
Czech stewed red cabbage recipe. Czech cuisine

Red cabbage in Czech will be both an excellent side dish for cooked meat dishes, and an independent snack. It can be prepared from both red and white cabbage. In this case, preparations from red cabbage will be considered.

Cooking features

A distinctive feature of preparing delicious red cabbage dishes among Czechs is the addition of wine and finely chopped apples, which gives the result a special taste. The main highlight is that first the cabbage must first be marinated, and then proceed to its preparation.

Benefit and harm

Attention: It is worth noting that stewed cabbage, even in combination with chicken meat, is low in calories.

200 g of cabbage contains the daily norm of vitamin C, which normalizes cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes the functioning of the whole organism. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that you should not eat cabbage with high acidity, if gastric ulcers have aggravated and with intestinal spasms. It is worth excluding the dish during exacerbation of gastritis or cholecystitis.

Read in detail about how red cabbage differs from white cabbage, and from you will learn about the benefits and possible harms of eating this vegetable.

Instructions for cooking red cabbage

There are two main cooking options:

  • stewed;
  • as a separate snack.



  • cabbage - 1 head;
  • 2-3 apples;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 3 art. spoons of honey;
  • 1 lemon;
  • vinegar, salt, cumin and other spices (at your own discretion).

How to cook:

  1. We wash the cabbage under strong pressure of water and cut into thin strips.
  2. We give the cut strips time to dry, this can be done by throwing them on a sieve.
  3. While the cabbage dries, you need to finely chop the onion. Lightly fry it over low heat.
  4. Add dried cabbage, simmer lemon juice for 20 minutes without a lid.
  5. Rub peeled apples on a coarse grater and mix with cabbage.
  6. Add honey and salt a little, simmer until completely cooked.
  7. Before turning off, add min to the finished dish, mix.

Separate snack

And now let's prepare an appetizer according to a real Czech recipe.


  • half a head of red cabbage;
  • 8 pieces of prunes;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 2 medium apples;
  • 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 50 gr butter;
  • 2 cloves;
  • half a teaspoon of anise;
  • a mixture of peppers to taste;
  • water 1/3 cup;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Chop the onion and sauté with butter.
  2. Cabbage is cut into thin strips and laid out on a passivated onion.
  3. It is necessary to fry the cabbage until soft, then add spices, sugar, mix and continue to fry.
  4. Add prunes, vinegar to the mass and pour in water.
  5. Let simmer for 15 minutes.
  6. Cut the apples into strips and add to the cabbage.
  7. Leave on fire for another 10 minutes.

Read about how to cook red cabbage in Korean, and from you will learn recipes for pickling this vegetable.

Feed options

Advice: In the traditional version, cabbage dishes usually act as a side dish and go with poultry, pork or game. Often they go as an addition and snack to beer or beer drinks.

Another serving option is a dish that received a name that literally conveys the main meaning of the content: “pork-dumplings-cabbage”. When ordering, a hearty pork roast with meat gravy, stewed cabbage and dumplings will be served on one plate. And also especially popular among Czechs is duck baked in the oven or on a fire, with cabbage and dumplings.

We talked about the features of red cabbage varieties, as well as how to choose the best one, in.


A healthy and easy-to-prepare dish, which can be an excellent side dish or a separately served snack, will undoubtedly become part of the permanent menu and will allow you to get acquainted with the culture of a European country. If you go on a trip to Prague, then definitely try it in one of the establishments that serve national cuisine.

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One of my Czech acquaintances once said that in the Czech Republic only old people and tourists eat red cabbage as a side dish for duck or goose.

It seemed very strange to me. After all, all my friends who have been to the Czech Republic invariably admire this cabbage, and I myself, to be honest, literally fell in love with this dish from the first fork. Seriously, how can you not love her?

I really hoped that at least one of my two Czech books would contain a recipe for this wonderful side dish. I didn’t find it as a separate dish and was almost ready to get upset, when suddenly ... I found it as part of another dish. I tried it, yes it is. And the recipe turned out to be so simple, like all ingenious :)

Of course, I saw options with wine, oranges, and cinnamon (already such liberties). All of them, I'm sure, are beautiful in their own way. And here I will share a traditional recipe from products that are likely to be found in every home, but together for a minute will make you either nostalgic for the Czech Republic, or imagine yourself in a Czech pub.

Traditional personal remarks andobservations:

We will need (for 6-8 servings):

*It is better to take duck or goose, but pork is also suitable

Source: R. Vanek, Poklady klasické česke kuchyně

My cabbage, cut into 2 parts and shred. Try to make the "straw" come out 3-4 mm wide.

2. Peel the onion and chop finely.

3. Melt the fat in a deep saucepan or saucepan and heat it. Add chopped onion and cumin and fry until golden brown.

4. We spread the cabbage, salt it, add vinegar and sugar, mix, cover with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat.

5. Periodically look into the pan and stir the cabbage. Do not allow the liquid to boil away, so add water as needed. The layer of liquid at the bottom should be about the height of one finger joint. Simmer in this way until the cabbage is soft (30-40 minutes).

6. When the cabbage is almost ready, add the flour, mix and let it simmer for another 10-15 minutes. This will thicken the liquid a bit.

7. Serve as a side dish for poultry. Good in any form, even hot, even cold :)

Cabbage is a cultural and agricultural thing, known from the devil-what time immemorial. Blessed are the dishes from it, prepared conscientiously and with diligence! Everybody knows cabbage. With the possible exception of the extreme northern peoples. A bunch of vitamins and minerals guarantees the right amount of comprehensive benefits and, according to the Czechs, the same chest volume that delivers tactile pleasure to the male sex.

Whether this is the same reason why Czech masters cook cabbage miracles or the main reason is Czech conscientiousness, but cabbage dishes are good, tasty and eaten to the last drop of cabbage.

One of the most trump Czech meat side dishes is Czech stewed cabbage. I mean Czech stew. Having lived up to 30 years in Moscow and looking for Mother Rus' back and forth, I don’t remember this flavor shade ... Not that they would do worse there, but the Czechs do it differently. And it's interesting!

So. Czech stewed cabbage. Recipe.

I took:

  1. White cabbage - one head. I could have taken the red one, but it turned out to be white under my arms.
  2. Onions were taken by me in the amount of a couple of pieces.
  3. Prepared 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  4. A tablespoon of lemon juice squeezed directly from the lemon.
  5. Three of the same spoons of flour.
  6. Half a glass of white wine. If I had chemized with red cabbage, I would probably have taken red ...
  7. Salt, black pepper and other spices. I'm not going to specify the grammar. It is personal and strictly to taste…
  8. A couple of tablespoons of oil.
  9. A large ruddy apple in the amount of "One" pieces.

Now directly about the alchemical experience.

To begin with, we “undress” the cabbage to juicy white leaves. And chop-cut it, my dear.

While the chopped cabbage lies in a straw pile on the side, I throw the chopped onion into the sizzling oil in the pan and twist it until I see that it has released the juice and begins to flavor appetizingly. At this point, I add a couple of tablespoons of sugar prepared and twist and turn. Having fried the onion mass from the heart, I begin to add cabbage to it, languishing on the sidelines in anticipation of their turn ... Mixing everything together well, close the lid and begin to simmer the future m-yum on moderate heat ... From time to time, of course, everything stewed is twisted and turned . Within 20 minutes.

After the specified time, add salt, pepper and other spices. After mixing thoroughly and adding wine, close the lid again and leave to simmer for another 5 minutes. If necessary, you can add a little hot water.

I add a pre-grated apple to the stewed mass from the heart. I twist, I twist. I evenly pour out the flour and twist again. If necessary, add hot water again and twist and turn further.

Seeing that the twisted-spinned is stewed properly, I add lemon juice and maybe a little more sugar.

The sizes of a cabbage head, a ruddy apple and bulbs are different for everyone. Actually, as well as individual ideas about salinity and pepperiness. Therefore, it will be possible to bring the dish to its perfection only after some time ... I am sure that there will be more fans of Czech stewed cabbage in the world.

If you are a cabbage lover, you should definitely try this recipe. Red stewed cabbage is usually served as a side dish for any meat, especially poultry.

Cabbage in the Czech Republic is loved and stewed in different ways: with apples, and with pears, and with prunes, and with raisins. The taste of stewed cabbage in Czech and ours is different, they have it sweet and sour. I want to tell you how to cook Czech stewed red cabbage. I warn you right away: everyone has different tastes, so all the ingredients are given to my taste. And you, when you cook for the first time, add salt, sugar, vinegar and wine in small portions and try, look for your taste. So, read, watch and cook!

Servings: 6-8

A simple recipe for stewed red cabbage in Czech Czech cuisine step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 1 hour. Contains only 332 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 17 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Amount of calories: 332 kilocalories
  • Servings: 3 servings
  • Reason: For lunch
  • Complexity: simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Czech cuisine
  • Dish type: Hot dishes, Side dishes

Ingredients for eight servings

  • Red cabbage - 2 Kilograms
  • Onion - 2 Pieces
  • Red wine - 150-200 milliliters
  • Vinegar - 1.5 Art. spoons
  • Sugar - 1.5-2 Art. spoons
  • Flour - 4 Art. spoons
  • Lard - 2-3 Art. spoons
  • Cumin - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons

Step by step cooking

  1. Heat the lard well in a cauldron or in a thick-walled saucepan, add peeled and chopped onion to it.
  2. When the onion begins to brown, add chopped cumin to it.
  3. Fry, stirring, until the onion is beautifully browned.
  4. Finely chop the cabbage, be sure to cut off the thickening.
  5. We spread the cabbage to the onion, add about a glass of water. Cover with a lid and simmer until cabbage is half cooked.
  6. Now add vinegar. You can take the usual 9% or apple. Stir, simmer for 5 minutes without a lid, stirring occasionally.
  7. Add salt and sugar.
  8. And then pour the wine. Stir the cabbage, steam it for 5 minutes, and then continue to simmer under the lid until the cabbage becomes soft.
  9. Control the liquid level in the cabbage, there should be a lot of juice. To thicken cabbage juice, add flour.
  10. Stir and cook for 10-15 minutes without a lid, stirring all the time, otherwise the cabbage may burn.

Stewed cabbage(photo) .

How to cook stewed sauerkraut. This delicious photo recipe for stewed cabbage in German or Czech. Such stewed cabbage you will be served in restaurants or pubs in the Czech Republic or Germany. Braised sauerkraut recipe.

What do you need to prepare for stewing sauerkraut:

  1. Sauerkraut 2-3 kg.
  2. Salo 70 gr.
  3. Tomato paste 2 tbsp. spoons
  4. Pepper, salt to taste.
  5. Onion 1 pc.
  6. Allspice 5 pcs.
  7. Bay leaf 2-3 pcs.
  8. Cumin 1/2 teaspoon.
  9. Paprika 1 teaspoon.

We take out a jar sauerkraut. In our case, it was fermented rather coarsely cut. Necessary sauerkraut for stewing grind.

Salo cut into small pieces.

We melt the lard in a deep frying pan or saucepan until transparent.

Finely chop the onion, add it to the bacon.

Fry the onion along with the lard until golden brown.

Lay out the sauerkraut.

Add 100-150 g of hot water to the cabbage.

Cover the cabbage with a lid, simmer for 20 minutes over low heat. We take tomato paste.

Add two tablespoons of tomato paste to stewed cabbage.

Take 1/2 teaspoon of cumin. Be careful with cumin. You put a lot - it will give a very strong aroma.

Add to stewed cabbage 1 teaspoon paprika.

stewed cabbage mix, cover, simmer for an hour and a half, until the cabbage melts in your mouth. 20 minutes before readiness, put in stewed cabbage bay leaf, pepper. Checking for salt. Usually, stewed sauerkraut no need to salt.


P.S. - a great side dish for pork knuckle.
