
Seven recipes for original dishes of the Crimean Tatar cuisine. Crimean Tatar cuisine

It is perhaps difficult to imagine any other national cuisine that combines so many traditions and features of different cultures. More than 80 nationalities live on the Crimean peninsula: Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Armenians, Jews, Greeks, Karaites and many others. Each nation brought its own special dishes to the Crimean cuisine, which perfectly took root in the cuisine of the Crimea and fell in love with the locals.

Crimean cuisine. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/astique/

Neighborhood with countries such as Türkiye and Bulgaria also had a significant impact. supplemented the Crimean cuisine with oriental sweets, and - with her traditional dish, known to everyone as stuffed bell peppers.

Crimean Tatar cuisine is very popular in Crimea. Many restaurants offer hearty meat dishes, mostly lamb or beef, as well as a rich variety of pastries.

Crimean meat dishes

The main favorites among meat dishes are lagman, pilaf and sarma.

These dishes appeared thanks to the Crimean Tatars, who returned to the peninsula in the 80s from Uzbekistan, where they were deported in 1944.

Meat dish - lagman. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andrew_hyatt/

Lagman is a rich dish, reminiscent of soup, but thicker. It is prepared from meat (mainly lamb), special long noodles and vegetables. Of the vegetables, eggplants, peppers, radishes, potatoes, onions, and carrots are most often used. And, of course, spices and various herbs are added.

Pilaf. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/iknowhim/

One of the favorite dishes of the Crimea is pilaf. In each region, it is prepared in its own way, but, nevertheless, the basis remains the same: meat, rice, onions, carrots and spices. In whatever version it is prepared, it is always insanely tasty and very satisfying.

Meat in grape leaves - Sarma. Photo: marakand.com.ua

Sarma (aka dolma) is also widespread - these are cabbage rolls, but only the filling is wrapped not in cabbage leaves, as we are used to, but in grape leaves. The unique combination of meat filling with grape, slightly sour, leaves will not leave indifferent any gourmet.

Crimean pastries

People in Crimea are very fond of baking pies, pies and many other dough products. Yeast dough is also used, and unleavened, and rich, and sour.

Crimean dish - kubete. Photo: perekop.info

Of the traditional pastries, kubete is worth noting - a juicy pie with meat, potatoes and onions. Other fillings are also used for kubete, such as rice and chicken, rice and meat, cheese and potatoes. It is baked mainly for special occasions.

Crimean cheburek - Chir-chir. Photo: http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/khavalits58/

Also in Crimea, “Chir-chir” is found almost everywhere - this is an analogue of cheburek. Chir-chir refers to Karaite cuisine. It comes with meat or vegetable filling. They also say that real Crimean chebureks are not crunchy and not hard, but literally melt in your mouth.

Crimean triangular pies - Samsa. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dollzi/

Samsa belongs to the Uzbek cuisine, however, it has taken root well in the Crimean one. This is a kind of unleavened dough pie stuffed with minced meat, onions and spices. The shape can be round or triangular. Samsa is baked in a tandoor (clay oven in the form of a cylinder), sticking it to the walls of the oven. Now there are many variations in the preparation of samsa, but the most real and traditional, of course, is tandoor.

Crimean sweets

Oriental sweets are the most traditional for Crimea. The favorite delicacy of the Crimean coast is baklava. Sweet pies in the form of rhombuses from multi-layer dough with honey and nuts. It tastes soft, crumbly and very sweet.

Baklava. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/theguideistanbul/

An analogue of baklava - Sheker kyiyk - is a national sweet of the Crimean Tatar cuisine. The name is translated as "sugar handkerchiefs". Sheker kyiyk is also baked from multi-layered dough, only poured with sugar syrup on top.

Rose petal jam. Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/10647409@N05/

And what about jam? In Crimea, it is prepared in various variations: from apricots, strawberries, quince, dogwood, raisins (these are small Crimean plums) and ... from rose petals. This original rose jam is very delicate in taste, and a subtle aroma of roses emanates from it.

Crimean wines

In Crimea, tourists are certainly offered to taste kebab, lagman, chak-chak and parvarda. The correspondent of the portal "" has collected a culinary platter of what you must definitely try while on the peninsula.

True adventurers, going on trips, try to plan everything to the smallest detail. They plan to visit local attractions, go to the most popular and little-known museums, get acquainted with the life and customs of the local population. But acquaintance with an uncharted land will seem incomplete to you if you do not taste the cooking of natives and indigenous peoples. Crimean cuisine is not as exotic as, say, the cuisine of Thailand or Vietnam. Here you will not find piping spicy dishes, the absorption of which can turn you into a fire-breathing dragon. You will not find fried water bugs and tree larvae either: the former are not found in our area, and the latter are treacherously few - only birds have enough.

As for the traditional dishes of the Crimean cuisine, it can be noted that they simply do not exist. Yes, you heard right. There is no native Crimean dish, for the sole reason that Crimea, like a flower garden, is replete with a variety of cultures and ethnic groups. The customs of the peoples living on the peninsula are so intertwined that sometimes we don’t even notice how we bring a piece of a different culture into our everyday life, including what we cook. And the hospitable hosts, which are the Crimeans, will not allow themselves to miss the chance to brag to the guests and cook a couple of dishes typical of other ethnic groups.

We try sarma, yantyk and kebab

The most popular and most recognizable in Crimea are dishes of the Crimean Tatar, Greek, Armenian cuisine, which can be found in most restaurants and cafes. It is extremely rare, but there are establishments where guests are treated to the dishes of the ancient Karaites.

In the Crimean Tatar and Karaite cuisine, the primacy is given to three main dishes that are served everywhere: plov, shurpa or lagman and shish kebab. To a greater extent, these dishes are typical for the entire Central Asian cuisine, but there are some differences. For example, boiled veal is often used to cook Crimean Tatar pilaf. Barbecue is prepared from any meat, chicken, pork, lamb, beef are used. They also cook barbecue from the liver and even from such a delicate product as fish.

Shurpa became popular on the peninsula in the mid-80s, when the Crimean Tatars began to return from Uzbekistan. They cook it, as in their homeland, on beef broth with the addition of coarsely chopped vegetables and herbs. Lagman is also boiled in meat broth, but in addition to seasonal vegetables, homemade noodles are added to the soup, it looks very appetizing.

From meat dishes, you should try sarma and kebab. Sarma is an analogue of cabbage rolls, only a grape leaf acts as a “clothes”. Lyulya, like barbecue, is fried on the grill, but a wooden skewer is used for the base, and the pre-marinated meat is passed through a meat grinder.

Samsa, chebureks and yantyks are no less popular - they can be found everywhere, often in roadside cafes. Golden semi-suns of chebureks are cooked in a large amount of vegetable oil, and traditionally stuffed with meat or cheese, if you wish, they can make you a mix. Yantyk is a variation of cheburek, only unlike the first one, it is not deep-fried, but fried in a dry frying pan and smeared with butter when ready. Yantyki are stuffed with minced meat with onions and dill.

In one of the roadside cafes on the way to Alushta, you can taste Greek cheburek. It, like yantyk, is prepared without oil, but is much larger and stuffed with minced meat, slices of tomato, pepper, cheese and fresh herbs. The basis for the preparation of samsa, in the classic recipe, is puff pastry. They stuff the pie with minced meat, often lamb, but they also use veal or poultry. As additives are potatoes or legumes. Real samsa is prepared in a special oven - tandoor.

Enjoy the inhabitants of the Black Sea

Fresh fish is best prepared in Sevastopol and its environs. If time and wallet allow, feel free to charter a small skiff or boat, be sure to check if the price of the trip includes a seafood lunch, and go to the open sea. The brave captain of the pleasure boat and his assistants will tell you the history of the area, which you will not read in any guidebook. And swimming in the purest sea, away from the coast, is incomparable with anything. When it's time for lunch, the queen of the Black Sea fish, red mullet, will appear to your eyes and smell. Other inhabitants of the sea: shrimps, mussels, rapana, horse mackerel - carefully cooked, hot and tasty.

Light and fresh Greek salad from sunny Hellas, at the same time, has perfectly taken root in our latitudes. Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes with the addition of bell peppers, sweet Yalta onions, olives and tender cheese, seasoned with olive oil sauce with spices and wine vinegar will be an excellent aperitif.

We take chak-chak, baklava and parvarda for tea

A special place in the meal is given to the traditions of tea drinking and kavah. Tea fragrant with Crimean wild herbs or coffee brewed in Kezlev style perfectly harmonizes with local desserts. Honey baklava, chak-chak, brushwood and parvarda are the most popular sweets. Delicate baklava with dried fruits and nuts is baked in the oven and poured with honey. Its analogue is crispy brushwood, on the contrary, it is deep-fried, sprinkled with powdered sugar or covered with honey and decorated with nuts.

Parvarda - sugary-sweet sweets are served with tea or coffee and, often, they replace sugar. Another delicacy of the sweet tooth, crispy chak-chak curls, unlike baklava, do not contain nuts, but are abundantly watered with honey or sugar syrup.

Where to try national cuisine in Crimea?

The cozy coffee-museum "Kezlev kavesi" is located on the territory of one of the sights of sunny Evpatoria - at the main fortress gates of the medieval Kezlev, a wooden bazaar built at the end of the 6th century during the reign of Khan Mengli Giray. The interior of the coffee house is designed in a traditional medieval style. Here, courteous staff will present to your attention a large selection of desserts, teas and coffee brewed according to ancient Karaite traditions. Here you can buy different varieties of Crimean tea.

Where: Evpatoria, st. Karaeva, 13.

In Alupka, the famous shurpa and belyashi with a pleasant Crimean blush are served in a cozy cafe of Tatar cuisine - Etno Kaffe Roomi. The entrance to the cafe is guarded by silent cypress guards, and the interior is decorated with old utensils and paintings.

Where: Alupka, st. Roza Luxembourg, 30

After a walk around the ancient settlement of Chufut-Kale, visiting observation platforms and a monastery in the vicinity of Bakhchisaray, when there will be a lot of impressions, and strength is already at zero, it's great to sit in the Caravanserai Salachik restaurant. The decoration is to match the Bakhchisaray castle, and the cuisine is predominantly Middle Eastern and halal.

Where: Bakhchisaray, st. Basenko, 43

The restaurant "Rybaka's Hut" is located in the Art Bay, right on the seashore. Dishes are predominantly seafood. Here you can taste fried red mullet, seafood soup (mussels, etc.), katran under filling, I highly recommend the warm seafood salad Barkas - the signature dish from the chef is hearty, fresh and very rich and unsurpassed assorted fish.

Take on board the recipes of the Crimean cuisine from the chefs of the network of restaurants "Tubeteika" Eduard Sobchenko and Tamara Savenko.


Ingredients for 1 serving

Lamb back 300-400 g
Potato 150 g
Carrots 150 g
Coriander, zira, garlic, salt to taste


We chop the meat, add a little salt and fry in sunflower oil until golden brown (but not until fully cooked). We put the meat in a saucepan with thick walls or a saucepan, add enough water to cover the meat, as well as spices and chopped garlic. Simmer over low heat for 1-1.5 hours covered. Cut the potatoes and carrots into large pieces and add them to the pan 20 minutes before the meat is ready. Bring to a boil and serve immediately.


Ingredients for 2 servings

Lamb (pulp) 300 g
Eggplant (medium) 1 pc.
Bulb 1 pc.
Potatoes (small) 2 pcs.
Fat tail fat 50 g
White cabbage 100 g
Carrot (small) 1 pc.
Tomato 1 pc.
Garlic 5 cloves
Lamb broth 1 cup
Fresh cilantro to taste
Zira, ground red pepper, salt to taste

Cooking time: 2 hours


We cut the lamb into pieces, the fat tail into thin slices, the onion into rings, the tomatoes and carrots into slices. Cut the garlic head from above, clean the roots. We clean the sweet pepper from seeds and stalk, cut into rings. Cut the eggplant into slices. My potatoes, peel. We cut off hard veins from cabbage leaves. In a cold cauldron we put on the bottom of the fat tail plate, bones, lamb pulp, add a little salt, add cumin. Then add all the onions, carrots, tomatoes, cilantro, eggplant, whole hot peppers. Salt, close the contents of the cauldron with a lid of cabbage leaves.

Bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce to low and cook for 1.5 hours under a tightly covered lid. 40 minutes before cooking, spread the potatoes on top of the cabbage and close the lid again. Serve, laying out in a wide plate in reverse order: cabbage, potatoes, vegetables, peppers, garlic, meat. You can also bake dimlyama under the dough. The broth is served separately with chopped cilantro added to it.


Ingredients for 2 servings

For test:

Milk (or water) 1 tbsp.
Yeast 20-30 g
Flour 4 tbsp.
Egg 1 pc.
Butter / vegetable (or margarine) 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar 1.5 tsp
Salt 1/4 tsp

For filling:

Onion 100 g
Bulgarian pepper 100 g
Champignons 100 g
Chicken thigh 2 pcs.
Turmeric, jambul, salt to taste

Cooking time: 2 hours 10 minutes


First we make the dough. We heat up the milk. We prepare the dough: we dilute the yeast in a small amount of warm milk and put it in a secluded warm place for 15-20 minutes. We sift the flour. Rub the egg with sugar and salt. We melt the oil. By the way, instead of vegetable oil, Tatars use melted fat (lamb, beef or chicken, as well as their mixture). We dilute the eggs, butter in milk, add the dough, pour in the flour and knead the dough until it falls behind the hands and the bowl. We hide in a warm place, covering with a napkin. It should double in size (it will take at least half an hour). Then mix again and let stand again (15-20 minutes).

We remove the meat from the bone, cut into small pieces, vegetables - into large cubes, mushrooms - into slices. Fry the meat until half cooked, add vegetables, spices and simmer until cooked (about 20-25 minutes). We divide the dough in half, roll out two "pancakes" 2-3 mm thick. We put the filling in the center, wrap around the edges. Lubricate the edges with an egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 15 minutes.


Ingredients for 1 serving

Lamb ribs 300 g
Tomatoes, spices, garlic, herbs to taste

Cooking time: 1.5-2 hours


We chop the ribs, fry in sunflower oil until golden brown and stew in a frying pan. We make a hot sauce: cut the tomatoes into slices, mix with oriental spices, chopped garlic and herbs, dilute with broth to the consistency of thick sour cream. Add honey to the resulting paste, in a ratio of 1 to 1. Marinate the ribs in this mixture for 1-1.5 hours. After that, heat them up on the grill and serve with spicy eggplant.


Ingredients for 2 servings

Lamb ribs 400 g
Carrot 1 pc.
Onion 1 pc.
Bulgarian pepper 2 pcs.
Kurdyuk 50 g
Lamb broth 1 cup
Garlic 6 cloves
Zira, salt, red ground pepper, coriander to taste

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes


We chop the ribs into pieces 4-5 cm long, chop the vegetables coarsely. In a cauldron, we melt the fat tail, fry the ribs in it until a crust forms, over high heat. Then add the broth and spices and simmer over low heat, covered with a lid, until the meat is cooked (about 40 minutes). As soon as the meat is ready, add the carrots, cover with a lid and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Next, put the onion, cover again and simmer for 5 minutes. Immediately after that, add the pepper with coarsely chopped garlic. After 5 minutes, lift the lid - hashlama is ready.

Eggplant Salad with Yalta Onion

Ingredients for 1 serving

Eggplant150 g
Tomato 70 g
Crimean onion 20 g
Cilantro 5 g
Salt, garlic to taste

Cooking time: 30 minutes


Eggplant cut into large cubes, salt and let stand for 20-30 minutes. Drain the resulting juice and fry them in sunflower oil until browned. Let's cool down. At the same time, we cut the tomatoes into cubes, and the onion into rings. Chop cilantro and garlic. We mix all the ingredients, season with sunflower oil and salt.


Ingredients for 2 servings

Iceberg salad 100 g
Green lettuce leaf30 g
Green freshly frozen peas 30 g
Fresh cucumber 50 g
Parsley, dill, mint 2 g each
Salt, olive oil, lemon juice to taste

Cooking time: 5 minutes


Lettuce and cucumber cut into large pieces, chop the greens. Add thawed (or fresh) peas, season with salt, olive oil and lemon juice.

sarah burmese

(yellow, twisted - literally from the Crimean Tatar)


Flour 2-3 cups
Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons - into the dough and 150-200g of melted margarine - lubricate
Water or whey, salt
The meat is beef or lamb fatter, it is good to add tail fat.
Onion - 1-2pcs
Prepare a simple dough: flour, water and rast. butter, refrigerate.

While the dough is ripening, let's take care of the filling - grind the meat in a way that is convenient for us - a meat grinder, a blender, two knives

or something like that, cut the onion into smaller pieces, potatoes into the smallest cubes and mix everything. Add seasonings - pepper, cilantro, zra, you can have a couple of cloves of finely chopped garlic and others you like.

Next we move on to the dough.
Divide the dough into 2 parts.
Roll out each part into a thin layer of round shapes, grease each with oil, lay them on top of each other - one of the options for puff pastry is obtained.

Then lay out the filling, roll up, put in a frying pan, greased with oil.

Bake 30-35 minutes.

There are various options for preparing saryburm - with pumpkin, potatoes, feta cheese, cheese, and according to the cooking method - in the oven and in a double boiler

That's it, nothing complicated...


Chibirek-Chiy berek

(unleavened pie - literally from the Crimean Tatar)

Dough: 1 kg. flour, 40 g sunflower oil,

10 g salt, water for kneading hard dough.

Filling: 600 g of lamb (ground through a meat grinder), 150 g of finely chopped onion, 20 g of sunflower or olive oil, finely chopped parsley and dill, salt, pepper, 100-200 g of sour milk (to taste) or water.

Minced meat should be very juicy.

Preparation: roll out the dough into strips and cut into pieces of 20-30 g each. Roll each piece into a circle in two steps: first with a diameter of 8-9 cm,

and then with a diameter of 14-16 cm with a thickness of not more than 1-2 mm.

Put 10-15 g of filling on one half of the finished circle, cover it with the second half of the dough, fasten the edges of the semicircle formed by pressing with your fingers,

and then trim the edge with an openwork wheel.

It is advisable not to make many blanks before frying, so that the dough does not get wet from the minced meat.
In the meantime, in a cauldron or in any other deep dish (a frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm), heat the vegetable oil and carefully lower the finished pasties into it (2-3 pcs.)

so that they float freely on the surface. Pasties are fried for 2-3 minutes, until golden brown. It is advisable to turn the pasties over and take them out with a slotted spoon so as not to make a puncture in the dough (juice will flow out) and so that excess oil drains.

Pasties are served hot, they are usually eaten with hands, loudly groaning and groaning with pleasure and

Don't forget to praise the chef!

Lokum or Tawa Lokum

(lokum - dough dish, tava - frying pan, baking sheet)

Preparing yeast dough:0.5 l of milk or water, 100 g of margarine, 1 tsp of sugar can be without it, salt 1/2 tablespoon, yeast, yeast diluted in warm milk or water, add margarine, salt, sugar and flour to make dough not very hard and for 2 hours in a warm place.

Meat filling, minced meat is prepared as usual:lamb is passed through a meat grinder or cut into small pieces, potatoes,onion- cubes-5-6mm,

add greens, salt, pepper, also finely chopped.
The yeast dough is cut into pieces the size of eggs.
Roll into circles, put minced meat in the middle, pinch

and bake in the oven for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 280 to 320g.

That's all, my dears, do not forget to oil and cover with a thick cloth for 15 minutes

As my grandmother used to say - "anasyna, babasyna barsyn" ("let it come to mom and dad")



In the west of Crimea, they are also called -kyygashcha .

To begin with, we need yeast dough: 0.5 l of milk or water, 100 g of margarine, 1 tsp of sugar can be without it, salt 1/2 tablespoon, yeast, yeast diluted in warm milk or water, add margarine salt sugar and flour, so that the dough is not very hard and for 2 hours in a warm place.

As the dough has reached, put the cauldron or pan on the fire, pour the required amount of vegetable oil. Next, we take a small plate of water - moisten our hands so that the dough does not stick to our hands and begin the process of preparing katlam itself. We tear off koloboks of dough the size of an average apple from the main piece of dough, stretch it on the table trying to withstand the circumference and into hot oil.

Cook until you like the color.

In the old days, our grandmothers performed this operation on the knee, I have not tried it, but I have no doubt that it is more convenient.

You can pour honey, jam, sprinkle with sugar.

Kubete or Kob - ety("a lot of meat" is translated in Crimean Tatar or even in Nogai)

Dough: 1 kg. Flour, 500 g of internal or fat tail mutton fat. Salt, water for kneading tough dough, a little saffron (turmeric) in the dough will be more beautiful.
Filling: 700 g lamb breast meat, 350 g onions, 400 g potatoes, salt, pepper, parsley, parsnips, green onions, water or whey.

Preparation: carefully grind the flour with finely chopped fat, pouring in a little salted water, and knead a dense dough.

Meanwhile, the filling is prepared: lamb is cut into small pieces, potatoes - into thin slices no more than 4-5 mm, onions - into thin half rings, greens, salt, pepper, also cut into slices, are added. The filling should be juicy, so some water, broth or whey is added to it.

The dough blank for the bottom of the kob-eta is rolled out to a thickness of 5-7 mm. And they put a greased baking sheet with high walls (tava) on the bottom, someone uses special paper. The edges of the dough rise along the walls. At the bottom put (can be layers) stuffing: onions, potatoes, meat. For fun, you can put a small coin or a bean - whoever gets it, that desire will come true ... Sprinkle with salt, pepper, herbs.

Roll out a piece of dough prepared for the top to a thickness of 4-5 mm. Lift the dough around it slightly and decorate with tucks. Put the workpiece prepared in this way on top of the filling, so that its edges reach the walls of the baking sheet and come into contact with the dough from the lower layer raised along the sides. Pinch the edges of the top and bottom of the dough together.

and decorate the junction with a "rope".

(All the same, women do it better, more beautifully...)

Grease the top of the cob-eta with an egg and place in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 280-300 degrees. When the top is browned, lower the temperature. In total, the product should be in the oven for about 1 hour.

Cobets are served hot, cut into segments.

In the old days, they first removed and cut the upper part, which was distributed like bread to everyone sitting at the table, and the filling was laid out on plates with a spoon. Then, the lower part of the cake was divided in the same way.

Ash tatly olsun!!!

http://rustemek.ucoz.ru/ - a new site about Crimean Tatar and Oriental cuisine


Beef brisket 1 kg.
Onion 3 pcs.
Beans 200 gr.
Potatoes 3-4 pcs.
Garlic 100 gr.
Bulgarian pepper 3 pcs.
Carrots 2 pcs.
Tomato paste 2 tbsp
Cabbage 500 gr.
Vegetable oil 250 gr.
Salt 50 gr.
Set of traditional spices
Cooking method

The main difference from traditional dishes of other cuisines is the frying of products in overheated oil, which is characteristic of the Crimean Tatar cuisine.
We put the beans to cook in a separate bowl without a lid. Cut the meat into small pieces and fry in oil. In the process of frying, add chopped carrots (I usually cut into strips, but you can also grate), bell pepper (I used pickled bell pepper), onion ...

Crimean Tatar meal - what is it like?

Crimean Tatars are great masters of delicious cooking and no less lovers of a leisurely meal. Any meal begins with a cup of the strongest freshly brewed coffee. Then snacks certainly follow: feta cheese, cheese, olives, sausages, fresh vegetable salads. In winter, when there are few fresh vegetables, marinades: lecho, pickled and salted vegetables harvested since autumn, and other home-made canned food. And, of course, freshly baked tandoor cakes.

Only tourists are limited to one or two dishes. In Crimean Tatar families, meals are taken seriously: they put everything on the table at once: both snacks and hot dishes. For breakfast, in addition to snacks, they usually eat milk porridge, cottage cheese and dishes from it, for lunch - lagman, shurpa or yufak ...

Yufak - ash

Many dishes of the Crimean Tatars are a cross between a very thick soup or a second course generously flavored with broth. These are lagman, shurpa and ufak-ash
The word yufak-ash in translation means "small meal". And not because there is little food, but because the dish is a lot of tiny dumplings in the broth.
Women sculpt them all together quickly, quickly. But the work is almost jewelry, since each dumpling turns out to be the size of a fingernail, no more. In finished form, in a tablespoon they should fit six to seven pieces.

We will need the following products:

For test:
Flour - 1.2 kg
Water - 0.5 l
Salt - 1 tbsp. l
Eggs - 2 pcs

For minced meat:
Meat (beef) - 1 kg
Onion - 1 pc.
Salt and pepper -...

Nokhutly - ash

This is a fragrant beef stew with boiled chickpeas (chickpeas). In the Crimean Tatar language, chickpeas are called nohut, hence the name of the dish: food with chickpeas.

Meat (beef) - 1 kg
Chickpeas - 1 kg
Onion - 300 gr
Carrot - 200 gr
Vegetable oil - 600 mg
Salt - to taste
Red and black ground pepper - to taste

We carefully sort the chickpeas, wash them, fill them with cold water and leave to stand for 3-4 hours. You can also soak it overnight. Then we add meat edges and bones for broth to chickpeas, add water so that it is about twice as much as chickpeas, put on fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam and continue to cook over low heat until the chickpeas are ready. This may take up to 2...

Baklava eastern Crimean

1 egg
50g drain oil
1 tbsp milk
0.5 tsp soda
a pinch of salt
4 tbsp flour
4 tbsp honey
1l vegetable oil
1 tbsp water

Melt the butter, add milk, egg, soda, salt, beat and knead a stiff dough. Roll it out thinly, wrap it on a rolling pin and grease the edges with protein so that they do not stick out. Cut into rhombuses, unfold and fry in hot oil. After frying, roll in syrup, bring to the table!
Bon appetit!
Sent by Meryem Osmanova

Crimean pasties

200 grams
salt 1/5 tsp
water 80 milliliters
minced meat 150 grams
onion 1 piece
vegetable oil to taste
marjoram to taste
basil to taste
freshly ground black pepper to taste

The quantity of ingredients is calculated on 6 pieces.
Sift the flour with a slide, add salt ...
...and add water.

Knead a stiff dough. Knead it several times into a layer and fold it.

NB! The dough is very cool, hard to work with, but it should be so. After proofing, this will change and it will become softer and more elastic.

Leave the dough at room temperature for 30-40 minutes, covered with a film.

In minced meat (beef, lamb), consisting of meat and fat in a ratio of 4: 1, add 0.5 finely chopped onions. Second half...

"Yantykh" ​​with minced chicken or turkey

Yantykh are Crimean chebureks that are fried without any oil. They differ from ordinary chebureks only in a lighter appearance and also in the fact that much more onions are put into the minced meat than in chebureks, and water is not added. My grandmother made two versions of chebureks and yantykhs: festive, according to a traditional recipe with lamb, and simpler, with chicken, explaining that chicken is not greasy and is always perfectly baked. I always make chebureks and yantykhs with either turkey or chicken - although this is not quite traditional, it is very gentle. Since my recipe is not strictly traditional, I put the word YANTYKH in quotation marks.

Flour (1.5 cups - in the dough, and more, for sprinkling) - 2 stacks.
Salt - 0.3 tsp...


I remember this dish from my childhood. My mother is a Crimean Tatar, she cooked it incomparably! And my grandmother, my father's mother, said - your mother is economical, so she cooks such small dumplings! Although, in fact, this is a very painstaking work!

Flour - 300 g
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Water (a little for the dough, the rest for the broth) - 1.5 l
Minced meat (any halal) - 200 g
Onion (medium, one in minced meat, 2nd in gravy) - 2 pcs
Carrot - 1 piece
Tomato (or tomato paste) - 1 pc.
Butter - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt (to taste)
Black pepper (ground, to taste)

Let's start by preparing minced meat and dough, count on the number of people you are going to feed.
Add finely chopped onion to minced meat, salt and ...


Butter - 200 g, one egg, flour - 3 cups, a pinch of salt, 0.5 teaspoon of soda slaked with vinegar, turmeric (this is not necessary, but will give a bright yellow color)

Melt the butter, add one egg to the flour, add the slaked soda. Combine the resulting mixtures and knead a stiff dough. You can also add turmeric to the dough - this will give the product a bright yellow color. Put the dough on a baking sheet, bake for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.
Recipe from Rustem Ibadlaev
Photo: Dilyara Sufyanova


Yantik is a cheburek made from unleavened dough, which is fried in a dry frying pan. It can be prepared with various fillings. We offer one of the cooking methods.

For the dough: water - 1.5 cups, salt - to taste, flour. For the filling: minced meat or cheese, herbs, water.

Knead the dough for pasties, leave for 15 minutes, then knead again. Divide into 8 parts, roll out thinly. Salt the minced meat, pepper, add herbs and a little water (less than in pasties). Arrange on a cake, seal the edges well so that water does not flow into the pan during frying. Bake in a dry, well-heated pan. Sprinkle with water, brush with butter and cover with a plate.
rus4all. en

Crimean Tatar pasties

flour - 500 g, minced meat - 300 g, water - 190-250 ml, onions - 150 g, meat broth - 4-6 tbsp. spoons, salt, spices - to taste, vegetable oil - for frying.

Sift flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt. Mix well and pour in a little less than 1/2 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Rub the flour with butter thoroughly with your hands, knead each lump. Continuing to knead, gradually pour in water until the dough rolls into a ball. The finished dough will be quite tight and a little lumpy. Wrap it in cling film and leave it on the table for 40-60 minutes. During this time, the flour will be saturated with water, the dough will become elastic.
Place minced meat in a large bowl. Peel the onion and grate...

sarah burmese

Flour - 2-3 cups
vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons (for dough)
150-200 g melted margarine (grease)
water or serum
salt, spices.
Meat (beef or lamb is fatter, it is good to add fat tail fat),
potatoes - 1-2 pcs.,
onions - 1-2 pcs.

Prepare the dough: flour, water and vegetable oil, refrigerate.
While the dough is infused, let's take care of the filling - grind the meat in a convenient way for us - with a meat grinder, blender, cut the onion smaller, potatoes into small cubes, mix everything. Add seasonings - pepper, cilantro, zra, you can have a couple of cloves of finely chopped garlic, etc.
Divide the dough into 2 parts. Roll out each part into a thin layer of round shapes, grease each with oil, lay them on top of each other - one of the options for puff pastry is obtained. Then lay out the filling, roll up, put in a frying pan, greased with oil.
Bake 30-35 minutes.
