
Tatar dish kystyby. How to cook kystyby with potatoes according to a step by step recipe with a photo

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated


For test:

- 1 glass warm water,
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil,
- 1 tbsp sour cream
- a pinch of salt,
- about 300 gr. flour.

For filling:

- 800 gr. potato,
- 2 pcs. onion,
- 150 gr. butter,
- 100 ml. milk.

For lubrication:

- 150 gr. butter.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. In fact, the dough recipe for pita bread is very simple: in a bowl, mix a glass of warm water, sour cream, vegetable oil and salt.

2. Gradually begin to add flour, it may need a little less or a little more. This will become clear in the process of kneading the dough, which should turn out elastic.

3. The finished dough must be covered with a clean, lint-free towel and allowed to rest for 20-30 minutes.

4. At this time, prepare the filling. The first step is to put the peeled potatoes to boil until tender.

5. Onion clean and cut into small cubes.

6. Fry the onion in butter until golden color. At the same time, we make sure that it does not burn.

7. C cooked potatoes Drain the water, start kneading it and add butter, fried onion and some milk.

8. We achieve a lush, homogeneous puree. The main thing is that it does not turn out liquid, otherwise it will be impossible to use it as a filling.

9. The filling is ready, let's take care of the cakes. Pinch off the dough small pieces and roll out each in the form of a thin cake according to the size of the pan.

10. Fry the cakes in a well-heated pan without adding oil. It will take about 2 minutes. Check out this one too.

11. When the cake begins to rise and bubble, it must be turned over to the second side. You need to make sure that nothing burns, otherwise the cakes will turn out to be hard and brittle.

12. Ready cakes should immediately be greased with hot, melted butter on both sides. Then spread mashed potatoes on one half of the cake and cover with the second half.

13. In the same way we collect all the cakes with potato stuffing. So our delicious, fragrant kystyby are ready.
Bon appetit!

Kystyby is the most ancient traditional Tatar dish made from stuffed dough. It is a cake of unleavened dough, fried in a dry frying pan, stuffed with either mashed potatoes or viscous millet porridge. And this stuffed cake is generously flavored with ghee or butter. Kystyby can serve quite an independent dish(still, there is such hearty stuffing), for example, by serving it with rich meat broth, or even just with vegetable salad. And kystyby is also served with sweet tea, like a regular non-sweet pie.
I read from historians that initially kystyby was cooked with millet porridge, and they began to do it with potato filling from the beginning of the 20th century.

From Yunus Akhmetzyanov (the creator of the first complete book about Tatar cuisine), I found two more completely unusual fillings for me - from hemp (yes, that’s ancient dish) and poppy. I’m unlikely to repeat from hemp, there’s simply nowhere to get it, but I put poppy seeds in my queue. I have never seen such a filling anywhere, and even if there is on the Internet, it is a stupidly copied recipe from Akhmetzyanov's book. To be honest, I didn’t really like it even according to the description, I’ll try my own poppy seed filling develop, if it works out, I’ll bring it, I’ll show it.
What else can I say about the dough - since this dish is common, everyday and it is quite possible that it used to be the food of the poor, the housewives cooked from what is in the house. Therefore, there is no exact definite recipe, someone makes the dough with water, someone with milk or sour cream, and knead it with kefir. You need to add fat to the dough - someone adds melted butter, someone vegetable, however, and so, and so not bad. Also, many housewives had divided opinions about whether to add an egg to the dough? I've tried with and without eggs. Came to the conclusion (again, this is my personal opinion), which is better without an egg. After all, it was not in vain that my mother told me: "Kyzym (daughter), do not put an egg in the dough, because of this it becomes tough."
About the stuffing. The filling should be so tasty that you want to eat it even just like that, with a spoon. Then you will get the most delicious and successful kystyby.

I brought two types of kystyby - with two different components of the dough, and with different fillings. I must say right away - both types are delicious 100%, but my favorites are dough on water and without eggs (it turns out very tender and thin, I don’t like thick dough) and filling from mashed potatoes!) And one more thing - do not spare butter, grease the cakes generously and from the heart, so that they turn out to be the most delicious!)
P.S: the toppings can be prepared in the evening, and then reheated in the microwave, this will make your work easier the next day.
And the remaining undereaten kystyby can be fried the next day in a pan with butter until golden brown- it will be very tasty!)

Kystyby with mashed potatoes (water dough)

What do you need:
Dough (yield 16 pcs.):
Warm water - 250 ml.,
Butter - 70 gr.,
Sugar - 1 tsp,
Salt - 0.5 tsp,
Baking soda (a couple of pinches) - 1/3 tsp,
Flour - 400 gr.
Butter, or ghee (for lubricating cakes) - 150 gr.

Filling (mashed potatoes):
Potatoes (large 9-10 pieces) - 1.5-1.8 kg.,
Milk - 200 ml.,
Butter - 100 gr.,
Onion - 1 pc.,
Salt. Ground black pepper - to taste
Egg (raw) - 1 pc.

How to cook:
First, I advise you to peel the potatoes and put them on the boil. While the potatoes are cooking, you can do the dough.

Sift flour into a bowl, add salt, sugar, baking soda- mix everything.
Pour water, melted butter (not hot, room temperature), knead the dough. The dough should be soft (like an "ear lobe") and not sticky. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave for at least 20 minutes.
Divide the finished dough into 2 parts. We will work with one part, put the second back into the film.
Divide the separated part of the dough into 8 identical pieces, the size of a walnut. Cover the pieces with a kitchen towel or cling film so that they do not wind up and dry out.
Put a dry thick-walled frying pan on the stove to heat up. It is best if it is cast iron.
We roll out on a table dusted with flour, thinly one piece of dough, approximately 20 cm in diameter. And then fry one cake in a dry frying pan. Fry on both sides until light brown tan. Try to do it at the same time - while one is fried, we roll it out to a friend, so you will go faster.

Put the fried cakes on big dish, on top of each, grease with melted butter, cover with cling film and a kitchen napkin on top so that they do not cool down and soften. We do this with all the cakes and the second remaining part of the dough.

Boil potatoes in salted water until tender.
Cut the onion into small cubes and sauté in melted butter until soft. We sauté over low heat so that the onion does not overcook, but is soft and slightly golden in color.
WITH boiled potatoes drain the water, add the sautéed onion with butter, hot milk, salt and black ground pepper to taste, mash into a puree.
At the end, break one raw egg into a hot puree and immediately knead again. A raw egg adds splendor to mashed potatoes.

We take out one cake, put 2 tbsp on one half. toppings, spread, cover the top with the second half of the cake, grease the top again with melted butter and put on another large dish. We put two pieces side by side, a pile. Cover hot ready-made kystyby with a large cup or cling film on top and a towel on top.

And before serving, they can be folded onto a baking sheet and put in a heated oven up to 160 gr. for 15 minutes. Most importantly, do not spare butter, they are saturated with it, and become soft, tender, tasty.

Kystyby with millet porridge (milk dough)

Dough (yield 16 pieces):
Milk - 250 ml.,
Egg - 1 pc.,
Butter - 70 gr.,
Sugar - 1 tsp,
Salt - 0.5 tsp,
Baking soda - 1/3 tsp,
Flour - 500 gr.,
Melted butter (for greasing finished cakes) - 150 gr.

If you make this dough without an egg, then flour - 400 gr.

Filling (viscous millet porridge):
Millet - 200 gr. (1 cup - 250 ml.),
Water - 500 ml. (2 glasses)
Milk - 500 ml. (2 glasses)
Salt - 1 tsp (or to taste)
Sugar - 1-1.5 tsp (or to taste)
Butter - 100 gr.

We prepare the dough in exactly the same way as described above, and the assembly technique is the same. Here I will only describe how to cook viscous millet porridge.

Pour millet into a sieve, rinse under running water and pour over boiling water to remove the bitterness.
Transfer the millet to a thick-walled pan (best of all in a stainless steel or a cauldron, just do not cook in an enameled one, otherwise it will burn to the bottom, and the pan will be difficult to wash)
Pour millet with 2 cups of boiling water, put on a strong fire, let it boil and absorb the water completely, stir constantly.
As all the water has been absorbed into the millet, reduce the fire to a minimum, pour in hot milk, mix, add salt, sugar to taste.
Cook the porridge over low heat for 25-30 minutes, covered with a lid, stirring constantly so that it sticks to the bottom. At the end, 5 minutes before readiness, add butter, mix. When the porridge is ready, turn off the heat, close the lid tightly and leave for another twenty minutes to blame.
If you decide to prepare the millet filling in advance in the evening, the next day it will no longer be viscous for you. When heating the porridge, add a little milk to it so that it does not dry out.

Recipes of the most simple meals from nothing

Learn how to cook a delicious Tatar dish kystyby with potatoes - a recipe with photos and videos will help you create a hearty flatbread from a minimum of ingredients.

40 min

157 kcal

4.94/5 (31)

Kystyby is a traditional dish Tatar and Bashkir cuisine which gained its popularity thanks to easy recipe cooking. The Tatar dish kystyby with potatoes is unleavened bread, which is fried in a pan and then stuffed with mashed potatoes or porridge. Thanks to this, such a dish can also be consumed in fasting, although it is difficult to call it dietary.

Did you know? The largest kystyby prepared in Bashkortostan got into the Guinness Book of Records. Its diameter is 2 m 10 cm.

Kystyby is convenient to take with you for a snack and even lunch, it is convenient to carry, warm, and you can also have a tasty and satisfying lunch. Previously, in my family, kystyby was simply called delicious Tatar flatbread with mashed potatoes, but I like to experiment with fillings and add mushrooms, vegetables and meat along with potatoes. Therefore, I will tell you how to cook a classic kystyby with potatoes, and then you can choose the filling options yourself.

Kitchen appliances: spoon, knife, rolling pin, frying pan, saucepan, plate, pusher.


For test:

For filling:

How to choose the right ingredients

To cook kystyby with potatoes in Tatar style, as in the recipe, you need to choose the right products:

  • Use only the highest quality flour.
  • Choose medium-fat milk, you can homemade.
  • The variety of potatoes does not matter, the main thing is that it boils well.

Cooking process

  1. Mix milk with sugar and salt until they are completely dissolved. Break the egg into the milk, then the melted butter and stir until smooth.

  2. Gradually pour out the flour, knead the dough.

  3. Knead it well so that the dough becomes soft and elastic, but not too tight. The dough for kystyby with potatoes should be tender, otherwise the whole recipe does not make sense. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave for 20 minutes.

  4. Peel, wash the potatoes and put to boil in salted water. While it is cooking, finely chop the onion. Fry it until golden brown in butter.

  5. Once the potatoes are cooked, mash them.

  6. Add oil to it and pour in milk.

  7. Mix the finished puree with onions.

  8. Cut the dough into pieces and roll out of it thin cakes.

  9. Dry hot pan put the flatbread and fry on both sides until browned (brown dots).

  10. For one half finished flatbread lay out the filling, and the second cover it.

  11. Brush the top with butter and enjoy!

What is kystyby served with?

We have already learned how to make kystyby with potatoes, and now we will figure out what it is served with.

Usually kystyby is served as a main dish. You can also serve salad with it. fresh vegetables or pickles. Kystyby is also served as a second course with meat and fish. It is customary for Tatars to serve kastyby with strong black tea, which, in my opinion, is the best option.

Kystyby is a traditional Tatar and Bashkir dish, which is a fresh flat cake stuffed with vegetable stew, mashed potatoes or porridge. Minced meat is placed on one part of the flour base, and the second is covered.

After that, you can fry an improvised pie, or as it is also called a juicer, in melted butter, and at the end grease with homemade sour cream.

The dough is prepared quite simply, kneaded as usual for us yeast-free pies. There are variants of the flour base: on goat milk and water, on cow's milk, on kefir, on whey, with egg and butter. It all depends on what kind of cakes you want to get: soft or more rigid and elastic.

The main trick of preparing this dish is to roll out the dough very thin and fry them exclusively in a dry frying pan. If the technology is followed correctly, no difficulties will arise, the base will not break, the filling will easily wrap, and ready meal it will be juicy.

How to make dough: recipe options

Fresh water without eggs

Despite the fact that the dish does not belong to our culture, it fits perfectly into Lenten menu due to the absence of animal products in the dough and filling.

Dry wheat flour sift through a sieve. So we get rid of unnecessary impurities or accidentally got garbage and saturate the bulk mass with oxygen. Having formed a hill of flour, we make a recess in the center.

We dilute salt in heated water and pour it in a stream into the middle of an impromptu slide. With palms, we begin to form a kolobok. When the mass becomes homogeneous enough, add sunflower oil and continue kneading the dough.

Do not rush, the base should turn out to be elastic, not stick to the palms and surfaces.

Wrapping dough for kystyby cling film and leave to lie down for twenty minutes. Then we roll out a long sausage, cut off pieces from it with a knife, we get ten to twelve pieces. Roll each in flour and roll into a round cake. We pierce with a fork randomly in several places and fry in a heated frying pan.

On water and milk

Some housewives prefer dough prepared with a mixture boiled water and homemade milk. Guided by the fact that the mass for this dish is plastic, non-rigid and tasty.

Preparation: 50 minutes.

Calories: 68 kcal / 100 g.

In a small bowl, mix warm boiled water with full-fat homemade milk, you can cow or goat, but odorless. Otherwise, the dish will have a specific aroma. In a large bowl, combine the flour sifted several times with salt. We drive in a chilled egg and form a semblance of a bun, gradually adding the liquid mixture.

When the mass becomes steep enough, dump it on a clean flat surface and continue kneading, applying physical force. If necessary, add a little bit of flour so that the dough for kystyby turns out to be homogeneous and plastic. Cover the base with a bowl and let it rest for half an hour. Then roll out, fry, fill and serve.

Soft on milk

The flour mass, formed from milk, flour and butter, is practically no different from the usual homemade one for all of us. Armenian lavash. Everything is quite simple and fast.

  • flour - 2 cups;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt.

Preparation: 45 minutes.

Calories: 164 kcal / 100 g.

Mix the melted butter with the sifted flour, you get a kind of flour crumbs. We add salt, drive in flour and immediately begin to knead the dough, adding homemade milk in the process.

In the beginning, it will stick to the fingers, the surface, but with the addition of flour, the cake will form and the sticking effect will disappear. The amount of flour may increase.

See for yourself the structure of the dough, but do not overdo it so that it does not turn out to be too clogged, otherwise it will be too tight and there will be difficulties with rolling. Next, we proceed according to the previous scheme: ready dough for kystyby we wrap it, leave it to lie down and only after that we start cooking cakes.

This recipe is considered one of the most popular, the dough is soft, easy to work with and ready-made pancakes fold in half without difficulty.

Gentle on kefir

If you want to get air, soft dough on kystyby, then this recipe for fermented milk product- the most suitable option.

  • flour - 450 g;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • biokefir - 200 ml;
  • salt;
  • oil - 30 g.

Preparation: 30 minutes.

Calories: 56 kcal / 100 g.

In one container, mix biokefir at room temperature and baking soda. Leave to stand for fifteen minutes until characteristic bubbles appear on the surface. This means that the fermentation process has begun.

Sift the flour, thus saturating it with oxygen. Butter is placed in a plastic food container and melted in the microwave. Pour into the kefir liquid and mix, add some salt and start adding flour in batches.

We take a whisk or a fork and mix the dough on kystyby like on pancakes. When it becomes tight and hard to knead, put it on a dry table and continue with clean palms.

After that, we immediately divide it into equal kolobok balls and roll out thin cakes with a diameter of ten centimeters. If you want to get the same blanks, you can use a regular plate as a template.

How to cook Tatar kystyby with potatoes

One of the most popular dishes Tatar cuisine- this is kystyby, in modern culinary it is increasingly prepared with mashed potatoes.

  • flour - 800 g;
  • sour cream - 250 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • potato tubers - 500 g;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • salt.

Preparation: 1.5 hours.

Calories: 148 kcal / 100 g.

First you need to peel the potato tubers, put them in a saucepan, add water and put to boil.

We drive one egg into the flour, add salt and half homemade sour cream. We begin to knead an elastic, non-sticky dough, constantly adding sifted flour. Do not be lazy and thoroughly knead the base. Let rest for fifteen minutes.

Drain the broth from the potatoes, add the butter and mash with a masher. If it turns out watery, let it stand.

Divide the gingerbread man into twelve identical parts.

Roll out each, pierce it randomly with a fork and fry in a dry, heated frying pan on both sides.

Immediately, while the cakes are hot, we begin to stuff. Put mashed potatoes on one half, cover the other.

We lay out ready-made kystyby in a stack on top of each other. Serve with the remaining sour cream.

Other pie fillings

As mincemeat for Tatar dish usually they use freshly brewed millet porridge: for this, we pour cereals (one hundred grams), a piece of butter and a few tablespoons of granulated sugar into boiling milk (half a liter).

Mix everything and cook for twelve minutes. The millet should turn out thick, viscous and not crumble. This filling is more to the liking of little sweets.

For an appetizer festive table cook kystyby with vegetable stuffing. Any vegetables at hand, chop and stew on vegetable oil until they are completely softened according to the principle of vegetable stew.

Optionally add hot spices, hot pepper and resulting minced vegetable we make fresh cakes.

There is another option sweet stuffing for this dish. We steam a glass of poppy seeds crushed in a mortar in homemade milk, mix with crushed walnuts and natural honey.

We coat half of the cake with the resulting paste, cover with the second half and put on the table with black or green tea. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it with the amount of filling so that it does not leak out.

Today I want to bring to your attention the recipe "Kystyby". What it is. This is Tatar National dish prepared from the simplest and available products.
What is it - to put it plain language, then these are tortillas with mashed potatoes. As far as I remember, they are always made only with mashed potatoes.
And this is one of my earliest recipes, which I learned to make at the age of 12-13. Since my homeland is Tatarstan (where I lived in my childhood and youth), I learned to cook this dish there, at school, at home economics lessons.
Here are our test products.

A glass of milk is half water. To be honest, I generally prefer dough on water, otherwise it turns out to be very satisfying with milk. But let's take half - the glass is full.
And below in the photo are the products for the filling.

You can start with potatoes. It must be boiled for mashed potatoes. I took 8 medium tubers - this should just be enough. It is possible and more - 10 pieces, so as not to experience a shortage later.

In the meantime, let's take a test. It will take around 10 minutes.
Pour 1.5 cups of flour into a bowl (then I will add as needed). And pour a full glass warm milk with water - the main thing is that the liquid is warm. So our dough will be better kneaded.
I add 1 teaspoon of salt and 2-3 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

And I knead the dough. In the process of kneading, I add more flour. As a result, I only get 2.5 cups of flour. The dough should be soft and elastic. Half a glass will still be needed for filling when we roll out our cakes.
Here is a com we got. And I divide it into approximately equal parts the size of an egg. I got 7 of these piles.

Next, I fry the onion in butter.
I turn boiled potatoes into mashed potatoes. I add a little water so that our puree is not too dry, but it should not be watery either. I add butter, which I take both for frying and mashed potatoes, about 120 grams and seasoning.

When the puree is ready, I take up the preparation of cakes.
I immediately put the pan on the fire - DO NOT pour oil into it! We will fry the cakes in a DRY frying pan.
I roll out a thinner ball of dough and spread it on a hot pan.

In time it is very fast, less than a minute. One side of the cake is slightly blushed, and immediately turn it over to the other.

If bubbles inflate, then pierce them with a fork, I do this with my spatula, since it is a non-stick frying pan.

I spread the cake on the table or dish. It is better not to wait until our pancake cools down, but immediately put the mashed potato filling on it and fold it in half. Since there may be a possibility that if the cake is folded cooled down, it may crack at the fold.

We perform similar operations with the rest of the balls of dough.
Our kystyby are already, in principle, ready.

But we still fry them in vegetable oil until crispy. It is also a fast operation.

That's all. Now you can start eating.

Cooking time: PT01H40M 1h 40m
