
Compote of strawberries and cherries in summer. Strawberry cherry compote

Nowadays, young housewives have become less and less likely to prepare various goodies for the winter. Maybe it's due to lack of time, who knows. But I still advise you to go back to the "old" again and start harvesting all the goodies in the summer.
I suggest you prepare cherry compote with strawberries for the winter, a recipe with a photo will show how easy it is to cook. This drink "Assorted", I'm sure, will appeal to everyone, both small children and adults.
So let's get started, shall we?

To prepare assorted compote, we need:
- cherries,
- strawberry,
- granulated sugar,
- water,
- lemon acid.

So, having prepared everything necessary ingredients, let's start the process of preparing assorted compote. We take cherries and strawberries in a ratio of 1: 1. We sort strawberries and cherries. Choose ripe, dense, undamaged berries. We free the cherries from the stalks, and separate the strawberries from the sepals.

We place the cherries and strawberries in parts in a colander and wash the berries under running water. cold water with little pressure. Let the water drain well.

Let's get the banks ready. We scald them with boiling water and dry them. We put well-washed cherries and strawberries mixed in clean, dry jars.

We take granulated sugar, citric acid And plain water. Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. In every filled floor liter jar add three tablespoons granulated sugar and a few crystals of citric acid.

Fill jars with berries with boiling water, cooled to a temperature of 60 degrees. We cover the jars with lids and place them in a saucepan with hot water for sterilization. We sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters for 15-20 minutes. After processing, the jars are hermetically sealed and turned upside down. Cool and store in a cool dry place.

So we coped with our goal, prepared compote "Assorted" from cherries and strawberries. Enjoy your meal!
Author: arivederchy
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Step 1: prepare the cherry.

Pour the cherries into a deep bowl and rinse thoroughly under warm running water. At the same time, we remove the tails and remove the spoiled berries from total mass. Then drain the remaining liquid from the container and leave the component aside.

Step 2: prepare the strawberries.

We sort through the strawberries with clean hands: remove the tails and spoiled berries. Then put the component in a free deep bowl and gently rinse under running cold water. Attention: we make sure that all the dirt is gone, otherwise the conservation may explode at the most inopportune moment, for example, closer to winter. Now drain the remaining liquid in the container and leave the strawberries aside for a while.

Step 3: Sterilize jars with lids.

Pour the usual into a deep saucepan cold water and put on big fire. To make the liquid boil faster, cover the container with a lid. Meanwhile, rinse the jars under running water using a kitchen sponge with detergent. Important: do this until the inner walls of the cans begin to creak.
When the water boils, remove the lid, and in its place we put a sieve or special equipment for the upcoming procedure. We reduce the fire and begin to sterilize the container. Lay the jars in turn on top of the pan, neck down. We process them within 10–15 minutes until steam starts to flow down the walls. Immediately after that, remove the container with kitchen mitts and transfer them to a clean cloth towel. Now carefully put metal caps into boiling water and boil them too 10 minutes. After the allotted time, turn off the burner, and take out the inventory with the help of kitchen tongs and put it next to the jars.

Step 4: Prepare cherry and strawberry compote.

Pour clean cold water into a medium saucepan and put on a large fire. We are waiting for the liquid to begin to boil. Immediately after this, we reduce the fire, and pour into the container 400 grams of sugar. Constantly stirring everything with a tablespoon, bring the mass to a homogeneous state. We should get a syrup with which we will pour our berries. Turn off the burner and wait for the liquid to become 50 °C.

In the meantime, carefully put a handful of strawberries and cherries in jars in turn. Attention: we try to evenly distribute the components so that later we get a more expressive taste and aroma of the drink. Sprinkle with the remaining sugar and pour over the syrup.

Now the most crucial moment. On a small fire in a deep pot of boiling water, we put the jars in turn, which we cover with metal lids. We sterilize the compote for 10 minutes. Immediately after that, we take out the container with the help of kitchen tacks and roll it up using the can key.
We put the compote upside down in a secluded place and wrap it with a warm blanket. We leave in this position for at least a day until the banks have completely cooled down. Important: this must also be done in order to check the quality of the seaming. After all, if somewhere on the lid passes air, it is likely that the container will begin to leak or even explode. Therefore, this procedure is very important and should not be skipped. At the end, we transfer our drink to the pantry or cellar and store it until the right moment.

Step 5: serve compote of cherries and strawberries.

In winter, open a jar of compote with a can opener and pour into a jug. Serve to dessert table along with cookies. You can also just enjoy it. divine drink pouring it into glasses.
Enjoy your meal!

Compote can also be stored in the refrigerator. The main thing is that the drink does not fall under direct sunlight;

To make the compote tasty and fragrant, it is best to use a proven ripe berry. If it will homemade strawberries, then be sure that the drink will turn out well;

You can also use baking soda to rinse the jars, as it food supplement which is easy to rinse off and does not leave streaks.

In this article, you will learn how to make delicious cherry and strawberry compote for the winter - step by step recipe with photo.

Compotes are a great alternative to store-bought drinks and juices.

In the midst of conservation, we will make several jars delicious compote from cherries and strawberries.

Compote comes out fragrant, with a deep rich color and sweet strawberry flavor. The not very rich taste of sweet cherry is almost not felt, strawberries interrupt it.

The recipe is based on the double pour method boiling water, without cooking the berries themselves. Due to such gentle processing, the fruits retain a maximum of useful substances.

Such a compote can be an excellent basis for jelly or other desserts.

Compote of cherries and strawberries for the winter - step by step with a photo


  • 150 grams of strawberries;
  • 180 grams of cherries;
  • 110 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of filtered water.

Cooking sequence

Remove stems from strawberries, free cherries from twigs. Place whole berries without damage and rotten areas in a colander, rinse intensively under running water. If you have wormy cherries, soak them in salted water for 35 minutes in advance, then rinse with a portion of fresh water.

At the same time, prepare a container for storing compote - sterilize a 2-liter jar in a way suitable for you (boiling, steaming or in the oven). Do the same with the lid.

Place the prepared berries tightly on the bottom of the sterile container.

During the cooling period, the bank should be constantly wrapped in a warm blanket.

Store the cooled workpiece in a special room for this (pantry, cellar).

We suggest you take note of the option homemade for the winter - compote of cherries, strawberries and cherries! The dominant taste of cherries is complemented by pleasant aromatic notes of strawberries and a slight sourness of cherries. Going a little further, experimenting, add a little extra taste- vanillin and cardamom will be appropriate here. We will also slightly add spices, star anise (anise) will cope with this task perfectly. But if you are not a fan of this spice, exclude it from the list of ingredients.

Our recipe is basic, but you can always modify it by adding one or another mix of berries / fruits. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions, and excellent cherry and strawberry compote will delight you all winter. The number of products is indicated on a 1 liter jar.


  • sweet cherry - 300 g
  • cherry - 100 g
  • strawberries - 100 g
  • sugar - 80 g
  • vanillin - 1 g
  • cardamom - pinch
  • star anise - 1 star
  • water - 550 ml

Preparation of winter cherry and strawberry compote with the addition of spicy spices

Preparing the berries right amount cherries and sweet cherries are sorted very carefully. We discard slightly rotten, wrinkled, spoiled. Pour selected berries with cool water, weed out the emerging twigs and leaves. We wash the berries additionally under cool water.

We also sort out strawberries, tear off the stalks. Dense beautiful berries rinse under a small stream of cool water.

Before preparing the berries, you can sterilize the container so as not to waste extra time. To do this, take a liter jar, wash it thoroughly with soda, preferably until the glass creaks, sterilize over steam for 10 minutes.

Then we fill the jar with clean berries.

After boiling water, pour it into a jar. We throw a boiled lid, leave it in this state for 10-15 minutes.

Now we put a special lid on the jar, so that it is more convenient to drain the liquid, we take the jar itself with tacks.

Now we are preparing the syrup for our cherry and strawberry compote. Drain the warm colored liquid into a saucepan. Pour additional flavors for the drink - vanillin, cardamom, star anise. We also add a portion of granulated sugar. Boil the contents of the saucepan for 3-4 minutes. Filter badyan.

Pour the fragrant liquid back into the jar. Sterilize the drink for 15 minutes. We tightly tighten the jar with a lid using a seaming key.

To sterilize cherry compote, take a deep saucepan, put a small towel or piece of cloth on the bottom in an even layer, pour water and heat it up. Put the jar in a saucepan so that the water does not reach the neck 3-4 cm, cover the jar, bring the water to a boil and simmer over low heat. Take out the jar with special tongs and be careful! Hot!

IN summer heat are particularly popular with various cold drinks. Many of the world-famous producers of sweet sparkling waters today were able to develop only thanks to the summer, offering refreshment with their products at almost every step. However, in order to quench your thirst, it is not necessary to go to the store for a bottle of cold soda, you can cook your own delicious homemade, and most importantly healthy drink, for example, strawberry-cherry compote. Cooking it is not at all difficult, even a child will cope with the task. school age. Make more compote and enjoy the natural aroma and taste fresh berries and fruits.
See also .
IN this recipe we will tell you how to cook summer compote from strawberries and cherries. At the moment, these berries are available in season, but even if the strawberries and cherries have already moved away, you can always use the frozen product.

So, let's get started, for the preparation of compote we need:

- fresh or frozen strawberries - 500 grams;
- fresh or frozen cherries - 300 grams;
- pure water- 3 liters;
- sugar - to taste.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. Let's start with the preparation of berries. Ripe strawberries are peeled from the stalks and thoroughly washed in running cool water. We do the same with cherries.

2. After that, we take a suitable pan, fill it with water and put on fire, bringing to a boil.

3. Next, when the water is almost boiling, we lower the cherries and strawberries alternately into the pan and bring everything to a boil again.

4. Strawberry and cherry compote can be prepared immediately sweet, for this, after the berries, we send a few tablespoons of granulated sugar to the pan to taste. However, it is better to make it with a natural berry flavor, such a drink is stored longer, does not sour and quenches thirst well, and for those who want something sweet, we recommend simply adding a teaspoon of sugar or honey to your glass.

5. Let the compote boil over moderate heat for about 7-10 minutes, after which we remove it from the heat, cool and enjoy the pleasant summer taste of fresh strawberries and cherries. You can additionally add a few ice cubes to the compote, freezing a mint leaf in each, this will not only decorate the drink, but also give it an additional delicate flavor.

Here we have such a summer cherry-strawberry compote.

Using this recipe, you can make compote from other raw materials. After all, summer is just beginning and there is still a lot of harvest of various fruits and berries ahead, any of them can give natural taste And delicate fragrance.

By the way, on the basis of such homemade compotes you can cook delicious
