
How to cook pasta easy. Boiling flour products

A rich assortment of pasta has long won the hearts of people all over the world who prefer to savor the exquisite taste of a variety of dishes prepared from them. However, not everyone knows that cooking pasta involves following certain rules. Treating this product solely as a side dish, our grandparents did not stand on ceremony in the process of their preparation, thoroughly washing the sticky boiled flour products with water. While the correct preparation of pasta requires an individual approach to all varieties of this product, which adorns the windows of most stores.

Why do they stick

Currently, there are more than seven hundred types of pasta, but there is no universal recipe for their preparation. Many people who cook them on their own often encounter sticking of these products during cooking. But why is this happening?

According to experts, sticking directly depends on the quality of the products themselves, which can be made from flour of various varieties. Before buying, you can independently verify which group the pasta you have chosen belongs to by carefully reading the information indicated on the pack:

  • Group A includes spaghetti and pasta made exclusively from durum wheat.
  • Group B - products made from soft and vitreous wheat.
  • To group B - pasta from baking wheat flour.

As a rule, durum wheat pasta sticks together much less than similar products made from other types of flour. Gluing during the cooking process most often leads to a violation of the elementary rules of cooking. The first thing to pay close attention to is the amount of water indicated in the recipe.. If the liquid is less than the specified proportions, the products will release too much starch, which contributes to the appearance of a paste in the pan. Under such conditions, the horns or spaghetti will not only stick together, but will also stick to the bottom and walls of the dish, burning and forming an excessive amount of foam.

In order for spaghetti to turn out elastic and tasty, it is recommended to take at least 1 liter of water for cooking them per 100 g of products.

Overcooked pasta looks unappetizing

Stir the pasta while cooking. If this is neglected, then the products can also stick together, turning from an appetizing dish into an inedible flour mass.

How long will it take

It is equally important to take into account the duration of the preparation of the product. If the pasta is digested, they will not only lose their elasticity and hardness, but also lose a number of taste qualities. Traditionally, the cooking time of these products depends on the components that make up their composition. For example, durum spaghetti keeps its shape perfectly even when cooked for a long time, and five minutes is enough to cook fresh homemade egg noodles. Horns and bows traditionally take longer to cook than regular vermicelli. Refer to the packaging of this product for recommended cooking times.

The average cooking time for a Group A product can be from 7 to 15 minutes, while for Group B, the optimal cooking time will be approximately 5–7 minutes. The same amount of time will have to be spent on cooking noodles. However, if you want to cook the horns, you need to cook them for 10-15 minutes. And the optimal time for cooking lasagna sheets is 5 minutes.

Rinse or not rinse?

There is an opinion that pasta must be washed after cooking. In fact, this step is sometimes recommended to be skipped. The reason is that water washes away the starch needed to better absorb the sauce, giving the dishes a richer flavor. After the cooking process is completed, it is enough to throw them in a colander and let the broth drain. So that the cooked pasta does not turn into one big lump, it is recommended to put a piece of butter in them, regardless of what kind of wheat they are made of.

However, there are varieties that require mandatory rinsing after cooking. These include lagman noodles, widely used in Asian cuisine.

But since there is no definite answer to the question of whether pasta should be washed, each housewife has the right to independently decide what to do with them after cooking is completed.

How to check the degree of readiness

Usually the degree of readiness is checked by sampling. Depending on personal preference, you can cook the pasta to al dente, which leaves the pasta slightly undercooked and firmer. Or boil them to a softer state.

The concept of al dente refers to the degree of readiness of various products. Especially often it can be found in the descriptions of the preparation of pasta. Al dente pasta is a slightly undercooked product, however, it is ready to eat and has a tangible elasticity when bitten. Al dente (al dente) from Italian is translated into Russian as "on the tooth."

If for some reason you don't want to taste the pasta while it's cooking, just place a few pasta on a clean, dry plate. If they stick to it, then the product can be considered ready. Giving preference to quality products, you will insure yourself against disappointment during their preparation.

Attention! When cooking pasta, there is a classic ratio of product, water and salt equal to 1000:100:10 (1 liter of water, 100 g of pasta and 10 g of salt).

How to cook pasta

Master class on cooking pasta from chef Ilya Lazerson - video

Spaghetti with chili, sardines and oregano from Gordon Ramsay - video

The secret to cooking soft wheat pasta without sticking

If for some reason you prefer to buy cheaper pasta made from soft wheat, you can also insure yourself against pasta sticking by using the following method:

How to cook soft wheat pasta - video

I found a simple way for myself how to cook pasta so that they do not stick together, just add a little sunflower oil at the beginning of cooking and stir occasionally. The husband claims that it is more effective to rinse with cold water after cooking.


God forbid washing pasta! This is exactly why they stick together - you sharply lower their temperature. You can't do that. Oil can also be omitted. If next you will add sauce or serve them with gravy. If without everything or just with cutlets, for example (that is, without a liquid component), then you can throw a small piece of butter into the ready-folded pasta. If you're okay with the smell of olive oil (some men don't), you can add 1/3 teaspoon (for two servings of boiled pasta).



Fry dry (not boiled) pasta in a frying pan with refined vegetable oil until golden brown (constantly stir !!!). Then, little by little, pour water into it (little by little) and simmer until cooked, like risotto. It turns out a completely different taste.

maria kipke


Using these recommendations, you can cook pasta correctly, while avoiding unwanted sticking. Compliance with the rules of cooking pasta will preserve the taste of these products, as well as delight your guests with delicious Italian dishes that have an impeccable appearance.

Pasta is the most popular food in the world. And if you count those dishes in the preparation of which pasta is used, you get a rather impressive figure. We can say that there is nothing easier. However, even in this simple matter, there are subtleties that make ordinary pasta even more appetizing.

Pasta appeared on the menu of people several centuries ago. In Russia, this product was brought by the Italians, who built ships in our country during the time of Peter I. The benefits from the production of pasta turned out to be tangible and therefore their production was established everywhere.

The biggest connoisseurs of this product - Italians - say that it is not difficult to cook pasta, but not just cook them deliciously. True chefs know how to cook delicious pasta, who adhere to certain rules when preparing them.

One of the tips on how to properly cook pasta is to take the required proportion of pasta and water. For every hundred grams of the product, one liter of liquid should be taken. Only in this case, the pasta will cook quickly and not stick together.

Cooking utensils also play an important role. It is better if you take a large pot with thick walls. Do not pour water to the very edges of the container. Even with pasta, it doesn't have to be full.

The water in the pan must be salted at the time of its boiling. It is very important to do this before pasta is dipped into it. They should be boiled already in salt water. For every liter of liquid, you need to take about 10 grams of salt. But after salting the water, it is better to taste it.

There is one more main rule. Don't put the pasta in the water until it boils. Otherwise, they can stick together, and then the dish will be spoiled.

Famous chefs recommend not to leave the kitchen during the cooking process. Pasta should be stirred from time to time, preferably with a wooden spoon. The water in the pan should boil throughout the entire time that the pasta is cooked. To do this, after they have been lowered into the water, you need to cover the pan with a lid to restore the boil. Then the cover should be removed.

To find out how many minutes to cook pasta, you need to read this information on the package. It is impossible to name a specific time. It depends on the quality of the pasta and on the cooking process itself. Therefore, following the manufacturer's recommendations on how to properly cook pasta, it is necessary to take a sample two or three minutes before the end. If the pasta is soft and does not leave a taste of flour when tasting, then feel free to turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. After three minutes, you can drain the liquid using a colander. If you are planning to make a sauce, leave a glass or less of the broth in which the pasta was cooked.

Good quality pasta does not require additional rinsing with water. But most importantly, never use cold water to rinse pasta. This has a detrimental effect on their nutritional value and structure.

When cooking spaghetti, the technology does not change. This one doesn't need to be broken. Put them in a pot of boiling water and after a while they will sink completely into it. Next, do not forget to constantly stir the pasta so that they do not stick together.

It must be served piping hot. Therefore, sauces for them must be prepared in advance. When the water is drained from the pasta, add the butter and some of the broth in which they were cooked.

Knowing how to cook pasta correctly, you can create many delicious and original dishes. Pasta goes well with vegetables, cheese, meat. They may well become a separate dish if you prepare a sauce for them.

The first question before cooking pasta is how much to take. Everyone has different desires and portions, but the average volumes are as follows:
Children - 50 grams;
Women and teenagers - 70 grams;
Adult men - about 100 grams.

The second question, no less responsible in the question of how to cook pasta, is how much to cook them? It all depends on the pasta itself, and they are cooked at completely different times, but averaged:

Thin "web" - a maximum of 2 minutes;

Flat noodles - 2-3 minutes;

Thin vermicelli 6-7 minutes;

Pasta - 9-10 minutes.

And if you took long pasta and spaghetti, then add two minutes to the cooking time, you can’t go wrong.

Now you know how much to take for each eater and how much time to cook. It remains to tell how to cook pasta.

First of all, take your own pasta. Using them, you can tell with accuracy how many to cook them, but there is one “but”: all the tips on how to cook pasta are valid only for those made from durum wheat, the rest will simply spread.

Water for how to cook pasta, take at the rate of 1 liter per 100 grams of dry product.

Put it to boil and do not forget to put table salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon with the top of 2 liters of water.

Cook in boiling water without a lid for the time indicated above and put them in a colander for 1 minute, let them drain and cool slightly. The "hot" part of how to boil pasta is already over.

Return them to the pot, pour in 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and, after closing the lid, shake vigorously several times. So they acquired a pleasant shine and do not stick together.

That's all the subtleties and wisdom, and now you know exactly how to cook pasta.

Bon appetit.

Pasta has been an indispensable side dish for many housewives for several decades in a row. Such an uncomplicated ingredient is added to the most exquisite dishes prepared in world-famous restaurants. But in order for the pasta to turn out really tasty, not stick together and not burnt, you need to know some rules for cooking them. If you still do not know how to cook pasta in a saucepan, then this article is for you.

Here you will find only useful and necessary information. Believe me, after applying the knowledge gained in practice, you will become just a chef in your home kitchen.

How much to cook pasta in a saucepan and how to cook them correctly: culinary tips

Perhaps, many of the fair sex have now thought that cooking pasta is very simple. No advice or advice is needed here. But it is not so. Take a closer look at your finished dish: if the pasta turned out to be stuck together and sticky, falling apart and not looking aesthetically pleasing, then check out the advice of experienced chefs. Next time you will surprise everyone with delicious pasta with sauce or meat.

What do experienced chefs advise us? Let's get to know their secrets:

  • it is best to choose high-quality pasta made from durum and high-grade wheat;
  • you need to lower the pasta only in well-boiling water;
  • before immersing pasta in water, it must be salted;
  • cook pasta in certain proportions with water: as a rule, 1 liter of water should be used for 100 g of pasta;
  • do not forget that in the process of cooking pasta increases several times in volume, so use only large pots so that you do not flood the stove;
  • after immersing the pasta in a boiling liquid, they should be covered with a lid so that the water boils again;
  • during the cooking process, the water should constantly boil, but in no case should it foam;
  • so that the pasta does not stick together, you can add a little sunflower oil to the liquid;
  • not all pasta should be washed under running water, as a rule, only those that have been overcooked are washed;
  • cooked pasta must be thrown into a colander to get rid of excess liquid;
  • do not drain all the water in which the pasta was cooked: leave about 3-4 tbsp. l., then you can pour this broth into a saucepan and mix with a ready-made dish;
  • pasta goes very well with cheese and sauces;
  • in the preparation of each type of pasta has its own characteristics;
  • cooking time varies from 7 to 12 minutes, but no more;
  • before use, it is recommended to warm the colander well so that its walls do not take away heat from the cooked pasta.

Cooking spaghetti: a classic recipe

Spaghetti is perhaps one of the favorite delicacies of many. Just imagine the taste of cooked spaghetti with cream or cheese sauce! In order for spaghetti to cook correctly, not stick to the bottom of the dishes and stick together, you need to take into account some features of their cooking. First of all, choose only quality spaghetti, and then go to the stove and start creating your culinary masterpiece. Do not forget that for 100 g of raw spaghetti, approximately 1 liter of water is required. And 100 g is enough for a serving for one adult.


  • spaghetti;
  • filtered or mineral water;
  • table salt;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Take a thick-walled deep saucepan and pour the required amount of filtered or mineral water into it, observing the proportions.
  2. Place the container on the stove and bring the water to a boil over moderate heat.
  3. After the water boils, salt it at the rate of about 1 tsp. table salt per 1 liter of liquid. Add some sunflower oil and mix well.
  4. If the spaghetti is too long, you can break it in half. Place standard spaghetti whole in a saucepan.

  5. After a while, the spaghetti will begin to soften. Take a spatula or spoon and gently flatten them so that they are completely covered with water.
  6. Cover the container with a lid and after 30 seconds remove it by reducing the heat.
  7. Continue cooking spaghetti over moderate heat for 7-9 minutes.
  8. Drain the cooked spaghetti in a colander and leave for a while until excess liquid drains.
  9. Properly cooked, that is, not sticky spaghetti, do not need to be washed.
  10. Put them in a container and pour over the sauce or lightly melted butter.

Pasta is a product that is loved all over the world! It's a delicious, nutritious meal that's ready in minutes. And how many delicious things can be done on their basis! There are hundreds of options for one pasta, for example, the famous one. But there are still soups, casseroles, and simply.

But if you do not know how to cook pasta correctly, then you are unlikely to be able to experience all the advantages of this wonderful product. And although at first glance this is a simple procedure, there are still such nuances and features that you just need to take into account if you want to cook the perfect meal.

How to cook pasta the right way

The easiest way to cook pasta so that it does not stick together, does not spread and turns out crumbly is to follow the instructions that are on each package. The most valuable thing there is the cooking time.

Step by step, the universal scheme looks like this:

  • we collect a sufficient amount of water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, salt;
  • fall asleep, stirring, the right amount of vermicelli or pasta;
  • We are waiting for re-boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook until tender.

But you need to take into account that the pan should be voluminous, comfortable, since the ideal proportions of water, pasta and salt in grams look like this - 1000:100:10.

By the way, according to cooking standards, a serving for 1 person is 100 g of pasta. That is, if lunch is planned for 4, the volume of the pan should be at least 5 liters.

I always measure pasta before cooking with a kitchen scale. If dinner is for two, then I boil 200 g of pasta garnish. This is the perfect portion.

Therefore, in packages with Italian pasta, the weight is always a multiple of 100 g. But domestic manufacturers, as usual, are cunning, sometimes they produce packages of 450 g.

After boiling, the actions may differ. It is considered correct to simply drain the water from the pasta, add a piece of butter and serve. But this applies only to those products that are made from durum wheat or from whole grain flour. If this is the usual simple vermicelli from soft wheat varieties, then rinsing with cold water is indispensable, as well as without subsequent frying with some kind of fat, otherwise we will get a slippery sticky lump.

How much you will cook for time also depends on the type of pasta, the type of flour from which they are made, as well as the dish for which they are intended.

Cooking durum wheat pasta

Let's start with the most popular and useful - durum wheat pasta. They have a lot of vitamins, complex carbohydrates and trace elements. The shapes and sizes are very diverse - horns, spirals, noodles, butterflies, shells and long spaghetti. And this is without taking into account the Italian variety with their cannelloni, tagliatelle, etc.

Almost all of them are cooked according to the standard scheme from 8 to 12 minutes. At the 8th minute, it's better to start trying, because everyone has their own preferences. In general, as you know, in the homeland of pasta, those that are cooked “al dente” are considered ideal.

Al Dente is translated “to the tooth”, that is, the degree of readiness is such that the pasta itself is already soft, but still springy when biting.

Separately, we will dwell on such types as spaghetti and nests - they are a little more difficult to cook. The secret to cooking long spaghetti is to lower them into boiling water gradually until they are all under water. Then the whole process proceeds as with any other

Nests should be cooked in a wide, voluminous dish - ideally, this is a frying pan with high sides or a stewpan. There should be enough boiling water so that the “nest” is completely covered. We lower the pasta balls into boiling and salted water so that they do not touch each other. You can not interfere - you can move a little. Ready to take out carefully with a slotted spoon.

How to cook whole grain pasta

Whole grain pasta is also very healthy, but because of its gray-brown color, it looks less appetizing. They are boiled for 7-10 minutes, and then, if desired, you can simply put them in a colander and, seasoned with oil, serve.

And you can wash it, and then warm it up with some kind of sauce. For example, the classic will perfectly complement the taste and aroma of the dish.

Cooking plain pasta

Pasta made from soft wheat is inferior in usefulness to those listed above, and a real gourmet will never buy such. But in the kitchen of an ordinary person, this product is often found. For example, I really like vermicelli.

A side dish of such pasta is prepared with mandatory subsequent rinsing under cold running water. You need to cook them for no more than 7 minutes. I personally make it even easier:

  • I throw vermicelli into boiling water;
  • I stir, waiting for the water to boil again;
  • I cover with a lid and turn off the fire completely - this will not work with an open lid;
  • after 3-4 minutes I mix again, and after another 4-5 I drain the water and rinse.

I like this method because the pasta itself does not stick to the pan, does not stick together, does not tend to “run away”, and even if it has missed a few minutes, they do not boil “into porridge”.

A bit of exotic pasta

In large supermarkets, non-standard types of pasta have also appeared - buckwheat, rye, etc. Especially popular are Asian rice pasta, which are prepared in the same way, but it takes about 5 minutes to cook.

Bright colored butterflies or durum wheat spirals, as well as black pasta, also look unusual. Their cooking is no different from the standard scheme, but when choosing, make sure that the dyes are natural (spinach, beet juice, turmeric, etc.), otherwise there is no benefit, and the dishes will all be stained.

Any pasta or vermicelli turns out to be tastier if you add a piece of butter or 1 tbsp to the water during cooking. olive.

Cook in a slow cooker, double boiler or microwave

For cooking pasta, you can use not only pots, stewpans or frying pans - modern kitchen devices can also quite cope with this task.

The easiest way to do this is in the microwave. We choose a suitable dish, preferably with a lid and holes, and always high - otherwise the water will leak out. Pour the pasta with water in a ratio of 1: 2, set the highest power and turn it off after 7-9 minutes. Stir, let it brew for 2-3 minutes, drain the water and the garnish is ready. You can sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the microwave for another minute.

We cook in a slow cooker according to the same principle as in a saucepan - we throw it into boiled water, cook for about 10 minutes, do not forget to mix. It is important to choose the right mode here - the water should not be in full swing during cooking. Focus on the features of a particular model.

In a double boiler, it is better to cook pasta from durum varieties, as the rest will simply stick together. This is done as follows: pour a sufficient amount of water into the lower bowl, pour pasta into the upper bowl (we use a container for cooking rice), fill them with water, salt and cook until tender. In time, it will be longer by 3-4 minutes than with the usual method.

Secrets of cooking popular pasta dishes

Not only a side dish is prepared from pasta, so you need to know the features of cooking for certain dishes:

  • small pasta is suitable for making soups in broth, which must be thrown into boiling liquid 8-10 minutes before the end of cooking;
  • milk soups with noodles will turn out more delicious if you first boil the pasta in a small amount of water until half cooked, and then just pour in the boiled milk and bring to the desired condition over low heat;
  • the simplest dish - pasta with stew - will come out perfect if the pasta is cooked “al dente”, and after adding the meat, it is aged for another 10-15 minutes on low heat;
  • for lasagna, do not boil the sheets if the amount of sauce covers all the ingredients by at least 0.5 cm, otherwise it is better to pre-cook for 1-2 minutes.

And you can not just boil pasta, but cook boiled-fried ones - it turns out quite interesting, especially if you add grated cheese at the end. How to do this, you can learn from the video:
