle" V. A. Solomka in his book "A word about honey. Technologies. Properties”, published in 2012 in Kyiv, talks about how the diastase number of honey changes under the influence of hot water. It is based on the results of research by well-known Soviet scientists and indicates that honey, getting into water at a temperature of about 30 ° C, loses the amount of diastase by exactly half in 200 days. In water at a temperature of 60 ° C, the number of diastase units is also reduced by half, but in 1 day. At a temperature of 80 ° C and above, that is, in boiling water, with which people usually brew tea, the amount of diastase also decreases by exactly 50%, but already in an hour. That is, whatever useful honey, in a glass of hot liquid, it loses half of its healing properties, and that's not all. The same V. A. Solomka notes that in water at 45 ° C, invertase is destroyed in honey - catalyzing the breakdown of sucrose into glucose and fructose. At 50 ° C, diastase begins to break down, at 60 ° C, the destruction of proteins, vitamins, enzymes, enzymes and other biologically active substances occurs. active substances, and at 70 ° C - there is an intense loss of aromatic substances of the product. In other words, heating honey to a temperature of 90-100 ° C in 20 minutes almost completely deprives it of its bactericidal activity. What is left in a cup of boiling water after a spoonful of honey is placed in it and stirred? There you can find only a specific taste of sugar and nothing else.

Transforms into a carcinogen

Several years ago, German researchers from the Heidelberg University named after Ruprecht and Karl became interested in the destruction of the structure of honey under the influence of high temperature. Honey is very often used in the cooking of this country for the preparation of pies, creams, sweets and other dishes and products. Scientists conducted a series of tests with this substance, heating it to 95 ° C. They definitely found out that the sugars contained in honey begin to change. They not only invert and caramelize, but also undergo the Maillard reaction - melanoidin formation.

At the same time, many new substances are formed, including those with a very complex, and, as German scientists found out, very dangerous chemical structure. As a result of the Maillard reaction, methylglyoxals are released, which today are considered one of the important causes of aging in the body. These substances enter the cells internal organs, accumulate and cause them to age and then die at an increased rate. In addition, when natural honey is heated even to a temperature of 60 ° C, the fructose it contains turns into hydroxymethylfurfural. And this chemical compound is unequivocally considered by German doctors to be a carcinogen. Once in the stomach, it can cause not only heartburn and gastritis, but even oncological disease. True, in both cases, these substances, which are formed in honey under the influence of high temperature, become the most dangerous for health, only in cases of their long-term accumulation in the body. That is, from a one-time misuse honey, which is heated with boiling water or other heat treatment, but above 60 ° C, something is unlikely to happen to a person. But if you regularly dissolve the bee treat in a glass of tea and drink it, then this is really a big health risk.

If you care about your health, then be sure to try to reduce your intake of sugar in your diet or, in general, eliminate it. And it will be right. But if the body requires carbohydrates, and you can not stand any of useful products can help you? Of course, a bee treat! Let's look at whether honey can be added to hot tea. We think that this question is of interest to many who respect this natural sweetness and strive to lead healthy lifestyle life.

Can honey be added to hot tea? Helpful or harmful?

Actually, this question interests us, as there are a lot of rumors and disputes on this topic. Some believe that - excellent tool from many diseases. Others argue that honey does not tolerate high temperatures. Under their influence, it turns from a useful product into an extremely harmful delicacy.

What does science say about this?

When natural honey is heated to a temperature of 60 degrees, the fructose contained in the product turns into a substance that has a very compound name- hydroxymethylfurfural. This compound is recognized by medical professionals as a carcinogen. It severely harms the human esophagus and stomach. It can cause not only heartburn and gastritis, but even cancer.

The cumulative effect of the substance is of great danger. That is from disposable the wrong product is unlikely to happen. But if you regularly dissolve the bee delicacy in boiling water and drink it, this is a big health risk. Therefore, now, if someone asks you a question about whether honey can be added to hot tea, you can describe its harm. And even be able to indicate the name of the poisonous substance.

What is the best way to drink tea with honey?

Since we found out that at temperatures above 60 degrees, the waste product of bees converts its fructose into harmful substance, then you should find out the following: how can you then use tea with honey?

Pretty simple. Optimum temperature the liquid that we drink and at the same time consider hot is from 40 to 45 degrees. Therefore, we can add our favorite treat into tea only after it has had time to cool down to desired temperature. And for this we absolutely do not need to use a thermometer or similar meters. It will be enough just to sip the drink. You will immediately feel that you can drink it. After that, it will be clear whether it is possible to add honey to hot tea at the current temperature.

Well, the second option, which nutritionists consider more correct, is that you can use this natural delicacy with a bite of tea. IN this case in honey, all beneficial features with which nature generously rewarded him.

Why sometimes candied draft?

Many consumers do not like candied honey at all. Another thing is when it is viscous, shiny and pours in a beautiful alluring stream. The aesthetic appearance of the product greatly affects our appetite and desire to purchase this product. Agree! However, if you care about your health, and you don’t have the right chemical laboratory at hand to distinguish fake from real honey, then consider some simple rules:

  1. Unscrupulous sellers can melt candied honey for the sake of its more profitable and "interesting" appearance that buyers will love. At the same time, during the process, the same hydroxymethylfurfural will be released into the product in dangerous amount for human health.
  2. When drinking candied honey with hot tea, you will eat much less of this sweetness, which will positively affect the state of the body. Yes Yes! Despite the fact that honey is a very useful product, it is strong allergen. And excess fructose will negatively affect endocrine system person.

What kind of honey is better to drink with tea?

We all know that there are many. For example, May, buckwheat, mixed herbs, floral version. There are even such exquisite varieties as sainfoin, white, coniferous and the like. But which one is better to drink with tea? Which of these types will be the best for health? Answer: the most the best option is the one you like best. We all have our preferences. Therefore, choose your favorite variety for tea drinking.

You should be aware that in some types of honey (especially in thick treats with the content of propolis), in addition to fructose, it also contains very important and useful amino acids and vitamins for humans. They curl up and die if exposed to temperatures above 42 degrees Celsius. They do not become as harmful as hydroxymethylfurfural, but they no longer bear any benefit. Draw your own conclusions.

What diseases are treated with tea with honey?

If we are talking about the benefits of tea with honey, then let's consider the following question: in what diseases do these two components have maximum benefit and have a healing effect? So, they will positively affect the body if a person has:

  • Colds or SARS. In acute respiratory viral infections, a plentiful warm drink is always recommended. In our case, it will be tea. Honey, as a component, helps to strengthen the immune system. The patient is more likely to recover faster.
  • Bronchitis. Tea with honey acts as an expectorant.
  • Allergy. Many people have intolerance flower pollen. Doctors practice the treatment of allergies according to the principle of "knock out with a wedge." They give the patient honey containing this pollen in small quantities, gradually increasing the dose as the body's resistance to it grows.
  • Weak immunity, especially in children. Regular use warm tea with honey during cold epidemics in kindergartens and schools, greatly helps to reduce the risk of morbidity in a child.


Let's summarize the questions: is it possible to add honey to hot tea, in which cases will the harm to the body be the highest? The answers are obvious here:

  1. At a tea temperature above 60 degrees, you should not add a delicacy to the drink in any case.
  2. To save more useful material honey (enzymes, amino acids and vitamins), it should be put in warm tea, the temperature of which is not higher than 42 degrees.
  3. If you drink tea with honey as a bite, it preserves the beneficial properties of natural delicacy as much as possible.

We hope that in this article I have most fully disclosed all the necessary information related to this issue. Therefore, if you need to explain to someone in life whether it is possible to add honey to hot tea, you can make iron arguments. Drink right tea with honey and be healthy!!!

Almost all beekeepers answer the question of whether it is possible to heat honey, they answer in the negative. So all its useful properties are lost, it turns into a toxic substance, it can be harmful to health. But, if you add a small amount of bee product to tea or milk, nothing bad will happen.

Optimum heating temperature

Many are interested in the question to what temperature the bee product is heated. It is important to know this, because this way you can save its useful substances in honey. It must be heated at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees, after which it brings harm, releases carcinogens.

Turning heated honey into poison

When the bee product is exposed to high temperatures, all important substances- sugar, beneficial enzymes, a dangerous carcinogenic substance, hydroxymethylfurfural, begins to be released. Because of this, all natural elements that are part of honey are destroyed. Carcinogen harmful and dangerous to gastrointestinal tract may be serious poisoning.

Not all heated nectar is harmful, the main thing is to follow the rules when preparing it. If you need a viscous soft consistency, you need to fold the nectar into glass container, close it, heat at a temperature of 40 degrees. This will make the product plastic.

Preservation of medicinal properties of the product after heating

Many do not understand why you can not use heated honey. Experienced beekeepers explain to them that in this way he loses all his micro and macro elements, remains sweet and delicious product, but it is of little use. It must be used in fresh, it does not need to be specially processed.

If you want to drink tea, it is best not to put the bee product in it, but eat and drink tea, so you fill the body with useful substances. A heated bee product at high temperatures loses everything useful elements, harms the body, turns into a clot of carbohydrates.

The use of heated honey for various purposes

In some situations, a heated product is needed, it is used as food supplement, added to cosmetics for the face, hair. Many pharmacological preparations use heated honey. Masks, creams with warmed bee product easier to apply.

Candied nectar is poorly soluble, the particles are hard and adversely affect the condition of the skin and hair. Also, this type of honey is poured into different vessels.

It is allowed to heat honey, but not at too high temperatures. If it exceeds 40 degrees, there will be syrup with sugar, without enzymes, glucose, fructose. The product starts to lose its color, become dark, sometimes it can be brownish. Lost bactericidal action, energy elements. This can happen when a person cooks medicine from a cold with milk and adds a bee product, such a drink is useless.

Harm of heated honey at temperatures above 60 degrees.

The color of the honey has changed to brown.

  1. The product changes from light to brown.
  2. The quality decreases depending on how quickly and for a long time the honey is heated.
  3. At high temperatures in honey, saccharides turn into carcinogens. If there are a large number of them, a heavily adulterated product is from a natural one. It is best to use the collected nectar fresh.

So that there are no problems with the product and it does not bring harm, it is important to follow some recommendations:

  1. Microwave. Often a microwave is used for heating, this cannot be done, because of the device all useful substances can be lost. A few minutes are enough for the product to become harmful and lose all its properties. Under no circumstances should this device be used for heating. You can use it only when you need a sweetener.
  2. Water bath. This is one of better ways heating, can be achieved required temperature. special tool no need, so everything will remain in honey useful components, the nutritional value product is not lost. Need to take large saucepan, pour water there, put a container with the product so that they do not interact. After the water boils, you need to turn on the gas, measure the degree of water with a thermometer.

Temperature control is an important condition, if it is not observed, the product will lose all its useful qualities, will be unusable. If honey is crystallized, it is just as useful as fresh honey, it contains vitamins, minerals, various enzymes, suitable for medicinal use.

The collected nectar can deteriorate if it is heated in a container made of metal, zinc steel. If there is a scratch, a crack somewhere in the galvanized utensil, the bee product darkens, appears bad smell gland. The product contains many different acids. The tannin actively interacts with iron, so a black product appears. Beekeepers are convinced that galvanized dishes adversely affect the state of honey, you can not use it, it is harmful.

For heating it is better to use enamelware, so you can protect the bee nectar from burning. Enamel does not destroy the substances contained in bee nectar. It is important to constantly stir the product, so it heats up faster and does not burn out.

Destruction of nutrients after heating

Most of all, fructose is affected when the bee product is heated, it first darkens, then disappears altogether, leaving sucrose, maltose, and glucose.

Often, when a person heats a bee product, an unpleasant odor comes from it. Why this happens, there is a lot of protein in honey. When heat is applied, the substance begins to decompose.

Different types of honey have their own temperature when heated. Light honey has pleasant aroma, can withstand high temperature. Buckwheat and clover varieties are heated to a temperature of 71 degrees.

Experiments carried out by beekeepers give a positive result, they give advice on which type of honey is most suitable for heating. They took a clover and buckwheat variety and checked how it would heat up at 71 degrees. After 4 hours, the wine, that the nectar from clover remained the same, but from buckwheat it acquired a cloudy shade, a dark dirty color. use such buckwheat honey prohibited.

It can be concluded that heated honey safe product, but not useful, can be harmful. If glucose and fructose break down in it when heated, it makes no sense to treat them. It is recommended to use fresh products only. It is allowed to warm up a little in a water bath. It is better to drink tea, milk, coffee with a bee product, without dissolving or heating it. If the recipe requires warming up the nectar, do it, it will not lose its taste, only its properties.

Instead of being treated with nectar, it can lead to serious consequences and lead to intoxication of the body, the accumulation of carcinogens, which negatively affects the functioning of blood vessels, kidneys, liver, stomach, and intestines. When it is necessary to warm up honey, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, temperature, only in this way the benefits, quality, naturalness are preserved, the body will not be harmed.

Why can't you put honey in hot tea?

    When heated above 60 degrees, a toxic substance is formed in mda, which accumulates in the body and can cause poisoning. People who drink hot tea with honey regularly run the risk of developing cancer of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is better to dissolve tea in warm tea or simply eat it with tea.

    For the same reason, it is undesirable to use melted MD, as well as use it in baking.

    You can put it. Just heat can destroy many useful substances. Accordingly, the benefits of honey are markedly reduced. If you consume it just for the taste, then add it. There will be no harm from this.

    hot tea with honey and just hot honey is not only useless, but also very dangerous for health!

    when honey is heated, a toxic substance (carcinogen) hydroxymethyl-furfural is formed in it. For a man it is poison! It is deposited in the liver and can cause cancer in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, honey can only be eaten unheated and in small quantities, since it consists of 90% sugar and is very high in calories.

    An experienced beekeeper told me that if I want to get all the benefits of natural honey, then I need to dissolve honey in warm water or tea. But by no means hot water or tea, since there will be no benefit, but there will simply be a translation valuable product. I have not heard about the formation of carcinogens when mda is added to hot tea, but I do not deny this fact. You can not bother at all and eat MD with tea. That's what I do, basically.

    When heated, honey loses its medicinal properties. Above 40 degrees, vitamins and enzymes begin to break down. If you put honey in hot tea, the benefits will be much less than just eating. Such hot tea can even be harmful because the high temperature oxidizes the fructose found in honey. This creates a carcinogen. Thus, instead of treatment, you can accidentally put poison into the body.

    It is believed that it loses all its beneficial properties. But I put honey in hot tea, I don’t know about the benefits for the body, but the taste of such tea is very pleasant. Yes, and when I was sick as a child, my grandmother always added a spoonful of honey to hot tea

    Because MD in hot water loses its properties. It contains vitamins, minerals, has antiseptic properties. Here in boiling water, all this usefulness is destroyed. Therefore, it is better to eat MD as a bite or dissolve it in warm water and drink it (without tea leaves).

    They say that honey loses its properties and vitamins in hot tea.

    It is advisable to put only in warm tea, although I put it in hot tea and everything helps me.

    It seems to me that these are all delusions, they have done this for centuries and nothing.

    I read that if honey is added to hot tea with a temperature of over 60 degrees, a dangerous carcinogen is formed in it, which causes malignant tumors and negatively affects nervous system man!

Honey is one of the most useful food products, the healing properties of which have been tested by time. But it turns out that we still know so little about him that we continue to retell funny and stupid myths to each other. It is worth figuring out what is true and what is fiction.

Honey loses its valuable qualities as soon as it has dried. Actually it is not! Honey in general is practically incapable of spoiling and, accordingly, losing its healing qualities. Therefore, the shelf life of honey, in principle, is unlimited. Interesting fact: small jars of honey have been found even in the tombs of the pharaohs. And when this honey was tested, it turned out that it still has all medicinal properties and has no changes in its composition. And in the process of crystallization of honey (what we call “candied”), not the properties of honey change, but only its physical state, that is, the consistency of honey and its color. At what any kind of honey crystallizes, but depending on the variety, honey is sugared from 3 weeks to 3 months.

By the way, in Soviet times there was even an official ban, according to which, after October 1, all liquid honey was seized from the bazaars. Because, in accordance with GOST, by this time the honey should crystallize. If this does not happen, then a counterfeit product has gone on sale.

"Health drink" - hot tea with honey Unfortunately, honey in hot tea is not only useless, but also dangerous! in the liver and soon become the cause food poisoning. And those who regularly drink hot tea with honey run the risk of getting cancer in the stomach or intestines. Therefore, honey can only be added to warm tea. Moreover, under the influence of boiling water in honey, all vitamins and enzymes are also destroyed.

Nutritionists assure that diluted honey in in large numbers liquid acts very slowly, and therefore healing effect, on which we rely so much during a cold, does not come very soon. It is much more useful to eat a couple of spoons of honey and only then drink them with tea. Since the tongue contains many small blood vessels, then honey will be instantly delivered to all vital organs.


Store-bought honey is artificial! This is not true. If the bank says it is natural honey, then he is. Another thing is that manufacturers, in order to honey long time kept liquid and did not sugar, add preservatives to it.

Besides, thick honey it is difficult to package, and for this, honey is subjected to special processing at the factory: passing through special filters, liquid honey is obtained. In this form, it is already easy to pour into a container. But this is the minus of "factory" honey. When heated in filters, honey loses almost all useful substances. Therefore, store-bought honey is tasty and safe, but the benefits for our health are very minimal!
