
How to drink red absinthe. What is absinthe and what can you drink it with? French way - using a perforated spoon and sugar

Have you always wanted to try absinthe, but don't know how to drink it properly? We have collected in this article Interesting Facts about absinthe and how it can be used.

When visiting nightclubs, I have repeatedly noticed that many visitors order absinthe, and the bartender offers different ways drinking this drink. I myself have never tried it, not knowing anything about how to drink absinthe properly, and was content with a standard whiskey + cola cocktail. But in vain. This drink, like all other alcoholic drinks, has its own drinking culture, which I will introduce you to. Thanks to the assignment of the editors, I not only discovered this new drink, but learned a lot of interesting things about its properties and tried to use it in different ways.

I want to warn you right away - this drink is not for gentle young ladies who are used to drinking Cosmopolitan or Margarita, absinthe is really Reviver. But it's worth trying it, if only to understand whether you like it or not. Since the drink is inherently very bitter, all methods of serving it are aimed at minimizing the taste of bitterness as much as possible, as well as reducing the strength of the drink. So, the methods of drinking absinthe:

1. absinthe in pure form , undiluted. Not everyone can drink pure absinthe. As I wrote earlier - the drink is extremely strong. However, there are fans absinthe drinkers Thus. The drink is poured into narrow glasses, filling them halfway, and cooled to zero temperature. Bartenders advise not to use more than 30 grams of absinthe at a time in this way.

2. Absinthe with syrup. For some reason, it is believed that this method of serving absinthe was invented in Russia. Need to cook sugar syrup: for this, sugar is mixed with water. And then add the resulting syrup to a glass of absinthe to taste. Personally, I made a proportion of about 70 to 30 (70% water, 30% absinthe), after which the absinthe seemed to me not so bitter and not so strong. The proportions can be changed according to your taste.

3. Absinthe with juice. If you do not want to waste time and bother with the preparation of sugar syrup, you can simply dilute absinthe with juice. The proportions can also be changed according to your taste. Bartenders believe that orange, lemon and pineapple juice. You can replace juice with lemonade, schweppes or other carbonated drinks.

4. fire absinthe. I warn you - this method is one of the most difficult and dangerous, so be careful when setting such culinary experiments in your kitchen. First, fill the glass with absinthe three-quarters, dip a piece of sugar into the absinthe. We put a special spoon with holes on top of the glass, place sugar on it and set it on fire. Sugar should burn for about one minute, drops of melted sugar through the holes fall into a glass of absinthe. After the flame goes out, dip the spoon into the glass and place the contents of the glass on it. Add more ice water to taste to make softer taste drink. Once again I repeat, using absinthe in this way, be careful. Since the burning sugar is located close to the absinthe, the entire contents of the glass can catch fire. Fire safety regulations must be followed.

5. Classic absinthe. This cooking method is traditional and the most common. You will again need special spoon with holes and a piece of sugar. Place a spoon over the glass, put a piece of sugar in it and pour ice water on top of the sugar until the absinthe starts to become cloudy. The French gave this effect the name "Louche", so more classic way Absinthe preparations are called French. Essential oils contained in alcohol precipitate when ice water is added, making the taste of the drink softer and more pleasant to drink. Absinthe is diluted with water in a ratio of 5 to 1, i.e. We take five parts of water to 1 part of absinthe.

6. Absinthe in two glasses. This method is interesting, but it seems to many not very convenient. Pour absinthe into a small glass and place it in a large glass. Then we begin to pour water into the glass until only water remains in it. Water and absinthe are mixed - the drink is ready to drink. This method is not very convenient, because. the glass still remains at the bottom of the glass and the drink is difficult to drink. But you can simply remove the glass or pour the drink into another glass.

Now you know how to use a drink like absinthe correctly. Personally, I liked method number four the most - despite the fact that it is quite dangerous. But the process of preparing the drink is very beautiful and exciting, perhaps even more exciting than drinking it. Finally, a short video about how a professional bartender prepares absinthe. Watch and train, just be careful when doing it at home, do not forget about fire safety rules.

For girls, I would generally recommend using absinthe only in cocktails, so the natural bitterness of the drink will be less noticeable. Recipes for cocktails with absinthe can be found on our website, girls who are used to cocktails will either like it or with delicate kiwi, and men will certainly appreciate a cocktail called whiskey and absinthe.

(from the English "absinthe") in its pure form is a rather bitter drink, so all the methods that have been invented for more than 200 years have been aimed at softening this bitterness. There are more than a dozen ways to drink absinthe, in this article Shake will try to reveal them all.


Pour one part of absinthe into a glass, put a special absinthe spoon on the edge of the glass, put a sugar cube on it. Pour three parts of ice water into a glass over sugar in a spoon. Sugar will dissolve in water, and the resulting syrup will mix with absinthe.

A continuation of this method is the use of absinthe with crushed ice in the same proportions.


The Czech way consists of 2 options Let's look at them:

First. Through a piece of sugar on an absinthe spoon set at the edges of the glass, skip one part of absinthe in large drops. Set fire to sugar and drip the resulting caramel into absinthe. Then dilute with three parts of water. This, the most famous, method is dangerous because absinthe in a glass can easily catch fire, and requires caution. In such cases, some connoisseurs consider this one of the signals to start diluting absinthe with water - the drink, losing its strength, will go out by itself.

Second. It consists in the fact that a piece of sugar is placed on a heated spoon with holes, which is held over a glass. Absinthe is poured onto the spoon. Thus, Absinthe is mixed with sugar and a kind of syrup is obtained. This method raises doubts about practicality, because in order to achieve a similar effect, the spoon must constantly be heated.

Czech method of drinking absinthe.

Crystal Czech

One of the classic and most simple ways. Pour a little absinthe over your eyes into a thick-walled glass. Light it up and wait a bit for it to burn out. Blow out and immediately drink in one gulp, without eating or drinking.


Make sugar syrup separately, and then dilute it with absinthe in the desired proportion. Personally, I have been using this method for quite some time, it is fast and very effective for big companies. The disadvantages of this method include the loss of absinthe taste due to excessive sweetness.


Pour four parts of iced absinthe into an absinthe glass. Set it on fire. Put a piece of sugar on an absinthe spoon, hold it over the flame. The sugar will begin to melt and drip into the glass, crystallizing at the bottom. When the number of round brown crystals fills the remaining fifth of the glass, remove the spoonful of sugar. Prepare a cocktail tube. Blow out the flame and immediately, lowering the tube into the glass, without stopping, drink all the liquid contents of the glass through it in several quick large sips, be sure to pass it all over the tongue in order to feel the taste deeper.

The method is quite bold, but because of the plastic tube, I would not recommend testing it. If you have steel tubes - definitely try it and write about the effect in the comments.

citrus absinthe

For this method, we need any citrus fruit, cut it and form slices, peel the slices from the inner films, thus exposing the pulp of the fruit. Dip the slices in the mixture granulated sugar and cinnamon to taste.

Pour 50 ml of absinthe into an absinthe glass and set it on fire. With steel tongs, take the previously prepared slice and hold it over the fire so that the mixture of sugar, cinnamon and juice drips into the glass. You can press the slice a little with tongs for more abundant juice secretion.

Now it is necessary to block the access of oxygen to the glass in order to extinguish the flame. Let the glass cool down a little and drink warm absinthe. For a snack - dissolve crystals of burnt sugar with cinnamon.

Toad (Friday)

30 ml of absinthe is poured into the snifter. 15 ml of mint liqueur, 100 ml of champagne and 30 ml of vodka are poured into rocks. Absinthe is ignited in the snifter and rotated so that the glass is heated evenly and does not crack. Then pour the burning contents into the rocks and insert the snifter from above.

It is important that the snifter is firmly immersed in the rocks to create a kind of vacuum between the glasses, with the help of which the “toad” effect is created in the form of bubbles on the surface of the drink. Once the bubbles are gone, quickly remove and place a couple of wipes under the snifter. Shake the rocks in the same way as tequila boom, drink in one gulp, and then inhale the vapors from under the snifter through a plastic tube (the tube must be carefully placed between the napkin and the snifter).

Happy Milkman

Mix in equal proportions absinthe, whiskey and milk. Drink slowly, if possible, with pleasure.


Pour 1/3 of ice water into a glass, then 2/3 of absinthe, so that the liquids do not mix, but there are 2 layers. We drink. The effect is that strong taste absinthe is replaced by the softness of water.


Pour absinthe and grenadine into the shot in a ratio of 9 to 1, set it on fire and carefully lower the stack of highball glass with champagne. The contents begin to slowly turn a bright cherry color, and in the end a drink is obtained. rich color eggplant. The stack must remain in the glass at all times. To make the taste of the drink uniform, you can stir it with a straw. Drink slowly and enjoy.


Pour absinthe into an iron mug on one finger, top up cold water to the level of 2/3 circles. Mix and drink in small sips.

Now you know how to drink absinthe correctly. If you have other methods unknown to me, write them by clicking on the button below, and I will definitely add them to this article.

Absinthe alcohol tincture on wormwood and various herbs. Manufacturing technology does not provide for supernatural components. modern drink different from the common absinthe that was drunk in the 19th century.

The people call absinthe differently. The most common names: "devil's potion", " green fairy”,“ green witch ”. Previously, the composition of the drink included herbs coriander, fennel, wormwood, lemon balm, chamomile. Today, extracts, flavors and dyes are used in the manufacture.

How to distinguish a fake

Before you learn how to drink absinthe correctly at home, you need to make sure that it is authentic, since there are fakes on the market.

  1. If a store offers a drink in a bottle of transparent and light glass, most likely it does not contain absinthe, but alcohol solution Green colour.
  2. True absinthe contains chlorophyll, which does not tolerate exposure to light. An authentic drink is poured into dark bottles.
  3. Pour a small amount of absinthe into a light glass and dilute with water. Genuine tincture will immediately darken due to vegetable essential oils in the composition.
  4. If turbidity is not observed, then there are no essential oils and the manufacturer chose not herbs, but flavors.

Rules and snack

Absinthe special drink, requiring the observance of special rituals that create a unique atmosphere. They attract fans thrill and aesthetes.

  1. Drink in pure and diluted form. The first option is for quality drink, the second - for the first acquaintance with him.
  2. The fortress reaches 85 degrees, so you need to choose the right snack that will emphasize the taste and make the eating procedure as delicate as possible. Best Appetizer"devil's potion" - fruits. Suitable chopped green apple, slices of lemon or orange. If the drink is intended for a lady, sprinkle the fruit with sugar.
  3. An appetizer is a must if you plan to enjoy pure absinthe. Pure chilled absinthe is drunk in one gulp and eaten with fruit.
  4. The strength of the tincture is diluted with chilled boiled water, ice, a special spoon and refined sugar. Dilution is a real ritual.

Video tips

dilution ritual

Half the dose of absinthe is poured into thick-walled dishes. A piece of refined sugar is placed on a special spoon and the remaining tincture is passed through it. The drink flows into the bowl, soaking the sugar.

Then the sugar is set on fire and waiting for the formation of syrup, which flows into the glass. Dilute with water or crushed ice.

In the process of preparing the tincture, make sure that it does not foam. If, during the combustion of refined sugar, absinthe in a glass catches fire, it is quickly diluted with water.

Traditional recipes for drinking absinthe

If you want to experience the real sensations of the "devil's potion" find a drink created on good alcohol based original recipe. The tincture drinking culture has given rise to many preparation recipes and rituals. The use of absinthe, like cognac or baileys, has its own peculiarities. I will share a few traditional recipes.

  1. Czech recipe. Put a special spoon on the edge of the glass, put a piece of refined sugar on top of it. Pass half of the absinthe in large drops through the sugar. Set fire. When sugar burns, caramel is formed, which must drain into a glass through a hole in a spoon. At the end of the process, dilute the drink with water in a ratio of 1 to 3.
  2. french recipe . Pour absinthe into a glass. Place a spoon on the edge of the dish and put refined sugar on it. Pour three parts of cold water through it into a pile. It will dissolve the sugar and dilute it with cold syrup, which will soften the bitterness.
  3. Russian recipe. This method the preparation of the drink resembles the method of drinking Sambuca liquor. Get a "devil's potion" with pairs. Pour a little absinthe into a cognac glass and place sideways on a whiskey dish. Ignite and rotate the glass. Pour into a whiskey glass and cover with brandy glass to extinguish the fire. Remove the glass and, without turning over, close the bottom with a napkin. Drink and inhale the vapor through a straw.
  4. citrus recipe . It is not customary to use citrus fruits in the preparation of the drink, but this recipe deserves attention. Mix sugar with cinnamon and roll in the resulting mixture a slice of orange with peel. In a thick-walled glass, set fire to absinthe and hold a slice over the fire using tongs. Juice, along with crystallizing sugar, will drain into a glass. Cool down a bit and drink.

Be careful when lighting the drink. Do not forget about health, drink in small doses.

Video recipe for homemade absinthe on wormwood

How to drink absinthe correctly - 3 ways

Absinthe demands correct use. Part real tincture even toxins are included, improper drinking can be harmful to health.

  1. Look at the title. IN different languages the word "absinthe" is spelled differently. In Spain, they write Absenta on the label, in France - Absinthe.
  2. The phrase Absinthe Refined, present on the label, indicates that the absinthe has been refined and thujone is absent. His absence is confirmed by the words Thujone-free.
  3. Usually the strength of alcoholic beverages is indicated as a percentage. Some manufacturers refer to it as proof. 1 proof corresponds to 0.5% alcohol.

It is correct to drink from a wide, tapering to the base, glass.

  1. Standard way . Before drinking, pour chilled water through the refined sugar lying on a perforated spoon. The sugar will dissolve and drain into the glass. High-quality absinthe, when mixed with water, turns yellow-green. For one part of the tincture, it is recommended to take five parts of water.
  2. Czech way. Put a little sugar in a spoon, add a little drink, set it on fire and wait until the sugar dissolves. Pour caramel into a glass with a drink and mix.
  3. extreme way. Drink without dilution. Cool the drink down. This option is for professionals only. A slice of lemon will help to cope with the bitter taste.

Secrets of absinthe with sugar

Almost all ways to drink tincture involve the use of sugar. The drink is bitter, sugar softens this bitterness a little.

Option 1

Refined sugar is placed in a special spoon with holes and placed above the glass. Chilled water is poured into a spoon. Dissolved sugar with water flows into a bowl with absinthe, the drink becomes yellowish-green.

Option 2

Place a little sugar in a spoon and pour in tincture. are holding cutlery over the fire. After the formation of caramel, the contents of the spoon are poured into a glass of drink. After stirring, the glass is quickly emptied.

Helpful information

Absinthe hallucinations - fact or myth?

The hallucinogenic effect of the tincture is due to the substance thujone. Fans of hallucinations will have to be disappointed. The factory-bottled drink contains little of this toxin. For the sake of hallucinations, absinthe will have to be made independently.

famous brands

The Czech Republic offers two options: RedAbsinthe and KingofSpirits. The Italians supply XentaAbsenta. Each of the drinks is high quality, exclusive and expensive.

Tincture colors

Absinthe is sold in stores in blue, yellow, red or black. There are also transparent tinctures. There are no reasons for outrage. If the tincture is not green, it is not a fake.

History of absinthe

The tincture first appeared in 1782 in Switzerland and was a wormwood-anise medicine for various diseases. Due to its pronounced narcotic properties, absinthe quickly became a popular alcoholic drink. The composition includes thujone, a toxic substance that causes hallucinations.

Initially, absinthe was based on grape alcohol. After some time, manufacturers switched to industrial alcohol. As a result, quality has suffered greatly, but the price has decreased, and demand has increased.

In the late 19th century, the health of the working class deteriorated greatly due to the abuse of tincture. In some countries, the threat was national in nature, so the French nation was almost destroyed due to overuse"Green Witch" The authorities of American and European states have banned the manufacture and sale of absinthe and sale. Thujon is still banned.

Finally, let me remind you once again that absinthe is a strong drink. If it is abused, a severe hangover cannot be avoided. I recommend savoring the tincture slowly and correctly. This will save you from troubles and bad consequences.

Absinthe is strong alcoholic drink made from the extract of bitter wormwood. The color of this unusual drink is bright green, the taste is very bitter, so absinthe is poured, filtering it through a sieve or a special spoon with sugar into a glass of crystal clear water. After such a process, absinthe turns into a cloudy white drink, as essential oils. At one time, absinthe was widely popular among famous writers and artists, it was used by such great people as Baudelaire, Van Gogh and many other creative personalities. It seemed to encourage a more fruitful creative process, stimulates the work of the brain and is a kind of "push" to the creation of new historical masterpieces.
This alcoholic drink has an extremely high strength, which is approximately 70-85 percent, and has the ability to cause hallucinations in humans. Therefore, if you decide to try it, you just need to know how to use absinthe correctly and in what proportions.
If you carefully observe all precautions, then you will get an unforgettable pleasure from this drink.
The rich culture of absinthe drinking made it possible to create great amount cooking recipes, you can even say rituals that tell us how to drink this drink with sprite, sugar, almost any juice, as well as ice. In addition, well-established traditions will tell you how to properly set fire to absinthe in a glass in order to use it along with streams of hot vapors that perfectly convey all the superiority of the rich bouquet of this drink and double its already strong effect.

And now we will analyze the ways of drinking absinthe in more detail. First of all, it is worth talking about Czech way. First you need to take a special glass for absinthe, on the edges of which put a spoon, and on the spoon - a piece of refined sugar. We filter one part of absinthe through sugar with small drops. Then we set fire to a piece of sugar soaked in this drink with a lighter. It should burn until the moment when it completely drains from the spoon. sugar caramel. Then we remove the spoon, mix and add three parts of spring water to the resulting mixture. But you need to be extremely careful with this drink. Absinthe can easily catch fire from sugar caramel dripping from a spoon. Experienced bartenders in such cases try to extinguish the burning mixture with water as quickly as possible, but in this case, of course, a large proportion of the strength of the drink is lost.

There is another good way to drink absinthe, proposed by Czech craftsmen. First you need to carefully heat the spoon and put it on the edge of the glass. Then place a piece of refined sugar on a heated spoon and slowly pour the absinthe through the sugar into a glass. Thus, you get a warm absinthe with muted notes of bitterness.

In France, it is customary to drink absinthe in the following way: first, absinthe is poured into a special glass. required amount absinthe. A spoon with a piece of refined sugar is placed on the edge of the glass. Then you need to slowly pour clean ice water onto the sugar. The water will slowly dissolve the sugar and form cold syrup, which will serve as an excellent softener of the bitterness of wormwood in a glass of absinthe.

The Russian way of drinking absinthe is somewhat reminiscent of the culture of drinking sambuca. Before preparing a drink for consumption, you should stock up on a glass of whiskey, a brandy glass, a straw and napkins. So, first pour the required amount of absinthe into a cognac glass and put it sideways on a whiskey glass. Then we set fire to the drink and begin to rotate the glass so that it can withstand the temperature and not burst. Then, as the absinthe warmed up desired temperature, pour it into a whiskey glass, raise a cognac glass and quickly cover a glass of warm absinthe with it to completely cut off the supply of oxygen, save the resulting vapors and put out the burning drink. Then we pierce the napkin with a tube in the middle and cover the glass with absinthe with it so that the resulting perspiration does not disappear before the guest drinks the drink. After the absinthe is drunk, it is necessary to inhale the remaining vapors from the glass through a straw, which will significantly increase intoxication. With the sequence of drunk absinthe and inhaled vapors, you can safely experiment.

There is another interesting way preparation of absinthe in Russian, but it should be performed only by experienced bartenders. In addition to a whiskey glass, a straw, a cognac glass and a napkin, you will need tea saucer. We take a whiskey glass and pour about 50 grams of sprite into it. In a cognac glass - 50 grams of absinthe. Then we put the glass on the glass, set fire to the absinthe and begin to smoothly rotate the burning liquid. After that, it is necessary to pour the burning absinthe into a glass and cover it with a cognac glass so as to put out the "nuclear" mixture. We put a couple of pieces of refined sugar on a previously prepared tea saucer, soak it with pure absinthe and set it on fire. Then we take a glass with ready-made absinthe, hit it on the table and drink the contents in one gulp. Slowly hold an inverted brandy glass over burning sugar and cover it. Then we inhale the resulting vapors in the glass through a tube and finally have a bite of refined sugar from a saucer.

It is not recommended to drink absinthe in its pure form, but still the method of such use this drink exists. Absinthe in its pure form can be drunk strongly chilled from glasses with a volume of no more than 30 grams.
Recipe " citrus absinthe"is that this method uses the addition of citrus fruits. This method is quite original and has every right to exist, since it is quite popular at youth parties. First you need to roll a slice of lemon, and best of all an orange, along with the peel in a mixture of cinnamon and granulated sugar. After that, you need to pour the required amount of absinthe into a special glass with thick walls, set fire to it. Then we take a slice of orange or lemon with tongs and hold it over the fire for several minutes so that sugar caramel, together with citrus juice, flows into a glass of absinthe. For a faster and more abundant release of juice, you can lightly press a slice of lemon or orange with tweezers.

And, finally, it remains only to put out the burning absinthe, let it cool down a bit and drink the resulting mixture in one gulp. Sometimes such a cocktail is consumed burning, but one should be very careful not to accidentally burn the larynx and oral cavity. In this case, thrill-seekers are best off using a special metal cocktail straw.
Be careful with open flames and remember that the best solution is to use absinthe in small quantities. And only then will the drink bring you unique pleasure and unforgettable pleasure, and instead of a painful hangover, you will be overtaken only pleasant sensations. And who knows, maybe the muse will visit you, and you will create your first (or next) world masterpiece.

How to drink absinthe correctly?

Brief history of the drink

Absinthe would have been invented in Switzerland as herbal drink able to cope with some diseases. The Pernot family acquired the "healing" recipe at the end of the 18th century, but industrial production absinthe in France was established only in early XIX century. The first to appreciate the scalding bitter drink was the French military during the war in Algeria. They were given this herbal tincture in food rations. It was believed that absinthe disinfects the bacterial-infested local drinking water. Returning to their homeland, many soldiers could not get rid of their addiction to absinthe.

Absinthe owes its legendary surge of popularity to a tiny aphid - phylloxera, which struck the famous French vineyards in the early 70s of the XIX century and reigned there for 25 years. Wine prices have risen unspeakably and the middle class, bourgeois and bohemian, have begun to look for more affordable drinks. The choice fell on absinthe. Soon he had his own drinking ritual, his fanatical admirers, and even his own " green time"- so the Parisians began to call the interval from 5 to 7 in the evening, when all the cafes were crowded with those who wanted to get a glass emerald drink. Monet and Toulouse-Lautrec, Degas and Maupassant, Picasso and Van Gogh - all these celebrities drank absinthe, considering it to stimulate creativity, giving an extraordinary emotional and mental experience. At the same time, the first rumors about the deadly danger of the drink appeared. In 1910, the production and use of absinthe was banned in Switzerland, in 1912, the drink was banned in America, and in 1915, France, which gave rise to its cult, also renounced absinthe. Almost a hundred years later, interest in the drink did not fade away and it was returned to the market.

According to one version, Vincent van Gogh cut off his ear while in the grip of hallucinations caused by absinthe.

So is absinthe dangerous?

Absinthe - hard liquor on aromatic herbs. An indescribable bouquet of the drink is given by hyssop, lemon balm, angelica, and an amazing emerald hue with blue-green tints - chlorophyll. But the main component that determines the characteristic burning taste of absinthe is wormwood. It is without her that absinthe cannot be made, it is to her that he owes his unusual taste and even the name, because absinthe in French is simply “wormwood”. Absinthe also got its uneasy reputation because of it. Thujone, a substance contained in the plant, has a strong hallucinogenic effect, in certain doses it becomes deadly poisonous. So why is absinthe available again? It's all about concentration. Initially, during the sublimation of absinthe, the concentration of thujone in it was about 260 mg/kg, in modern versions the maximum permitted content is 35 mg/kg.

Since there is no single law for all countries, some brands of absinthe (King of Spirits Gold, Logan 100) are produced in the Czech Republic, containing up to 100 mg / kg of thujone. IN large doses this drink can be dangerous

How to choose the "right" absinthe

Most best liquor is made on natural herbs, therefore it does not contain artificial dyes and fragrances. At good drink a pleasant pale green color or (if a special kind of wormwood is used) a soft orange, red. Too harsh, candy shade indicates numerous non-natural additives. If you are lucky enough to buy vintage absinthe, then it can be beautiful, rich amber color, but we do not advise you to drink such a rarity if there is no chemist nearby who can accurately determine the concentration of thujone in the drink.

How to drink absinthe correctly?

The very method of proper use of absinthe can be easily repeated at home. Almost every home has a cold boiled water and sugar. Simply mix the granulated sugar with cold water, after all, it’s not the first time for you to prepare such a syrup, and pour it into a cognac or any other deep glass or even a glass with absinthe.

To reproduce the ritual is somewhat more difficult, because you will need: - 30 ml of absinthe; - 150 ml of ice water; - 1 piece of refined sugar; - a special glass for absinthe; - a special spoon for absinthe; - a jug.

Pour absinthe into a transparent pot-bellied glass, put a special spoon with holes on it, put a piece of sugar on it. Pour the water into the pitcher and carefully, drop by drop, pour it over the sugar, watching the emerald green drink slowly twitch in an opal haze. You can even film this process so that you can later show your friends how you called the "green absinthe fairy".
