
What is absinthe drunk with? Use at home

Absinthe is a strong alcoholic drink originally from Switzerland, which is popular among alcohol connoisseurs all over the world. At the first acquaintance with the drink, many people ask themselves the question: how to drink absinthe correctly, and does this overseas potion have a drinking culture? In this article, you will learn what ingredients are included in the tincture, and how to drink absinthe to enjoy the process.

The tincture has a high strength and a specific taste, so drinking it undiluted is quite difficult. The use of absinthe has become a kind of ritual. The drink must be drunk carefully, knowing the measure, otherwise it will be impossible to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of hallucinations. Before drinking the tincture, it is necessary to neutralize its bitter taste. The following methods will help reduce the strength of the drink and reduce its bitterness.

How to drink absinthe or popular ways to drink the drink:

  1. In its purest form. Before use, the tincture must be cooled to zero temperature. The drink is served in narrow glasses. At one time, it is recommended to drink no more than 30 grams.
  2. In French or the classic way. You will need a glass, a dessert spoon with holes, a piece of pressed sugar, ice water. Method of preparation: absinthe is poured into a glass, a spoon is placed on top, on which a piece of sugar already lies. Cold water is poured on top of the sugar in a thin stream (in a ratio of 1:5, that is, 1 part of the tincture and 5 parts of water) exactly until the drink becomes completely cloudy. Absinthe contains essential oils that are precipitated by water. In this form, drinking tincture is much easier. The process of preparing the drink is considered no less exciting than its subsequent use.
  3. in Czech. Place an absinthe spoon on the edge of the glass, put a sugar cube on it, pass the tincture through the spoon. After that, set fire to the remaining sugar and add the resulting caramel to the drink. Then dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:3. This method is not only well-known, but also dangerous because the drink in the glass can easily catch fire, so it is better to entrust the preparation of the drink to an experienced absinthe.
  4. How to drink absinthe in Czech (the second way). The ingredients for making the drink remain the same. First you need to heat the spoon, place it on the edge of the glass and put sugar. Next, you need to pour the tincture on a spoon. The result should be a mixture of heated absinthe and melted sugar.
  5. In Russian. This is a simple and quick way to prepare a drink that the inhabitants of our country liked. You need to make sugar syrup. This is done simply: two parts of water are added to one part of sugar. The resulting mixture is added to absinthe.
  6. Gentle. You need to combine 2 parts of absinthe with 1 part of ice water. First, water is poured into the glass, after which the tincture is added. It is important not to mix the layers. When drinking a drink, its strength will be softened by the water following the absinthe.
  7. How to drink absinthe correctly using the "Two glasses" method? You need to take a glass and fill it with tincture, then place it in a large glass. Next, you need to pour water into a glass in a thin stream. As a result, the liquids should mix and gradually overflow into a large container. The drink will be ready to drink when only water remains in the container instead of tincture. For many, this method may seem completely inconvenient, but you can correct the situation by pouring the drink into another container.
  8. How should you drink absinthe with other drinks? You can neutralize bitterness not only with water and sugar, but also with other drinks. It is enough to dilute the tincture with orange, lemon, grapefruit or pineapple juice to reduce its strength. If there is no juice on hand, you can use sweet soda as an alternative: cola, sprite, lemonade. There are no clear proportions, do as you like.
  9. Citrus absinthe. To prepare a drink, you need a slice of tangerine or orange, peeled from the inner film. Roll it in a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Pour the tincture into a glass with thick walls, set fire to it, take a slice of orange with tongs and hold it over the flame. You can press the tongs a little on the fruit so that the juice drips from it into the glass. After the fire goes out, the drink must be drunk.
  10. Russian harsh. This is an extreme way of drinking absinthe, so it is important to calculate your strength. It is not recommended to consume more than 3 servings in a row. Pour 100 grams of tincture into a glass, then drink half the portion in one gulp. Drink the remaining half in small sips. Next, hold your breath for 20 seconds so as not to burn yourself with alcohol vapors from the inside. We have a bite of a slice of lemon crushed with sugar.
  11. Korzhevsky is harsh. A spoon with holes is placed on the edge of the glass, 2 sugar cubes are placed on it. Through a spoon, 50 grams of tincture is poured into a glass, after which one sugar cube is removed on a saucer. Absinthe, which is inside the glass, is set on fire, it lights up a sugar cube on a spoon. It quickly dissolves under the influence of fire, turning into a syrup, which flows into a tincture and crystallizes. The flame is extinguished with the help of a saucer, on which there is another piece of sugar. It is also set on fire and left to burn for no more than 5 seconds. A hot drink is drunk in one gulp, after which it is eaten with a melted piece of sugar.

What to eat absinthe?

Absinthe is a classic aperitif, so the drink is served before a meal and an appetizer is not required. What is absinthe drunk with if it is served as a cocktail or main drink? In this case, you can use seafood, dark chocolate, fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, kiwi) as a snack.

According to one version, the birthplace of absinthe is Switzerland, although wormwood was insisted on alcohol in ancient Egypt. There are legends about this drink, they are afraid of it, and in some countries it is forbidden. Due to the notoriety of thujone, some believe that its use leads to dementia and even schizophrenia. What is the color worth, and most often it is emerald. This is truly a "green serpent", although absinthe is more often called the "green fairy". The question of what absinthe is drunk with is of interest to many. It is worth highlighting the main points related to the drink.

Drink for bohemia

Representatives of Bohemia loved to drink it very much: writers, artists, poets. It was believed that intoxication from absinthe promotes creativity. The drink is very strong, most often contains about 75% alcohol. At one time it was thought that the psyche suffers from absinthe, and a person in a state of absinthe intoxication becomes extremely aggressive, capable of killing. The drink was later justified.

In the 19th century, absinthe was very popular in France. They drank it in huge quantities. The quality of the alcohol was extremely low. And immoderation of consumption really led to personality disorders. Today, absinthe is completely rehabilitated, but the sediment remains. The potion is still shrouded in mystery. So what do they drink absinthe with? To answer this question, it is necessary to discuss the methods that have been invented for its use.

Lots of different ways to drink

There are many different ways to consume absinthe. There are real connoisseurs who collect recipes from it. They know how to distinguish a fake, they know how to drink absinthe in such a way as to maximize the aroma of the herbs on which it was insisted. These absinthe drinkers call themselves "absentiers". So, how to use absinthe?

Czech, French and Russian Methods: Using Sugar

Here, for example, is the Czech method. Put an absinthe spoon on the edge of a glass with thick walls. Put a piece of refined sugar on it. Slowly pour a portion of absinthe through sugar, and then set fire to the refined sugar. We must wait until the caramel drains into the glass. Then add three servings of cold water.

French method. This method is also called "sugar". Pour one serving of absinthe into a glass. Put an absinthe spoon on the edge of the glass. Put a piece of refined sugar on it. Pour three servings of water into a glass through sugar. The water should be very cold, almost ice cold. An absinthe spoon has many holes so that the sugar syrup flows into the glass unhindered. An absinthe glass and a spoon are a very good gift for lovers of all kinds of culinary special effects.

What do they drink absinthe with according to the Russian method? It's the same with sugar. This way of drinking the drink is less effective than the French one. Sugar is mixed with water in another glass, and then added to absinthe. The ratio of absinthe and water is 1:3.

Mixing with water and drinking neat

The two-glass method is based on diluting the drink. With what is absinthe diluted according to this method? Of course, with water. A small glass of absinthe is placed in a wide glass. Then we begin to slowly pour water into the glass. Water with absinthe is poured into a glass until the mixture becomes a uniform color.

Do you know what absinthe is drunk with? You can drink it in its pure form if you are a brave person. First, you need to cool it down a lot and drink it in portions of 30 g each. It’s not bad to have a slice of lemon to kill the bitter aftertaste. Absentier treat this method with contempt. This is how French workers drank in the 19th century. Then alcoholism acquired epidemic proportions. And since grape wines were very expensive at that time, the workers got drunk on cheap low-quality absinthe. Of course, the use of absinthe then was not accompanied by any ritual, so this method is somewhat offensive to absinthe, who are accustomed to treating the drink with great respect.

Drinking method preferred by young people

"Citrus" method. With what it is possible to drink absinthe in this case? With lemon or orange. This method has recently become very popular among young people. It is rightfully considered part of the club culture. First you need to prepare a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. Roll a slice of lemon or orange (preferably orange) in the cinnamon sugar mixture. Pour absinthe into a glass with thick walls and set it on fire. In this case, the wall thickness is fundamentally important. An orange slice must be taken with tongs and held over a fire so that the juice with caramel flows into a glass. In order for the juice to stand out more abundantly, the slice should be slightly compressed. Then you have to put out the absinthe. Wait a bit until it cools down so that there is no burn, then drink it. Chew sugar crystals with cinnamon.

Harsh and barbaric methods

Harsh method. We take four parts of chilled absinthe in a glass with thick walls. We set it on fire. Put a piece of refined sugar on an absinthe spoon. We hold the spoon over the fire. The sugar that melted and then crystallized at the bottom should occupy a volume equal to one part. It is necessary to put out the flame and quickly drink through a cocktail tube. The bottom line is the transition from an icy drink from the bottom to a scalding hot drink from the surface. The volume of the glass is limited only by the courage of the consumer. But no more than 100 g is recommended. For this method, the thickness of the walls of the glass is important so that it does not burst, and the quality of the cocktail tube so that it does not melt. And, of course, moderation in use.

"programming" method. This method is a bit barbaric. Absinthe in a glass is set on fire. You have to wait until it burns out. Wait a bit to cool down. Drink in one gulp, eat anything, drink water.

parachute method. This method completely repeats the method of drinking sambuca, where after drinking a warm drink, you still need to breathe in vapors of alcohol and essential oils.

Does the drink cause hallucinations?

Generally speaking, the hallucinogenic effect of thujone has not been proven. But still, absinthe believe that the use of absinthe slightly changes the perception of reality, causes excitement, and in some people hallucinations. By itself, thujone in high doses can cause convulsive seizures. However, its content in absinthe is so small that it makes such an impact unrealistic. Absinthe is a very strong drink, and the essential oils that it contains in large quantities mask the taste of alcohol. So it all comes down to moderation again. In other words, all of the above methods should be well considered.

To drink absinthe or not? What do people in France think about this?

In 2000, the French company La Fee provided the Senate with a complete package of documents that provided convincing evidence that absinthe was harmless. The issue was considered for a year, after which the ban on production, sale and consumption in France was lifted. Prior to this, absinthe had been banned for a hundred years. Now there is even a tradition to bring a bottle of the "green fairy" from a trip to France.

Now you know how to drink absinthe. I hope that this review has helped to understand this issue. Everyone will be able to independently decide what is better to drink absinthe with, guided by the methods listed above.

Serve and consume in several different ways. Specificity - in a large number of degrees and bitterness. In addition to the record alcohol percentage, the drink contains a hallucinogenic substance. thujone. It went there from the wormwood, on which he insists. There are special utensils and accessories for drinking it. Much attention is paid to the aesthetic side. How to drink absinthe - we will consider further.

Methods of drinking a strong liquor aim to reduce the effect of high strength and harsh taste. Depending on the method, this or that utensils and fixtures are used. Stacks or glasses are selected according to their intended use for undiluted and diluted beverages, respectively. And there are accessories of a specific nature, created specifically for absinthe.

How to drink absinthe at home? Drink receive by distillation of alcoholic tincture of herbs. The fortress is significant (up to 85%), which is why it should not be consumed in its pure form and in large doses.

And also at the same time, few people will like the taste, excessively bitter and burning. He is called " green fairy due to color and supposedly mystical impact.

Is there a manual for drinking absinthe? The French came up with a method that uses refined sugar and ice water. There are special dishes for this: glasses for absinthe, a spoon with perforation. It has a piece of sugar on it. Invented and absinthe fountain"- a transparent container with taps, somewhat reminiscent of a samovar in design. In one way, syrup is simply added.

Attention! With such methods of drinking, the drink becomes tasty, but the consequences in the form of a hangover are still possible.

Methods with added sugar

Due to the bitterness of the drink, it has long been customary to balance the taste of absinthe with sugar. There is a simple "Russian" method of drinking absinthe with syrup. It is prepared from sugar and water, taken in a ratio of 1: 2, mixed with alcohol. And there are other interesting and spectacular ways to sweeten.

French way - using a perforated spoon and sugar

The method of drinking bitter absinthe with sugar is considered classic, and it was invented in France. For this, a special perforated spoon is used. On it, located on the glass, there should be a piece of refined sugar. Sugar is poured over with ice water, which flows into a glass of absinthe. As a result, the liquid should become cloudy ( Louche effect).

Under the influence of water, the essential oils contained in alcohol precipitate - the cause of the loss of transparency. The presence of sugar also enhances the action of thujone, as some believe.

This substance, found in absinthe from the wormwood ingredient, is considered a plant hallucinogen. But the fact is not scientifically proven. There should be some absinthe in the glass, resulting in a 5:1 ratio of sweet water to alcohol.

Czech fire method

  1. Fill a glass a quarter.
  2. Soak a piece of sugar in a pile, put on a special perforated spoon.
  3. Ignite the sugar and let it burn for a minute. In this case, the drops fall into the glass and sink to the bottom.
  4. When the flame goes out, the spoon is dipped into absinthe and stirred. Ice water is added to taste.

Attention! Absinthe contains a lot of alcohol, so it is flammable. When using this spectacular method, you need to be careful.

Drinking undiluted absinthe

In its pure form, it is consumed before dinner for appetite, as aperitif. For this, narrow glasses are used. Not everyone will be able to use this type of strong alcohol in this way. You need to drink a portion in one gulp, and the dose is no more than 30 grams.

The drink is cooled to almost zero degrees C. While diluted absinthe is recommended for beginners, pure drink is drunk when it is of good quality.

What to eat?

How to eat absinthe, this special drink, which is characterized by a high alcohol content? When drinking, it is customary to create a unique atmosphere. Absinthe is loved by those who want to get drunk quickly, as well as those who appreciate thrills. The right choice of appetizer will complement its taste. The best option is fruits especially citrus. For women, they can be sprinkled with sugar.

Note! When drinking a clean drink with health benefits, snacking is a must. It is cooled, drunk in one gulp and supplemented with fruit food.

There is also an opinion that absinthe in a cocktail is not necessarily a snack. But if you can’t do without food, you can consider the following options:

  • cheese, including with mold;
  • olives, especially green ones;
  • mushrooms in the marinade;
  • chocolate;
  • apple slices, pineapples, pears, grapes, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.

Everyone can come up with what to drink absinthe with, using the original snack according to their preferences. Apple slices, pears, grapes are suitable for a drink with a predominant taste of lemon balm.

If you feel anise in absinthe, choose dark chocolate. Sun-dried tomatoes, greens will also be suitable. It has already been mentioned that since ancient times people have been eating a green drink just with sugar in its varieties. This:

  • lump;
  • with spices, cinnamon;
  • burnt sugar;
  • soaked in lemon or lime juice.

The sweet contrast neutralizes the thujone and the bitterness of the wormwood.

In cocktails and blends

Absinthe can and should be mixed with other drinks to reduce the strength. At the same time, bitterness is eliminated if they are sweet. Dilute with the following non-alcoholic formulations:

  • cola;
  • sprite;
  • lemonade;
  • tonic.

And also these are juices - orange, lemon and pineapple.

In this case, everyone chooses the proportions for himself, based on the preferred doses. The same tonic additions can be washed down with undiluted alcohol. Strong cocktails, including absinthe and other alcoholic drinks, are also popular all over the world.

Note! When experimenting with different ways of drinking absinthe, it is necessary to remember the sense of proportion, as exceeding the dose can lead to unpleasant consequences.

How to drink absinthe correctly? The art of drinking requires a calm environment in which to relax. The process should be unhurried, excluding stress. Only then can you maintain a sense of proportion, choose the right dose.

Absinthe is a very interesting and not understandable alcoholic drink. But, like every strong alcohol, it has its own drinking culture, which is not known to everyone. In today's article, we'll take a lookhow to drink absintheLet's take a look at some well-known and common methods. And also learn what and how to properly eat tincture of wormwood.

Intuitively, each person has an idea of ​​​​what absinthe is. This is a green alcoholic drink with a high strength. In fact, it is a strong liquor infused with aromatic herbs and spices. The original recipe has a large list of ingredients, including wormwood, fennel, chamomile and other herbs. However, today a surrogate product made on the basis of alcohol and flavoring additives with a dye often hits the shelves. The strength of the alcoholic beverage is 85 degrees.

There are several options to determine the naturalness of the purchased product. Firstly, real absinthe is always sold in dark glass bottles, so if there is a transparent container on the counter, it means that it is just a green alcohol-containing liquid. This is due to the presence of chlorophyll in the composition of real absinthe, which does not tolerate light. Secondly, after the purchase, dilute a small amount of the drink with water, real absinthe will become cloudy due to the essential oils included in the composition. If this does not happen, then you do not have real alcohol.

How to drink absinthe: 5 interesting solutions

All rituals are aimed primarily at reducing the strength and softening the bitterness of the liquor. In addition, everything is accompanied by spectacular effects that add zest to the drinking process.

Classic ritual

This method is also called French. One part of absinthe is poured into a glass. A special spoon with holes is placed on top of the container, a piece of sugar is placed on it. Before drinking, water is poured over sugar, which dissolves the crystals and flows into a glass. At this point, the drink becomes cloudy due to essential oils.

No more than five parts of water with sugar are added to one part of absinthe, after which the glass is drunk. Water softens the strength and neutralizes the essential oils responsible for the bitterness of the tincture. Thanks to this, the resulting diluted drink is easy to drink.

The process of dilution and precipitation is quite spectacular and captures the attention of others.

Drinking pure liquor

This method is not suitable for everyone and in no case should you drink undiluted when you first meet this alcohol. For drinking, use narrow glasses for an aperitif, and a single serving of the drink should not exceed 30 grams.

Absinthe is cooled as much as possible. Almost to zero temperature. Then pour into glasses and drink in one gulp.

fire absinthe

This is the most spectacular method of all known. To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • stack for alcohol;
  • special spoon with holes;
  • lighter;
  • sugar;
  • the liquor itself.

A quarter-filled drinking vessel is filled with absinthe. A piece of sugar is dipped in alcohol and allowed to soak, but not so much that the sugar begins to crumble. Put the sweetness on a spoon, which is placed on top of the glass. A piece of sugar is set on fire and its burning is observed for one minute. During this time, it melts, caramelizes and flows in liquid form into absinthe.

When the fire on sugar begins to die down, the spoon is dipped in alcohol and the rest of the sweetness is stirred. Then ice water is added to soften the taste and dilute the fortress, after which you can drink a cocktail. It is important during the combustion process to prevent the main drink in the glass from igniting. If this happens, quickly extinguish it with water to dilute it. You also need to be careful and avoid possible ignition of surrounding objects.

Another method with fire

This option is especially common in clubs and many believe that it is thow to drink absinthe. The method completely duplicates the ritual of burning and drinking. So, you need cognac and a wide glass. You also need to prepare a platform for inhaling vapors, for this a saucer, a tube and a napkin are used.

Absinthe is poured into cognac and set on fire, while the glass is scrolled so that its walls do not burst. After a minute, alcohol is poured into a wide glass and covered with cognac until it goes out. A glass of vapor is transferred to a saucer with a straw. Absinthe is drunk and then the vapors are inhaled. The order can be changed, it does not matter.

citrus absinthe

A very interesting and original method of drinking absinthe. However, it is also very entertaining. To organize the ritual, you will need a wide glass, tongs, alcohol, a circle of orange with peel, sugar and cinnamon.

Sugar is mixed with spice and an orange slice is dipped into the resulting mixture. In a wide glass with thick walls, a strong drink is set on fire and, with the help of tongs, the sugar adhering to the orange is melted over the fire. The latter melts and, together with the juice of the fruit, flows into the burning alcohol.

We cool the absinthe and drink. Burning reduces the initial strength of the liquor, and sugar and orange juice soften the bitterness of wormwood.

What to eat

How to drink absintheand what to eat. Absinthe is a very wayward drink. Drink it both in pure and diluted form. In its pure form, only high-quality alcohol is consumed, then, despite its strength, it is drunk very gently and does not burn the throat, it is important to cool the drink well before drinking.

Snack, as a rule, fruits. Sweet apples or oranges are great. No less combined with liquor and slices of lemon. The main thing is to cut the fruit into slices so that you can quickly send a piece of snack to your mouth.

How to drink absintheIn your opinion? Have you ever had to drink this drink? And what can you say about the myths surrounding alcohol related to the hallucinogenic effect of wormwood infusion?

Absinthe is not an ordinary drink, its name is surrounded by legends, the French call it the "green fairy" (in some translations - the "green witch"). It is known that many creative personalities preferred him, they say that they even drew inspiration "from the bottom of the glass." This is due to the special composition of the drink. Absinthe is made by distilling an alcoholic infusion on herbs, the dominant herb being wormwood (lat. Artemisia absinthium). This plant contains the narcotic substance thujone, which can cause hallucinations. Today, thujone is banned in a number of countries; in others, its maximum content in absinthe is strictly regulated, which is why the hallucinogenic effect is practically reduced to zero. The taste and aroma of the drink, containing a large amount of esters, is multifaceted, it has a magical effect, making you taste it again and again. True, in order to fully appreciate its organoleptic properties, you need to know how to drink absinthe correctly. To date, a certain culture of its use has developed, which has many subtleties.

General rules

The strength of absinthe can reach 85 degrees. It is believed that with a low alcohol content, it simply cannot keep numerous esters inside. Therefore, the main rule when drinking a drink is to know the measure. But there are a few more subtleties prescribed by etiquette and the characteristics of the drink itself.

  • Absinthe is drunk from special glasses that look like two vessels of different capacities located one above the other and connected to each other. The volume of the lower part is 30 ml, and absinthe is poured into it. The rest of the space is filled with water or other liquid, which is diluted with a strong drink. Such dishes are not found in every home, so it is permissible to serve ordinary piles or cognac glasses shaped like a tulip under absinthe. The first option is suitable when drinking the drink in its pure form, the second - for drinking it diluted. Certain ways of drinking absinthe may require the use of different utensils.
  • The classic way to drink absinthe involves the use of a special spoon for sugar, which has a perforated bottom through which liquid easily passes. Sometimes a device called a "fountain" is used: it is a kind of decanter with several taps, which is filled with ice and clean water. Through taps, you can dilute absinthe simultaneously in several glasses. The device may come in handy when absinthe is tasted in a large company, but its cost is so high that it is often dispensed with.
  • Undiluted absinthe retains esters, which is why it does not have a bright aroma and is clearly bitter. They rarely drink it in its pure form, although this is not prohibited by etiquette. In this case, the drink is served as an aperitif in a very chilled form (down to zero degrees). They drink it in one gulp and always eat a piece of fruit, most often a lemon or orange. A serving of the drink should not exceed 30 ml. Dilution of absinthe with pure water promotes the release of esters, makes the taste and aroma bright and rich. One part of absinthe most often requires 3 to 5 parts of water. Diluted absinthe and cocktails based on it are served as the main drink.

There are no other rules for drinking absinthe, but there are several ways to drink it that have become widespread.

What to eat absinthe

Undiluted absinthe necessarily requires a snack, diluted absinthe can not be snacked.

Fruits are considered the best snack, while citrus fruits are preferred. Fruit slices on the table will be more than appropriate. Fruits can be sprinkled with sugar or powdered sugar.
Chocolate is also used as a snack for absinthe.

If you definitely want to serve something more substantial than sweets with absinthe, you can offer guests seafood dishes, although this snack option is not considered ideal.
Olives and blue cheese are considered a good snack option.

Some people like to snack on absinthe with pickled mushrooms.

Popular ways to drink absinthe

In our country, several ways of drinking absinthe are popular, which make this process spectacular and at the same time reveal the unusual taste of this drink.

  • Classic variant. You will need a piece of refined sugar and pure ice water. Fill a glass with absinthe to the mark (if you use a regular one, then pour 30 ml). A spoon with holes is placed on top, sugar is placed on it. Water is poured over sugar until the esters are released. This will be indicated by a change in the color of the drink (from green to yellow-green) and its turbidity. This effect is called Louche, and it takes about 120 ml of water to achieve it. After that, the spoon is removed, and the drink is drunk. Often this way of drinking absinthe is called French.
  • Czech way. A special spoon with a holey bottom is placed on a glass for absinthe, a piece of pressed sugar is placed on it. Absinthe is poured over sugar, filling the glass with it no more than a quarter. Sugar is set on fire and waiting for it to melt and flow down. The drink is stirred with a spoon and diluted with cold water in a ratio of 1: 3, after which the drink is ready to drink.
  • With citrus fruits. A slice of lemon or orange is dipped in absinthe and rolled in sugar. Holding tongs over a glass of absinthe, set on fire. When all the syrup has drained into a glass, the drink is diluted to the desired consistency.
  • Russian way. Absinthe is mixed with pre-prepared sugar syrup. The ratio is chosen according to taste. Then dilute with cold water, also focusing on your own taste.
  • Bar option. This method is also an invention of our compatriots and resembles the way of drinking sambuca. You will need two glasses (rocks and cognac), a cocktail tube, a saucer, a napkin, a lighter, cold water or a sprite. Water or sprite is poured into a glass, absinthe - into a cognac glass. The tube is placed on a saucer, passing its short side through a small hole in a paper napkin. Absinthe is set on fire for 15 seconds, then poured into a glass with a sprite. A cognac glass is placed upside down on a saucer, covering the tube with it. After inhaling through a tube of steam, they drink absinthe diluted with water or sprite.
  • "Two glasses". We need rocks and a small stack. The stack is placed at the bottom of the rocks. Absinthe is poured into it. Cold water is poured into a glass of drink until the drink overflows and only clear water remains in the glass. The stack is taken out, the diluted absinthe is drunk.

Popular ways of drinking absinthe involve diluting it. Interesting combinations can be obtained by mixing it with other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Cocktail "Merry Milkman"

  • milk - 30 ml;
  • whiskey - 30 ml;
  • absinthe - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Refrigerate drinks.
  • Place in a shaker, shake for 30 seconds.
  • Pour into a beautiful stemmed glass.

The drink is drunk in small sips, rather slowly.

Cocktail "Cheshire cat"

  • absinthe - 30 ml;
  • apple juice - 60 ml;
  • ice cubes - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Put ice cubes in the bottom of the glass, filling it about a quarter.
  • Pour in the absinthe. Wait until the ice begins to melt.
  • Add juice. Serve without stirring.

A cocktail prepared according to this recipe should be drunk quickly enough, but, of course, not in one gulp.

Cocktail "Death at Lunch"

  • absinthe - 30 ml;
  • dry champagne - as needed;
  • ice cubes - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Put ice in a glass, fill with absinthe.
  • Slowly pour in the champagne until the drink becomes milky.

There is an opinion that Ernest Hemingway was not indifferent to this drink.

Cocktail "Orange absinthe"

  • absinthe - 20 ml;
  • orange absinthe - 20 ml;
  • vermouth - 40 ml;
  • orange - 1 slice for decoration.

Cooking method:

  • Mix drinks and fill a martini glass with the resulting mixture.
  • Garnish with an orange slice or orange peel spiral.

This version of the absinthe cocktail is especially liked by the ladies.

Cocktail "Green Bull"

  • absinthe - 25 ml;
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • Red Bull or similar energy drink;
  • ice cubes - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Fill a cocktail glass halfway with ice cubes.
  • Pour in the vodka.
  • Carefully pour the absinthe onto the spoon. Use a spoon to keep the layers from mixing.
  • Just carefully pour the energy drink on top.

A drink is served with a straw. It will appeal to lovers of strong drinks. Most often, preference is given to him by the representatives of the stronger sex. If you don't use energy drinks, replace Red Bull with strong sugary coffee.

Absinthe is a mysterious drink that has not only a curious history, but also unique organoleptic qualities. Many of its properties are due to the use of wormwood for its manufacture. The full taste of absinthe is revealed when it is diluted with water. This is the basis of most of the popular ways of using it. The taste of the drink in cocktails is interesting.
