
Tatar triangles echpochmak from real dough. Video: Tatar echpochmaks effortlessly

өsbosmaҡ - "triangle") - Tatar and Bashkir National dish, a baked product made from yeast, less often unleavened dough, stuffed with potatoes, meat, usually lamb, and onions.

The defining feature of the dish is not its shape at all, but the method of preparation, in which the filling in echpochmak is put raw, unlike most other similar products.

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A little history about echpochmak

The culinary basis of the Tatar people is, of course, meat dishes and a variety of pastries. In the old days, the peoples roaming the steppes had cattle in abundance and were engaged in agriculture. Even having settled in the territories, the Tatars left behind the habit of cooking meat. But that is not all. Dough products, along with meat dishes, are also in high esteem in Tatar cuisine to this day, and especially echpochmaks, which appeared in classic version(meat + potatoes + onions) relatively recently - at about the same time as potatoes in Russia.

The main feature of echpochmak, the recipe of which will continue the excursion into the world of national Tatar cuisine, is the filling from raw ingredients and triangular shaped pastries. By the way, “ech” and “pochmak” in translation are three corners. I would like to note that echpochmaks in former USSR in popularity they were not inferior even to pies with potatoes. Recipes for their preparation can be found to this day in well-known publishing houses. Together with Hozoboz, we will consider one of the recipes for making these funny, juicy and tasty pies, which you will like for its speed, simplicity and correctness.

Composition of ingredients

Stuffing for echpochmak

  • Chilled veal - 500 grams;
  • Potato - 3 tubers;
  • Onion - 1 large head;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

simple dough

  • Butter - 1 pack;
  • Wheat flour - 3-4 tbsp.;
  • Village sour cream - 150 grams;
  • Village milk - 100 ml;
  • Salt.

For shaping and baking echpochmak

  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons (for dust);
  • Butter - 100 grams.

Cooking method

  1. We start cooking echpochmak in Tatar style with the filling. We clean the onion and potato tubers. Put them in a bowl and pour cold water.
  2. We wash and wipe the veal dry, and then cut into cubes. It is most convenient to do this if the piece of meat is slightly frozen.

  3. Then extract onion from water and also chop into small cubes.

  4. We combine chopped veal with onions. Salt and season with ground pepper. You can add spices at your discretion. Mix in minced meat.

  5. Potato tubers are cut into two parts, and then chopped into long straws. Finish cutting into cubes.

  6. Add potatoes to the meat with onions and mix everything well again - the filling for echpochmak is ready. You can send it to the refrigerator for now, but not for long.

  7. The next step is the dough for echpochmak and it will be cooked not in yeast, but in quick option. This is very acceptable. We take the oil out of the pack and pass it through fine grater.

  8. Sprinkle the buttermilk with flour and rub with your hands into crumbs. Let's run this whole thing rustic sour cream.

  9. Next, fill with warm milk.

  10. Mix very well with hands. soft dough. If the dough is too sticky, then add an additional portion wheat flour. Be sure to salt the mixture a little while kneading.

  11. We pack the resulting bun under the film and put it in freezer for 10 minutes. Then we take it out and put it on a cutting board treated with flour.

  12. We begin to roll out the dough on the surface into a thin tourniquet.

  13. Then we form small pieces of a round shape with a knife. Dip them in flour and arrange them on a cutting board.

  14. We roll out the blanks in thin cakes round shape, but this must be done so that in the middle the dough layer is slightly denser than at the edges.

  15. The filling in the amount of a teaspoon is alternately distributed into circles of dough, and it is supposed to place a cube on top of it butter- for juiciness.

  16. We complete the preparatory process by sculpting echpochmak - we glue the cakes with minced meat in the form of triangles.

  17. We send them to a baking sheet covered with a non-stick mat or parchment, and then to the oven, heated to 220 °.

  18. Bake for 30 minutes, but in a warmer oven. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, grease with a plentiful layer of ghee.

  19. Just-baked Tatar echmachmaks have an unusually delicious smell and literally dissolve in your mouth one by one. They pair well with meat broth and are suitable instead of bakery products.

Variations of the dish

Yeast echpochmaks are considered no less tasty, but more difficult to prepare. First you need to knead the dough with yeast, then wait for it to come up and only then start working on the filling. You can make triangles large sizes and make a hole in them, that is, do not connect the edges of the cakes at the top, but leave a small hole. Due to it, the meat is well baked. True, such Tatar pies be sure to fill it with broth so that the juiciness is not lost through this very hole in the echpochmak.

About the benefits of echpochmaks

Triangular echpochmaks are, first of all, very hearty meal. Veal pulp in combination with potatoes and onions, of course, are nutritious and healthy. vitamin products especially when not fried in oil. Baking itself is a source of carbohydrates, and they, in turn, are energy for the body. A bowl of broth with a couple of eaten echpochmaks - performance is ensured for the whole day. And let all those who are on a diet and refused flour, envy your good mood and cheerfulness. In conclusion, we note that all national recipes, presented in the reviews on Hozoboz, are not restaurant, therefore, they are easily applicable to home kitchen. Here we will be happy to tell you about other available brothers of Tatar pies on our pages. Come back often, you are always welcome!

Tatar and Bashkir cuisine are very diverse meat dishes and baking. Triangular pies echpochmaki with a hole in the middle, made from yeast or unleavened dough with lamb, onions, potatoes and spices, somewhat reminiscent of samsa. However, this is not surprising, since Tatar cuisine influenced by Tajik and Uzbek culinary traditions. The word "echpochmak" is translated as "triangle", hence it is clear why the products got such a name. In Tatarstan, echpochmaki pies, ruddy, juicy and fragrant, are sold right on the street, but you can cook them yourself to please loved ones delicious pastries, which is usually served with broth or soup. So, let's talk about how to cook at home.

Learning to cook echpochmaki

Dough. By tradition, pies are made from puff, yeast and unleavened dough, but shortbread and kefir dough also suitable for cooking. In principle, with any test, echpochmaki will turn out to be unusually tasty and healthy.

Yeast dough for pies should be rich, so it is kneaded with eggs, butter and milk, and in unleavened dough for softness and friability, sour cream or butter is added.

Filling. The triangular shape of the pies is not their main feature. The highlight of echpochmaks is meat filling, which is put in raw pies - this is what distinguishes the dish from another meat pastries. It is thanks to the hole in the dough that the pies are well baked and remain juicy, because the broth is poured into it during the cooking process. Agree that Tatar chefs are very practical and inventive!

For the filling, lamb is chopped into hazelnut-sized cubes, potatoes are cut into raisin-sized pieces, and onions are finely chopped. You can use any meat - beef, goose, duck and chicken, adding black pepper and any seasonings to taste to the filling for piquancy. By the way, frozen meat is cut easier and faster.

Formation of pies. A tourniquet is rolled out of the dough, cut into pieces, from which balls are formed. Each ball is rolled out into a circle the size of tea saucer, in its middle is placed 1 tbsp. l. fillings, and the edges of the circle in three places are connected at the top, like a pyramid. The seams should be pinched with a “rope” as carefully as possible, otherwise the pies will begin to fall apart during the baking process. In this case, leave a small hole for the broth. If the minced meat is made from beef or veal, when forming the pie, a piece of butter or bacon is placed on top of the filling to make the echpochmak juicier.

Bakery. The pies are given a little rest, greased with butter mixed with egg yolk, and sent to the oven, heated to 180-200 ° C. Naturally, the baking sheet must also be greased with oil. And now the fun begins - after 30 minutes, when the echpochmaks become golden-ruddy, you need to get them out and pour 1–2 tsp into the hole of the “pyramids”. rich meat broth boiled with spices and salt. The broth can be replaced with boiling water, in which butter is dissolved. Next, the pies are baked until cooked, depending on the type of dough and filling. Some cooks add the broth to the echpochmaks several times if the meat is dry. They periodically pull out a sheet and look inside the pie - if the broth is not visible, then it's time to top up.

How to cook Tatar echpochmak: a classic recipe

Real Tatar echpochmaks are made from yeast dough. To prepare it, dissolve 5 g of dry yeast in ½ liter warm milk, add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 70 g butter, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 850 g flour. Knead the dough and leave it to rise, covering with a napkin or towel.

Prepare the filling with 700 g minced lamb, 7 finely chopped raw potatoes medium size, 4 chopped onions, salt and pepper.

Put the filling on the circles rolled out of the dough, connect the edges of the cakes in three places, trying to make a triangle, leave a hole and put the echpochmaks on a greased baking sheet. After 20 minutes of proofing, put the pies in the oven and bake for 7 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C, then reduce the temperature to 170 ° C and cook for another 25 minutes. Now pour 1–2 tsp into the holes. meat broth, grease the pies with yolk and leave in the oven for 20 minutes.

How to cook echpochmaki from unleavened dough

Echpochmak made on unleavened dough is suitable for those who are on a diet or who are contraindicated in yeast baking.

Pour 4 cups of flour in a heap, make a recess in it, pour in 1 egg, a little water, a little salt and knead the dough like dumplings. cover it cling film and leave for 40 minutes to make it more plastic.

While the dough is resting, make the filling with ½ kg of any meat and ½ kg raw potatoes- all ingredients are cut into cubes, and 1-2 onions are finely chopped.

Roll out the dough into circles with a diameter of about 15 cm, put the filling in the middle and form a triangle. Lubricate the echpochmaks with yolk and put in the oven, when they are browned, pour a little broth into each pie if you made a hole for this, and then continue baking them. In general, it takes about an hour to cook pies in the oven.

How to cook echpochmak from puff pastry

It is good to serve katyk, Turkic, with echpochmaks fermented milk drink, reminiscent of yogurt, from buffalo, goat or sheep milk, well, or any fermented milk drink of your choice. By the way, these pies are an excellent substitute for bread and are eaten instantly, especially if you have big family so get them ready! Well, from the company store "Eat at Home" they will add a brightness of taste to your dishes!

Tatar cuisine recipes are of great interest to girls and women who love to pamper their household culinary masterpieces and happily busy in the kitchen. Any caring hostess once you bake Tatar echpochmak - these are fragrant and juicy triangles with beef, lamb or chicken - according to traditional recipe cooked at home.

Favorite dishes of the Tatars are belish, made from unleavened dough and stuffed with finely chopped meat with potatoes or cereal porridge, and fragrant, surprisingly tasty and satisfying echpochmaki - triangles stuffed with meat - minced lamb, potatoes and onions.

Let's answer an important question - how to cook echpochmak? characteristic feature triangles made according to the recipe of Tatar cuisine is raw stuffing(lamb, onion with potatoes, cut into small slices), which must be put in such products. It is allowed to use not only lamb, but also other types of meat - veal, chicken, goose or pork, this will affect the calorie content of the dish.

When kneading the dough for echpochmak, add large quantity poultry meat - from 600 to 650 grams per kilogram finished product. For comparison: this figure for beef and lamb is 500 grams. To give unique taste and aroma in Tatar echpochmak, freshly prepared meat broth is poured and from 50 to 100 grams of chopped into small pieces fat tail.

triangles by classic recipe are incredibly tasty if they are made on kefir. Cooking echpochmak on this fermented milk product does not cause difficulties even for an inexperienced hostess who has learned to cook only simple dishes like Ukrainian borscht or fried eggs.


To prepare triangles on kefir, you will need to stock up on affordable and inexpensive products which are always available in the nearest supermarket.


To make yeast dough you will need the following products:

  • 400 ml of kefir with a fat content of 3.2%;
  • regular or iodized salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • flour premium- 800 or 1000 grams;
  • lamb or beef with layers of fat - 300 grams;
  • a bag of dry yeast;
  • one or two heads of onions;
  • three medium-sized potatoes;
  • refined vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • freshly prepared meat broth or clean drinking water - 100 ml;
  • black ground pepper- according to your taste.

It must be remembered that the echpochmak made according to the recipe below will have high calorie content And energy value, since it requires fatty meat for its preparation.

Step by step recipe

Cooking time for triangles is approximately 60 minutes. After the specified time, remove the baking sheet with pies from the hot oven and enjoy ruddy, tasty and mouth-watering echpochmak.

Juicy and ruddy Tatar pies

Another recipe for making echpochmaks, bakery products that are unique in their taste properties. Consider how to make this recipe for Tatar cuisine in more detail and in detail.


  • premium flour - 500 grams;
  • drinking water or pasteurized milk - 220 ml;
  • table salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • vegetable or olive oil- 150 ml;
  • about 15 grams of dry yeast.

Instructions for preparing dough

  1. Pour the indicated amount drinking water or cow's milk into a small bowl. Please note that the temperature of the liquid you poured should vary between 45 and 50 degrees.
  2. Sprinkle 15 grams of yeast over the surface of the liquid and granulated sugar. You should wait a few minutes for the moment when the pasteurized milk or pure water soaked in the components that you added.
  3. After three or five minutes, beat the liquid in the container using a mechanical whisk.
  4. Take a deep and capacious bowl and sift flour into it. Add 150 ml of vegetable oil and yeast beaten with milk to a container.
  5. Knead the dough and gather it into a neat ball, transfer it to another container and cover with a clean towel on top.
  6. Place the container with the mass you received in a warm place, well protected from drafts. Let it brew for 60 minutes.
  7. Punch down the dough on the kitchen table, cover it with a flannel or terry towel, and put the deep container with it back in a secluded place. Wait until the mass rises a second time.
  8. Put the prepared mass on the kitchen table and divide it into six or eight equal parts.
  9. Using a wooden rolling pin, roll out the cakes and put a pre-prepared filling inside each of them.
  10. Pinch the edges of the cakes. You should get neat triangles, in the middle of which there will be a hole.
  11. Lubricate the pies you received with softened butter and send them to an electric or gas oven heated to 190 degrees.
  12. In 40 minutes your pies will be ready and you can try this gourmet dish that came to us from the Tatar cuisine.

Secrets of Tatar dishes

Tatars from time immemorial valued yeast, unleavened, yeast-free, batter, skillfully engaged in its preparation and baked amazingly delicious pies. Tatar cuisine is endowed with a special “zest” bakery products With various fillings. Widespread fame and popularity Tatar pie, which has the name "kystyby" and is made according to simple recipe. For its preparation, three components are used:

  • freshly prepared mashed potatoes;
  • freshly cooked millet porridge;
  • unleavened dough made in the form of juice.

To soften the unleavened dough a little, improve it taste characteristics, you will need to add a small amount of pre-softened butter and sour cream with a fat content of 20%. These ingredients will give ready meal friability, tenderness and amazing taste. Recall that this dish has a high calorie content!

Bon appetit!

Echpochmak - Tatar dish, which is a pastry in the form of a triangle with a filling. As a filler, ingredients such as potatoes, onions and meat are usually used, which are cut into small cubes and mixed. The dough is most often used yeast or unleavened.

Today we offer to make Tatar echpochmaks at home. We will knead a simple and quick-to-cook dough on kefir, prepare the filling and form triangular blanks, which we will add with meat broth during the baking process. As a result, we get very tasty and hearty products With juicy stuffing.


For test:

  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • fine salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter (can be margarine) - 200 g;
  • baking soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • flour - about 700 g (how much the dough will take).

For filling:

  • beef (ideally lamb) - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 4-5 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • butter - 50-80 g;
  • meat broth - about 200 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

How to cook Tatar echpochmak on kefir

  1. We start with a test. Pour kefir into a spacious bowl, add soda and stir thoroughly with a whisk. On a surface fermented milk product bubbles should appear.
  2. Melt butter (or margarine), cool and pour into a bowl with kefir. We're throwing fine salt, stir.
  3. In small portions, we introduce flour to the liquid mixture, kneading thoroughly each time. When it becomes difficult to mix the thickened mass with a spoon, spread the contents of the bowl on the work surface and start kneading by hand.
  4. Add flour as needed. Kefir dough for echpochmaks should be soft and pleasant to the touch (not very dense!). As soon as the mass stops sticking to the palms, stop adding flour. We wrap the formed dough with cling film and put it in the refrigerator, but for now we are preparing the filling.

    How to make stuffing for echpochmak with beef

  5. We cut meat sharp knife into small pieces (the size of raisins), put in a deep bowl. It is advisable to prepare the filling in small portions so that the meat does not have time to let the juice.
  6. We wash the potato tubers, peel and cut into small cubes, add to the beef.
  7. After cleaning, chop the onion heads with a knife or using a blender, spread to the meat and potatoes.
  8. Sprinkle the ingredients of the filling with salt, add your favorite spices if desired. Mix thoroughly.

    How to bake echpochmaki in Tatar style

  9. Take out of the fridge and lightly punch down the dough. We separate a small part, form a "sausage", which we divide into equal pieces.
  10. Alternately dip each piece of dough in flour and roll out a thin circle, put a mixture of meat, potatoes and onions in the middle.
  11. Since in our example, echpochmak is cooked with beef, we add small piece butter so that the filling does not turn out too lean.
  12. Raise the edges of the cake from three sides and connect, giving the echpochmak a traditional triangular shape. We fasten the seams very carefully so that they do not tear during baking. Don't forget to leave a small hole in the center.
  13. We spread the future echpochmaks on a baking sheet covered with parchment, send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes (until the potatoes are soft). To make the baking filling as juicy as possible, take out the echpochmaks 15 minutes before the end of cooking and pour about 2 teaspoons of meat broth into each hole. From the rest of the dough, we form pieces of suitable diameter and place them on the open center. If desired, you can lightly grease the dough with a beaten egg for ruddy.
  14. Eat ready-made pastries can be a bite with meat broth or just coupled with tea / coffee.

Echpochmak in Tatar is ready! Bon appetit!
