
Lenten pie with carrots. Lean carrot pie - a delicious treat for the whole family

Sweet pies

lean carrot cake

40 minutes

322 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Lean carrot pies not only useful rich content vitamin complex. The calorie content of carrot cakes and muffins is very low. This pastry is considered perfect dessert for those who prefer diet food and for big sweets who dream of losing weight.

Oven Low Calorie Eggless Carrot Pie Recipe

Kitchen appliances and equipment

  • vegetable peeler;
  • medium grater;
  • sharp knife;
  • cutting board;
  • deep bowl;
  • mixer;
  • spatula for mixing;
  • Silicone molds.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • For baking dessert, it is important to choose the right carrots. It should be thick and juicy. It is advisable to select the root crop of the Carotan variety. This carrot has a rounded cylindrical shape. Also suitable varieties "Nasten", "Caramel", "Marmalade".
  • Apples for the pie are better to take sweet varieties - "Glory to the winner", "Seman", "Dream", "Cypress", "Medok".
  • Part of the sugar can be replaced with honey. But it should be noted that if there is honey in the baking composition, the dough becomes viscous and sticky.

Recipe step by step

For those who discovered fitness and accepted healthy eating as a way of life, we offer to bake a light, tasty and very healthy dessert, besides low calorie. In 100 g finished baking contains only 213 calories.

  1. We rub the carrots on a medium grater.
  2. Divide the peeled apple into 4 parts, free from the core and rub on the same grater.
  3. With the help of sharp small teeth of the grater, remove the zest from the orange.
  4. Add honey to fruit and vegetable mixture olive oil, dried fruits and mix thoroughly.
  5. Mix dry oatmeal with baking powder.
  6. Combine the flakes with the mixture and stir again.
  7. We spread the mass in a mold, level it and bake for half an hour in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Video recipe for a low-calorie egg-free carrot cake in the oven

The video below demonstrates the process fast food lean carrot-orange pie with low calories. This dessert will appeal to those who prefer a healthy diet, as well as to everyone who is struggling with being overweight:

Lean Carrot Cake [Lab Workout]

sweet&flour channel — https://goo.gl/vs9s9D
Great option healthy dessert, which you can afford even during Lent!

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To emphasize the sweet taste of any baking, salt should be an essential ingredient. The absence of salt in the pies makes them bland, even if sugar has been added in excess of the amount indicated in the recipe.

Instant Lean Carrot Apple Pie Recipe

Fruit and vegetable pies - irreplaceable dessert for those who, firstly, observe Orthodox posts, secondly, he is engaged in fitness and monitors the number of calories in each dish. And thirdly, for those who just want to reset excess weight.
There are no ingredients of animal origin in baking - butter, eggs, dairy and dairy products, sour cream. The preparation of such pastries does not take too much time, and the components are quite accessible to every social group of society.

  • Cooking time– 50 min.
  • Servings – 6-8.

Crockery and equipment

  • deep mixing bowl
  • beaker;
  • cutting board;
  • spatula for mixing;
  • whisk;
  • grater;
  • baking dish;
  • parchment.


Pie step by step

Before putting all the ingredients together, turn on the oven, set temperature regime 180°C and start making the pie:

  1. Pour into a bowl vegetable oil add sugar and stir.
  2. Add soda to orange juice, stir and pour into butter with sugar.
  3. Pour finely grated carrots into the mixture.
  4. We cut the apples into small cubes and also add to the mixture, stirring it thoroughly.
  5. Add half of the prepared chopped nuts.
  6. Gradually, in small portions add flour, constantly kneading the mixture.
  7. Line the bottom of the mold with parchment paper or special paper for baking and lay out the dough.
  8. Level the top and sprinkle in the remaining nuts.
  9. Place the pie in the preheated oven for 40 minutes.
  10. You need to immediately remove the cake from the mold. More hot pie put on a flat plate, sprinkle powdered sugar and let cool. Serving lean dessert with tea, juice, compote or mineral water.

Basic common truths

  • In carrot cake it is better to use cake then the cake will be more airy. And sweetened vegetable juice Best served with a baked dessert.
  • Don't replace pumpkin carrot. It's two different recipes, and the process of preparing each of them is significantly different.
  • Best for carrot cake orange peel than a lemon.
  • wheat flour can be replaced oatmeal"Hercules", if you grind them a little with an electric coffee grinder, but the taste of such a pie will be very different from the classic recipe.
  • Carrot dessert is served with tea, and for children it is considered a great afternoon snack.

Other cooking options

Almost all lean and diet desserts baked in gas oven or in an electric oven. If you wish, you can experiment by using a bread machine in the process of making a pie. We also invite you to familiarize yourself with amazing recipe and bake.
On our culinary website you can find all kinds of recipes for cooking various diet meals and lean pastries based on fruit and vegetable mixes, kindly provided by our users. We pay great attention to the selection of classic recipes for cooking. We provide an opportunity to get acquainted with traditional method cooking, which was treated to our parents by their ancestors.

Instant Lean Carrot Apple Pie Video Recipe

We invite you to watch a video that demonstrates correct sequence cooking lung and delicious apple and carrot cake with nuts:

Lenten pie with apples, carrots and nuts.

I highly recommend. The pie is delicious.

Pie with apple, carrots and nuts

flour - 2 cups
sunflower oil-150 gr
orange juice - 1 glass
nuts - to taste
sugar - 1 cup
soda - 0.5 tsp
grated carrot - 1 cup
Apples-2 pieces

Mix vegetable oil with sugar. Then take orange juice and dissolve soda in it. Cut apples and grate carrots fine grater. Combine all ingredients, then add flour.
Cover the form with baking paper and pour the dough.
Sprinkle chopped nuts on top. Bake in preheated oven until done.




Each family has its own secret of cooking this or that dish. We will not refuse to publish your family recipes original baking. Leave your feedback, comments and recommendations at the bottom of each article.

Simple and delicious recipes pies

lean carrot cake, step by step recipe cooking delicious and juicy, egg-free pie, as well as carrot-apple and carrot-orange lean pies

1 h 20 min

290 kcal

5/5 (1)

Any dietary restrictions are not a reason to eat tastelessly and deny yourself small culinary goodies. Such a menu can also be quite diverse.

Some foods are easily replaced with less high-calorie ones, and some can be dispensed with altogether. I try to stick to a low-carb diet, and my husband observes all fasts. Therefore, I learned how to cook many different delicious meatless dishes. They also have baked goods.

Lean carrot cake

  1. Dry the nuts a little in a pan or in the oven. We cut them in small pieces or grind with a blender. And you can put it in a bag, flatten it in one layer and walk with a rolling pin several times, making a crumb of the desired size.

  2. Grate the carrots with the fine side of a grater or chop them in a food processor.

  3. Pour juice with pulp (peach or apricot) into a deep bowl. You can skip the carrots specified in the recipe through a juicer. Replace the specified amount of carrot juice, and use the pulp instead of grated carrots. With this option, I recommend adding a teaspoon of cinnamon or vanilla sugar.

  4. Add butter and sugar to juice. Stir with a whisk until the sugar grains dissolve.

  5. Mix flour with baking powder, pour into the liquid mixture and knead enough batter without flour lumps.

  6. We shift the carrots and nuts into a container with dough. Mix thoroughly. If desired, add raisins or dried apricots cut into small pieces.

  7. Pour the dough into the mold. Our dough is oily, and therefore the mold does not need to be lubricated.

  8. We put the form on a baking sheet or wire rack.
  9. We bake our cake for 50-60 minutes at an average level at 190 °.
  10. Be sure to check the readiness of the cake. To do this, pierce it with a match or a toothpick. If it comes out dry, the dough is baked and the cake is ready.
  11. We take out of the form and cool.

It is not necessary to soak the cake, it will already be moist.
If desired, you can smear honey on top while still warm and sprinkle with chopped nuts.
Try to cook.

Lean Carrot Orange Pie

List of required products:

  • vegetable oil - 140 g;
  • carrots - 4 medium pieces;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • orange;
  • cinnamon - 1-1.5 tsp;
  • honey / sugar - 6-8 tablespoons;
  • soda - 1.5 tsp without a slide;
  • walnuts -120-160 g.

Quantity: 8 servings.
Kitchen appliances and inventory: mixer, grater, dough container, baking dish.
Cooking time: 110 minutes.

  1. My orange and rub it with a grater with a fine side, removing a thin layer of zest. We do not touch the yellow-white pulp, it gives bitterness when baked. Squeeze out the juice using a press or citrus juicer. You can put an orange in boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes. Then cut, without removing the peel, and select the bones. Grind the orange with a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

  2. Gasim in orange juice soda. If you have crushed the whole fruit, then just stir the soda in this gruel.
  3. My carrots, peel and three on the same grater as the orange.
  4. Lightly toast the nuts in a pan or on a baking sheet in the oven. We put the nuts in a bag, spread them in one layer and go through them with a rolling pin, grinding to the desired size. Instead of a bag, you can use baking paper. If you like smaller crumbs, grind the nuts with a blender.
  5. We take a deep bowl. Pour into it right amount vegetable oil and measure sugar or honey. And carefully chop with a whisk or spoon.

  6. We put carrots, gruel or juice and orange zest and nuts in this mixture. Mix everything together well.

  7. Mix flour with cinnamon. Add ginger and nutmeg powder as desired and to taste.

  8. In several steps, add the dry mixture to the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough approximately, as for pancakes. Those who love raisins can also add it to the dough.

  9. We heat the oven to 180-190 °.
  10. We take out the form, grease it, sprinkle with semolina or flour and transfer the dough into it.

  11. We rearrange the form on the wire rack or baking sheet.
  12. Bake in the middle position for 40-50 minutes and check the degree of preparation. A cake is considered ready when a match or toothpick comes out dry when pierced.

    Ready pie cool, cut and serve with coffee or tea.

Lean Carrot Apple Pie

List of required products:

  • vegetable oil - 140 g;
  • carrots - 4 medium pieces;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • apples -2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 1-1.5 tsp;
  • honey / sugar - 6-8 tablespoons;
  • soda - 1.5 tsp without a slide.

Quantity: 8 servings.
Kitchen appliances and inventory: mixer, grater, dough container, baking dish.
Cooking time: 110 minutes.

  1. We clean the washed apples from the peel and cut out the middle with seeds. Rub them on coarse grater. I like green apples more, they have more acid.

  2. Grind the peeled carrots with a grater with a small side.

  3. Mix apples and carrots. Add vegetable oil and sugar, which is perfectly replaced with honey if desired.

  4. Mix everything and leave for 10 minutes to extract the juice.
  5. We extinguish soda with lemon juice or any vinegar. If there is neither one nor the other, I extinguish the soda in 40-50 ml of boiling water.
  6. Sift flour and mix with cinnamon.

  7. Pour this mixture into a bowl with the rest of the products and knead a homogeneous dough, breaking all the flour lumps. Optionally, you can add nuts or raisins to the dough.

  8. Lubricate the form and crush with semolina or flour.
  9. Evenly spread the dough and rearrange the form on a baking sheet or wire rack.

  10. We bake the cake for 35-45 minutes in an oven preheated to 180-190 °. We check the degree of readiness.

    Lubricate the finished, baked pie, if desired, with honey, cool and serve.

Easy Carrot Apple Pie Video Recipe

How else can you cook delicious and healthy lean pie with carrots, I suggest you look at the recipe in the video.

Step-by-step recipes for lean carrot cake with pumpkin, herbs, nuts and fruit juice in the oven, slow cooker and steamed in sweet and salty versions

2018-02-27 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams ready meal

3 gr.

7 gr.


47 gr.

267 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Lenten Carrot Pie Recipe

Egg-free pastries are especially popular during Lent or a diet that excludes the use of this ingredient. And if you don’t know how to do everything right in this case, we will tell you in detail how to create an exceptionally delicious lean carrot cake.


  • 145 grams of flour;
  • 145 grams of peeled carrots;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • half a package of baking powder;
  • vanilla;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 95 grams of kefir;
  • four tablespoons of oil (refined).

Step by Step Recipe for Lenten Carrot Pie

Peel carrots (fresh and juicy). Wash. Finely rub immediately on a metal grater.

Combine fine sugar refined oil. Pour in kefir. Mix well using a whisk.

Now add carrots. In addition, sift wheat (white) flour. Add baking powder and vanilla.

Mix again with a spatula.

Form (round preferably) densely covered with parchment. To prevent burning, smear with a small amount of oil.

Pour thick carrot dough inside. Move to oven.

Set the temperature indicator to 185 degrees. Bake lean carrot cake for 35-37 minutes.

Check, punctures with a skewer, the readiness of baking. If it is dry, the stove can be turned off.

Since we do not use eggs, it is important to serve the cake after it has completely cooled. Otherwise, it will be difficult to cut it. A the best dressing you can consider low-fat sour cream or sweet jam.

Option 2: Quick Lean Carrot Cake Recipe

Presented today delicate pastries preparing quickly. However, if you do not have an extra minute, we will teach you how to make a carrot cake in minutes. Want to see for yourself? Then it's time to act!


  • large carrots;
  • a full glass of flour;
  • 6 grams of baking powder;
  • half a glass of low-fat sour cream;
  • cinnamon to taste;
  • six tablespoons of sugar;
  • oil for greasing and in the dough.

How to make quick lean carrot cake

Remove the soft, thin skin from large carrots. Wash the root immediately. Grind in a blender for a couple of seconds.

Pour the chips into a dry container. Pour in three to four tablespoons of oil (sunflower, odorless).

Pour in sugar. Add sour cream (low fat). Mix vigorously. Sprinkle with baking powder. Enter flour and cinnamon.

Replace the thick viscous dough with quick movements. Now grease the form covered with parchment with oil (a spoon will be enough).

Pour the carrot mass inside. Put future baking in the oven, heated to 195 degrees. Cook lean carrot cake for 25 minutes. When the cake is ready, turn off the heat and leave to cool.

Fast grinding in a blender and heat oven will reduce the baking time of our cake. As for spices, instead of cinnamon, it is permissible to take vanilla or mint sauce.

Option 3: Lean Carrot Pie with Pumpkin in a Slow Cooker

IN next option of our cake, we offer to diversify the taste by adding to the recipe tender pumpkin. And we strongly advise you to transfer the baking process to a slow cooker.


  • 85 grams of carrots;
  • 105 grams of pumpkin;
  • half a glass of kefir;
  • a glass of flour;
  • incomplete glass of sugar;
  • 4 + 1 tablespoons of oil (refined);
  • 6-7 grams of baking powder;
  • vanillin.

How to cook

Peel pumpkin and carrots. Rinse. Cut into small cubes with a knife. Pour into saucepan.

Pour the ingredients with water. Cook over high heat until soft. It will take 22-23 minutes.

Now soften the vegetables with a fork, draining the remaining hot liquid. Transfer to a bowl.

Add fine sugar. Stir so that the hot mass dissolves the crystals.

With a spatula, replace the fragrant flowing dough. Pour it into the multicooker bowl, which is very important to smear the inside with oil.

Put the container in the car. Turn on the "Baking" mode. Cook lean carrot cake for 40 minutes.

Allow the cake to cool slightly before removing it from the bowl. Then we recommend prying it from all sides and carefully shifting it onto a plate. Drizzle with low-fat sour cream, honey or jam. Serve with tea for breakfast.

Option 4: Lean Carrot Cake with Steamed Greens

Since we are preparing lean pastries, then it is impossible to bypass the option of steaming it. And how to do it quickly and correctly, read right now.


  • large carrots (130 g);
  • a bunch of greens (preferably different);
  • five tablespoons of oil (liquid, sunflower);
  • incomplete glass of wheat flour;
  • a couple of pinches of salt;
  • 95 grams of kefir;
  • baking powder (6-7 g);
  • dried basil;
  • 45 grams of Adyghe cheese.

Step by step recipe

Clear large carrots. Rinse off dirt and skin residue. Finely rub.

Pour kefir into a separate (dry) container. Add salt and dried basil. Pour in the chopped Adyghe cheese.

Then pour flour, chopped greens, baking powder and grated carrots. Salt. Pour in four tablespoons of oil.

Very actively vent salty dough. Line a steamer bowl with baking paper. Brush with a spoonful of oil.

Pour in batter for lean carrot cake. Cook a dish over boiling water, where it is permissible to throw in laurel and cloves for aroma. You can serve immediately.

As we prepare Lenten dish note the cheese used. So, Adyghe is prepared on the basis of bacteria, and not pepsin, like, for example, cheese or mozzarella. If you do not know for sure, make this ingredient with your own hands. Moreover, buying sourdough today is not at all a problem.

Option 5: Lean Carrot Pie with Peanuts

Carrots go great with walnuts. That is why we decided to bring to your attention another carrot cake, in which this product will be present.


  • half a glass of walnuts (peeled) nuts;
  • a full glass of flour;
  • 105 grams of kefir;
  • large carrots;
  • incomplete glass of white sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • baking powder;
  • refined oil (five tablespoons).

How to cook

Grind walnuts (peeled) in a blender until crumbs. Remove hard partitions if they come across.

Now rub the peeled and washed large carrots with a sponge.

In a bowl (clean and dry), mix sugar with four tablespoons of oil (refined). Add carrot shavings. Pour in kefir.

At the next stage, pour vanilla, flour and baking powder. Add nut crumbs.

Knead (very vigorously) the dough with a fluid consistency.

Grease a suitable sized baking dish with the remaining oil. Pour in the dough.

Continue culinary process in an oven heated to 185 degrees. The time for baking a lean carrot cake is 35-40 minutes, depending on the power of the stove (your specific one).

As always, before turning off the oven, be sure to check the readiness of the dough. To do this, we recommend using a toothpick or a thin bamboo skewer. By the way, the cake can be ready earlier, so keep an eye on it after 25 minutes.

Option 6: Lean Carrot Cake with Fruit Juice

Usually pastries without eggs are prepared on the basis of kefir. But in latest recipe we are ready to offer to replace it with fruit juice with pulp. And peach juice you can substitute apricot, plum, or multivitamin. The main thing is that it must be with pulp.


  • half a glass of peach juice with pulp;
  • a glass of flour;
  • carrots (fresh, large);
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • baking powder;
  • 55 grams of butter (in the dough and for lubrication);
  • vanillin.

Step by step recipe

Peel fresh carrots (about 135 grams). After washing until clean, grate.

Connect small crystals sugar with four tablespoons of refined oil.

Pour in sweet peach juice with pulp. Mix. Add vanilla and baking powder.

Sift flour. Add carrot shavings. Once again, using a spatula, replace the strong mass.

Pour the carrot dough into the mold greased with the rest of the oil. Level the surface.

Bake lean carrot cake for about half an hour, setting 185 degrees. Then check readiness. If necessary, continue the process for another 5-10 minutes.

Since peach juice already contains sugar, it is better to reduce its rate. In any case, try the dough before sending it to the oven. After all, juices from different manufacturers may differ in this indicator.

During Lent, every person wants to diversify their menu and eat not only cereals on the water, but also delicious pastries. We will tell you how to cook a lean carrot cake without breaking the rules.

Lenten carrot cake recipe


  • flour - 485 g;
  • carrots - 205 g;
  • vegetable oil - 105 ml;
  • sugar - 105 g;
  • lemon juice- 10 ml;
  • soda - 5 g;
  • - taste.


We wash the carrots, peel them, rub them on a fine grater, add sugar and rub the mass thoroughly until the juice is released. Then pour in the vegetable oil, squeeze the juice from the lemon and add the flour mixed with baking soda. We spread the dough in a special form and send it for 25 minutes to hot oven. Bake lean carrot cake golden brown, and then coat with liquid honey and serve with tea.

Lean carrot cake with semolina


  • carrots - 515 g;
  • semolina - 205 g;
  • flour - 205 g;
  • sugar - 215 g;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • water - 155 ml;
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • lean margarine - 155 g.


Pour semolina into a bowl, pour warm boiled water, stir and leave to swell for 20 minutes. Without wasting time, we clean the carrots, wash them, grind them on a grater and rub them well with sugar until the juice is released. Sift flour through a sieve with baking powder and vanilla. Melt the margarine in the microwave and cool until room temperature. Next, mix all the ingredients and pour ready dough in oiled form. Bake the cake for 35 minutes at 185 degrees.

Lean Carrot Orange Pie


  • - 225 ml;
  • sugar - 205 g;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 165 g;
  • refined oil - 125 ml;
  • walnuts - to taste;
  • soda - a pinch.


We take out the nuts from the shell and chop with a knife into small pieces. Lightly fry them in a dry frying pan. Pour sugar into a bowl, pour in vegetable oil, juice and rub thoroughly. Rub the peeled carrots on a fine grater. Sift flour through a sieve with vanilla and soda. Add the carrots to the sweet juice and gradually stir in the nuts and flour mixture. We cover the baking dish with vegetable oil, spread the dough with a spoon and send it to the preheated oven. We bake a lean carrot cake with walnuts for about 40 minutes, and then cool, cut into pieces and serve.

Lean Carrot Apple Pie


  • fresh carrots - 205 g;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 115 ml;
  • baking soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice;
  • flour - 415 g;
  • fresh apples - 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - optional;
  • ground cinnamon - to taste.


We take fresh carrots, wash, peel and rub on a small grater. Then add vegetable oil to the vegetable mass and add sugar. Mix everything well, and then throw in the soda, slaked with lemon juice. Sift wheat flour in advance and gradually introduce into the carrot mixture. Add vanilla to taste and knead a homogeneous dough for the pie.

Next, we take red apples, rinse them, peel them from a thick peel and chop them into slices. At the bottom of the form, smeared with oil, lay out fruit pieces, sprinkle them abundantly vanilla sugar And ground cinnamon. We spread the dough on top, level it, press it well with clean hands and send it to a well-heated oven for about 25-30 minutes. After the time has passed, the most delicate lean carrot cake is ready. We cut it into small portioned slices, decorate with powdered sugar as desired and invite everyone to tea.

The dishes of Great Lent, the recipes of which we will consider below, should in no case include animal products. That is why baking at this time is quite difficult. After all, it should be prepared without eggs, butter, sour cream, milk, kefir and other ingredients.

Today we will present you with several options on how you can easily and quickly make a lean carrot cake. It should be noted that there is nothing complicated in such baking and cannot be. In this regard, even an inexperienced cook will be able to cook it on their own.

Lenten Carrot Pie: Step by Step Recipe

You can make this dessert in different ways. At the very beginning of the article, we will consider the simplest option. It includes the use of products such as:

  • large juicy carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • fine white sugar - a full glass;
  • light flour - 2 full glasses;
  • refined sunflower oil - ½ cup;
  • table soda - an incomplete dessert spoon (must be extinguished with natural vinegar);
  • fine iodized salt - use at discretion;
  • orange zest - from 1 fruit;
  • large pitted raisins - apply as desired (1/2 cup).

Preparation of ingredients

How to make carrot cake lean? The recipe for this dessert involves the use of only fresh and juicy vegetables. That's the only way you'll get tasty product, which can be safely presented to invited guests.

Before the pie is lean, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Vegetables should be thoroughly washed, peeled and grated on a small grater. You should end up with about 1.5 cups of carrots. To obtain juicy product, chopped vegetables are recommended to be mixed with granulated sugar and leave it like this for half an hour.

At this time, you can do the processing of dried fruits. large raisins should be sorted out and washed well. After that, it is recommended to fill it boiling water and leave for ¼ hour. During this time, dried fruits will swell, become soft and tasty. Before adding to the dough, they should be thoroughly dried by shaking vigorously in a colander.

In addition to carrots and raisins, ripe fruits must also be carefully processed. big orange. Its crust must be grated on a small grater, getting a fragrant zest.

Making a carrot base for a lean pie

Before baking a simple carrot cake, you need to knead a homogeneous dough. To do this, you need to add a pinch of salt, refined vegetable oil, as well as slaked table soda, large steamed raisins and light flour to the chopped vegetable with sugar. After mixing all the ingredients, you should get a viscous bright orange dough with visible inclusions of juicy carrots.

We bake a vegetable dessert in the oven

How to bake lean carrot cake? To do this, you need to take a deep form, and then grease it. vegetable fat. Having placed the entire base in the dishes, it should be immediately put in a preheated oven. Bake carrot treat recommended for 47 minutes at a temperature of 197 degrees.

Serving vegetable pie for the dinner table

After the lean carrot cake is completely baked, it must be removed from the dish and cooled. Before serving, the dessert is recommended to be beautifully sprinkled with powdered sugar. If desired homemade treat can be divided into two cakes, smeared with some kind of sweetness or soaked in syrup, getting an unusual cake.

Serve such a dessert to the table, preferably with black tea or sweet berry kissel. Enjoy your meal!

Making Carrot Apple Pie

If normal carrot dessert seems too simple for a festive table, then you can cook it with apple filling. Such an additive will make homemade treats more tasty and original.

So the ingredients are:

Component processing

Before kneading the base for the pie, you should prepare all the vegetables and fruits. Carrots need to be peeled and then grated on a small grater. As for apples, they also need to be freed from the peel and seed box. In the future, the fruit should be cut into small slices.

Knead carrot dough

After rubbing a juicy carrot, it is necessary to add sugar to it one by one, slaked soda and After that, it is required to gradually add wheat flour to the ingredients.

To make a pie with a filling, the carrot dough should be a little thicker than in previous recipe. However, it shouldn't be too cool.

We form a carrot-apple dessert

Having prepared the base, it must be divided into two parts. One half needs to be laid out in a greased form, and then slices are placed on it sour apples. If desired, they can be sprinkled with sugar.

At the end, the cake should be closed with the second part of the base.

Baking process

Having made a carrot semi-finished product with apple filling, it must be sent to the oven. It is recommended to cook dessert at a temperature of 200 degrees for 54 minutes. During this time, the cake will be completely baked, it will become lush and tasty.

Serve at the dinner table

As you can see, the dishes of Lent, the recipes of which do not include the use of ingredients of animal origin, are easy and simple to prepare. After the carrot cake with apple filling is baked, it must be removed from the mold and partially cooled.

Cutting the product into portioned pieces, it should be presented to invited guests along with black tea or any other drink. Enjoy your meal!

Summing up

When preparing for the arrival of long-awaited guests, one should not rely only on the two methods of making a pie described above. After all, you can do it in different ways. For example, a yeast pie with carrot filling, dessert with pumpkin, apples, dried fruits and nuts. The main thing at the same time is to follow all the recommendations of the recipe and properly bake the semi-finished product in the oven.

If you and your family members do not adhere to Great Lent, then prepare desserts for festive table much easier. Indeed, in this case, you can use absolutely different ingredients, including chicken eggs, various cooking fats and dairy products. With them, homemade treats will turn out even more high-calorie and tasty.
