
Icing. Personal experience or subjective opinion

It is useful to know about how much icing is stored in the refrigerator not only for confectioners, but also for housewives who regularly pamper their household with delicious desserts. The shelf life of this product depends primarily on its variety. Glaze is sugar-protein, mirror, royal, lemon, chocolate. Chocolate icing, in turn, can be made from white, milk or dark chocolate, with or without additives, diabetic or not. Here we will talk about whether it is possible to store the finished glaze, where, how and how long it remains usable.

The most important thing about frosting storage

    The icing can be stored in the refrigerator for 14 days.

    The shelf life of protein glaze is a maximum of 3 days.

    Royal icing will keep in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

How to store icing sugar

Icing sugar will have the perfect consistency if you use powder instead of sugar. You can store this glaze for a long time.

Its shelf life is about 3 days at room temperature and up to 14 days in a refrigerator.

It should be borne in mind that it will harden after a while, so the dishes must be tightly covered with cling film. Stir icing sugar for 1-2 minutes before use.

How to store sugar-protein glaze (icing)

The question of how to store protein and sugar icing is especially relevant before Easter. Cake icing storage is not usually required, but unforeseen circumstances can happen. And not only for Easter cakes they prepare icing from sugar and eggs. Icing is used for gingerbread, muffins, cookies, buns, etc. In general, there are countless ways to use protein foam with sugar. Therefore, it is important to know how to store protein glaze.

It is prepared in a metal bowl (it is in it that you can get the most lush mass), the proteins are pre-cooled and salted, and then beat, gradually adding sugar or powdered sugar, until stable peaks. Some people add lemon juice to the proteins - it will make the foam stronger and more stable. Before storing protein glaze, it does not need to be “disturbed” and transferred to another dish, it is enough to close the lid as tightly as possible. How long you can store the glaze in the refrigerator depends on the quality of its preparation, usually this period does not exceed 3 days, but it is quite difficult to keep the protein foam as strong as at the time of preparation. It is worth being prepared for the fact that it will become liquid.

How to store mirror glaze

Glossage or mirror glaze is a real find for a confectioner. With its help, you can make any dessert perfect, the main thing is to cook it correctly.

Due to its composition, it can be stored in a closed container on a refrigerator shelf for two weeks.

Sugar, gelatin, water, condensed milk, chocolate, food coloring - none of these products are perishable, but before using, this glaze must be stirred. Before storing mirror glaze, it must be placed in an airtight container.

How to Store Royal Icing

Royal icing is prepared to decorate confectionery products with edible decorative elements. Unlike mirror and chocolate glazes, Royal Icing cannot be refrigerated. To save the finished dried royal icing patterns, you will need a small box (for example, from under candy). Moisture and low temperatures are unfavorable conditions for royal icing. Cakes with protein cream can be decorated with such figures, but they do not go well with butter or butter cream.

Many do not store royal icing, being afraid of salmonellosis. In fact, with proper storage (in a dry place), a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria is not formed, so you can use Royal Icing for 5-7 days.

How to store chocolate icing

Chocolate icing is one of the easiest ways to decorate desserts. Chocolate icing is always prepared in a water bath, regardless of whether chocolate or cocoa is used in it. It can be stored for a long time, as well as chocolate. Optimal storage conditions for chocolate icing: air temperature 18°C ​​and humidity 75%. The shelf life of chocolate icing begins to count from the date of manufacture of chocolate, which is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

  • dessert chocolate without additives is 6 months;
  • bulk chocolate without additives can be stored for up to 4 months;
  • loose chocolate with additives is stored even less - up to 60 days;
  • chocolate for people with diabetes, as well as with fillings and additives, is suitable for consumption for 90 days.

Based on these indicators, the shelf life of chocolate icing with additives is estimated at 3 months, and without additives - 6 months. It must be placed in a container and tightly closed with a lid, and before use, warm up to 37 ° C and mix thoroughly.

Decoration with icing is an original, refined and fairly simple way to make any confectionery product even tastier and more appetizing in appearance. However, in order for the lace icing to turn out to be truly flawless, it is important to follow a few simple recommendations. We will try to highlight the main and most important of them in this article.

Be careful not to beat the icing mix too hard. If you are not yet experienced enough, it is better to use a fork - it is easy enough for it to destroy the integrity of the protein and bring the mixture to a homogeneous state. Another option is to take a mixer, only use it at the slowest speed and not for long. Too much whipped icing becomes fluffy and oversaturated with bubbles, which can affect its strength.

Powdered sugar should be the finest grinding. Do not try to make it yourself with a coffee grinder and sugar - it is better to immediately take the purchase. If the icing turns out with grains, it will be possible to say goodbye to its plasticity, and such a mixture will become useless for making openwork figures.

A good technique that should be mastered by anyone who is going to paint with icing is ironing. It allows you to get rid of air bubbles in the sugar mixture and lies in the fact that before use, a portion of icing is smeared on a clean surface with a pastry spatula. Smoothing is also used if icing is needed a little softer than the standard consistency, because this action releases liquid and the mixture becomes less dense. For smoothing, 7-10 spatula movements in both directions are usually sufficient.

Two useful tricks to check the readiness of icing:

  • Fork. In a bowl with icing, draw a strip. If the mixture is brought to the desired condition, the strip should be clear.
  • Finger. If you dip your finger into the sugar mixture, the icing does not flow back into the bowl, but remains in the form of a hard peak.

Many people are interested in how to choose a package in which to place the icing for drawing. Of course, ideally it is better to use a confectionery syringe, but since not every housewife has it, you have to make an icing bag from improvised materials. It is best to use a tight bag or roll up a bag of thick paper - the main thing is that it is elastic enough and does not bend in your hands when squeezing out the mass. The hole in the bag is better to make smaller.

Regardless of whether you use ready-made icing stencils or draw (print) them yourself, we advise you not to make lace decorations on top of the template itself, but to put cling film or glass between them - this way, the template will become available for reusable use.

We bring to your attention a video that tells you how to make beautiful openwork icing balls:

All lovers of making jewelry from icing are faced with such a problem as ponytails. Tails are small sticking out pieces of the sugar mixture that remain on the part when you stop extruding the mixture at the moment the stencil stroke is completed. Here are a few ways to deal with ponytails:

  • Correct pressure on the mixture bag is important. At the end of the outline of the stencil detail, it is necessary to stop putting pressure on the bag (even a little), and then abruptly tear the tip of the bag off the surface. You can apply a circular tip tear: first to the side at 3 o'clock, and then a semicircle to nine.
  • If the tips still remain, you need to smooth them with a slightly damp brush or just with your finger (without waiting for the icing to dry).
  • An important point is in what sequence to trace the lines of the stencil. If you first draw all the internal lines, their tails can simply be covered with a contour main line drawn at the end.

A separate trick is the manufacture of colored icing. We do not recommend adding food coloring during the preparation of the mixture, as in this case the icing may not whip well. A much smarter option is to paint the finished jewelry by hand using a flat brush with natural fibers. To do this, dilute the food coloring in a small amount of water and, lightly dipping the brush to a barely damp state, begin to gently paint over the surface of the jewelry.

To get a more saturated shade, first wait for the first layer to dry, and only then start painting again.

An interesting idea is to use an ordinary spray gun to spray the diluted dye in the finest dispersion mode.

If you are preparing an icing cake for a specific date, please note that icing products require drying at room temperature (at least overnight, and possibly longer). Aising is afraid of moisture, so it cannot be stored in the refrigerator, especially if there is high humidity - it is best to put jewelry in a cardboard or plastic box. It is better to install icing figurines on a cake covered with protein cream immediately before serving.

If you can’t call yourself an icing master yet, make all the decorative elements in two or even three copies (especially if you have to combine them into a complex three-dimensional structure): often fragile figures often break, and the remaining ones may not be enough for a full-fledged cake decoration.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video on how to work with icing at home - perhaps everything that has been said will become more understandable.

Do-it-yourself icing for lace is not very difficult. However, the process requires a special creative imagination from the cook. After all, if you do not know how to draw, then you are unlikely to succeed in getting beautiful and graceful figures. Although some housewives resort to one trick. They make patterns using various templates.

Today we will tell you about how to make icing for lace with your own hands. In addition, your attention will be presented with a master class on drawing various patterns. Using the tips below, you can decorate absolutely any desserts.

general information

Before telling you about how to make icing for lace with your own hands, you should tell you what it is in general.

Aising is a sugar-protein drawing mass, which is intended for the manufacture of three-dimensional patterns that decorate confectionery. Initially, such a base is white. But if there is a special need, then it can be made colored by adding various food colors.

Cooking features

Do-it-yourself icing for lace is done quickly and easily. After following all the prescription requirements, you should have a fairly thick and plastic mass. As a rule, it is obtained by grinding sifted powdered sugar with fresh egg white. Also, some kind of acidifier is necessarily added to these ingredients (for example, fresh lemon juice, cremortartar, dry citric acid, etc.). This is necessary in order to make the protein mass more plastic and pliable.

How to make icing plastic?

As mentioned above, icing for a cake or others should be as elastic as possible. Sometimes this effect is difficult to achieve by adding only one acidifier to the base. In this case, experienced chefs require an additional use or a small amount of glycerin. However, the last ingredient can make the protein mass so sticky that you have trouble peeling it off the plastic backing. That is why this component is recommended to be used when subsequent detachment of the icing is not expected. As a rule, this happens in cases when the protein mass is deposited directly on the surface of the dessert.

Other ways to create

Do-it-yourself icing can be done not only with the use of protein. Indeed, to create such a drawing mass, there are other ingredients. For example, a very popular way to prepare a confectionery base is to use albumin. One kilogram of this substance replaces about 316 egg whites. In addition, there are other ingredients that are most often used not at home, but in industrial production.

master class on cooking protein mass

At the sight of the final results, many people have doubts about whether they can make such an ornament with their own hands. To this I want to say one thing: if you don’t try, you won’t know.

In general, it should be noted that icing for a cake, as well as other confectionery products, is not as difficult to make as it seems from the very beginning. The main thing at the same time is to strictly comply with all prescription requirements. Otherwise, the protein mass will not turn out to be of such a consistency, which is essential for the preparation of various laces and patterns.

So, icing, the photo of which is presented in this article, requires the use of the following products:

  • fresh chicken egg white - 1 pc.;
  • sifted powdered sugar - about 250 g;
  • fresh lemon juice or dry citric acid - about ½ dessert spoon;
  • strong glucose solution - a dessert spoon (use as desired).

Product preparation process

Before making icing at home, you should prepare all the ingredients. First you need to carefully separate from the yolk. In this case, the hit of the second component to the first is unacceptable. Otherwise, the decoration will not work.

After freeing the protein from the yolk, it should be placed in a deep bowl and beat lightly with a fork. The purpose of this procedure is not to make a lush and persistent foam, but to break the viscous structure of the component, converting it into a liquid mass. Excess air bubbles in the icing mass are not welcome.

As for the powder, it should be done with a coffee grinder or purchased in a store ready-made. If you failed to buy this product, then we recommend that you simply sift the granulated sugar through a very fine sieve. As you know, a sweet bulk ingredient always contains a certain amount of powder.

The process of preparing elastic mass

So, it's time to tell you about how icing is done. The recipe, a master class on the preparation of this delicacy will definitely help you decorate cakes and other confectionery.

After the egg white is beaten a little with a fork, powdered sugar should be gradually poured into it. In this case, the ingredients must be rubbed regularly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

After a few minutes of intensive stirring (about halfway through cooking), dry citric acid must be added to the sweet egg white. If you decide to use fresh lemon juice, then it is better to pour it in at the very end, along with a strong one. By the way, at the end, the desired food coloring (optional) should be added to the resulting homogeneous mass.

Thus, by portionwise adding powdered sugar to the egg white and rubbing everything intensively, you should get a stable homogeneous viscous and plastic mass. On this, the preparation of icing is considered complete.

Types of drawing protein mass

We talked about how to make a liquid drawing mass. But sometimes cooks also need flexible icing. How to cook it? To do this, you need to use more powdered sugar. In other words, it must be added until the protein mass stops sticking to the palms. As a result, you should get icing mastic. It is good to cover curly cakes or pastries. To do this, the resulting mass must be lightly dusted with powdered sugar, and then rolled into the desired shape with a rolling pin. By the way, in mastic, as well as in liquid icing, you can also add giving it one shade or another.

What are they used for?

As you can see, lace icing (the protein mass recipe was discussed above) does not require the use of many expensive and rare products. It is made from quite affordable and simple ingredients that are available to every housewife.

So what is the need for such a mass? As a rule, it is used to prepare unusual patterns for cakes. Although culinary specialists often use a sweet drawing mass to create an independent dessert. In this case, various figures and patterns are made from icing. If you decide to please your loved ones with an original sweetness, then we suggest forming a Christmas tree, various animals, snowflakes and more.

Jewelry shapes

Those cooks who do not know how to draw patterns beautifully use icing stencils. It can be children's books with large flowers, animals, butterflies, snowflakes. In this case, you will get flat decorations that can be easily stuck into the surface of the cake or pastry.

If you need to make a three-dimensional pattern, then we suggest using a book spread. This method is often used to form fluttering butterflies and other lace.

There is another original technique, thanks to which you can independently make complex designs from icing. For example, houses, carriages, strollers, cars, etc. To do this, you need to make stencils of individual parts of the object in advance, apply a protein mass to them using a cornet (through a film) and leave at room temperature for 2 days. After this time, the icing will completely harden. In the future, all the details of the three-dimensional structure should be interconnected using thick sugar syrup for this.

We decorate protein patterns

Now you know how to use icing stencils. But if it’s not enough for you to just make beautiful voluminous or flat patterns, then we suggest additionally decorating them with confectionery beads, sprinkles and other things. However, it is recommended to do this immediately after the protein mass is applied to the stencil. After all, after hardening, the icing becomes hard, and nothing can be glued to it. At least if you do not use such a component as thick sugar syrup.

The procedure for working with the drawing protein mass

If you do not know how to draw patterns yourself using icing, then we recommend using ready-made templates. Or you can just use children's coloring books. So, let's consider in more detail how to carry out the procedure for working with the drawing protein mass.

1. A plastic film is applied to the selected paper template or placed in a regular transparent document bag. The main advantage of such a bag is that the protein mass moves away from it very well. If you doubt this, then for better sticking of the formed products, the plastic film is smeared with a small layer of olive oil.

2. Freshly prepared drawing protein mass is placed in a special cornet, on which a suitable nozzle is put on in advance. If you don’t have such a pastry bag, then a regular plastic bag will do, in which you want to cut off a corner.

3. Squeeze out the icing onto the stencil, or rather, onto the plastic film laid out on it, should be slow and even. If you have artistic skills, you can do without templates, drawing with a protein mass, only armed with imagination. It should be noted that icing is often deposited directly on the surface of the finished confectionery. In this case, you should be aware that the drawing mass should never be applied to cream, biscuit or other wet surfaces.

4. After the icing has been deposited, it should be left to dry at room temperature. This may take you about 1-3 days, depending on the size of the pattern and the humidity of the room.

5. Dried jewelry and details are carefully removed from the substrate, and then used for its intended purpose. It should be noted that it is better to carry out this action on the edge of a flat surface, starting from the corner of the polyethylene film, which is carefully pulled down.

Due to the fact that such decorations are very fragile, they should be prepared with a margin of quantity. If the products break during removal from the substrate, then they can be used as a separate dessert and simply served with tea.

Now you know how to easily and quickly make icing mass at home. To make sure that you have prepared the sweet base correctly, you should look at its consistency. Classic icing should not drip on sloped surfaces. In the event that the mass is liquidish, then the formed products should first be dried until thickened in a horizontal position. And only then place on a curved surface.

If you need to get openwork spherical products, then the protein mass must be applied to inflated balls (air balloons) greased with olive oil. After the cream dries, they are pierced, and then the shells are removed from the resulting jewelry.

Storage method

Decorations and figurines made from icing can be stored for quite a long time if placed in boxes and kept at room temperature. In this case, the humidity of the room should not be too high.

It should also be noted that patterns from protein mass should never be stored in a refrigerator. After all, after being in cold air, they liquefy pretty quickly. That is why pre-formed decorations are placed on cakes and pastries only before serving to the festive table.

Instructions and 17 secrets for working with icing Aising is a protein-sugar mixture. Sometimes glucose syrup or a little glycerin is added to the mass for greater plasticity, but the addition of glycerin can make the mass too sticky, which makes it difficult for it to subsequently detach from the polyethylene substrate. When depositing the mass directly on the surface of the decorated gingerbread, i.e. when subsequent detachment of the icing lace is not expected, the addition of glycerin can greatly facilitate the work. Ingredients: powdered sugar - 1 cup egg white - 1 piece lemon juice 1/2 - 1 tsp. Preparation: To make icing, take one protein and beat it with a whisk until a light foam forms. Then gradually add powdered sugar, continuing to beat and adding a little lemon juice. Beat until a stable mass is formed. Aising is ready. The procedure for working with icing: 1) Draw future patterns on paper or print out ready-made templates. It is very convenient to use children's coloring pages as templates. 2) Put the drawn paper template under the plastic film or put it in the plastic "file" (thin transparent bag for documents). It uses the property of polyethylene that it does not stick to anything. Products can stick “tightly” to tracing paper, parchment or waxed paper, especially if the icing mass is too liquid. 3) Freshly prepared protein drawing mass (icing) is placed in a cornet with a suitable nozzle or in a plastic bag with a cut corner (for example, in a file for documents). The mass should be prepared every time in the amount needed now for work. Storage of the mass may cause undesirable changes in its plasticity, which will have to be corrected by adding either powdered sugar or a few drops of water and carefully grinding again. The icing mass should not be too liquid - so that it does not blur and lose its shape during jigging, and not too thick - so that it is squeezed out of the cornet without undue effort and does not tear during jigging. If you prepare a thicker icing mass, you can sculpt jewelry from it with your hands, like from plasticine. You should not sculpt too thick decorations, because. they take too long to dry. 4) Squeeze out the icing onto the plastic film along the pattern placed under it. If you have sufficient artistic skills, you can do without templates, freely drawing in mass according to your imagination. 5) A film with a deposited pattern (or a decorated confectionery product) is left to dry at room temperature (but not higher than +40 gr. C) for 1-2-3 days until the mass is completely dry. 6) Dried icing jewelry is carefully removed from the substrate. Secrets of icing 1) Powdered sugar should be as fine as possible. It is better to sift it through a fine sieve. 2) Products dry for at least 12 hours, larger products take longer. 3) In the refrigerator and just at high humidity, icing products break very easily, so it’s better not to put the cake decorated with them in the refrigerator. 4) The figures are fragile, it is better to make them with a margin. 5) Dried figurines should be stored in boxes or plastic containers in a dry place 6) Protein should be whipped with a fork or whisk, but NOT with a mixer. 7) Lemon juice (or citric acid) is better to add at the end of whipping, then the figures will be less fragile. 8) Powdered sugar may need a little more than a glass for 1 protein (it all depends on the size of the protein) 9) You can dry the figures on waxed or parchment paper, on polyethylene. It is more convenient to work with a transparent film, you can take transparent files-folders for documents. 10) When tinting with liquid dye, add more powdered sugar. 11) The drawing mass can be applied from a pastry bag with a narrow nozzle or from a cornet. 12) You can draw with icing directly on the cake. Only the coating of the cake should not be wet, whipped cream, sour cream, jelly and jam will not work. 13) If you need to give the product any shape, then make some kind of device that will correspond to the required shape 14) While working with icing, the unused mass and the nozzle left idle for a while must be covered with a damp cloth so that it does not dry out. 15) For shine, add 1 teaspoon of refined vegetable oil (per glass of powdered sugar) 16) At the end of the kneading, you need to adjust the consistency of the glaze by adding a little water or powdered sugar, depending on how you are going to use the glaze. It should be harder to cover surfaces, especially corners, and more plastic in order to make inscriptions or draw patterns with it through the cornet. 17) After preparing the glaze, it must be stored until use. Wrap the icing jar with a damp cloth and place in an airtight container. On sale you can find various plastic containers with sealed lids. The damp cloth will create a strong absolute humidity inside the container, preventing the glaze from drying out. If there are no containers, you can tightly wrap the vessel directly on top of a damp cloth with food-grade plastic wrap. In the refrigerator at +5 degrees, the glaze in such a package can be stored for up to 5-7 days.

Good day to all! I want to bake gingerbread cookies closer to NG, decorate and hang them on the Christmas tree). There are a million recipes on the Internet, maybe you have a proven recipe from someone? I don’t have a very good oven, but it seems to me that cookies should turn out, at least more or less). Also, is it soft or like sandy? Thanks.


According to this recipe, half an eve was baked, I also tried it, tasty, hard and crumbly. Holes to hang on a Christmas tree should be made before they cool down, it is convenient to make a straw for juices.
"Ginger cookie.
Finnish RECIPE:

I snatched it too by accident, very tasty and interesting to do.
Usually I make the dough in the evening, and in the afternoon I bake it the next day, and then I bake it with my husband.

2/3 cup syrup (for example, corn syrup. Can be replaced with liquid honey.)
1 3/4 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups butter (250g)
6 cups flour
3 eggs
3 teaspoons spoons of soda
1-2 teas. spoons of cinnamon I put 1 spoon
1-2 teas. spoons of cloves I put 1 spoon
1-2 tsp ginger

Heat the spice syrup to a boil and add the oil. Beat eggs with sugar and combine with the cooled syrup. Add soda and gradually, pouring through a sieve, stir in the flour.

Let the dough lie in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, and preferably a day.

Roll out the dough into a 2-3 mm layer, cut out the cookies and bake at 190 C (350 F) 7-10 minutes.

Mix proteins with citric acid, and, gradually adding sifted (!) Sah. powder, beat until such a thick state that if the surface is “cut” with a knife, the edges of the cut “show” an even cut for a couple of seconds.

Citric acid: a pinch per 1 protein.
Lemon juice: 1 tsp for 1 protein.

Those. it should be very thick, MUCH thicker than sour cream or condensed milk. So thick that a spoon could practically sit in it.

Keep in mind that the surface of the icing begins to dry instantly, so it must be kept in a closed container and with food at all times. film on the surface. Can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.

You can add dyes, there will be colored icing as you can see in the picture"

There is a recipe: just baked the 4th batch with the children :)
From the book of Yulia Vysotskaya
Mix: 100g butter + 200g. flour + 100 (150) gr. sugar + 2-3 teaspoons of dry ginger and cinnamon. down to sand
Beat one egg
Add to flour, etc.
Knead the dough, roll into a ball and leave for 30 minutes. in the hall
Roll out 0.5 cm thick, cut out with tins.
Bake 20-25 minutes at 180g.
The icing is either sugar or protein, you can decorate with beautiful sprinkles.
To hang - make holes with a straw for a cocktail

You can call shakshuka the favorite breakfast of Israelis. In general, this dish comes from Tunisia - one of the most popular in Middle Eastern cuisine. For 2 servings: 6 large ripe tomatoes 2-3 cloves of garlic hot pepper (a quarter - spicy, half - spicy) sweet paprika to taste 2 eggs (or as much as you like and eat) salt olive oil frying pan, not very large Cut the tomatoes into small cubes . Cut the garlic into slices (you can chop). We cut a hot pepper. Add olive oil to the heated skillet. Throw in the garlic and pepper. Fry literally 10 seconds, not allowing to brown. Lay out the chopped tomatoes. Shut it down, stir it up...
...For the filling, grind the nuts in a food processor, but not much, we do not need a homogeneous paste. Then add sugar syrup and rose water, stir. Pinch off a piece of dough, roll into a ball a little more than a walnut. Make a well, place a teaspoon of the nut filling in it, and cover again with the dough. There are special molds for patterning cookies in the Middle East. You can simply squeeze the pattern onto the cookies with a fork. Place the cookies on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until pinkish. Sprinkle hot finished cookies with powdered sugar - when it melts, it will give a crispy crust. After cooling, sprinkle with powder again. Cookies should be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Inspired by candy, celebrity pastry chef Peggy Porschen, these retro-inspired cookies will delight guests at any party, such as Valentine's Day. The color of the cookies will also tell you the reason - on Valentine's Day, for example, black, white and pink will be appropriate. Such cookies will be a great gift for your loved one or party guests: just wrap it in cellophane and tie it...
...Be careful not to go beyond the contours. If you're painting the cookie pieces with different colors, let one color dry completely before applying the next so the colors won't blend. To make polka dot cookies, dot white icing onto a wet black icing surface. The peas will sink into the black base and the cookies will remain smooth. Decorate the other part of the cookies with sugar sprinkles in the form of small balls of the appropriate colors, sprinkling them on the glaze that has not yet dried. To make the third version of the decoration - with thin stripes - first wait until the cookies are completely dry, and only ...

who is engaged in baking, help with the simplest recipe for beginners :-) white icing for gingerbread cookies and how to apply it? can I use an ordinary syringe or do I need to buy a confectionery one? *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


buy sugar pencils from doctor otker and don't worry :-) I'm telling you as a joint venture craftswomen :-)

Question in the subject - why does my icing not dry out? Stays sticky even the next day.
And is it possible to use purchased powdered sugar for it, in which, in addition to sugar, starch is also present in the composition?

Please tell me the recipe for DELICIOUS lenten pastries (the Christmas post has begun and it is necessary to depict something for tea for those who fast). Like oatmeal cookies, muffins... Thank you!


If I don't forget, I'll bring the recipe for lean yeast dough tomorrow.

Pies with cabbage. I already gave you the recipe.
Take water in half with sunflower oil, preferably refined. I usually take half a glass. It turns out 8-9 pies. Add flour to make a relatively stiff dough.

Filling: cut the cabbage into cubes, blanch for 2-3 minutes in boiling water. Throw away. Then stew in sunflower oil until soft (on non-fasting days I like to add butter for the spirit). I don't roast cabbage. Add salt, and 1-2 tsp. sugar - this is for those who like cabbage pies a little sweet. Again, on non-fasting days I add 2-3 boiled eggs. In lean - you can do without them.
As an option, you can add green onions, greens, mushrooms to the cabbage.

To make pies - butter dough, does not stick to the table during manufacture, does not require the addition of flour.
Lay out on a baking sheet. I don't even oil it.
Bake for 30 minutes until golden brown.

The pies are tough, so after cooking I put them on a board and cover with paper and a towel. Under them, they are steamed and become softer. The dough is crumbly, a little flaky.

ATTENTION! This dough is best suited for cabbage! Tried to do with other fillings - it turns out nonsense. And with cabbage it is very tasty and satisfying.

Thank you girls, you made me laugh! :)) Cleaned up in reg. In short, I didn’t know what to do with my coughing (and therefore sitting at home) daughter to distract her from the computer, etc. Here, they sculpted together the whole Saturday evening, and then painted it :) Gingerbread cookies from Fire. His hands had only just reached him, because just yesterday they had eaten another stollen.

Well, I don’t know where to write it .... on a Christmas tree or something ... Again I can’t find our delicious gingerbread. Throw someone *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


Thanks a lot!

150 gr. oils
150 g of granulated sugar (you can replace half with honey or molasses)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground ginger (you can grate it raw, but in this case, ginger fibers may get into the dough, which, however, is not so scary)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground cloves (optional)
1 tsp ground allspice (optional)
2 tbsp. l. milk
1 egg
300 gr. flour

Mix butter with sugar, baking powder and spices into an air mixture.
Then add milk, baking powder.
After flour.

Roll into a ball and refrigerate (wrap in plastic wrap) for 30 minutes.
Roll out, bake for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees

They sell it in the grocery section, you know? In the form of hearts and stars. Dry, thin. I love it, I want to bake it myself - you won’t run into Ikea! Maybe someone knows - tell me!


Y. Vysotskaya made gingerbread cookies in "We Eat at Home".

01/23/2005 10:27:48 PM, Zhenyura

For such baking, ammonium is needed as a baking powder, ordinary baking powder will not give such a crunchy dough.

Christmas - 1. rushka's blog on 7ya.ru

Christmas Gingerbread cookies (Finnish recipe) Yield: 180 pcs. Ed. 2011: This year I did not add soda to the dough for houses at all. The result is wonderful! The dough practically does not change shape during baking, you can roll it out thinly (4-5 mm maximum), and the details are clear and durable! Gnawing them is a little more difficult, but still very, very tasty and absolutely bitey :) In general, for simple cookies, I decided to make the dough with soda, but for the house - without. 2/3 cup corn syrup...

Glaze Exercises | "Old Fashioned" Sugar Cookies

I recently tried two new cookie recipes and at the same time finally played with icing, including color. Both recipes are from Martha Stewart ([link-1]). Openwork sugar cookies Here is a kind of shortcrust pastry, very pleasant. When baking, cookies practically do not lose their shape, do not swell, do not blur. Therefore, cut out complex shapes with small details from this dough. Cookies quickly become hard, but melt in your mouth instantly. You can dip it in tea - the cookies will not fall apart, but will become ...

Do not tell me the recipes for making TESTED cookies? I will be very grateful!


200 gr. margarine, 100 gr. sour cream, 2 yolks, chop 2 tablespoons of flour. Divide into 2 balls and put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then roll into layers thinly, cut into squares, spread with cream, wrap with envelopes, collect 4 corners in the center. Cream: beat 2 egg whites with 1 tbsp sugar.
You can do it differently - roll up a loose roll, cut into pieces about 1.5 cm wide, put on a baking sheet with rounds, you will get after baking the "Rosette".
And another super easy recipe:
Melt 2 packs of margarine, add 2-3 eggs (you can also without eggs). Soda extinguish with boiling water 1 tsp. Flour, how much will take, the dough should be pretty steep. Grind with a meat grinder into small pieces, lay on a baking sheet. It turns out a sort of striped shapeless "heaps" :))) delicious.

250 gr. margarine, 1 tbsp. sugar, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. soda in vinegar, flour
Beat eggs with sugar. Carefully pour in the melted margarine. Stir until smooth. Add soda, flour - how much the mass will take. It is necessary that the dough knead in a lump, but be soft. Divide the dough in half. Roll out 1 part evenly on a baking sheet. Put berries from blackcurrant jam on top. Grate the second part of the dough on top on a coarse grater. Bake for approximately 20-30 minutes. until golden. I bake on a rectangular sheet - ready, slightly cooled, but not cold, otherwise it will crumble, cut the cookies into diamonds.

To be honest, I have not tried it, the prices bite. And I probably won't try. But I like the look and idea of ​​cookies with a lot of nuts and dried fruits, so "clumsy" :) Maybe someone has tried it and will throw in a recipe for something similar? Even if you haven’t tried it :) And they also have crackers (I didn’t find it on the site), also with a lot of dried fruits, it would be very interesting to cook.


I really love these cookies from Elsa. The dough there is rather spicy, dried fruits and candied fruits are added in large quantities, the cookies are so wet and heavy. And "crackers" are rather dry biscuits with almonds, a bit like cantuccini. Unfortunately, I don't have recipes like Eliza's cookies. Once I just tried to cook pangallo for the New Year, this is an Italian Christmas dessert, also a lot of dried fruits. It turned out well;)

Please help me find a cookie dough recipe. The key is that it needs to keep its shape, there are no cracks on the cookies and I can't stand the usual shortcrust pastry. Do you think there is a way out? Can you add cheese or something else? Or maybe shortbread dough, which is delicious, delicious.


We take butter, cottage cheese and flour in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Knead for half an hour in the refrigerator. You can add sugar to half, and make the other half saltier, or you can do nothing, and it comes out so delicious. Then we stupidly cut into strips, I also twist them a little, love the molds - you can too. Baked at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Flies away at the moment.

The other day it occurred to me to put a bag of muesli lying around on cookies. Muesli was sweet baked with nuts, seeds and raisins. The basis was, I think, banal Hercules. I thumped everything by eye: a pack of muesli - 200 grams somewhere, 3 eggs, a pack of margarine, baking powder. I began to knead in a bowl and realized that you can’t do without flour. She sprinkled a little to form a ball, and then, when she was already rolling it out on the board. I wanted to cut hearts, but I didn’t find a mold, I found a Christmas tree. You need to roll out thinner, about 1 cm. It turned out 2 large baking sheets of awesome cookies, soft inside, and so ... long-lasting, in the sense that you need to chew it thoughtfully, with seeds and nuts.

Grandma keeps telling me about the delicious cookies my dad used to make when I was a kid. The recipe, of course, is simple (baked in the 50s), but no one can remember it :-)! It is only known that starch was added. Nobody knows something similar?


I have a recipe for starch cookies at home. It's called "Baby". Crumbly, tasty. If it's still relevant, I can write tomorrow. I don't remember by heart :-)

11/19/2001 11:09:08 AM, Siberian

In my opinion, this is the usual shortcrust pastry, but the flour is half with starch. Try it, I don't know if it's cookies, but it's delicious too. True, a completely different taste with starch, crumbly and tender.

We were flooded tonight. Water flowed from the chandeliers in the room (a sight to behold!), from the switches. Maybe someone knows when you can turn on the light so that it does not short out? How long does it take to dry...


Do not turn on the chandelier for 2 weeks, we had this. Used a table lamp. And it’s better to invite an electrician from the ZhEKA to take a look and at the same time draw up an act on the bay in order to recover damages from the neighbors.

I sympathize with you ... The electrician told us to dry for 3 weeks, they called us after it went short ((.. we lived without electricity for a month in half of the apartment ... they dried. True, our wiring is very old, the house is brick and flooded us twice in a row with a difference of 3 days .. The second time it rained for three hours ((.... everything got very wet
Maybe it will dry out faster.
Be sure to call the caretaker technician from the housing office and let him draw up an act on the bay! Decide what to do with the act later, but the main thing is to have it (it can only be done in the first three days, with days off like up to five days)

I have a problem with shortbread dough. It spreads. When the cake is baked, it’s not a problem, but when the cookies spread! Tell me, otherwise I'll burst into tears - the second portion of cookies turns into an oven, don't understand what.


Maybe you put a lot of sugar in the dough - but the sugar melts when heated in the oven! Cookies should be rolled in sugar, ready-made can be sprinkled with powder, and a little bit into the dough itself!

I was very surprised that you have problems with shortcrust pastry. This dough is actually the most non-capricious.
The fact that it blurs when baking means that there is not enough flour or flour of the wrong quality.
Try changing the type of flour - this is the first thing. Secondly, the amount of flour in well-written recipes is not set "hard", but approximately, until the desired consistency is reached.

Here is a variant of "fungi", which we always do and never had a misfire.
sugar - 1 tbsp.
eggs - 1-2 pieces (also, by the way, contribute to the "seizure")
margarine or butter - 200 gr.
sour cream SOUR - 200 gr, extinguish 1 tsp in it soda.
approximately 3 tbsp. flour.

But flour can go to 1-1.5 tbsp. more. The dough should be such that the dough ball does not spread on the table.

There are no special lamentations about the technology. Unless the butter-margarine should be at room temperature (but not warm and not melted!), And the dough should not be kneaded by hand.

By the way, I never chill shortcrust pastry in the refrigerator. It turns out more than decent. But since everyone around is advising and even scientifically explaining why it is necessary to cool, it will not be worse if the dough is held in this very refrigerator.
From 3/4 to 4/5 of the dough volume is taken for hats.
The rest is on the legs.

And for the legs, flour is added as much as necessary to get a HARD dough, otherwise they will not keep their shape.

Here is one secret. The less flour, the more tender the dough, but the worse it holds its shape.

To bake hats, roll out balls and place them on a baking sheet. They will blur, but at the same time they will take just the right hemisphere shape.

Baking temperature - 180-200 degrees.
And I put it in any oven, and in the chorus one as well.

Icing. Delicious snowflakes. Crafts user blog on 7ya.ru

Your Stollens finished me off))) My drool dried up).

Thanks to One such redhead, my peace and salivation left much to be desired. But, since for a number of reasons, I could not start the SP-shtollen, and the spirits of Christmas nevertheless overtook me, then from what was, I created it))) And the idea was thrown to me here: [link-1] So Let's start: 1/4 cup softened unsalted plums. butter (~ 50 g) A little more than a glass of sugar (I don’t like sickly sweet, as there is still molasses (honey)) 1 large egg 1/4 cup molasses (I have honey from Croatia - awesome) 2...

Girls, someone recently baked cookies like this to hang on the Christmas tree, can you share the recipe? I want to introduce the child to cooking))), at least New Year's.


Ingredients: Eggs 2 pieces Butter 100 grams Sugar 100 grams Flour 200 grams Starch 50 grams Baking powder 1 teaspoon Vanillin 1 teaspoon Dark chocolate 100 grams Powdered sugar 90 grams Lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon Average difficulty 50 minutes 6 servings Russian cuisine A now cooking it will take 50 minutes 1 Delicious, crumbly cookies for the New Year's table or to please yourself and loved ones during the New Year holidays. We start cooking cookies: beat the eggs with granulated sugar. 2...

We offer a detailed master class for beginners. How to work with sugar mastic? Sugar mastic is a product from which you can sculpt, just like plasticine. But unlike plasticine, mastic tends to dry out quickly in the open air, so it must be stored in a closed container, previously placed in an airtight bag, or wrapped in cling film. When you work with mastic, separate the part you want and put the rest back in the bag. Storage. It is advisable not to put the mastic in the refrigerator, as it absorbs moisture and becomes sticky. A dry, cool and dark place is ideal for storing sugar mastic. The shelf life of mastic bought in a store ...

I never bought down jackets, neither for myself nor for children, because I didn’t want to bother with washing, balls, etc. Now there are many different heaters with which there are no problems at all, wash at least every day. But she couldn’t resist, she took Hip; in Hop; according to the child, there was a very bright, beautiful set, although in addition to it there are still 2 sets. There are no complaints about the quality, I myself am to blame, as always. I washed it in a washing machine, threw balls to clear my conscience from Kinders, there were no tennis balls (((and I can’t look for ...

Cake "Potato": the very first recipe. Taste of our childhood.

Biscuit and cream recipe: pastry according to GOST from Chadeika

I know that they will transfer it to cooking, but at first I wanted to amuse you with my stupidity: I mistakenly bought chocolate butter instead of chocolate cheese in the store, it has been in the refrigerator for a week already. This week, only the cat did not ask what to do with him? But I thought for sure :) Advise with what to eat it tastier :) *** The topic was moved from the conference "Family Relations"

Yesterday, quite unexpectedly, I received a small present from the Paralon Cutlet. This is something :) no worse than a cake .... The second day I drive: children, husband and dogs from this masterpiece :) the aroma hovers throughout the apartment One dropped from a height, but it didn’t even crack :) Magical right :))) Decorated with cookies Christmas tree, but I still want :))) I want a lot, a lot .... Lenochkaaaaa, but give me the recipe plizzzzzz

But you should not "fight" with allergies on your own; otherwise it can be aggravated, in each case, the treatment tactics should be determined by a pediatrician, an allergist or a nutritionist. First aid for bronchospasm caused by allergic edema: Call an ambulance immediately by calling 03. Ask how much antihistamine you have at home to give your child. Give the child an antihistamine drug - Diphenhydramine, Diprazin, Diazolin, Suprastin, Claritin (this medicine is sold both in tablets and in syrup, it is more convenient to use it for babies). If the baby is breastfed, then at first all potential ...
...d. Cereals: buckwheat, corn, rice, oatmeal, etc. Vegetables and fruits: green and white. Soups: vegetarian and cereal. Meat: low-fat varieties of beef, pork, turkey fillet, chicken in boiled, dried form, as well as in the form of steam cutlets. Low-fat varieties of fish: cod, hake, pike perch, etc. Vegetable oil. Bakery products: wheat bread of the 2nd grade, rye bread, unleavened biscuits, pastries without custard. Drinks: tea, compotes, fruit drinks, mineral water without gas If the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding, most likely the cause of the food allergy was cow's milk proteins (a special examination will determine this for sure) that are in the infant formula; therefore, a partial or complete...


At the 1st month, my son was falling asleep from everything that I ate. My mother-in-law advised me to give him half a teaspoon of fresh beetroot juice, for a long time I did not dare to give him juice, but the allergy turned into a chronic one, it rained from the crown to the heels. Juice was given from a spoon once a day, the skin was completely cleared on the 3rd day. Now we are 5 months old, we continue to drink beet juice with the addition of apple juice 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a week. I forgot about allergies, I eat everything except coffee and chocolate. At one time, staphylococcus aureus was brought to my husband in the maternity hospital, all organs were affected, he constantly screamed, once a woman passed by on the street and advised her mother-in-law to give him beetroot juice, a healthy strong man grew up. So, there is nothing to poison children with chemistry against allergies, a really effective folk remedy

07/24/2018 09:11:41, Nata2018

You excited me with your talk about nuts. And I want-o-o! But there is no form and it is not expected ... Therefore, I rummaged through my memory and remembered one cookie recipe. It's called "Negro". It seems like nuts, but no form is needed. (Of course, more fuss, but the result deserves it!) So: For the test, we take: 2 eggs, 1 glass of sugar, 1 glass of vegetable oil, 150 g of honey (baby food jar), 2 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tsp soda, vanilla, 1 kg of flour. Beat eggs with sugar, add butter and...
