
What is the shelf life of pasteurized milk. Terms and conditions of milk storage

We all know about the undoubted health benefits of milk and dairy products, about the irreplaceable calcium contained in it, and this is where our knowledge ends. Hindus, for example, revere the cow as a sacred animal, and cow's milk is treated with special respect.

A little about milk

Animal milk: cows, goats, buffaloes - very useful food product. Milk is essential component cooking, especially baking and production desserts, and besides, and a valuable cosmetic product. Milk can be treated - it is used as an antidote, antidote and nutrient when exhausted.

Milk protein by nutritional value not inferior to meat or fish, digested faster and easier. Milk contains calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for building bone tissue - they are absorbed from milk due to milk fat and vitamin D contained in it.

That is why skimmed milk not useful, calcium from it is not absorbed at all. In addition, milk also contains vitamins A and part of group B, milk sugar- lactose.

How much milk should be consumed per day?

An adult needs about 200 g of milk per day to fully replenish calcium stores and benefit health, but different dairy products have different protein and calcium contents. So, cottage cheese you need about 100 g, cheese 30-50 g is enough, and you can drink kefir up to 400 ml.

Whole milk is not tolerated by many adults due to lactose deficiency, such people whole milk should be sharply limited, replacing it with any fermented milk products.

If you buy milk in the market

Tips: how to store milk

It must be boiled for at least 10 minutes, as raw milk can become a source of intestinal infections and brucellosis, yersiniosis and some other unpleasant infections.

Boiling milk is a whole science, as milk can "run away" and burn. It is necessary to let it “rise” at least twice, that is, foam and rise to the edges of the dish, only after that it can be turned off and started to cool.

Do not boil milk in stainless utensils, it "loves" aluminum or enameled containers. Rinse the container before boiling cold water and do not wipe. If you need to boil milk and at the same time leave, grease the sides of the pan butter to a certain level: after boiling, the milk will not rise above this limit.

How to store milk

Milk is perishable product because it is an excellent breeding ground for microbial growth. Therefore, it must be stored only in a refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container - a bottle or a jar with tight lid.

  • If you don’t have a refrigerator or it’s broken, and you bought milk from a neighbor in your country house in warm weather, place the boiled milk in a glass jar or faience container, not narrow and low. This container must be placed in a basin of ice water. Cover the vessel with a cloth or gauze in several layers, and lower the edges into cold water. In this form, milk will be stored for a long time.
  • So that milk does not quickly turn sour, it is necessary to properly wash the container for it: wash it in cold water and then wash in warm water. If the container is washed immediately in hot water the milk will go sour faster.
  • Milk does not like daylight, store it in a dark place, then it will be fresher longer.
  • Milk and dairy products strongly absorbs foreign odors, so they must be stored separately from sharp, unpleasant or strong-smelling foods - meat, garlic, fish, and close the container with a lid.
  • For milk, glass or ceramic containers are more suitable.

store milk

Tips: how to store milk

In the store you can find milk in glass bottles, plastic bags, boxes and packages tetra-pak. According to the new standards for the processing of dairy products, there are three types of milk processing for sale in stores:

  • pasteurized milk: heated to 70 degrees for 10 minutes, which kills microorganisms, but does not kill their spores. This milk is stored for a short time - on average, from 36 hours to 5 days, depending on its packaging.
  • sterilized milk: it was kept at a temperature of 100 degrees for half an hour, it can be stored in packaging conditions for up to six months even without a refrigerator, it is sterile. After opening the milk packaging, it is stored in a sealed container for up to 10 days in the refrigerator.
  • UHT milk exposed to high temperature in a special system for a few seconds and without losing their nutritional qualities, bottled in sterile packaging. It is stored similarly to sterilized milk.

In any case, after you have opened the package, put the milk in the refrigerator, otherwise it will become contaminated with microbes that multiply rapidly and can be harmful to health. At the slightest doubt about the quality of milk, you should not use it even when cooking.

Do you love milk?


Milk - valuable product food that can be found in almost any refrigerator.

As a rule, this is ordinary cow's milk, although goat, soy, and even breast milk are used in the diet.

How long can milk be stored in the refrigerator?

Actual question requiring clarification.

How Long Can You Keep Milk in the Fridge: Farm Fresh

The most useful cow's milk is fresh, fresh. Getting it in the city is not easy, but possible. If you managed to buy a liter or two directly from under the cow, bypassing industrial pasteurization and sterilization, it is important to know the shelf life. Poisoning with stale dairy products is always very hard on the body.

Despite the fact that buying farm milk from unfamiliar sellers is quite dangerous, people continue to do it. How long you can store milk in the refrigerator depends on the temperature regime of the household appliance:

From 6 to 8 degrees - 18 hours;

At 5-6 degrees - no more than a day;

At 3-4 degrees - one and a half days;

At 1 degree - two days.

In any case, it is better to sell the product within the first hours after the purchase, because it is not known for certain when the milk was produced. Another thing is that freezing lovely way virtually unlimited storage of milk. If the product is frozen and placed in the freezer, you can use it without any fear as needed.

You need to defrost milk ice cubes in the refrigerator, not in heat. If lumps appear on the surface, you can return the product to uniformity: beat with a mixer or in a blender.

If farm milk is boiled, its shelf life at medium temperatures (up to 8 degrees) increases to four days. At low product Quietly stand still for two weeks. Another question is that in boiled milk there are practically no vitamins and valuable protein (although pathogenic microbes, too). In addition, boiling changes the formula of calcium and phosphorus, and they are poorly absorbed.

Goat milk without processing, it can be stored in a refrigerator for no more than three days, and in a clean container under a tight lid. The product is stored worse than cow's, so the question of cleanliness of the container in this case basic.

How long can milk be stored in the refrigerator after processing

In addition to boiling, there are other types of milk processing in order to long storage. It is this processed milk that is sold in stores and supermarkets.

Sterilization- this is the processing of the product at a temperature above 100 degrees and holding for several seconds under high pressure. Not a single microorganism can withstand such conditions. Unfortunately, as with boiling, they destroy vitamins, proteins, useful fatty acid.

Pasteurization- heating of purified milk to 75 degrees in a special bowl. This is a more gentle way of processing with respect to useful substances. Microorganisms die, but calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins are preserved.

UHT assumes that the process takes place with minimal access to external factors, in a closed system. Milk is heated to 137 degrees and cooled sharply to 20.

How long you can store milk in the refrigerator depends on the type of processing and packaging of the product. Store bags or glass containers in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. As a rule, they are:

Pasteurization in a film package for 4 days, in a cardboard box for a week, in a tetrapack for two weeks;

Sterilization is stored up to six months;

Ultra-pasteurization in tetrapack up to one and a half months.

At home, milk can not only be boiled, but also pasteurized. To do this, the product must be placed in water bath and warm up for half an hour. The processing temperature is approximately 70 degrees. After half an hour, remove the container with hot milk and immediately cool it in ice water.

How long can milk be stored in the refrigerator after home pasteurization? If the container was sterile, the product does not sour for two weeks, while retaining all its useful properties.

Goat milk can also be pasteurized. However, it is still stored worse than cow's. A bottle with a processed pasteurized product will stand in the refrigerator for no more than ten days.

How long can you store milk in the refrigerator: useful tips

    After opening the package with shop milk The product should be consumed within two to three days. Therefore, it is best to use the product in a small, half-liter package. Of course, if you do not cook porridge from it big family, For example.

    How long you can store milk in the refrigerator also depends on the location of the package. The cooler the shelf is chosen, the longer the souring process does not occur. It is important to ensure that there are no strong-smelling products near the opened package. Milk can absorb odor.

    It is not worth pouring the product from the store packaging. Glass container, vacuum packaging, tetrapak is better to preserve both taste and nutritional properties.

    Milk should be kept away sunlight, which destroys vitamin D. Therefore, if it is stored at room temperature, you need to put the vessel in a dark place and additionally cover it with a thick cloth or paper.

    IN home kitchen can be used and powdered milk. Its shelf life is six months. After opening the package, the powder should be used within a month. The diluted product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

    A few words should be said about the storage of breast milk. Such a need may arise in the life of every nursing woman. The main requirement for safe storage is the cleanliness of hands and utensils. If a breast pump is used for pumping, it must also be perfectly clean.

    It is better to pour the expressed milk into containers in the volume in which the baby is used to eating. The fact is that you cannot store an already used bottle again. Do not mix leftovers with a new portion.

    How long can milk be stored in the refrigerator after pumping? Not longer than four days at normal temperatures from zero to 4 degrees. Moreover, it is better to put the container not on the door, but deeper, on the middle or upper shelf.

Milk is a perishable product. Despite the fact that at dairy plants it is subjected to pasteurization and sterilization and packed in a special sealed container, its shelf life is still very limited. Therefore, when storing it, it is very important to comply with certain requirements. Learn how to properly store milk varying degrees processing at home.

Basic Rules

The shelf life of milk depends on the method of processing, the packaging used, the method of delivery and the conditions of the store where you purchased it. It will not be superfluous to follow the recommendations below.

  • Buy milk in small quantities. After opening the package, it should be consumed within 2-3 days. Therefore, it is better to shop more often, but at the same time be sure of the quality of the product.
  • Keep milk away from foods with strong flavors, as it absorbs odors easily.
  • Do not pour unused milk back into the original container.
  • Make sure that the place where the product is stored is darkened, and the air temperature in it does not exceed +2 ... +5 ° С.
  • You can extend the shelf life of pasteurized milk by pouring it into a glass jar after opening the package.
  • Be sure to keep the milk bought on the market in sterile glass jars with tight-fitting lid. Boil goat milk first.


The shelf life of the product depends on the type of product. heat treatment. Fresh homemade milk it is better to leave in enameled or glassware for a maximum of 2 days. If you boil it, then the shelf life will increase to 7 days. Pasteurized milk in airtight packaging can lie in the refrigerator until the final date specified by the manufacturer. After opening the package, such a product must be consumed within 3 days.

When purchasing sterilized milk, you can be sure that it will be stored for up to 6 months without loss of quality in sealed packaging. After opening, it is permissible to keep in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

The shelf life of condensed milk is from 6 months to 1 year. It is recommended to wrap an open jar in plastic bag and consume within 2 weeks. Powdered milk is stored for 8 to 10 months. If it is fat-free, then the shelf life can reach 3 years. It should be remembered that milk powder is afraid of high humidity and temperature changes.

Tare selection

Now on the shelves of stores you can buy milk in the most different packages: from glass bottles to tetrapacks. To maximize the shelf life of milk in plastic or paper containers, it is recommended to pour it into sterile glass containers. The only exception is ultra-pasteurized product. It can be stored in any package.

The following tips will help keep milk fresh for as long as possible.

  • To prevent milk from sour for as long as possible, wash the containers intended for it properly. Be sure to pour cold water over the container at the beginning and at the end of the washing process. If you wash it only with boiling water, the milk will turn sour faster.
  • If the quality of the product causes you the slightest suspicion, it is better to get rid of it immediately and not even use it for cooking.
  • Frozen milk can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 weeks. You need to defrost it in the refrigerator. If the product separates after thawing, beat it with a blender or mixer.
  • Condensed milk can also be frozen. To do this, use sealed plastic containers. It will keep well in the freezer for up to 1 month.

Remember: whatever milk you purchase, it is best to store it in a dark cool place. For example, in the refrigerator or pantry. If you do not have the opportunity to put the product in the refrigerator, then boil it and pour it into a glass wide and low container. Place it in a bowl of cold water. Cover the container with milk from above with a cloth napkin or gauze folded in several layers, lowering its edges into the water. Do not forget to periodically change the water to colder. Under such conditions, milk can be stored for up to 5 days.

Often in today's market there is an opportunity to see great amount most different milk. How to find out which product is good for human health, and which one is best stored?

What affects the freshness of a product?

The shelf life of any product will depend on how it has been processed. There are several main factors:

  • how it was processed;
  • which one is selected packed;
  • preservation conditions before and after acquisition.

There are a few simple rules for creating optimal conditions to keep fresh milk. Optimum temperature to store the purchased product is +2 degrees in the refrigerator. Under these conditions fresh milk cows (not processed in any way) should be kept within 48 hours.

If the temperature in the refrigeration unit is higher, then the milk storage period will be slightly reduced.

How to store correctly?

The best option for storing milk is to drink, so to speak, immediately “from under the cow”. If you buy a product from dubious sellers, this can be bad for your health. Poisoning with dairy products is the most difficult and leaves quite serious consequences for the human body. In addition, it is required to properly store any kind of milk, then you can confidently eat it and not be afraid for your health.

To keep milk fresh longer period there are several ways and simple rules that must be adhered to.


There are several ways that can help lengthen the shelf life of milk at various stages. There is an option to boil it for a couple of minutes over medium heat, then remove from heat and let the drink cool, after all this, put it in a cold place. Thus, it is possible that the product will last up to seven days. And also at home it is possible to carry out such a procedure as pasteurization. For her original product required to be heated in a water bath.

When the milk has warmed up to a certain degree, you need to wait a few minutes (about 9-10), then you can remove it from the water bath. You also need to cool the product to a temperature of +25 degrees and it is after that that it is possible to put it in the refrigerator.

It must be remembered that it is recommended to pasteurize and boil only fresh product, it is not recommended to try to "reanimate" spoiled milk. It is better to make kefir from it.


There are several rules for increasing the shelf life of a product. If you follow them, then milk product will keep fresh longer.

  • You can not boil milk several times, then it loses all its properties.
  • Babies usually try this product always give boiled. You can also freeze the dairy product in order to increase its shelf life.
  • It is possible to keep milk in the room at a temperature of +22 degrees. But the shelf life will expire in a short period of time. For example, at a normal room temperature of +18 +22 degrees, the product will remain fresh for no more than noon.

How can you increase the shelf life at home?

Not always possible for a short time consume large amounts of milk. If this happens, it is possible to try to increase the shelf life of the drink for more long-term use. Best Option save milk - freeze it. Freeze only fresh whole or boiled milk. If the temperature in the freezer reaches -18 degrees, then the product can be stored for up to six months without harming the taste and quality.

The drink should not be re-frozen. It'll mess up like taste qualities product, and the beneficial properties of the milk itself. Cow's milk before being sent to the store, several stages of processing can go through.


With this process, milk is processed in a gentle thermal regime, while up to 99% of all bacteria die, but all the necessary useful substances are preserved. The period of possible consumption after such a procedure can reach up to one and a half weeks at +4 +6 degrees (if the container is hermetically packed). After opening, such a product is recommended to drink in 3-4 days. This is due to the fact that pasteurization slows down the process of souring milk, because all bacteria are removed from the product.


This method is much tougher than pasteurization. During the process of ultra-pasteurization, there is a possibility that vitamins and nutrients will not remain in the product. But this method makes it possible to store milk for up to 6 months even at room temperature, if the package has not been opened. With this treatment, not only harmful bacteria die, but even their spores. It is worth noting that such a product should also be eaten within a period of about 3-4 days, if you do not want to risk your health.


The principle of such a procedure is very similar to the process of ultrapasteurization. It differs only in that it passes with more high temperatures, as opposed to ultrapasteurization. The shelf life of such a product is also about 6 months in closed container or 3-4 days after opening the package. Temperature regime after opening the package for further storage should be +4 +6 degrees.


Such a product is obtained by evaporating milk to a powder state. Such a product can be whole and fat-free. whole product after opening the package, it is stored up to 8 months, and fat-free up to 3 years. The temperature regime for storing powdered milk is about +10 degrees.


This product is obtained by prolonged heating at required temperature. Such milk is stored for about 2 days after depressurization and up to 6 days in a closed package at a temperature not higher than +6 degrees. In such a product more content vitamins E and A, as well as a relatively large amount of iron and calcium.

Condensed milk

Very high-calorie product. The shelf life depends on the packaging the product is in. If in a jar of iron, then the closed package may not deteriorate for about 12 months. IN plastic container about 3 months. After the package has been opened, it must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

In addition to cow's milk, there are other types, for example, coconut milk. It also has its own shelf life. Such a product can be stored for about 12 months in a package and does not deteriorate in a hermetically sealed container. But after opening the package, the shelf life of milk is very short - only 24 hours. It must be stored at a temperature not higher than +5 degrees.

There is also a view like soy milk. This is a product plant origin. It contains a very large amount of proteins (about 40%). It also contains several types of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. If for some reason there is an intolerance regular milk, then this product will become great replacement. If the package is hermetically sealed, then it can be stored in the refrigerator for about 30 days.

After the package is opened, it should not be eaten for more than 3 days. It is necessary to store at a temperature not more than +6 degrees in the refrigerator.

It's no secret to anyone that expressed breast milk can also be stored enough time. It can be stored in the refrigerator for about 48 hours. If you need to keep the drink for more for a long time, you can use freezer. It can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months at a temperature of -20 degrees, while it will not lose its useful properties and taste. Once thawed, milk should be used within 4 hours.

Let's listen to useful tips chefs and doctors.

  • It is best to always process milk and not drink it raw, in this state it can lead to the appearance of intestinal diseases. The best way to protect yourself is to boil the product, after which the shelf life of the milk will also be extended.
  • In no case, neither raw, nor boiled, nor any other milk should be left in the sun in the summer. It can not be eaten and for cooking after a couple of hours.
  • If there is no need to cook porridge with milk every day for a family of several people, then it is better to buy the product in small packages so that it does not have time to deteriorate (0.5 liters in volume).
  • It is important that there are no products that smell strongly near the opened package. Otherwise, the product will absorb unpleasant odors.
  • You need to keep track of exactly where the container with milk is stored. The lower the temperature in the place of storage, the longer the product does not sour.
  • The best option is to store the milk as it was in the store. Such a container retains nutrients best of all and does not allow milk to sour for longer.
  • Care must be taken not to expose the product to direct sun rays, it destroys such useful element, like vitamin D. It is for this reason that if the product is stored in a room, then you need to choose a dark-colored container and it is advisable to cover it with a towel or other thick cloth.
  • You can also use a dry version of the product at home, a diluted version of such milk is only suitable for consumption for 48 hours, after this period the milk should be poured out and no longer used.
  • If we are talking about expressed milk, it must not be stored for more than 96 hours in a refrigeration unit at +4 C.

How to know if milk is spoiled

How do you know that the product can no longer be eaten. There are several signs that will definitely tell you this fact. No matter how trite it may sound, the first thing to do is to look at the shelf life if milk is purchased in a supermarket. Be sure to make sure that there was no interruption of the storage period. The marking should be made directly on the packaging, and not glued, for example.

After purchasing the product and opening it, it is also worth trying to understand if the expiration date has expired. If the fact of this is discovered, in no case should you use such a product. It can be made from homemade kefir or other fermented milk product. It is advisable to use any dairy product within 2-3 days from the date of opening the package.

In any case, milk and dairy products should be in the diet of any modern person, because they contain so many useful substances that are necessary to strengthen the body. Therefore, you should try to consume this product as much as possible in at least one meal per day.

For information on how to properly store milk, see the video below.

According to statistics, every Russian annually consumes 265 kg milk.

This figure is only 2/3 of the norm, and milk is a source a large number vitamins and minerals.

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Types of milk

Product selection: where and how?

You can buy milk in the market or shop. The market offers natural products, without the use of heat treatment. But the quality of milk is unknown to the buyer in advance.

You need to ask the seller about the availability of certificates and contact Special attention on the sanitary conditions of the outlet.

In shops licenses and certificates definitely exist. The product is represented by dozens of positions.

First of all, you need to pay attention to packaging. It should not be damaged or swollen.

When choosing milk at a point of sale, study its smell, texture, and sometimes color - impossible.

Remains label. It indicates whether the milk is whole or standardized.

Whole milk contains only one ingredient- whole milk. The fat content of the product is from 2.8% to 5%.

normalized milk adjusted to standard fat content (1%, 2.5%, 3.2%) by mixing whole milk with skimmed or cream.

The best option is selected whole milk, produced from the best raw materials in terms of microbiological indicators.

Information about heat treatment products are also contained on the label: pasteurization, sterilization, ultra-pasteurization.

The safety of the usefulness of the product and the shelf life depend on the method of heat treatment. Most Helpful- pasteurized milk, the longest stored - sterilized.

Memo on expiration dates

Shelf life, conditions of transportation and storage of milk are regulated GOST 31450-2013 Drinking milk. Specifications.".

The question of the shelf life of milk becomes relevant for young mothers. Only milk breast, expressed.

Expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator and used within 24 hours.

in the freezer The shelf life will last up to 3 months. It is best to store breast milk in specially designed disposable bags.

Security measures

It happens that the expiration date has already expired, but the milk still has normal color and taste. In this case, it can be used even if the period declared by the manufacturer ended 1-2 days ago.

If milk has acquired bitter taste, then there is only one way for him - in the trash can. Such a product should not be consumed, in order to avoid serious food poisoning.

When buying milk on the market, you need to pay attention to smell product. strange or bad smell indicates that the milk is not fresh.

Store employees should strictly adhere to deadlines suitability of all products. They should, but they don't always follow.

In addition, in retail outlets such cunning- a fresh product is placed away from the buyer, and almost expired, on the contrary, closer.

So, if you bought expired milk, you have every right to have it back.

For the benefit of the buyer study the information on the packaging, and especially the expiration date.

see also video about the shelf life of milk:

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