
How many minutes to cook cherry compote. Cherry compote - the best recipes

Compotes for the winter - recipes with photos

Cherry compote, preserved for the winter, resembles juice in taste and consistency. How to cook this delicious drink from cherry? Try our recipe!

1 l

40 min

140 kcal

5/5 (1)

Cherry - the fruit is not only tasty, but also incredibly generous. When cooking, he gives the dish all the most delicious, so cherry blanks- one of my favorites. And compote is no exception.

This ruby drink tastes and tastes more like juice. Even prepared from a small amount of fruit, it will not be frankly liquid. And the spicy sour-bitter flavor will remain even if you overdo it with sugar. How to cook canned compote from cherries for the winter?

Most delicious compotes are obtained from old Russian cherry varieties - Vladimirsky, Shubinka, Lyubsky.

Bought (or better - just picked cherries) ideally should be ripe but not overripe, elastic and undeformed.

If you intend to remove the bones from it, you need to choose a variety in which they are easily separated from the pulp.

Ruthlessly get rid of even the most appetizing at first glance cherries if you see small black spots or bites on them. This may mean that someone has already settled in the fetus. And it will definitely pop up during the cooking process. You have to strain the drink.

For compote it is better to use spring water. Tap water - should stand for a couple of hours.

cherry recipes

Classic cherry compote recipe

  1. We will collect or buy fresh cherries, wash them, remove the tails, sort through, getting rid of the fruits with flaws. Fill it with a jar (of any volume) up to the shoulders.
  2. Let's make syrup. A liter of water will require 300-500 g of sugar (depending on our love for sweets and cherry varieties). We combine the ingredients and, stirring, let the syrup boil. When the sugar has completely melted, remove from heat and set aside.
  3. Pour the fruit in a jar with cool syrup. Put it in a container with cold water and slowly bring to an inactive boil. We pasteurize half-liter jars for 10 minutes, 15 - liter, 20-25 - three-liter.
  4. We roll up the jars with sterilized lids, turn over and cool in a natural atmosphere.

The easiest recipe

Without water and pasteurization

  1. We place cherries in an enameled container, add 300-400 g of sugar per kilogram of berries.
  2. Cover with a lid and put on medium heat.
  3. Bring to a low boil, stirring. We stand for several minutes and immediately fill the prepared jars with a hot drink to the very top. We're rolling right here.

Delicious in any concentration

The more we use cherries to make compote, the tastier, richer and more elegant it will be. Its "plus" is also in versatility. Both lovers of rich drinks and those who do not like concentrated flavors- such compote can always be diluted with boiled or mineral water water without gas.

Compote of cherries filled with slightly cooled syrup looks more aesthetically pleasing than boiled, because in the first case, the fruits retain their shape better. However, they do not differ in taste.

To keep the berry whole, the water in the container during pasteurization is heated gradually to 90 degrees and the temperature is not allowed to increase.

Compote, like wine, must be brewed for a couple of months to fully reveal its taste.

Cherry compote is best placed in a dry room where the temperature does not exceed 15 degrees. Refrigerator too a good option(should not be below 0).

Some housewives claim that pasteurized compote can be stored under these conditions for several years. Maybe. But the question arises - why? It's tastier and healthier to use. fresh product. while drinking flavored drink in late autumn or winter, it is so nice to expect the arrival of summer, when bright berries reappear on cherry trees, and they will be offered at affordable prices in the bazaars.

What tastes better with compote

  • The taste of cherry goes especially well with apple. So cherry compote will become a worthy companion for charlottes, pies and fresh buns with apples. But it is better not to serve it with milk-based desserts.
  • Unsweetened cherry compote goes well with meat dishes, poultry and game dishes, vegetable side dishes.
  • It is interesting to cook from concentrated cherry compote natural lemonade: Just mix it with highly carbonated mineral water.

Compote for the winter of cherries with or without a stone

Every time before preparing cherry delicacies, doubts arise: whether to remove the seeds from the fruits. On the one hand, they enrich the taste of cherry dishes. On the other hand, cooking sites are full of dramatic stories (often very strange) about poisonings. hydrocyanic acid contained in the cherry pit.

To be calm for yourself and those around you, choose one of two things: refuse once and for all dishes from cherries with stones or eat them with pleasure, washed down with compote from whole cherries, if these products are not more than 6 months old.

In contact with

The following recipes will help answer the seemingly simple question of how to cook cherry compote. It turns out that such a simple drink, to which we are all accustomed since childhood, has its own nuances in preparation, on which the taste of compote largely depends. It is about how much to cook cherry compote, at what temperature and from what ingredients, we will describe below.

You can talk about how to cook cherry compote from frozen berries in a few minutes. Nothing complicated in this recipe no, and its advantage is that such a drink can be prepared at any time of the year, since frozen cherries are always sold in stores.


  • frozen cherries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 3 l.


First of all, you need to pour water into a deep saucepan, immediately add frozen berries, sugar to it and put the dishes on fire. When the water boils, cook the compote for 5-7 minutes over low heat, then let it cool completely.

Cherry and apple compote

Instructions on how to cook compote from cherries and apples are also quite short. You can use either fresh or frozen cherries in this recipe.


  • cherry - 300 g;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 3 l.


First of all, you need to wash the apples and cut them into small slices. Cherries, if fresh, are best separated from the pits, but you can immediately buy a bag of frozen berries that have already undergone such an operation.

Next, you need to send cherries and apples to a bowl with water and sugar and put it on fire. While the compote is boiling, it is not necessary to close the pan with a lid, but when the water boils, reduce the fire and cover with a lid, and then cook the fruit for another 15-20 minutes.

In this recipe, the cooking time is increased because apples take longer to cook than cherries. Ready drink must be chilled before serving.

Cherry compote - recipe with mint

The preparation of compote from cherries and mint differs slightly from previous recipes. But its taste, on the contrary, is unlike anything, because it has sourness and freshness at the same time.


  • frozen cherries - 200 g;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • lemon zest - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh mint - 2 sprigs;
  • water - 2 l.


As before, the first step is to send all the ingredients to the pan, only mint sprigs should be left aside.

When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and add mint to the drink, then boil it for another 5 minutes. You can serve such a compote with slices fresh lemon and mint, but always chilled.

Cherry and strawberry compote

Making cherry compote with strawberries is as easy as the previous drinks. The advantage of such a compote is that it can also be cooked in winter, when you want to remember summer, because frozen berries are good because they are stored in freezer all year round.

How to make cherry compote with unusual taste, will tell the next recipe.



IN large saucepan you need to pour out the water, add sugar, cherries and strawberries to it and put the dishes on the fire. While the water is heating, you need to periodically stir the fruit so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

When the compote boils, you need to cook it for a few more minutes, or rather - 5-7, then turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and wait until the drink has completely cooled down. You can serve it with ice and sprigs of mint, or you can drink it warm, especially in winter.

Ready compote can be drunk just like that, or you can use it for cooking, and add the remaining berries to it.

I years of cherries are filled with sun and life-giving juice. their taste and beneficial features- two good reasons to include cherries in the diet all year round. The preparation will help in this fresh berries for the future. One of the most rational ways of preservation is compote:
- minimum heat treatment,
- stored for a long time
- improved flavor bouquet due to the use of sugar.
It seemed that everyone knew how to cook cherry compote for the winter, and even more so, how to cook fresh cherry compote for lunch or afternoon tea. But you can do it different ways. How? We bring to your attention several recipes for cherry compote (for the winter and for "now").


To make cherry compote highest quality the first step is to choose the "right" berries. Although almost all varieties are suitable for canning, in one jar they are advised not to mix them. The stalks are torn off just before processing, at the same time the berries are sorted, choosing whole, without defects, large and elastic. Berries of the same color mean the same degree of maturity and make cherry compote especially appetizing and beautiful. The variety and degree of maturity also affect the way cherry compote is cooked. For example, sweet berry compote is sterilized in a boiling bath (15 min. liter jar, half an hour - three-liter), and compote from sour berries it is enough to pasteurize at 85 0C, but longer (liter jars - half an hour).

Berries with stones are washed thoroughly, but carefully so as not to damage. Last time rinse with drinking or boiled cooled water, allow to drain, do not blanch beforehand. If there are a lot of cherries, they are poured into jars almost to the shoulders, shaken periodically so that the berries lie very tightly. They can be gently pressed by hand so that there are still a lot of berries that will give at least 15% of the mass due to the release of juice.


The choice of a cherry compote recipe for the winter depends on the harvest, appetite and free time. We offer three recipes for cherry compote for the winter for different situations. If the exact proportions are not indicated, the amount of berries and sugar is taken "by eye".

Recipe 1. Cherry compote for the winter is prepared in this way by the main part of housewives. Prepared berries are poured into sterile hot three-liter jars for a third of the total volume or more. Pour boiling water over and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then the water is poured through a sieve with holes and a spout into one large saucepan, sugar is added at the rate of a glass with a slide for one jar, and boiled. Boiling syrup is poured into jars, the jars are immediately rolled up with sterile lids, turned upside down on a blanket and wrapped in it until it cools completely. It is easy to cook cherry compote for the winter in this way, the result is a delicious drink with a small amount berries.

Recipe 2. Slightly inferior in popularity to the first is this recipe for cherry compote. For the winter, it is mainly boiled by lovers of "thick" compotes, so that there is not only something to drink, but what to eat from the compote. Prepared three-liter jars are half filled with berries, pour 1.5 - 2 cups of sugar, pour boiling water, cover with a sterile lid and put in a bath for 20 - 30 minutes. Roll up, turn over, cool at room temperature. In this recipe, more berries are taken than in the first, and the taste of the compote is richer.

Recipe 3. And this method allows you to cook for the winter concentrated compote from cherry. Berries in it occupy most jar volume - sterile hot liter jars must be filled with berries almost completely. After boiling the syrup from 300 - 400 g of sugar and 1 liter of water, pour it into jars with berries while boiling. Banks covered with canning lids, put in a bath with hot water, bring water to a boil and sterilize for 15 minutes. Roll up and turn over.

The range of cherry compote recipes for future use does not end there.



Not many people know that you can cook cherry compote for the winter without sugar. Such recipes will appeal to those who limit the consumption of sugary drinks and foods, as well as in case of big harvest cherries, which it is desirable to process with minimal cost. For winter storage cherry compote without sugar will require a smaller area.

Cherry compote for the winter without sugar. Recipe 1. Start cooking compote at enamel saucepan. Pour a little water into it so that the berries do not burn, and pour the washed cherries. Put on low fire. When the cherry begins to release juice, the heat is increased. Gradually all the berries will be covered own juice, which will boil vigorously. After 2 - 3 minutes from the beginning of a rapid boil, the berries with juice are packed in hot sterilized jars. It is important to distribute the berries and juice evenly. Filled jars are placed in a boiling bath. Sterilize, roll up and turn over to cool completely in the air.

Cherry compote for the winter without sugar. Recipe 2. In this case, it is not necessary to cook cherry compote in the classical sense. Cherries are very tightly poured into hot sterile liter jars, poured boiling water and hold for 10 min. Water is poured into a saucepan, boiled and poured into jars again for 10 minutes, then this procedure is repeated a third time. After that, jars with berries in cherry juice with water are sterilized and rolled up in the usual way, turned over and covered with a blanket.



This recipe for cherry compote, which can be prepared for the winter, stands a little apart. It is more time consuming, because the seeds must be removed from the berries. But on the other hand, with compote cherries it is much more convenient and tastier than with frozen cherries to cook pastries, but first you need to give it the opportunity to drain well. Such a cherry is put in a real strudel and open pie, decorate her cake and pastries. The syrup in the compote according to this recipe is very rich, they tint and flavor the cream instead of alcohol, they make jelly and mousses from it. And you can dilute the syrup with a little water, and you get great drink, almost natural juice.

Before cooking the compote, the pits are removed from the cherries and filled with water, then boiled, best of all in an ordinary kettle. Prepared berries are poured into a sterile liter jar up to half or a little more, 1 - 1.5 cups of sugar are poured on top, depending on the taste and variety of berries. Carefully, so that the bones do not fall into the jar, pour boiling broth there. Cover the jar with a sterile lid, put in a bath for 15 minutes, then roll it up, turn it over and warm it with a blanket or a textile heating pad for slow cooling.



There is nothing complicated in the technology of how to cook cherry compote, which will be drunk immediately. The proportions for it are quite approximate, determined by the personal taste and varietal characteristics of the berries, their ripeness.

The easiest cherry compote recipe. In 1 liter warm water put 0.5 kg of washed berries without twigs, immediately after boiling pour 7 - 8 tbsp. l. sugar, wait for the boil and turn off. In order for the compote to turn out saturated, it must be allowed to cool. naturally However, if the cherry is very ripe and may burst, it is useful to put the pan with compote in a bowl of cold water.

Most complicated recipe cherry compote. It is boiled for serving a festive or banquet table. The recipe is outdated, so learning how to cook cherry compote in this way is very interesting.

300 - 400 g of prepared berries with seeds are kneaded in a saucepan and the juice is poured through a colander into another container, put in the refrigerator. The pulp with seeds is poured with a liter of water, sugar is added to taste, 5 - 7 tablespoons, brought to a boil, turned off after 3 - 5 minutes and allowed to cool completely. It is filtered and the juice from the refrigerator is added to the resulting drink.

Cherry compote recipe. Although it is easy to brew, the result deserves a place in your drinks assortment. Dissolve a glass of sugar in a liter of water, put a few cherry leaves without defects, 2-3 crushed cloves and pour 30-50 ml of cherry tincture or any alcohol. Bring to a boil, filter into another saucepan and carefully put 500 g of washed berries. Boil again and immediately remove from heat.

If you cook a dessert compote of cherries for children, instead of alcohol, you need to pour into the syrup Orange juice and put the zest or, together with the cherry, throw a handful of raspberries into the syrup. In addition, cherries go well with cinnamon and honey, which can completely or partially replace sugar. To increase the density of the compote, it is thickened with starch. To do this, the cherries are taken out with a slotted spoon, starch diluted in water is poured into the syrup, no more than 1 tbsp. l., boil, turn off and lower the cooled cherry.

No matter how the cherry compote is cooked, it is not only a benefit, but also cheerfulness, pleasure, good mood! To provide yourself and loved ones with a sea of ​​​​cherry positive, you need to know how to cook compote from cherries for the winter and for quick consumption. The suggested recipes will help with this.

cherry compote everyone loves. After all, it is delicious, perfectly quenches thirst and supplies vitamin C. How to cook cherry compote? Now let's figure it out!

Unique sour taste, invigorating effect of vitamin C contained in it and increased content magnesium and iron (you probably know that the body needs these two elements for anemia) make an indispensable flavored drink at any time of the year. Cherry compote - great alternative all sweet sodas, and if your child loves the feeling of bursting bubbles carbon dioxide on the tongue, you can dilute it with ordinary mineral water in a ratio of 3: 1. Is it hard to get your baby to eat? Cherry compote has another property: it improves appetite!

How to make cherry compote: a simple and economical recipe

“How to make cherry compote?” is an exciting question for a novice hostess. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. Let's walk through the process step by step!

Before you cook cherry compote, you need to collect necessary ingredients. Almost like the bachelor recipe book joke about impossible conditions, each of which began with the words "take a clean plate." We can do without a plate, but cherries, sugar and filtered water will come in handy for us. On three-liter pan compote usually take 1-3 cups of cherries and 600 g of sugar. Love sweet? Then these proportions are for you. But if you prefer sour drinks, you are on a diet, or just sugar has risen in price, you can put only 6-7 tablespoons per 3 liters. With one nuance: not immediately, but AFTER the cherry boils and you remove it, not allowing the berry to absorb the precious sweetness.

Cooking steps

  1. We sort and wash the berries, clean the stalks;
  2. Fill with water, bring to a boil;
  3. We remove the noise, reduce the gas, cook for 5-10 minutes;
  4. We take out the cherry with a slotted spoon, put 6 tbsp. sugar, add water to the edges of the pan to the place vacated after the berries, bring to a boil, remove the noise again, detect a minute.

The drink is ready! Moreover, it can stand at room temperature for a day. Do you feel like you don't have time to drink? Then put it in the refrigerator.

Summer is over, but are there carefully stocked blanks in the freezer? Let's cook compote from frozen cherries. His taste qualities will be no worse!

The technology for preparing such a drink is even simpler than previous recipe. After all, before you cook compote from cherries, frozen berries do not need to be washed and sorted out - this was done on the eve of freezing, by you or by sorters if you just bought a package frozen cherries in the supermarket.

  1. Print the package (usually it is half a kilogram, for 3 liters of water - that’s it) and boldly pour the contents into the pan: you don’t need to defrost it;
  2. Bring to a boil, reduce the gas, remove the noise. You need to cook, as usual, 5-10 minutes;
  3. Take out the cherry, put sugar (6-7 tablespoons), you can squeeze the juice of one lemon into the pan;
  4. Add water, bring to a boil, remove the noise again.

Cool down and start tasting! Winter kompotik will remind you of summer, soaking with unearthly berry flavors kitchen. It will also help to revitalize the body.

To make it even tastier, other berries are often added to cherry compote: currants, strawberries, raspberries. Let's try to cook a compote of strawberries and cherries?

Exquisite harmony of taste that you feel with every sip of delicious cherry-strawberry compote, makes many decide even on such a feat as growing capricious berries on a personal plot. Even those who swore that they would only rest in the country, and for this purpose planted it exclusively with trees, cannot resist and begin to experiment with strawberries.

  1. 2 cups of cherries and 2 cups of strawberries / strawberries are washed and cleaned from the stalks;
  2. Put in a three-liter saucepan, fill with clean water;
  3. We wait for it to boil, turn off the gas, remove the noise, cook for 5-10 minutes;
  4. We take out the berries, add sugar (6-7 tablespoons), add water;
  5. Bring to a boil again, remove the noise, wait a minute or two. Ready!

Such a drink can even be served at a party instead of standard packaged juices. Pick up a pretty glass decanter or pour chilled compote directly into glasses, garnishing them with mint leaves or dipping their rims in water and then sugar. Beauty!

Cherry compote for the winter: “Winter will ask!”

If you have storage space, you can figure out how to cook cherry compote for the winter. It is stored until the next harvest, and is done very simply.

  1. Rinse the berries, remove the seeds (optional), place 2-3 cups of cherries in a sterilized three-liter jar, add 2 cups of sugar, shake gently. Here you won’t be able to save on sugar, because the cherry will absorb most of it;
  2. Pour boiling water over the berries. Do not rush, the jar may burst, so pour in a thin stream;
  3. Then two options are possible: roll up the jar immediately, using a pre-sterilized lid, or wait half an hour, drain the liquid, boil it and pour it back, and then roll it up in the same way. If you are not sure about the quality of sterilization of jars and lids, it is better to use the second option.

That's all wisdom. Turn over the rolled jars, leave in this position until cool. Now you can enjoy delicious and healthy compote in winter too!

And if you still doubt your abilities, first watch the video, which clearly shows how to cook cherry compote:

The benefits of cherries
A cherry tree in your garden is a dream that allows you to get aesthetic pleasure from only one flowering in spring, and only enjoy the maroon ripe berries altogether a different story.

Since ancient times, the benefits of cherries for humans have been known. Just in berries great amount vitamins and essential amino acids.

Cherry is useful for diseases of the stomach, kidneys, lungs, heart, anemia, hypertension, arthrosis and constipation, rheumatism and diseases nervous system. Removes sludge very well. Improves digestion and appetite. It normalizes blood clotting and, as a result, prevents diseases associated with the formation of blood clots and heart attacks.

Cherry juice destroys pathogens such as streptococci and staphylococci. It has an antiseptic, anticonvulsant, expectorant, sedative and mild laxative effect.
A decoction of cherry branches has an excellent fixing effect in case of diarrhea. Also, a decoction is used for chronic colitis and the treatment of intestinal atony.

To relieve pain from gout, arthritis and rheumatism, you need to eat about 100 grams of cherries daily or use a decoction of the stalks. Boil 1 liter of water and throw a handful of stalks into it. Boil slowly for 5 minutes, let it brew for 30 minutes and drink 0.5 liters of broth every day.

Cherry juice with milk in the same proportion is used for fever, arthritis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis.

A decoction of dried cherries is used as an antipyretic: 100 g dried cherries pour 2 cups of water and boil over low heat until 1/3 of the volume is evaporated.

It is strictly forbidden to use cherry berries for cystitis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. Only juice and compote are recommended to be consumed in part gastrointestinal diseases, as directed by a physician.

Cherry berries are harvested different ways: cook jam, compotes, dry or simply freeze. Cherry compote is especially popular with children and adults.

Making compote from cherries, recipes

Cherry compote - special taste vitamin drink. On a hot day - a cool compote will refresh, in a cold season - hot drink warm. Easy to prepare.

The cost of cherries in the berry picking season is much less than that which is set for them out of season. The cost of sugar is about the same throughout the year. You can buy cherries in the fall, stock up vitamin compote enough for the whole winter democratic price. Or freeze the berries and cook compote if necessary.

Compote of fresh or frozen cherries, recipe No. 1

You can cook compote from both fresh and frozen berries. It will be useful and tasty.

Step 2. Fall asleep cherries and cook for 5 minutes. Cool down.

Cherry compote with mint, recipe number 2

Amazing taste freshness and sweet sourness.


Step 1. Pour water and pour sugar into a saucepan. We boil.
Step 2. We fall asleep cherries, mint and cook for 5 minutes. Cool down.
Step 3. Drink cold with a slice of lemon.

Cherry compote for the winter, recipe number 3


Step 1. Pour water and pour sugar into a saucepan. We boil. We cool.
Step 2. We wash the jars and fill them completely with prepared berries.
Step 3. Pour a little more than half of the berries in jars with the prepared syrup.
Step 4. We take a large pan, put a cloth on the bottom. We put prepared jars in it with covered lids. Pour water into a saucepan and put on small fire. We sterilize small jars for 10 minutes, and liter jars for 15.
Ready to roll up.


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