
Dried pepper recipe. How to prepare the fruits of bell pepper for drying? Oven dried peppers

Dishes with bell pepper have exquisite taste, pleasant aroma and get beautiful appearance. How to prepare bell pepper for the winter so that it does not lose its vitamins, taste and color? A solution has been found - you need to know how to dry bell peppers at home. This will allow you all year round enjoy the aroma and taste of this vegetable. Moreover, preparing it for the winter is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Dried sweet bell pepper will allow even winter time saturate your meals with vitamins and beneficial minerals that are contained in this fruit in in large numbers.

But before you start preparing products and learn how to dry bell peppers on your own, everyone should familiarize themselves with those who can be harmed by dried paprika. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat it:

  • angina,
  • gastrointestinal ulcer,
  • gastritis,
  • hypotension,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • dysfunction urinary tract and liver.

If you do not fall into any of the above categories, then let's get to work. Healthy fruits with fleshy walls of any color are suitable for drying.

There are several ways that you can use at home: in an electric dryer, in an oven, or in the sun.

Selected healthy fruits bell pepper rinse well under running water. Lay them out on a kitchen towel and pat dry each one with gentle blotting motions.

Now, with the edge of a knife, remove possible signs of spoilage, cut off the tail and remove the core. Those seeds that remain in the middle can be removed immediately by tapping the wide edge of the pepper on the surface of the table. For this purpose, you can use a special device.

Cut the peeled fruits in half or into four parts, then cut into strips 4-5 mm thick.

The old and kind way that our grandmothers and mothers used with pleasure is drying vegetables in the fresh air.

To do this, you will need a grid on which you need to lay out the strips. Cover with gauze and take out to the balcony.

Bulgarian pepper will dry at any temperature. The only but! In case of high humidity outside, it is better to bring grates with bell peppers into the house.

If the weather is favorable for drying vegetables, then in 3-4 days you will receive finished products. Drying vegetables at more low temperatures, for example, in autumn, can last 5-7 days.

This method is faster and more reliable.

Arrange the pepper strips in a single layer on the drying racks.

Set the temperature to 50 * C and turn on the electric dryer.

The duration of the procedure will be no more than 12 hours, depending on the width of the slices and the thickness of their walls.

Ready dried bell pepper should be dry to a crisp. It's easy to check with your fingers.

The drying procedure in the oven (oven) is almost the same as in the electric dryer. Set the temperature to 50 * C, close the cabinet door and periodically check your workpieces. After 12-14 hours, the pepper should reach desired consistency i.e. become dry and brittle.

Attention! If the pieces of pepper bend rather than break, and rather resemble Sun-dried tomatoes, then the drying procedure must be continued.

In order for the pepper to be well preserved for the whole winter, it must be stored in a linen bag - an old and time-tested method. Such material passes air well, which provides the “dried fruit” with reliable ventilation.

You can also store dry pepper in a jar, but it is advisable to make several holes on the lid.

If you do not have a linen bag, then you can store dried bell pepper in a plastic bag, but you do not need to tie it tightly. It's a good idea to make a few holes in the walls of the bag.

Watch the video about drying sweet peppers from the Ezidri Master channel

A simple recipe for cooking with a photo of sweet bell pepper dried in an electric dryer for the winter

Dried bell pepper- this is an excellent preparation for the winter, which can be added to various dishes. If you properly dry the product, it can be stored for several months, which cannot be said about fresh pepper. In addition, such a vegetable will always be at your fingertips when you need to cook a particular dish.

In order to dry peppers, you must first select the fruits that are best suited for this. You should remember that bell pepper should have a fairly fleshy flesh, bright saturated color, as well as a thin peel. It must be sweet and aromatic to retain its flavor even after drying.

Despite all the procedures that bell pepper will go through, almost all useful vitamins and trace elements, and in particular vitamin C, A, PP and B, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Together, all these components increase the resistance of the immune system to virus attacks, so that in winter the risk of getting a cold is significantly reduced.

Even in dried form, bell pepper can easily complement any first course, as well as various salads and side dishes. You can easily make lecho out of it, fill it with sauce, or just chew it as an original snack. In addition, such a dried bell pepper can be rubbed into a seasoning or ground into flakes.

To dry peppers, you will need a regular vegetable dryer, but you can also try using an oven or microwave. Of course, it is better to buy a dryer, since such a kitchen gadget will surely come in handy in your household more than once.

To dry bell peppers at home for the winter, stock up necessary ingredients and also use our simple recipe with step by step photos.

First prepare the bell pepper you plan to dry. Wash it in running water and also check for defects or overripe parts. Those vegetables that do not look very aesthetic should be put aside and used for other purposes. We need a whole, ripe and intact pepper.

After washing the bell pepper, start preparing it for drying. To do this, first cut off the green head of the vegetable to make it easier to peel.

Then the bell pepper will need to be cut in half and carefully remove all the seeds, and then rinse the vegetables from the inside. It is not worth cutting the bell pepper into thinner or smaller slices, as it will be inconvenient to dry it in this case.

Spread the pepper on a wide grid to allow the moisture to dry. naturally. Send vegetables to the dryer only in dry form. if you want them to be crispy after drying.

Now you need to use the electric dryer. On its rods, carefully lay out the bell pepper so that its slices do not touch each other. Lay out shiny side up.

You need to dry the bell pepper for three days so that it has time to dry well enough. The speed of the drying process depends entirely on your electric dryer. Sometimes it may take a little more time. Ready dried bell peppers begin to lay out in storage containers.

If you are going to store vegetables in a jar, you need to roll it up with a sterile lid, filling it with pepper to capacity. You can also store dried pepper in packages that should be closed completely hermetically, creating a vacuum inside using a special device. That's all. Dried bell peppers are ready for the winter!

paprika at home

Fragrant, bright, rich seasoning from ripe red sweet pepper is popular in many cuisines of the world. Paprika can be added to stews vegetable dishes, meat dishes and even homemade cakes. What is it worth hungarian goulash which is impossible to imagine without paprika!

It is clear that it is possible to harvest paprika at home only if there is a large amount of ripe bell pepper. This year we had just a gorgeous harvest, so we ate and stuffed peppers enough, and I managed to prepare paprika for the winter. I am very pleased with the result, so feel free to share the recipe with you.

I write the amount of sweet pepper in order to make it clear what is the way out finished product. You dry as much pepper as you have. At the end, I will show you 2 options for storing paprika - in powdered form and in pieces.

Servings: 1

Cooking time: 5 o'clock

in 100 grams - 282 kcal.

So, to cook paprika at home, we need juicy and ripe red peppers. Certainly sweet and preferably thick-walled. Although this is not essential.

First of all, you need to wash it, dry it and get rid of the stalks, seeds and white partitions. If there are damaged areas, cut and discard.

Now we cut the pulp of sweet pepper into cubes, not very large, but not thin either. Approximately 7-8 mm wide and 2-3 cm long, but this does not matter.

Decide how it is more convenient for you to dry the pepper. I use a dryer with 3 levels - very convenient, believe me. You can also dry peppers in the oven, even in the sun (which, however, hardly happens in October). All my pepper fit on these three levels in one layer. We dry the pepper until it becomes almost weightless, shrinks, wrinkled and loses almost all moisture.

Here, see what the paprika looks like at this stage. It is completely dry, does not bend, but breaks. If you don't let it dry, it will get moldy.

From 1 kilogram of fresh whole pepper, only 50 grams were obtained. homemade paprika for the winter. That is, the pepper has shrunk 20 times, that's how.

Now we get the same powdered seasoning that is sold in grocery stores in small packs. Just grind dried red pepper in a coffee grinder. And then it becomes clear why I wrote that the pepper must be dried completely, to a brittle state. If it is even a little wet, the powder will not work.

Store paprika in an airtight container to keep moisture out. These are my stocks for the winter - I dried much more than 1 kilogram of pepper, as I use paprika very often in cooking.

I hope this simple recipe vegetable harvesting useful for the winter. Now you can not buy paprika in the store, if the supply of sweet peppers allows!



Dried bell pepper- This is an excellent preparation for the winter, which can be added to various dishes. If you properly dry the product, it can be stored for several months, which cannot be said about fresh peppers. In addition, such a vegetable will always be at your fingertips when you need to cook a particular dish.

In order to dry peppers, you must first select the fruits that are best suited for this. You should remember that Bulgarian pepper should have a fairly fleshy pulp, a bright rich color, and a thin peel. It must be sweet and aromatic to retain its flavor even after drying.

Despite all the procedures that bell pepper will go through, almost all useful vitamins and trace elements will remain in its composition, and in particular vitamin C, A, PP and B, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Together, all these components increase the resistance of the immune system to virus attacks, so that in winter the risk of getting a cold is significantly reduced.

You can easily make lecho out of it, fill it with sauce, or just chew it as an original snack. In addition, such dried bell pepper can be ground into a seasoning or crushed into flakes.

To dry peppers, you will need a regular vegetable dryer, but you can also try using an oven or microwave. Of course, it is better to buy a dryer, since such a kitchen gadget will surely come in handy in your household more than once.

To dry bell peppers at home for the winter, stock up on the necessary ingredients, and also use our simple recipe with step-by-step photos.



    First prepare the bell pepper you plan to dry. Rinse it under running water and also check for defects or overripe parts. Those vegetables that do not look very aesthetic should be put aside and used for other purposes. We need a whole, ripe and intact pepper.

    After washing the bell pepper, start preparing it for drying. To do this, first cut off the green head of the vegetable to make it easier to peel.

    Then the bell pepper will need to be cut in half and carefully remove all the seeds, and then rinse the vegetables from the inside. It is not worth cutting the bell pepper into thinner or smaller slices, as it will be inconvenient to dry it in this case.

    Spread the pepper on a wide grid to allow the moisture to dry naturally. Send vegetables to the dryer only in dry form. if you want them to be crispy after drying.

    Now you need to use the electric dryer. On its rods, carefully lay out the bell pepper so that its slices do not touch each other. Lay out shiny side up.

    You need to dry the bell pepper for three days so that it has time to dry well enough. The speed of the drying process depends entirely on your electric dryer. Sometimes it may take a little more time. Ready dried bell peppers begin to lay out in storage containers.

    If you are going to store vegetables in a jar, you need to roll it up with a sterile lid, filling it with pepper to capacity. You can also store dried peppers in bags that should be completely sealed by creating a vacuum inside using a special device. That's all. Dried bell peppers are ready for the winter!

    Bon appetit!

Advice: take for harvesting different varieties vegetables and even use several at once. Red peppers are fleshy and sweetish, green ones are tougher and sharper, and yellow ones are juicy and very tender.

Dried pepper: in an electric dryer

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Servings: 12

Energy value

  • calorie content - 132.25 kcal;
  • proteins - 132.25 g;
  • fats - 11.98 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.78 g.


  • sweet pepper - 4 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Italian herbs - 2 tsp;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 550 ml.

Step by step cooking

  1. Wash the peppers. Discuss and clean. Remove the skin from the garlic. Chop each clove into thin plates.
  2. Cut the vegetable into slices. Put a pod on one tray of the electric dryer hot chili. Next, distribute the slices of bell pepper.
  3. Place garlic on top of vegetables. Sprinkle everything with salt and herbs.
  4. Set the dryer to 300 W for 7-7.5 hours.
  5. Take out the vegetables. To the bottom clean jars lay out hot peppers with garlic, put Bulgarian slices on top. Heat up the oil and fill the bowls with vegetables with it. Store tightly closed in the refrigerator.

Try making dried peppers and you'll be surprised how much such a simple detail can improve every dish. Not only vegetables will be used. Herb-infused oil can be seasoned with salads or used for marinades. Do not be afraid to experiment and discover new ways of harvesting, because with detailed recipe it's quite easy!

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At the height of the pepper ripening season, every housewife is puzzled by how to preserve its taste, aroma and maximum useful properties until next summer. Dried Peppers one for the winter better ways preparations along with freezing, preservation and drying. In this article, we will talk about all the features of this pepper preservation method. After all, for true gourmets It's no secret that dried peppers add a special piquancy to dishes. And this delicacy will definitely diversify the home menu.

The advantages of this type of workpiece

If you have never cooked dried peppers for the winter at home, then after reading this section you will definitely want to do it. And it's not just about original taste, which can be saved much better than with any other harvesting method. Dried peppers convey the taste and aroma much brighter than peppers after freezing. In addition, a frozen vegetable quickly loses its attractive appearance due to the large loss of water. Also, many housewives complain about bad smell V freezer, which appears due to long-term storage pepper.

Dried peppers in dishes give themselves out as a tough and thick peel. She is practically invincible heat treatment, and diverts attention from the dish itself.

The benefits of dried peppers

Another important advantage of these peppers, of course, is the benefits. After all, only the drying process allows you to save all the vitamins, macro- and microelements contained in large quantities in this juicy vegetable. Bring it into your daily diet, support immunity, and also adjust the process of metabolism in the body. All this thanks to high content vitamins A, PP, C, B, as well as magnesium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus and sodium.

This combination useful substances has a beneficial effect on the growth of hair and nails, improves work digestive system and helps to accelerate the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes.

The use of bell pepper is indicated for people suffering from diseases of cardio-vascular system and musculoskeletal system. In general, pepper - practically versatile vegetable, which also saves with arthritis, sciatica and even neuralgia. The vegetable is advised to those who want to strengthen their teeth and gums.

Like any product, pepper has its contraindications. Do not abuse such a delicacy if you suffer high blood pressure, diseases of the liver and kidneys, excessive acidity of the stomach and a tendency to epilepsy. Remember that peppers absorb pesticides like a sponge, so wash them thoroughly before eating them.

Vegetable preparation

The first step in the recipe for dried peppers for the winter is the choice of vegetables. They should be sweet, fleshy with a bright yellow or red color. Make sure that the vegetable is not overripe or spoiled - the pepper should be elastic, without areas of wrinkled skin.

Thoroughly wash and dry the vegetables, remove the stalk and seeds. large peppers cut into quarters, smaller ones into halves.

For more delicate taste you can peel it off. To facilitate this process, hold the slices for a couple of minutes in boiling water, then the same amount in ice. Such a temperature difference will allow you to easily remove the skin with just a few movements of the knife.

Further, each slice is smeared with sunflower or olive oil. If desired, you can leave the peppers without greasing. If you want to enhance the taste and aroma of a vegetable, give it originality and sophistication, then be sure to use spices. The best combination with pepper there will be a mixture of basil, marjoram and ground black pepper.

Salt the pepper, lay with garlic and lightly sprinkle with sugar - this way the pepper will brown better and acquire a charming aroma.

Drying methods

If you plan to cook dried peppers for the winter at home, it is best to use the oven. More uniform and faster heating are famous electric ovens. For those who are constantly engaged in drying vegetables for the winter, it is optimal to purchase a special electric dryer. But do not be upset if the oven runs on gas - you can also cook delicious dried peppers in it.

A slightly more difficult way to dry peppers is to use a microwave oven. First, the size of each batch of peppers is much smaller than when using the oven. Secondly, microwaves do not have adequate ventilation.

Process features

Prepared vegetables are laid out on baking sheets covered with baking paper or parchment. If the peppers have not been peeled, place them on a baking sheet in the form of boats so that the spices and garlic remain on the vegetables. In addition, with this layout, the skin is perfectly reddened. The baking sheets are immersed in a preheated oven.

The most important parameter of drying is compliance temperature regime. Optimum temperature the first hour is considered 70-80 degrees. Then it is raised to 100-110 degrees and the peppers are dried for about an hour. To remove excess moisture that will condensate on vegetables and walls oven, keep the door slightly ajar.

After one and a half to two hours of drying, the peppers should be soft and flexible. If this does not happen, then let them cool and repeat the baking procedure for another half hour.

Dried peppers in an electric dryer cook a little longer, but more correctly. Slices are located on special gratings, where they are constantly blown. The hostess only needs to stir the peppers periodically so that they do not burn and stick together.

Peppers are dried in several stages. Slices laid out in a deep bowl are heated at maximum power several times for five minutes. After each stage, drain the excess juice, otherwise you will get not dried peppers, but boiled ones. Repeat the five-minute regimens until the vegetables reach the desired look and consistency.

How to store?

The recipe for dried peppers is quite simple. But how do you keep them all winter long? Help will come vegetable oil- sunflower or olive is equally suitable. Carefully place the slices in sterilized jars, fill with oil so that its level is a couple of centimeters above the vegetables. Thus, ensure a complete blockage to the access of oxygen, which will keep the peppers as long as possible. Also, to increase the shelf life, you can add a spoonful of vinegar to the jar. Banks are stored in a cold place, best of all - in the refrigerator compartment.

Dried Pepper Recipes

Do you want to surprise your guests with a simple but at the same time gourmet salad? Then mix together basil leaves, fresh or sun-dried tomatoes, mozzarella pieces and dried pepper slices. As a dressing, you can use a combination soy sauce, salt and oil in which the pepper was stored.

Tired classic pasta co cream sauce? Just fry the slices beef tenderloin co fresh onion, tomatoes and dried peppers. Add salt and your favorite spices to taste and season boiled spaghetti such a roast.


So, today readers have learned all about proper drying peppers, about the benefits of such a product, and also replenished the piggy bank of their recipes. Dried peppers - an indispensable component various salads, pizza, pasta and many meat dishes. It can also be safely used as self snacks. Therefore, take care of the required volume of blanks so that they are enough for the whole winter.

Hot pepper is a favorite seasoning for many housewives. It has not only unique palatability, but also useful trace elements and vitamins. Prepare savory vegetable for the winter in several ways, including drying. This is the easiest option to save it. But when choosing a drying method, you need to remember that the final sharpness of the pepper will depend on this. It depends on the selected variety, and on the content of capsaicin, and on watering, and care during cultivation.

How to choose and prepare pepper?

You can dry like Bulgarian Bell pepper, and hot chili peppers. The basis of success is right choice and preparation of vegetables. First, sort them. You need to select pods with a uniform, glossy, green or red color. There should be no damage, inclusions, and even more so rotten spots.

Even the smallest flaws, small dots of black or orange color- a reason to reject the fruit. Such peppers are not subject to preservation for the winter.

Preparing hot peppers does not take much time. Selected pods must be washed, preferably under running water. Dry with a paper (cotton) towel. Next, it needs to be dried. To do this, they are placed for a couple of days in a warm, dark room (possibly in a box).

Safety measures before work

Capsicum - very hot seasoning and when working with it, you must follow certain rules:

  • it is necessary to carry out all work with pepper only with gloves. You should not hope that then it will be enough just to wash your hands - the burning seasoning eats into the skin and you will have to wash it more than once;
  • until the work is completed, you can not touch sensitive areas of the skin, and even more so to the mucous membranes (rub your eyes);
  • if the pepper is cut during cooking, it is important to ensure that the juice or small particles do not get on the mucous membranes, in the eyes;
  • when the work is finished, wash the gloves with dishwashing detergent.

Drying hot chili

Dry hot peppers at home, either whole or chopped. Before grinding, it is cut lengthwise, the stalk is removed and the seeds are cleaned. Then cut into half rings about 0.5 cm wide.

Way to dry in the oven

In order to properly dry any vegetable before fully prepared need dry air and moderate heat. An oven (electric or gas) is ideal for this. Necessary:

1. Prepare a vegetable.

2. When this method pods can be taken whole or chopped.

3. Heat the oven to 50 degrees.

4. Spread the pepper strictly in one layer on a baking sheet previously covered with baking paper.

5. Put the baking sheet in the oven, but do not close the door, otherwise the vegetable will simply bake.

6. Monitor readiness: the time depends on the amount of pepper and its integrity (cut or not).

7. Stir occasionally.

Usually such drying takes from 3 to 5 hours.

air dry method

There are two ways to dry the future seasoning in the air: on a newspaper and hanging on a rope.

In order to dry on paper, it is laid out on a wide windowsill and pepper is scattered in one layer, periodically turned over. It will be enough for 9-10 days. The method is not the most convenient, suitable only for a small amount vegetables and suggests the presence of wide window sills.

Newspapers absorb moisture well, so they are changed every 2 days.

Rope drying allows you to create as many bundles as you like. Mushrooms, apples, and many other vegetables and fruits have been dried in this way for many centuries.

For drying on a rope, the room is important. It must be ventilated and dry (balcony, attic, "summer" kitchen, etc.).

To dry peppers on a rope:

  1. 1. Prepare the peppers.
  2. 2. Take a needle with a wide eye, thread a strong long thread.
  3. 3. String peppers on a rope like beads.
  4. 4. Remove the needle and fasten the rope where needed and at a comfortable height.

Basic rule: peppers should not touch each other. So they will dry evenly and will not rot.

On the vegetable rack

Very convenient way. It is necessary to purchase a dryer for mushrooms, peppers and vegetables. This is a fine-mesh grill with fairly high legs. It is attached to the plate. And then:

  • the burner is turned on, the power is determined by the average;
  • vegetables (almost any that can be dried) are laid out on the grate in one layer;
  • dry for about 3 hours.

How to use an electric dryer?

Not less than useful thing for any housewife - an electric dryer. It is even easier to use than a vegetable dryer:

  1. 1. Arrange vegetables (fruits, berries, herbs) in one layer.
  2. 2. Turn on at full power according to the instructions.
  3. 3. Dry, stir occasionally.

Vegetables are dried in this way for about 12 hours. Be sure to stir so that the pepper does not stick to the grate.
